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Course Name: Food Science

Title of Experiment: Using an Emulsifier to Create Homemade Mayonnaise

Date of Experiment: November 10, 2016
Name: Beam Witchayut Ngarmpornchai #1002
Group Member: Numhom Irin Jearadisak
Meily Pitcha Boonachathong
Chino Chinorod Tavichai
Jenny Kanyarat Tirasirichai


In this experiment, we learned about the ionic and covalent bond. The ionic bond is
when atom give or gain electrons, so it has charge. The covalent bond is when atom sharing
electrons, so it will be either have slightly charge or no charge. The slightly charge is called
polar covalent bond, it will be slightly charge cause the electrons is unequally sharing
between two atoms. The atom that have more electronegativity will be slightly negative
because it can pull electron toward itself stronger than another atom that have less
electronegativity, so less electronegativity will be slightly positive. The no charge is called
non-polar covalent bond, it has no charge cause two atoms sharing electrons equally or have
same electronegativity. The water has charge, so it can dissolve the substance that have
charge too, therefore it is hydrophilic when mix it together, it will be homogeneous mixture.
It is a mixture types that cant identify the different part of it for example, tea, coffee, and
syrup. The substance with no charge wont dissolve in water, therefore it is hydrophobic
when mix it together, it will be heterogeneous mixture. It is a mixture types that can identify
the different part for example when mix oil and water together, the result will be layer the oil
will float on the top of water because oil have less dense than water, so if mix polar and nonpolar substance together the result will be heterogeneous mixture and if mix polar and polar
substance together the result will be homogeneous mixture. There are many ways to change
heterogeneous to homogeneous mixture or homogeneous to heterogeneous mixture. One way
to make heterogeneous be homogeneous mixture is by emulsion process. It is a process that
add the emulsifier to connect two substance together and make it be homogeneous mixture.
The emulsifier is a substance that have the hydrophilic head that will connect to polar
substance and hydrophobic tail that will connect to non-polar substance, so that purpose of
the emulsifier is to connect polar with non-polar substance together and the result or it
emulsion will be homogeneous mixture.

The purpose of this experiment is to learn how to turn the heterogeneous mixture to
homogeneous mixture by adding emulsifier. The task for the experiment is to make
mayonnaise by mix egg yolk, oil, vinegar, mustard, lime, honey, and green food coloring
together. Normally vinegar and oil cant mix together because vinegar is polar and oil is non-

polar, so if mix it together it will be heterogeneous substance, therefore the emulsifier is

needed to be add to mix it together and turn it to become homogeneous mixture. The
emulsifier in the experiment is the egg yolk. The requirement of this experiment is to create
own flavor and appearance to enhance judge to the flavor and make judge use their senses,
make them impress and make it unique.


If mix the egg yolk, vinegar, and oil together, then the result will be homogeneous mixture
because egg yolk is emulsifier that can connect the vinegar, polar substance and oil, nonpolar substance together.

Material List

1. 4 egg yolk
2. 2 tea spoon of vinegar
3. 250 ml oil
4. 2 tea spoon of mustard
5. Salt
6. Lime juice
7. Cracker
8. Salad
9. Honey
10. Whisk
11. Bowl
12. Plate
13. Green food coloring



Whisk the egg yolk

Add mustard and whisk it together
Gently add 150 ml of oil and whisk it together
Add 2 tea spoon of vinegar and whisk it together
Gently add 100 ml of oil and whisk it together
Add a pinch of salt and 2 spoon of lime juice, then whisk it together
Add 5 table spoon of honey and whisk it together
Add green food coloring and whisk it together
Serve it with cracker and salad

Whisking the Green Mayonnaise

We added the green food coloring to our mayonnaise to make it unique.

Our Final Product

This is our group final product we serve it with cracker and salad.

1. What was your groups strategy for developing your mayonnaise flavor?

Our group stratrgy for developing our mayonnaise flavor is by adding the honey to the
mayonnaise because our group think that it will be tastly cause normally the
mayonaise taste creamly and our group want to add the sweet taste to it so we add

2. What was your groups strategy for developing your mayonnaise presentation?

Our group strategy for developing our maynonaise presentation is by serve it with
salad and cracker then add the green food coloring. We add salad to make it look
colorful and enhance it taste to the judge and we add crackers to make it have a crispy
feeling when eating it and add green food coloring to make it look unique and attract
the judge.

3. What techniques or stategies did your group perform to successfully create an

emulsion? What were some sources of error?

Our group techniques to successfully create an emulsion was by slowly add oil while
whisking it, to prevent it become heterogeneous mixture. But there is an error that our
group make, is our group added too much oil so the mayonnaise is not sticky as we
want and it taste oily we fixed it by add more egg yolk to make it sticky and add more
lime and honey to cover the oily taste.

4. Was the flavor your group choose succesful in making a flavorful mayo? Why or why
not? What would you do differently in the future?

Our group flavor is succesful because it taste woderful and it get together well with
the mayonnaise, our mayonnaise have the creamly and sweet taste so it taste good and
If we have a chance to do this experiment again we will a lime and honey to our
mayonnaise cause we want to make our mayonnaise have the sour, sweet and creamly

5. Was your presentation effective to enhance the flavor of your mayo? Why or why not?
What would you do differently in the future?

Our presentation enhances the flavor of our mayonnaise because it we serve it with
salad and crackers then add the green food coloring. Salad make our mayonnaise look
colorful and enhance the judge and the crackers taste well with the mayonnaise
because it has a crispy feeling when eat it together. The green mayonnaise make our
group look unique and attract the judge. If we have a chance to do this experiment
again we will dont put the tomato on top of the crackers cause almost all the judge
dont eat it.

6. Which mayonnaise flavor and presentation do you think was the most successful for
your class and why?

I think that the mayonnaise that is the most successful on it appearance and flavor is
the cheesecake mayonnaise flavor because it is the most delicious mayonnaise of all
group and they serve it with crackers and tea.

7. Your body is made out mostly water. What happens when you eat foods in high fat if
fat is non-polar and water is polar? How do you digest fat?

It will firstly get digest in the month by enzyme called lingual lipase. Then, the fat
will get digest in the small intestine by the emulsification process with the help of the
bile acids that released from the gall bladder. After that it will be stored in the liver.
Then the Pancreatic lipase will split triglycerides apart into smaller parts called
diglycerides, monoglycerides and free fatty acids. (Dennett, 2015)


In conclusion, this experiment is very useful because it makes me understand about

the emulsifier function and how it works by it have hydrophobic tail that will connect to the
non-polar substance and hydrophilic head that will connect to polar substance so it function is
to connect the polar and non-polar substance together and make it be homogeneous mixture.


Carrie Dennett, (2015). How Does the Body Digest & Metabolize Fat? Retrieved from

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