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Non-pharmacological Management

Nonpharmacologic therapy can be done by avoiding risk factors that can cause asthma and by doing light exercise

A key to the proper care of asthma is to educate the patient with regard to this disease. The patient
must be thoroughly familiar with all the causes of asthma (see What Causes Asthma?) and know how,
if possible, to avoid these causes.
Some asthma triggers and possible methods of avoidance:

dust mites

encase mattress with a cover

tobacco smoke

do not smoke, do not allow smoking in your home, and avoid smoke-filled

animal dander

avoid hairy animals


dispose of food properly and do not permit crumbs to be left anywhere in

the home

indoor mold

clean moldy surfaces and dehumidify basements

pollen and outdoor mold

stay at home with windows closed and with air-conditioning on during

times of high pollen counts

smoke, strong odors, and

avoid situations where products that cause these situations are used
vacuum cleaning

wear a mask while vacuuming

When allergies are suspected, skin testing may be performed to seek out the cause so that proper
avoidance measures can be employed.
The patient should also be aware that work place exposure can at times cause asthma (occupational
asthma) and if this is occurring the patient must not only see his/her physician, but must also seek
the help of an occupational physician familiar with workplace asthma..
Have an action plan which includes the above and which allows you to estimate whether you are doing
well, getting worse, or in an alert zone where you are in need of emergency care.

According Manjoer (1999), Nonpharmacologic management of asthma bronchiale

a. Chest physiotherapy and cough effectively help pesien to issue
sputum nicely.
b. Physical exercise to improve physical activity tolerance.

c. Provide a comfortable sleeping position (semi-Fowler).

d. Encourage to drink warm 1500 - 2000 ml / day.
e. Keep the patient warm baths every day.
f. Avoid patient of trigger factors.

Healthy Lifestyle for People with Asthma

1. Avoiding some food taboos asthmatics
a) Lemon juice or lemonade Artificial
Drinking lemon or lime juice much real good. Although a bit inconvenient, but it feels more fresh and
penderta asthma can breathe more easily.
b) Beer, Wine, and Other Fermented Beverages
Beverages such as this will cause breathing difficulties in patients with asthma after ingestion. Content
sulfitnya who caused it. \
c) Dried Fruits or Vegetables
In addition to dried fruits such as raisins, pineapple, apricots and cranberries, other foods that should
be avoided are maraschino cherries and guacamole, traditional Mexican food made from avocado
base, coupled with lemon and salt.
d) Pickles
Pickles and peppers should be avoided if you are sensitive to sulfites.
e) Potato packaging
Foods such as french fries and dehydrated potatoes also contain sulfites, so beware. Menu potatoes
can be replaced with a healthier menu with baked sweet potato or baked potato with olive oil added.
f) Shrimp
Frozen shrimp also contain sulfites. Sulfites are used as additives to prevent the appearance of black
spots on shrimp. It would be better if you eat fresh shrimp. Although it may be more expensive, but
will make the asthma sufferers feel better in the long run.
g) Other Food Contain Sulfites
Other foods that contain sulfites are asparagus, corn starch, eggs, lettuce, maple syrup, salmon, soy
and tomato products.

2. Always drink water as much as possible to keep the secretion does not clot (2 to 3 liters per day)

3. Finding the cause of asthma and avoid or eliminate allergens or irritants in the home or in the
4. Take special measures to keep the bed free of allergens.
5. Sleeping with the use of synthetic pillows, not only fur only.
6. Do not smoke and avoid yourself from air pollution
7. Mamakai veil over the mouth and nose (mask) when walking or exercising in cold air to heat the air
before the air reaches the air duct in the body that is sensitive.
8. Not resume exercise when you realize frequently sneezing.
9. Avoid foods and drugs that contain sulfites, which is used as a food preservative and often found in
mussels and wine. (Sulfites can trigger asthma attacks, the figure is approximately 10 percent of
people with asthma).
10. Sit down for an asthma attack, not lying.
11. Always seek asthma medicine box remains open for meredahkan asthma attacks as early as
12. Always be careful in the use of aspirin, some asthmatic highly allergic to aspirin. Alternatively use
Improving physical fitness

Sports in general result in physical fitness, increase confidence and improve endurance.
Although there is one form of asthma attacks arising after exercise (exercise-induced asthma / EIA),
but it does not mean people with EIA prohibited from doing sports. When feared exercise-induced
asthma attacks, it is recommended to use beta2-agonist before exercise.

Gymnastics Asthma Indonesia (SAI) is one form of exercise that is recommended for trains and
strengthens the respiratory muscles in particular, in addition to the other benefits of exercise in
general. Gymnastics asthma Indonesia Indonesia introduced by the Asthma Foundation and performed
at every club in the area asthma asthma foundation throughout Indonesia. The benefits of exercise
have been studied both benefit asthma subjective (questionnaires) and objective (lung function);
obtained significant benefit after doing gymnastics regular asthma within 3-6 months, especially the
benefits of subjective and increased VO2max.
(Gymnastics Asthma Indonesia: see Chapter Asthma Foundation of Indonesia)

Quit or never smoked

Cigarette smoke is an oxidant, causing inflammation and leading to protease antiproteases

imbalance. People with asthma who smoke will accelerate the deterioration of lung function and have
the risk of getting chronic bronchitis and emphysema as well as other smokers or with a picture of
worsening clinical symptoms, risk getting disability, less productive and lower qualities of life.
Therefore, patients with asthma are encouraged to not smoke. People with asthma who smoke warned
to stop the habit because it can aggravate the disease.

Work Environment
The materials in the workplace can be a trigger for asthma attacks, especially in patients with
occupational asthma. People with asthma are encouraged to work in an environment that does not
contain ingredients that can trigger asthma attacks. If asthma attacks are common in the workplace
should be considered to move jobs. The work environment cultivated and free from air pollution
cigarette smoke and other irritants materials.

Healthy food menu Asthmatics

Mangosteen is a fruit very good for asthmatics antioxidants present in mangosteen rind because it has
the ability to fight infections and contains substances that reduce allergies.
The first thing you have to watch is by taking vitamin C. Vitamin C contains many anti-oxidant and
anti-inflammatory that can help reduce the severity of the attack. Vitamin C is also important for the
health of the adrenal glands. The second thing is to eat onions. The more garlic can help people with
asthma. Mustard oil not only contains a mild antibiotic, but also helps reduce the viscosity of mucus
that clogs the lungs that can cause breathing difficulties.

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