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Re-activating and strengthening the

gluteal muscles
By Bram Swinnen

The gluteus maximus is the strongest and biggest muscle of the body. The gluteus
maximus is not only a hip extensor but also plays an important role in pelvic and spinal
stabilisation [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. The gluteal muscles (gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus
minimus) stabilise the hip by counteracting gravitys hip adduction torque and maintain
proper leg alignment by eccentrically controlling adduction and internal rotation of the
thigh [6, 7].
The gluteus maximus allows us to maintain an upright position needed for bipedalism.
Through evolution the gluteus maximus enlarged in humans as a means to stabilise the trunk
while standing and counteract the high impact forces that tend to flex the trunk anteriorly
during running and sprinting. Consequently the glute muscles gradually lose tone during
our chair-laden lifestyle [8, 9]. The terms gluteal amnesia and sleeping giant probably
sound familiar. These terms refer to inhibition and delayed activation of the gluteal
muscles, which in time leads to weakness of these muscles. Gluteal inhibition negatively
affects performance and lower body strength and is a root cause for many injuries
and chronic pain [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]. Low back pain and lower body injuries result
in delayed and reduced glute activation with concurrent hamstring and low back
compensation [20, 21, 22, 23, 24].

Note the big gluteal muscles of the Bushmen

Because of our lifestyle, the glutes are almost always asleep and they are not targeted in
most strength programs. What is the last time your glutes felt really sore after a workout?
Many athletes and lifters dont know how to turn on the glutes, because the compensation
pattern to get around using the glutes are so engraved.
This article focuses on exercises that address the major functions of the glutes
and result in the greatest level of glute activation. These exercises will help to switch
your glutes back on and re-establish correct muscle recruitment patterns. Re-activating your
glutes will positively affect every compound lower body lift, improve your core stability,
prevent lower-body injuries and enhance sport performance.

The gluteus maximus and lower back stability

Activating and strengthening the glutes needs to form an important part of your core routine.
Co-contraction of the gluteus maximus with the psoas major (part of iliopsoas
muscle) contributes to lumbo-sacral stabilisation [25, 26]. The gluteus maximus
provides stability to the sacroiliac joint (SI joint) by bracing and compression [4, 5]. Excess
movement at the SI joint would compromise the L5-S1 intervertebral joints and disc and
could lead to SI joint dysfunction and low back pain.
The gluteus maximus also provides lower back stability through its connection with
the erector spinae and thoraco-lumbar fascia [27, 28]. Some of its fibres are continuous
with the fibres of the erector spinae. A contraction of the gluteus maximus will generate
tension in the erector spinae muscle on the same side, providing stiffness to the spinal
column [27, 28].
Gluteus maximus contraction also exerts a pull on the lower end of the thoraco-lumbar fascia,
which is a thick layer of ligamentous connective tissue. Tightening of this fascia stabilises the
vertebras. People with low back pain often have weak and deconditioned glutes [29].

Inhibition of the gluteal muscles

Low back pain has been associated with inhibition of the gluteus maximus [20, 21, 30]. The
activation of the gluteus maximus during hip extension is delayed in people with a history of
low back pain compared to people with no back pain. In people with low back pain hip
extension is initiated by the hamstrings and erector spinae instead of the gluteus
maximus [20, 30, 31]. Even after the episode of low back pain has resolved, the altered firing
patterns in the gluteus maximus remain [32].
Janda described a similar pattern of delayed activation of the gluteus medius during hip
abduction in patients with low back pain [31].
People suffering from ankle sprain injuries also have been shown to have reduced
activation levels of the gluteus maximus [22].
The gluteus maximus plays an important role in maintaining an upright standing
position [8, 9]. Lengthened gluteal muscles as a result of our sitting lifestyle leads to a
decreased stabilizing function in the gluteus maximus [33].
Inhibition and delayed activation of the gluteus maximus compromises pelvic stability [34].
This can result in compensation by the lower back and more altered muscular firing patterns
and function. In the case of low back pain, ankle and probably all lower body
injuries, rehabilitation needs to focus on re-activating the gluteal muscles.

Weak or inhibited gluteal muscles contribute to injury

Weak or delayed activation of the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius is a root cause for
many injuries and chronic pain.






Hamstring strains: Due to delayed gluteus maximus activity, the hamstring

muscles become dominant during hip extension, which can cause hamstring strains [10]. A
lot of athletes that pulled a hamstring keep suffering re-injuries despite their focus and
efforts to strengthen the hamstrings. They are reinforcing a compensation pattern
instead of reactivating their inhibited glutes. Shirley Sahrmann said, "Any time you see
an injured muscle, look for a weak synergist. A synergist is a muscle that performs the
same joint motion.
Low back pain: Gluteus maximus activation plays an important role in stabilising
the pelvis during the task of lifting [2, 3]. Delayed gluteus maximus activation also causes
excessive compensation of the back extensors [30].
Anterior knee pain: The excessive internal rotation of the femur as a result of glute
weakness increases the pressure on the patellar cartilage [11, 12, 13].
Anterior hip pain: Decreased force production from the gluteus maximus during hip
extension is associated with increased anterior translation of the femur in the
acetabulum. The increased femoral anterior glide could lead to increased force and
wear and tear on the anterior hip joint structures [10, 14]
Lower-body malalignment: Weak glutes results in increased internal rotation of
the femur, knee valgus and foot pronation [35].
Gluteal weakness also has been associated with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
sprains [15, 16, 17], chronic ankle instability [18], and iliotibial friction syndrome [19].

