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OIM 39701 Cuptor incorporat Manual de utilizare Built-In oven User Manual Va rugam sé cititi mai intai manualul de utilizare! Stimate client, Va multumim pentru ca preferati un produs Beko. Speram sa obtineti cele mai bune rezultate de pe urma. produsului nostru care a fost fabricat utilizand o calitate superioara si o tehnologie moderna. Prin urmare, va rugam sa cititi cu atentie intregul manual de utilizare si documentele insotitoare acestuia inainte de utilizarea produsului si sa le pastrati pentru consultari ulterioare.. in cazul in care predati produsul altcuiva, predati si manualul de utilizare, Respectati toate avertizarile si informatiile din manualul de utilizare. Retineti ca manualul de utilizare se aplica si pentru alte modele. Diferentele dintre modele vor fi identificate in manual. Explicatia simbolurilor In manualul de utilizare sunt utilizate urmatoarele simboluri: Tnformatii importante sau recomandant utile cu privire la utilizare. ‘Avertisment de situafi periculoase cu privire la viata si proprietate. I ‘Avertisment de soc electric. ‘ Avertisment de risc de incendiu. fi ‘Avertisment de suprafete fierbini Arcelik A.S. Karaagac caddesi No:2-6 34445 Sitlice/Istanbul/TURKEY Made in TURKEY cE CUPRINS [instructiuni importante si avertismente privind siguranta si mediul inconjurator 4 Siguranta generala .........00 Siguranta instalatiilor electrice ... Siguranta produsului........... Domeniu de utilizare........... Siguranta copiilor Depozitarea la degeuri a produsuli vec Depozitarea la deseuri a materialelor de AMbAAKE 000 coeecssnvannnneesecnsnnal A Informatii generale 8 Prezentare generalé...... Continutul pachetului..... Specificatii tehnice........ 4 4 sD on) 7 if Instalare 11 inainte de instalare..... Instalarea $i conectarea....... Transportul ulterior.............. Pregatiri 16 Sfaturi pentru economisirea energie’ .............16 Prima utilizare........ Reglarea initiala a orei... Curatarea initial a aparatului .... Incalzirea initiala.........cccse sescsseene TT Utilizarea cuptorului 18 Informatii generale referitoare la coacere, fripturi $i prepararea la Gfill.........scsscsecseseesessenses 18 Utilizarea cuptorului electric seve 18 Moduri de functionare ..... 21 Utilizarea panoului de comanda al cuptorului. 24 Folosirea blocajului tastelor...... . 26 Utilizarea functiei de alarma.... . 26 Tabelul duratelor de preparare 28 Functiile ghidului culinar .. 1 29 Meniul Setar ......essssesseseeee 32 Utilizarea grill-UlUl............sc0 wove 83 Tabelul duratelor de preparare la gril. sees 83 A intretinere si curatare 34 Informatii Generale ........1....sesscsecseereseesessenses OF Curatarea panoului de control....... 1 84 Curatarea cuptorului...............006 oo Demontarea usii cuptorului.......... 85 Demontarea geamului interior al usii 36 Inlocuirea lmpii CUPLOTUIUT .......s.s01cssseeee00 87 a Remedierea problemelor 38 3/RO 1 Instructiuni importante si avertismente privind siguranta si mediul inconjurator Aceasta sectiune contine informatii cu privire la siguranta care va vor ajuta sa va protejati impotriva riscului de vatamare corporala sau pagube materiale. Nerespectarea acestor instructiuni va duce la anularea oricarei garantii. Siguranta generala ¢ Acest produs poate fi utilizat de catre copii cu varsta peste 8 ani sau mai mari si persoane cu capacitati fizice, senzoriale sau mintale reduse sau lipsa de experienta si cunostinte, daca sunt supravegheati sau instruiti cu privire la utilizarea produsului intr-o maniera sigura si inteleg pericolele implicate. Acest produs nu este destinat pentru jocul copiilor, Curatarea si intretinerea nu vor fi efectuate de catre copii fara supraveghere. ¢ Procedurile de instalare si reparatii trebuie efectuate de catre agenti de service autorizati. Producatorul nu este raspunzator pentru daunele rezultate din procedurile efectuate de catre persoanele neautorizate care pot anula si garantia. Inainte de instalare, cititi instructiunile cu atentie. 4/RO Nu folositi produsul daca este defect sau prezinta defecte vizibile. Dupa fiecare utilizare verificati daca butoanele produsului sunt inchise. Siguranta instalatiilor electrice Daca produsul are o defectiune, nu trebuie folosit decat dupa ce este reparat de catre un agent de service autorizat. Pericol de electrocutare! Conectati produsul numai la o priza/linie impamantata cu tensiunea si protectia indicata in "Specificatii tehnice". Impamantarea trebuie efectuata de un electrician calificat la folosirea produsului cu sau fara transformator. Compania noastra nu igi asuma raspunderea pentru daunele survenite in urma impaméntarii neconforme cu normele locale. Nu spalati niciodata produsul turnand apa pe acesta! Pericol de electrocutare! Nu atingeti niciodata stecherul cu mainile ude! Nu trageti de cablu pentru a-I scoate din priza, ci apucati de stecher. Produsul trebuie scos din priza in timpul instalarii, intretinerii, curatarii si reparatiilor. In cazul deteriorarii cablului de alimentare, acesta trebuie inlocuit de producator, de agentul sau de service sau de 0 persoana cu calificari similare pentru a evita pericolele. Aparatul trebuie instalat astfel incat sa permita deconectarea totala de la reteaua electrica. Separarea trebuie sa se realizeze fie printr-un stecher, fie printr-un comutator incorporat in instalatia electric fixa, conform normelor de constructii. Suprafata din spatele cuptorului se infierbanta in timpul utilizarii. Asigurati-va ca racordurile de electricitate nu ating suprafata din spate; in caz contrar, racordurile se pot deteriora. Nu striviti cablul de alimentare intre usa cuptorului si rama; nu il trasati peste suprafetele fierbiniti. In caz contrar, izolatia cablului se poate topi, putand provoca scurtcircuite si incendii. Lucrarile la echipamentele si retelele electrice pot fi efectuate numai de persoane calificate autorizate. in cazul unei defectiuni, opriti produsul si deconectati-| de la reteaua de electricitate. Decuplati siguranta de la panoul electric. ¢ Asigurati-va ca siguranta are capacitatea adecvata pentru acest produs. Siguranta produsului Aparatul si piesele sale accesibile pot deveni fierbinti in timpul folosirii. Evitati atingerea elementelor fierbinti. Copiii mai mici de 8 ani trebuie tinuti la distanté sau supravegheati continuu. © Nu folositi produsul cand logica sau coordonarea va sunt afectate de alcool si / sau medicamente. ¢ Aveti grija cand preparati retete care includ bauturi alcoolice. Alcoolul se evapora la temperaturi mari si poate provoca incendii deoarece se va aprinde in contact cu suprafetele fierbinti. ¢ Nu lasati materiale inflamabile langa produs, deoarece partile laterale ale acestuia se pot incalzi in timpul utilizarii. ¢ In timpul folosirii, aparatul se infierbanta. Evitati atingerea elementelor de incalzire din interiorul cuptorului. © Asigurati-va ca orificiile de ventilare nu sunt infundate. e Nu incalziti cutii si borcane inchise in cuptor. Presiunea acumulata in cutie/borcan poate provoca explozia acestuia. 5/RO Nu amplasati tavi de gatit, recipiente sau folie din aluminiu direct pe partea inferioara a cuptorului, Caldura acumulata poate deteriora partea inferioara a cuptorului. Nu folositi substante de curatare abrazive sau raclete metalice ascutite pentru a curata geamul usii cuptorului, deoarece acestea pot sa zgarie suprafata si pot sa duca la spargerea geamului. Nu folositi sisteme cu aburi pentru a curata acest aparat, deoarece exista pericol de soc electric. e Amplasarea corecta a grilajului 6/RO gi tavii pe sinele metalice Este importanta amplasarea corecta pe sine a grilajului si / sau a tavii. Culisati grilajul sau tava intre cele 2 sine si asigurati- va ca este stabila inainte de amplasarea alimentelor (consultati fig Nu folositi produsul daca geamul usii este demontat sau crapat. e Manerul cuptorului nu este un uscator de prosoape. Nu agatati prosoape, manusi sau produse textile similare cand folositi functia grill cu uga deschisa. ¢ Folositi manusi de cuptor termoizolatoare cand introduceti sau scoateti alimente in/din cuptorul fierbinte. e Asigurati-va ca aparatul este oprit inainte de a inlocui lampa, pentru a evita pericolul de soc electric. Pentru a preveni incendiile; e Asigurati-va ca stecherul este conectat corect la priza pentru a nu face scantei. e Nu folositi cabluri deteriorate, taiate sau prelungitoare; folositi cablul original. e Asigurati-va ca stecherul nu este umed sau ud. Domeniu de utilizare ¢ Acest produs este destinat uzului casnic. Se interzice utilizarea comerciala. e Acest aparat este destinat numai gatitului alimentelor, Nu trebuie folosit pentru alte scopuri, de exemplu pentru incalzirea incaperilor. ¢ Nu folositi acest produs pentru ‘incalzirea farfuriilor sub grill, pentru uscarea stergarelor si carpelor de vase etc. pe maner sau pentru incalzirea incaperilor. © Producatorul nu este responsabil pentru pagubele provocate de utilizarea sau manipularea incorecta. © Cuptorul poate fi folosit pentru dezghetarea, coacerea, prajirea si prepararea la grill a alimentelor. Siguranta copiilor Componentele accesibile se pot infierbanta in timpul folosirii. Nu lasati copii sA se apropie de aparat. e Ambalajele pot fi periculoase pentru copii. Nu lasati ambalajele la indemana copiilor. Depozitati la deseuri toate ambalajele conform standardelor de mediu. ¢ Produsele electrice sunt periculoase pentru copii. Nu lasati copiii s4 se apropie de produs in timp ce functioneaza si nu ii lasati sa Se joace cu acesta. e¢ Nu amplasati pe aparat obiecte pe care copiii ar fi tentati sa le apuce. ¢ Nu amplasati obiecte grele pe usa deschisa si nu permiteti copillor sa se aseze pe aceasta. Pericol de rasturnare a cuptorului sau de deteriorare a balamalelor. Depozitarea la deseuri a produsului vechi Conformitate cu Directiva WEEE si depozitarea la deseuri a produsului uzat: a Acest produs respecta Directiva UE WEEE (2012/19/UE). Produsul este marcat cu un simbol de clasificare pentru degeuri electrice si electronice (WEEE). Acest produs a fost fabricat folosind piese si materiale de inalta calitate, care pot fi refolosite si reciclate. Nu depozitati produsul uzat impreuna cu gunoiul menajer la sfarsitul duratei sale de functionare. Duceti-I la un centru de colectare pentru reciclarea echipamentelor electrice si electronice. Luati legatura cu autoritatile locale pentru a afla informatii despre aceste centre de colectare. Conformitate cu Directiva RoHS: Produsul pe care |-ati achizitionat respecta Directiva UE ROHS (2011/65/UE). Nu contine materiale daunatoare si interzise specificate in Directiva. Depozitarea la deseuri a materialelor de ambalare ¢ Materialele de ambalare sunt periculoase pentru copii. Pastrati materialele de ambalare intr-un loc sigur, la care copiii nu au acces. Materialele de ambalare ale produsului sunt fabricate din materiale reciclabile. Sortati-le si depozitati-le la deseuri in mod corect. Nu le depozitati impreuna cu gunoiul menajer. 7/RO 8 informatii generale Prezentare generala Gla Rafturi Tava Usd frontala Maner Conducta de evacuare abur 1 2 3 Oanwens a peoNn as Orificii pentru evacuarea apel in exces Pozitii raft Indicator nivel apa Palnie Panou de comanda palel eh = 7 Eicleves a SHURCOUOUR Sau | 12 1" 1 Tasta PORNIT/OPRIT 2 Tasta selectare program 3 Afigaj functie 4 Indicator ord 5 Camp indicator temperaturé/greutate 6 Taste navigare crestere/scddere temperaturai- timp 7 Tasté incepere / oprire gatire 8 asta selectare meniu retete 9 6 8 Afigaj text ‘Afisaj selectare retete Tasta setare temperatura/greutate/intensificare Tasti ord si setari Continutul pachetului cesoilefurizate pot vara in functie de Inodelul produsulu. Este posibil ca unele accesorii descrise in manualul de utilizare si nu fie furizate cu produsul dvs. 1. Manual de utilizare 2. Tava adanca Folosita pentru produse de patiserie, fripturi mari, mancaruri suculente si pentru colectarea grasimii in timpul folosirii grill- ului. 3. Tava ‘pentru ‘praj uri Folosita pentru produse de patiserie, cum ar _fifursecurile gi biscuitii, 4. Grilaj metalic Folosit pentru fripturi si pentru amplasarea pe sina dorita a alimentelor care vor fi coapte, fripte sau gatite in caserole. Amplasarea corecta a grilajului gi tavii pe sinele telescopice Sinele telescopice simplifica introducerea gi scoaterea tavilor si grilajului metalic. Cand folositi tava si grilajul metalic ‘impreuna cu sinele telescopice, asigurati-va ca lamelele din zona din spate a sinei telescopice sunt lipite de marginile grilajului metalic si tavii. 9/RO Specificatii tehnice Tensiune/frecventa 220-240 V ~ 50 Hz Pater 2 a es ee Siguranta min. 164 Wasi — Fe Lungime cablu max. 2m Dimensiuni exterioare (inaltime/atime/adancime), baby mm/594_ re mm == CoD principal, ar Tuieforal dan NLT Foe Loan neon ea AON one ened emma emneeaes CConsum energie gill 2.2 KW. Elemente de baz&: Informatie de pe eticheta energetica a cuptoarelor electrice este oferita in conformitate cu standardul EN 50304. Aceste valori sunt determinate la sarcina standard cu functile de incdlzire sus-jos sau de incdlzire cu ventilator (daca exist). Clasa de eficienta energeticd este determinata conform urmétoarei priorita n functie de existenta functor respective. 1-Gatire cu ventilator eco, 2- Gatire turbo lent’, 3- Gatire turbo, 4- Incalzire cu ventilator jos/sus, 5-Incalzire sus $i jos. Vez. Instalare, pagina 11 ISpecifcatile tehnice se pot modifica fara preaviz in scopul imbundtatirii caltati produsului /alorile declarate pe etichetele produsului 1 in documentatia insotitoare sunt btinute in conditii de laborator, conform standardelor in vigoare. Aceste valori pot varia in functie de conditiile de utilizare si de| mediu. Hustratile din acest manual ar doar rol xplicatv, find posibil s& nu fie identice cu produsul av 10/RO §) Instalare Produsul trebuie instalat de 0 persoana calificata, conform reglementarilor in vigoare. In caz contrar, garantia va fi anulata. Producatorul nu igi asuma raspunderea pentru daunele produse in urma efectuarii procedurilor de catre persoane neautorizate si poate anula garantia. Pregatirea instalatiilor electrice in vederea instalarii produsului constituie responsabilitatea clientului. distanta de siguranta. Vezi figura (valori date in mm). © — Suprafetele, elementele laminate si adezivii utilizati trebuie sa fie rezistente la caldura (minim 100 °C), © — Mobilierul de bucatarie trebuie sa fie orizontal si stabil © — Daca sub cuptor exista un sertar, instalati un raft de separatie intre cuptor si sertar. ¢ — Aparatul trebuie transportat de cel putin doua persoane. PERICOL: Produsul trebuie instalat in conformitate cu (oate reglementatile locale prvind instalatill de gaz si/ sau electrcitate. Nu instalati produsullanga frigidere sau nigelatoare. Caldura emis de produs va sporti consumul de energie al aparatelor de ricire PERICOL: inainte de instalare, verificati vizual dacé produsul nu este deteriorat. Daca este deteriorat, nu il instalati Produsele deteriorate sunt periculoase. Inainte de instalare Aparatul este destinat instalaril in mobilierul de bucatarie disponibil in comert. Intre aparat gi pereti / mobilierul de bucatarie trebuie pastrata o Nu apucati de us si/sau de maner pentru al Fidica sau muta produsul [Daca produsul are manere metalice, fmpingeti-le inapoi in pereti laterali dupéi mutarea produsului. 