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LBS - Location Based Services

Cristina F. Estorninho and João S. Neto

Abstract—This paper presents a simple introduction to Loca- the passed few years can be evidenced. Technological aspects,
tion Based Services applications and techniques of implementa- from the point of view of navigation systems, of how can LBS
tion in mobile communications. LBS applications in conjunction applications be supported by effective and efficient retrieval
with technologies like Wireless networking (WiFi), cellular tele-
phone (GSM), packet radio, radio frequency identifiers (RFID), and management of geospatial data are also referenced, namely
smart personal object technology (SPOT), global positioning the perspective of spatial databases. In the second part of
systems (GPS), and sensor networks allow mobile users to query this document an approach of data management and services
their environment and they allow these applications to monitor is made, referencing the set of services that facilitate the
and track remote objects. All these applications have strong development and deployment of distributed applications in
spatial components – object location, proximity, and connectivity
are the central organizing principle of these applications. heterogeneous environments (middleware systems). Notions of
location techniques are also referenced so that an overview of
Index Terms—LBS, spatial data, GIS, SDB, location tech- how can the LBS be a possibility with the communication
niques, GPS, GSM
technologies available, as well as how satellite based systems
(GPS) and Networked based systems (GSM, UMTS) work to
I. I NTRODUCTION provide location services to the end-users.
HERE has been an explosion of technologies that enable
T to communicate with mobile and occasionally-connected
devices and sensors. Technologies like wireless networking

(WiFi), cellular telephone (GSM), packet radio, radio fre- This section provides an overview of the concept of Lo-
quency identifiers (RFID), smart personal object technology cation Based Services, the possible application scenarios and
(SPOT), global positioning systems (GPS), and sensor net- issues related to the lack of standardization available at the
works are already being implemented in several projects moment for the usage of LBS.
around the world, and many completely new communication
innovations will surely arise in the near future. These tech- A. Definition of LBS
nologies enable new applications like allowing mobile users to Location-based services (LBS) is a recent concept that de-
query their environment and applications to monitor and track notes applications integrating geographic location (i.e., spatial
remote objects. These users can search for nearby services coordinates) with the general notion of services. With the rapid
– for example a restaurant, and how to get there from their development of mobile communication, these applications
current location. Emergency services, and taxi dispatchers can represent a new challenge both conceptually and technically.
send the closest vehicle to where it is needed. In a similar In the near future, most of these applications will be part of
approach, monitoring systems can track the flow of goods everyday life since computers, personal digital assistants and
and monitor environmental parameters. Services like railroads, cell phones are rapidly evolving, providing more processing
airfreight, wholesalers, retailers, and other transportation in- power and storage space, within other characteristics essential
dustries can track dispatched goods from their source to to deploy LBS based applications. The concept of LBS can be
their final destination. Environmental systems can monitor air defined as services that integrate a mobile device’s location or
quality, noise, stream flow, and other environmental param- position with other information so as to provide added value
eters. Implementing such applications require strong spatial to a user [1].
components for object location, proximity, and connectivity. Location Service have been around since the 1970’s with
This document starts by presenting an overview of the wide the worldwide known Global Positions Systems (GPS) develop
range of LBS applications that can be developed in several by the United States Department of Defense, but it was only
commercial areas, namely the various categories of applica- in the next decade when the U.S government decided to
tions and the notions of horizontal and vertical services. It make the system’s positioning data freely available to other
follows by explaining the communication model and pointing industries around the world that these industries have taken
related industry issues for LBS applications so that the tech- up the opportunity to access position data through GPS and
nological and economic challenges that have been arisen over now use it to enhance their products and services.
The traditional positioning systems, have their location
information typically derived by a device and with the help of
Cristina F. Estorninho is with the Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Setúbal a satellite system (i.e., a GPS receiver). However, widespread
of the Polytechnic Institute of Setubal, 2910-761 Setúbal Portugal (email: interest in location-based services and the mobile communi- cation technology has really started to boost only in the late
João S. Neto is with the Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Setúbal
of the Polytechnic Institute of Setubal, 2910-761 Setúbal Portugal (email: 1990’s, when a new type of localization technology and new market interest in data services was sparked by mobile network

