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Let A (6, 6), B (3, 7) and C (3, 3) be the points on the circle and the centre of the
circle be P (h, k). PA = PB = PC (Radius of the circle)

2.Let the co-ordinates of the other point of trisection be Q(x, y) As Q is a point of

trisection, so, it divides AB in the ratio m: n = 2:1 So, the co-ordinates of Q,

Hence, co-ordinates of point Q are (5/3, 8/3).

5.length of the diameter =

therefore the radius r =
let the center of the circle be C
let it passes through the point P(11,-9). therefore PC= r

therefore a=3 or a=5. hence the center of the circle is

i.e. the center of the circle is (6,-4) or (10,-2)

8.Let (3, 0), (4, 5), (1, 4) and (2, 1) are the vertices A, B, C, D of a rhombus

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