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Trinity Hubert
English 4
28 September 2016

Extracurricular Activities
Extracurricular activities are occupations that fall outside the realm of the normal
curriculum of school performed by all students. There are many high schools and colleges that
provide a variety of activities available for students. These activities range between sports,
clubs, and other topics. Extracurricular activities are important because they help you develop
your interests, talents, and leadership and communication skills. Becoming involved in these are
advantageous and provide an individual with an opportunity to discover their passions and allow
one to exercise their physical and mental abilities. Engaging in extracurricular activities gives
students an opportunity to grow as an individual. Students that participate in extracurricular
activities learn vital academic, social, and physical skills that are beneficial.
Individuals who engage in extracurricular activities benefit when they are placed an
environment where they have to learn new things. When students add on other activities onto
their original school curriculum, they have to adapt new techniques and a different life style.
They must learn how to manage their time and prioritize. According to research, when busy teens
are in activities outside of school, it teaches them necessary time management skills (Kelley).
On Top of one's busy school schedule, extracurricular activities take up a large portion of your
free time. This allows the student to learn how to juggle multiple things at once creating proper
time management skills. For example, students who participate in extracurricular activities and
have limited hours to accomplish their schoolwork are more likely to discipline themselves into


splitting the hours of his or her work (Kelley). A student who does not participate in these
activities have more free time and have more time to procrastinate and not accomplish his or her
goal in schoolwork. According to the article "Counterpoint: Too Many Extracurricular Activities
Rob Children Of The Freedom Of Childhood," extracurricular activities take from one's
childhood and is non beneficial. Although an argument about extracurricular activities being non
beneficial exists, not only do students who participate in these activities gain proper time
management skills, but also participating in these activities allow the teen to create social skills
which is advantageous. In Extracurricular Activities Allow Teens To Gain Social Skills,
Participation in extracurricular activities will foster creative, social and physical skills
(Kelley). When someone participates in a club, sport, or another activity with other students, he
or she gain an opportunity to build friendships, positive memories, and communication skills .
Not only do extracurricular activities enhance ones life socially, but also academically.
Studies show that those who are active participants in extracurricular activities have better
attendance and grades than those who do not participate in extracurricular activities (Point:
Involvement In Many Extracurricular Activities Is Beneficial To Children"). Because
extracurricular activities are linked to school, they have some rules and regulations that must be
followed. An article about the benefits of extracurricular activities claim, Participation also
correlates with academic achievement. For example, the 1992 National Education Longitudinal
Study reported that students in extracurricular activities attained higher average levels of school
attendance and academic achievement than those who did not (Point: Involvement In Many
Extracurricular Activities Is Beneficial To Children"). For example, in order to continue
participating in an activity, an individual must attend school. If a student skips school, he or she
is technically not allowed to engage in afterschool activities that day. Also, if a students grades


drop below the minimum requirement of the activity he or she is in, that individual will not be
permitted to participate in that activity until the students grades meet the necessary
According to DiLascio, extracurricular activities provide important and vital enrichment
opportunities. Extracurricular activities create the ability to learn interpersonal skills that allow
students to connect and interact with other students who are participating in these activities
effectively. Academic work at times can become stressful for students. A break from this
intensive work is necessary. According to Jones, extracurricular activities are provided to any
students no matter what their race, home at life, or any other factors. Students who are active in
these activities outside of school allow them to have a break from the academic grind and also
provide as a distraction from negative factors in one's life. (DiLascio). Not only do students
enjoy participating in these activities, but parents also agree that it is beneficial for their children
to engage in these activities. Homeschoolers also recognize the benefits that extracurricular
activities provide. But because they are homeschooled, some individuals are not allowed to
participate in these activities. Therefore, the individuals that are not allowed to participate feel
that there is a disadvantage against he or she. According to research, Interscholastic activities are
important in the creation of a well-rounded individual and complement academic curriculum
("Homeschoolers Deserve Equal Access to Extracurricular Activities). Extracurricular
activities effects are impactful to one's life and have better advantages than disadvantages.
Participating in these activities are important and provide beneficial opportunities.
Extracurricular activities are important and participating in them matter.
Accomplishments outside of the classroom develop passions and skills. When an individual
Not only may they benefit one physically and mentally, but participating in extracurricular


activities are also valued by colleges. Students have a better chance at receiving college
scholarships and provide desirable qualities to colleges and future employers. The benefits of
these activities are endless. Getting involved in extracurricular activities can help a community
and the development of non-academic interests. It develops a stronger mind, a range of interests,
and a wider social circle. Extracurricular activities teach students to make contributions. They
allow students to discover long term commitments. Extracurricular activities have excellent
benefits and participating in these activities is a great choice.

Works Cited


"Counterpoint: Too Many Extracurricular Activities Rob Children Of The Freedom Of

Childhood." Points Of View: Children & Extra-Curricular Activities (2015): 1.
Points of

View Reference Center. Web. 23 Sept. 2016.

DiLascio, Tracey M. "Children And Extracurricular Activities: Overview." Points Of View:

Children & Extra-Curricular Activities (2015): 1. Points of View Reference
Center. Web. 22 Sept. 2016.
EqualAccess, Alabama. "Homeschoolers Deserve Equal Access to Extracurricular Activities."
Homeschooling. Ed. Myra Immell. Detroit: Greenhaven, 2009. Current

Rpt. of "The State of Alabama's Tim Tebow Bill: Frequently

Asked Questions and

Answers." N.p.: n.p., 2006. N.

pag.Opposing Viewpoints in

Context. Web. 22 Sept. 2016.

JONES, ROGER E., RON BENNETT, and JOHN GRAY. "Student Activities." Encyclopedia of
Education. Ed. James W. Guthrie. 2nd ed. Vol. 7. New York: Macmillan
Reference USA,

2002. 2374-377.Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 22 Sept. 2016.

Kelley, Jennie. "Extracurricular Activities Allow Teens to Gain Social Skills." Can Busy Teens
Succeed Academically? Ed. Stefan Kiesbye. Detroit: Greenhaven, 2009. At Issue. Rpt.
of "Benefits of Extra-Curricular Activities for Teens." Helium n.d.: n. pag. Opposing
Viewpoints in Context. Web. 21 Sept. 2016.
Point: Involvement In Many Extracurricular Activities Is Beneficial To Children." Points Of
View: Children & Extra-Curricular Activities (2015): 1. Points of View Reference Center.
Web. 21 Sept. 2016.

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