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Contoh Daily Activities

Formal Education in Indonesia (Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris)

Expressions of giving and asking for opinion

Posted on January 5, 2013 by geckhaskempek
Hi guys, the members of GEC KHAS Kempek, dalam kesempatan ini mari kita bersama
belajar tentang Expressions of giving and asking for opinion. Kalian pernah bertukar
pendapat dengan teman kamu, misalnya tentang kegiatan disekolah, kebersihan kelas,
ataupun tentang masalah-masalah yang sedang kalian hadapi? Nah, expression ini bisa kamu
gunakan untuk mengungkapkan pendapat/opini kamu. So, keep trying ya

Expressions of giving and asking for opinion_GEC KHAS Kempek

Asking Opinions (menanyakan pendapat) :

What do you think of ?

What are your views?

What is your opinion?

Is it right what Ive done?

What about ?

How about ?

What are your ideas?

Do you have any thoughts on that?

How do you feel about that?

Giving Opinions (memberi pendapat) :

Im convinced that .

I reckon .

I consider that .

According to the expert, I .

In my opinion, .

I think .

I think we should get a new car. (Saya pikir kita harus membeli mobil baru)

I dont think we need one. (Saya pikir kita tidak butuh)

I believe (that) smoking should be outlawed. (Saya setuju bahwa merokok harus

I dont believe (that) it should be illegal. (Saya tidak setuju bahwa itu ilegal)

In my opinion, Gone with the Breeze is the best movie ever made.(Menurut saya,
Gone With The Breeze adalah film terbaik yang pernah dibuat).

I feel that its the right thing to do. (Saya pikir itu hal yang tepat untuk dilakukan)

I dont feel that its such a good idea. (Saya tidak menganggap itu ide yang baik)

Contoh dialog Expressions of giving and asking for opinion :

Hikmah : Hey Indana ! Do you know the hot news in our school ?
Indana : Yes, I know. About the minimum score, isnt it ?
Hikmah : Yes, exactly. What do you think ?
Indana : I think it so high. I believe that is bad idea.
Hikmah : I dont think so. Precisely with the 70 score, we can go into the University easily.
With PMDK program.
Indana : Yes, I know it. But, for everyday it so hard.
Hikmah : Maybe, it can be the pole for us to be better than yesterday. I hope we can do it.
Although it so hard.
Indana : Ok. Amin.
Soal Latihan :
Chiko : Chica, what do you think of pop music recently? I mean, do you like them?
Chica : Well, Id say I dont really like them. Id prefer jazz.
Chiko : Why? I think pop music is very entertaining.
Chica : In my opinion, jazz music is relaxing
Answews the following questions based on the dialogue above:
1. Who are talking in this dialogue?
2. What are they talking about?
3. Can you find any expressions of asking opinion? What are they?
4. Can you find any expressions of giving opinion? What are they?
5. What is Chicas opinion?
6. What is Chikos opinion?
Kamu bisa download RPP atau Lesson Plan tentang Expressions of giving and asking for
opinion di link ini LESSON PLAN Expressions of Asking and Giving Opinion


In my opinion, ...

In my eyes, ...

To my mind, ...
As far as I am concerned, ...
Speaking personally, ...
From my point of view, ...

As for me / As to me, ...

My view / opinion / belief / impression / conviction is that ...

hold the view that ...

I would say that ...

am of the opinion that ...

It seems to me that ...

My impression is that ...

is my impression that ...

I am under the impression that ...


I have the feeling that ...

that ...
I have no doubt that ...

My own feeling on the subject is

I am sure / I am certain that ...

I think / consider / find / feel / believe / suppose / presume / assume

that ...
I hold the opinion that ...
dare say that ...

(I form / adopt an opinion.)

I guess that ...

gather that ...

I bet that ....

It goes without saying that ...


I agree with you / him ...

think so.

I share your view.

I really think so.

(The author / the narrator / the protagonist / etc.) is right
He is quite right / absolutely right He may be right.
I have no objection.
I approve of it.
have come to the same conclusion
I hold the same opinion.
We are of one mind / of the same mind on that question.
I am at one with him on that point. It is true.
That is

That's just it !
Quite so !
Just so !

Fair enough !
Yes of course !


I don't agree.
think so.

I disagree.

I don't

You are / he is wrong.

I think otherwise.
don't think that's quite right.
I don't agree with you/him.
I don't agree with what you say.
I am afraid that is not quite true.

I take a different view.

I don't share his/her/your view.
This argument does not hold water.
Not at all !
Nonsense !
Rubbish !
He's off his head !

