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ABILITIES (+ traits)
Q: BOG DOWN: you can stop the next movement of a minion as its power. But when can you use it and when can you
time the effect, really?
Because the way the card is written, it almost sounds like you can also target a minion that has already moved in
current round and stop its movement in the NEXT round. And possibly target the creature again in the next round.
(We are using the exclamation markers on the minion that we stop the movement for, in case we forget.)
A: Bog Down is an initiative ability so the best time to use it is before minion activation.
You can target a minion with Bog Down during initiative phase then when you will activate this minion during the minion
activation phase it will not be able to move and its AI card could be useless if the minion must target an adjacent hero.
Rulebook p.18: With the exception of abilities with locked dice, no effects of the abilities carry over to the next round.
Q: Can I use the "Bog Down" ability's heroic boost to put 2 expose markers on a Boss? I know the card's primary text
says you can only use it to prevent the move of a non-Boss character during its next activation but that seems to be its only
restriction. It doesn't say it prevents me targeting a Boss solely to use the heroic boost. Right?
A: The official answer is no. The target of this ability is a non boss character (otherwise you can't apply the effect, you
would have to skip designating a target, this way nobody would be a target), and the heroism effect specifically tells you to
add expose markers to the target of this ability, which is a non boss character.
Q. How works the ability DODGE? Are you able to use it to move out of reach or is the damage of the triggering attack
still applied? Can you use the shield you get to cancel one hit of the attack (to save a hero from dying) which triggered the
A: You gain one shield, are dealt damage, and then you move.
It's a reaction, so you interrupt an action, resolve your interrupt effect, and then you continue with the original activation.
This way, you gain one shield that you immediately may use.
The problem is in the further effect, you are pushed AFTER resolving the attack.
Q: We engaged the tentacle monster (long nights of potion drinking WoW came back to mind) and wanted to know when
you DODGE when the sneaky tentacle - Throw came up. Do you dodge when damage is resolved (like an expose marker)
or when the whole text on the attack is resolved?
A: He is pushed after applying damage (rules for Dodge are different to normal rules), but before being thrown. This
means you have to follow these steps:
1. deal 1 damage to the hero
2. push the hero
3. throw the hero
Q: ERRATIC trait It states you can spend a shield for placing an expose marker. As there is no once per round option
this can be used until you are out of shields? Actually played: Used it until out of shield markers. Would be good for the
A: Yes, you played it by the book. No limitations on this trait, other than using all your shields.
Q: FAN OF KNIVES: To activate will need two sixes and not one six to use in initiative round?
A: It doesn't matter where exactly the lightning icon is printed, if it's somewhere near the dice symbols, this ability is
always INITIATIVE enabled.
The INNER POWER ability card says (off the top of my head) "remove an expose marker and heal 1 HP"; When
using Heroism: "Push all adjacent characters".
Q: Is it possible to use this ability without an expose marker? Is it possible to use the heroism part of the ability without
having an expose marker?
A: Yes. It's not a requirement.
Q: since the card does not say "push to separate distant group" like some other cards, does it mean the characters are
pushed out in group? Or are they all separate.
A: As the basic rule for pushing, always push each character to a separate (new) group.
Q: Just curious, why is PANIC ATTACK marked as an initiative ability when it has the keyword Reaction? Am I
missing a neat trick?
A: The trick is, you wouldn't be able to use it as an ability, even a reaction, in initiative if it wasnt initiative enabled. You
can, for example, attack this hero to gain these two extra dice in initiative. If you have an attack that doesn't deal any
damage, it may even be a good strategy.
Q: To Use the ability "SLAP", of the FRUSTRATED trait hero, do I have to attack (and expose) an adjacent friendly
Hero to gain the 1 HP? Or if there is not an adjacent Hero, then I continue to gain the HP, without slapping any Hero.

A: You need to slap another hero in order to regain 1 health point.