Exercises to re-activate the gluteal muscles

Re-activating the gluteal muscles will re-establish correct muscle recruitment patterns
and enhance strength and performance.
The gluteus maximus is the strongest muscle of the body and has a multi-tasking
function [36]. This muscle is able to combine a local stabiliser, global stabiliser and global
mobiliser role.
Local stabiliser

Global stabiliser

Global mobiliser

Segmental stabilisation

Eccentric lengthening or
isometric holding to control
range of motion

Produce high force or power

Force closure of the

sacroiliac joint
Control and
centralise the femur in the
hip socket (acetabulum)
Co-contraction with
psoas major provides pelvic
stabilisation of the
vertebras: 1. directly by
tensing the thoraco-lumbar
fascia 2.indirectly by
triggering the deep lumbar

Sagittal plane
Hip extension
stabilisation of the trunk during
External rotation
walking, running and standing
Superior fibres: hip
Control of trunk
rotation during gait through the
Lower fibres: hip
connection with contra-lateral
latissimus dorsi (Posterior
oblique system)
Frontal plane
stabilisation of the pelvis
during single-leg stance
(resisting gravitys hip
adduction torque)
Control of the stance
leg in the frontal (preventing
adduction of the thigh) and
transverse plane (preventing
internal rotation of the thigh)

The gluteus maximus is especially active during stair climbing, running and activities that
involve stabilising the trunk against flexion [9, 37, 38, 39]. An exercise that combines these
movements would trigger a strong contraction of the gluteus maximus and addresses both
the stabilising and movement role. Single-leg stance exercises require the gluteus
medius, minimus and upper part of the gluteus maximus to resist gravitys hip adduction

Sprinting highly activates the glutes. Gluteus maximus strength is related to maximal sprint
In the resisted slide-board back lunge the pull of the cable creates a hip flexion
force against which the gluteus maximus has to stabilise. The movement also mimics the
hip action of running and stair climbing. Like in running, the body has to be pulled over

the foot by a powerful hip extension. The single-leg stance emphasizes the gluteus medius,
the gluteus minimus and the upper fibres of the gluteus maximus.
As an advanced progression the exercise can be combined with a shoulder press. This
compound exercise emphasizes the stabilising role of the gluteus maximus even more.
Pressing dumbbells overhead requires anti-flexion stability from the core. The co-contraction
of the gluteus maximus, psoas major and deeper trunk muscles stabilises the spine, so forces
can be effectively transferred from the lower to the upper body.
Other exercises that elicit a high gluteus maximus and medius activity are the single-leg
squat and the single-leg Romanian deadlift [6, 40, 41]. These single-leg exercises require
concentric or eccentric hip extension throughout a large range of motion, frontal
plane pelvic stability, together with a control of the stance leg in the frontal and
transverse plane, which results in a high neural drive to the gluteus maximus, medius and
other muscles of the lateral system.
In the single-leg squat & pull and the single-leg Romanian deadlift & pull the hand opposite to
the stance leg is loaded. The added rotary force stimulates the external rotator capability
of the gluteus maximus and medius and gives these exercises a multi-planar character. The
glutes need to stabilise the hip in the frontal (resisting gravitys hip adduction torque) and
transverse plane (preventing internal rotation of the thigh) and generate movement in the
sagittal plane (concentric/eccentric hip extension). These exercises train the cross-body
connection (posterior oblique system), that transmits forces from the ground through the
leg and hip, across the SI-joint via the thoracodorsal fascia, into the opposite lattisimus dorsi.
A great warm-up exercise that addresses all major functions of the gluteal muscles is
the superband X walk. This exercise combines hip extension and hip abduction and
requires stabilisation of the lumbar-pelvic region, which are all major functions of the
glutes. This exercises also trains the cross-body connection.
High activation levels of the gluteus medius, upper part of the gluteus maximus and lateral
system muscles have been observed during the side bridge and the side bridge with
abduction exercises [42, 43].
The slide-board lateral slide combines a powerful hip extension and abduction and really
activates the gluteus maximus, medius and minimus. Skating develops and shapes the hips
and glutes best.
These exercises can be used in the warm-up to activate and wake up the glutes, before
heading over to the squat rack. It is also possible to integrate them as part of your workout.
Due to our lifestyle, low back pain or other injuries our glutes may be inhibited and do
not fire when they are supposed to. Because of compensatory patterns it may be difficult
to target and strengthen the glutes with bilateral leg exercises like squats. Exercises that
require single-leg balance, stability of the lumbo-pelvic region, hip extension or eccentric
control of hip flexion, which are all major functions of the gluteus maximus result in the
greatest level of glute activation. These exercises will help to switch your glutes back
on and re-establish correct movement patterns. Re-activating your glutes will
positively affect every compound lower body lift and enhance sport performance.


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