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3.1) 1.Construct the truth table for the statement (p) ^ q.

(p) ^ q

3.2) 1.By constructing the truth table, show that (p) is logically equivalent to p.



3.3) 1.Which of the following statements are True, and which of them are false?
a. if 256 is a perfect square then 1024 is a perfect square.
-> As we know 256= (16)2
And 1024 = (16x2) x(16x2) =(16x2)2 which is also a perfect square
So, True.
b. if 250 is a perfect square then 1000 is a perfect square.
-> If 250 is a perfect square then 250 = (n)2
Then 1000 =4 x 250 = 4 x n2 = 22 x n2 = (2n)2 which is also a perfect square.
So, True.
c. if 257 is a prime then 1028 is a prime.
-> 257 does not have any other factor other than 1 and 257.
Where in case of 1028, it has factors other than 1 and 1028. i.e. 2,4,257. So 1028 is not a
prime number.
So, False.

3.4) 1.Which of the statements is false and which is false? Justify your answers.
a. if a and b are even numbers then a+b is an even numbers.
->let, a=(2n)
and, b=(2m)
then a+b = 2(m+n) which is also a multiple of 2. That means it is even.
So, True.
b. if a+b is an even number then a and b are even numbers.
->let, a=9
and b=9 which are odd numbers. So,a+b=18 which is an even number.
So, the statement is false.
3.5) 1.Write down the contrapositive forms of the statements:
a. if n is a multiple of 7 then n is not a multiple of 3.
b. if n is a multiple of 12 then n is a multiple of 4.
a. if n is a multiple of 3 then n is not a multiple of 7.
b. if n is not a multiple of 4 then n is not a multiple of 12.
3.6) 1.Which of the following universal statements are true and which of them are false?
>>nN n3 >= n2
For every value of n except 1, n3 is always greater than n2
Let n=2 then (2)3 > (2)2 which is true.
So, True.
>>nN n3 = n2
For all the values of n except 1, n3 is always unequal to n2 .
If n=1, then (1)3 = (1)2
Except this for all values of n this statement becomes false.
So, False.

>>nN the remainder when n2 is divided by 4 is 0.

If n is 5, then n2 = 25 = (5)2
But when divides it by 4 remainder will not 0. This proves this statement wrong.
So, False
>>nN the remainder when n2 is divided by 4 is 0 or 1.
If n is 6, then n2 = 36 = (6)2 but when divides it by 4, it give remainder 0
If n is 9, then n2 = 81 = (9)2 but when divides it by 4, it give remainder 1.
So, for all values of n, by dividing it by 4, it either gives remainder as 0 or 1.
So, True.

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