Q: Example: I enter combat with 3 expose tokens gained through perils on the campaign map. When it's my turn to
activate initiative enabled abilities, I choose to use the UNSTABLE trait and, at any time, remove 3 expose tokens,
resolving only 2 of them to gain 1 Heroism as per the trait's text. If those tokens happen to be +1 damage, I immediately
have to lose Hit Points even though I wasn't being attacked or taking any damage in the first place.
A: In your example, if you use the Unstable trait to remove 3 expose markers, picked 2 of them and they both turned out to
be +1 expose markers, then you would be dealt 2 damage (which you could still take care of with shields or some armor).
Q: Does VANISH add a number to ignoring armor to an attack? Does it only work on Martial Trait attacks? Example:
Vanish + Any Magic - Elemental - Attack (eg. Meteor Shower/Shock) or Ghostly Strike or Wrath or Magic Missles.
Actually Played: We added it even to Meteor Shower vs. Evilmancer Zombie Horde
A: It works on any attack this hero makes, even from other sources than abilities (but it has to be an attack). Armor
reduction is cumulative.
CARDS re-shuffle, resupply, symbols,
Q: AI Cards; do I reshuffle the deck for every single draw? Or do I shuffle it after "minion activation" step? Do I keep
going in the next round with part of an AI Deck or do I shuffle it starting every round?
A: Keep the deck between rounds, only reshuffle when you are out of cards. This way every card will be drawn once
before each shuffling, giving you more insight on the enemy.
(also see combat for AI card effects)
Q: What about drawn EVENT Cards?
Lets say I venture forth and there I have to draw 2 event cards, one for a peril and one for an event. Once I have drawn the
peril, do I reshuffle it back in before drawing the next card? Or does it get reshuffled just at the start (or after) a complete
action involving Event cards?
A: Put used events onto discard piles, if you ever run out of these cards, reshuffle the appropriate discard pile. When
testing, we never had to reshuffle.
Q: The TOWN card says that it has a resupply effect which says to draw one epic and one common card for the shop.
When does this trigger? AND: So, together with Shops own inventory rule and Resupply global rule, it gets 3 common
items and 1 epic item at the start of the game?
A: No, just two common items. You should draw these new items after a new SETTING CARD is revealed, but not the
one during setup.
- Shop refill: Since there is one shop that explicitly talks about refilling, while all others don't, I guess all other shops just
don't refill but run dry if you buy up all the goods.
Q: What happens in a shop, when items are purchased? Do You draw new items till the advice on the adventure card is
A: When SETTING UP A SHOP/find CONSUMABLES to draw the first so many items of a specific type, all other
items that got drawn will be shuffled back into the item draw pile.
Q: Do you draw one SETTING CARD at the beginning of the game and that's it? Do you draw one after each battle?
A: That's actually at the end of the "Battle Victory" section on page 18 of the rulebook: "If the battle was the final battle,
heroes win the game. Otherwise, party may continue the game on the adventure map, by drawing a new setting card."
Q: SYMBOLS - On Area cards, most Location entry cost symbols are to the left of the Location name and a few are to the
right of the Location name (e.g. Armory & Trivial Quests on Dwarven Keep) - is this an order thing (i.e. if on left, pay the
cost then activate location or, if on right, activate the location effect first then pay the cost) or simply a design thing?
A: Its a design thing
COMBAT: Set-up, minion activation,
Q: The Heroes can do their ACTIONS in any order, card by card. Does that mean I can do an action, then my wife, then
me again? Or do I first finish all of my actions and then the next player has to do all of his actions?
A: Yes, heroes may activate abilities in any order they like. Remember to resolve them fully, before activating more,
this one additional push from expose marker may change the whole tactic.
The sequence is as follows:
1. Everybody rolls and assigns dice
2. Every player who wishes to use their iniative card powers with assigned dice can do so in any order they wish.
It is recommended to discuss here, because without trying to cooperate you won't get far in this game.
3. Every player, starting with the one who has the highest threat, resolves up to two minion activations. This is
done in sequence, highest threat player first, then the next and so on. I highly recommend placing the sand-timer
tokens on all minions that have moved, this allows you to easily keep track of who has moved.

