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The artifact I have chosen is an outline for a group presentation which was

submitted for marks in our Office Professionalism Course in the first semester of
the Office Administration Program at Durham College. We were put into groups
of four and given a topic. Our presentation topic was Job Search. The outline
was broken down into questions with regards to team analysis tasks, team
members strengths, timeline for deadlines, team function plan, co-ordination of
leadership and collaborative key decisions. This artifact is a great example of
analyzing the task at hand, synthesizing as a group, evaluating pertinent
information, deciding on the format of the presentation and providing innovation
and creativity to the assignment. In compliance with the Ministry of Ontario,
Advanced Education and Skills Development, Essential Employability Skills, this
artifact represents problem-solving and critical thinking. (Government of Ontario,
As the team leader, I utilized my critical thinking skills to address any challenges
that presented itself amongst the group. As in many cases, when working as a
team, problems can surface especially with regards to coordinating schedules
and places to meet to work together. I utilized my problem-solving skills by
booking a private study area in the school and then confirmed with the team
members the next meeting before we left each time. We created a power point
presentation and I soon realized that dividing the sub topics to each person was
the best route to take. Each member would research the topic and develop the
slide which was put together for the end result. I was assigned to reflect on my
capacity to reinforce my strengths in delegating and formulating a plan to resolve
conflicts and obtain results. These skills will have a huge impact on my
contribution to workplace situations and support me in my career successes.
These skills will benefit a potential employer by being able to apply problem
solving and critical thinking should a problem or challenge present itself.

Government of Ontario. (2009, May 26). Essential Employability Skills. Retrieved from
Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development:

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