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Enhancing Creativity

Learn How to Use the Alpha Level to Think, Create,

Innovate and Pull Ideas Out of Thin Air!
Dear Friend,

Welcome to Lesson 2
We hope that youve had an amazing experience listening to The Silva Centering
Exercise, where you learned to enter deep levels of relaxation and meditation.
This lesson will show you that by opening your mind to a flood of creative ideas and
inspiration, you will be able to .
By simply meditating daily you gain immense life-long health benefits. This is
commonly called passive meditation.
But there is another type of meditation that we teach at the Silva Seminar. We call
this active meditation.
Rather than going to your alpha level and simply remaining there in a state of
relaxed meditation, we teach you to use this level of mind to accomplish
anything you desire.

Now the real fun begins.

You can use this level of mind to:

gain inspirational ideas and thoughts,

program your brain to kick bad habits,

accelerate your natural healing process,
develop your intuition.
You can even use this level of mind to create coincidences to move you toward
your goals.

Today, were going to focus on teaching you how to use this level of mind to
gain creative ideas or inspiration.

Perhaps youre looking to write a term paper, create a marketing plan for you
business or compose a song youll learn how to tap into your inner source of
creativity to guide you.

Gaining Inspiration From Within

Jose Silva used to demonstrate an experiment on creativity with kids in his
hometown of Laredo, Texas. He would ask kids to think of solutions to a particular
problem while they were at the beta, or waking, level of mind.
He would then guide them to the alpha, or meditative level of mind and ask them to
think of further solutions. The children were always able to come up with more ideas
while at alpha.

Does your mind function more creatively when youre at the alpha level of
There is surprising evidence for this, both from first-hand experiences and
laboratory evidence. Napoleon Hill, the best-selling author of Think and Grow Rich
and The Laws of Success believed that the human mind was capable of tapping into
universal fields of intelligence to access ideas and inspiration.

Napoleon Hill writes:

The great artists, writers, musicians and poets became great because they
acquire the habit of relying upon the still, small voice that speaks from
within, through the faculty of creative imagination. It is a fact well known to
people who have keen imaginations that their best ideas come through socalled hunches.
Hill talks about how one inventor from Maryland, the late Dr. Elmer R. Gates, used
this technique to come up with over 200 patents. Gates would sit in his soundproof
laboratory equipped with a pad of writing paper.
He would shut off the lights and ponder on the known factors of the invention on
which he was working. He would remain in this position until ideas began to flash
into his mind in connection with the unknown factors of the invention.

On one occasion, ideas came so fast to Gates that he was forced to write for almost
three hours. When the thoughts stopped flowing and he examined his work he found
that they contained a minute description of principles that had no parallel among the
known data of the scientific world. Moreover the answer to his problem was
intelligently presented in those notes.
The greatest inventor of our time, Thomas Alva Edison, used a similar
technique. Edison was known for taking frequent naps in the middle of the day. Its
likely that during these naps he was entering the alpha level. He would often come
out of these naps with the solution to problems that had been bugging him. Edison
was awarded 1368 distinct patents and invented, among other things, the
incandescent light bulb, the phonograph, the film projector, and the first motion
Edison was known to have said, Ideas come from space. This may seem impossible
and hard to believe but its true. Ideas come from out of space.

Where Do Ideas Come From?

Where do creative ideas come from? The brain? The mind?
For best-selling author Richard Bach, a Silva graduate, the idea came from a bird.
Bach said this in an interview quoted in the November 1972 issue of Harpers Bazaar.
I was walking along one night, worrying about the rent, when I heard this voice say,
Jonathan Livingston Seagull. But no one was there. I had absolutely no idea what it
meant. When I got home, I suddenly had a vision of a seagull flying along, and I
began to write. The story certainly didnt spring from any conscious invention on
my part. I just put down what I saw.

Silva Instructor Wingate Paine told us the rest of the story during an instructor
training session in Laredo not long after the book became a bestseller.
Wingate said that Bach had written the first two-thirds of the book from a dreamlike experience where a big seagull appeared to him and said,
Take dictation, I have a story for you. But the bird faded away before the
completion of the story. Wingate said that Bach told him he did not know how to
get the bird to come back so that he could finish the book, until he took the
Silva course.
Then he knew how to get to that dream-like level and how to invite Jonathan
Livingston Seagull to this creative level to tell him the rest of the story.
Bach said in a Harpers Bazaar article that even before taking the Silva training, hed
come to assume that there are certain hidden capacities and powers which can be
taught. I think there is a terrifically pleasant principle behind existence do what
you love to do and youll be guided. Its a lot like flying a plane: You have to trust
what you cant see.
Jonathan Livingston Seagull was an immediate hit. The book was a bestseller, and
the movie based on the book was a huge hit. In fact, Jonathan Livingston Seagull
and the books that Bach wrote afterwards helped to bring about a spiritual
awakening on the planet, by helping people to understand and accept their own

Intuition in the Business World

Does this concept have applications in the world of business?
Professor John Mihalasky, Professor Emeritus of Industrial Engineeringat the New
Jersey Institute of Technology, seems to think so. In experiments he performed with
company CEOs he observed that the CEOs who performed best in tests of

intuition also tended to be the ones with the best success rates at running
their business (measured in terms of 5 year profitability growth).
Prof. Mihalaskys experiment results are summarized in the table below.

CEO Intuition Test Score

% Profitability Increase of the CEOs company over the last 5 years
Above Chance


Below Chance

Greated than 100%




50% 99%




Below 50%




Note that the CEOs with the greatest profitability increases (100% or more) also had
the greatest number of correct guesses in intuition tests. 81.5% of them performed
above chance results. On the opposite end, of the CEOs with the poorest results,
none scored above chance in the intuition test. Of CEOs with mediocre numbers the
results were consistent with statistical chance results.

What does this mean?

Perhaps Napoleon Hill was correct when he suggested in his book The Laws of
Success that the most successful people of his time, had learned to tap into their
sixth sense.
A genius, Hill said is a man who has discovered how to increase the intensity of
thought to a point where he can freely communicate with sources of knowledge not
available through the ordinary rate of thought.
This concept of tapping into a universal source of ideas also has applications in the
world of science and technology.
A research director at NDM (New Foundations in Medicine) took a Silva course while
working on a project to develop artificial arteries. He had come up with 4 different
formulas while at beta, but none of them worked. Silva instructor Ken Obermeyer
explained what happened next.

The NDM researcher used a technique he learned in class and programmed himself
to have a dream that would contain information that he could use to solve the
problem he had in mindthe best formula for artificial arteries.
He awakened sometime during the night, Obermeyer said, and wrote out a
formula, then he went back to sleep.
When he awakened in the morning, he saw the formula, went into the laboratory,
put a sample together, and found that the human body would accept his plastic.
One interesting note about this creative solution, Obermeyer continued.
The chemist said that if he had considered this formula on his beta information, he
wouldnt have believed it to be a formula the body would accept. He would not have
come up with this solution through reason and logic.
Heres how you can use this technique.

The Basic Technique

Go to your alpha level using the meditation techniques you learned in part 2 of this
When you have reached your alpha level, think of the problem you wish to
When you quiet your personality during meditation you open the channel for higher
wisdom and guidance to come to you through your intuitive mind.
Analyze the problem from all aspects and bring to mind all points of information or
data you have on the problem. Frame the specific questions in your mind.
Now let your mind wander. Jot down any interesting ideas or thoughts that come to
you. The answer may come to you through words, mental pictures or feelings.
Are these lessons helping you so far? Come and get Silva Life System today, and
further experience these amazing life-changing benefits FOR GOOD!

Creative Visualization
How You Can Use the Power of Visualization and
Affirmations to Create Lucky Coincidences
Dear Friend,

Welcome to Lesson 3

Is Luck Within Your Control?

We now come to the premier techniques for harnessing your minds power to shape
your life and move you towards your dreams and aspirations.
This principles below will specifically teach you to .

We will teach you two techniques in this lesson.


Creative Visualization.
In our last lesson you learned how to use the alpha level of mind to gain creative
ideas and inspiration. You are now ready for the next step. You will learn how to
tap into your mind to shape your reality. Perhaps youre looking to be more
positive, to stick to your diet, to improve your golf swing or to end a bad habit. Well
show you how you can use affirmations and creative visualization to reprogram your
mind and reshape your attitudes and behavior.

It all starts with your imagination. Imagination is the ability to create an idea,
a vision or an image of something new.

In creative visualization, we use the power of imagination to create a mental image

of what we want to accomplish or obtain.

Your goal could be on any level



You might imagine yourself driving that BMW you always wanted, owning a home in
the country, married to your ideal mate, succeeding at your job or having
$100,000.00 in your bank account.
No matter what your goal, the technique is basically the same. You imagine the
desired outcome in your mind. At the same time, you repeat a positive affirmation
about the goal. The affirmation is in the present tense.
Imagination is the beginning of creation.You imagine what you desire,you
will what you imagineand at last you create what you will.

~ George Bernard Shaw (1856 1950)

The Scientific Evidence

There is strong scientific evidence that visualization can be used to dramatically
improve your results in sports, public speaking, performing arts and anything else
which involves practice.
In one study, Australian psychologist Allen Richardson conducted an experiment with
basketball players making hoop shots. He divided the players in three groups.

Group A was asked to practice their shots on a basketball court for 20

minutes a day.

Group B was asked not to practice at all.

Group C was asked to mentally rehearse shooting a basketball through a
hoop for 20 minutes each day.
At the end of the study Group A improved their hoop shot ability by 25%. Group B,
as expected, showed no improvement at all.
What was truly surprising, was that Group C improved by 24%, almost as much
as Group A, even though they had not physically set foot in a basketball court.
There is also overwhelming scientific evidence that visualization can be used to heal
the body. Doctors such as O. Carl Simonton have been helping patients recover
from serious illnesses such as cancer by combining visualization with modern
medicine. The patients often made dramatic improvements simply by visualizing their
bodies behaving in ideal, healthy ways.

Well look at more of this fascinating evidence in our next lesson which will be
on mind-body healing.
What were going to suggest in this lesson is something even more incredible.

Your minds influence is not just limited to improving your emotions, skills and
physical body. Your mind can influence theworld outside your apparent physical
In other words, your mind can spawn amazing coincidences to move you towards
your goals. The coincidences could be things that were seemingly unconnected to
you and beyond your control.
The techniques we will teach you do not just make you more focused on
your goals. They directly influence your reality.
Laboratory evidence pouring out of universities such as Princeton and Stanford has
shown that volunteers are able to influence matter by their thoughts. So far the
evidence has been limited to effects on random number generators, dice and
electronic equipment. We will look at some of this evidence in Lesson Seven.
What is still lacking is scientific evidence that visualization can create coincidences
in the physical world, outside your immediate control. This of course, is hard to test
in a lab.
But thousands of scientists and millions of other people in the world do believe in this
because they have experienced it in their own lives.
In short, just because an effect cannot be tested in a lab, does not mean it does not
Some of the greatest thinkers in the worldEinstein, Edison, Jung, Carnegie and
Goethe (the man with the highest recorded IQ, 210)all believed in the power of the
mind to create coincidences.
I believe that the mind has the power to affect groups of atoms and even
tamper with the odds of atomic behavior, and that even the course of the
world is not predetermined by physical law, but may be altered bythe
uncaused volition of human beings.

~ Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington, English mathematician and AstroPhysicist

Lets take a look at some of these personal experiences. Millions of people worldwide
have reported such coincidences.
On our web site we maintain a library of letters from people who have used Silva Life
System techniques to accelerate healing, gain inspiration, start a business, find a
dream job, achieve goals, walk again after a car accident, earn a six-figure income,
and find peace of mind.

Letters are sorted in categories:


Personal Development
Spiritual Development
You can access this library anytime by clicking here
Below, we have included segments from letters that we have received from students
of the Silva Life System. These letters will give you some ideas of what can be
accomplished when the mind is properly harnessed.
Lets take a look at how you can start applying these techniques.

Basic Technique 1 Affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements you repeat to yourself while in a
meditative or alpha level of mind. Affirmations are always done in the present
tense, as if the action has already taken place.
The concept was made famous by a French physician called Emile Coue. Coue was
responsible for thousands of remarkable documented healings at the beginning of
the 20th century. His remedy was to combine western medicine with the power of
affirmations. Patients were made to repeat positive healing affirmations to
themselves while in a relaxed frame of mind.
Coues most famous affirmation was everyday, in every way, I am getting better and
When done at the alpha level, affirmations tend to be countless times more powerful
than when done at the beta, or waking state.

Because when you reach the alpha level of mind, your subconscious is
brought to a conscious levelthis means its easier for you to convey commands
directly to your subconscious.

Several affirmations that we use in the Silva Life System seminar include:

I will always maintain a perfectly healthy body and mind

Positive thoughts, positive emotions, bring me all the benefits and advantages I
I am learning to use more of my mind and to use it in a better way
You can also create your own affirmations:
Looking for job satisfaction? Try saying
I have a perfect career that I truly love and enjoy. I have great opportunities for
advancement and I am earning a wonderful salary of __________ a year.
Looking to slim down? Try saying
I only enjoy eating the right types of healthy, nutritious foods that are good for my
I love the feeling of increased energy I get after exercising.
Every day, I am burning calories and getting closer to my ideal weight
Looking to attract abundence? Try
Im so happy and grateful now that money comes to me, in ever increasing
quantities, through multiple sources, on a continuous basis.
Other affirmations you can use include:
My relationship with _______ is growing.
I enjoy my work and am richly rewarded.
I have enough time, energy, wisdom and funds to accomplish all my goals.
Before you start creating your affirmation, note these important rules:

1. Affirmations must be in the present tense.

Your subconscious mind does not think in terms of past, present or future. If you say,
I want to be an excellent golfer then your subconscious understands this as a
statement of wanting. What you then get is the wanting or desire to be an excellent
golfer but not the actual abilityitself.
What you should say is I am an excellent golfer. Your subconscious understands
this as a statement of your present reality. It therefore works to make this reality

Remember, replace I want with I am

2. You must believe that the goal is within your reach.

If you repeat an affirmation, but at the same time youre secretly thinking you
cannot accomplish it, you hijack the process.
When you first start practicing this you should start with small believable goals. As
you achieve these goals your confidence in yourself and in the power affirmations
grows. This allows you to tackle greater and greater issues.

The best way to implant an affirmation is to release your mind from all
desire and intention.
Merely state the suggestion to yourself without passion as a thing that is already so.
Something that is true is obvious and undeniable it does not need to be shouted
or defended. It simply is. Use repetition to reinforce the effects of the affirmation.

3. Affirmations must always be done as a positive statement.

If youre trying to drop weight dont say, I am not overweight. Instead say, I am
slim and healthy. When you see a phrase such as I am no longer ill, the dominant
image in your mind is that of illness. When you turn that around to a phrase such as
I am healthy and well, the dominant image in your mind is then one of health and
Remember, always turn the affirmation into a positive statement.
Positive affirmations are extremely useful in causing fundamental change, not only in
behavior and beliefs, but in the external conditions of life.
When a suggestion is correctly injected into the subconscious mind, the effect is
nothing short of miraculous. It does not show itself overnight, however, but is
gradual and cumulative.

Basic Technique 2 Creative Visualization

While affirmations are goodSilva pioneered a technique that is far more powerful
that using simple affirmations. This technique is called creative visualization.
This involves visualizing the end result of your goal or desire while you are in the
alpha level of mind.
The concept of creative visualization has been known for ages. It gained renewed
popularity in the 1970s when a Silva graduate by the name of Shakti Gawain wrote a
best-selling book about it.

Just like affirmations your visualization should be done in the present tense. Lets
say youre looking to own a brand new car. You want to visualize yourself in the car
and feel the moment as if it is happening this instant and not at some time in the
In other words, feel the sense of joy in owning the car, rather than the sense of
wanting or the sense of desire for the car.
To visualize effectively Jose Silva suggests creating a mental screen in front of your
eyes. This should be like the screen you see in a cinema. It should be forward, in
front of your eyes, and raised at an angle of around 20 degrees. The screen should
be at least 6 feet in front of you. Make the screen as large as you can, almost like a
movie screen in a cinema.

Try it now.
Close your eyes and visualize the mental screen, raised slightly 20 degrees above the
horizon, and at least 6 feet in front of you.
When you perform creative visualization you will project images onto this screen.
If you are looking to improve your sports skills, visualize yourself playing the
game perfectly. See yourself making perfect moves, shooting every basket, making
the perfect swing. Feel the joy you feel when you play the game well.
If you are looking to shed some pounds, see yourself healthy and fit. Feel the
joy of having a beautiful body. See people complimenting you.
If youre in sales, you can see yourself making the perfect pitches. See your
monthly commission statements showing ever increasing figures

Enhancing Your Creative Visualization

If you have difficulty visualizing use a technique called streaming.
In streaming you mentally describe what it is that youre seeing. Make the
description as detailed as possible. For example if youre trying to visualize yourself
driving a brand new car, mentally tell yourself, Im seein the dashboard, it has
beautifully carved silver dials, the leather has tiny checkered patterns on it
As you describe the image in detail you will find that the image also takes on more
detail. This, in turn, gives you more things to mentally describe. One feeds into the
other and your imagined image becomes more and more vivid.
Dont get stuck on the term visualization. Different people have different dominant
senses. The most common dominant sense is the sense of sight. This is why
for most people the process of visualization works well. Some people, however, may
have a dominant sense of touch or hearing or smell. These people may have

difficulty visualizing but may be able to accurately imagine sounds, smells or

For these people its important to incorporate these senses into their mental
experience. Someone who was born blind for example, can still engage in creative
visualization, but rather then see images, they would create the mental experience
by using their mental sense of smell, hearing, taste and touch.

How to Increase the Impact of Creative Visualization:




Make the image as realistic as possible Incorporate movement, make the screen
three-dimensional. See colors and shapes. Use the streaming technique if you have difficulty
Feel emotions associated with the image Joy, happiness, a sense of fulfillment.
How would you be feeling if you had what you wanted? Imagine and explore this feeling. A
thought without emotions has no energy and no force behind it. It is like running a car on
empty. Feel the emotions of having what you want.
Bring in your other senses Feel the wind blowing on your face; imagine the scents
involved with the images. Feel texture and temperature. The more senses you involve, the
more real the image is to your subconscious mind.

Heres one example. Picture an orange. Imagine the color of it. Is it bright orange
and ripe? Then picture yourself peeling the orange. Imagine the smell as you start to
peel it. Feel the juice flowing over your fingers. Then squeeze the orange and feel the
flesh of the fruit. Bring it to your nose and imagine the odor of an orange. Imagine
tasting it and bring back a memory of how an orange tastes in your mouth. As you
can see, the trick is to make the image as real as possible by using all of your senses
and emotions.
Remember the more realistic the visualization process, the better and
faster the results.

How You Can Practice

You can combine your affirmations with your creative visualization to create a more
powerful effect. As youre imagining your goal, simply repeat your affirmation
mentally, as many times as you feel necessary.
Dont be discouraged if you do not get immediate results. We are all at different
levels of spiritual development and some of us have years of negative programming
and negative belief systems to overcome. But overcome them you shall. Creative
visualization can be such a powerful process when done at the Alpha level that just
five minutes a day of practice can undo years of negative programming.
Furthermore, once you get your first success your belief system gets strengthened
and this will allow you to manifest your next goal a little quicker. Masters who
practiceregularly find that they do not even have to go to a meditative level of mind
and spend time repeatedly visualizing their goals. A mere conscious thought of their

desire can set the gears in motion and create coincidences to direct them towards
their goal.
Before we end this lesson we will share some other letters received from students
who have taken the Silva Life System seminar or used the home study program.
Keep in mind that these students attended the seminar or used the home study
course, both of which contain advanced techniques beyond the scope of this
One can still get excellent results from just the basic techniques outlined in this
program but you will have to practice much harder and start with smaller goals while
you build up your belief system.

The Mind-Body Connection

How to Use Your Mind to Accelerate Healing and Add
Extra Years to Your Life.
Dear Friend,

Welcome to Lesson 4

How to Regain and Maintain Perfect Health

In our last chapter we explored techniques to use your mind to reprogram your
attitudes, beliefs and habits.But can the mind go further? Can the mind actually
influence the physical body in dramatic ways? Science is beginning to show that
it can. In this chapter we will share information on some interesting experiments that
provide evidence of the powerful mind-body connection.

We will also show you how you can:

start using your mind to influence your body in healthy ways

help accelerate your bodys natural healing process

slow down the aging process
And the thing is, with a healthy body, it can definitely help you to

The Mind Rules the Body

Case Study on Healing

A sixty-one year old man named Frank was diagnosed as having a fatal type of
throat cancer. His weight had dropped to 98 pounds, he had trouble breathing and
could barely swallow. Doctors placed his survival rate at 5% and even pondered
whether he should be placed under radiation therapy, since the treatment might only
add to his discomfort and not significantly increase his survival odds.
After much thought, the doctors decided to put him under radiation treatment
anyway. Fortunately for Frank, Dr. O. Carl Simonton, then medical director of the
Cancer Counseling and Research Center in Dallas, Texas, was asked to participate in
Franks treatment.
Simonton suggested that Frank himself had the ability to influence the course of
his own disease and taught Frank a number of relaxation and mental-imagery

The Treatment of Visualization

Frank had to visualize

the radiation he received consisted of thousands of tiny bullets of energy

bombarding his cells;

his cancer cells as being weaker than the normal cells and thus unable to

repair the damage they suffered;

his bodys white blood cells as coming in and swarming over the weakened

cancer cells;
flushing the cancer cells out of his body through his liver and kidneys.
The results were astonishing and far exceeded what usually happens when a
patient is treated solely with radiation therapy. Frank experienced almost none of the
negative side effects the skin and mucous membrane damage that normally
followed such treatment. In a mere two months he had not only regained his weight
and strength but all signs of his cancer had vanished.

