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Advanced English 8: Periods 1 and 2

56 Minutes
(5 mins) Review Homework
Common Core Standards:

College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Language- Conventions of

Standard English: #1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Language- Vocabulary
Acquisition and Use: #4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiplemeaning words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts, and
consulting general and specialized reference materials, as appropriate.


Students will be able to correct their own homework as I read off the answers.
Students will be able to make note of grammar problems or concepts that they are
struggling with in order to spend extra time reviewing or asking questions before the test.
Students will be able to create their own sentences using new vocabulary words.

Purpose: We are going to review the grammar homework so that you can check your answers
and make note of any concepts that you are still struggling with so that you can study them for
the test on Friday. Then I will use the flashcards to randomly pick students to read out an
example sentence from their homework.
Input: Pull out your grammar homework from last night. I will be going around and giving stars
for everyone who finished the homework. Then, I am going to read off the answers so that you
can check it against your work. Correct your answers as we go.
Assessment: As I read off the answers, students will assess their own work and make note of the
problems that they struggled with and need to work on before the Friday test.
Input: Now Im going to randomly select students to read some of their example sentences from
Assessment: Students will read a sentence that they created for homework which used a
vocabulary word, and I will give them feedback on how well they used the word and constructed
their sentence. I will then hand out a vocabulary worksheet for them to complete for homework,
to help them review their new vocabulary terms from yesterday.
(25 mins) Introduction to Narrative: What Makes a Story?

Common Core Standards:

Writing Standards: #3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or

events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event


Students will be able to define the elements of a narrative

Students will be able to highlight the specific parts of a story that contribute to the
elements of narrative, including characterization, setting, and conflict.
Students will be able to summarize what a narrative is in proper summary paragraph

Purpose: Today were going to finish our slideshow about the elements of narrative, and what
they look like. After you finish your notes and summary in your packet, you should be able to
start thinking about how you might construct your own narrative, and what should be in it.
Input: Before we continue on with the slideshow, lets do a brief review. Who can tell me what
the difference is between direct and indirect characterization? What are the five different ways
that we get indirect characterization in a narrative? Who can tell me what the difference is
between internal and external conflict? What is the difference between the climax and the
resolution of a story?
Check for Understanding: This review will help me to determine how much of last weeks
material they remember and understand, and how much I need to go over again before we
Input: Excellent review. Now, as I go through the rest of this slideshow, continue to fill out the
packets that I gave you last week. Note at the top where it has directions for cuteing (CUTE =
Chunk, Underline, Think of questions, and Edit) your notes. After you have completed this
packet, I want you to go back and cute your notes for homework. Tomorrow Ill be checking to
see if you did this and giving stars for credit.
Modeling: I will read through the slideshow presentation, stopping to elaborate on points, and to
dive into examples of each of the elements of narrative, and how to find them within a story. I
will demonstrate how to ask critical questions, what elements look like when they present in a
narrative, and how to underline or highlight key points of a passage.
Guided Practice: As I go through the slideshow, students will take notes in their packets. They
will be following along with me, and have opportunities to ask questions if confused.

Check for Understanding: Each time I finish going over a new piece of information, such as
what is characterization? I will stop and ask the class if anyone has any questions. If students
seem confused, I will elaborate or give more examples to scaffold the information.
Independent Practice: At home, students will cute their notes. This will be a kind of review
for them, as well. Even if we dont get through the entire slideshow today, I will still have them
cute the notes they do have for homework.
Assessment: My stopping to check for understanding will act as an informal assessment for this
material today. Next week, students will be given an assignment where they have to create their
own narratives, and this will act as a summative assessment of their knowledge on narrative
when they turn it in.
(20 mins) Work on Summary of Narrative
Common Core Standards:

Writing Standards 6-12:

o C. Use words, phrases, and clauses as well as varied syntax to link the major
sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s)
and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and
o D. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the
norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.


Students will be able to summarize what a narrative is, using their notes from their
Students will be able to write a summary paragraph in the proper format established by
Mrs. Frechettes rubric, including all of the criteria listed on the rubric.

Purpose: For the remainder of the period, you will work on your summary paragraphs in the
back of your packets. Summarizing the information that you just learned on the elements that
make up a narrative will help you to better synthesize and understand the information, and it will
also help you to keep practicing the summary paragraph structure.
Input: Now everyone should be working quietly on their summary paragraphs. If anyone has
any questions, raise your hand and Ill come around and assist you.
Check for Understanding: As students work on their summaries, I will walk around and check
in on students writing, asking leading questions if they seem stuck or answering any questions
they may have.

Assessment: At the end of the week, students will turn in their packets and their notes and
summaries will serve as an assessment of their understanding of the material.
(5 mins) Closure: I will spend the last few minutes of class reviewing some of the new elements
of narrative that we went over today, and reviewing what their summary paragraphs should
include (title, author, genre, transitions, complex sentences, etc.).

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