Home modals Contoh Kalimat Saran dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Kalimat Saran dalam Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Kalimat Saran dalam Bahasa Inggris Saran dan kritik merupakan
suatu hal yang sudah lumrah bukan dalam rangka membangun bukan untuk
menjatuhkan. Nah, dalam Bahasa Inggris pun ada beberapa kata ungkapan
untuk memberikan kritik dan saran untuk orang lain. Bagaimana? Yuk dilihat!

Kalimat saran dalam Bahasa Inggris biasanya ditandai dengan pemggunaan









(kemungkinan). Berikut ini contoh kalimat saran beserta artinya:

1. You should have come to my party if you want to see her. (kamu
seharusnya sudah datang ke pestaku jika ingin melihat dia)
2. I should stay for long time to see Anna. (aku seharusnya tinggal lebih
lama untuk melihat Anna)
3. She shouldnt wait him because he has left her since two minutes
before. (dia seharusnya tidak menunggu dia karena dia telah meninggalkannya
sejak dua menit yang lalu)
4. You may come to pick them up tomorrow. (kamu mungkin bisa datang
untuk menjemput mereka besok)
5. If you want to be clever student, you should study more diligent. (jika
kamu ingin menjadi siswa yang pandai, kamu seharusnya belajar lebih rajin)
6. Hey stay with me, and I might live here alone. (hey tinggal
bersamaku,dan aku mungkin tinggal sendirian di sini)
7. It was too late, I should have said it before. (sudha terlambat, aku
seharusnya sudah mengatakan itu sebelumnya)
8. You may leave here as soon as possible if you dont want to make her
angry. (Kamu mungkin sebaiknya pergi dengan segera jika tidak mau
membuatnya marah)

9. They should finish their reports to get high scores. (mereka seharusnya
menyelesaikan laporan mereka untuk memperoleh skor tinggi)
10. I may be better choose this dress than that dress. (aku mungkin lebih
baik memilih dres ini daripada dress itu)

Contoh Giving Suggestion (memberikan saran)

menggunakan "Could, Lets, Why Dont, Shall I/ We"
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Giving Suggestion (memberikan saran) dengan menggunakan "Could"

Could dapat digunakan untuk memberikan saran kepada orang lain.

Contoh Kasus:
What should we do tomorrow?

Contoh saran yang dapat diberikan:

We could go on a picnic.
We could go to Nicole's party.

Could dapat juga digunakan untuk memberikan tawaran atau kemungkinan

kepada orang lain.

Contoh kasus:
I'm having trouble in math class

Contoh saran yang dapat diberikan:

You could talk to your teacher.

You could ask Michelle to help you with your math lessons. Or I could try to help you.

Giving Suggestion (memberikan saran) dengan menggunakan "Lets,

Why Dont, Shall I/ We"

Let's berasal dari kata let us, yang berarti: "I have a suggestion for us"/ "Saya
punya suatu saran untuk kita". Penggunaan Let's selalu diikuti dengan kata kerja
bentuk pertama (VERB 1).

Rumus pada kalimat negatif: Let's + NOT + VERB 1

Let's go to a movie.
Let's not go to a movie. Let's stay home instead.

Why don't adalah suatu ungkapan yang paling utama dalam bahasa Inggris
untuk memberikan saran dengan ramah.

Why don't we go to a movie?
(Pada konteks kalimat diatas, "Why don't we go = Let's go")

Why don't you come around seven

(Pada konteks kalimat diatas, artinya: Saya menyarankan kamu untuk datang sekitar
pukul 7)

Ketika shall digunakan dengan Subjek "I" atau "We" dalam suatu kata tanya,
biasanya si pembicara sedang memberikan saran dan bertanya kepada orang
lain apakah mereka setuju dengan saran yang diberikan.

Terkadang "shall we?" digunakan pada question tag setelah kata let's. secara
tidak formal, menggunakan kata "okay"? sebagai tag question nya. untuk lebih
jelasnya, silahkan perhatikan contoh kalimat dibawah ini.

Shall I open the window ? Is that okay with
Shall we leave at two? Is that okay?
Let's go, Shall we?
Let's go, okay?

Semoga artikel ini bisa dipahami dan membantu untuk belajar bahasa inggris,
jika bermanfaat mohon di share. Mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan dalam
pengetikan. Dan untuk segala jenis pertanyaan, saran, dan kritik bisa
dicantumkan pada kolom komentar. Terima kasih.
Diposkan oleh Rifqie Shahab di 4:32 PM

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