Frank is one of thousands of cancer patients that have benefited from imagery
therapy through the Simonton Cancer Center (
Dr. Simonton, a Silva graduate, was once asked to address the audience at a Silva
Convention. About the Silva system, said Simonton, I would say it is the most
powerful single tool that I have to offer patients. In her part of the address,
Stephanie Simonton, Dr. Simontons wife, talked about how they used the mental
techniques at their clinic. Probably the single most important tool we have, she
said, is the mental imagery technique. She then went on to tell the audience of
the need for all of us to take personal responsibility for our health. It is up to us to
use the technique that all of you who have had the Silva course have learned and to
use it regularly, she said.
In this chapter we will teach you how to apply basic Silva Life System techniques to
help you accelerate your rate of healing.
But first, lets discuss a strange phenomenon the widely observed but little
understood, placebo effect.

The Mysterious Placebo Effect

Scientists and doctors have long been puzzled by how certain patients have been
able to heal themselves of life-threatening diseases.
Doctors have found that a patient can trigger self-healing by the mere belief
that they will be cured. This is commonly called the placebo effect.
Doctors are finding that many people manage to get cured when they are given fake
medication, called placebos, which usually consist of nothing more than sugar pills or
distilled water, and then told by their doctors that they were taking real medication.

There is no explanation for why the placebo effect works, except that somehow, the
patients belief that they are getting cured triggers some sort of self-healing ability
within the patient. The placebo effect is probably the best-documented way in which
the mind is known to affect the body.
The placebo effect, using some of the most outrageous remedies, has worked
exceptionally well with warts. In 1934, a physician conducted a double-blind study
showing that placebos worked almost as well as sulpharsphenamine, the drug
commonly used to treat warts at the time. 53% of patients given the actual medicine
were cured. But of the patients given the fake medicine, which was nothing more
than distilled water and told it was a genuine wart cure, 48% were cured.

The opposite also works.

If you believe something is harmful to you, it tends to be.
One study showed that 19 out of 40 subjects developed asthmatic symptoms after
inhaling a saline solution they believed to be allergenic. Twelve developed full-blown
wheezing and bronchial spasms, which disappeared completely three minutes after
receiving another saline solution placebo. The researchers concluded that suggestion
played a significant role in precipitating asthmatic attacks.
Weirder still the placebo effect also works with surgery.
In the summer of 1994, a surgeon named J. Bruce Moseley had 10 patients
scheduled for an operation intended to relieve the arthritis pain in their knees. All 10
were wheeled into the Houston Veterans Affairs Medical Center, draped, examined
and anesthetized. All 10 were then dispatched to the recovery room and sent home
from the hospital by the next morning equipped with crutches and a painkiller. All 10
men believed they had just gone through a reliable medical surgery to cure them of
their knee arthritis pain. But this was not the case.
In fact, while two of the men would undergo the standard arthroscopic surgery for
their condition the scraping and rinsing of the knee joint and three would have
the rinsing alone, five would have no recognized surgical procedure at all. Their
surgery would be a placebo. Moseley would cut the placebo patients knees three
times with a scalpel to make it feel and look real, there had to be incisions and
scars for the patient to believe he had undergone surgery but that was it.

The placebo worked.

Six months after surgery, the 10 patients still didnt know whether they had been
faked out or not.
But all of them reported much less pain.
The placebo effect can be so powerful that all modern drugs have to be tested
against a placebo before they are released to the public. And many former
treatments and drugs have been taken off the market when their healing properties
were found to be solely due to the placebo effect

Other Evidence for Mind Body Interaction

Hypnotism is another way to demonstrate the mind-body effect. A hypnotist can
cause someone to trigger their bodys own healing mechanism at will.
Jose Silva used to demonstrate how he could put someone into an hypnotic state of
mind and then suggest to them that the pencil he was holding was red hot and that if
the pencil touched their skin they would feel no pain but their skin would produce a
blister. One in five people would actually develop the blister from the touch of the
pencil. The blister could then be made to disappear automatically, again with mere
A good hypnotist can even get a subject to tan their skin on command. Another
weird phenomenon of mind-body interaction is that of people with multiple or split
personalities. Psychologists have observed that when multiples switch personalities
their body also shows dramatic changes.

Eyesight can improve or worsen, allergies can reappear or disappear and even brain
wave patterns can change. Multiples can also change their voice patterns in ways
that even the best actors cannot emulate.
This leads to an interesting question

Just how much of your physical body is influenced by your belief

The gap between mind and body seems almost non-existent. Jose Silva believed that
as much as 90% of all physical ailments are induced and curable by the mind.

The Growing Acceptance

The scientific evidence for mind-body healing is well established and public
acceptance is now mainstream.
A 1990 Gallup Poll on American attitudes to paranormal phenomenon found that
25% of Americans had had success with mental healing.
The May 2001 Gallup Poll discovered that Americans with the highest levels of
education are more likely to believe in the power of the mind to heal the body.
The same Gallup Poll on Americans beliefs on the Paranormal, updated the statistics
in June 2005, showing that more than 55% believe in the connection between
the mind and the body in healing. These healing powers of the mind on both the
physical and emotional have been demonstrated empirically, reflecting the power of
Furthermore, according to a famous survey published in 1993 in the New England
Journal of Medicine, 34% of adult Americans reported using at least one
unconventional therapy in the past year. This includes meditation, yoga and
visualization techniques.
And finally, the 1993 New England Journal of Medicine survey found that alternative
medicine ?a category which includes mind-body healing, energy healing and spiritual
healing ? is most likely to be practiced not by the socially marginal or the cognitively
defective but by affluent (incomes above $35,000), college-educated people.

But Can Your Mind Heal Someone Elses Body?

Lets ask a more daring question.
Can you use your mind to heal a loved one at a distance?

Some of the most surprising evidence for distant healing comes from psychologist
William Braud and his colleagues at The Mind Science Foundation of San Antonio,
Texas. Brauds studies, conducted over 17 years, involved having people mentally
attempt to influence the nervous system of remote participants.
The results of the study were simply mind blowing.
The Receivers
Braud would wire up the first group of people, known as receivers, to machines that
measured up to seven different physiological responses such as blood pressure, skin
conductivity and muscle tremor.
The Senders
A second group of people, known as senders, would be placed in a different room
and asked to attempt to arouse or calm the receiver solely by thinking about them.
Both senders and receivers were ordinary people who had volunteered for the study.
Brauds 37 experiments involved 665 sessions, 449 people and 13 experimenters.
What Braud found was that at the exact moment the sender was asked to think of
their receiver, the receiver would show a change in his or her physiological condition.
The 37 experiments combined resulted in odds against chance of more than 100
trillion to one in favor of distant mental interactions between the participants.
In short, the ability of one persons mind to affect another persons body is
scientific fact.

But Just How Powerful is it?

Okay, so we know that one persons mind can somehow influence someone elses
physical body but is the effect really powerful enough to make a difference in
someones state of health?
Again, the answer is surprising.

The effects of distant healing have been proven to be significantly

greater than many drugs deemed to be highly successful in
For example, numerous studies have shown that propranolol and aspirin are effective
in reducing heart attacks. But their effects pale in comparison to distant healing.
Effect sizes of drugs are measured on a scale from 0 to 1. An effect size of 0.03 in a
medical life-or-death situation would mean that 3 out of 100 people survived. An
effect size of 0.3 would mean that an additional 30 out of 100 survived.

In medical tests the effect size of aspirin on reducing heart attackis 0.03. The effect
size of propranolol was not much higher, at 0.04. These sizes were sufficient enough
proof for the government to authorize the drug manufacturers to state that their
products prevent heart attack.
But the effect size of distant healing in Brauds experiments was a surprising 0.25.

This means that if 100 people were going through a therapy with a
success rate of 35%, this success rate would go up to 60% with
the addition of distant healing. Almost twice as many patients
would be saved.
In his studies, Braud also discovered some strange properties of distant healing. His
volunteers were asked to participate in another experiment where they would
attempt to mentally calm down two groups. One was a group of highly nervous
people and the other a calmer group.
First, Braud found that the distant healing effect was the strongest when the person
on the receiving end actually had a serious need for healing. The effect size on the
highly nervous group was far greater than on the calm group.
More surprisingly, he found that the effect size on the agitated group by those trying
to calm them down was only slightly less than the effect that people had on
themselves when using relaxation techniques.
In statistical terms this means that other people could have the same mind-body
effect on you as you could have on yourself and vice-versa.

The Five Rules for Mind-Body Healing

William Braud outlined five major mental techniques that he believed have important
effects on the self-healing processes.

They include:


The need for relaxation and quietude.

Learning to focus your attention on one thing (e.g. breathing), which allows you to
develop mental self-control and avoid distractions.(The above two points are achieved through
Learning visualization or imagery techniques since pictures are the preferred
language of the mind.
Incorporating intent into the process, a wish for some goal to be reached and an
expectation that it will.
The evocations of strong positive emotions during the healing process.

The healing system developed by Jose Silva almost two decades before Brauds
research had already incorporated these five elements. Brauds research had finally

provided scientific credibility to Silvas technique. Next, you will learn Silvas basic
healing technique.

The Technique for Self-Healing

The following is the basic technique. The more advanced techniques are beyond the
scope of this e-book.

The Basic Technique

1. Go to your alpha level of mind.
Get the Alpha audio below. This free audio will guide your mind to the relaxed alpha
level which is suitable for mental healing.

Download this Audio File

2. Visualize Your Current State of Health on Your Mental Screen.

We explained the mental screen in Chapter 4
Visualize the current condition of the body, including the ailment or pain that is
bothering you. You do not need to memorize or know what each component of your
body actually looks like. Simple pictures are enough to speak to your mind. A lung
can be imagined as a balloon. A kidney can resemble a kidney bean. Create a
representative picture of the ailment. Feel the emotions associated with this problem.

3. See Yourself Healing and Getting Better and Healthier.

Now visualize the ailment disappearing. Create, with your imagination, a system to
remove the ailment.

Kidney stones can be crushed into harmless powder that is then excreted.

Tumors can be visualized as large black blobs, while your immune system

and white blood cells are visualized as tiny soldiers attacking the tumor. On each
attack the tumor shrinks.
A sore muscle can be bathed in an imaginary healing light that alleviates the
pain and restores the muscle to a healthy state.

The exact image you use is irrelevant create something that speaks to you. It does
not have to be scientifically correct. It only has to be symbolic. Your subconscious
mind will get the message.

4. Let the final picture be one of perfect health.

Feel the joy and energy of having perfect health. Imagine it to be true and already
It helps to say an affirmation such as:
I have a perfectly healthy body and mind
My ______ is now functioning perfectly and is in a state of excellent health.

5. Let Go.
Let go and trust your bodys self-healing ability. You can now come out of the alpha
level. Trust that the healing action is taking place.
Please note that mental healing should not be used as a replacement for a visit to
your doctor. Always consult a doctor first for serious health conditions. Mental healing
is a type of complementary medicine as the name suggests it is to be used
alongside but not as a replacement for modern medicine.
No matter what type of healing you use conventional medicine, surgery, or more
holistic therapies such as acupuncture, yoga, or massage the Silva Life system can
speed and smooth the normal healing process amazingly.

What If Im already Healthy?

