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Fact Checking Worksheet

1. Copy and Paste your Opening Statement for your ISSUE. Highlight
the FACTS, STATISTICS, EVIDENCE that are mentioned in your speech.
Tax Plan:
Donalds plan consists of just cutting taxes in general. From business, income and capital gain
taxes, he would like to decrease them. He wants to shorten the tax brackets from 7 to 3. His plan
is to also make sure the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes but also make sure it isnt
detrimental to them. He would also repeal the death tax as well as the alternative minimum tax.
Also to make it possible for people to take an above the line deduction for kids under the age of
13, increase the standard deduction, and have a rebate available through Earned Income Tax
Credit. Donald would like for people with a low income to be able to have money to spend on
their childs needs which they can do with the rebate. He would also have all taxpaying
Americans to be able to have a Dependent Care Savings Account. Deposits to that will be free
from taxation, and for children, they will be able to use that money for their education. A survey
has shown that 50% - 90% of people who have been shown tax plans like Trumps, think it will
be benefiting our society. Although people have said federal revenue would be reduced by $4.4
trillion - $5.9 trillion which would increase the national debt, his plan would be saving
everybody money each year which is the goal. His plan will increase standard deduction for
married-joint to $30000 from $12600 and for single $15000 giving the opportunity for filers to
deduct as much as possible. His plan once again would be beneficial for everyone.
Donald Trumps plan to address the income issue is designed to help families make the most
money they can, especially low income families. Since tax rates will be cut across the board,
they would benefit the middle and working class the most but still would be benefiting everyone.
He will cut the brackets from the unnecessary 7 to 3. All taxpayers will be gaining something
afterwards since the brackets are wider. Dependent Care Savings Account will help everyone as
well to save money for their loved ones. To help out lower income families with children still in
school, the government will give a 50% match to whatever you contribute to the account. People
will be benefitting from the plan no matter what class. There will be tax cuts all around. The
people who might be seeing the most benefit would be small business owners and freelancing.
People could say Trumps plan actually targets and benefits the wealthy significantly more.
There has been talk that his plan would give much bigger tax cuts to the wealthy than the middle
class. But they do not realize that it makes sense for that to happen since they are earning more.
Donalds plan is indeed targeted to help everyone but especially the middle class as well as low
income families to solve the gap issue.

2. Check out what other fact-checkers have said about EACH specific
statement. USE THE FOLLOWING WEBSITES: Politifact ;,
theWashington Posts Fact Checker; SNOPES-- credit them appropriately!!

Make sure the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes

By 2025, about 51 percent of the benefits of Trump's tax plan
would accrue to the wealthiest percentile of taxpayers, according to the Tax Policy
Center's analysis. Those wealthy taxpayers would save $317,000 on average each
year, increasing their incomes by more than 14 percent. (Max Ehrenfreund,
Washington Post)
help families make the most money they can, especially low income families
Trumps proposal to allow parents to deduct the cost of child care
would provide no benefit to low income workers and single parents who are
unlikely to have any tax liability to begin with. (Kelsey Snell, Washington Post)
most benefit would be small business owners and freelancing.
Trump would also reduce the corporate income tax rate from 35
percent to 15 percent. He would also apply this rate to pass-through businesses,
so-called because their profits currently "pass through" the business and instead
are taxed as their owner's ordinary income. (Linda Qiu, Politifact)
People will be benefitting from the plan no matter what class
Even when the pro-business Tax Foundation assumed the tax cuts
in the plan would promote economic growth, it estimated that federal revenues
would be reduced by more than $10 trillion over 10 years. (Lori Robertson,
Targeted to help everyone but especially the middle class as well as low income
Tax Foundation analysis found that the tax cuts would lead to
lower taxes for taxpayers at all levels of income, the biggest winners in raw
dollars and on a percentage basis would be those in the top 10 percent of filers,
particularly those in the top 1 percent. (Robert Farley,

3. Find an EXPERT OR WITNESS OPINION. What does the expert

have to say about this quote?
Targeted to help everyone but especially the middle class as well as low income
Trump created a second version of his tax plan realizing his first
one was flawed but Martin A. Sullivan, chief economist at Tax Analysts said,
Hes actually doing less for the middle class than he originally planned. (Kelsey
Snell, Washington Post)
People will be benefitting from the plan no matter what class.
Make sure the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes
Where Clinton would increase taxes on corporations and
investors, Trump would drastically reduce them. He has called for eliminating the
estate tax, which Clinton hopes to increase.

4. SUMMARY ANALYSIS: From your research and deeper

understanding of this issue, summarize your findings and analysis in a


After researching more on this issue and Trumps plan, Ive learned that what he
proposes to do and his intentions, arent whats going to happen. He says his plan will
benefit the middle and working class but in reality, it would be benefitting the top 1%.
His policies to help low income filers become not available to them if they dont qualify.
He also says the most that will benefit are small business owners and freelancers but once
again, are business owners and people who are making the most, would be the ones
benefitting the most and getting the most money out of it. Although everyone would be
gaining at least something from his plan, our federal revenues would be cut by the
trillions over the next decade from it.


Quick note about Video

Copy & Paste the LINK

Ex: Obama schooling/factchecking his opposition

1. Trump tax plan, who benefits

2. Trump tax plan, gives himself

and rich most tax benefits

3. Tax plan clams to actually help

middle wage earners?


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