You are on page 1of 1 Mi Shebeivath wn Music: Debbie Friedman - Test: Debbie Friedman and Drotah Setel (based on liturgy) Expressively 1 = 60 2G Em Ba? oR Fem Cém? oO Em Fim on my = “ . Mi she - bei - rach oa - vo - tei- mu, m’-kor hab'ra-chah Bn? c D Em Bm? c G 4 Chm? D EB Fém Ch? D A i = mo - tei - su, May the Source of strength, who blessed the ones be-fore us, Am Bm An En An D ? Bm Cin Bn Fim Bm E : ud help us find the cour-age to make our lives a bless- ing, and let us say A o o Pa Ba’ cop a an o 4 Ba Fim Cam? D&E A Fem ad he mein, Mi she - bei = rach i = = mo - tei - nu, m'-kor hab'-ra-chah_ Bu? cD Em Ba? c a Chm? DE Fim Cam? D A WS CS Ja-a - vo - tei - nu.Blessthose in need of heal-ing with r’- fie - ab sh‘lei-mab, the re~ Am Bn Am Em Am D ” Bm Cm Bm Fen Bm EB A new-al of bod-y, there-new-al of apiciit, and let uray AT omein. May the One who blessed our fathers be the source of blessing for our mothers appinyd AAD ApH Nay TAY ‘May the One who blessed ow motbers be the surce of Blesing for om father apMaN? NIWA TPP WIN TY Copyright © 1989 The Debocih Lynn Pekan Trust All Rights Reserved, From the abn And You Shale A ei, —— a © 1999-2016 Virtual Sheet Music. Inc. & Hal Leonard Co.

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