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EDU 121: Introduction to Education

Lesson Planner
(60 points)
Co-Teachers: Jessica Marwede & Shanda Stosick
Grade: Kindergarden
Key INTASC Standard (
(You need to include on standard per co-teacher. Include the code and description)

Standard #3: Learning Environments

The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and
collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active
engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
Standard #6: Assessment
The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners
in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teachers and
learners decision making.

Key Content Standard (,1607,7-140-28753_33232---,00.html)

(You need to include on standard per co-teacher. Include the code and description)

Standard 1: Apply skills and knowledge to perform in the arts. (VPAA: C1, C2, C3,
C4, C5, P1, P2, P4, R1, R4)
ART.VA.I.K.1 Identify and explore a variety of materials to communicate personal
ART.VA.I.K.2 Work with materials and tools safely with environmental awareness.
ART.VA.I.K.3 Explore the elements of art through playful sensory experiences.
ART.VA.I.K.4 Prepare, complete, and sign finished artwork.
Standard 2: Apply skills and knowledge to create in the arts. (VPAA: C1, C2, C3, C4,
C5, P1, P2, P4, R1, R4)
ART.VA.II.K.1 Explore the basic uses of art materials to produce artwork.
ART.VA.II.K.2 Use a variety of lines, colors, and basic geometric shapes and patterns
to creatively express feelings and personal experiences.
ART.VA.II.K.3 Participate in discussions of the aspects of environment, family, and
home in the creation of art.
ART.VA.II.K.4 Select subject matter and communicate a personal story in a painting or
ART.VA.II.K.5 Express thoughts and ideas through the creation of artwork.
ART.VA.II.K.6 Experiment with different technologies

Learning Objective (after [instructional context], the student will [cognitive behavior/product], to
[specific student learning]).
After the students draw their art picture of achieving their goals, the students will have a
positive mindset with a clear goal in mind to learn that having & making goals in life is
needed to succeed.

What evidence will the students produce to show they have met the learning objective?
The students will use geometric shapes in their drawings with a variety of colors and

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the correct subjects within their drawn pictures.

What modifications of the above assessment will be needed for language learners and/or special
needs students?
If necessary Jess or Shanda will take the child aside and assess them individually.
Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge and Prior Experience
Skills/Knowledge (relate prior grade level standards)
Some children may have attended preschool which would have taught them how to
properly hold a crayon/pencil and would have done drawings in class. If the child did
not attend preschool they most likely still did some sort of coloring or drawing at home.
Pre-assessment strategy
Have the children draw a circle, triangle, square, rectangle, vertical line, and horizontal
Building Academic Language (Language demands of the lesson)
Words Sounds Spelling (Phonological) features and strategies
Students will be able to re write the colors from the bag for the Colors Scavenger
Hunt which will help them with spelling of the words.
Key vocabulary and symbols (lexical) features and strategies
The pictures they will draw is a symbol of their goals for the year.
Language structures (grammatical/syntactical) features and strategies
The students will write a sentence along with their pictures that describe their goals, the
sentence will be My goal is
Sociolinguistic/discourse features and strategies
This does not apply much to kindergarteners but boys may have different goals for the
year than girls.

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Lessons resources/materials
Paper, Crayons, Paper bags, Pencil and pre-test. (All Provided by teachers)
Introduction (time 5 min): what will the teacher do to 1) stimulate student interest or connect
lesson to prior learning and 2) to identify learning outcomes?
Pre- test, and explain what we will be doing for todays lesson and why.
Body of the lesson (time 10 min): describe step-by-step what the teacher and the students will be
doing. Include the time you expect each step to take (within the body of your description below
include the time it will take for each step. Indicate the total time for your lesson)
After the pre-test we will go over the lesson which is to draw a picture using geometric
shapes and colors of what the students goals are for the school year. This is expected to
take about 10 minutes. One teacher will go over the lesson and explain what the students
are supposed to do while the other teacher will be handing out the materials.
Closure (time 5 min): how will the teacher help the students summarize the learning objective(s)
of this lesson?
Explain why making goals is important. Then handout the bags and have them write the
colors on the space provided. Explain the activity to them and then dismiss.

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