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Map test


Students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge and comprehension on how

to read a map after taking a math assessment





The teacher will have students come to the carpet to go over and discuss what a
compass rose is and a map key
The teacher will have students go to their desk and will hand out the test
The teacher will have students complete the test and will read each question aloud
The teacher will collect the test and have students get ready to leave for the day
The students will come to the carpet to review and discuss what a compass rose is
and a map key
The students will go to their desk and complete the map test
The students will clean up and get ready to leave for the day
Summative Assessment
As students are taking their test, I will walk around and see if they are
understanding the questions. While checking their test, I will make note of
students who may need extra instruction on this concept. Depending on how many
students, I may use whole class instruction to go over and reteach some of these

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