If you have no health problems and are perfectly healthy at the moment, you can
still meditate and visualize yourself staying in perfect health. This way you may
never have to worry about having to heal yourself.

What You Learn in the Seminar

In Silva Seminars we actually go one step beyond self-healing.
Class members are paired up with each other and one takes the role of the healer
and the other takes the role of a guide. The guide provides the healer with nothing
more than the name, age, gender and location of the person to be healed. This
person is known as the subject.

The healer then goes to their alpha level of mind and is able to detect information on
the mental and physical condition of the subject.
The results are often jaw dropping for the students. The majority of students
usually manage to get specific details about the health condition of their subject
correct. These details are often so accurate that they could not have simply been
guessed. We do this to demonstrate to people the powerful psychic abilities of their
This phenomenon is commonly called ESP or remote viewing. In the next lesson we
will look at some of Jose Silvas discoveries before we move on to showing you how
you can develop your ESP.

Personal Healing Experiences

Before we end this lesson, we will share some letters we have received from
students who have taken the Silva UltraMind seminar or used the home study
Again, keep in mind that these students attended the seminar or used the home
study course, both of which contain advanced techniques beyond the scope of this
e-book program. One can still get excellent results from just the basic techniques
outlined in this program but you will have to practice much harder and start with
smaller healing goals while you build up your belief system and confidence

The Story of Jose Silva

How a Series of Coincidences Lead to Silvas Mind
Training System
Dear Friend,

Welcome to Lesson 5
In our last four Lessons we have showed you how to:

reach a deep meditative level of mind with ease (Lesson 1)

gain inspiration at alpha (Lesson 2)

use creative visualization to manifest your goals (Lesson 3)
accelerate your bodys rate of healing (Lesson 4)
In this Lesson, well take a look at how Jose Silva first became interested in the
workings of the human mind and how this lead to his world-renowned mindtraining programs.

The Silva story is fascinating and insightful. It will give you a clearer idea of how his
methods work and how you can use them in your life. Like for example, how it could
aid you to .
The story also mentions some amazing coincidences that Silva experienced
coincidences that seemed to guide him toward what would ultimately become a body
of work that would help millions of people discover their own latent abilities.

The Beginning
Jose Silva was born on August 11, 1914, in Laredo, Texas. When he was four, his
father died. His mother later remarried, and he, his older sister, and younger brother
moved in with their grandmother. Two years later he became the family breadwinner, selling newspapers, shining shoes, and doing odd jobs. In the evenings he
watched his sister and brother do their homework, and they helped him learn to read
and write.

He has never gone to school, except to teach.

Joses rise from poverty began one day when he was waiting his turn in a
barbershop. He reached for something to read. What he picked up was a lesson from
a correspondence course on how to repair radios. Jose asked to borrow it, but the
barber would only rent it, and only on the condition that Jose complete the
correspondence course examinations in the barbers name. Each week Jose paid a
dollar, read the lesson, and completed the examination.
Soon a diploma hung in the barbershop, while across town Jose, at the age of fifteen,
began to repair radios.

As the years passed, his repair business became one of the largest in the area,
providing funds for the education of his brother and sister, the wherewithal for him to
marry, plus eventually some half-million dollars to finance the twenty years of
research that led to his mind-training systems.
The man who sparked Silvas research was a psychiatrist whose job was to ask
questions of men being inducted into the Signal Corps during World War II.
Do you wet your bed? the Army psychiatrist asked. Jose was dumbfounded. Do
you like women? Jose, the father of three, and destined one day to be the father of
ten, was shocked.

Surely, he thought, the man knew more about the human mind than the barber
knew about radios. Why such odd questions?
It was this perplexing moment that started Jose on an odyssey of scientific research
that led to his becoming one of the most creative scholars of his age. Through
their writings, Freud, Jung, and Adler became his early teachers.
The odd questions took on deeper meanings, and soon Jose was ready to ask a
question of his own: Is it possible, using hypnosis, to improve a persons learning
ability in fact, to raise his I.Q.? In those days I.Q. was believed to be something
we were born with, but Jose was not so sure.
The question had to wait while he studied advanced electronics to become an
instructor in the Signal Corps. When he was discharged, with savings gone and $200
in his pocket, he began slowly to rebuild his radio repair business. At the same time
he took on a part-time teaching job at Laredo Junior College where he supervised
three other teachers and was charged with creating the schools electronics
Five years later, with television on the scene, his repair business began to flourish
and Jose called a halt to his teaching career. His business once again became the
largest in town. His workdays ended about 9pm each night. He would have dinner,
help put the children to bed, and when the house was quiet, study for about three
hours. His studies led him further into hypnosis.
What he learned about hypnosis, plus what he knew about electronics, and some Fs
on his childrens report cards brought him back to the question he had raised earlier
can learning ability, the I.Q., be improved through some kind of mental

Can Learning Ability Be Raised Through Mind Training?

Jose already knew that the mind generates electricity he had read about
experiments early in the century that revealed the Alpha brain wave rhythm. And he
knew from his work in electronics that the ideal circuit is the one with the least
resistance, or impedance, because it makes the greatest use of its electrical energy.

Then he asked himself:

Can we lower our brain impedance?

If so, would the brain work more effectively by doing so?

Jose began using hypnosis to quiet the minds of his children and he discovered what
to many appeared to be a paradox. He found that the brain was more energetic
when it was less active. At lower frequencies the brain received and stored more
information. The crucial problem was to keep the mind alert at these

frequencies, which are associated more with daydreaming and sleep than with
practical activity.
Hypnosis permitted the receptivity Jose was looking for, but not the kind of
independent thought that leads to reasoning things out so they can be
understood. Having a head full of remembered facts is not enough; insight and
understanding is necessary, too.

Jose Finds the Answers with Mental Training

Jose soon abandoned hypnosis and began experimenting with mental training
exercises to quiet the brain yet keep it more independently alert than in hypnosis.
This, he reasoned, would lead to improved memory combined with understanding
and hence to higher I.Q. scores.
The exercises from which Silvas techniques evolved called for relaxed concentration
and vivid mental visualization and ways of reaching lower levels. Once reached,
these levels proved more effective than the fully awake level, the Beta level, in

The Proof

His childrens grades improved sharply over a three-year period while he continued to
improve his techniques.
Jose had scored a new discovery a very significant one, which other research,
principally biofeedback, has since confirmed. He was the first person to prove that
we can learn to function with awareness at the Alpha and Theta frequencies
of the brain.
Another discovery, an equally astonishing one, was soon to come.

Silvas Child Reads His Mind

One evening Joses daughter had gone to her center (to use todays Silva Life
System terminology), and Jose was questioning her about her studies. As she
answered each question, he framed the next in his mind. This was the usual
procedure, and so far the session was no different from hundreds that had gone
before. Suddenly, the routine was momentously changed.
Jose would frame the question in his mind first, before verbally asking the question.
All of a sudden, his daughter answered the very question he was planning on
asking before he had a chance to verbally express the question.
She repeated this again and again. Jose would only frame the question in his mind
and she would answer it. She was reading his mind.
This was in 1953, when ESP was becoming a respectable subject for scientific inquiry,
largely through the published work of Dr. J. B. Rhine of Duke University. Jose wrote
to Dr. Rhine to report that he had trained his daughter to practice ESP and received a
disappointing answer. Dr. Rhine hinted that the girl might have been psychic to begin
with. Without tests of the girl before the training, there was no way to tell.
Meanwhile, Joses neighbors noticed that his childrens schoolwork had remarkably
improved. At the beginning of his experiments these highly religious people had been
wary of his probing into the unknown. However, the success of a man working
with his own children could not be ignored. Would Jose train their children too?

He had developed the first method in history that can train anyone to
use ESP.
After the letter from Dr. Rhine, this was just what Jose needed. If what he had
accomplished with one child could be accomplished with others, he would have
chalked up the kind of repeatable experiments that are the basis to the scientific
Over the next 10 years he trained 39 Laredo children, with even better results
because he improved his techniques a little with each child.
He had developed the first method in history that can train anyone to use ESP, and
he had 39 repeatable experiments to prove it. Now to perfect the method.

Silvas Course Takes Shape

Within another three years, Jose developed the course of mind training, which
is now standard and as effective with adults as with children. Back then it took 40 to
48 hours. It has since been reduced to 18 to 20 hours through further refinement of
the techniques.
So far it has been validated by some 1,000,000 experiments the graduates of his
course. This is a measure of repeatability that no open-minded scientist can ignore.

These long years of research were financed by Joses growing electronics business.
No university, foundation or government grants were available for such an unusual
and unfamiliar field of research. With all this success, Jose did not become a
celebrity, nor a guru or spiritual leader with followers or disciples. He was a plain
man of simple ways, who spoke with the soft, almost lost accent of a MexicanAmerican. He was a powerfully built, stocky man with a kindly face that creases
easily into a smile.
Anyone who asked Jose what success has meant to him was answered with a flood of
success stories.

Here are a few examples:

A woman wrote to the Boston Herald American begging for some way to help her
husband, who was tormented by migraine headaches. The newspaper printed her
letter, then another letter the next day from someone else also pleading for a way to
control such headaches.
A physician read these letters and wrote that she has had migraine headaches all
her life. She had taken Jose Silvas course and had not had one since. And would
you believe it, the next introductory lecture was mobbed. Absolutely mobbed, said
Another physician and prominent psychiatrist, advises all his patients to study Silva
techniques because it gives them insights that in some cases would require two
years of therapy to produce.

Creativity and Business

An entire marketing company was organized as a co-op by graduates who used what
they learned in the Silva Mind Method to invent new products and devise ways
of marketing them. In its third year, the company had eighteen products on the
An advertising man used to need about two months to create a campaign for new
clients about average in his field. Then after Silva training, the basic ideas come in
twenty minutes and the rest of the work was done in two weeks.

Sports Performance
Fourteen Chicago White Sox players took Silvas class. All their individual averages
improved, most of them dramatically.

Weight Control and Bad Habits

A husband of an overweight woman suggested she try the class because all her diets
had failed. She agreed, provided he went too. She lost twenty pounds in six
weeks; he stopped smoking.

Better Grades
A professor at a college of pharmacy teaches Silva techniques to his students.
Their grades are going up in all their courses, with less studying, and theyre more
relaxed. Everybody already knows how to use his or her imagination. I just get my
students to practice it more.

In the Press
The press also wrote about Silvas new program. The following extract from an April
16, 1972 New York Times article Can Man Control His Mind says it all.
A recent study by Trinity University, San Antonio, Tex. would appear to indicate that
graduates of Mind Control do attain a high degree of Alpha production. C.
W. Post College, Greenvale, L. I., is planning to offer the course at its business school
this fall and Canisius College will offer it in its Department of Religious Studies.
A visit to a Mind Control class in New York discloses more stockbrokers than
bearded way out and the dress style is closer to Brooks Brothers than to the East
Village. A major New York company has sent all its top executives through
the course and its president, a hard-headed businessman, is seriously thinking of
instituting an in-house training program for all employees. He refused to speak for
the record, saying, We think there is something there, but I dont want to alarm our
stockbrokers at the moment.
Other businessmen are not so reluctant. Lee Epstein, a vice- president and art group
supervisor at Doyle Dane Bernbach volunteered: It opened the gates for me. It
has re-energized me, made me more creative and yet more relaxed. I
practice it every day and get better and better at my job and my life.
Although Jose smiled easily, when he heard people tell him Jose, youve changed my
life! the smile fades a little and he would say, No, I didnt do it. You did, with your
own mind.
Jose passed away pea cefully in February of 1999. The Silva Life System was his final
creation and was completed shortly before he departed.

