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The predetermined design for this qualitative study is in the form of a case study
research. It is important to emphasize that the voluntary nature of giving inputs will be strictly
implemented. A one-on-one in-depth interview will have to be carried out in an attempt to make
the participant be more comfortable. Thus, each couple has to be interviewed separately and the
time of this shall be determined by the participant with regard to his or her convenience.
In the meantime, the actual data gathering will only proceed after the participant has
consented. The researchers shall have to ensure that the participant knows the purpose and nature
of the study and they will also inform the participants regarding the use of audio recording. The
researchers shall present the possible duration of the interview which may last for about an hour
and a sequence of two more follow-up interviews will take part.
Data Analysis
Since the researchers use a qualitative design; they shall undergo data entry. This is a type
of organizing data through typing the text gathered from the one-on-one in-depth interview into
word processing documents. Consequently, the transcribed data will be carefully read and will be
divided into essential analytical units through coding; in order to group similar kinds of
information. Data entry, coding, and developing are all parts of the thematic analysis.
Thematic analysis contributes the prospect for researchers to go further than the
numerical data. The themes or the codes develop under the process could be helpful in order for
the study to make sense. After coming up with themes, the researchers will have the themes
audited by an external auditor and they will also ask the participants to check the veracity of
data. Finally, there will be no specific statistical tool to be employed for the data analysis.

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