operators. In late 90’s, mobile networks were widely deployed primarily to serve military purposes. Since it has been freely
in Europe as well in other parts of the world, and income available worldwide, this technology has encouraged other
from telephony services had proven to be significant to mobile industries to develop their applications.
operators. Yet, even though mobile voice services continue to Emergency services represent a very obvious and reasonable
be a major revenue generator for mobile operators, they have application area where the deployment of location technology
started to look around for means to find new areas for future makes sense. In many cases, persons calling a so-called
growth. One major way to reap additional financial benefits emergency response agency (e.g., police, fire department) are
of mobile networks apart from voice is to offer data services, unable to communicate their current location or they simply
many of which will be location enhanced. do not know it. In Europe, statistics reveal that 50% to 70%
of the 80 million ‘‘real’’ EU-wide emergency calls each year
B. Historical Perspective originate from mobile phones.As a result, the EU Commission
The origins of LBS remotes to 1996 with the launch in asked member states to develop national regulations for mobile
the US of the E911 - Enhanced 911. This service was for operators enforcing the automatic positioning of emergency
mobile-network operators to locate emergency callers with calls to the extent technically feasible, which means that unlike
prescribed accuracy, so that the operators could deliver a some other continents, European regulators do not enforce the
caller’s location to the appropriate emergency response units highest accuracy levels such as GPS for locating emergency
[9]. The technology of cellular networks was insufficient at the cases. Although GPS allows a cell phone to be located
time to fulfill the accuracy demands of the US government, accurately, European operators have the right to start out with
so the operators made an increased effort to develop the the accuracy levels their mobile networks can provide right
technology so that the positioning methods could be improved. now. So they’ve implemented the so-called Cell-ID technology
To pay the investment made in the E911 service, commercial for mobile positioning:
LBS’s were launched, mainly based in finder services on • 100 meters or less accuracy in urban areas
demand that weren’t well accepted by the users, so the • Only up to 3-kilometer accuracy in rural areas
operators phased out these services. As for commercial services, virtually infinite solutions can be
By 2004, operators were offering fleet management, chil- implemented in this area. The level of accuracy determines
dren and pets tracking services, mainly based in low accuracy the usability of the services:
position techniques (Cell-ID technology) [9]. LBS got his
second wind by the year 2005, when GPS-capable mobile
devices, the Web 2.0 paradigm and 3G broadband wireless
services entered the market [9].

C. Horizontal and Vertical Market

The location market is developed around both business and
consumer services and can be grouped into a vertical and
horizontal service sphere. The vertical market is characterized
by users drawn from industry environments where the manage-
ment of mobile location information is and has always been an
integral part of the business. As for the horizontal market, this
is characterized by users drawn from industry environments Figure 1. Usability of commercial services
where the use of mobile location information is a new and
added value to existing services. E. Classification of Location Based Applications
Several analysts and researchers all over the world have
taken several approaches in order to classify LBS applications.
A major distinction of services is whether they are person-
oriented or device-oriented:

• Person-oriented applications: Applications where a ser-

vice is user-based, turning the focus of the applications
determining the position of a person or to use the position
of a person to enhance a service. Usually, the person
Table I located can control the service. Examples of such appli-
cations can be social networking, where the objective is
to locate friends or family with the consent of the user.
D. Application Scenarios
The main usage areas of location services are military • Device-oriented applications: Applications that are exter-
and government industries, emergency services, and the com- nal to the user, that may also focus on the position of a
mercial sector. As previously mentioned, GPS was the first person, but they do not need to. Instead of only a person,
known location system used by the U.S Department of Defense an object (e.g., a car) or a group of people (e.g., a fleet)