11/RO 12/RO min, 13/RO Instalarea si conectarea © Produsul trebuie instalat si racordat conform regulilor de instalare in vigoare. Racordul electric Conectati produsul la o priza impamantata protejata de o siguranta de capacitate adecvata, conform datelor din tabelul "Specificatii tehnice". Impaméntarea trebuie efectuata de un electrician Calificat la folosirea produsului cu sau fara. transformator. Compania noastra nu isi asuma raspunderea pentru daunele survenite in urma folosirii produsului fara o instalatie de ‘impaméntare in conformitate cu normele locale. PERICOL: Produsul trebuie conectat la reteaua ‘lectrica numai de 0 persoand calificata si autorizatd. Perioada de garantie a produsului incepe numai dupa instalarea corect. Producdtorul nu isi asuma réspunderea pentru daunele produse in urma efectuati procedurilor de catre persoane neautorizate. PERICOL: Cablul de alimentare nu trebuie presat, indoit, strivit sau atins de piesele fierbinti ale produsului In cazul in care cablul de alimentare este deteriorat, trebuie inlocuit de un electrician calificat. In caz contrar, exist pericol de soc] electric, scurtcircuit sau incendiu! — Racordurile trebuie sa respecte reglementarile nationale. e — Parametrii retelei electrice trebuie sa corespunda parametrilor specificati pe eticheta cu tipul produsului. Deschideti usa frontala pentru a vedea eticheta. © Cablul de alimentare al produsului trebuie sa respecte valorile din tabelul "Specificatii tehnice" PERICOL: inainte de a efectua lucrari la instalatia ‘lectricd, deconectati produsul de la prizd. Pericol de electrocutare! Introduceti cablul de alimentare in prizé. Instalarea produsului 1. Culisati cuptorul in compartiment, aliniati-I si fixati-I asigurandu-va c& cablul de alimentare nu este deteriorat si / sau strivit.. Fixati cuptorul folosind cele 2 suruburi, conform: ilustratiel. Pentru produsele cu ventilator de racire a 1 Ventilator de racire 2 Panou de comanda 3 Us Ventilatorul de racire incorporat raceste atat compartimentul, cat si zona frontalé a echipamentului. /entilatorul de racire continua sa functioneze circa 20-30 de minute dupa pprirea cuptorului. techerul cablului de alimentare trebuie si ie usor accesibil dupa instalare (nui trasati jeasupra pli, 14/RO Verificarea finala 1, Conectati cablul de alimentare si siguranta produsului. 2. Verificati functionarea. Transportul ulterior e — Pastrati cutia originala a produsului gi transportati-| in aceasta. Respectati instructiunile de pe cutie. Daca nu aveti cutia originala, ambalati produsul in folie cu bule sau in carton gros si lipiti-l cu banda adeziva. Pentru a preveni deteriorarea usii cuptorului de catre grilajul si tava din interior, agezati o fasie de carton in interiorul ugii cuptorului, in dreptul tavilor. Lipiti cu banda adeziva usa cuptorului de peretii lateral, ¢ — Nu apucati de usa sau de maner pentru a ridica sau muta produsul. JNu amplasati obiecte pe produs; mutati-| in pozitie vertical, INu mutati produsul daca contine apa. Scurgeti apa inainte de a muta produsul. ferificati aspectul general al produsului pentru a determina dacé nu a fost deteriorat| fn timpul transportului. 15/RO EB Pregatiri Sfaturi pentru economisirea energiei Urmatoarele informatii va vor ajuta sa protejati uel ‘inconjurator si s4 economisiti energie: Folositi recipiente de culoare inchisa sau emailate in cuptor, deoarece transferul de céldura va fi mai eficient. e — Laprepararea mancarurilor, preincalziti cuptorul daca se specifica in manualul de utilizare sau in reteta. © Nu deschideti frecvent usa cuptorului in timpul gatiri ¢ — Incercati pe cat posibil sa gatiti simultan mai multe feluri de mancare in cuptor. Puteti sa amplasati cate doua recipiente pe grilajul metalic. 20 19 18 Tasta PORNIT/OPRIT Tasti selectare program Simbol senzor carne (*) Simbol blocaj usa (") Indicator ora CAmp indicator temperaturé/greutate ‘Simbol temperatura interioara cuptor ‘Simbol intensificare (preincalzire rapid) Tasti incepere / oprire gate Tasta selectare meniu retete Taste navigare crestere/scddere temperaturd- timp 12 Aisaj text 13 Afisaj selectare retete 14 Simbol setari 15 — Simbol alarma 16 — Simbol ord terminare gatire 17 Simbol durata gatire 18 — Simbol gatire cu abur (*) 16/RO a nwcer omens as © Gatiti succesiv mai multe feluri de mancare. Astfel, nu va fi necesar sa preincalziti din nou cuptorul. © — Puteti economisi energie oprind cuptorul cu cateva minute inainte de sfarsitul perioadei de gatire. Nu deschideti usa cuptorului, © — Decongelati alimentele congelate inainte de fnainte de a putea utiliza cuptorul, trebule sa] setati ora. Dac’ ora nu este setat’, cuptorul 7 6 15 14 13 12 10 19 Afigaj functie 20 — Tasta setare temperatura - greutate gi incdlzire rapida 21 Tasta ord si setari * — Variazé in functie de model Conectati cablul de alimentare si siguranta produsului. Inainte de reglarea orei, trebuie sa reglati limba. Setarea limbii OP Abll © ‘¢ English ve Cand porniti pentru prima data cuptorul, pe afigajul pentru text (12) apare "English", Apasati usor “\ sau NZ (11) pentru a selecta limba dorita. (10) Apasati ugor iw pentru a confirma selectarea limbii. Ecranul de setare a limbii va aparea numai Ha pornirea initial. Folositi meniul cu set pentru a modifica limba. Meniul Setar pagina 32. Setarea ore OP Dupa selectarea orei, pe af salt ajul text (12) apare Mesajul de “Setare ora". Apasati usor “W sau (11) pentru a introduce ora. fnainte de a putea utiliza cuptorul, trebuie sa etati ora. Daca ora nu este setata, simbolul tari (14) va riméne aprins. Acesta va disparea dupa setarea orei. Curatarea initiala a aparatului iprafata poate fi deteriorata de uni jetergenti sau materiale de curatare. Nu folosti obiecte ascutite, prafuri / creme de curatare sau detergenti agresiv 1. Indepartati toate ambalajele 2. Stergeti suprafetele aparatului cu o carpa. umeda sau cu un burete umed, apoi uscati- , [ecuo carpa. Incaizi itiala Incalziti produsul timp de circa 30 de minute, apoi opriti-I. Astfel vor fi arse si indepartate eventualele reziduuri sau pelicule ramase dupa fabricatie. AVERTISMENT Suprafetele fierbnti provoaca arsuri! Produsul se poate inflerbénta in timpul utilizar, Nu atingetiarzdtoarele fierbint interiorul cuptorulu, arzdtoarele etc. Tine copiii la distanta. Folositi manusi de cuptor termoizolatoare cénd introduce sau scoatetialimente in/ain cuptorul fierbinte. Cuptor electric 1, Scoateti toate tavile si grilajele din cuptor. 2. Inchideti usa cuptorului. 3. Selectati pozitia Static. 4, Selectati temperatura maxima a grill-ului; vezi Utilizarea cuptorului electric, pagina 18. 5, Lasati cuptorul sa functioneze circa 30 de minute. 6. Opriti cuptorul; vezi Utilizarea cuptorului electric, pagina 18 Pentru a curata sistemul pentru abur: 1. Scoateti toate tavile si grilajele din cuptor. 2. Inchideti usa cuptorului. a 3, Selectati functia "Abur + Incalzire ventilator". 4, Adaugati 350 cc de apa in palnie (2). Vezi Moduri de functionare, pagina 21- utilizarea functiei "Abur + incalzire ventilator”. 5, Lasati cuptorul sa functioneze circa 0 ora. Atingeti tasta, cand este afigat mesajul “Apasati pt. vapori" 6. Opriti cuptorul; vezi Utilizarea cuptorului electric, pagina 18 peel cu grill Scoateti toate tavile si grilajele din cuptor. , inchideti usa cuptorului. 3. Selectati temperatura maxima a grill-ului; vezi Utilizarea grill-ului, pagina 33. 4. Lasati cuptorul sa functioneze circa 30 de minute. 5. Opriti grill-ul; vezi Utilizarea grill-ului, pagina 33 [Este posibil ca timp de cateva ore dupa jprima pomire, cuptorul sa emit fum gi imirosuri, Acesta este un fenomen normal. Ventilati bine incperea pentru a elimina furul si mirosurile, Evitati inhalarea direct a fumului si a mirosului emis. 17/RO J Utilizarea cuptorului Informatii generale referitoare la coacere, fripturi si prepararea la ll AVERTISMENT Suprafetele fierbinti provoacdiarsuri! Produsul se poate inflerbanta in timpul utliziril, Nu atingeti arzatoarele fierbint, interiorul cuptorului, arzétoarele etc. Tine copii la distant Folositi manusi de cuptor termoizolatoare c&nd introduceti sau scoatetialimente in/ain cuptorul fierbinte. PERICOL: Atentie a deschiderea ust cuptoruli, ‘ieoarece pot iesi aburi. Aburii evacuati va pot opairi mainile, fata si /| ‘sau ochil — pentru copt Folositi recipiente din metal sau aluminiu cu strat anti aderent sau forme din silicon termorezistent. — Utilizati adecvat spatiul de pe raft. — Amplasati forma de copt in mijlocul raftului, © — Selectati pozitia corecta a raftului inainte de aporni cuptorul sau grill-ul. Nu schimbati pozitia raftului in timp ce cuptorul este fierbinte. — Mentineti usa cuptorului inchisa, Sfaturi pentru fripturi © Veti obtine rezultate mai bune daca tratati ‘inainte de gatire puii intregi, curcanii intregi sau bucatile mari de carne rogie cu dresinguri, cum ar fi suc de lmaie si piper negru. — Prepararea carnii cu oase dureaza cu circa 15-30 de minute mai mult decat prepararea | bucati de carne de aceeasi dimensiune fara oase. ¢ — Fiecare centimetru de grosime a camii necesita aproximativ 4 - 5 minute pentru preparare — L&sati carnea in cuptor timp de circa 10 minute dupa incheierea perioadei de preparare. Astfel, sucurile se vor distribui 18/RO mai bine in friptura si nu vor curge la taierea acesteia. © Pestele trebuie amplasat pe raftul mijlociu sau inferior, intr-un recipient termorezistent. Sfaturi pentru prepararea la grill Carnea, pestele si puiul preparate la grill se rumenesc rapid, au 0 crusta frumoasa gi nu se usuca. Feliile de carne, frigaruile si carnatii sunt ideale pentru prepararea la grill, precum si legumele cu continut ridicat de apa, cum ar fi rosille si cepele. ¢ — Distribuiti alimentele care trebuie preparate la grill pe grilajul metalic sau in tava de copt cu grilaj metalic, astfel incat spatiul ocupat sa nu depageasca dimensiunea elementului de incalzire. © — Culisati grilajul metalic sau tava de copt cu grilaj metalic la nivelul dorit al cuptorului Daca folositi grilajul metalic, culisati tava de Copt pe sina de jos pentru a colecta grasimea. Pentru a simplifica curatarea, adaugati putina apa in tava de copt. ‘Aimentele inadecvate pentru prepararea la grill pot provoca incendi Preparati a grill numai alimente care redista la cdlduré intensa Nu amplasati alimentele prea departe inzona din spate a gril-ulvi. Aceasta este cea mai fierbinte zona, iar alimentele grase se pot aprinde. Utilizarea cuptorului electric finainte de a putea utiliza cuptorul, trebuie sa] isetati ora. Daca ora nu este setata, cuptorul Inu va functiona. Panou de comanda 1 2 34 19 18 24 20 1 Tasta PORNIT/OPRIT 2 Tasti selectare program 3 Simbol senzor carne (*) 4 Simbol blocaj usa (") 5 Indicator or 6 Camp indicator temperaturé/greutate 7 Simbol temperatura interioara cuptor 8 Simbol intensificare (preincalzire rapid) 9 Tasta incepere / oprire gatire 10 — Tasta selectare meniu retete 11 Taste navigare crestere/scadere temperatura timp 12 Afigaj text 13 Afisaj selectare retete 14 Simbol setari 15 Simbol alarma 16 — Simbol ord terminare gatire 17 Simbol durata gatire 18 — Simbol gatire cu abur (*) 19 Afisaj functie 20 — Tasti setare temperatura - greutate si incdizire rapida 21 — Tasti ora gi setari * — \Variaz’ in functie de model Reglarea orei curente Puteti s& setati din nou ora daca este cazul. 1. Pentru a seta ora curenta, apasati de trei ori tasta Ora si setari (21), pana cand pe afisajul text (12) apare "Setare ora" in timp ce cuptorul este oprit. 7 6 15 14 13 12 W 10 2. Apasati usor “\ sau NY (11) pentru a seta in cazul penelor de curent mai scurte de 20 {de minute, ora ramane in memorie. Ora uurent nu poate fi modificata in timpul functionairii cuptorului Selectarea temperaturii si modului de functionare 1. Apasati tasta Pornit / Oprit (1) pentru a porni cuptorul. Dupa pornirea cuptorului, pe afigajul functillor (19) apar simbolurile de ‘incalzire sus si jos, iar pe afigajul text (12) apare "Static", Temperatura recomandata este afisata de indicatorul temperaturii / greutatii (6). Elementele de incalzire active si pozitia recomandata a tavii sunt indicate pe _._afigajul functilor (19). oP rr 18:15 200° Ail — © ¢ Static ove (Cuptorul se va opri automat in 20 ecunde daca nu se efectueaza reglaje in afigajul functilr (19) 19/RO 2. Apasati AW sau NZ (11) pentru a selecta Modul de functionare dorit. Dupa selectarea functiei, puteti seta “Temperatura, "Durata gatire", “Ora termin. gatire" si "Intensificare" (Incalzire rapida). 3. 2. Apasati o data tasta de setare temperatura = greutate i incalzire rapida (20) pentru a regla temperatura. 4. Apasati AW sau NZ (11) pana cand indicatorul temperaturii / greutatii (6) afigeaza temperatura dort, °° 18.15 200° ~" i —) © ¢ Temperature ova 5. Apasati tasta de incepere/ oprire gatire (9) pentru a porni cuptorul cu functia selectata. oot" ove Nu lipiti grilajul de peretele din spate al cuptorului. Culisati grilajul spre partea din fata a sinei si fixati-I cu ajutorul usii pentru a obtine performante optime ale grill-ului Tabelul funct Tabelul functiilor contine functiile cuptorului, precum gi temperatura maxima si minima a acestora. IFunctille pot varia in functie de modelul Iprodusului. Din motive de siguranta, "Durata gate" poate fi de maxim 6 ore, cu exceptia inctilor "Mentinere al. calde” si "Gatire temp. joasa" La efectuarea regiajelor, simbolurile fssociate de pe afigaj vor clip PProgramul va fi anulat in cazul unei pene de urent. Va trebui sa reprogramati cuptorul. JOra curenta nu poate fl setata in timpul junctional cuptorului, sau daca cuptorul Jeste programat intr-un mod semi automat sau automat. Jaci deschide usa cuptorului in impul gar, este afigat mesajul "Usd jeschisa! [Oca nu apasati niciun buton timp de 20 de: scunde in timpul efectuarii reglajelor, uptorul se va opri automat. Oprirea cuptorului electric Apasati tasta Pornit / Oprit (1) pentru a opri cuptorul. Pozitiile ginei (pentru modele cu grilaj) Pozitionarea corecta a grilajului pe sina este importanta. Grilajul trebuie introdus intre gine, conform figurii 20/RO IChiar daca cuptorul este oprit, lampa facestuia se aprinde la deschiderea usii Poztie curate (") Simbol senzor carne (’) Poztti raft Arzitor inferior Romo Simbol gate cu abur (*) Ventilator intensiticare Element incalzire intensificare SSimbol blocal usa (*) Element incalzire grill Element incdlzire superior 5 6 7 8 7 1 Ss Functile pot varia in functie de modelul brodusului! Functie Temperatura Interval de Static+ventilator Aerul incalzit de elementele de incalzire superioare si inferioare este distribuit uniform si rapid in interiorul cuptorului de cdtre ventilator. Folositi o singura tava ee (G05! (ole — © ¢ Statictfan $v Gatire asistata cu ventilator Aerul cald incalzit de elementul de incailzire spate este distribuit uniform gi rapid in interiorul cuptorului de catre ventilator. Acest mod de functionare este adecvat pentru prepararea alimentelor pe mai multe niveluri gi in majoritatea cazurilor nu necesit preincdizirea. Adecvat pentru prepararea mai multor © 7 18.20 180° ~" recomandata. ‘temperaturi (°C) °C) 200" 40-280, ‘Static + ventilator [175 40-280, a ee Multi (30) 205, 40-250 i Grill complet + | 200 40-280 et ventilator (rill tau, mare asistat de ventilator) Grilcomiplet 280 [40-280 Gail 280 40-280. 180 160-220 Element inoélare | 180 40-220 inferior Meninerea P60" 0000 Meee eer Gatire temp. joasé_| 100 50-150 (ffl Senses ee ‘Abursincalz. vent. | 180 150-280 * Funotile pot varia in functe de modell produsul Moduri de functionare Ordinea modurilor de functionare prezentate aici poate diferi de cea a produsului dv. Static Alimentele sunt incalzite simultan de sus si de jos. Recomandat pentru prajituri, produse de patiserie ‘sau prajituri si caserole in forme. Folositi o singurai ta a | 18:15 20a: *"" i —) © ¢ Static ova nd usa cuptorului este deschis, yentilatorul se va opri, pentru a mentine erul cald in interior. Multi gatire (3-D) Sunt porite elementele de incdlzre superioare, inferioare si asistate de ventator. Alimentele sunt gatite uniform si rapid pe toate partie. Folosii o singurd tava oe Lae 18:20 205<*"" od © ¢ Multi cooking D5 V7 Pizza Este pornit elementul de incalzire inferior si ‘ncdlzrea asistaté de ventilator (din peretele posterior). Recomandat pentru pizza 21/RO 18:20 210<*" —_ © ¢ Fan heatingtBottom + v7 Grill compl.+vent. Aerulfierbinte inc&lzt de gril-ul complet este cistribuit rapid in interiorul cuptorului de catre ventilator. Acest mod de functionare este adecvat pentru prepararea la grill a canttilor mari de came, °° == 10.30 200" ~” ert ‘Full grill+Fan tvae © Amplasati porti mari sau medil pe: sina corecta sub grill © Reglati temperatura la nivelul maxim. ¢ — intoarceti alimentele la jumatatea duratei de gatire. Grill complet Functioneaza gril-ul mare din partea superioara a Cuptorului. Acest mod de functionare este adecvat pentru prepararea la grill a cantitatlor mari de carne. © = 10:30 280° ~” u_J © ¢ Full srill ove — Amplasati portii mari sau medii pe sina corecta sub grill — Reglati temperatura la nivelul maxim. ¢ — Intoarceti alimentele la jumatatea duratei de gatire. Grill Functioneaza grill-ul mic din partea superioara a cuptorului. Recomandat pentru prepararea la grill si gratinarea alimentetor. 