A Series of Remarkable Coincidences

Here we have included a personal story from Jose Silva about a fascinating
experience he went through while developing his Silva mind training methods. We
have re-printed the story from Joses first-person perspective.

want to mention an experience that I went through, which I feel was responsible for
the continuation of our research. In fact, I will say that if this experience had not
taken place, our mind training system would not exist today.
This happened while I was still studying psychology. I had studied and practiced
hypnosis and was investigating parapsychology, but had not yet trained the first
subject to function as a clairvoyant. During this time I went through a period of
disillusionment. I worked long hours and I was the one to close our electronics
business establishment at 9pm each night.
Usually after closing the business at 9pm I would go home, have dinner and help
Paula, my wife, put the children to bed. By that time it would be about 11pm at night
and I would take out the psychology books and study for two, three and sometimes
four hours.
One night I suddenly realized that what I was reading did not make sense
any more. I said, What am I doing to myself, studying psychology? I am not a
psychologist, nor do I plan to become one. I had a heavy days work yesterday and I
am going to have another heavy day of work tomorrow, and I am wasting good
hours of sleep, studying psychology!
I closed the book and threw it on the floor. It slid under a couch and I said to myself,
That is the last time I will have anything to do with psychology!
I went to sleep immediately but two hours later a bright light inside my
head woke me up. It was a light like the mid-day sun when you look up into space
on a cloudless sunny day. Hanging in space were two sets of numbers, one set over
the other.
The first set was 3-4-3, the second set under the first one was 3-7-3.
Right after that an impression of Christ and the One Solitary Life poem given to me
at the army reception center came to me. Why Christ? I wondered, Why me?
What does this have to do with the numbers?
I opened my eyes and it was dark. I glanced at the clock on the bed stand and it was
4:30 in the morning.
Fascinated, I tried some experiments with myself and the light.
I closed my eyes trying to keep the bright light from disappearing since it
was fading gradually. I tried breathing slowly, but that did not help. I tried
changing positions, but that did not help either. I tried to slow down my heart, but
whatever I did was not enough. The bright light continued to fade, until it went out
I stayed awake from there on, trying to analyze what had happened. I
thought of Paula and how she used to jokingly tell me, They say that people who
read too much go crazy. I was not going to tell her about the light in my head
because I knew her answer would be, I told you so! But one thing I kept thinking of

was that for whatever reason this happened, it must be all right because of the
impression of Christ (my inherited religious belief system) that came to me with the
The first explanation I thought of was that maybe I was supposed to call someone
who has that phone number. I went through the telephone book from cover to cover
but did not find any listing for the numbers I had seen. My next idea was that maybe
I should go to someones home who has these numbers as their address and if I find
it, they might have a message for me. But when I studied a city map, I found that
the home addresses in Laredo did not use those numbers.
It was about four in the afternoon when I came up with another idea: Id look at
automobile and truck license plate numbers. I did this for the rest of the day, ready
to ask for my message from the driver of any vehicle that had those numbers, but I
did not find a car or truck license to match my mysterious numbers.
It was fifteen minutes before nine when I started to close my business. Paula came
in from our house next door and said to me, If you go across the river into Nuevo
Laredo, Mexico, for a service call, please get me a bottle of alcohol. We use Mexican
alcohol for medicinal purposes because it is pure and costs less than alcohol in
Laredo. We have to let them put a cube of camphor in it when they sell it to us, so
we do not have to pay a liquor tax on it. When the tax people at the border smell the
camphor in the alcohol they dont charge us any liquor tax. I told Paula, Honey, I
dont have service calls from across the border, but I will go and get you a bottle
At that very moment, an old friend of mine came in to invite me to go for some
coffee. I said, Help me to close my place and well leave immediately I then asked
him how much time he had and he answered, All the time in the world. Why? I told
him I wanted to go across into Mexico to get Paula a bottle of alcohol. He said, Fine.
Ill go with you.
While on the way I figured I could tell my friend about my experience since he
had been studying psychology with me for one year. I felt sure he was not going to
think I was crazy. I had not told anyone all day and I needed to tell someone, so I
told him.
While crossing the bridge into Mexico my friend suggested, Now that we are coming
into Mexico and a national lottery operates in Mexico, maybe there is such a
number. I had not thought of that. What have we got to lose? I said. The lottery
agency was just one block and a half further up the same street where we were
going to get the alcohol.
We stopped right in front of the lottery agency. It was closed. It closed at nine
oclock and we had just missed it. Finding it closed means for me to forget it. It is
not supposed to be here,? I told my friend. We then went to the liquor store and
while I was getting Paulas alcohol and getting the clerk to put the camphor in the
bottle my friend went to a back room where he found some lottery tickets that were
hanging on a string.

What numbers are you looking for? my friend called from the adjoining room. I
said, 3-4-3 and 3-7-3. He called back I found 3-4-3. I said. You are kidding me,
are you not? My friend then answered, Come and see.
Sure enough, there were five segments of an active series numbered 3-4-3. A whole
or complete, series contained 20 segments or units. Someone had already purchased
the other 15 segments. My friend asked, What do you intend to do now? Buy these,
of course! So I bought them. I had not thought of buying lottery tickets, but now I
was buying 5 segments and would find out in 2 days if the number 3-4-3 would win

The Winning Lottery Ticket

At the time I did not know that you could call the lottery agency by phone and find
out if the ticket had won anything. I thought I had to go in person, which is what I
did. I found out that the ticket 3-7-3 had been sold in Mexico City. It could not have
been found anywhere else because the 3-7-3 was assigned to be sold in Mexico City
only. If I had purchased the 3-7-3, I would clear, after paying the Mexican income
tax, about one thousand dollars.
On the other hand, the 3-4-3 was assigned to be sold by the liquor store in Nuevo
Laredo and nobody else in the whole Republic of Mexico could have had it. The 3-4-3
had a prize too and after paying the Mexican income tax and exchanging the Mexican
Pesos into United States dollars, I cleared a little above ten thousand dollars with
just my 5 segments out of the 20 on the ticket.
I came home dazed, with $10,000 dollars in my pockets, and in 1949 that was
a lot of cash!
[Editors Note: $10,000 in 1949 is roughly equal to $50,000 in todays monetary
In trying to figure out who had put that number in my head and why, went back
over my experience step by step and found many coincidences. For example,
Paula wanted a bottle of alcohol from Mexico and came over and asked me on that
particular day. She had said, Whenever you go to make a service call across the
border, get me a bottle of alcohol. I could have said, ?I will get you a bottle the next
time I make a service call. Or I could have said, Send someone else, I dont have
time for those petty things. Instead I said, I will go tonight and get you a bottle,
honey. Paula did not know about my experience, much less did I know that she was
sending me to the one place in the entire Republic of Mexico where the ticket was
And what timing! If my friend had come only ten minutes later, I would have
already been gone, by myself. If the clerk had not had to put camphor into the
bottle, we would have been out of the store before my friend had a chance to look
around and find the adjacent room with the lottery tickets. If my friend had not gone
with me, I would not have gotten the idea of buying a lottery ticket, nor would I have
walked into the other room and seen the tickets.

After backtracking and after going over every detail of the experience I found myself
faced with many coincidences. I felt that those coincidences were trying to tell me
something or that somebody was trying to tell me something through those
coincidences. There were so many coincidences that I was sure there were a
pattern and a purpose. I then felt that I must seek and find out what it was that I
was supposed to do, or not to do.
I started going back prior to having the experience, hour by hour, step by step,
seeking a clue. The only thing I saw that could have had a connection and could have
brought on the series of coincidences was the decision I made not to continue
studying psychology. Two hours after I had decided to discontinue to study
psychology the experience took place and in the experience came the awareness of
the One Solitary Life or Christ.
I then made the connection and remembered that the first impression I had about
psychology came accompanied by the impression of the One Solitary Life of Christ.
That happened when I finished talking with the psychiatrist at the reception center as
I was inducted into the army. The next person in line gave me the picture of Christ
that I still carry in my wallet to this day. On the back of the picture of Christ is
written the One Solitary Life by an unknown author. I had not read the One
Solitary Life of Christ before being inducted into the army and I do not know why
when I finished reading it there were tears in my eyes. To this day, when I think
about it, I get a lump in my throat.
With that realization I got on my knees and looked under the couch for the book on
psychology, pulled it out, dusted it off and continued with the study-of-psychology
routine. I choose to believe that the experience with the psychiatrist at the
reception center, along with this awareness of Christ, was the beginning of
my research into the human mind.
My many coincidences with the lottery ticket experience were a means of getting
back on track and reinforcing the original reception center-psychiatrist-Christ
awareness experience. From then on I started experimenting, trying to put together
a method that would help to enhance what I used to call the guessing faculty. What
I called the guessing faculty turned out to be psi, or the intuitive factor.

Harnessing Your Intuition

How to Develop and Use Your Hidden ESP Ability
Dear Friend,

Welcome to Lesson 6
TAKE NOTE this lesson will help you greatly with . Furthermore, to a degree, it will
also aid you with

ESP You have it & You can learn to use it.

The term ESP stands for extra-sensory perception and refers to communication or
perception by means outside the normal five senses.
ESP was once dismissed as superstition, but its existence has been repeatedly
verified by numerous scientist and researchers in leading universities around the
ESP, also called intuition, is a common faculty we all possess. Some people simply
use it better than others.
A scientist by the name of Dr. J. B. Rhine conducted the first scientific experiments
on ESP in the 1930s and 40s at Duke University.
Dr. Rhine had people attempt to guess which of five symbols would be on a playing
card facing away from them. The odds of guessing correctly are one in five or 20%.

But Dr. Rhine found that many people had accuracy rates far beyond this.
In some experiments the odds in favor of ESP were 22 billion to one. This proved
that something was occurring which was allowing people to guess which cards were
being picked,and this guessing was correct to a remarkable degree. The laws of
probability were being violated.
His experiments also showed that distance, space and time played no
significant effect on the success of the phenomenon. A highly trained subject
in France could guess the outcome of a card drawn in the US just as well when she
was across the Atlantic Ocean, as when she was sitting directly opposite the person
drawing the cards.
Furthermore, the subject could guess the outcome of a card drawn a year into
the future again with the same degree of accuracy.
Dr. Rhines experiments sent shock-waves across academia as other scientists raced
to confirm them. His book Extra-Sensory Perception after 60 years became required
reading for the introductory psychology class at Harvard. His experiments were

repeated around the world 309 times involving 50,000+ people and 2 million
sessions proving without a doubt that ESP is real.

