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What is the difference between descriptive, analytical, persuasive and critical writing?

The simplest type of academic writing is descriptive, and its purpose is to

provide facts or information. An example would be a summary of an article or a
report of the results of an experiment. The kinds of assignment instructions for a
purely descriptive assignment could be, e.g. identify, report, list, name, record,
summaries, collect, define, etc.
However, it is rare for a university-level text to be purely descriptive. Most
academic writing is also analytical. Analytical writing includes descriptive writing
(i.e. facts or information), plus the added feature of re-organisation. That is, in
analytical writing you not only give information, but you also re-organise it
into categories, groups, parts, types or relationships. Sometimes, these are
categories or relationships which are already part of the discipline (e.g. In the
discipline of Law, there are 2 types of law: common law and statute law).
Sometimes, these are categories or relationships which you create specifically for
your text (e.g. If you are comparing two theories, you might break your
comparison into 3 parts, based on 3 aspects of the theories, such as: how each
theory deals with social context, how each theory deals with language learning,
and how each theory can be used in practice). The kinds of instructions for an
analytical assignment could be, e.g. analyse, compare, contrast, relate, examine,
classify, etc.
In most academic writing, you are required to go at least one step further than
analytical writing, to persuasive writing. Persuasive writing has all the features
of analytical writing (i.e. information, plus re-organisation of the
information) plus the added feature of your own point of view. Your point of view
may be, for example, an interpretation of the findings, an argument or some
recommendations. Most essays are persuasive, and there is a persuasive
element in at least the discussion and conclusion of a research article. In
persuasive writing, each claim that you make needs to be supported by some
evidence e.g. by a reference to an authoritative published source, by empirical
findings or by original reasoning whatever kind of evidence is appropriate for
your discipline and the specific text you are writing. The kinds of instructions for a
persuasive assignment could be, e.g. argue, evaluate, discuss, take a position;
as well as evaluative language such as, e.g. more convincing, problem,
opportunity, succeed, should.
Critical writing is common for research, postgraduate and advanced
undergraduate writing. Critical writing has all the features of persuasive writing

(i.e. facts + re-organised + your point of view), plus the added feature of at least
one other point of view. That is, while persuasive writing requires you to have
your own point of view on an issue or topic, critical writing requires you to
consider at least two points of view, including your own. For example, you may
explain a researcher's interpretation or argument, and then evaluate the merits of
her argument, or give your own alternative interpretation. Examples of critical
writing assignments include a critique of a journal article, or a literature review
which finds the strengths and weaknesses of existing research. The kinds of
instructions which can show that you are required to write critically could be, e.g.
critique, debate, disagree, evaluate, etc. Usually these are accompanied by either
the name of someone whose work you should critique (e.g. Chomsky (1975)) or
else more general words for peoples opinions in the discipline, e.g. 'adherents of
M-Theory', 'some may assume that', 'qualitative versus quantitative
approaches', 'those in working in the constructivist tradition', etc.
Many academic texts that you write will have some parts which are more
analytical or descriptive, and other parts which are persuasive or critical. For
example, an empirical thesis needs critical writing in the literature review, to show
where there is a gap or opportunity in the existing research. However, the
methods section will have many paragraphs which are mostly descriptive, in
order to summarise the methods used to collect and analyse information. In the
results section of an empirical thesis or a research report, there will be mostly
descriptive and analytical writing, while the discussion section is more analytical,
as you relate your findings back to your research questions, and generally also
more persuasive, as you propose your interpretations of the findings.
Each of the types of writing above has specific language features. By
developing your skill in these language features, e.g. by attending a workshop on
critical writing (see links on the right), you can control how analytical, persuasive
or critical your writing is.

Descriptive vs. Analytical approach to research

Before explaining the differences between the two types of approaches, lets gather
some basic information about them. A descriptive approach to research is called as a
foundation for research. Its logic is based on the statistics of the research analysis. So,
the descriptive research cant take into account the validity of the research results,
because it does not explain the causes of the result.

On the other hand, Analytical approach is concentrates on the process of the final
result rather giving importance to the result. Analytical approach stands applicable in
all stages of research, right from the articulation of thesis to the formulation of
arguments on the issues mentioned in the research.
The descriptive research method is basically divided into three types Observation Method
Case Study Method
Survey Method
The Observation Method concentrates on observing the subject in both Natural and
Laboratory methods to draw the conclusions on the research. Its highly useful in the
Natural observation because the original results of the research can be obtained. In
laboratory method the result would be according to the quantities of the data
provided to the observation. Case study method involves a deep research on the
problems discussed. Survey method is based on the questionnnaire prepared for the
participants. After participants answer the questionnaire, the research moves towards
its final stage.
There are different types of Analytical research methods available. They are,
Regression Analysis approach
Grouping Analysis approach
Multiple Equation Methods
In Regression Analysis the outcome, or the result produced from the research, is
affected by the one or more individual elements of the experiment. Therefore, the
Regression analysis method is further divided into four major subdivisions Logistic,
Linear hierarchal, Duration, Ordinary least squares (OLS) method.
Grouping methods of analytical approach are based on classification and grouping of
the variables in an experiment based on their discriminate values and characteristics.
Multiple method is just an extension of Regression method discussed above. This
method explains about the path of individual elements in an experiment. There are
two main types of multiple equation models 1) Path analysis 2) SEM-structural
equation models.
Finally concluding that there is a vast difference between these research models for
an experiment. The research method chosen depends on the type of research being

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