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40. Parent/Teacher Meetings Whenever it is necessary to meet with 2 parent regarding their child, request the Principal to arrange the meeting. ‘The Principal, and when appropriate, the Curriculum Advisor, will sit in on the parent/teacher meeting to help ensure that all parties are clear as to the outcome of the meeting. The Principal's presence at the parent/teacher meeting is required. 41. Discipline Self-discipline, respect and responsibility are expected of each student. Basic rules are as follows: a. Courtesy in word and action, b. Quiet orderly conduct in the classroom, restroom, and playground ¢. No student may be in a classroom if a teacher or supervisor is not Present, d. When bell rings at recess, playing stops immediately and students are to line up silently. e. Gum chewing is not allowed. It is the policy of our school to discipline and not to punish. Discipline literally means to teach or to disciple. We will endeavor to train our children to be kind, considerate individuals with a respect for God, staff, peers, as well as themselves. We will never use methods of discipline that are demeaning or physically or emotionally destructive to a child’s self-esteem. Instead, we will utilize a series of consequences, modeling of appropriate conflict resolution skilis, and positive behavior interventions designed to help the child make a positive change in his/her behavior. ‘No child will ever be struck by staff for any reason; nor will a child be verbally abused/neglected. This type of discipline is totally against our school policy and would be considered grounds for immediate dismissal Please note that it is against the law for a child to be placed outside a classroom door or anywhere away from the supervising teacher. Time-outs must be taken inside the classroom and within full view of the staff member in charge, Teachers and the Principal will tolerate actions of students acceptable to levels of growth while attempting to improve behavior. It is important that students understand what behavior is expected of them. If uncontrollable behavior Persists, a parent conference will be scheduled to discuss appropriate measures ‘that must be taken in order to solve the problem. It is the teachers’ responsibility to maintain consistent and descriptive documentation in these cases. The Principal must be kept informed of these cases. In rare cases of repeated foul language, cursing, hitting, biting, kicking or other actions that are harmful, and affect the welfare of other students, additional disciplinary action will be required, The student will be suspended from schoo! for up to five (5) days. The final action taken will be dismissal of the student from our school. ‘eta Erin Sonata Tears ARSED a

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