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A Science-Based Plan to Prepare You for the SFG Level I and SFG Level II - StrongFirst


By Craig Marker (
Posted on December 8, 2016. 13 Comments. (


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This article is meant to provide an alternative to Brett Jones excellent SFG I prep guide ( and for building strength and endurance for the SFG II. Bretts plan has worked for many people,
but individual differences ( might lead some people to benefit
from an alternative. This program might be more like Easy Strength (
tag=strongfirst-20&linkCode=sb1&camp=212353&creative=380549) where you leave the gym feeling like you have reps left over. Due to
this feeling, you might put more crispness and power into the reps you do.
This plan is built on Pavels recent developments in strength protocols (, where he examined the Soviet literature on the successful weightlifting program of the 1990s. It is also based on his
recent research in conditioning protocols that focus on lasting endurance without the stressful cortisol response associated with high
intensity training. This preparatory program consists of three days of conditioning and three days of strength training.


Steps 1 and 2: Knowing the Standards and Getting Help

There is no need for me to change what works. Brett Jones, Chief SFG Instructor, describes the first two steps in preparing for your
Certification experience as:
1. Knowing the standards (
2. Contacting a certified instructor (
I agree and strongly advise finding someone who knows the SFG Level I and/or SFG Level II movements. An instructor can help you learn
how to be efficient in your movements, which will save you energy. There is no reason to pattern bad movements, as they will only
become more difficult to change later.



A Science-Based Plan to Prepare You for the SFG Level I and SFG Level II - StrongFirst

I also recommend taking videos of your training practice. I am often surprised when I watch my movements, and these revelations help
me tweak my patterns. Many instructors will review videos, so even if you dont have a StrongFirst instructor in your area, you still have
many options for acquiring feedback on your movement patterns.

Recommended Warm-up
Get-ups are an excellent warm-up exercise that can build itself as a skill. Start with one set of no-weight get-ups on each side. Then do
two to three sets with a moderate amount of weight. Dont feel you have to use your snatch-size bell on every set of get-ups. Using light
weight (or no weight) can be a great corrective experience. It is a good idea to watch your form on video.


Understanding Our Objective and Your Energy Systems

Having a proper swing is going to be key to your success in the snatch test. The more power you have in your one-handed swing, the
easier it will to achieve the efficiency required to perform 100 snatches in five minutes. Thus, the bulk of this program will be on building
powerful one-handed swings.
To do this, we want to build more mitochondria and to make them more efficient. Mitochondria produce the ATP that our muscles use
to contract. We can think of ATP as our muscles currency. The more currency we have, the more we can spend for strength endurance
and absolute strength. Thus, this conditioning program will likely benefit your strength, as well.
Scientists often describe three energy systems that create ATPthe alactic, glycolytic, and aerobic systems:

Alactic System
This is the system that supplies quick, intense bursts of energy. It runs out quickly. You primarily tap into this system during sprints or
heavy lifting. It is also referred to as the anaerobic (without oxygen) system. Without getting into details, it relies on your storage of ATP
and creatine phosphate. Your mitochondria use the phosphate molecules of creatine phosphate to create additional adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Taking creatine as a supplement helps this system, but your body can only store so much. The program below will
make this system as efficient as possible so you can lift heavier weights.


Glycolytic System



A Science-Based Plan to Prepare You for the SFG Level I and SFG Level II - StrongFirst

This is the in-between system; both anaerobic and aerobic. It is utilized most when you try to sprint for longer than twenty seconds, do
more than fifteen reps of an exercise, or complete a twenty-minute high-intensity workout. Many fitness programs live in this highintensity burn. Training here can be very addictive and it makes you feel like you have worked out.
It might seem counterintuitive, but we want to avoid the burn. Training in this system puts a good deal of stress on the body.
Although it might be good in the short-term (high intensity programs tend to work well at the beginning), the stress leads to long-term
oxidative damage and might impair our mitochondrias efficiency. We only want to use this system sparingly as we get closer to the
snatch test.
Additionally, this system relies on glucose to create creatine phosphate molecules. You want your body to learn to burn fat for fuel.
High-intensity programs can lead craving excess sugar as your body is using so much of it for energy. It is another reason to avoid using
this system as much as possible during your preparation.

