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Siharga, Rian. 2015. Relationship of Personality Competence Islamic Education

Teachers With Religious Behavior Against Students at SMAN 2 Batu in
East Java. Thesis, Master of Islamic Education, Graduate State Islamic
University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Supervisor (I): Dr. H. A.
Fatah Yasin, M.Ag, Advisor (II) Dr. Nur Esa Wahyuni, M.Pd

Keywords: Personality Competence Islamic Education Teachers, Students

Religious Behaviour.
Religious behavior students are thinking and feeling of self learners to
determine the self-development and behavior in religious life. Therefore, religious
behavior is a matter that should be possessed by all learners. Act No. 20 Year 2003
on National Education System Article 3.
This study aims to determine (1) to analyze the level of competence of the
Islamic education teacher's personality at SMAN 2 Batu in East Java. (2) Analyze
the level of religious behavior of students at SMAN 2 Batu in East Java. (3)
Analyze the relationship competence of the teacher's personality PAI with religious
behavior class XII students of SMAN 2 Batu in East Java?
This research is a quantitative approach with descriptive correlational method
is to look for the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent
variable is the first variable, personal competence of Islamic education teachers and
the second variable, the religious behavior of students at SMAN 2 Batu in East
Java. The collection of data by questionnaire, validity test instrument with
engineering analysis product moment, while the coefficient alpha reliability test.
Technical data analysis data using Pearson analysis, before the first data analysis
conducted testing normality test analysis requirements.
The results showed that: There is a positive and significant relationship
between personal competence of Islamic education teachers with religious behavior
class XII students of SMAN 2 Batu r xy shown by the results of 0.338 and compared
with rtable pearson (0.05; 50) = 2.79 in order to get (0.338> 0.279).
Implications of the research findings of this study, (1) The teacher as an
educator in the school environment should reveal the values of a good personality
to the students. (2) The parent direct their children to put their children into a
decent school for the development of his personality, especially his Islamic
personality. (3) For further research, it can use other factors that could affect the
development of religious behavior of students as other independent variables.

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