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Trade Union: Objectives and Significance

A trade union is an association of workers and employers who are joint together to regulate the
relationship between workmen and employer or between workmen and workmen , or between
employers and employers. until 1926 there was no law was made to delineate the contours of the
trade union and any of its synonyms. in 1926 , section 2(h) of the trade unions act 1926 inter alia
defined the term trade union. the dimension of the definition determine the permissible are of trade
union activities. an analysis of the definition reveals that a trade union
must be a combination of
such a combination should be either temporary or permanent
should include any federation of two or more trade unions
and to regulate relationship between workmen and employer ,among workmen or amoing
an agreement between as to their own business
agreement as to employment
agreement in consideration of sale of the goodwill of a business or profession, trade or
the objectives of the trade unions under the trade union act 1926 prescribes the primary objectives
of a trade union. the objectives are one or more of the following:
(a) to regulate relationship between (i) employers (ii) among workmen(iii) employers and workmen
(b) to impose restrictive contions on the conduct of any trade or business.
the objective for which the trade union is formed must comply with the aforesaid primary ibjects.
on other words the primary bobjects of trade unions dere,one whether the union is a trade union
under the act. the statutory provisions for only primary objectives in the act , however, suffests that
there may be some objectives other than the primary objectives of trade unions. there objectives
may be briadly categorised s follows
economis objectives
politcal objectives
social and welfare objectives
this is fortified b the provisions of secion 15 of the act.


Definition of Trade Union.

Kinds of Trade Union

Role and Importance of Trade Union.

Objectives of Trade Union.

Provisions dealing with Trade Union under Trade Union Act 1926.

Focus on the prevailing laws and regulations which effects Trade Union and the role of Trade Union
in estab
its implication in the protection of investors right/

Doctrinal research by referring books and online resources for articles and journals

The research is exploratory in nature


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