4. Boss is activated, if there is one.

5. Players resolve their remaining card abilities in any order. They can do it one card ability at a time. One player
can resolve all their cards in a row or do it mixed between card abilities of other players, sequence is up to
6. Round ends, heroism and shield tokens are removed. Expose markers remain.
Q: What to do with the AI cards on which the (shaman) boss is the target of a move or reinforcement when the boss is
already defeated?
A: If you can't finish an action on an AI card, you skip it. On page 17 of the Rulebook of Doom we have this: If an
action cannot be performed due to failed conditions, skip that action and continue the activation.
Q: AI card effects with less than 4 heroes remaining (e.g. against Zombies): If there are defeated heroes and the
(Zombie) spawn table doesn't include an entry for 1 Hero, this means that we always count the number of heroes that
started the game regardless of their status, defeated or not?
A: You remove the hero marker from the battle after he is defeated, he no longer partakes in the encounter, is not treated
as a hero in it. This way, whenever an effect tells you to do something according to a number of heroes, you count the
remaining, undefeated heroes. You are right, there are no instructions for one hero, this means, you just skip this
action, it can't be completed. It's a common rule, that you skip actions on AI cards that can't be completed.
Q: What about the AI cards that are not used with fewer than 3 or 4 heroes? Are they also removed from the pool once
heroes start getting eliminated?
A: No, you don't remove the AI cards from the deck, after a hero is defeated. Only prepare the deck right before the
Q: When is DAMAGE considered to be dealt (to a hero)?
->Just before revealing exposed tokens/spending shields?
->Just before reducing hit points (if not all damage was prevented)?
This is relevant for understand how an item that allows you to redirect damage being dealt to other hero works
exactly. Also, can REDIRECTED damage be prevented by the use of Shield tokens /armor by the new target?
(I'm specifically wondering because we drew the item that allows the wearer to redirect damage being suffered by an
hero to himself and gain an heroism token)
A: (The amount of) damage is considered being dealt before you apply expose, shields or armor. The full damage, before
any reduction and expose modifiers is the damage being dealt. You may reduce the redirected damage just like any other
source of damage.
Q: I mean it is totally clear, that you cannot move properly if you are surrounded, but is there any specific reason why I
cannot generate HEROISM while being surrounded??
A: You may not generate heroism from MANEUVER when surrounded, but you may always generate heroism by
sacrificing a six result during roll phase. It is the primary source of heroism. (Also see hidden!)
Q: What does RAMPAGE actually mean? Is it more special minion activation in any way? I could not find any further
information in the rulebook.
A: Rulebook, page 17: Each hero activates two minions, but when a hero needs to activate his first minion, and there are
no unactivated minions left, then he needs to select any one minion and activate it, resolving the AI card as normal.
This way, heroes will always have to activate at least one minion, as long as there are any left in battle. There are no other
effects in the game related to rampage, but it's the same deal, as with some of the keywords on abilities - it may be used in
expansion, giving us broader possibilities in designing new effects.
Q: What happens if you have a tied THREAT value (due to items) and have to assess highest or lowest?
A: Players choose for each effect that brings up this issue. This may even happen, without any modifiers, when the party
contains a Witch and a Mage.
Q: Is it possible to put the extra dice that are rolled on abilities that have already been used (i.e. Have had dice removed
from them)? If so, is it then possible to put dice onto the Panic Attack card itself? (this is related to the order in which
things happen - does the die come off before the extra dice are rolled?)
A: The answer is no. You can't use the ability more times than the indicated number of charges (rune symbols).
Q. All Exposed markers are removed AFTER a battle (round). So I don't see how a character have such a marker during
adventuring (unless there are cards and events). So why do the Camps have an Expose -X effect?
A: The camps have -EXP because you can gain exposure during adventuring in a multitude of ways and want to get rid of
them BEFORE battles.

