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Chapter: Proteins (Topic 4&5 combine)

1.What type of covalent bonds link the amino acids in a protein?

(a) peptide bonds

(b) hydrogen bonds
(c) ionic bonds
(d) glycosidic bonds
2. Which of the following is not an amino acid?
(a) glutamic acid
(b) aspartic acid
(c) glutamine
(d)palmitic acid
3.The two principal contractile proteins found in skeletal muscle are:
(a) actin and troponin
(b) actin and myosin
(c) troponin and tropomyosin
(d) myosin and tropomyosin
4.When branched chain amino acids are deaminated in muscle, the ammonia produced is
(a) converted into arginine and released from the muscle
(b)converted into alanine and glutamine and released from the muscle
(c) converted into urea and released from the muscle
(d) used to synthesise purines and pyrimidines in the muscle
5. The end product of protein catabolism is
c)Uric acid
6. Urea cycle take place in two cellular compartments which are:
a)Cytosol and vacuole
b)Cytosol and endoplasmic reticulum
c)Cytosol and mitochondria
d)Cytosol and nucleus
7. Normal blood urea levels is in the range of
a)78 mg/dl
b)1015 mg/dl
c)1040 mg/dl
d)3050 mg/dl
8.The two nitrogen atoms of urea are derived from

a)Ammonia (two atoms)

b)Aspartic acid
c)Ammonia and aspartic acid
d)Ammonia and Arginine
9.All the following amino acids are nonessential except
10.Amino acid Histidine contain
a)Imidazole group
b)Indole group
c)Hydroxyl group
d)None of the above
11.Which pathways will occurs both in Cytosol and mitochondria?
a)Urea cycle
c)Heme synthesis
d)All the above
12.Which of the following renal diseases caused proteinuria (albuminuria)
b)nephrotic syndrome
c)diabetic nephropathy
d)all the above
13.One molecule of Hemoglobin can bind to maximum number of oxygen
a)Two molecules of oxygen
b)One molecules of oxygen
c)Three molecules of oxygen
d)Four molecules of oxygen
14.An aromatic amino acid is
a) Lysine
b) Tyrosine
c) Taurine
d) Arginine
15.An essential amino acid in man is
a) Aspartate
b) Tyrosine
c) Methionine
d) Serine
16.Non essential amino acids
a) Are not components of tissue proteins
b) May be synthesized in the body from essential amino acids

c) Have no role in the metabolism

d) May be synthesized in the body in diseased States
17. An example of basic amino acid is
a) Alanine
b) Leucine
c) Arginine
d) Valine
18. The protein present in hair is
a) Keratin
b) Elastin
c) Myosin
d) Tropocollagen
19.In proteins the -helix and -pleated sheet are examples of
a) Primary structure
b) Secondary structure
c) Tertiary structure
d) Quaternary structure
20.Denaturation of proteins results in
a) Disruption of primary structure
b) Breakdown of peptide bonds
c) Destruction of hydrogen bonds
d) Irreversible changes in the molecule
21.Pepsinogen is converted to active pepsin by
a) HCl
b) Bile salts
c) Ca++
d) Enterokinase
22.The main site of urea synthesis in mammals is
b) Skin
c) Intestine
d) Kidney
23. The number of ATP required for urea synthesis is
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
24. At isoelectric pH, an amino acid exists as
a) Anion
b) Cation
c) Zwitterion
d) None of these

25. All the following are branched chain amino acids except
26.An organ which is extremely sensitive to ammonia toxicity is
27.The major site of urea synthesis is
28.Which of the following enzymes is responsible for the transfer of amino groups
from an amino acid to an alpha keto acid?
A. Transaminase
B. Transketolase
C. Deaminase
D. Lyase
29.Deficiency of argininosuccinate synthase causes?
A. Hyperargininemia
B. Hyperammonemia type II
C. Argininosuccinicaciduria
D. Citrullinemia
30.In the citric acid cycle, succinate thiokinase (succinylCoA synthetase) catalyzes
the cleavage of the succinylCoAthioester bond with formation of a high-energy
compound. This compound can then be used by the body in which of the following
biochemical pathways?
(A)Cysteine degradation
(B)Elongation of the polypeptide chain
(C)Epinephrine synthesis from tyrosine
(D)Isopentyl pyrophosphate synthesis

31.The four nitrogen atoms of purines are derived from

(A) Urea and NH3
(B) NH3, Glycine and Glutamate
(C) NH3, Asparate and Glutamate
(D) Aspartate, Glutamine and Glycine

32.An infant diagnosed with phenylketonuria would be expected to be deficient in

which of the following nonessential amino acids, assuming that it is not obtained
from dietary sources?
33. An inborn error, maple syrup urine disease is due to deficiency of the enzyme:
(A) Isovaleryl-CoA hydrogenase
(B) Phenylalnine hydroxylase
(C) Adenosyltransferase
(D) -Ketoacid decarboxylase
34.Fecal stercobilinogen is increased in
(A) Hemolytic jaundice
(B) Hepatic jaundice
(C) Viral hepatitis
(D) Obstructive jaundice
35.Jaundice is visible when serum bilirubin exceeds______.
(A) 0.5 mg/100 ml
(B) 0.8 mg/100 ml
(C) 1 mg/100 ml
(D) 2.0 mg/100 ml
36.Which of the following amino acid level not increase in Maple syrup urine
B. Leucine
C. Isoleucine
D. Valine
37.In which of the following disease patient is not photosensitive?
A. Acute intermittent porphyria
B. Variegate porphyria
C. Porphyria cutaneatarda
D. ErythropoieticProtoporphyria
38.During synthesis urea the sources of the nitrogen in urea cycle are:
Aspartate and ammonia
Glutamate and ammonia
Arginine and ammonia
Uric acid
39.Which one is nonsense codon that do not code for an amino acid in protein
(D) All of the above