could also be located. In device-oriented applications, the

person or object located is usually not controlling the • Application layer: Also known simply as client, com-
service. Examples for this kind of applications can be prises all of those services that request location data to
car tracking for theft recovery, where the car is sending integrate it into their offering.
information without human intervention.
• Middleware layer: As the LBS application market grows,
F. Classification of Location Based Services many network operators have put this layer between the
As for the classification of the services that can be imple- positioning and application layer, primarily because PDE
mented for location purposes, two types of application design sits close to the core of a mobile operator’s network,
are being distinguished: push services and pull services: leading to complex and lengthy retrieving of each user
data service. This layer can significantly reduce the com-
• Push Services: This kind of services imply that the plexity of service integration because it establishes one
user receives information as a result of his whereabouts single connection to the network, and then mitigates and
without having to actively request it. The information controls all location services added in the future, saving
may be sent to the user with prior consent (e.g., a operators and third-party application providers time and
subscription-based terror attack alert system) or without cost for application integration [1].
prior consent (e.g., an advertising welcome message sent
to the user upon entering a new town).

• Pull Services: In contrast to the push services, a user

actively uses an application and, requests information
from the network. This information may be location-
enhanced (e.g., where to find the nearest hotel).

G. LBS Communication Model

Technologically, the implementation of LBS can be de-
scribed by a three-tier communication model, including a
positioning layer, a middleware layer, and an application

Figure 3. Middleware Model

Simplifying application integration is important for mobile

operators in order to move to a so-called wholesale model for
location data. The wholesale approach means that operators
offer a kind of bulk access to the location of devices. To
give an example of how could this bulk access to location
information be used there’s the fleet management services
where company’s offering such services have to buy the
information of the location of cars from mobile operators.
The problem with this wholesale model is that privacy issues
arise with the offering of location data from operators. Here,
Figure 2. LBS Three-tier Communication Model location middleware can fulfill another role depending of it’s
usage in downstream or upstream:
• Positioning layer: Responsible for calculating the position • Downstream: Allows users to manage location access
of a mobile device or user. It does so with the help of rights of third-party applications.
position determination equipment (PDE) and geospatial • Upstream: Systematically anonymizes location informa-
data held in a geographic information system (GIS).While tion revealed.
the PDE calculates where a device is in network terms, Thus, the location middleware takes over a similar role as an
the GIS allows it to translate this raw network information anonymizing proxy does on the Internet. In this way, many
into geographic information (longitudes and latitudes). privacy concerns are addressed by an operator. Also, users get
The end result of this calculation is then passed on via direct access to manage their privacy.
a location gateway either directly to an application or to
a middleware platform. Originally, the positioning layer III. S PATIAL DATABASES
would manage and send location information directly to In various fields there is a need to manage geometric,
an application that requests it for service delivery. geographic, or spatial data, which means data related to space.

