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Confisso de F da Igreja Luterana de Portugal

Confession of Faith of the Lutheran Church of Portugal

A Igreja Luterana de Portugal cr que a Bblia a Palavra de Deus, inspirada e
inerrante, autoridade infalvel e guia para tudo o que se cr e faz, plenamente suficiente,
ensinando-nos tudo o que necessitamos saber para nossa salvao em Cristo Jesus,
habilitando-nos para toda a boa obra (II Tm. 3: 15, 17)
God's Word
The Lutheran Church of Portugal believes that the Bible is God's Word, inspired and
inerrant, infallible authority and guide for everything what is believed and done, fully
sufficiently, teaching everything we need to know for our salvation in Christ Jesus,
enabling us for whole good work (II Tm. 3: 15, 17)

A Igreja Luterana de Portugal, como igreja luterana confessional, subscreve as

confisses de f reunidas no Livro de Concrdia de 1580, nomeadamente: Os Credos
Apostlico, Niceno e Atanasiano, a Confisso de Augsburgo, a Apologia da Confisso
de Augsburgo, os Artigos de Esmalcalde (incluindo o Tratado sobre o Poder e Primazia
do Papa), o Catecismo Menor de Lutero, o Catecismo Maior de Lutero, a Frmula de
Concrdia (Eptome e Declarao Slida). Estas confisses so aceites, no na medida
em que ("quatenus"), mas porque ("quia") so uma apresentao e exposio correcta
da pura doutrina da Palavra de Deus.
The Confessions
The Lutheran Church of Portugal, as a confessional Lutheran Church,
embraces the confessions contained in the Book of Concord of 1580, namely,
the Apostles', Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds; the Augsburg Confession and its
Apology; the Smalcald Articles (including the Treatise on the Power and
Primacy of the Pope); Luther's Small and Large Catechisms and the Formula of
Concord (Epitome and Solid Declaration). These confessions are accepted, not
insofar as ("quatenus"), but because ("quia") they are a correct presentation
and exposition of the pure doctrine of the Word of God.
A Igreja Luterana de Portugal cr que h um s Deus em trs pessoas, Pai, Filho e
Esprito Santo (Mat. 28: 19)
The Lutheran Church of Portugal believes that there is only one God in three persons,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Mat. 28: 19)
A Igreja Luterana de Portugal cr que Deus criou o homem Sua prpria imagem,
santo e justo; entretanto o homem pecou, trazendo sobre si a morte e a condenao; Pelo
pecado, o homem tornou-se morto em delitos e pecados, no podendo, por sua prpria
razo ou fora, salvar-se (Gn. 1: 27; 2: 7; Salmo 51: 5; Efsios. 2:1).
Man and Sin
The Lutheran Church of Portugal believes that man was created by God in His own
image, holy and righteous; meantime the man sinned, bringing upon him death and
condemnation; Because of the sin, man became a dead man in crimes and sins, not
being able, through his own reason or strength, to save himself (Gen. 1: 27; 2: 7; Psalm
51: 5; Eph. 2:1).
A Igreja Luterana de Portugal cr que Deus amou o mundo de tal maneira, que deu o
Seu filho unignito morte, para que todo aquele que Nele cr no perea, mas tenha a
vida eterna (Joo 3: 16)

The Lutheran Church of Portugal believes that God so loved the world that he gave
his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life
(John 3: 16)
A Igreja Luterana de Portugal cr que Deus, graciosamente, por causa de Jesus
Cristo, justifica os pecadores, mediante a f; esta f justifica, sem qualquer mrito da
nossa parte, mas por causa de Jesus Cristo (Rom. 1: 17; Ef. 2: 8, 9)
The Lutheran Church of Portugal believes that God, graciously, because of Jesus
Christ, justifies the sinners, by means of the faith; this faith justifies, without any merit
of our part, but because of Jesus Christ (Rom. 1: 17; Eph. 2: 8, 9)
A Igreja Luterana de Portugal cr que todos os verdadeiros cristos devem ser activos
em boas obras (II Cor. 7: 1; Ef. 2: 10; I Ped. 1: 15, 16)
The Lutheran Church of Portugal believes that all the truthful Christians must be
assets in good works (Cor. II. 7: 1; Eph. 2: 10; I Peter 1: 15, 16)
A Igreja Luterana de Portugal cr que h uma nica Igreja Crist, cuja cabea
Cristo, constituda por todos os que verdadeiramente crem em Jesus Cristo como seu
Salvador. Todos os cristos so sacerdotes e reis diante de Deus. Todos os crentes tm
acesso directo e igual graa de Deus, por intermdio de Cristo, nosso nico Mediador
(Mateus 18: 20; I Cor. 3: 16; Glatas. 3: 26; I Pedro. 2: 9)
The Church
The Lutheran Church of Portugal believes that there is only one Christian Church,
which head is Christ, appointed by all whom really believe in Jesus Christ as their
Saviour. All the Christians are priests and kings before God. All the believers have
straight and equal access to God's grace, through Christ, our only Mediator (Mat. 18:
20; I Cor. 3: 16; Gal.. 3: 26; I Peter. 2: 9)
A Igreja Luterana de Portugal cr que Jesus Cristo instituiu dois sacramentos: o
Baptismo e a Santa Ceia. Os luteranos baptizam crianas e adultos no baptizados e
comungam o corpo e o sangue de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, verdadeiramente presentes

em, com e sob o po e o vinho distribudos a todos os crentes baptizados (Mateus. 28:
19, 20; I Corntios: 11: 23-29)
The Lutheran Church of Portugal believes that Jesus Christ set two sacraments up:
the Baptism and the Lords Supper. Lutherans baptize children and not baptized adults
and commune the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, really presents in, with and
under the bread and the wine distributed to all the baptized believers (Math. 28: 19, 20; I
Cor. 11: 23-29)
A Igreja Luterana de Portugal cr que Jesus Cristo voltar em glria, no fim dos
tempos, para julgar os vivos e os mortos. Deus criar ento Novos Cus e Nova Terra,
onde vivero os salvos eternamente, na presena de Deus (Actos. 1: 11; 2 Pedro. 3: 13;
Apocalipse. 1: 7, 8; Apocalipse. 21: 1-8)
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
The Lutheran Church of Portugal believes that Jesus Christ will return in glory, in the
end of the times, to judge the living and the dead. God will raise then New Skies and
New Earth, where the saved will live eternally, in the presence of God (Acts 1: 11; 2
Peter. 3: 13; Apocalypse. 1: 7, 8; Apocalypse. 21: 1-8)

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