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Mary Hope Y.

Arch 5A
Whos your hero?
It takes a real man to be a real father, a real man who is capable of taking responsibilities and has
the heart to love unconditionally. Lucky I am to have a man with such qualities, luckier to have him as my
own father. He is my lifes hero.
As a family, we are separated by land and sea for 9 months a year. My father has been battling
waves in order to do his responsibilities to us and to make sure that we are always in the most
comfortable state of our lives. He has assured us safety even if he is miles away and as well love. As a
daughter who have celebrated only a two birthdays with him, it has never crossed my mind to have a
feeling of hatred. Most people have a tendency to see families that has a Seaman as father results to
misunderstandings between children. Though this might be true, my father on the other hand has done
nothing but greatness for us. He has been loving, caring, and the best version of himself to us. Old story
says that my father was not the greatest son my grandparents could as for but he had grown to be the
greatest father I couldve asked for. I am dearly thankful. A hero admits his mistakes. A hero makes up for
those mistakes because a human is a human. We are all destined to make mistakes and yet what makes us
noble is the fact that we try to be noble. We try to be the better version of ourselves, a better version of
who we were yesterday. My father is not perfect; I do sometimes wish that he gets to spend more time
with us. But seeing his sacrifices, I get to appreciate him more this way. I get to have more chances of
making him feel loved and appreciated. I would always believe that I have the best man to have as a
To the man who loves me more than my failures, he who understands when I get irrational, and
he who cries with me because of a dog, he who speaks that right things , who tries to calm me down, he
who tries no matter how hard, and he who pushes me to do my best, you are my hero.

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