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Tara Jarvie

Computer Acceptable Use Policy

LM 6190
Acceptable Use Policy
Computers (laptops, tablets or mobile computing devices owned or issued by Tonaquint
Intermediate), Networks, and Internet accesses are provided for educational purposes.
Students are responsible for their actions and activities as well as their passwords, accounts and
files. The policy is designed using sound decision making and safety for technology use. The use
of the above listed technologies or use of school wireless access through personal devices is a
privilege and terms and conditions apply. We, at Tonaquint, retain the right to change the
terms and conditions at any time.
All students who attend Tonaquint Intermediate School are expected to meet high academic,
behavior, and attendance standards. Students who do not meet these standards in person or
through their online presence will need to make appropriate adjustments and will be subject to
disciplinary action including suspension and/or termination of technology access. If disciplinary
action is necessary, parents will be contacted. The school rules apply to all students and are
posted throughout the school.
Nothing is private on the District-owned network. Tonaquint Intermediate, as part of
Washington County School District, reserves the right to monitor whatever a user does on the
network and to make sure the network functions properly. A user has no expectation of privacy
as to his or her communications or the uses made of the Internet.
Tonaquint Intermediate wireless internet and/or electronic devices users agree to adhere to
the following:
1. Only use the internet to access educationally appropriate, relevant materials. Students
may not access, post, download materials that are obscene, vulgar, explicit, harmful to
children, or illegal.
2. Use appropriate language online, and refrain from using profanity or language that is
3. Not risk my safety by sharing my personal information (birthdates, addresses, phone
numbers, or other identifying information) while online.
4. Not plagiarize information found online or claim others work found on the internet, and
will give credit to sources from which information is drawn.
5. Seeking help if feeling unsafe or bullied through the internet.
6. Not downloading programs or media without proper licensing or media with copyright
including music and film without the owners permission.

7. Not change school established settings and/or preferences.

8. Take proper care of all school owned equipment, or pay for damages as a result of
9. Prior to taking pictures or videos obtaining permission from the teacher/supervisor and
the person being photographed, and again prior to posting, sharing, or submitting
photos or videos.
10. If unsure whether or not specific actions are permitted ask the supervising teacher prior
to completing actions to first obtain permission.
Tonaquint Intermediate makes no guarantee of the completeness or accuracy of any
information provided on the network. Verifying materials is the users responsibility.
Network resources may contain computer sites not owned or controlled by the network;
these sites are not controlled or supervised by Tonaquints technology team.
Tonaquint Intermediate will not be responsible for any damages a user suffers while on the
system, including loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, misdeliveries or service
interruptions caused by negligence, errors, or omissions.
I have read and understand Tonaquints Acceptable Use Policy. I agree to adhere to the
guidelines and understand I will be subject to disciplinary action if I fail to do so.

Student Name________________________ Grade_________ Date_________

I have read Tonaquint Intermediates Acceptable Use Policy with my child. I understand that
it is impossible for Tonaquint Intermediate School to restrict access to all controversial
materials and I will not hold the school responsible for materials accessed on the network. I
accept full responsibility for my childs use of technology. I agree to compensate Tonaquint
Intermediate monetarily for expenses arising from damages caused by my child to their
I hereby release Tonaquint Intermediate School, Washington County School District, and its
personnel from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from my childs use of,
or inability to use, the Tonaquint Intermediate network.

Parent/Guardian Name_________________________ Date_______________

Parent/Guardian Signature_________________________________________

Acceptable Use Policy. (n.d.). Retrieved July 05, 2016, from
BYOD. (n.d.). Retrieved July 05, 2016, from
Policy. (n.d.). Retrieved July 05, 2016, from

The Nueva School - Laptop Program. (n.d.). Retrieved July 05, 2016, from

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