The Growing Acceptance of ESP

In the early part of the 20th century Einstein said:
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational
mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant
and has forgotten the gift.
Today, with the jump in empirical scientific evidence and first-hand human
experiences, belief in human intuition and ESP is rapidly rising.
The 1990 Gallup public opinion poll found that 93% of Americans polled believed in
one or more of 18 paranormal phenomena, including ESP, mental healing, telepathy
and clairvoyance.
And this number is increasing.
A follow up poll eleven years later, in May 2001 found that belief had actually
increased in twelve out of thirteen phenomena measured in both the 1990 and 2001
polls ? and increased significantly (5% or more) in seven of them.
The 1990 Gallup Poll also asked Americans if they had had first-hand experience with
paranormal phenomena. The results were surprising.

25% of Americans claim to have experienced telepathy.25% claim

success with mental healing.
More and more people are not only believing in ESP and mental healing, but are also
experiencing and using it.
Belief in mental and spiritual healing has increased significantly (up 8%) between
1990 and 2001.
Today, about three in four Americanhave at least one paranormal belief Some of the
most professed beliefs are in ESP, telepathy, clairvoyance, and mind-body healing.
The most recent Gallup Poll released June 2005, showed that extra sensory
perception was the most popular belief at 41%.
Sure, say the skeptics, the majority of Americans may believe in ESP but this is
usually the less educated majority. Educated people cant be taking this seriously,

Studies have shown that, as education increases, belief in ESP also

The May 2001 Gallup Poll discovered that Americans with the highest levels of
education are more likely to believe in the power of the mind to heal the body. The
same is true for ESP and telepathy.
One major study done in 1977 found a positive correlation between intelligence and
paranormal belief the more intelligent you were, the more you believed in a world
beyond the five senses.
Another 1984 study, a sample of high school students, found higher grade point
averages correlated positively with belief in ESP phenomenon.
Finally, a 1989 CBS television poll done in conjunction with 48 hours uncovered that
75% of persons with a college degree believed in paranormal phenomena, while only
36% of people with less than a high school degree believed in these phenomena. In
short, as education increased, so didbelief.
If you believe in ESP congratulations.
The majority of educated Americans now share your belief.

The Stunning Scientific Evidence

Scientific research on ESP is still in its infancy. But the evidence being produced is
highly compelling.
These are summaries of some recent discoveries

1. Everyone has ESP to some degree.

In the 1960s, Dr. Montague Ullman, founder of the Dream Laboratory at the
Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York and professor emeritus of clinical
psychiatry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York conducted a series
of experiments that provided strong empirical evidence that everyone possesses
psychic ability.
In Dr. Ullmans study volunteers who claimed to possess no psychic ability were
asked to sleep in a room in the lab while a person in another room concentrated on a
randomly selected painting and tried to get the volunteer to dream of the image it
contained. Sometimes the results were inconclusive. But other times the volunteers
had dreams that were clearly and strikingly influenced by the paintings.

2. The greater your belief the stronger your ESP ability.

Dr. G. R. Schmeidler of the Harvard Psychological Clinic went on to show that

telepathy was not only real, but was strongly affected by a persons belief in his or
her own telepathic abilities. He also performed experiments that proved that
telepathic power exists in everyone.

3. The mind can influence matter at any distance

In the 1980s and 1990s Dr. Robert G. Jahn and Dr. Brenda J. Dunne of the Princeton
Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory showed that some humans possess
telekinetic power and various forms of telepathy and that these are both distance
and time independent
Dr. Jahn is Professor of Aerospace science and dean emeritus of the School of
Engineering and Applied Science at Princeton (1994). Dr. Dunne is the manager of
the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory (P.E.A.R). Their book
Margins of Reality The Role of Consciousness in the Physical World will make even
the strongest skeptic think twice.

4. The evidence for ESP is very strong.

More recently. Professor Robert Morris and Dr. Caroline Watt of the Koestler Institute
at Edinburgh University conducted experiments where over 100 subjects in a locked
room were asked to pick out which of four pictures were beamed to them by a
subject in another room. Success rates were 50%, twice the 25% that pure
statistical results should have produced. The odds of this occurring are approximately
1 in 14 million.
These results are 35,000 times more significant than the level of evidence
governments demand from pharmaceutical companies before a new drug is let out
on the market.

The conclusion:
ESP is real.
Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes
convinced that a Spirit is manifest in the Laws of the Universe.

~ Albert Einstein

A Word of Caution
When it comes to belief in ESP, people tend to fall into four different groups.

Which one are you?

The first group is the disbeliever. They simply refuse to believe in any phenomenon
that cannot be explained by Newtonian physics.
No amount of scientific evidence will convince them otherwise.

The second is the skeptic. This is someone who does not believe in ESP because it
goes against his knowledge of science. However, the skeptic is open-minded and
when given strong scientific evidence they would be willing to admit that ESP does
exist. A skeptic would cast aside testimonial evidence but will give strong
consideration to the results of scientific research.

Cautious Believer
Third the cautious believer. This person trusts that ESP exists but will not believe
every claim they read about. They d*emand scientific proof or testimonial evidence*.
A cautious believer would find this series of lessons interesting because it is backed
up with scientific evidence and references to respected outside sources.

True Believer
The fourth group, the true believer strongly believes in ESP and is likely to also
believe anything they read or hear. If you are one we encourage you to exercise
caution. Not everyone who claims to have ESP has it to an extent strong enough to
charge you money for.
Phone psychics are almost all phonies. And very few street psychics are actually
worth paying for.
When it comes to a little understood phenomena, such as ESP, it is better to be a
cautious believer or a skeptic rather than a true believer.

Do We Know How it Works?

A number of theories have been but put forth on how ESP works but these are still
nothing more than theories.
Today, it is generally accepted that ESP does exist and everyone has it but science
has yet to identify how or why it works.
However, we do not need to know how it works to use it we only need to know that
it does work.

Think of the sun. For thousands of years we have used the energy of the sun for light
and heat. Yet, nobody knew what the sun really was. It was only in the last 100
years that humankind was able to understand that the sun is large star made up of
hydrogen and helium atoms going through a thermo-nuclear reaction.
Its the same with ESP we do not yet know how it works or why. But we do know
that it is real.
And as any Silva Life System grad will tell you once you learn to use it you can
create many positive and beneficial effects in your life.
There are no unnatural or supernatural phenomena, only very large gaps in
our knowledge of what is natural. We should strive to fill those gaps of

~ Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 Astronaut,Founder, Institute of Noetic Science

The Implications
The growing body of evidence for ESP and other unusual phenomenon is being
noticed by businesses and governments.

Heres a list of some recent developments:

SONY Corp has been conducting research into alternative medicine, spoon bending,
telepathy and other forms of ESP.
Dr. John Mihalasky, author of the book Executive ESP, has shown that success rates
for executives were proportional to their ESP ability lending credence to the idea that
intuition is a large factor in business success.
In November 1995 the CIA confirmed that for the previous 20 years it has been
using psychics for spy operations.
In November 1998 the US Patent Office issues the first patent for a psi- effect.
In July 1993 Mutual of Omaha, the nation?s largest provider of health insurance for
individuals announces that it would start paying benefits for meditation exercises
designed to reverse heart disease.
In 1997 the Federal Government?s National Institute for Health formally endorses
In April 2004 researchers in Denver University found that patients who underwent a
placebo surgery for Parkinsons Disease reported a better quality of life twelve
months later. One woman even reported a resumption of full physical activity, having
been inactive for many years before surgery.

The power of the placebo effect has been seen before in Parkinson?s disease ? but
not to this extent. Clearly the mind-body connection is very strong in this condition
and it?s to be hoped that ways can be found to exploit this to benefit the patient.

Enhancing Your ESP

ESP is a natural ability that is heightened when you are in a state of meditation.

One simple technique to use your ESP is to go to your alpha level and ask
yourself a question.

Let images appear on the mental screen (explained in Lesson 3). Do not analyze
what you see. Simply describe what you see mentally to yourself. Focus on
describing rather than analyzing. As soon as you start analyzing what you see you
allow your left brain to hijack the process.
We want to stress that it takes a lot of practice to develop your ESP. In our seminars
participants experience ESP after 2 days but this is after 18 hours of intensive
training and guidance from a trained lecturer.
If you are unable to get results with the technique described above, dont worry. You
can still develop your ability by attending a seminar.

Another technique is called dream-logging

Louisa Rhine, the wife of Dr. J. B. Rhine conducted an ESP experiment of her own
while her husband was testing ESP ability empirically in a lab. Louisa asked people to
write to her about their first-hand experiences with ESP. She received almost 14,000
letters. She found that 60% of the people who wrote to her claimed that their ESP
experience came to them while dreaming.
You might be experiencing ESP dreams too. But you usually forget your dreams.

Dream-logging is simple. Simply keep a pad and pencil by your beside and write
down your dreams in the morning when you wake up or in the middle of the night if
you suddenly awaken during a dream.
With practice anyone can develop and enhance their ESP. The ability, like sports or
musical talent is something that anyone can train themselves to be good at.
If we are reading your mind correctly, you are thinking of buying Silva Life System at
this point.
If the lessons are making a difference in your life? Why not buy the one thing to seal
and enhance these phenomenal changes today.
Click here to buy your copy of Silva Life System now!
Sources for this Lesson:

Dr. J. B. Rhine, Scientific Evidence Man has a Soul, American Weekly Magazine,
August 25, 1946.
Robert G. Jahn, Brenda J. Dunne and Roger D. Nelson, Engineering Anomalies
Research, (Journal of Scientific Exploration 1, no. 1, 1987): pp. 21-50
Dean Radin, Ph.D. , The Conscious Universe, (New York: Harper Edge, 1997).

The Power of Goal Setting and Life Planning

Dear Friend,

How to Get Your Life Moving in the Right Direction

Welcome to Lesson 7

Learn the Number 1 Habit of Peak Performers

The power of goal setting is undisputed it is one of the most common
characteristics of successful individuals. Read the biographies of some of historys
most successful men and you will find that they had concrete dreams, visions or
goals of what they wished to achieve.
Yet studies have shown that only a mere 3% of the general population ever practice
goal setting properly.
In this lesson we are going to teach you how to adopt the habit of goal setting and
align this concept with some of the other techniques you have learned from this
We will also share with you one of the most effective goal setting techniques you can
apply to help .

Desire Belief Expectancy

Jose Silva teaches that when you set a goal you need to adopt three qualities to help
manifest the end result.

First, you must have a burning desire to achieve the goal.

Second,you must have a strong belief that the goal is possible and within reach.

Third, you must be in the state of expectancy you must be expecting to see
Although Silvas methods may sound purely philosophical, plenty of evidence exists
in the scientific community to support this theory.
The placebo effect is probably the most well known example.
Doctors have found that patients can often cure themselves of illnesses when
prescribed sugar pills and made to believe that these sugar pills are powerful drugs.
The placebo effect has also extended to cancer research, and doctors are
experimenting with getting patients to cure themselves of cancer naturally by
visualizing themselves healthy and cured.
Can the same psychological factors that cause the placebo effect be applied to goal
setting and thus help make a person or business more successful?
We believe it can.
Perhaps nothing lends credence to the idea of desire, belief and expectancy more
than the following story.