Aerobic System
This system allows for long and slow bouts of energy, and it relies primarily on fat sources for fuel. It is highly efficient, but low in power.
The program below will utilize this system to burn fat, build peak endurance, and help the body rely less on the glycolytic system during
competition. We basically want to increase the capacity of our alactic and aerobic systems and shrink our use of the glycolytic

The Conditioning Program

We may have been told that we must endure during our endurance training. However, your goal with this program is to feel powerful
after your training. You will push yourself (use your alactic system), back off (replenish it with the aerobic system), and then do it again.
Think of it as doing short sprints followed by rest.
We will use the one-handed swing during this training. It will help you build a powerful hip snap that will be very valuable during the
snatch test. You will only work for ten to fifteen seconds of each minute, so you will want to make the swings as powerful as possible.
Imagine that these ten swings are going to be judged for how good they look. You could also visualize Brandon Hetzler testing your
force output (like he did with Pavel in the photos below). Each round should be a quest for the perfect and most powerful swings. (This
is a place where video can be helpful.)

Here is the program outline (much of this is also based on Al Ciampas excellent A+A program (
Perform 10 one-handed kettlebell swings every minute on the minute (left one minute, right the next). If your form is not quite upto-par (e.g., too much twisting), then two-handed heavy swings are also acceptable.
Use your snatch-size kettlebell or heavier.
Train 3 days a week for 6 weeks.
Make one day longer than the other two (e.g., Monday: 10 minutes, Wednesday: 14 minutes, Friday: 12 minutes).
Each week, try to add two minutes to the length of each session (do not go over 30 minutes).
Use the talk test to make sure your rest period is long enough. If you can talk comfortably before beginning the next set, then you
are okay. If you are too out of breath to talk, then you need to add more rest in between sets.




A Science-Based Plan to Prepare You for the SFG Level I and SFG Level II - StrongFirst

Once your workouts have reached thirty minutes, you can start over with a heavier kettlebell or by doing twelve or fourteen reps per
minute. Moving to a heavier kettlebell is the preferable approach. Either way, the same rules applymake sure you can still perform the
talk test before starting the next round in each workout.

The Strength Plan

The goal of this program is to build enough strength to handle many presses over the Certification
( weekend. It could also be used to increase your one-rep max (1RM).
This goal will be even more important if you are using this plan as SFG II prep.
The foundation of this program is based on Pavels Plan Strong (
principles. Russ Dunning and Fabio Zonin successfully used this protocol to train multiple athletes to press the SFG II standard
( of a half-bodyweight kettlebell press. I find this style of program
allows me to train athletes consistently over long periods of time without having to take rest weeks.
That said, there are a couple keys to success with this program:

Dont Train Heavy All the Time

Soviet Olympic weightlifting athletes did not often attempt 1RM in their training. Most of their training was done with 65-85% of
their 1RM. This method is contrasted with the Bulgarian-style training systems, which rely on much heavier weights in training.
The Bulgarians were also successful in Olympic lifting; however, their athletes were not known for their long-term durability. Many of
the Soviet lifters broke Olympic records long into their thirties. Leonid Taranenko (
won his first Olympic medal in 1980 and his last in 1992 at the age of 36. Taranenkos combined total in 1988 for the snatch and clean
and jerk was 475kg (1,047lb), and remains the heaviest ever lifted in a competition.
The key is to ensure you can continually press by not taxing the nervous system too much.


Decouple Volume and Intensity

We often see a pattern in Western programs. Most start off with more reps at lower weights, and progress toward weeks with a few lifts
at heavier weights. These programs are called linear because you add weight each week. A simple example is Wendlers 5-3-1 program.
In the first week, the person lifts 5 reps at around 75% of his or her 1RM. By the third week, the person is lifting one rep at 85-90% of his
or her 1RM.
In contrast, the Soviets decoupled volume and intensity. One week might be high volume and high intensity and the next week would
be low intensity and medium volume.
Waving the volume and intensity allows for more natural recovery and greater strength gains.


