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1) Case of epistaxsis : they asked where should be pt head position ans was lean

forward not backword , I did this wron

2) Case of hiv they gave pt PPD and test was negative it was b/c of low cell
mediated immunity
3) Case of seasonal affective disorder highest among people living on northen
4) Pregnant hyperglycemic pt taking insulin. If she took more insulin then what
happen, can cause hypoglycemia in fetus
5) Case of a crons diseases they asked treatment its 5 ASA
6) Wich antidepressant causes hypertensive crisis if u take cheese its MAO inhibitor
7) Codene cause resp depression and hypotension
8) Pregnant lady didnt rember the case I marked stress test
9) Clonidine is contraindicated with wich drug option were levodopa, cabidopa,
benztropine, I marked benztropine
10) This xray of paget diseases
11) Picture of lymphnode swelling I marked lymphoma
12) 12 year old girl with palpable lymphnode of cervical, inguinal and axillary with
hepatospleenomegaly , I marked hodkin but may be inf mononucleosis as atypical
lymphocyte given in that case
13) Case of gonorehea
14) Treatment of h .ducryi , treat all sexual partners
15) Pt smoker , taking ocps hx of thrombosis presented with leg pain and foot
became pale I marked ischemia of leg
16) Preg lady allergic to insulin and g6pd deficient which antibiotic can given
17) Case of scleroderma involving pt leg causing raynod phenomenon I choose
immersion of foot in warm water
18) Pt age 8 years BMI 32.. what should u tell to parrnets I marked reassure their
19) Pt of sleep apnea its on PEEP what u do more.. I marked pharynx surgery
20) Case of facial arythemia , and pustule and hardening on the nose.. ans acne

21) Case of find diagnosis of bipolar disorder

22) I marked globus pharynx in one question donot rember the case
23) Which antidepresent cause rebound anxiety , restlessness ans is MAO inhibitor
24) Sideeffect of propanolol ans is impotence
25) Phosphodiesterase inhibitor yohimbine, L- arginene used in male impotence
26) Mongolian spot ans is reassure parents
27) Case of menires diseases what should be diet restriction to this pt.. ans is low
sodium and low caffien.. plz recheck this ans I am not sure
28) Which organism stings causes adrenergic symptoms in pt its scorpion
29) Long use of opiods cause options were bells palsy, neuro pathic pain, cardiac
pain , renal pain
30) Case of nasal polyps
31) Case of appendicitis
32) Case of diverticulitis
33) What is the patho physiology of crons diseases its bacterial toxin
34) Tumor marker of pancreatic cancer CA199 and CEA
35) Case of digoxin toxicity. Arrhythmia, vison problem
36) Age of MMR vaccine its on 12 month
37) V.Zooster vaccine should contine its 2nd dose regardless of gap
38) V.zooster vaccine given 6 week apart
39) Case of port wine stain
40) Preg lady with macrocytosis which vit is defeciant its folic acid
41) Case of hyperbilirubinemia ans is reassure the mother as all values are normal
42) Pt having retinoblastoma in one eye what will be the rx. Forget the options
43) Old diabetic lady having frunculosis
44) Pt have fistula b/c of crons diseases what will be the rx.. medical treat the
45) Pt loosing weight as pt of TB ans is b/c of cytokines

46) Old lady case of osteoporosis do dexa scan

47) Osteoporosis case given T scale value its 3.5
48) Child having night terror which stage of sleep. I marked 4 but can be occur in 3..
both option given
49) Case of kawashikor diseases easy case
50) Long use of steroid causes cataracts
51) OA causes fluid accumulation rx option reaasure the pt
52) Case of crf causing dec calcium and inc PTH
53) Diabetic pt which test is used for seeing last 6 month of blood sugar ans HbA1c
54) Case of fainting
55) Pt of sickle cell anemia having pain in the limbs ans is vasoocclusive crisis
56) Case of organophosphate poisning pt came in hosp after 3 hrs ans is atropine
57) Female wake up in night and check her babay again and again ans is obcesion
58) In which of the following studies we can see non compliance. Option were case
control, cohort, case reports , cross cetional.. I marked case reports but could be
cohort is the ans
59) Pt having BPG which test is the initiative its PSA
60) Pt is diabetic and having surgery next morning, tell pt continue insulin as
regular dose
61) Which trimester is imp for primary screening its 1 st trimester
62) Case give to find out the sensitivity u have to arrange the dada
63) Case of bee sting causing wheal formation on skin its urticaria
64) Clear case of PCO.. case give female obese hirsuitism and inc LH : FSH ratio
65) Clear case of hyperthyroidism. Male give with weight loss, sweating , diarrehea

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