The Story of Sam

Sam was a poor kid who grew up in the heartland of America during the time of the
Great Depression.
Times were tough and the kid worked hard to help his parents make ends meet. He
would get up early in the morning to milk the cows and sell the milk to his 10 12

customers for 10 cents a gallon a lot of cash in those days. He also went door to
door selling magazine subscriptions when he was barely eight years old.
Sam had one good thing going for him a sharp streak of ambition. His mother
always told him that he should try to be the best he could at whatever he did. So
Sam always pursued everything that interested him with true passion.
Even as a kid growing up in Missouri, Sam was big on setting bold goals. He was so
ambitious that when he become a Boy Scout he took a bet with all the other scouts
in his unit that he would be the first amongst them to reach the rank of Eagle Scout.
Getting an Eagle Scout badge was no easy task and required a scout to show
extreme bravery. Most Eagle Scouts were years older than Sam.
Sam won the bet when as a 14-year-old, he saved a man from drowning in a river.
Little Sam went on to become the youngest Eagle Scout in the state of Missouri at
that time.
In high school Sam was elected President of the Student Body and was active in a lot
of other clubs too. Despite being only 59, Sam joined the basketball team and was
delighted when it won the State Championship. Sam also became a quarterback on
the football team ? which went undefeated too.

Thinking big just came naturally to him.

Sams ambition and positive mental attitude stayed with him as he graduated from
high school. By the time Sam got into college he was even entertaining thoughts of
someday becoming President of the United States. Thinking big just came naturally
to him.
Closer at hand, he decided he should try to be President of the University student
body first. So he ran for every office that came along and by the time he graduated
college he had been elected president of the senior mens honor society, an officer in
his fraternity, president of his senior class and president of the Bible class. He was

also captain and president of Scabbard and Blade, the elite military organization of
While doing all this he also ran his own newspaper business and was making $4,000
to $6,000 a year ?which was at the end of the Depression Era fairly serious cash.
[Sam] was a little scatterbrained at times, said the circulation manager of one of
the newspapers Sam delivered while in College, he would have so many things
going on, hed almost forget one. But boy, when he focused on something, that was
Sam graduated from college with a business degree and took a job at a J. C. Penney
store as a management trainee for $75 a month.
But Sam wasnt satisfied being a management trainee and soon started looking for
other opportunities.
At the age of 27, with a loan from his father-in-law he bought a little discount store
in Newport, Arkansas.
Despite initial poor sales and heavy competition from more spacious stores across
the street, Sam set a goal ?I wanted my little Newport variety store to be the best,
most profitable variety store in Arkansas within 5 years?.
Sam worked hard for five years and hit his goal. He soon had the largest variety
store in Arkansas. But he didnt have much time to enjoy his success.
Soon his world came crashing down.
Sams lease expired and the owner of his building refused to renew the lease. He
knew Sam had nowhere else to go and decided he wanted to take over the store to
pass on to his son.

I felt sick to the stomach, said Sam, I could not believe this was
happening to me. It really was like a nightmare.
But Sam wasnt the type of man to resign so easily.
He and his family moved to a different town. There, in Bentonville, Arkansas, he
opened a new store. He remembered overhearing some people comment on his new
venture, Well well give this guy sixty days, maybe ninety. He wont last that long.

Well, Sam lasted more than 90 days. And his new store became a success. Soon he
began expanding his business and opening other stores throughout the state.
In 1962 at the age of 44 he opened his most ambitious store yet. He called it WalMart.

The rest is history.

In 1985 Forbes magazine called Sam Walton the richest man in America. The kid who
had to walk door-to-door selling milk and newspapers had founded what today is the
largest company in the world. Wal-Mart made millionaires out of thousands of
stockholders, provided jobs for millions of Americans and helped increase the quality
of life in many developing countries by reducing the cost of goods.
In 1992, Sam Walton received the Presidential Medal of Honor the highest civilian
award that can be bestowed on an American citizen.
From childhood till the time he died in 1992, Sam Walton had been successful in
everything he undertook. Its hard to place a finger on what qualities make people
like Sam Walton successful in so many different endeavors. But in his autobiography
he talks about why he believes he was so lucky.
I dont know what causes a person to be ambitious, Sam later said, but it is a fact
that I have been over blessed with drive and ambition from the time I hit the
He added, I expect to win. I go into tough challenges always planning to come out
victorious. It never occurred to me that I might lose, it was almost as if I had a right
to win. Thinking like that often seems to turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

There are several lessons to be learned from this story.

1. Define Clear, Concrete Goals of What You Want to Accomplish

Sam motivated himself by knowing what he wanted and setting a concrete goal
within a time-frame. When he opened his first store, he decided that he wanted his
store to be the best, most profitable variety store in Arkansas within 5 years.

2. Think Big
We create our own limitations. Most of us are guilty of aiming too low rather than
aiming too high. Sam Walton dreamt big even as a kid. With each accomplishment
his confidence grew, and his goals became greater and greater. He did not set limits
on himself.
When youre setting a goal, keep this in min:

A good goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot.
Think of your current goals and test them against this rule. If your goals do not both
scare and excite you try targeting something a little more challenging.
The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can
do something, you can do it as long as you really believe it 100 percent.

~ Arnold Schwarzenegger, world renown actor,sportsman and Governor of


3. Dont Let Defeat Get You Down

Sam liked to smile when he thinks of one of his early bosses at J.C. Penney who had
told him Id fire you if you werent such a good salesman; maybe youre just not cut
out for retail.
He did not let other peoples negative ideas influence him. When he lost his first
store he overcame his depression, then packed is bags, moved to a new town and
started again.
Perhaps if Sam had not lost his first store and been forced to start new in Bentonville
Wal-Mart would not have been founded. Defeat, when viewed from a greater
perspective, is often simply a mechanism of setting us on the right path or teaching
us a valuable lesson.

4. Desire Belief Expectancy

Your goals must meet the criteria of Desire, Belief and Expectancy.
The goal must be something you strongly desire. The greater your desire the
stronger your will to pursue the goal. Napoleon Hill said If your desires are strong
enough you will appear to possess super-human powers to acheive.

Next, the goal must be something you believe is in the realm of the possible. This
depends on your belief system. As you accomplish more in life your self-belief grows.
This increases your confidence and fuels you to accomplish even bigger things.
Finally, you must expect the end result to occur.
Sam Walton said
I expect to win. I go into tough challenges always planning to come out
victorious. It never occurred to me that I might lose, it was almost as if I
had a right to win. Thinking like that often seems to turn into a self-fulfilling
Expectancy is harder to create. But the tool of creative visualization helps
tremendously. Your subconscious mind cannot distinguish between a real experience
and an imagined experience. By frequently visualizing the end result you desire you
cause your subconscious to accept it to be real. This causes the mind to draw that
situation into your life. Perhaps, no one has summarized this point more clearly than
Gandhi when he said:
The man I want to become, if I believe myself to be, I will become

The Life Planning Process

Now that you understand the principles behind goal setting, its time to put together
everything youve learned so far.
Were going to show you a simple yet powerful technique you can use to create a life
plan around your goals.

Step 1 Identify Whats Important to You

Think of the various aspects of your life. Health, Family, Friends, Career, Spirituality,
Finances, Charity, Educationetc.
Identify which of these focus areas are the most important to you. Perhaps your
main concerns are Family, Spirituality and Career. Come up with a list and rank each
area in order of importance.

Step 2 Set Long Term Goals in Each Area

Come up with a vision of where youd like to be five to ten years from today in each
of these areas.

Maybe your career vision is to be running your own business. Your family vision may
be to take your spouse and children on a trip to Australia. Your financial vision may
be to have $250,000 in the bank.
Think of what you want. Remember the rule a good goal should scare you a little
and excite you a lot.
By thinking of where you want to be five or ten years down the road, you
havecreated a long term vision.

Step 3 Decide What You Need to Do This Year to Achieve Your

Long Term Vision
So you want to have $250,000 in savings in the bank by 2009. What do you need to
do this year to hit this goal? Perhaps you would need to take a course on investing,
get a better paying job, or start looking for new business opportunities.
Do this with each long-term goal. This exercise helps you focus on both long and
short-term planning.
Many people tend to plan for only the short-term and lose sight of their long-term
Others only set long-terms goals but then forget what they need to do right now to
achieve these long-terms goals.
To be effective at goal setting you need to have a long-term vision and short-term
plans to get to this vision.

Step 4 Put it All Down on Paper

We have provided a simple method called the Life Planning Chart to help you. You
can see a copy of such a chart below.
The first horizontal bar represents time. The first vertical bar represents each focus
area in the chart below the focus areas are Family, Health, Career, Artistic, and
Now divide the sheet in half. Use the first half to write down your short term goals
goals to accomplish this year. Notice that each goal corresponds to a time frame.
The second half is used to list your longer terms goals what you wish to accomplish
next year and then each subsequent year for the next five years.

If you have trouble seeing the image above you can open an enlarged version by
going to this page.
You start by first looking at your long-terms goals. Write down your long term vision
for each focus area in the appropriate row and column.
Next ask yourself the question

What do I need to do this year to make sure Im on track for my long term
Write down your short-term goals in the appropriate row and column.
This document should be flexible. Go ahead and add new goals when you think of
them. You can also remove older goals if your plans change.
Note: You can download a blank chart for you to print and use on this page.

Step 5 Begin the Process of Creative Visualization

You should place Life Planning Chart in a location where youre likely to view it daily.
It could be in an office drawer you open daily, as a file on your computer desktop or
in a frame on your wall.
When you meditate daily using the Silva System, spend a few minutes visualizing
yourself achieving each goal. You could also create an affirmation for each focus
area. (Refer to Lesson 4 of this Program).

Step 6 Begin taking Action towards Your Goals

You now have your long-term vision. You have the steps you need to do this year to
achieve that vision. Now put your plan in action.
Take a step, even the smallest step towards that goal.When you take your first step
you set the wheels in motion for your mind to manifest your dreams into reality.
Make it a point to start your life planning process as soon as you can and to practice
goal setting and creative visualization on a daily basis.
Sooner rather than later, you will be able to .
Its never too late to begin creating the life of your dreams.
Click here to buy your copy of Silva Life System today. Hurry, stocks are limited!
Give me a stock clerk with a goal and Ill give you a man who will make
history. Give me a man without a goal and Ill give you a stock clerk.

~ J.C. Penney, Founder of the J.C. Penney stores

Sources for this Lesson:

Sam Walton and John Huey, Made in America: My Story, (New York:
Doubleday, 1992), pp. 3-46.

Living Your Life Purpose

How to Make Sure Youve Set the Right Goals and

Direction for Your Life
Dear Friend,

Welcome to Lesson 8

The Power of Intuition

Welcome to the last chapter of Silva Life System Online Training Program Living
Your Alpha Life.
In this lesson we will cover one of Jose Silvas most important ideas. The idea that
we are all here to fulfill a certain higher goal our purpose in life. Perhaps for you, it
is to .
Before we proceed with this lesson let us take a quick look at what we have covered
so far.

In the previous lessons you learned the following:

How to reach a state of the Alpha Level (Lesson 1).