Q: When an expose marker is removed (eg by an AI card) do you return it to the unused pile or discard it as if it had been
consumed? If discarded, do you reveal what the token was? If revealed, do you ignore the Battle Cumulation effect if it is
that particular marker?
A: Whenever you have to remove or discard an expose marker, you put it back into the unused pile, not revealing it.
Instructions on the cards specifically tells you if you have to reveal the markers, like the Unstable trait card.
Q: It must be a rare occasion indeed, but when there are not enough expose markers, then an explosion occurs, meaning
we consume all the expose markers and make a new pile. Are they really consumed without doing nothing, or are they
resolved, dealing damage and pushes?
A: Yes, effects from expose markers are resolved when the explosion occurs.
Q: The rulebook states that if a character is attacked OR dealt damage the expose markers are resolved on him. In the
final page glossary, it states that when a character is dealt damage the expose markers are revealed.... Which one is true?
A: Both attack and damage reveal expose markers. If you can deal any damage without attacking, reveal them. If you can
make an attack without damaging, reveal them.
Q: What happens when I resolve those +1 expose tokens at a time that I am NOT taking damage?
A: Take 1 damage from the token itself. Instruction, page 19 (chapter 12. Battle effects): When an exposed character is
attacked or dealt damage, all of his expose markers must be consumed. When an expose marker is consumed, it is
revealed and its effect is added to the effect of the attack. ... Expose markers may be consumed only due to attacks or
damage. Non-attack ability effects that do not deal damage may not cause expose markers to be consumed.
Q: Outside of combat also? If we are dealt damage during exploration for example we reveal our expose markers?
A: No, expose markers are not revealed when heroes are taking damage on the adventure map. Will add it to the errata,
when it's ready. The rules for them are on page 19 in section "12. Battle effects", but I understand it may not be clear
Q: What the (hell) is Hidden?
A: Being hidden is just a small mechanic to manipulate threat. Page 22 of the rulebook about being Hidden:
It gives you three benefits:
- hidden heros have 0 threat
- hidden hero is never surrounded
- hidden hero may perform a "redirect"
special action

Hero stops being hidden after:

- he is dealt damage
- he activates an attack ability
- he performs a redirect
- the round ends

Q: "Hidden heroes stop being hidden after the hero is dealt damage." From the explanation of Damage on pg. 19, it
sounds like being "dealt damage" is not connected to HP it correct that even if you shield all incoming
damage, you were still "dealt damage" for all rules purposes, and in this case, you lose the "Hidden" status?
A: Yes, you were still dealt damage, even if you mitigated it to zero.
Q: Hidden and REDIRECT. If I understand correctly, after you perform a redirect another hero is considered to be
'active player' for current AI card, but threat of previously hidden hero is back to normal, so if minion attacks
'lowest/highest threat', he still could attack that hero?
A: You are correct, the hero is no longer hidden after declaring a redirect, and it changes his threat value. You redirect
after revealing AI card, you can do some really weird stuff with this, like redirecting to make YOU the target of an attack
"REDIRECT" gives you the following benefit:
After an AI card is revealed, you may redirect the threat to another adjacent hero. That hero is threatened as the active
hero for the whole enemy activation, after which the threat is back to normal.
Q. If a hero who is SURROUNDED turns hidden, is he still being considered adjacent to enemies or heroes - if turning
hidden while being adjacent to a hero?
A: When you are in the same group as an enemy, you are ALWAYS adjacent, even if you're hidden. Being hidden means
you are not considered surrounded, for the purpose of your other skills (like Manouver or Battle Heal).
Q: Assume all heroes in a group are engaged and are hidden, but non are the active hero. One of the monsters they are
engaged with is instructed to attack - which hero is selected? Player choice or have I missed a rule ?
A: If two or more heroes are possible targets for the AI action, by having the same threat, players make the decision
each time, even if the enemy would attack twice in the same activation (this gives the players two decisions, if the heroes
stay the same threat after the first attack). This happens a lot when playing with both Witch and a Mage and is a big
advantage to the players.