22/RO Gril © P 10,30 290° >" | | | ee Low orilt ove . ‘Ampiasati | portit medii pe. sina 1 corecta sub grill. * — Reglati temperatura la nivelul maxim. © — Intoarceti alimentele la jumatatea duratei de gatire. Gatire lenta Pentru a economisi energie, putet folosi aceast’ functie in locul functiei incaizire ventilat. la temperaturi de 160-220 °C. Durata de gatire va fi ‘insa putin mai lung’. Duratele de gate pentru aceasta functie sunt indi ati 7118.20 1a sem Arzator inferior Este pornit doar elementul de incailzire inferior. ‘Adecvat pentru pizza si pentru rumenirea final a alimentelor in partea inferioara, oP r1ai5 180<*" —— @ ¢ Bottom heating ove Mentinere al. calde Folosit pentru mentinerea mancéirurilor la temperatura pregatité pentru servire o perioada mai lungai de timp. Mentinere al. calde 18:26 &0°*" cd Gatire temp. joas& Folst pent gtrea fa temperatur mii pe © c Low temp. cooking ae Decongelare Cuptorul nu se incalzeste. Functioneazéi doar ventilatorul (in peretele spate). Recomandat pentru dezghetarea lent a alimentelor congelate la temperatura camerei si ricirea alimentelor gate OPT 11825 em" J © © Defrost Abur turbo Pe langa functia Incaizire ventilat. intre 150-280°C, aveli la dispozitie si optiunea de a aplica aburi pe mancare dupa ce cuptorul ajunge la o anumiti temperatura. Durata de gatire va fi insa putin mai lunga. Aceasta optiune va permite si adaptati felurile de mancare la gustul propriu, pentru a le diferentia fat de meniurile automate. ‘Abur turbo oO a 18:20 19) “cA bil | FOS | © c SteamtFan heating s v7 1. Apasati tasta (1). 2. — Introduceti alimentele in cuptor. 3. Apasati ZW sau NZ (11) pentru a selecta functia "Abur+incalz. vent.". Apasati apoi tasta de incepere/oprire gatire (9) pentru a incepe gatirea. Daca nu exista apa in sistem, este afigat mesajul “Adauga 350ml apa". Alimentati cu apa folosind recipientul furnizat pana cand este emis un semnal audio, Vezi Alimentarea cu apa. Dupa alimentarea cu suficienta apa, va fi afigat mesajul "Usa ntroducelin ‘numai apa potabila in sistemul yentru aburi Inchidefl usa; este afigat mesajul "Gatire”. Dupa atingerea temperaturil setate, este afigat mesajul Apasati pt. vapori”, Apisatitasta de selectare a meniului cu retete (10) pentru a pulveriza bur in cuptor timp de 5 minute. Puteti pulveriza abur timp de 3 ori oricdnd dori in timpul procesului de reparare.. \pa rmasi in sistem trebuie evacuata la farsitul perioadel de gatire. Vezi Functile Ighidului cular, pagina 29, Evacuarea apel. Curdtare cu aburi Aceasta functie inmoaie murdaria din interiorul cuptorului dupa terminarea gatiri. Vezi Curatare cu AMI $ve L_S) © c Steam cleaning 23/RO Utilizarea panoului de comanda al cuptorului 1 2 34 20 9 18 Mabe "1 1 Tasta PORNIT/OPRIT 2 Tasti selectare program 3 Simbol senzor carne (*) 4 Simbol blocaj usa (*) 5 Indicator ora 6 Camp indicator temperatura/greutate 7 Simbol temperatura interioar cuptor 8 Simbol intensificare (preincdlzire rapid) 9 Tasta incepere / oprire gatire 10 — Tasti selectare meniu retete 11 Taste navigare crestere/scadere temperatura- timp 12 Aisaj text 13 Afisaj selectare retete 14 — Simbol setari 15 Simbol alarma 16 — Simbol ora terminare gatire 17 ~~ Simbol durata gatire 18 — Simbol gatire cu abur (*) 19 Afisaj functie 20 —_ Tasta setare temperatura - greutate gi incalzire rapid 21 Tasti or si setari Variaza in functie de model. Activarea functionarii semi-automate Acest mod de functionare permite reglarea perioadei de functionare a cuptorului (durata de gatire), 1. Apasati butonul Pornit / Oprit (1) pentru a porni cuptorul. 24/RO 2. Apasati ZW sau NZ (11) pentru a selecta functia dorita. 3, Pentru a alege durata de gatire, apasati butonul pentru ora si setari (21) pentru ca pe afigajul text (12) s apara “Durata gatire". Simultan, simbolul Durata gatire (17) va clipi. 4, Apasati usor “W sau NZ (11) pentru a alege durata de gatire. Dupa alegerea duratei de gatire, va fi afisat simbolul Durata gatire pe oP Fr ) ro A 00.00 200 —I © ¢ Cook time ove 5. Introduceti alimentele in cuptor si inchideti usa. 6, Pentru a alege temperatura de gatire, apasati tasta de setare temperatura - greutate si ‘incalzire rapida (20) pentru ca pe afigajul text sa apara "Temperatura", 7. Apasati “W sau NY (11) pentru a alege temperatura. 8. Apasati tasta de incepere/oprire gatire (9) pentru a incepe gatirea. Este afisat mesajul “Gatire". » Cuptorul se incalzeste la temperatura presetata si ramane la aceasta temperatura pana la sfarsitul intervalului de functionare selectat. in timpul procesului de gatire, lampa cuptorului ramane aprinsa. foate segmentele simbolului de temperatura a cuptorului (7) se vor aprinde nd cuptorul atinge temperatura setata. 9. Dupa terminarea preparari, este afigat mesajul "Pofta buna... Apas. Pll pt. contin.” si se emite un semnal sonor. 10. Apasati orice tasta pentru a opri alarma. Daca apasati tasta de incepere/ oprire gatire (9), cuptorul continua sa functioneze in modul selectat. Semnalul sonor se opreste. 11, Daca nu apasati tasta de incepere/ oprire gatire (9), cuptorul se opreste automat gi afigeaza ora. Activarea functionarii automate In acest mod de functionare puteti regla durata de gatire si sfarsitul duratei de gatire. 1. Apasati tasta Port / Oprit (1) pentru a porni cuptorul 2. Apasati “\ sau NZ (11) pentru a selecta functia dorita, 3. Pentru a alege durata de gatire, apasati tasta pentru ora si setari (21) pentru ca pe afigajul text (12) sa apard "Durata gatire" Simultan, simbolul Durata gatire (17) va clipi. 4. Apasati usor ZW sau NY (11) pentru a alege durata de gatire. » Dupa alegerea duratei de gatire, va fi afigat simbolul Durata gatire (17). 5. Pentru a alege ora de terminare, apasati repetat butonul pentru ora si setari (21) pana cand pe afigajul text (12) apare "Ora termin. gatir ie Simultan, simbolul Ora 6. Apasati usor ZW sau NZ (11) pentru a alege ora de terminare. » Dupa alegerea orei de terminare, este afisat simbolul Ora terminare gatire (16). 7. Introduceti alimentele in cuptor si inchideti usa. 8. Pentru a alege temperatura de gatire, apasati tasta de setare temperatura - greutate si ‘incalzire rapida (20) pentru ca pe afigajul text sa apara "Temperatura". Apasati “\ sau \/ (11) pentru a alege temperatura. 9, Apasati tasta de incepere/oprire gatire (9) pentru a incepe gattrea. Este afisat mesajul “Asteptare" » Cronometrul cuptorului calculeaza automat ora de pornire scazand durata de gatire din ora de terminare aleasa. 10. Modul de functionare selectat este activat la ora de pornire, se afigeaza mesajul “Gatire", iar cuptorul se incalzeste la temperatura setata. Temperatura este mentinuta pana la sfarsitul perioadei de functionare. In timpul procesului de gatire, lampa cuptorului ramane aprinsa. ‘oate segmentele simbolului de lemperatura a cuptorului (7) se vor iprinde cand cuptorul atinge ‘temperatura setata. 11. Dupa terminarea prepararii, este afigat mesajul "Pofta buna... Apas. Pll pt. contin.” si se emite un semnal sonor. 12. Apasati orice tasté pentru a opri alarma. Daca apasati tasta de incepere/ oprire gatire (9), cuptorul continua sa functioneze in modul selectat. Semnalul sonor se opreste. . Daca nu apasati tasta de incepere/ oprire gatire (9), cuptorul se opreste automat si afigeaza ora. Pentru a anula programul semi- 1utomat sau automat dupa pornirea wcestora, trebuie si resetati durata de functionare, Puteti de asemenea opri cuptorul ap3sénd tasta Pornit / Oprit (1) daca doriti. 1 a Alegerea functiei de intensificare Folositi functia de intensificare (preincalzire rapida) pentru ca cuptorul sa ajunga mai repede la temperatura dorita. JFunctia de intensificare nu poate fi activaté fin modurile Decongelare, Gatire lenta, IMentinere al. calde si Gatire temp. joasdi Functia de intensificare va fi anulata in cazull nei pene de curent. Selectati modul de gatire dorit, apoi: 25/RO 1. Apasati repetat tasta de setare temperatura - greutate $i incalzire rapida (20) pana cand este afigat mesajul "Intensificare pasiv". 2. Apasati “W (11) pentru a afisa mesajul "Intensificare activ". Simbolul __Intensificare (8) ramane aprins. OP rF- 10.30 200) ~" © c Booster active ove » Simbolul Intensificare (8) dispare dupa ce cuptorul atinge temperatura dorita, iar cuptorul revine la modul de functionare selectat inaintea functiei de intensificare. 3. Pentru a anula functia de intensificare, apasati repetat tasta de setare temperatura - Greutate si incalzire rapida (20) pana cand este afisat mesajul "Intensificare activ" ZN (11) pentru a afiga mesajul are pasiv' — 10:30 200° *” © c¢ Booster passive ove » Cand se revine la afigajul de selectare a functiei dupa aceasta operatiune, simbolul Intensificare (8) dispare. Folosirea blocajului tastelor Puteti preveni modificarea setarilor cuptorului activand functia de blocare a tastelor. Blocajul tastelor poate fi activat atat cand uptorul functioneaza, cét si cand nu junctioneaza. Cuptorul poate fi oprit apasénd butonul Porit / Oprit (1) chiar daca] blocajul tastelor estea actvat. 26/RO Activarea blocajului tastelor 1, Apasati repetat butonul pentru ord si setari (21) pana cand este afigat mesajul Blocaj taste pasiv. 2. Apasati tasta “\ 11 pentru a activa blocajul tastelor, Dupa activarea blocajului tastelor, este afisat mesajul "Blocaj taste activ” OP. | @ | | © '¢ Kev lock active ova) » Dupa activarea blocajului tastelor, este afigat mesajul “Blocaj taste activ" la apasarea oricarui buton (cu exceptia NA). [Cand functia de blocare a tastelor este ctiva, tastele cuptorului nu pot fi folosite. Functia de blocare a tastelor nu va fi anulatal in cazul unei pene de curent. Dezactivarea blocajului tastelor 1, Apasati tasta NY 11 pentru a dezactiva blocajul tastelor. Este afigat mesajul “Blocaj taste pasiv”. Op TAM 10:35, | | ie | © c¢ Kew lock passive $y Utilizarea functiei de alarma Puteti folosi ceasul produsului pentru a programa o alarma, separat fata de programul de gatire. Alarma nu influenteaza functiile cuptorului. Are doar rol de avertizare. De exemplu, o puteti folosi cand trebuie sa intoarceti mancarea in cuptor la un anumit interval. Ceasul cu alarma va emite un semnal dupa scurgerea perioadei alese. 20 9 18 Tasta PORNIT/OPRIT Tasta selectare program ‘Simbol senzor carne (*) ‘Simbol blocaj usa (*) Indicator or CAmp indicator temperaturé/greutate ‘Simbol temperatura interioara cuptor Simbol intensificare (preincdlzire rapid) Tasta incepere / oprire gitire Tasta selectare meniu retete Taste navigare crestere/scddere temperaturd- timp Aisa text Aligaj selectare retete Simbol setari Simbol alarma Simbol or terminare giitire ‘Simbol durata gatire ‘Simbol gatire cu abur (") Afisaj functie Tasta setare temperatura - greutate si incalzire rapida Tasti ora gi seta Variaza in functie de model. Durata maxima a alarmei este de 23 ore gi 99 de minute. LF 2. 4, 7 6 15 14 13 12 Pentru a seta alarma: “Apasati repetat butonul pentru ora si setari (21) pana cand este afigat simbolul Alarma. (15). Apasati “\ sau \/ (11) pentru a alege ora. Simbolul alarmei (15) ramane aprins dupa reglarea orei de alarma. . Dupa expirarea intervalului de alarma, simbolul alarmei va clipi si va fi emis un semnal sonor. Apasati orice tasta pentru a opri alarma. Pentru a anula alarma: 1 2. Apasati repetat butonul pentru ora si setari (21) pana cand este afigat simbolul Alarma. (15) Apasati AW (11) pana cand este afisat mesajul "00:00" 27/RO Tabelul duratelor de preparare intervalele din acest tabel sunt orientative. sestea pot varia in functie de temperatura, yosimea gi tipul alimentelor, precum si de preferintele dvs. culinare. [Prima gina a cuptorului este cea inferioara. Reteta Nivel temperatura Pozitie sind ‘Temperatura (°C) Paral rox. in min) Pane | tae Ss Sa rar forma” | ave @ 2 180 40...50 aes ae je ee ee eae oped dale geese, 2 2 nivelur TO 1-5 175 30... 40 Se SS Bat tot T nivel Ee 3 200 52.10 es | Furseou™ nivel el 3 175 B30 ae ee Snel @ 1-3-5 17% Ha Produsede paises | Tavel i | gin isles eee pee ae: eg eee peepee eee Tne @ 13 200 5 ee eee a er meer cc et ee ee Produse din T nivel pr] 2 200 25295) patiserie cu mult grisine” aac POM aaaacees | Ola) aadiiasa| eee RN aban Beas, 3 ivelur ray 1-3-5 190 45. 55 Reale Te = LS 2 niveluri 1-3 190 tae liked ee Ss pre ae RO me Pizza T nivel fa 2 200 .. 220 eee Lhe praetor eee eeany Biftec de vita fintreg) | 1 nivel ES 3 22 min ona / Friptura Se Apoi. = Picior de mie | Tall = oo Be [tb min, 250imax, fey oo cet T nivel 5 3 aa 1a, plu de pal Tel PR a aan, 60m, 8G epee ae ae Thiel Fol 2 15 min 2507max, 3.6 i] apoi 180 ... 190 rca [Anil ‘Ee SS S| 18020 sere eee ere eee ee ee 7 nivel 1 % min, 50imax, 750... 210 iS Tb 13) te i a 1 nivel ES] 3 200 20...30 ae 52 A TAT TSN TT (**) Daca este necesara incalzirea prealabila, ‘incalziti cuptorul pana cand simbolul temperaturii cuptorului (8) atinge nivelul maxim. 28/RO Tabelul duratelor de gatire lent INu modificati temperatura de gatire dupa INu deschideti usa dupa inceperea gatiri Inceperea gatirii lente, lente. Reteta Nivel Pozitie gina ‘Temperatura (°C) ‘Durat preparare temperatura {aprox. in min.) fenglacgegoh | ie ee PO] pe eee ee ee Pui la caserold 1 nivel 1@| 3 160 70... 100 oe ee Se ee ee ee Viet Ta casera T vel Tol 3 160 130... 150 fal-thet a|egs lel pe Fleicd - feliata 1 nivel 3 160 100... 120 Teme | ep se Fursec 7 vel Fol 3 185 30.35 Fie eae diaa | Time TP ap Le [soma ee 2a prone on rear abi He itis deiwoduerca newer: uel 4 eT Aer SAR T Te oo Prepararea va fi mai eficienta daca recipientul este acoperitcuun capac, Stat pentru gatirea prajiturilor Daca prdjitura este prea seaca, sporiti temperatura cu circa 10°C si reduceti durata de gatire. ¢ Daca prajitura este umeda, folositi mai putin lichid sau reduceti temperatura cu 10°C. « — Daca prdjitura este arsa deasupra, amplasati-o pe o sina mai joasa, reduceti temperatura si sporiti durata de gatire. © Daca este coapta bine in interior insa lipicioasa in exterior, folositi mai putin lichid, reduceti temperatura gi sporiti durata de preparare Sfaturi pentru gatirea produselor de patise- rie mult sos in partea inferioara a produselor de patiserie. Pentru o rumenire uniforma, ‘incercati sa distribuiti sosul in mod uniform intre straturile de aluat si in partea superioara. Respectali modul de preparare si temperaturile indicate in tabelul duratelor de| Ipreparare pentru produsele de patiserie, Daca totusi partea inferioara nu se Tumeneste suficient, agezati-o cu o sind mai jos. 0 pentru gatirea legumelor Daca mancarea de legume ramane fara sos sau se usuca prea tare, gatiti-o intr-un vas cu capac in loc de tava. Vasele inchise — Daca produsele de patiserie sunt prea uscate, sporiti temperatura cu circa 10°C si reduceti durata de gatire. Umeziti foile de previn evaporarea sosului © Daca legumele raman crude, fierbeti-le ‘inainte de a le introduce in cuptor. aluat cu un sos preparat din lapte, ulei, ou si iaurt, e Daca coacerea produselor de patiserie dureaza prea mult, aveti grijé ca grosimea acestora sa nu depageasca adancimea tavii e Daca partea superioara a produselor de patiserie se rumeneste, insa partea de jos este cruda, asigurati-va ca nu folositi prea Functiile ghidului culinar Selectarea functiilor pentru retete Meniul cu retete contine programe recomandate de bucatari profesionisti si stocate in memoria aparatului, in acest meniu, temperatura, sina, greutatea si functiile de gatire sunt selectate automat. 29/RO Puteti modifica greutatea si durata de gatire in functie de mancare si de gust. Pentru a selecta functiile ghidului culinar: 1. Apasati tasta Pornit / Oprit (1) pentru a porni cuptorul. 2. Apasati butonul de selectare a programului (2) pentru a afiga functia pentru retete. in aceasta etapa, este afigat mesajul “Prajit.