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AirTech16 AirBot: 1. Arena:i.

The Contest arena consists of two sub arenas; both the sides are identical to each


The floor of each room will be wooden and of the color shown in the map.


The walls have a height of 6 in throughout the arena.

2. Robot size and weight:i.

The whole robot (including mounted sensors) must fit within 30cm x 30cm square.


The maximum allowable height of the robot is 30cm.


The weight of the robot must not exceed 9 kg

3. Components list:Any self-made sensor from discrete components is allowed.

Wall Sensing
Color Sensing
Micro controllers
Development Boards
External Shields
Motor driver

Sharp IR sensors, Ultrasonic sensors

1) TCS230, TCS3200
2) ADJD-S371-QR99 RGB sensor
1)Pic 16F/Pic 18F family
2)AVR ATTiny, ATMega
3) 8051,8052, 8055
Arduino Uno, Mega, Nano, mini, Pro Series,
Leonardo, Esplora, Due
Only SD card shield is allowed
Self-made from discrete components
Maximum 2 motors are allowed in the robot
Any type of battery is allowed
Meccanum/Omni wheels are not allowed

4. Rounds:There are two rounds.

1- Qualifying Round.
2- Knockout Round.
Qualifying Round:

1- As shown in the diagram S is the starting point.

2- All Gates are open except either G1 or G2.
3- The above diagram is example with G1 open and G2 closed.
4- The robot will be placed at the starting point with condition of gates known via a text
file in memory card.
5- The robot has to reach the color patch and detects the color. The color may be red,
blue or green.
6- Then the robot has to go to that colored block which in this example is red.

7- A balloon has already been placed at middle of block.

8- Now, robot has to approach and burst the balloon.
9- Then, robot has to come back to initial starting position for end up.

Points for the qualifying round: Tasks Completed


Entering the color patch area A2 from any

of the right most gates
Entering the gate G1 or G2

10 points

Reaching the color patch by shortest

Outside the area A2
Reaching the color patch by shortest
Inside the area A2
Exiting the area A2

10 points

Entering the detected colored block

10 points

Avoiding entering into wrong color block

10 points

Popping the balloon

20 points

Reaching the final point

10 points

10 points

10 points
10 points

Knockout stage:

1- The qualifying teams will compete with each other in head to head in qualifying
2- Starting point lies at anywhere in the area A1, coordinates of starting point will be
given to team.
3- The range of coordinates will be (x, y) = (0-1, 0-4).
4- The coordinates of the starting point will be given to you. The orientation of the
starting point remains same.
5- First, robot has to make an approach for A2 in which color patch has been placed.
6- Either one of G1 and G2 is opened.
7- Robot has to detect three colors in sequence from opened gate to closed gate.
8- Then the robot has to go towards the colored block in the same sequence as detected
9- The balloons have already been placed.


Now, robot has to approach and burst all balloons in all color blocks.

11-Then, robot has to come back to initial starting position.

Points of Knockout Round: Tasks Completed


Entering the gate G1 or G2

20 points

Entering the detected colored block in

correct sequence
Using the short path

10+10+10 points

Popping the balloons

10+10+10 points

Reaching the final point

10 points

10 points

5. Robot Operation:After qualifying the teams will compete with each other in a knockout format. In each
match two teams will run their robots side by side in the arena. Teams will be declared as
Team A or Team B based on the coin toss before every match. Team A will run their robot
in the left side and Team B will run their robot right side. The Robot should be
autonomous. During match contestants are NOT allowed to touch enter the arena of touch
their robots. If the contestants enter the arena during the match, they must go for a retry.
After the blow of whistle, the robot will have 5 minutes to complete the task.
6. Match duration

Each match will be of maximum 5 minutes.


Teams will be given 1 minute for setting up the Robot at the start.


Time would be stopped as soon as robot finishes the task.


If a robot is not able to successfully complete the task then the time when team will
call it off will be recorded as the finish time.


If both teams fail to complete the task within the time limit, the team scoring more
points will be declared the winner of the match.

7. Rules:i.

Each team can comprise of maximum 6 members.


There can be as many retries as participating team wants however during a retry the
point scoring will start from zero.


Robot may touch the wall of the arena without damaging them.


Robot has to finish all tasks in time.

8. Prohibitions: i.

Robot is not allowed to use any type of tactile sensors for sensing the walls


Any circuit other than specified in the list should not be fabricated by the help of
any professional developers


Microprocessors or Single Board Computers are not allowed


The robot must be only battery-powered.


H-Bridge ICs or modules are not allowed.

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