Q: Does PUSH count as a MOVE? That would be interesting for the interaction of "Dodge" (Ranger) and "Shut the
Helmet" (redicoulusly armored). Also adding "UNCOMFORTABLE ARMOR" to the combination.
A: Pushing is moving, as written on page 19 of the rulebook: Push: Push effect may be caused as a result of expose
markers, abilities or various other effects. Whenever a character is pushed, he or she performs a compulsory move out of
the current group into a new, distant empty group (that he/she establishes and which was empty/didnt exist before).
So if the pushing comes from an ability card the hero is owning, he can't move himself with it when SHUT THE
HELMET is being used. No dodging blindly. On the other hand, other characters will be able to move or push this
blinded hero.
Q. Does a push from an item count as a move "ability"? Uncomfortable Armor, for example.
A: No, items and abilities are two separate things.
Q: I have a question about the push effect of an EXPOSE marker (p.19, chapter 12.3):
"The push marker causes the target to be moved out of the current group, to a new distant empty group. This effect
always takes place before damage from attack effect is applied" What's the timing for the underlined part? If the damage is
dealt by an effect that talks about an adjacent character - can it still be dealt to the pushed character? Although the
character isn't adjacent anymore?
A: Whenever it's not clear, that the push is made after or before the attack, you apply it before damage. Like when you
gain one push from expose marker.
Push may even be used as dodging if you can apply it before being attacked, for example, Beast of Doom moves near you
and wants to attack, but you use the special property of the Unstable trait to gain heroism, discard one expose marker and
reveal two tokens. If one of these revealed tokens is a push, you are no longer adjacent to the Beast, and if there is no other
hero engaged with it, Beast can't attack, skipping that section of the card.
Q: So, if a hero gets attacked by an enemy who would give 1 damage to an ADJACENT hero, if the hero has a push
and a +1 marker on it, will it...
a) get pushed first, but (though no longer being adjacent) still get the full 2 damage (1+1 for the marker)
b) get pushed first, but as it is not adjacent any longer it only suffers the 1 damage from the +1 marker
c) get pushed first and get NO DAMAGE as it is no longer adjacent and hence no damage can be dealt?
A: If you are dealt damage and pushed at the same time, you resolve the push effect first, but are still dealt damage (2=1
+1 from expose marker).
In this example, you could use the Unstable trait RIGHT BEFORE being ATTAKED (dont reveal/know markers), so
you would (hopefully) push yourself away, so the Beast of Doom will not be able to attack you, because you will no
longer be adjacent to it.
Another example with the Exploding Tomatoes. I was trying to attack one of the Tomatoes, which had an expose marker.
My MELEE attack was for enough damage to kill it, expose marker got consumed and it was PUSH, so... my attack was
strong enough to not only kill it, but also push it away. I moved the Tomato to a new distant group, applied the damage
and found out it was an Unstable Exploding Tomato, so it also EXPLODED, but in this new distant group.
- Minions and Bosses
Q: What happens when all heroes have activated their number of MINIONS but there are still unactivated minions
left? 4 Heroes and the Zombie Encounter (20 Zombies: 4x3 = 12, so 8 Zombies are left out or do they activate still? Rulebook is just considering the possibility of less minions than heroes: Rampage p.17 and "[...] there are no undefeated
minions (= defeated minions)[...]".
A: You activate only two minions per player, so if there are more of them, they just stand and stare trying to look as
menacing/pretty as they can, waiting for their turn.
Q: The rulebook says, that the DRAGON/HYCORAX is marked as objective but this is not the case on the
corresponding card. Is the dragon the objective or not? Maybe the goblin shaman on the goblin party card also should
marked as an objective?
A: The rulebook is wrong, The Dragon should NOT be an objective. The cards are correct.
SHADOW REAPERS - Tier II enemies. They have a shield token, and a special ability, that when the shielded Shadow
Reapers is attacked, he ignores all damage and is pushed back.
Q: I attack a shielded SR with an expose marker on. SR ignores all damage (his ability), but the expose markers are
consumed, and do not inflict any damage (in case of +1 markers)?
A: Yes, they ignore all damage dealt to them, and the expose markers are still consumed.