&paine&tarte" si este evidentiat afisajul de selectare retete (13). 10:35 ee © © Cakes breads tarts ov 7 OP AM 3. Apasati ZW sau NY (11) pentru a selecta meniul principal de retete (Prajitr&paine&tarte, Came pasare, Carne rosie, Peste, Retete speciale). . Apasati tasta de selectare a meniului de retete (10) pentru a confirma meniul dorit. 5. Apasati AW sau \Y (11) pentru a selecta mancarea dorita (Fursecuri, Prajitura, Prajiturele etc.). °° 71525 12.7" ! ae © c Cookies sve 6. Introduceti mancarea in cuptor. 7. Apasati tasta de incepere/oprire gatire (9) pentru a incepe gatirea. Este afigat mesajul "Gati rire gatire (9) in 20 de secunde, uptorul se va opri autom: 8. Dupa terminarea gatirii, este afigat mesajul “Pofta buna..." si se emite un semnal sonor, permite sa reveniti la meniul superior. ‘Apasati butonul de selectare a meniului de retete (10) pentru a reveni la meniul superior. inainte de a incepe gatirea cu meniul de retete, puteti alege greutatea in functie de tipul mancari selectate. In acest scop: 1, Apasati butonul de setare temperatura - greutate si incalzire rapida (20) pana cand - — greutate incepe eS crees 2, Apasati AW sau \Z (11) pentru a alege greutatea. inainte de a incepe gatirea cu meniul de retete, puteti alege greutatea in functie de tipul mancarii selectate. In acest scop: 1, Apasati butonul de setare temperatura - greutate si incalzire rapida (20) pana cand indicatorul de greutate incepe sa clipeasca. 2. Apasati tasta (11) pentru a alege greutatea. Meniul de retete: Poate varia in functie de model Prajitr&paine&tarte | Carne pasare | Retete Peste Carne Special speciale Fursecuri_ | Puigril | Caserola___| File de peste | Fripturd de vita _| Fermentare_ Prajiturele Pui, file Quiche ‘Angoa copt Chiftele faurt frees eesenre Neca Ba) oie : se eee rete eee ee eee Blat Lasagna ‘Somon file Castane prajite Sud caves | Mie - Placinté cu mere 30/RO Pentru a selecta functiile cu abur pentru retete: 1. Apasati tasta Pornit / Oprit (1) pentru a porni cuptorul. 2. Apasati repetat tasta de selectare a programului (2) pana cand este afigat simbolul Gatire cu abur (18), In aceasta etapa, este afigat mesajul “Prajit.&paine&tarte" 3. Apasati W sau NY (11) pentru a selecta meniul principal de retete (Prajitr&paine&tarte, Came pasare, Carne rosie, Peste, Retete speciale). 4. Apasati tasta de selectare a meniului de retete (10) pentru a confirma meniul dorit. 5. Apasati “\ sau NY (11) pentru a selecta mancarea dorita (Fursecuri, Prajitura, Prdjiturele etc.). 6. Introduceti mancarea in cuptor. 7. Apasati tasta de incepere/oprire gatire (9) pentru a incepe gatirea. 8. Este afigat mesajul "Adauga 350ml apa". ericol de imbolnavire! introduceti numai apa potabila in istemul pentru abur 9. Deschideti usa si adaugati apa in orificiu. In timpul adaugarii apei este afigat mesajul “Usa deschisa" si este emis un semnal sonor. 10. Imediat dupa inchiderea usii, cuptorul incepe gatirea si este afigat mesajul "Gatire". irii, este afigat mesajul méancarea" si se emite un semnal sonor. » Apasati orice tasta pentru a opri alarma. 12. Deschideti usa cuptorului si scoateti alimentele imediat dupa terminarea duratei _ de gitire, Inchideti usa cuptorului pentru a porni functia de evaporare automata a apei. » In aceasta etapa, va fi afigat mesajul “Eliminare apa” si durata procesului, » Pentru sanatatea dvs., nu folositi apa ramasa, deoarece calitatea apei statute se deterioreaza. Evacuarea apei inmoaie murdaria din cuptor si usureaza curatarea acesteia dupa gatire. » Stergeti interiorul cuptorului cu o carpa dupa evacuarea apei. Folosirea recipientului pentru apa: Recipientul pentru apa este format din 2 piese. Piesa superioara elimina calcarul din apa. Asamblati piesa superioara si cea inferioara conform ilustratiei Nu alimentati cu mai mult de 150 cc, in caz contrar apa nu va fi purificata, Demontati piesa superioara si turnati apa in cuptor folosind piesa inferioara. [Eliminati calcarul din recipientul pentru apa folosind procedura urmatoare la fiecare 4 lutilizari: Dizolvati 2 lingurite de sare intr-un pahar si turnati-lin recipientul pentru apa. Spalati apoi recipientul inferior. | 74 | j | | | | | | | | | | : / | | ee ee 1 Pies superioara 2 Piesa inferioara Alimentarea cu apa: 1. Scoateti palnia conform figurii (1). 2. Turnati apa in recipient pana cand auziti semnalul sonor. Verificati nivelul apei folosind indicatorul (2). 2 Palnie Indicator apa Conducta evacuare abur Conducta de scurgere pentru apa in exces 31/RO Rens {sistemul asteapti cel putin 10 minute s& adaugati apa. Daca nu adéugati apa in 10 Iminute, cuptorul se opreste. Pentru a curata palnia, scoateti-o din cuptor| {si spalati-o doar cu apa. cuptor. Apa in exces scursa in cuptor poate afecta programele automate de gatire cu abur si poate sa provoace condens pe usa. Pentru a evita aceste probleme, eliminati apa scursa in cuptor inainte de a gati. [Daca cuptorul este oprit nainte de ferminarea gat si nu se selecteaz’ nicio note de gatire timp de 2 minute, este afigat mesajul “Scoate \ancarea. ‘Apa se va evapora." imediat dupa omirea cuptorului de la tasta Pornit/Oprit (1), Evacuarea apel incepe automat dupa circa 1 minut. ATENTIE Meniul de retete cu abur: Poate varia in functie de model Prajitr&paine&tarte | Carne pasare Retete speciale Peste Carne Pizza, bl. subs. pr | Pul< 1600.gr___| Leguime proaspete_| Caserolé pastrav | Friptura de miel__ Pizza, bl. gros pr. Pui < 1600 gr Legume congelate, Picior de miel razuite ee |e ewe ee Vol au vent Rata, intreaga Tandoori Pamrcutcte | ee cu unt | rh rrrrrhhLh|—rrT—seF=E=es———™— mem o.”TDrDmrmrmrmrmrmrm™wmwmw™wO™UC™C™C~™~COCO™UCOUOUCCOC—O Se a oe Colacel Rive ll Paine pt. sandvis gehen ar een ener: le peeememen Chifle, congelate Meniul Setari Contrastul poate fi reglat numai cand cuptorul Setarea luminozitatii Luminozitatea poate fi reglaté numai cand cuptorul este oprit. 1. Apasati repetat tasta pentru ord si setari (21) pana cand este afigat mesajul "Luminozit." 2. Exista 4 nivele de luminozitate, 1, 2, 3 si 4. Apasati ZW sau XY (11) pentru a selecta nivelul dorit. 4nd cuptorul este oprit, luminozitatea sade pentru a economisi energie. easta revine la nivelul ales dupa ce cuptorul este pornit. Setarea contrastului 32/RO este oprit. 1. Apasati repetat tasta pentru ora si setari (21) pana cand este afigat mesajul “Contrast”. 2. Exista 4 nivele de contrast, 1, 2, 3 i 4. Apasati “N sau NZ (11) pentru a selecta nivelul dorit, Setarea volumului Volumul poate fi reglat numai cand cuptorul este oprit. 1. Apasati repetat tasta pentru ora si setari (21) pana cand este afigat mesajul "Volum". 2. Exista 3 nivele de volum, 0 (fara sunet), 1 si 2. Apasati AW sau NZ (11) pentru a selecta nivelul dorit. Setarea limbii Limba poate fi reglaté numai cand cuptorul este oprit. 1. Apasati repetat tasta pentru ord si setari (21) pana cand este afigata ultima limba selectata. 2. Apasati “\ sau NZ (11) pentru a selecta limba dorita. 3. Apasati tasta de selectare meniu retete (10) pentru confirmare. Utilizarea grill-ului linainte de a putea utiliza cuptorul, trebuie sal etati ora. Dacd ora nu este setata, cuptorul fu va functiona. AVERTISMENT inchideti usa cuptorulul tn timpul prepara a gril Suprafetele fierbinti provoaca arsuri! 1. Apasati tasta Pornit / Oprit (1) pentru a porni cuptorul. Grill electric Alimente 2. Apasati ZW sau NY (11) pentru a selecta limba dorita. Pentru a alege temperatura de gatire, apasati tasta de setare temperatura - greutate si ‘incalzire rapida (20) pentru ca pe afigajul text sa apara "Temperatura". Apasati “N. sau \/ (11) pentru a alege temperatura. 4, Apasati tasta Pornit / Oprit (1) pentru a opri cuptorul. ‘Alimentele inadecvate pentru prepararea la gril pot provoca incendi Preparati la grill numai alimente care revista la cdldurd inten Nu amplasafi alimentele prea departe inzona din spate a gril-ului, Aceasta este cea mai fierbinte zona, iar alimentele grase se pot aprinde. A Nivel amplasare Tabelul duratelor de preparare la grill Duraté gril (aprox) pele Ta SEE E EET N eas Reese aaa Tae TEE e com eRe ETT Bui flit aS 4.5 a Paine pra 4 Fripturd de vita Ensues sees [eeeeeeee ss 25.35 min, 25.30 min, 1.2 min, Le 33/RO GJintretinere si curatare Informatii generale Curatati produsul regulat pentru a-i prelungi durata de functionare si a evita problemele frecvente de functionare. PERICOL: Deconectati aparatul de la priza inainte de a incepe curalarea sau intretinerea acestuia. Pericol de electrocutare! PERICOL: Lasati produsul sa se raceasca inainte de ‘curdtare. Suprafetele fierbinti provoaca arsuri! © — Curdtati bine produsul dupa fiecare folosire. Astfel, reziduurile pot fi indepartate mai usor, evitandu-se arderea lor la urmatoarea utilizare a aparatului. ¢ — Curatarea produsului nu necesita substante de curatare speciale. Pentru curatarea_ produsului folositi apa calda cu lichid de spalat vase, un burete sau o carpa moale, apoi stergeti-| cu o carpa uscata. — Uscati plita dupa ce ati curatat-o si stergeti imediat substantele varsate pe aceasta. Nu folositi substante de curatare care contin acid sau clor pentru curatarea manerului si suprafetelor din otel inox. Folositi o carpa moale cu detergent lichid (neabraziv) pentru a curata aceste piese, stergand intr-o singura directie. ISuprafata poate fi deteriorat de unii Kietergenti sau materiale de curaitare. Nu folositi obiecte ascutite, prafuri / creme de curatare sau detergenti agresivi. Nu folositi sisteme cu aburi pentru a curata lcest aparat, deoarece exist pericol de soc electric Curatarea palniei Plnia se opreste la un anumit nivel cand o trageti spre dv. Daca continuati sa trageti, iese pana intr-un alt punct, in care se opreste din nou Daca continuati sa trageti, palnia se va detasa. 34/RO Curatati palnia detagata sub un jet de apa de la robinet. Nu folositi materiale chimice pentru urditarea palnii. Folositi doar apa. Curatarea panoului de control Curatati panoul de control si butoanele acestuia cu 0 carpa umeda, apoi stergeti-le cu o carpa uscata. INu demontatati butoanele pentru a curata jpanoul de comanda. Panoul de comand se poate deteriora! Curatarea cuptorul Pentru a curata peretele lateral Demontati sectiunea frontala a gratarului lateral tragandu-l in directie opusa fata de perete. Scoateti complet gratarul lateral tragandu-| spre dvs. Curatare cu aburi Usureaza curatarea deoarece murdaria (proaspata) se inmoaie datorita picaturilor de apa condensate in cuptor dupa producerea aburilor. OP ADIL 980 L | Oct Steen cleaning tv 1. Apasati tasta Pornit / Oprit (1) pentru a porni cuptorul. 2. Asigurativa ca ati scos alimentele, 3. Apasati tasta “A sau NZ (11) pentrua selecta modul “Curatare cu aburi". 4. Apasati tasta de incepere/oprire gatire (9) pentru a incepe curatarea. Daca nu exista apa in sistem, este afigat mesajul “Adauga 350ml apa’ 5. Alimentati cu apa folosind recipientul furnizat pana cand este emis un semnal audio. Vezi pagina 31, Alimentarea cu apa. 6. Dupa alimentarea cu suficienta apa, va fi afigat mesajul "Usa deschisa". eticol de Imbolndvire! Introduceti numai apa potabila in istemul pentru aburi » Daca temperatura din cuptor este sub 100°C la inchiderea usii, curatarea incepe imediat. Daca temperatura interioara nu este sub 100°C cand se adauga apa si se inchide usa, este afigat mesajul "Rae » Cand temperatura scade sub 100°C, curatarea ‘incepe imediat. Oo PP —1ee0 ec Eee 0035 Sve 7. La inceperea curatarii, este afigat mesajul “Curatare", » in cuptor se introduce abur pai ei din sistem. [Curatarea cu abur dureaza aproximativ 35, le minute cu un recipient plin. Durata va fi Imai scurta daca recipientul nu este plin. 8. Dupa terminarea apei, este afigat mesajul, "$tergeti suprafetele" 9. Deschideti usa si stergeti suprafetele interioare cu un burete sau o carpa umeda. la terminarea Dupa curatare (in general dupa termin-area apei), apa ramasa trebuie evacuata. Vezi Functiile ghidului culinar, pagina 31, Evacuarea apei. Curdatati usa cuptorului. Pentru curatarea usii cuptorului, folositi apa calda cu lichid de spalat vase, un burete sau 0 carpa moale, apoi ster a uscata INu folositi substante de curatare abrazive jdure sau palete metalice ascutite pentru a rata usa cuptorului. Acestea pot zgaria suprafata $i distruge sticla, IGeamul interior al usi frontale este acoperit 1u un material usor de curdtat. Nu folositi isubstante de curatat abrazive, palete metalice dure, bureti de sarma sau clor pentru curatarea geamului interior al usi frontale, deoarece puteti zgaria suprafata Astfel, inveligul protector al panoului se poate distruge. Demontarea usii cuptorului 1, Deschideti usa frontala (1). i clemele balamalelor (2) stanga si conform figurii. Usa frontal 2 Balama Cuptor 35/RO Pe . Inchideti usa pe jumatate. 4. Demontati usa tragand-o in sus pentru ao scoate din balamale. lfectuati in ordine inversa etapele lprocesului de demontare pentru a monta lusa. Nu uitati sa inchideti clemele balamalelor dupa montarea la loc a usii. Demontarea geamului interior al usii Geamul interior al usii cuptorului poate fi demontat pentru curdtare. Deschideti usa cuptorului. 1 Cadru 2 Piesa din plastic Trageti si scoateti piesa de plastic din partea ‘superioara a usii frontale. 36/RO 1 Primul geam interior 2 Geam interior 3 Geam exterior Plastic fant geam-jos Urmand indicatiile din figura, ridicati ugor primul geam interior (1) in directia A si scoateti-| in directia B. Repetati aceeasi operatiune pentru a demonta geamul interior (2). geamului interior (2). Urménd indicatiile din figura, agezati coltul decupat al geamului in coltul decupat al fantei de plastic. fo a Geamul interior (2) trebuie montat in fanta de plastic de langa primul geam interior (1). La montarea primului geam interior (1), asigurati- va ca latura inscriptionata este orientata spre geamul interior. Este importanta introducerea coltului inferior al jeamului in fanta de plastic inferioara. Impingeti piesa din plastic spre cadru pana cand auziti un clic. inlocuirea lampii cuptorului | A\ PERICOL: sinainte de a inlocui lampa cuptoruli, asigurati-va c produsul este deconectat de la prizd si racit pentru a evita gocurile electrice. Suprafetele fierbnti provoaca arsuri! I_ampa cuptorului este un bec electric pecial, care rezisté pana la 300 °C. Vezi ISpecificatii tehnice, pagina 10 pentru detalii, Lampile pentru cuptor pot fi obtinute de la agentii de service autorizati. Pozitia limp poate fi diferita fat de figura Daca cuptorul dv. este dotat cu o lampa rotunda: 1, Deconectati produsul de la priza. 2. Rotiti capacul de sticla in sens contrar acelor ceasoric pentru a-I demonta, Extrageti lampa cuptorului din mufa si inlocuiti-o cu una noua. 4, Montati capacul din sticla. Daca cuptorul dv. este dotat cu o lampa patrata: 1, Deconectati produsul de la priza. 2. Demontati sinele conform instructiunilor. Vezi Curatarea cuptorului, pagina 34. . Demontati capacul protector din sticla cu 0 surubelnita. . Extrageti lampa cuptorului una noua. Montati capacul de sticla si sinele. inlocuiti-o cu 37/RO Remedierea problemelor Cuptorul emite aburi in timpul functionarii.. ¢ — lesirea aburului in timpul functionarii este normala. >>> Acest lucru nu reprezinta o defecfiune. Produsul emite zgomote metalice in timpul incalzirii si racirii. * — Cand piesele de metal se incalzesc, se dilata si pot emite zyomote. >>> Acest lucru nu reprezinta o defectiune. Produsul nu functioneaza. ¢ — Siguranta retelei electrice este defecta sau decuplata. >>> Verificati tabloul de sigurante. Dacé este cazul, inlocuiti-le sau cuplati-le. ¢ — Produsul nu este conectat la o priza (impaméantata). >>> Verificati conexiunea stecherului. © — Butoanele/tastele de pe panoul de control nu functioneaza. >>> Este posibil ca tastele sa fie blocate, Deblocafi tastele. (Vezi Folosirea blocajului tastelor, pagina 26 ) Lampa cuptorului nu functioneaza. © Lampa cuptorului este ars. >>> Inlocuiti lampa cuptorului. © Pana de curent. >>> Verificati daca priza este alimentata. Verificafi tabloul de sigurante. Dacé este cazul, inlocuiti-le sau cuplati-le. Sed nu se incalzeste. Nua fost selectata functia si/sau temperatura. >>> Selectati functia si temperatura folosind butonul/tasta pentru functii si/sau temperatura. Pana de curent. >>> Verificafi daca priza este alimentata. Verificafi tabloul de sigurante. Dacd este cazul, inlocuiti-le sau cuplati-le. [Daca instructiunile din aceasta sectiune nu /-au ajutat sa remediati problema, contactati agentul de service autorizat sau dealerul de la care ati cumparat produsul. Nu incercati s reparati pe cont propriu produsul defect. 