The space of interest can be, for example, the two-dimensional for raster data is cell-based data such as aerial imagery
abstraction of the surface of the earth, or parts of it (geographic and digital elevation models. Together with this data is
space). The term “spatial database system” is associated with usually data known as attribute data, generally defined as
a view of a database as containing sets of objects in space additional information about each spatial feature housed
rather than images or pictures of a space. It is considered that in tabular format. Documentation of GIS datasets is
spatial DBMS provide the underlying database technology for known as metadata, which contains such information as
geographic information systems (GIS) and other applications. the coordinate system, when the data was created, when
it was last updated, who created it and how to contact
A. GIS - Geographic Information Systems them and definitions for any of the code attribute data.
GIS is known to be a technological field incorporating • Trained personnel: Well-trained people knowledgeable in
geographical features with tabular data in order to map, spatial analysis and skilled in using GIS software are
analyze, and assess real-world problems. The key word to essential to the GIS process.
this technology is Geography, which means that the data (or
some portion of the data) is spatial (data that is in some way
referenced to locations on the earth). Coupled with this data
is usually tabular data known as attribute data, that can be
generally defined as additional information about each of the
spatial features. An example of this would be schools. The
actual location of the schools is the spatial data. Additional
data such as the school name, level of education taught, student
capacity would make up the attribute data. It is the partnership
of these two data types that enables GIS to be such an effective
problem solving tool through spatial analysis.
GIS operates on many levels. On the most basic level, GIS
is used as computer cartography, i.e. mapping. The real power
in GIS is through using spatial and statistical methods to Figure 4. GIS Components
analyze attribute and geographic information. The end result
of the analysis can be derivative information, interpolated
information or prioritized information [1]. IV. L OCATION T ECHNIQUES
Typically, GIS is integrated by several components:
Systems that determine the location of a mobile objects can
• Hardware: Equipment needed to support the many activ-
be divided into two categories [8]:
ities of GIS, such as data collection and data analysis.
• Tracking: when a sensor network determines the location.
The workstation, which runs the GIS software and is
the attachment point for ancillary equipment, it’s the The object to track has to be equipped with a specific tag
main component Data collection requires a digitizer for or badge that allows the sensor network to acquire it’s
conversion of hard copy data to digital data and a GPS position. The location information is first available in the
data logger to collect data in the field. With the advent sensor network. If the mobile object needs it’s location
of web-enabled GIS, web servers have also become an data, the sensor network has to transfer this information
important piece of equipment for GIS. to it by wireless communication.
• Positioning: when a system of transmitters or beacons
• Software: The GIS application package is essential for
creating, editing and analyzing spatial and attribute data, sends out radio, infrared, or ultrasound signals. The
therefore this package contain a myriad of GIS functions location is directly available at the mobile system and
inherent to it. Extensions or add-ons are software that does not have to be transferred wirelessly. In addition,
extends the capabilities of the GIS software package. location information is not readable for other users, thus
Component GIS software is the opposite of application the positioning system does not have to consider privacy
software. Component GIS seeks to build software applica- issues.
tions that meet a specific purpose and thus are limited in Systems that use tracking as well as positioning are based
their spatial analysis capabilities. Utilities are stand-alone on the following various basic techniques, often used in
programs that perform a specific function. For example, combination:
a file format utility that converts from on type of GIS • Cell of Origin (COO): Technique used if the positioning
file to another. There is also web GIS software that helps system has a cellular structure. Wireless transmitting
serve data through Internet browsers. technologies have a restricted range (i.e., a radiated signal
• Data: The heart of any GIS. Data is divided in two is available only in a certain area around the cell). If
primary types that are used in GIS: a geodatabase is the cell has a certain identification, it can be used to
a database that is in some way referenced to locations determine a location.
on the earth and geodatabases are grouped into two • Time of Arrival (TOA), Time Difference of Arrival
different types: vector and raster. Vector data is spatial (TDOA): Electromagnetic signals move at a very high
data represented as points, lines and polygons, and as speed (light speed - approximately 300,000 km/s), the