Gain Inspiration while at the alpha level (Lesson 2).

use Creative Visualization to shape your world (Lesson 3).
trigger Healing while at the alpha level (Lesson 4).
develop your Intuition (Lesson 6).
set Goals and create a life plan (Lesson 7).

If you missed any of the chapters above you may want to read them again, because
all of them may help you with .
We now come to one of the central principles on which Jose Silva built his system
the importance of using your intuition to help you make correct decisions in life and
fulfill your life purpose.
Silva said, The reason we were given psychic ability is so we can use it to get
information from higher intelligence to find out what we are supposed to do, and how
to do it.
Silva was not the first person to suggest this.
The author Napoleon Hill, who conducted more than 20 years of research on the
wealthiest and most successful people in the world, wrote the following insight in his
book You Can Work Your Own Miracles ( Fawcett Gold Medal Books , 1971):

I began to make inquiries of the hundreds of successful men who

collaborated with me in the organization of the science of success, and
discovered that each of them had received guidance from unknown sources,
although many of them were reluctant to admit this discovery.

~ Napolean Hill, Author of Think & Grow Rich and You Can Work Your Own
Napoleon Hill explained that he believes that successful people including pioneers like
Andrew Carnegie and Thomas Edison, are able to tap into a higher power to source
ideas and inspiration. This, he felt, was one of the main keys to success.
Now this idea has also been tested scientifically. Professor John Mihalasky, Professor
Emeritus of Industrial Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology
performed studies of ESP ability among company CEOs. He observed that the CEOs
who performed the best in tests of intuition also tended to be the ones with the best
success rates at running their business (measured in terms of 5 year profit growth).
ESP is a powerful way for us to connect with higher intelligence to help us source
ideas, make better decisions, and find our path in life.

Napoleon Hills discovery has now come full circle.

Hill, who lived 50 years before Jose Silva, could not determine how to train people to
gain this ability.
Jose Silva changed that when he pioneered the Silva Mind Training Method and made
Napoleon Hills observations a reality for the average person.
Shakti Gawain, author of numerous books, including Creative Visualization ( Bantam
Books , 1983) and Living in the Light ( Bantam Books , 1993), wrote of Jose Silva:
One of the earliest workshops I took was the Silva Mind Control courseThe most
important technique I learned in that course was the basic technique of creative
visualization Our rational mind is like a computerThe intuitive mind, on the other
hand, seems to give access to an infinite supply of information. It appears to be able
to tap into a deep storehouse of knowledge and wisdom
Today, anyone can learn to tap into this source of knowledge and wisdom to get
intuitive hunches, creative ideas and divine inspiration. If Napoleon Hill and Jose
Silva are correct, then it may well be the most powerful and useful gift you possess.
Albert Einstein may have summed it up perfectly when he declared:

The only really valuable thing is intuition.

Your Purpose In Life

Many self-improvement systems tell you that you can achieve anything you desire
through the use of your mind.
Obviously, this is not completely true.But if this were true - wouldnt we all be driving
luxury cars and dating movie stars.
Silvas theory is this: You are entitled to have every success, happiness and
fulfillment you can dream off.
We are all sent here with a job to do and the resources to fulfill that task.

So why then do so many people not receive the things in life that they are naturally
entitled to and deserve?

The answer is a simple one. h6.

Many people try to achieve what they think they should do, instead of what they
were sent here to do. Many goal-setting techniques claim to teach you to manifest
anything you desire but all these systems have a common flaw:

If youre aiming for a goal or outcome that is not part of the greater plan
for you then you may fail.
You can achieve anything you desire if what you desire is part of your Souls plan for
you. Everyone is put on this planet for a reason. Find out what that reason is and
doorways will open for you.
Jose Silva believed that we are all put on Earth to fulfill some greater purpose. This
purpose usually involves the betterment of humanity to some degree. He believed
that when you start working towards this purpose, your life moves smoothly and
elegantly and you find yourself easily fulfilling your dreams.
Life purpose should not be confused with lack of free will. We do have free will we
can choose to take our life down any path. We can choose to ignore this purpose
completely too.

Within a lifetime, there are certain milestones you are meant to reach. These could
be: meeting someone, maybe a soul-mate; starting a business or a foundation;
raising some great kids; or even producing a book or a work of art.
Silva believed that we should all try to fulfill this purpose. Sometimes we do things
that take us away from this purpose without realizing it, we miss out on beautiful
opportunities. We may get trapped in roadblocks a lousy job, a troubled
relationship, or a poor financial condition.

But when you find your life mission, then no matter how bad things look now, you
will be on the path to greatness. Silva Life System teaches you to tap into your
intuition to understand what your purpose in life is. You then learn how to use your
mind to create all manner of coincidences to propel you towards this goal or purpose.

Principles to Keep in Mind When Using The Silva System

When using Silva to program for a solution to a problem or to manifest a reality you
desire, you should always keep the following principles in mind.

1. Build Up Your Reservoir of Faith

Remember the concept of Desire, Belief and Expectancy that you learned in Lesson
You need to believe that whatever you are programming for is in the realm of the
possible. You must also expect it to occur. This can be hard if youre new to Silva or
related methods.
You may want to start on smaller, believable goals first. Each time you achieve one of
these smaller goals you will find your self-confidence and belief system improving.
This will give you more faith in your ability to create your ideal future. As your
reservoir of faith fills up, you have greater ability to do even bolder and greater

Remember the stories we provided in Lesson 1 about Scott Adams and Lesson 8
about Sam Walton. Both of them started with smaller goals and achieved these first
before tackling truly amazing things. Keep this idea in mind if you are just starting

2. Develop a Feeling of Prosperity

Its very important to cultivate a feeling of prosperity throughout the entire creative
manifesting process. This means understanding that the universe is abundant and
almost everything you want or need is there for the asking. There is no lack of
A very common reason for failure is scarcity programming you were trained early
in life to believe that there are barriers in your way. As long as you continue to
believe that you have a cultural disadvantage, or that money is the root of evil, or
that you were born a sinner you will be hijacking your own creative process.
Take an honest look at yourself and see if you are holding yourself back by not
believing sufficiently in the possibility of prosperity.
Understand that you already have more prosperity than billions of people elsewhere
in the world.
The average North American today lives better than the prince of medieval Europe.
If you could go back in time and approach a medieval prince and tell him how you
live today, with access to all the information in the world (the Internet), magic story
boxes (TVs), self-propelled carriages (cars), the ability to cross the continent in 5
hours (airplanes), and all the food you desire (supermarkets) you can bet that
prince is going to want to trade places with you.
You see you arent average or even poor in the annals of history you are
probably one of the richest people who ever lived. But if youre like most other
people, you still compare yourself to the Bill Gates and the movie stars of the world
who just happen to be even richer.
Cultivate the feeling of being prosperous and thanking the universe for what you
have. You will find that this mental attitude will cause even more luck and
coincidences to arise in your life and lead you to even greater prosperity.

3. Some Things are Meant to go Wrong.

Sometimes we program for a certain situation or goal but for some reason we do not
seem to move any closer towards it. Jose Silva suggested that when this happens it
sometimes means that the goal is not right for us it may be something that would
actually take us away from our life purpose.

Sometimes what appears to be a negative situation may actually be good luck in


The Example of Millard Fuller.

By the age of thirty Millard had made his first million and was aiming for $10 million
more. He ownedeverything he could hope for 2,000 acres of land, speed boats,
luxury cars. But, as his business empire grew his marriage was crumbling. One day
he received a letter from his wife Linda declaring that she had fallen out of love with
him and was seeking a divorce.
The week that followed was one of the most agonizing weeks of his life. He called
Linda and begged for a second chance. Reluctantly, with tears in her eyes, she
agreed. Together they decided to get rid of everything they owned and start anew.
They sold everything the business, the homes, the cars. But what next?
Somehow Millard and Linda found themselves in Georgia a few years later. While
doing volunteer work they were struck by the dilapidated shacks many impoverished
families had to live in. Millard and his co-workers started building homes for these
needy people. Moved by the powerful impact these homes had on the people who
moved into them, Millard decided to see if these simple concepts could be applied
around the world.
He knew that 25% of the worlds population lacked decent housing.
Millards goal was once to make $10 million he now had a new goal could he
build homes for 10 million people? Convinced that he had a concept that could work
worldwide he launched Habitat for Humanity International in 1976.
Habitat has already built more than 60,000 houses around the world for 300,000
people. Habitat now coordinates 800 building projects in fifty-one foreign countries.

Millard and Linda now see themselves as two of the luckiest people alive.
A single event the threat of divorce led them onto a completely different path, one
that has not just made them happier, but benefited thousands of people around the
Sometimes, like Millard, people pursue a goal that they think is correct but this
goal may be out of line from what their life purpose is. This is why in the Silva Life
System seminar we always encourage people to use their intuition to first determine
if they are on the right path and once they get an answer, only then do they set
their goals.

4. Always Ask The Greater Question.

A student in one of our classes once told the instructor, I cant wait to go home and
start using these techniques to achieve my goal of mastering the use of a computer
for data entry.
The instructor asked, Well, why do you want to master using a computer? The
student said that learning this skill would allow her to get a promotion at work.
Why do you want a promotion, asked the instructor.
So I can get a raise she replied.
Why do you want a raise, the instructor asked again.
Because I need the money to buy a larger home.
Because I want my mother and sister to move in with me.
Because it has been our dream to own a big house together and live together as a
Good, said the instructor.
Now you have identified what you really want. Its a large house with your family
living with you. You dont really want to learn data-entry. What you want is the
So when you go back and practice visualization aim for the greater goal- the
house. Let that goal manifest in any way. Be open to different ways it could manifest
it may not come through you learning data-entry. You might get another job, in a
completely unexpected field. Be open to all possibilities.

When you create goals keep these principles in mind:

First ask yourself why do you really want what you want. Keep asking
until you reduce the desire to its elementary need.

Now focus on this desire or need in your mental programming.

Be open to coincidences. Don?t be locked into having the solution come
from any one direction.

The Final Words Begin at Once!

We hope you have enjoyed this series of lessons and that this brief glimpse of what
Silva techniques can do for your life will motivate you to attend a seminar or listen to
the home study course.

Wed like to offer one final bit of advice.

Once you decide on what you want to do, begin at once. Take a step, even the
smallest step towards that goal.
Begin today. Read Lesson 8 on goal-setting if you have not already done so and start
putting down your goals on paper.
Figure out what you need to do this month to make your dreams a reality and then
begin at once. As soon as you take that first baby step towards your goal you start
the wheels in motion to manifest your dreams into reality.
Scottish Explorer, William Hutchinson Murray, offers his sagely advice in the splendid
poem below.
Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always
ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative, there is one elementary
truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and endless plans: That
the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves, too. All
sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred.
A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one?s favor all
manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance which
no man could have dreamed would come his way. Whatever you can do or
dream you can, begin it! Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.

~ William Hutchinson Murray

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May the Rest of Your Life be the Best of Your Life

The Silva Life System
P.S. One more thingits important. If for any reason (or no reason at all) you
are not happy with Silva Life System and want your money back, then let me know
by visiting Customer Support and well cancel your reservation and cheerfully return
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