38/RO Jaued 25 90iq “Seigg Uo] “AS nyzna nyzna | “Ob dazied “ys 901d “oz ~ 8b “iu “ieqaded ‘pa. wa3030 WSaynone | 6 nepeoey sensed °Z “su Joyider “aS AoSwug | AoSvug | 8 Jehied '9 9019 “Zé “IU i0j)109§ “ag | wy vty iq ‘NAIA UeWIOY UUEISUOD “AS viruisia | anysyn viris! ‘9 doped "yf 1G "vs U Bed ‘Pa vaqvuo, YOHIG | doped "6e'1g ‘6 “4u 1eIB1003 “AS nyove nyove | deped “D6-S 90/9 ‘HSej0H Wels “NS WSaLid S30uv doped "9 “Og "3 501g “eualy efeld avay ava | —E———E Joped O4¢ "Ia ‘jojueaysuedi “pa | WAVY ve | Wsauav ‘YINViNnazauday Taanr| ox qNE@I\as | ew-J 00:21 - 00:60 :Byequies 00:02 ~ 00:80 :8UIA - UT] unjady ep injnquag je eseuorouny ap jnuresBo1g ‘auojepon enealas ul jjqejade sWNU "LLL SLO - 220 woogja}woy eneajei uy jiqejade sewNU ‘LLL SO9 - SpzO unjade ap jnquag Binoquieg ‘pnp “nSeey ‘O12 yu auquisoag €1 AS ySee9 eoIAag jenuag inipsg OLLOUY 9IAJes ap eneajay aolAsas D1}Dub INTISWA INISVA | “! ‘VINGNYXS TV NvW#037aL | ‘WAVaONS Wavaons | ninjezoulL inoed “AS | IS) iis q ebeig uelom a Sav Avs Suv nivs | 1u ‘fog ayBiosyp “ng | nyvz sv tys| “oe | iq fog syBicay5 “AS WS3101d | VAOHVid | “ez. NOSAINILL 9BIO9) WNULVIS. 110 | ‘ez ‘9 JU “naseuioy TWW3N VULVid ‘ITWvan | “Le 26 “40 Weed Saunw nowy. S3unw “oz doped Z Vy 19 “6e “4u “oyuepuedapi NINSASS NYNL LINIGaHaW | “St. oped 'Zy “iq ‘Zp “au “uel, = jeped 'g "su 18787 4S “AS "Fania "G98 "a id "eaiouD Aueaboidog ‘ag | SuvW Vive SaUunwvavin | “ve ‘90 19 “BL6L Suiquieced | “AS hir AoUyL i 1O[OFINSUCD “AS tivivo “Bb VAOIWYD “Lb n BiSiA0ONyL “9b $9 901d “oLiquieséq 1 “nS uS3y9 Sb |____ seed ‘or ia “Wor “su eBioj Se}021N “pal | BHDYOSHO NINYsS | _WNSWAOD | vt doped *g 20/q ‘E6 “IU joljeBueW “So§ VINVLSNOO | VINVLSNOS | “eh dsyed‘ae 901q ‘Z “au iSnouEg ‘5 “AS £79 Pato | “Zh dovied "yy 50jq “haseindied va “BS WiiSay NiNSA3S 9 3 ss ce 2 eres Pe Taane |) 9 “N Please read this user manual first! Dear Customer, Thank you for purchasing this Beko product. We hope that you get the best results from your product which has been manufactured with high quality and state-of-the-art technology. Therefore, please read this entire user manual and all other accompanying documents carefully before using the product and keep it as a reference for future use. If you handover the product to someone else, give the user manual as well. Follow all warnings and information in the user manual. Remember that this user manual is also applicable for several other models. Differences between models will be identified in the manual. Explanation of symbols Throughout this user manual the following symbols are used: Important information or useful hints about usage. Warning of hazardous situations with regard to life and property. I Warning of electric shock, Qj Warning of risk offre f\ ‘Waring of hot surfaces. Arcelik A.S. Karaagjac caddesi No:2-6 34445 Sutliice/Istanbul/TURKEY cE Made in TURKEY TABLE OF CONTENTS [important instructions and warnings for safety and environment 4 General safety... Electrical safety... Product safety... Intended use... Safety for children Disposing of the old product Package information........... a General information 8 OVEMVIEW .....csessesssssnvensenseie Package contents........ Technical specifications 4 4 5 18 7 i 7 Installation 11 Before installation ..... coseesnisananseesesssnn TD Installation and connection .... 14 Future Transportation 15 Preparation 16 Tips for saving energy ......... Initial use...... Time setting... First cleaning of the appliance. Initial heating uss VP How to operate the oven 18 General information on baking, roasting and QPIING ..eececsessenes oo How to operate the electric oven Operating modes... How to operate the oven control unit Using the keylock . . Using the clock as an alarm. Cooking times table........... Cooking guide functions .. Settings MeNU..........08 How to operate the grill... Cooking times table for grilling... 5 Maintenance and care 34 General information 1 34 Cleaning the control panel ... 34 Cleaning the oven........ 34 Removing the oven door ... sssteeessseesee OO Removing the door inner glass sessssssesses 36 Replacing the Oven IAM... OF a Troubleshooting 38 3/EN 1 Important instructions and warnings for safety and environment This section contains safety instructions that will help protect from risk of personal injury or property damage. Failure to follow these instructions shall void any warranty. General safety 4/EN This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision. Installation and repair procedures must always be performed by Authorized Service Agents. The manufacturer shall not be held responsible for damages arising from procedures carried out by unauthorized persons which may also void the warranty. Before installation, read the instructions carefully Do not operate the product if it is defective or has any visible damage. Ensure that the product function knobs are switched off after every use. Electrical safety If the product has a failure, it should not be operated unless it is repaired by an Authorized Service Agent. There is the risk of electric shock! Only connect the product to a grounded outlet/line with the voltage and protection as specified in the “Technical specifications”. Have the grounding installation made by a qualified electrician while using the product with or without a transformer. Our company shall not be liable for any problems arising due to the product not being earthed in accordance with the local regulations. Never wash the product by spreading or pouring water onto it! There is the risk of electric shock! Never touch the plug with wet hands! Never unplug by pulling on the cable, always pull out by grabbing the plug. The product must be disconnected during installation, maintenance, cleaning and repairing procedures. If the power connection cable for the product is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard. The appliance must be installed so that it can be completely disconnected from the mains supply. The separation must be provided by a switch built into the fixed electrical installation, according to construction regulations. Rear surface of the oven gets hot when itis in use, Make sure that the electrical connection does not contact the rear surface; otherwise, connections can get damaged. Do not trap the mains cable between the oven door and frame and do not route it over hot surfaces. Otherwise, cable insulation may melt and cause fire as a result of short circuit. Any work on electrical equipment and systems should only be carried out by authorized and qualified persons. In case of any damage, switch off the product and disconnect it from the mains. To do this, turn off the fuse at home. Make sure that fuse rating is compatible with the product. Product safety ¢ The appliance and its accessible parts become hot during use. Care should be taken to avoid touching heating elements. Children less than 8 years of age shall be kept away unless continuously supervised. e Never use the product when your judgment or coordination is impaired by the use of alcohol and/or drugs. e Be careful when using alcoholic drinks in your dishes. Alcohol evaporates at high temperatures and may cause fire since it can ignite when it comes into contact with hot surfaces. © Do not place any flammable materials close to the product as the sides may become hot during use. ¢ During use the appliance becomes hot. Care should be taken to avoid touching heating elements inside the oven. ¢ Keep all ventilation slots clear of obstructions. © Do not heat closed tins and glass jars in the oven. The pressure that would build-up in the tin/jar may cause it to burst. © Do not place baking trays, dishes or aluminium foil directly onto the bottom of the oven. The heat S/EN 6/EN accumulation might damage the bottom of the oven. Do not use harsh abrasive Cleaners or sharp metal scrapers to clean the oven door glass since they can scratch the surface, which may result in shattering of the glass, Do not use steam cleaners to clean the appliance as this may cause an electric shock. Placing the wire shelf and tray onto the wire racks properly Itis important to place the wire shelf and/or tray onto the rack properly. Slide the wire shelf or tray between 2 rails and make sure that it is balanced before placing food on it (Please see the following figure). Do not use the product if the front door glass removed or cracked. Do not use the oven handle to hang towels for drying. Do not hang up towel, gloves, or similar textile products when the grill function is at open door. e Always use heat resistant oven gloves when putting in or removing dishes into/from the hot oven. ¢ Ensure that the appliance is switched off before replacing the lamp to avoid the possibility of electric shock. Prevention against possible fire risk! ¢ Ensure all electrical connections are secure and tight to prevent tisk of arcing. ¢ Do not use damaged cables or extension cables. Ensure liquid or moisture is not accessible to the electrical connection point. Intended use © This product is designed for domestic use. Commercial use will void the guarantee. ¢ This appliance is for cooking purposes only. It must not be used for other purposes, for example room heating. ¢ This product should not be used for warming the plates under the grill, drying towels, dish cloths etc. by hanging them on the oven door handles. This product should also not be used for room heating purposes. ¢ The manufacturer shall not be liable for any damage caused by improper use or handling errors. ¢ The oven can be used for defrosting, baking, roasting and grilling food. Safety for children ¢ Accessible parts may become hot during use. Young children should be kept away. ¢ The packaging materials will be dangerous for children. Keep the packaging materials away from children. Please dispose of all parts of the packaging according to environmental standards. e Electrical products are dangerous to children. Keep children away from the product when it is operating and do not allow them to play with the product. ¢ Do not place any items above the appliance that children may reach for. ¢ When the door is open, do not load any heavy object on it and do not allow children to sit on it. It may overturn or door hinges may get damaged. Disposing of the old product Compliance with the WEEE Directive and Disposing of the Waste Product: BR This product complies with EU WEEE Directive (2012/19/EU). This product bears a classification symbol for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). This product has been manufactured with high quality parts and materials which can be reused and are suitable for recycling. Do not dispose of the waste product with normal domestic and other wastes at the end of its service life. Take it to the collection center for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. Please consult your local authorities to learn about these collection centers. Compliance with RoHS Directive: The product you have purchased complies with EU RoHS Directive (2011/65/EU). It does not contain harmful and prohibited materials specified in the Directive. Package information e Packaging materials of the product are manufactured from recyclable materials in accordance with our National Environment Regulations. Do not dispose of the packaging materials together with the domestic or other wastes. Take them to the packaging material collection points designated by the local authorities. TIEN 8 General information Overview easwena Wire shetf Shelves Tray Front door Handle Vapour exit pipe a geoen as Excessive water exit holes Shelf positions Water level indicator Pitcher Control panel 12 1 ON/OFF key Program selection key Function display Current time indicator field Temperature/weight indicator field Temperature-time increase/decrease-navigate keys Start/stop cooking key Convenience food menu selection key Text display Convenience food selection display Temperature/weight/booster setting key Time and settings key Package contents ;cessories supplied can vary depending on] the product model. Not every accessory jescribed in the user manual may exist on your product, 1. User manual 2. Deep tray Used for pastries, large roasts, juicy dishes, and for collecting the fat while grilling. 3. Pastry tray Used for pastries such as cookies and biscuits, 4. Wire Shelf Used for roasting and for placing the food to be baked, roasted or cooked in casserole dishes to the desired rack. Placing the wire shelf and tray onto the telescopic racks properly Telescopic racks allow you to install and remove the trays and wire shelf easily. ‘When using the tray and wire shelf with telescopic racks, make sure that the pins at the rear section of the telescopic rack stands against the edges of the wire shelf and tray. 9/EN Technical specifications Voltage / frequency 220-240 V ~ 50 Hz SS Fuse min. 16A oo 1 Cable length max. 2m External dimensions — / width / depth) baby mm/594_ Inia mm = Main oven Tatiincon oven. oe aera eee e aL eee er ere eee ere Grill power consumption 2.2 KW. Basics: Information on the energy label of electrical ovens is given in accordance with the EN 50304 standard. Those values are determined under standard load with bottom-top heater or fan assisted heating (i any) functions. Energy efficiency class is determined in accordance with the following prioritization depending on whether the relevant functions exist on the product or not. 1-Cooking with eco-fan, 2- Turbo slow cooking, 3- Turbo cooking, 4- Fan assisted bottom/top heating, 5-Top and bottom heating, "See. installation, page 11. ‘echnical specifications may be changed ithout prior notice to improve the quality of he product. falues stated on the product labels or in the] focumentation accompanying it are tained in laboratory conditions in accordance with relevant standards. Depending on operational and environmental conditions of the product, these values may vary. ‘igures in this manual are schematic and ay not exactly match your product. 