Q: After I attack the shielded reaper, it loses the shield?

A: Yes, they only ignore HP loss, so the shield is discarded if you dealt at least one damage.
Q: There are a lot of Expose markers everywhere (on SR and players). EXPOSE EXPLOSION occurs (no attack was
made by the player). Do the SR suffer damage from consumed expose markers? Technically it was not an attack, so
their special ability should not work.
A: Correct, this ability works only when the reaper is attacked. There are few ways to deal damage without attacking,
each being useful on this encounter.
ZOMBIE ENCOUNTER card - Leg Grabs: Heroes ignore the effects of push expose markers when they are attacked by
zombies (e.g. you can use DODGE to push a hero away).
ZOMBIE AI card - Leg grab: "This Zombie and up to 1 adjacent zombie steal 1 die from adjacent hero."
Q: Can Zombies steal the dice that were used for buying shields (1s) and/or heroism (6s)? If so, would this result in the
shield/herosim being returned to the bank?
A: The dice are ALWAYS stolen from the assigned dice!!!!! It is in the rules, about stealing dice. If you do not have
assigned dice then no die is stolen.
Q: I guess the hero gets the die back at the end of the given round? Or is the die removed for the entire battle?
A: The dice are not returned at the end of the round. You must kill these Zombies, to take the dice back!
Q: What if I used Potion of Might, which gives me 3 additional dice (I assume that only for one round?). Can these dice
also be stolen by Zombies?
A: As for the extra dice, you lose them at the end of the round, by simply reducing your dice pool by the amount of extra
dice you gained at this round. You don't have to remember whether the dice is an extra or not, just the total number of
Q: ZOMBIE AI card - Is Zombie Leg Grab (die steal) considered an attack in relation to activating abilities?
A: Shorter answer - no, it's not an attack. If an action on the AI card have no sword icons and/or it's not written in its
description that it is an attack, the action is not an attack.
Q: Some items have "USE: ..." In their textbox. The rulebook says I can use these 1/round, but also to mark that it has
been used "this turn". What exactly is a turn? Does it mean a combat round? Can I use them at all out of combat? If so,
Rocksteel Metal armour seems broken (Use: Gain 1 shield). If not, then my armour for some reason not working outside
of combat seems poor...
A: Items are only used during combat. You can USE items once per round and only battles have rounds.
Q: Can you "USE" your items after revealing expose markers?
A: Yes, this includes after revealing expose markers. You may use these items at any time you like, once per round. Items
are strong.
Q: Rules say you can hold only one ARTIFACT. Rules says CONSUMABLES items can be held anywhere. It seems
that there are many "Artifact" Consumables (perhaps all?) - what is the rule?
A: You can have only ONE ARTIFACT equipped, but the CONSUMABLES items, all of them, have a special RULE.
They may be equipped in ANY of the 4 slots there are, representing strapping them to a belt, holding in hand and so on.
Q: If consumables don't follow artifact rules (i.e. you can equip them anywhere and can have them in addition to a regular
artifact), then why label them artifacts at all?
A: Mage's Tower sells artifacts, it may be a consumable as well as a non-consumable artifact.
Q. If the heroes have an ARMOR item, does it automatically reduce damage by 1? (ie count as an armor point) as well as
having other uses etc, in the same way that armor works for the minions? Or does armor points only reduce damage for the
A: Armor provides only with the benefits printed on the card, it being armor only means it may be equipped onto a
specific slot, not counting some special benefits (like Ridiculously Armored).
Armor for enemies is something completely different, and yes, it does reduce damage by printed amount, one for
zombies and beasts from every source for example.
Q: Is the ARMOR of a minion/boss ever reduced by damage inflicted? Or does it stay the same value for the whole
battle? If so, how is it possible to kill the tentacle monster with armor of 16 (!)? After killing all tentacles the boss has still
1 HP left... Is it possible to inflict 17 damage from one source?