40.Carbamoyl phosphate is used in

(A) Urea
(B) Uric acid
(C) Pyruvic acid
(D) Stearic acid
41.Keratin in the nail is exceptionally strong than others because of
(A) Disulphide bond
(B) Van der Walls forces
(C) Ionic bonds
(D) Calcification
42.At isoelectric pH, an amino acid exists as
None of these
43.The 2 nitrogen atoms in urea are contributed by
Ammonia and glutamate
Glutamine and glutamate
Ammonia and aspartate
Ammonia and alanine
44.Which bond is present in the primary structure of protein?
Ionic bond
45.The concentration of unconjugated bilirubin is elevated in
Obstructive jaundice
Hemolytic jaundice
Hepatic jaundice
All the above
46.All the following amino acids are nonessential except
47.Urea cycle take place in two cellular compartments which are:
Cytosol and vacuole
Cytosol and endoplasmic reticulum
Cytosol and mitochondria
Cytosol and nucleus
48.Buffering action of haemoglobin is mainly due to its

(A) Glutamine residues

(B) Arginine residues
(C) Histidine residues
(D) Lysine residues
49.The oxygen dissociation curve for hemoglobin is shifted to the right by
(A) Decreased O2 tension
(B) Decreased CO2 tension
(C) Increased CO2 tension
(D) Increased pH
50.The reactions of the urea cycle occurs in which one of the following?
A. In the cytosol
B. In lysosomes
C. In the mitochondrial matrix
D. In the mitochondrial matrix and the cytosol
51.Which of the following amino acid is only glucogenic not ketogenic.
A. Tyrosine
B. Tryptophan
C. Threonine
D. Isoleucine
52.In which of the following disease patient is not photosensitive?
A. Acute intermittent porphyria
B. Variegate porphyria
C. Porphyria cutaneatarda
D. ErythropoieticProtoporphyria
53.Pyrrole rings of hemoglobin molecule is attached to iron by:
A. His E 7
C. NH2
D. Guanidino group
54.Myoglobin is an oxygen-carrying molecule in muscle. It consists of just one
polypeptide chain. Myoglobin lacks:
a)primary structure
b)tertiary structure
c)secondary structure
d)quaternary structure
55.Which of the following is not an amino acid?
a) glutamic acid
b) aspartic acid
c) glutamine
d) palmitic acid
56.Deficiency of urea cycle enzymes results into accumulation of citrulline
argininosuccinate arginine in the liver resulting in increasing concentration of ..
in the blood.

(A) Calcium
(B) Sodium
(C) Ammonia
(D) Lipid
57.All the following are true about phenylketonuria except
A) Deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase
(B) Mental retardation
(C) Increased urinary excretion of -hydroxyphenyl pyruvic acid
(D) Decrease serotonin formation
58.Which of the following amino acids is a derivative of thyroid hormone?
a) Cystosine
b) Iodine
c) Tyrosine
d) Thymine
59.Which is not seen in acute intermittent porphyria
A. Abdominal pain
B. Photosensitivity
C. Seizures
D. Constipation
60.pH (isoelectric pH) of alanine is
61.An aromatic amino acid is
62.Sakaguchis reaction is specific for
(A) Tyrosine
(C) Arginine
(D) Cysteine
63.An essential amino acid in man is
64.Aketogenic amino acid is

65.After releasing " O2" at the
(A)CO2 and protons to the lungs
(B) O2 to the lungs
(C)CO2 and protons to the tissue

tissues, hemoglobin transports

66.The number of helices present in a collagen molecule is

67.A compound serving a link between citric acid cycle and urea cycle is
68.The number of ATP required for urea synthesis is
69.The amino acids involved in the synthesis of creatin are
(A)Arginine, glycine, active methionine
(B)Arginine, alanine, glycine
(C)Glycine, lysine, methionine
(D)Arginine, lysine, methionine
70. At isoelectric pH, an amino acid exists as
(D)None of these
71. Ammonia is transported from muscles to liver mainly in the form of
(A)Free ammonia
72.This amino acid cannot have optical isomers:

73.Bonds that are formed between two cysteine residues is

74. Abnormal chain of amino acids in sickle cells anaemia is
(A)Alpha chain
(B)Beta chain
(C)Gama chain
(D)Delta chain
75. NH3 is removed from brain mainly by
(A)Creatinine formation
(B)Uric acid production
(C)Urea formation
(D)Glutamine formation
76. The end product of amino acid nitrogen metabolism in uricotelic organisms
(reptiles and birds) is
(C)Uric acid
77.An inborn error, maple syrup urine disease is due to deficiency of the enzyme:
(B)Phenylalnine hydroxylase
(D)-Ketoacid decarboxylase
78.Jaundice is visible when serum bilirubin exceeds
(A)0.5 mg/100 ml
(B)0.8 mg/100 ml
(C)1 mg/100 ml
(D)2.4 mg/100 ml
79.A mixture of conjugated and unconjugated bilirubin is found in the circulation in
(A)Hemolytic jaundice
(B)Hepatic jaundice
(C)Obstructive jaundice
(D)Post hepatic jaundice
80Degradations of Hb takes place in
(C)Cytosol of cell
(D)R.E. cells
81.Biluveridin is converted to bilirubin by the process of


82. An inborn error, maple syrup urinedisease is due to deficiency of the enzyme:
(A) Isovaleryl-CoAhydrogenase
(B) Phenylalnine hydroxylase
(C) Adenosyltransferase
(D) -Ketoacid decarboxylase

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