1O/EN §) Installation Product must be installed by a qualified person in accordance with the regulations in force. The manufacturer shall not be held responsible for damages arising from procedures carried out by unauthorized persons which may also void the reparation of location and electrical installation for the product is under uustomer's responsibility. the kitchen walls and furniture. See figure (values in mm). © — Surfaces, synthetic laminates and adhesives used must be heat resistant (100 °C. minimum). ¢ Kitchen cabinets must be set level and fixed, If there is a drawer beneath the oven, a shelf must be installed between oven and drawer. © — Carry the appliance with at least two persons. DANGER: The product must be installed in ‘accordance with al local electrical regulations Do not install the appliance next to refrigerators or freezers. The heat emitted by the appliance will lead to an increased ‘energy consumption of cooling appliances. DANGER: Prior to installation, visually check if the product has any defects on it. If so, do not have it installed. Damaged products cause risks for your safety. Before installation ‘The appliance is intended for installation in commercially available kitchen cabinets. A safety distance must be left between the appliance and he door and/or handle must not be used for lifting or moving the appliance. ifthe appliance has wire handles, push the handles back into the side walls after Ioving the appliance 11/EN 594 min, 12/EN min, 13/EN Installation and connection Product can only be installed and connected in accordance with the statutory installation rules. Electrical connection Connect the product to a grounded outlet/line protected by a fuse of suitable capacity as stated in the “Technical specifications" table. Have the grounding installation made by a qualified electrician while using the product with or without a transformer. Our company shall not be liable for any damages that will arise due to using the product without a grounding installation in accordance with the local regulations. | A\ DANGER: The product must be connected to the ‘mains supply only by an authorised and ualfied person. The product's warranty period starts only after correct installation. Manufacturer shall not be held responsible for damages arising from procedures carried out by unauthorised persons, | /\ DANGER: / The power cable must not be clamped, bent ‘or trapped or come into contact with hot parts of the product, A damaged power cable must be replaced by a qualified electrician, Otherwise, there i risk of electric shock, short circuit or fire! Plug the power cable into the socket. Installing the product 1. Slide the oven into the cabinet, align and secure it while making sure that the power cable is not broken and/or trapped. Secure the oven with 2 screws as illustrated. — For products with cooling fan N 1 ¢ — Connection must comply with national regulations. — The mains supply data must correspond to the data specified on the type label of the product. Open the front door to see the type label. — Power cable of your product must comply with the values in “Technical specifications" table. | A\ DANGER: \ Before starting any work on the electrical installation, disconnect the product from the| mains supply. There is the risk of electric shock! Power cable plug must be within easy reach] ter instalation (do not route it above the fob) 14/EN 1 Cooling fan 2 Control panel 3 Door The built-in cooling fan cools both the built-in cabinet and the front of the product. [Cooling fan continues to operate for about 0-30 minutes after the oven is switched ff. Final check 1, Connect the power cable and switch on the product's fuse. 2. Check the functions, Future Transportation Keep the product's original carton and transport the product in it. Follow the instructions on the carton. If you do not have the original carton, pack the product in bubble wrap or thick cardboard and tape it securely. * — Toprevent the wire grill and tray inside the oven from damaging the oven door, place a strip of cardboard onto the inside of the oven door that lines up with the position of the trays. Tape the oven door to the side walls. Do not use the door or handle to lift or move the product. [Do not place any objects onto the product land move it in upright position Do not move the product when there is water in it. You can move the product after draining the water in it. check the general appearance of your product for any damages that might have lccurred during transportation, 15/EN E Preparation Tips for saving energy The following information will help you to use your appliance in an ecological way, and to save energy: * — Use dark coloured or enamel coated cookware in the oven since the heat transmission will be better. While cooking your dishes, perform a preheating operation if it is advised in the user manual or cooking instructions, Do not open the door of the oven frequently during cooking. © Try to cook more than one dish in the oven at the same time whenever possible. You 20 9 8 ON/OFF key Program selection key Meat Probe symbol (*) Door Lock symbol (*) Current time indicator field Temperature/weight indicator field Oven Inner Temperature symbol Booster symbol (rapid pre-heating) Start/stop cooking key Convenience food menu selection key Temperature-time increase/decrease-navigate keys 12 Text display 13 Convenience food selection display 14 — Settings symbol 15 Alarm symbol 16 — End of Cooking Time symbol 17 Cooking Time symbol 18 — Steam Cooking symbol (*) 19 Function display 16/EN a acwmrd 2H aera as can cook by placing two cooking vessels. onto the wire shelf. Cook more than one dish one after another. The oven will already be hot. © You can save energy by switching off your oven a few minutes before the end of the cooking time. Do not open the oven door. © — Defrost frozen dishes before cooking them. Initial use Before you can use the oven, the time must be set. Ifthe time is not set, oven will not 7 6 15 14 13 12 WW 10 20 ‘Temperature-Weight and Rapid Heating Setting key 21 Time and settings key * Varies depending on the product model Plug in the power cable and switch on the product's fuse. You have to set the language before setting the time. Set the language OP. aa © ¢ English va When you switch on the oven for the first time, “English” appears on the Text display (12). Press “Nor (11) lightly to select the desired language. (10) Press Ww lightly to confirm the language selection. anguage setting screen will appear only uring the initial startup. Use Settings menu to change the language. Settings menu, page 32. Set the time _ oP 30 =": © c Set daw tine ova After selecting the language, "Time setting" appears on the Text display (12). Press AW or \Z (11) lightly to enter the current time. jefore you can use the oven, the time must ¢ set. If the time is not set, Settings symbol 14) will remain lit. twill disappear once the| time is set. First cleaning of the appliance he surface might get damaged by some jetergents or cleaning materials. }o not use aggressive detergents, cleaning powders/creams or any sharp objects during cleaning, Do not use harsh abrasive cleaners or sharp] metal scrapers to clean the oven door glass since they can scratch the surface, which may result in shattering of the glass. 1. Remove all packaging materials. 2. Wipe the surfaces of the appliance with a damp cloth or sponge and dry with a cloth. Initial heating Heat up the product for about 30 minutes and then switch it off. Thus, any production residues or layers will be burnt off and removed. WARNING Hot surfaces cause burns! Product may be hot when its in use. Never touch the hot burners, inner sections of the ‘oven, heaters and etc. Keep children away. Always use heat resistant oven gloves when putting in or removing dishes intosfrom the hot oven, Electric oven 1, Take all baking trays and the wire grill out of the oven. 2. Close the oven door. 3. Select Static position, 4. Select the highest grill power; See How to operate the electric oven, page 18. 5, Operate the oven for about 30 minutes. 6. Turn off your oven; See How to operate the electric oven, page 18 To clean the steam system: 1. Take all baking trays and the wire grill out of the oven. 2. Close the oven door, 3. Select “Steam + Fan heating" function. 4, Add 350 cc water into the Pitcher (2). See, Operating modes, page 21- “Steam + Fan heating” function usage. 5. Run the oven for around one hour. Touch the spray key whenever “Press to steam” appears on the display. 6. Turn off the oven; see, How to operate the electric oven, page 18 Grill oven 1. Take all baking trays and the wire grill out of the oven, 2. Close the oven door. 3. Select the highest grill power; see How to operate the grill, page 33. . Operate the grill about 30 minutes. Turn off your grill; see How to operate the grill, page 33 moke and smell may emit for a couple of fhours during the initial operation. This is uite normal. Ensure that the room is well ventilated to remove the smoke and smell. Avoid directly inhaling the smoke and the ‘smell that emits. on 17/EN GJ How to operate the oven General information on baking, roasting and grilling WARNING Hot surfaces cause burns! Product may be hot when its in use. Never touch the hot burners, inner sections of the oven, heaters and etc. Keep children away. Always use heat resistant oven gloves when putting in or removing dishes intosfrom the hot oven. DANGER: Be careful when opening the oven door as ‘steam may escape. Exiting steam can scald your hands, face and/or eyes. Tips for baking — Use non-sticky coated appropriate metal plates or aluminum vessels or heat-resistant silicone moulds. — Make best use of the space on the rack, ¢ Place the baking mould in the middle of the shelf. © — Select the correct rack position before turing the oven or grill on. Do not change the rack position when the oven is hot. — Keep the oven door closed Tips for roasting Treating whole chicken, turkey and large piece of meat with dressings such as lemon juice and black pepper before cooking will increase the cooking performance. © Ittakes about 15 to 30 minutes longer to roast meat with bones when compared to roasting the same size of meat without bones. * — Each centimeter of meat thickness requires approximately 4 to 5 minutes of cooking time. ¢ Let meat rest in the oven for about 10 minutes after the cooking time is over. ‘The juice is better distributed all over the roast and does not run out when the meat is cut. 18/EN © — Fish should be placed on the middle or lower rack in a heat-resistant plate. Tips for grilling When meat, fish and poultry are grilled, they quickly get brown, have a nice crust and do not get dry. Flat pieces, meat skewers and sausages are particularly suited for grilling as are vegetables with high water content such as tomatoes and onions. © — Distribute the pieces to be grilled on the wire shelf or in the baking tray with wire shelf in such a way that the space covered does not exceed the size of the heater. © — Slide the wire shelf or baking tray with grill into the desired level in the oven. If you are grilling on the wire shelf, slide the baking tray to the lower rack to collect fats. Add some water in the tray for easy cleaning. Foods that are not suitable for griling carry the risk of fire. Only grill food Which is suitable for intensive grilling heat. Do not place the food too far in the back of the grill. This is the hottest area and fatty food may catch fir. A How to operate the electric oven Before you can use the oven, the time must be set, Ifthe time is not set, oven will not perate. Control panel 1 2 34 5 ca 20 9 18 1 ON/OFF key 2 Program selection key 3 Meat Probe symbol (") 4 Door Lock symbol (*) 5 Current time indicator field 6 Temperature/weight indicator field 7 Oven Inner Temperature symbol 8 Booster symbol (rapid pre-heating) 9 Start/stop cooking key 10 — Convenience food menu selection key 141 Temperature-time increase/decrease-navigate keys 12 Text display 13 Convenience food selection display 14 Settings symbol 15 Alarm symbol 16 — End of Cooking Time symbol 17 Cooking Time symbol 18 Steam Cooking symbol (*) 19 Function display 20 Temperature-Weight and Rapid Heating Setting key 21 Time and settings key * Varies depending on the product model. Adjust the current time You can set the time again when desired 1. To set the current time, press Time and Settings key (21) three times until "Set day time" appears on the Text display (12) while the oven is switched off. 7 6 15 14 13 12 W 10 2. Press Wor NZ (11) lightly to set the current time. OP. 1 Z | | © ¢ Set day tine ove i [During power outages that last shorter than. 10 minutes, time setting will remain stored. Current time can not be changed when any of the oven functions is in use. Select temperature and operating mode 1. Press On/Off key (1) to switch on the oven. When the oven switches on, top and bottom heating icons appear in Function display (19) and “Static” appears in Text display (12). Recommended temperature appears in Temperature/Weight indicator field (6). Active heaters and recommended tray position oP 19.15 200° >" © ¢ Static ove {Oven will switch off automatically within] 20 seconds if no oven setting is made n Function display (19). 2. Press AW or NZ (11) to select the desired operating mode. 19/EN After the function is selected, "Temperature", “Cook time", "Cook end time" and "Booster" (rapid heating) can be set. 3. 2. Press Temperature - Weight and Rapid Heating Setting key (20) once to reach the temperature display. 4. Press AN or NZ (11) until the desired temperature appears in the Temperature/Weight Indicator field (6). 18:15 200°" OP r © ¢ Temperature ove 5. Press Start/stop ‘Cooking key 0) to start the oven with the selected function " EI If the oven door is opened during cooking, “Door open" warning appears fon the display. Switching off the electric oven Press On/Off key (1) to switch off the oven. the door in order to obtain a good grill performance. Function table Function table indicates the functions that can be used in the oven and their respective maximum and minimum temperatures. Functions vary depending on the product model. [Due to safety reasons, maximum time that an be set for "Cook time” is limited with 6 fours at all positions apart from "Warm Keeping" and "Low Temperature Cooking” functions ile making any adjustment, related [symbols wil flash on the display. Program will be cancelled in case of power failure. You must reprogram the oven. Current time cannot be set while the oven is operating in any function, or if semi- automatic or full automatic programming is made on the oven If no button is pressed within 20 seconds hile making any settings on the oven, it ill switch itself off. ven ifthe oven is switched off, oven lamp fights up when the oven door is opened Rack positions (For models with wire shelf) It is important to place the wire shelf onto the side rack correctly. Wire shelf must be inserted between the side racks as illustrated in the figure. Do not let the wire shelf stand against the rear wall of the oven. Slide your wire shelf to the front section of the rack and settle it with the help of 20/EN Cleaning positon (*) Meat Probe symbol (*) Sheff positions Bottom heater Steam Cooking symbol (*) aeons Boost fan Boost heater Door Lock symbol (") Grill heater Top heater 6 7 8 a Ss unctions vary depending on the product del! Static+fan Hot air heated by the bottom and top heaters is, evenly distributed throughout the oven rapidly by means of the fan. Cook with one tray. oP 18.15 Tm5°°" 1 / | | | | | | | | — © ¢ Staticttan ove Fan assisted cooking Warm air heated by the rear heater is evenly cistributed throughout the oven rapidly by means of the fan Itis suitable for cooking your meals in different rack levels and preheating is not required in most cases. Suitable for cooking with mul trays. 18.20 180° ~" Function Recommended | Te temperature (°0)_| range (°6) Sa Staio+ Fan 175 40-280 Fan Healing 180 W250. Mul (0) 205) 40-250 foe STE TTT aE TTT Ful gilsFan fan] 200 40-280 assisted large | gril) fie Tew Gil 20 mene ! moe 160.2 Bottom heating | 180 40-200 © © Fan heating “Wain Kees F Tow temperature 100 0-150 cooking bait | = ae Sieam+Fan | 180 150-280 heating = i le Functions vay depending on the product model Operating modes The order of operating modes shown here may be different from the arrangement on your product. Static Food is heated simultaneously from the top and bottom. Its suitable for cakes, pastries, or cakes and casseroles in baking moulds. Cook with one tray. °F 185 200"~" — © ¢ Static ove ova | | | | | | | | | hen the oven door is opened, the fan motor will not run in order to keep the hot , bottom heating and fan assisted heating are in operation. Food is cooked evenly and oa © ¢ Multi cooking (Ds V7 Fan heat.+bottom Bottom heating and fan assisted heating (in the rear 1 | | | | | | | | © © Fan heatingtBotton > v7 | 21/EN Full grll+-Fan Hot air heated by the ful gil is distributed very fast in the oven by means of the fan. Itis suitable for griling large amount of meat oni iaae enor @ c Full grill+Fan ove. Put big or medium-sized portions in correct rack position under the grill heater for grilling e — Set the temperature to maximum level. ¢ — Turn the food after half of the grilling time. Full grill Large gril at the ceiling of the oven is in operation It t 1 © ¢ Full orill ove © Put big or medium-sized portions in correct rack position under the grill heater for grilling. ¢ — Set the temperature to maximum level. © Turn the food after half of the grilling time. Grill ‘Small grill at the celling of the oven is in operation. Suitable for griling and gratin dishes, OP RS 10-30 28: ic Abt / = © ¢ Low erill ove Put small or medium-sized portions in correct rack position under the grill heater for grilling. ¢ — Set the temperature to maximum level. «Turn the food after half of the grilling time. 22/EN Slow cooking To save power, you can use this function instead of the cooking operations that you would perform by using Fan Heating at 160-220°C temperature range. However, the cooking time will increase a little bit. Cooking times related to this function are indicated in "Slow cooking" table. 