A: There are new tentacles spawning during this encounter, so you will be able to kill the Monster with only defeating the
tentacles. And yes, it is possible to deal 17 or more damage in one strike, but it's really hard to do and requires some really
specific card combinations.
Q: SHUT THE HELMET: Is the hero really immobile after using his helmet?
A: The hero barely sees anything after shutting his helmet that is why he can't move anywhere. You can't use move with
your abilities while having this card activated, but may still move from other sources, like items or other heroes.
Q: RED ORB OF SCRYING. Do we choose the deck if there is more than one or reveal all?
Example: Evilmancer Hycorax - Reveal one deck or all three?
A: Reveal the top card, this means one card only. Choose one deck. It may not be as clear as I want it to be, but it's
covered by the "Event order" rule on pg.1 of the rulebook. You have a choice of events, reveal one of the three decks, after
you reveal one, you accomplished the effect of the item - revealed one card - so you can't reveal any more.
Aura cards are AI cards by the way, Hycorax uses them as his second activation, and by activation we mean drawing an
AI card (from the aura deck).
Q: WAND OF BLOW EVERYTHING UP - our single target damage dealing magic abilities must now target entire
groups. Am I reading this correctly that if the only remaining enemies are not in groups, I can't use those abilities at all?
A: A single character forms a group with only himself in it, so you may use this kind of effects.
Q: Must you trigger the "Assault" on the Doomrock location? Or is running out the clock elsewhere after revealing
Doomrock good enough?
A: No, you just need to have the Doomrock location in play, it doesn't matter where the final battle will be held. You may
start it earlier mainly for additional points if you like playing for something more, than simple victory.
Q: Map Card DARK FOREST - Elder Tree Option / MERCENARY CAMP - Grizzled trainer
Do we assign the (ability) card to a player we want? Example: one character has six abilities all other have five and we
choose to give it to the person with six cards because it is no level up.
In terms of the Elder Tree. Do we draw the card and assign it to any player we want or do we need to choose the player
that visits the tree and draw the card?
A: You should respect the equality of leveling up. Gaining new ability card is treated as gaining a level up, even from
other source, than camping. The Elder Tree location instructs you to draw one ability card for one hero, you need to select
him before drawing the card.
Q: Paying entry cost for locations/secret markers. Assuming that a location, in order to be visited, needs 2 mystery
markers and a heroism marker. If the whole area is already explored (thus there are no mystery markers on the card) can I
pay a visit by paying only the heroism marker?
A: If heroes can't pay the full price to enter a location, they can't visit it.
Q: MUSHROOM HILLS: 3 secrets. Only the Purple Epic location spends a secret. But you can only do that when there
is only one secret left (and no expose markers). But how can you remove those other two secrets then?
A: Only on the third visit of that location, you would have one secret (I presume no party member is exposed) and you
would qualify to get an epic. But since visiting that place does not consume time, you could easily burn through the
secrets (or also spend time to explore). I presume it should read like "Only if there is exactly one secret marker left
and no party member is exposed"
Q: Purple Epic location in Mushroom Hills: - is the "ONE secret marker left" referring to the one used in the COST of
the Purple Epic, or to one remaining AFTER the cost of the Purple Epic is paid? It seems like you'd pay the cost, and
then follow the instructions (meaning the latter), however sensibly / thematically, it feels like it might be the former...
A: It is referring to the secret marker left before paying the cost. You need to have only one secret marker left on the card,
to activate this location.
We forgot to add a rule for the parentheses on the locations, to visit such location, you need to pass these additional
requirements. It's kind of like with abilities, at the end of the effect, there are some special restrictions, just like on
locations, if there are a parentheses at the end of the location's effect.
Q: What does the Dead Rainbow Fairies location mean?
Because it says that you'll get 2 silver and everybody gets 3 Expose and only if this area is not explored.
BUT! The event text on that card says: "When a hero is exposed by 3 or more expose markers and heroes spend time in
this area (other than start travel), they lose the game."
Now, what does the spend time mean? Because the way it is written, using the Dead Rainbow Fairies location would mean
that players automatically lose the game. Why? Because they are spending time in this area and suddenly have 3 expose on