The Strength Program



A Science-Based Plan to Prepare You for the SFG Level I and SFG Level II - StrongFirst

This kettlebell press program can be done on days when you are not performing endurance work
( There will be some days that seem too
simple (e.g., week 3, day 1) and some days that are not so easy (e.g., week 2, day 3). Stick to the program. Do not add weight nor reps
because you feel better that day.
The chart below provides values and reps for each day. For example, if your kettlebell press 1RM is 100lb, then you only need three
weights: 75lb, 85lb, and 90lb. Please dont worry if you dont have the exact weights. A 32kg (72lb), 36kg (80lb), and 40kg (88lb) could
easily be substituted. For people using lighter kettlebells it becomes a bit more challenging as the jump in weights leads to bigger jumps
in percentages. You might need to get some smaller graduations in kettlebell weights.
Start with a lighter weight to warm up. You shouldnt start at 75% of your 1RM. Some people need a good deal of warm-up and others
need very little. You are on your own to figure out what works best.
Rest periods between sets should be greater than ninety seconds as you want to have as much power as possible on each set. You might
take up to eight minutes before trying your 90% weights.
Setting up a video recording can be useful here, as well. You want your reps to look easy and strong. Youll have a clearer picture of
technique watching yourself back on video than you will in the moment.
Notes on reading the chart: Take the percentage listed and do that much of your 1RM for the number of reps indicated. A comma
between number means multiple sets with the weight. For example, on day 2 of week 1, you would do:
Two sets of 2 with 75%
Three sets of 2 with 85%
Two sets of 2 with 75%
This program can be used repeatedly by adjusting for your new 1RM after each cycle.


Supplemental Training
It is also important for you to work on your kettlebell skills, mobility, and coaching technique outside of this program. Finding a
StrongFirst Certified instructor ( might be your best option for improving your skills.
Mobility work is always important if you do not have the prerequisite mobility for squatting. An FMS/SFMA screen
( might help identify specific mobility/stability problems in your movements.

Summary: A Science-Based Plan



A Science-Based Plan to Prepare You for the SFG Level I and SFG Level II - StrongFirst

This alternative preparatory guide for the SFG Level I and/or SFG Level II is meant to build your conditioning and strength using Pavels
latest research. It is based on extensive testing by Soviet researchers and by our current research. Pavel is known for making the
complicated simple and his culling of the strength and endurance research has made our current research possible.
For some athletes, this program will be all they need. I have trainees who described feeling more powerful snatches and enough aerobic
conditioning to breeze through the snatch test after following this program. For others, a bit of glycolytic training can also be helpful.
Senior SFG Mike Perry, who trains many MMA fighters, often adds glycolytic training closer to competition. He believes it is good for
his fighters to understand how the burn feels as they will inevitably feel it during a fight.
With enough time, the above program will build plenty of strength and endurance. For those needing to cram a bit more, glycolytic
training in the last two months of training might be helpful. Mike Perrys snatch test plan ( is an excellent one that can be used closer to the competition.


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Craig Marker (


Craig Marker, Ph.D., COO, SFB, SFGII, CSCS, is a fitness enthusiast who has spent
his life trying to help people improve their lives. As a professor, he works with

students on how best to understand research and place it into context. He has published over fifty articles, chapters, and textbooks
on psychology and research methods.
As a researcher, he understands the cutting edge of strength, sports performance, body composition, and nutrition. As a psychologist,
he has focused on research and treatment of anxiety disorders, which positions him to understand motivation and the fear of making
life changes.
Craigs upcoming book, the AntiFragile Self (, takes on the topic of building a stronger person in the mental
and physical domains.
As a certified StrongFirst Kettlebell Instructor, Craig views kettlebells as one tool in the trade of forging a better person. He uses the
Functional Movement Screen and multiple corrective movements to make sure his students are performing at their best for the rest
of their lives.
Visit his intentional community ( in Atlanta:
Armour Building (




If It Flies Right, It Looks Right: My Journey to a Bodybuilding

The 2 Most Common Errors in Kettlebell Swing Set-up

Competition (



A Science-Based Plan to Prepare You for the SFG Level I and SFG Level II - StrongFirst


13 thoughts on A Science-Based Plan to Prepare You for the SFG Level I and
SFG Level II
David Shatto ( says:
December 15, 2016 at 1:25 pm (
I wanted to let you all know that I took your strength template and put it into an excel spreadsheet so that all you need to do is enter your max and
itll figure out the rest for you. Itll even figure out how much to put on each side of the bar. Grab it here if you want it.
Reply (