18:20 180°~" ova @ ¢ Slow cooking Bottom Heating Only bottom heating is in operation. It is suitable for pizza and for subsequent browning of food from the bottom oP 1el5 180% ~"* — © c Bottom heating sve Warm keeping Used for keeping food at a temperature ready for serving for a long period of time. 7118.26 60°" J © c Warn keeping va Low temperature cooking Used for cooking at low temperatures in longer times (10-15, hours) 18:15 1oo<~"" © c Low temp. cooking ove Defrost The oven is not heated. Only the fan (in the rear wall) is in operation. Suitable for thawing frozen granular food slowiy at ‘oom temperature and cooling down the cooked food. OPT 18:25 em | eee | © © Defrost ve Steam Turbo In addition to the cooking operations that you perform by using Fan Heating between 150-280°C, you will also have the option of applying steam to the dishes after the oven reaches the set temperature. But, the cooking time will increase a litle bit This option allows you to cook dishes that fit to your own taste apart from the automatic menus. _ °° 18.20 190°" 3 1 | © ¢ SteamtFan heating ¢ v7 1. Press the key (1). 2. Put the dish into the oven. 3. Press “\ or \/ (11) to select "Steam + Fan heating" function. Then, Press Start/Stop Cooking key (9) to start cooking, If there is no water in your system, “Fill with 350 ml water” appears on the display. Fill in water using the water container supplied with your oven until you hear the audio warning. See. Adding water. “Door open” will be displayed when (ou fill in enough amount of water. [Do not use any other liquids apart from potable water in the steam system Steam Turbo Close the door and “Cooking” is displayed. “Press to spray steam” appears when the set temperature is attained. Touch the key to deliver steam into the oven for 5 minutes, You can apply steam for 3 times whenever you want during the cooking time. Remaining water in the system must be drained at the end of cooking. See. Cooking| Iguide functions, page 29, Draining water. Steam cleaning This mode is for softening dirt inside the oven after you have completed cooking. See Steam Cleaning, © er | 18:20 “” |_s LS © ¢ Steam cleaning sv 23/EN How to operate the oven control unit 34 20 9 18 Mabe "1 10 1 ON/OFF key 2 Program selection key 3 Meat Probe symbol (") 4 Door Lock symbol (") 5 Current time indicator field 6 Temperature/weight indicator field 7 Oven Inner Temperature symbol 8 Booster symbol (rapid pre-heating) 9 Start/stop cooking key 10 Convenience food menu selection key 11 Temperature-time increase/decrease-navigate keys 12 Text display 13 Convenience food selection display 14 Settings symbol 15 Alarm symbol 16 — End of Cooking Time symbol 17 Cooking Time symbol 18 — Steam Cooking symbol (") 19 Function display 20 — Temperature-Weight and Rapid Heating Setting key 21 Time and settings key Varies depending on the product model, Enable semi-automatic operation In this operation mode, you may adjust the time period during which the oven will operate (cook time) 1. Press On/Off button (1) to switch on the oven 24/EN 2. Press \ or NY (11) to select the desired function 3, For cooking time, press Time and Settings button (21) for once to highlight "Cook time" on the Text display (12). Cooking Time symbol (17) flashes at the same time. 4, Press “Nor NY (11) lightly to set the cooking time. Cooking Time symbol (17) is lo P 100-00 200° >" | © c Cook time ove 5, Put your dish into the oven and close the door. 6. For cooking temperature, press Temperature - Weight and Rapid Heating Setting key (20) for once to highlight "Temperature" on the Text display. 7. Press Nor \¥ (11) to set the temperature. 8, Press Start/Stop Cooking key (9) to start cooking. "Cooking" appears on the display. » The oven will be heated up to the preset temperature and will maintain this temperature until the end of the cooking time you selected il segments of the inner oven temperature ymibol (7) will turn on when the oven reaches the set temperature. 9. After the cooking is completed, "Good appetite... Press Pll to continue” appears on the display and alarm signal is heard. 10. To stop the alarm signal, just press any key. If you press Start/Stop Cooking key (9), oven continues to operate in the selected mode, Alarm stops. 11 If you do not press Start/Stop Cooking key (9), oven switches off automatically and current time is displayed. Switch on fully automatic operation In this operation mode you can adjust cooking time and end of cooking time. 1. Press On/Off key (1) to switch on the oven. 2. Press “Wor NZ (11) to select the desired function. 3. For cooking time, press Time and Settings key (21) for once to highlight "Cook time" on the Text display (12). Cooking Time symbol (17) flashes at the same time. 4. Press “Nor \V (11) lightly to set the cooking time. » Cooking Time symbol (17) is displayed after setting the cooking time. 5. For end of cooking time, press Time and Settings key (21) with short intervals until "Cook end time" appears on the Text display (12). End of cooking time symbol (16) flashes at the same time. oe —1g20 200°" ad | © c Cook end tine fuer) . “A cooking time. » After setting the end of cooking time, End of Cooking Time symbol (16) appears on the display. 7. Put your dish into the oven and close the door. 8. For cooking temperature, press Temperature - Weight and Rapid Heating Setting key (20) for once to highlight "Temperature" on the Text display. Press AW or NZ (11) to set the temperature. 9. Press Start/Stop Cooking key (9) to start cooking. "Waiting" appears on the display. » Oven timer automatically calculates the startup time for cooking by deducting the cooking time from the end of cooking time you have set. 10. Selected operation mode is activated when the startup time of cooking has come, "Cooking" appears on the display and the oven is heated up to the set temperature. It maintains this temperature until the end of the cooking time. The oven lamp is lit during the cooking process. II segments of the inner oven temperature symbol (7) will turn on hen the oven reaches the set temperature. 11. After the cooking is completed, “Good appetite... Press Pll to continue” appears on the display and alarm signal is heard. 12. To stop the alarm signal, just press any key. If you press Start/Stop Cooking key (9), oven continues to operate in the selected mode. Alarm stops. 13.If you do not press Start/Stop Cooking key (9), ‘oven switches off automatically and current time is displayed. If you want to cancel the semi- wutomatic or automatic programming fter you have set them, you need to reset the cooking time. You can also ‘switch off the oven by pressing the On/Off key (1) if desired. Setting the booster Use Booster (rapid pre-heating) function to make the oven reach the desired temperature faster. [Booster can not be selected in Defrost, Slow} ooking, Warm keeping and Low temperature cooking functions. Booster settings will be cancelled in case of power outage. Select the desired cooking function and then: 1, Press Temperature - Weight and Rapid Heating Setting key (20) with short intervals until “Booster passive" appears on the display, 25/EN 2. Press \ (11) to display 1"Booster ___aetive”, Booster symbol) remains It, °F 19.30 200 ~" —— / © ¢ Booster active ove » Booster symbol (8) disappears as soon as the oven reaches the desired temperature and oven resumes operating in the function it was in before the Booster function. 3. To cancel Booster function, press Temperature - Weight and Rapid Heating Setting key (20) with short intervals until “Booster active" appears on the display. 4. Press \ (11) to display 1"Booster passive" oP Fr 10.30 200" ~" | © c Booster passive r ove > When you return to the function selection display after this process, Booster symbol (8) disappears, Using the keylock You can prevent oven from being intervened with by activating the Keylock function. ‘eylock can be used either when the oven i erating or not. Oven can be switched off y pressing the On/Off button (1) even when] the keylock is activated while the oven is operating. Activating the keylock 1. Press Time and Settings button (21) with short intervals until Key lock passive appears on the display. 26/EN 2. Press W (11) to activate the keylock. After activating the keylock, "Key lock active” will appear on the display. ADIL | ve 10:3 | ad | © «Kew lock active oar | t | » After activating the keylock, "Keylock active" warning will appear on the display when you ke : lOven keys are not functional when the Keylock function is activated. Keylock will fot be cancelled in case of power outage. Deactivating the keylock 1. Press NY (11) to deactivate the keylock. "Key lock passive” appears on the You can use the clock of the product for any warning or reminder apart from the cooking programme The alarm clock has no influence on the functions of the oven. It is only used as a warning, For example, this is useful when you want to turn food in the oven at a certain point of time. Alarm clock will give a signal once the time you set is over. 20 9 18 ON/OFF key Program selection key Meat Probe symbol (*) Door Lock symbol (*) Current time indicator field Temperature/weight indicator field Oven Inner Temperature symbol Booster symbol (rapid pre-heating) Start/stop cooking key Convenience food menu selection key Temperature-time increase/decrease-navigate keys Text display Convenience food selection display Settings symbol Alarm symbol End of Cooking Time symbol Cooking Time symbol Steam Cooking symbol (*) Function display Temperature-Weight and Rapid Heating Setting key Time and settings key Varies depending on the product model, laximum alarm time can be 23 hours and 19 minutes. 7 6 15 14 13 1, Press Time and Settings button (21) wit short intervals until Alarm symbol (15) appears on the display. 2. Press /\ or NZ (11) to set the time. Alarm symbol (15) remains lit after setting the alarm time. 3. After the alarm time is finished, alarm symbol will start flashing and an alarm signal is heard. 4, Press any key to stop the alarm. To cancel the alarm: 1, Press Time and Settings button (21) with short intervals until Alarm symbol (15) appears on the display. 2. Press ZW (11) until "00:00" appears on the display. 27/EN Cooking times table he timings in this chart are meant as a ide. Timings may vary due to temperature] i food, thickness, type and your own preference of cooking, Baking and roasting st rack of the oven is the bottom rack. Dish Cooking evel number Rack positon | Temperature (C) | Cooking time (approx. in min) any | OS Se a ee ‘Cakes in mould | One evel @ 2 180 10...50 mane, | OMe | a | levels @ 1-5 175 30... 40 ss le, a | ee ‘Sponge cake" One level 3 200 5.10 ee ees eee ‘Cookies One level Es 3 175 2.0 es el ts aa a STovels @ 1-3-5 175 5. AB bomtieiy Oeee 2 Zevels @ 1-5 200 6.55 se Fih pasty One level Fa 200 2.36 = Le S| ee Seve @ 1-3-5 100 46.86 aaa es 2 eves @ 1-3 190 35...45 eg ee ea Piza" One level El 2 200... 220 18...20 [ee eerere Ol ened eee pee cea e eee, Beet steak whole) | One ove = 3 2 min, 250, 700... 120 Roast = then 180. 190 Teg oltanb [Onell Pay fo S27 | ebm o0mag | 70.0 embeh | op apeae eeeeeekpee thern Des eee One level 3 2 min, 250/a, 0. 80 then 190 ‘Posstedchicken “| Onell Pf Bib min. 250m, tt One level 2 5 min, 250/max, 56.65 then 180... 190 Tukey 65k | Onell PR 2 min, 250max, | G0. 210 ee ett One level ira 1 25 min, 250/max, 150... 210 then 180... 190 CESS eed es One loved ro 200 20.20 eesouette atom ny rl ea i utbe aka wd Relea (“*) In a cooking that requires preheating, preheat : ie beginning of cooking until the oven temperature symbol (8) attains the last level. 28/EN Slow cooking times table }o not change the cooking temperature fer cooking starts in Slow cooking mode. Do not open the door during cooking in Slo ‘ooking mode. Dish Cooking level number Rack position ‘Temperature (' Cooking time (approx. in min) Tartans OeeeT Te] a" 100-120 Chicken-Casserole One level @ 3 160 70.100 Titian eke ep teat Its Pe aan Eggplan-Casserae | One lve @ 3 160 130. 100, Oeeieet” z ae Se Steak Sica One level @ 3 160 100... 120, ‘Cakes in cooking Onelevel anager ear depen Po Sia) eo jpaeeiee Loe api ieer ico olin ayes een icaat a pbade ane nin ‘Cookie One evel @] 3 185 20... 35 cr a a Eph pt ht ane Rich pastry One level @ 3 200 40.45 2 for 6- mmites. == i ee 1 tri otebaes Somer prog ny coed eer errr re errr yer reer rs ere rrr ea idea die ate 5 Gein ing pan wi COORG ee eee ee: Tips for baking cake ‘the pastry is not too much at the bottom of © Ifthe cake is too dry, increase the the pastry. Try to scatter the sauce equally temperature by 10°C and decrease the between the dough layers and on the top of cooking time. for an even browning. «If the cake is wet, use less liquid or lower the temperature by 10°C. «If the cake is too dark on top, place it on a lower rack, lower the temperature and enough, place it on one lower rack next increase the cooking time. a © — If cooked well on the inside but sticky on the Tips for cooking vegetables [Cook the pastry in accordance with the mode and temperature given in the cooking ble. If the bottom part is still not browned outside use less liquid, lower the If the vegetable dish runs out of juice and temperature and increase the cooking time. gets too dry, cook it in a pan with a lid Tips for baking pastry instead of a tray. Closed vessels will If the pastry is too dry, increase the preserve the juice of the dish temperature by 10°C and decrease the © — Ifavegetable dish does not get cooked, boil cooking time. Dampen the layers of dough the vegetables beforehand or prepare them with a sauce composed of milk, oil, egg and like canned food and put in the oven yoghurt. Cooking guide functions © Ifthe pastry takes too long to bake, pay Selecting the convenience food functions care that the thickness of the pastry you Convenience Foods menu contains meal have prepared does not exceed the depth of programmes that are prepared for you by the tray. professional cooks specially and stored in the Ifthe upper side of the pastry gets browned, — memory of the control unit. but the lower part is not cooked, make sure —_[n this menu, temperature, rack position, weight that the amount of sauce you have used for —_and cooking functions are set automatically. 29/EN You can change the weight and cooking time according to your meal and your taste. To select the Cooking Guide functions: 1. Press On/Off key (1) to switch on the oven. 2. Press Programme Selection button (2) to select the Convenience Food function display. In this step, “Cakes&Breads&Tarts” appears on the display and Convenience Food Selection display (13) OP © © Cakes breads tarts >. 7 3. Press “Nor \/ (11) to select the desired convenience food function main menu (Cakes&Breads&Tarts, Meat Poultry, Meat, Fish, Special meals, Special). 4, Press Convenience Food Menu Selection key (10) to confirm the desired Main Meal menu. 5. Press \ or \/ (11) to select the desired meal L{Gookies, Cake, Small cake, etc). 15.25 12.7" 1 t 1 | \ ae @ ¢ Cookies Sve 6. Put your meal into the oven. : 7. Press Start/Stop Cooking key (9) to start cooking. "Cooking" appears on the display If Start/Stop Cooking key (9) is not 8. After the cooking is completed, "Good appetite...” appears on the display and alarm signal is heard. 