A: They don't lose the game (if they start with less than 3 expose markers), because you need to pay the location's cost
before you can activate its effect. It does not happen simultaneously. You can believe me, you first remove one time
marker from your current setting card, then you activate the location.
Q: COMBINATIONS - Forcewand of Exploding Heads and/or Frost Shards and/or Combustion
Resulting in a +3 for each push marker if all three are used, correct?
A: Yes. Try not to aim at your allies.
Q: COMBINATIONS - The witch's hut map card + DESPERARE MERCHANTS setting card + TRAVELLING
MERCHANT event card
This actually showed up otherwise we never would have stumbled upon it. But given the effects we could (with enough
money at hand) cycle through the whole common equipment deck?
A: Yes, and you don't need The Witch's hut in order to do it (but it helps a lot). These merchants are not thinking straight.
Q: Global effects say that they affect the entire game. In the beginning I have a global effect on the third card which says
that there is a tunnel collapse. This effect says that I cannot travel to the cards on the left. Now this is confusing. The first
card I have is the town, which the rulebook says that I must start the game at.
But the rulebook also says that if the card rule conflicts the game rule, the card rule must be followed. So where do I
start the game? On the card with the tunnel? Because the card forbids me to travel to the cards on the left. Can I not travel
from the town to the second card, because of the tunnel collapse on the third card?
A: You can't do the "Travel" action, you still start at the town area (you just start there, not travel to town at the start of the
Q: Sometimes, there are SECRETS on an AREA CARD that makes no sense in my opinion.
For example: Item shop : 2 secrets, but none of the locations require to spend a secret. So, how can you ever get the
exploration bonus?
A: See the top of page 9 of the rulebook: EXPLORE CURRENT AREA. Therein lies the other, and more fun way, to
remove secrets from a location. At ANY LOCATION with at least one secret you can do the EXPLORATION ACTION:
it costs 1 TIME and 1 SECRET and you draw an EVENT (not peril!) card wilderness or mountain depending on your
location. A great way to win stuff!

Ways of keeping track of

which minions have moved
> Players could use time Tokens to put on activated minions.

how often a certain card has been used

> I just keep dice I used to activate the ability above the card. There is no problem of tracking how many times the
ability was used, until you have an ability allowing you to assign dice after the rolling phase.

players threat level

> In the case of gaining higher threat from an ability, like "Tank", or generally just for keeping track of abilities
that last an entire round, I find it useful to just put the used assigned dice in the top left corner of the ability card (I
keep unused assigned dice in the top right corner, and used assigned dice just above the card).
> Another way would be to take x amount of "!" tokens, and stack them next to the Heroes Threat level.
> Threat is back to normal after end of each round, it's written on page 18, "6. End of Round" phase description.

You can always explore the current area for 1 TIME and 1 SECRET to reveal an event (without peril!).
Consider to use rolls of 1 and 6 to gain shields and heroism, respectively.
Heroism and shields get discarded from every character at the end of each combat round.
Party damage may be divided between any number of heroes.

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