Mike C. says:
December 15, 2016 at 1:22 pm (
Im looking for something simple to start the new year with, but currently I dont think I could accomplish this with a snatch bell on the minute.
Would you recommend decreasing bell weight, increasing rest time (keeping the sets or total time constant?), or decreasing reps? Or something
Reply (

Sergej says:
December 10, 2016 at 1:44 pm (
A probably less smart question:
Craig, are you talking about single KB press or about double KB press?
Reply (

Craig Marker says:

December 11, 2016 at 8:43 am (
Good question. I leave it up to you.
For most people, I would do the number listed with each arm individually.
I do double kettlebell presses to train out any lean I might have.
Reply (

Jevgenij says:
December 9, 2016 at 4:31 am (
Can the strength program be applied to other exercises? Especially dips and pullups? If yes, can both exercises be done in a slow circuit or is the
program strictly designed for one exercise only?
Reply (



A Science-Based Plan to Prepare You for the SFG Level I and SFG Level II - StrongFirst

Craig Marker says:

December 9, 2016 at 10:59 am (
It can be done with other strength exercises. I applied it to the press as it is important for certification. The one trick for bodyweight exercises is to
make sure you calculate your 1RM properly. Thus, if your 1rep max for the pull-up is 48kg, you would need to add that to your bodyweight (e.g.,
48kg kettlebell + 90kg bodyweight = 138kg; your 80% weight would be 110kg or 90kg bodyweight + 20kg kettlebell).
Reply (

Casey Annis says:

December 8, 2016 at 1:12 pm (
This seems like a variation on Daily Undulating Periodization (DUP)?
Reply (

Mike Moran ( says:

December 8, 2016 at 12:46 pm (
Also forgot to ask.
Would you do this as a 6 day routine?
IE Swings M-W-F, Press T,Th,Sat ?
Sun rest and beer?
Reply (

Scott says:
December 8, 2016 at 6:46 pm (
This preparatory program consists of three days of conditioning and three days of strength training.
That is the way I would take it.
Reply (

Craig Marker says:

December 9, 2016 at 11:01 am (
6 days works great. If you can do two a days, you can do the conditioning in the morning and the strength later.
Reply (

Mike Moran ( says:

December 8, 2016 at 12:36 pm (
Wow. This is great and also kinda strange that I myself am on a swing journey that is laid out very similar (based on all of my years with Pavels stuff
and going through the SFG course)!
Reply (

David Main says:



A Science-Based Plan to Prepare You for the SFG Level I and SFG Level II - StrongFirst

December 8, 2016 at 11:45 am (

Craig, in your experience is there enough pressing volume in the strength program to make steady progress up to the half body weight press? It
seems to be a fair bit less than in ROP or some other programs.
Reply (

Craig Marker says:

December 9, 2016 at 6:58 am (
Great question David. Pavel suggested 200-300 reps per month above 70% of your one rep max. This plan is on the lower end of that. You can do
more reps, but it would be best to be below 70% of your one rep max.
Reply (

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A Science-Based Plan to Prepare You for the SFG Level I and SFG Level II - StrongFirst





Ana Fuentes Marin (/instructors/spain/ana-fuentes-marin.0013700000Dud3vAAB/)SFG I Batres, Madrid
Sergio Fernandez Abad (/instructors/spain/sergio-fernandez-abad.0013700000Dud3sAAB/)SFG I Cadiz, Cadiz
Maria Luz Elena Gomez (/instructors/spain/maria-luz-elena-gomez.0013700000Dud3uAAB/)SFG I Madrid, Boadilla Del Monte
Alvaro Zerolo (/instructors/spain/alvaro-zerolo.001370000076Yt1AAE/)SFG I Madrid, Boadilla Del Monte
Roberto Sanchez (/instructors/spain/roberto-sanchez.0013700000Dud3yAAB/)SFG II Mostoles, Mostoles
Angela-Nicole Rossi (/instructors/spain/angela-nicole-rossi.001370000076TfYAAU/)SFG II Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Santa Cruz de


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A Science-Based Plan to Prepare You for the SFG Level I and SFG Level II - StrongFirst

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