0 stop the alarm signal, just press any key. "Back" appearing on the display while Convenience Food Menu Selection button (10) to return to the upper menu. Before starting to cook in the Convenience Food menu, you can set the weight depending on the meal type you have selected. To do this: 1, Press Temperature - Weight and Rapid Heating Setting button (20) until the weight __.indicator field starts flashing. OP i 10.30 ag." — © ¢ Weight tue 2. Press AN or \Z (11) to set the weight. Before starting to cook in the convenience food menu, you can set the weight depending on the meal type you have selected. To do this: 1, Press Temperature - Weight and Rapid Heating Setting button (20) until the weight indicator field starts flashing. 2. Press (11) key to set the weight. pressed within 20 seconc Convenience food menu: ill switch itself off. May vary depending on the models Cakes&Breads&Tarts | Meat poultry | Special Fish Meat Special meals ‘Cookies | Chicken, | Casserole | Fish filet "| Roastbeef | Fermenting tet ‘Small cake Chicken, fillet | Quiches Baked Dalyan Yoghurt anchow, meatball ee tas ee ‘Sponge cake Lasagna Salmon fillet Fried chestnut =a a ‘Apple pie 3O/EN To select the steam assisted convenience food functions: 1. Press On/Off key (1) to switch on the oven. 2. Press Programme Selection key (2) with short intervals until Steam Cooking symbol (18) appears on the display. In this step, “Cakes&Breads&Tarts” appears on the display. 3. Press Wor \V (11) to select the desired convenience food function main menu (Cakes8Breads&Tarts, Meat Poultry, Meat, Fish, Special meals, Special). 4. Press Convenience Food Menu Selection key (10) to confirm the desired Main Meal menu. 5. Press “Nor NZ (11) to select the desired meal (Cookies, Cake, Small cake, etc). 6. Put your meal into the oven. 7. Press Start/Stop Cooking key (9) to start cooking 8. “Fill with 350 ml water" appears on the display Risk for health! {Do not use any other liquids apart from potable water in the steam system. 9. Open the door and add water through the water inlet. “Door open" warning appears on the display together with the audio warning when filling in water. 10. Oven starts cooking and "Cooking" appears on the display as soon as the door is closed, After the cooking is completed, "Good appetite”, "Please take the meal" appears on the display and alarm signal is heard. » To stop the alarm signal, just press any key. 12. Open the oven door and take out the meal as ‘soon as cooking completes. Close the oven door to start the Automatic Water Vaporization function. » In this step, “Disposing water” and the required time appears on the display. » Itis important for your health not to use the remaining water since the quality of the water that waits will deteriorate. Water disposal smoothens the dirt in the oven and allows it to be removed easily after cooking. » Wipe inside the oven with a cloth after disposing the water. Using the water container: Water container consists of 2 pieces. Upper piece removes the lime in the water. Assemble the lower and upper parts of the container as illustrated, Do not fill more than 150 cc, otherwise the water is not purified. Remove the upper part and pour the water into the oven with the lower part. Remove the lime in the water container by ipplying the following procedure once in very 4 usages. Dissolve 2 teaspoon of salt ina glass and pour into the water container. And then, wash the lower container. i ] | 4 14 | | | | i { | | | i | | | i I i | | | | | | 2 __ 1 Upper part 2 Lower part Adding water: 1, Pull the pitcher illustrated in the figure (1). 2. Pour water into the container until you hear the signal sound. Observe the amount of water from the water level indicator Pitcher Water indicator Vapour exit pipe Drainage pipe for excessive water BW 31/EN he system waits at least 10 minutes for fyou to add water. If you do not add water in H10 minutes, oven switches off. fo clean the pitcher, remove it from the ven and wash with water only. ater level in the tank should be checked rough the water indicator while adding ter. If the water level exceeds the tank full level, excessive water wil run into the oven. Excessive water that run into the oven can affect cooking in steam assisted automatic cooking programmes and cause condensation on the door. In order to avoid this, remove the excessive water that has run into the oven before cooking starts. if the oven is switched off before the ooking is completed and no cooking junction is selected within 2 minutes, “Please take the meal. Water will evaporize." message will appear on the Text display soon as the oven is switched on| with On/Off key (1). Water disposal starts automatically after around 1 minute. CAUTION Keep the door closed during water \vaporization. Steam assisted convenience food menu: May vary depending on the models Cakes&Breads&Tarts | Meat poultry Special meals Fish Meat Fiza Tesiitnintase a ee od oo Pizza, fresh thickbase | Chicken > 1600 Frozen vegetable, Leg of lamb gr graten Dough pastry | Turkey, thigh 77] Jacket potatoes "|| Veal pot roast Vol au vent, Duck, whole Tandoori fice Short bread Se ee Bagel Tathead ete) eae Sandwich bread ¢o oT alee | _— Bread rolls, frozen Settings menu Brightness setting Brightness can only be set when the oven is switched off. 1. Press Time and Settings key (21) with short intervals until "Brightness" appears on the display. 2. There are 4 brightness levels, namely 1, 2, 3 and 4. Press “\ or \/ (11) to select the desired level. [Brightness level decreases to save foower when the oven is switched off. It restores to the set level again when the oven is switched on. Contrast setting 32/EN Contrast can only be set when the oven is switched off 1, Press Time and Settings key (21) with short intervals until "Contrast" appears on the display. 2. There are 4 contrast levels, namely 1, 2, 3 and 4. Press ZW or NZ (11) to select the desired level. Volume setting Volume can only be set when the oven is switched off. 1. Press Time and Settings key (21) with short intervals until "Volume" appears on the display. 2. There are 3 volume levels, namely 0 (mute), 1 and 2, Press WW or \V (11) to select the desired level. Language setting Language can only be set when the oven is switched off. 1. Press Time and Settings key (21) with short intervals until the last selected language appears on the display. 2. Press AW or NZ (11) to select the desired language. 3. Confirm with Convenience Food Menu Selection key (10). How to operate the grill fore you can use the oven, the time must set. Ifthe time is not set, oven will not erate, Grilling with electric grill Food Insertion level Sled chicken ani Roast beet Se = Toast bread WARNING Close oven door during grilling jot surfaces may cause burns! 1, Press On/Off key (1) to switch on the oven. 2. Press “\ or NZ (11) to select the desired language. 3. For cooking temperature, press Temperature - Weight and Rapid Heating Setting key (20) for once to highlight "Temperature" on the Text display. Press \ or N (11) to set the temperature. 4, Press On/Off key (1) to switch off the oven, Foods that are not suitable for griling carry the risk offre, Only grill food which is suitable for intensive griling heat. Do not place the food too far in the back of the gril. This is the hottest area and fatty food may catch fre Cooking times table for grilling Griling time (approx) 25.35 min, | 25...90 min, Teese 222222) Heees 1.2 min, 33/EN (Maintenance and care General information Service life of the product will extend and the possibility of problems will decrease if the oduct is cleaned at regular intervals, DANGER: Disconnect the product from mains supply efore starting maintenance and cleaning works, There is the risk of electric shock! DANGER: Allow the product to cool down before you ‘lean it Hot surfaces may cause burns! © Clean the product thoroughly after each use. In this way it will be possible to remove cooking residues more easily, thus avoiding these from burning the next time the appliance is used. © No special cleaning agents are required for Cleaning the product. Use warm water with washing liquid, a soft cloth or sponge to clean the product and wipe it with a dry cloth. ¢ Always ensure any excess liquid is thoroughly wiped off after cleaning and any spillage is immediately wiped dry. Do not use cleaning agents that contain acid or chloride to clean the stainless or inox surfaces and the handle. Use a soft cloth with a liquid detergent (not abrasive) to wipe those parts clean, paying attention to sweep in one direction. he surface might get damaged by some kietergents or cleaning materials. Do not use aggressive detergents, cleaning powders/creams or any sharp objects during cleaning Do not use harsh abrasive cleaners or sharp] metal scrapers to clean the oven door glass since they can scratch the surface, which may result in shattering of the glass. Do not use steam cleaners to clean the ippiance as this may cause an electric jock. Cleaning the pitcher Pitcher stops at a certain point when you pull it towards yourself. When you continue pulling, it arrives at the second stop point and stops again. Ifyou continue pulling after this point it will get out of its place. You can clean the pitcher under tap water after removing it. Do not use chemical materials when Jeaning the pitcher. Use only water. Cleaning the control panel Clean the control panel and knobs with a damp cloth and wipe them dry. [Do not remove the control buttons/knobs to ean the control panel Control panel may get damaged! Cleaning the oven To clean the side wall 1, Remove the front section of the side rack by pulling it in the opposite direction of the side wall, 2. Remove the side rack completely by pulling it towards you. orm 1820 7 ae | © ¢ Cleaning 0035 Sve 7. When cleaning starts, "Cleaning" message is displayed. » Steam is delivered into the oven until the water of the system runs out. Steam Cleaning It ensures easy cleaning because the dirt (having waited not for too long) is softened with water drops condensing inside the oven after giving steam for a certain time. 18:20 OP AD a) © ¢ Steam cleaning ave | | | | 1. Press On/Off key (1) to switch on the oven. 2. Make sure you have removed the food. 3. Press A\ or \/ key (11) to select "Steam cleaning"mode. 4. Press Start/Stop Cooking key (9) to start cleaning. If there is no water in the system, "Fill with 350 ml water" appears on the displayed. 5. Fill in water using the water container ‘supplied with your oven until you hear the audio warning. See, page 31, Adding Water. 6. "Door open" warning will be displayed when you fill in enough amount of water. Risk for health! Do not use any other liquids apart from potable water in the steam system. » If the temperature inside the oven is below 100 C when the door is closed, cleaning starts without delay. If inner temperature is not below 100 C with the water filled and door closed, "Cooling" message appears on the screen. » When inner temperature falls below 100 C, cleaning starts automatically. steaming takes approximately 35 minutes ith the completely full container. This time ill be shorter for less water. 8. When the water runs out, " surfaces" is displayed. 9. Open the door and wipe the inner surfaces of the oven with a damp sponge or cloth. When the cleaning is over (generally water runs out), remaining water should be drained in any case. See Cooking Guide Functions, page 31, Draining water. Clean oven door To clean the oven door, use warm water with washing liquid, a soft cloth or sponge to clean the product and wipe it with a dry cloth. [Don't use any harsh abrasive cleaners or sharp metal scrapers for cleaning the oven joor. They could scratch the surface and destroy the glass. Front door inner glass is coated to easy Jean material. Do not use any harsh brasive cleaners, hard metal scrapers, ‘scouring pads or bleach to clean front door inner glass as they may scratch the surface. This may destroy the coating material Removing the oven door 1, Open the front door (1). 2. Open the clips at the hinge housing (2) on the right and left hand sides of the front door by pressing them down as illustrated in the figure. ‘ipe the 35/EN — | 1 2 1 Front door 2 Hinge cel oo 4. Remove the front door by pulling it upwards to release it from the right and left hinges. Steps carried out during removing process hould be performed in reverse order to install the door. Do not forget to close the clips at the hinge housing when reinstaling the door, Removing the door inner glass The inner glass panel of the oven door can be removed for cleaning, Open the oven door. 36/EN 1 Frame 2 Plastic part Pull towards yourself and remove the plastic part 4.123 1 Innermost glass panel 2 Inner glass panel 3 Outer glass panel 4 Plastic glass panel slot-Lower As illustrated in figure, raise the innermost glass panel (1) slightly in direction A and pull it out in direction B. Repeat the same procedure to remove the inner glass panel (2). The first step to regroup the door is reinstalling inner glass panel (2). As illustrated in figure, place the chamfered corner of the glass panel so that it will rest in the chamfered corner of the plastic slot, ae. a Ao y. Inner glass panel (2) must be instal plastic slot close the innermost glass panel (1). When installing the innermost glass panel (1), make sure that the printed side of the panel faces towards the inner glass panel It is important to seat lower corner of inner glass panel into the lower plastic slot. Push the plastic part towards the frame until you hear a "click". Replacing the oven lamp ANGER: Before replacing the oven lamp, make sure ‘that the product is disconnected from mains| ‘and cooled down in order to avoid the risk ofan electrical shock. Hot surfaces may cause burns! e oven lamp is a special electric light bulb} that can resist up to 300 °C. See Technical specifications, page 10 for details. Oven lamps can be obtained from Authorised Service Agents or technician with licence. Gy" of lamp might vary from the figure. If your oven is equipped with a round lamp: 1, Disconnect the product from mains. 2. Turn the glass cover counter clockwise to ___femove it. replace it with the new one. 4. Install the glass cover. If your oven is equipped with a square lamp: 1, Disconnect the product from mains. 2, Remove the wire racks as described. See . Cleaning the oven, page 34. 3. Remove the protective glass cover with a screwdriver. Pull out oven lamp and replace it with new one. 5, Install the glass cover and then the wire racks, 37/EN {/ Troubleshooting ‘Oven emits steam when it is in use * — Itis normal that steam escapes during operation. >>> This is not a fault. Product emits metal noises while heating and cooling. — When the metal parts are heated, they may expand and cause noise. >>> This is not a fault. Product does not operate. ¢ The mains fuse is defective or has tripped. >>> Check fuses in the fuse box. If necessary, replace or reset them. Product is not plugged into the (grounded) socket. >>> Check the plug connection. — Buttons/knobs/keys on the control panel do not function. >>> Keylock may be enabled. Please disable it. (See. Using the keylock, page 26 ) Oven light does not work. © — Oven lamp is defective. >>> Replace oven lamp. — Power is cut. >>> Check if there is power. Check the fuses in the fuse box. If necessary, replace or reset the fuses. ‘Oven does not heat, — Function and/or Temperature are not set. >>> Set the function and the temperature with the Function and/or Temperature knob/key. Power is cut. >>> Check if there is power. Check the fuses in the fuse box. If necessary, replace or reset the fuses. |Consult the Authorised Service Agent or technician with licence or the dealer where u have purchased the product if you can not remedy the trouble although you have implemented the instructions in this section. Never attempt to repair a defective product yourself 38/EN Part no: 285.4601.20 Rev: AA/ 09.04.2014

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