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Hey guys I had my GP exam on 01/03/2015. Alhamdulilah I passed.

Here are
some of the questions that I was able to recall.
1) Hair loss caused by which anti epileptic
Valproic acid
2) 25 year old female type 2 DM using glasses for 10 years. How often does she
require eye screening examination?
6 months
12 months
2 years
5 years
3) Case of a man who had face tenderness, diagnosed as sinusitis. Most probable
organism hemophilus influenza. (There was a table in which drugs were given
with some other set of agents)
-broad spectrum antibiotic, local steroids, nasal decongestant
-antibiotic, topical steroids
( I dont remember the other choices)
4) Case of a man who had presented for the second time in a month with
dizziness when he turned his head to one side. He had fluid in his ear canal.
Most appropriate combination of therapies. ( this one was also tabulated)
-typmanoplasty, gentamicin and some other drug
-gentamicin, tinnitus prevention something
( I really cant recall, its something I have never heard)
5) A female 34 weeks came with 1+ edema of the lower extremities, 1+
proteinuria, positive clonus. What additional investigation do u require?
-blood pressure and respiratory rate
-liver enzymes and platelet count
6) A female who was pregnant came to you concerned about the transmission of
hiv to the baby. You tell her there is a likelihood of it being transmitted.
Through which of the following routes does hiv get transmitted into the baby?
-umbilical cord injury
-breast milk
7) A female 1 week post delivery felt depressed and low, and this resolved
thereafter. What is the most likely condition that this female might have
-maternal blues
-postpartum psychosis
-postnatal depression

8) A child came with ear pain. He had pain when the pinna was pulled. Had
yeollowish fluid leaking from the ear. Had a palpable post auricular lymph
node. Vitals were given which had a temperature of 38.8. Diagnosis?
-otitis externa
-otitis media
9) Best management for alcohol withdrawal syndrome
10) A patient came with pain upon tapping of facial nerve. Parathyroid hormone
was high, calcium was low, creatinine was high.
-chronic renal failure
11) A lady had pain during menstruation not relieved by NSAIDs and also had
infertility. Dx?
-endometrial cancer
12) A child had w shaped in toeing mostly over thigh area. He was 3 years old.
-femoral rotation
-tibial rotation
-metatarsal something
13) A case of an old man underwent a surgery 3 years back presented with
dilated bowel loops on x ray. Management.
-relieve obstruction
-intestinal resection or something
14) What would u give a female who is not complaint with her antipsychotic
-depot haloperidol and chorpormazine
15) Which of the following drugs leads to dryness of the mouth
16) Ct of a farmer who had heaviness in his upper right quadrant showing
enlarged liver with a well circumscribed mass. How could this disease be
-mosquito avoidance
-by avoiding contact with stray dogs

17) A female who was 23 had a conductive deafness.

-otitis media
18) A child had ear pain. Rhinne negative. Weber lateralized to the affected year.
He heard louder in the affected ear. Dx.
-otitis media
19) A question about loop. Which is correct
-leads to perforation in >1:1000
-leads to irregular bleeding
-can be put in regardless of pregnancy
20) A radiation explosion. 2 people exposed. They appear completely normal.
What will u do?
-exposed peoples clothing to be discarded
-Isolate the exposed people
-Cover the exposed in a blanket
21) A female came with frequency urgency and burning. She had a sensation of
incomplete voiding. She was 25. there was blood in the urine but it appeared
of normal colour!! Whats the next step in the management of this patient?
-24 hour urine collection
-give antibiotic
-test for std
-take a sample for culture
22) A person comes for nicotine withdrawal. He asks u about the time it will take
for the symptoms of withdrawal to appear.
- 1-2 days
- 2-4 days
- 4-6 days
23) Patient with subvalvular aortic stenosis going for a dental procedure.
Regarding prophylaxis for endocarditis:
-50% chance of having endocarditis
-Prophylaxis is not required
-Post procedure antibiotics are sufficient
-10% risk of endocarditis
24) Patient with exopthalmos and symptoms of hyperthyroid. What is the
pathopsyiology of this disease.
-immunoglobulins against the TSH receptors
25) A patient continuously repeats the same thing to people on the street.

26) Patient keeps talking continuously and whatever sentences he speaks rhyme
with each other or something like that
-flight of ideas
-looseness of association
27) A man with premature ejaculation. Could not keep his erection. What will u
give this person?
28) A case of infant colic. Mother recently introduced bottle feeds. Why does
infant colic occur?
-due to slow persitalsis in the baby
-due to the production of a large amount of gases
29) A case of a man who had an ulcer on the lateral malleolus. Extremity was
-arterial ulcer
-venous ulcer
30) Which of the following are a greatest risk for development of dvt?
-father with dvt
-mother with dvt
-4 hours flight
-open knee surgery
31) An old man case of dry cough and hoarseness of the voice. What
investigation will u do?
-direct laryngeoscopy
-CT of neck
-MRI of neck
32) An old man had pallor and fullness in his stomach. Upper GI series showed a
mass. What investigation will u do?
-blood profile
33) 65 year old man complained of pain in his hip joint. Morning stiffness, pain
becomes worse with mobility. Dx
-multiple myeloma
34) A female asks u if self breast examinations can be replaced by
mammography. What do u tell her?
-mammography and self breast examinations are complementary

35) A Female postmenopausal came for paps smear. She had many negative
paps smears in the past and has not been sexually active since her hisband
died, which was 15 years back. What will u tell her?
-no need to do paps smear
-do paps smear
-do endocervical curettage
36) A known case of diabetes. Visual acuity decreased in both eyes. Had dot and
blot hemorrhages, exudates, and macular edema. Diagnosis.
-retinal artery stenosis
- retinal vein stensosis
-diabetic retinopathy
37) A man with repeated attacks of gout. Passed urate stones. They gave some
labs where uric acid was high. What will u give?
38) There was a study where they exposed 10000 people to a high amount of
radiation and another 10000 to a low radiation. They were followed for 10
years and
750 from the exposed group developed a disease and of those exposed to
low radiation, 150 developed it. Calculate the incidence of the disease.
39) An elderly diabetic male, had clouding of the lens in one eye and some other
problem in the other eye. What will u do?
-make a non urgent referral to opthal
- make a referral to a retinal specialist
-refer him to opthal for cataract removal.
40) Through which pathway will testosterone be beneficial to a female?
I chose aromatase
41) An elderly female came with knee pain for quite some time its progressive
becomes worse during the day and there is morning stiffness. What would u
-complete bed rest
-weight bearing exercise
41) Female came for routine 2nd trimester screening. What will u do?
-first trimester screening
-second trimester screening
42) A known case of achalasia cardia with multiple attempts of dilation of lower
esophageal sphincter but with no success. What surgical procedure will u do?
-hellers cardiomyotomy

-nissens fundoplication
-esophageal resection
43) Smoker with a white patch on the tongue
44) A pic showing a dermatomal distribution of herpes zoster
45) A case of thrombosed piles. What will u do?
-ice pack
-remove the thrombosed hemorrhoid
46) A patient had signs and symptoms of reflux not controlled on antacids. What
is your next best step in the management?
47) A known case of diabetes and osteoarthritis had a sudden swelling in the
knee. Investigation?
-aspiration of join fluid
48) A man had a mass in his neck what is the best investigation that u would do?
49) A patient with a swelling of his finger. He completed a course of antibiotics
but the swelling persisted. Pic given. What would u do?
-I&D under GA
-I&D under LA
50) An ecg of ventricular fibrillation

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