corresponding runtimes are very short. If a nearly con- location u is obtained if two circles are intersected.
stant light speed is assumed, the time difference between Usually, there exist two intersection points, thus there
sending and receiving a signal to compute the spatial is the need to eliminate one point with the help of
distance of transmitter and receiver can be used. A similar additional information. In contrast to triangulation, trilat-
principle can be used with ultrasound. The signals take a eration leads to nonlinear equation systems, which have
longer time, thus measurement is simpler, but ultrasound no closed solution for 3D positioning.
can only reach low distances. If the time difference
between two signals is measured, the term TDOA is used.
In GSM networks, the term Enhanced Observed Time
Difference (E-OTD) is often used instead of TDOA.
• Angle of Arrival (AOA): Using antennas with direction
characteristics, the direction of arrival of a certain signal
can be found. Given two or more directions from fixed
positions to the same object, the location of the object can
be computed. Because it is too difficult to constantly turn
an antenna for measuring, receivers use a set of antennas Figure 6. Trilateration
that are lined up with a certain angle difference in all
directions. • Traversing: (Figure 7) uses several distance–angle pairs.
• Measuring the signal strength: The intensity of elec- It starts with a known point p1 and the distance and
tromagnetic signals decreases even in vacuum with the direction to another point p2 is measured. After a few
square of the distance from their source. Given a spe- steps, the unknown point u is obtained. Note that in
cific signal strength, the distance to the sender can be principle a single step from a known point to the unknown
computed. Unfortunately, obstacles such as walls or trees point could be used.
additionally reduce the signal strength, thus this method
is inaccurate.
• Processing video data: Using video cameras, significant
patterns in a video data stream can be acquired to
determine the user’s location. If users wear badges with
conspicuous labels, they can be detected in video images.
For this, positioning systems use techniques from image
processing to detect and interpret image data. In prin-
ciple, video positioning systems are based on the AOA
technique: a specific pixel in an image represents a certain Figure 7. Trilateration
angle relative to the camera’s optical axis; however,
video data can transport color information, which can be
used to transfer additional information (e.g., the user’s V. GPS - G LOBAL P OSITIONING S YSTEM
As previously referenced, the usage of satellites for position-
ing goes back to the 1960’s. The advantages of such method,
A. Triangulation, Trilateration, and Traversing among others, are:
• Triangulation: (Figure 5) needs two fixed positions (p1 • Positioning can theoretically be carried out around the
and p2). From each position, the angle to the location globe.
u is measured. Geometrically speaking, u is obtained if • Environmental conditions, such as the weather, have no
two lines are intersected. With the help of trigonometric relevant influence on the positioning process.
functions, the coordinates of u can be calculated. • Acquired positions have highly precise rates.

As disadvantages there are:

• Considerable costs with the launch and maintenance of
the satellites.
• The positioning it’s only possible if the user receives
a certain number of satellites. Particularly, positioning
inside buildings is not possible.

A. Basic Principles of Satellite Navigation

Figure 5. Triangulation To determine a position with the help of satellites, the
exact positions of the satellites and the exact distances to the
• Trilateration: (Figure 6) also needs two fixed positions, satellites are required. With this information, the positioning
but uses two distances to the unknown location. The of an object is restricted to the spherical surfaces around each

satellite. At least three satellites are needed to determine the on to the Master Control Station (MCS), which is located
objects location in a tri-dimensional space [4]. in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

To be able to achieve global coverage from the equator to

the poles, 24 satellites move on six different orbits with four
satellites per orbit (Figure 9). Every satellite orbits the earth
at the distance of approximately 20,200 km. A satellite needs
12 hours for a complete orbit. They move in a way that at
least five and at most 11 satellites are mostly visible over the
horizon from every point on the earth’s surface. The number
Figure 8. Positioning with satellites of satellites that can actually be received can be lower because
of shadowing by buildings or landscape formations. A satellite
Satellites move around in space on fixed orbits, thus a has an expected lifetime of 7.5 years. In order for the GPS to
mobile object can easily compute it’s exact position at any remain operable after satellite failures, more than 24 satellites
time. A list of all working satellites and their orbits it’s are in orbit. The number was sometimes increased up to 28.
commonly named an almanac, and it’s frequently downloaded Currently, an operator needs 60 days to launch a new satellite
to the mobile receiver. It is also updated when satellites are into orbit after the failure of a satellite. It is planned for reasons
shut down or new satellites start to operate in new orbits. of cost to shorten the time for launching to 10 days. With this
change, the number of satellites could be reduced to 25.
B. Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
The GPS system is divided into three segments [7] (Figure C. GPS Services
9): To determine a position with the help of GPS a registration
it’s not needed, since the GPS signals are free of charge.
The mechanism is based on one-way communication of the
satellites to the users. Two GPS services exist [1]:
• Precise Positioning Service (PPS): service that allows
positioning with a precision of 22 m in the horizontal
and 27.7 m in the vertical. Over a period of 24 hours,
95% of the measuring is within the given precision. PPS
(formerly called P-Code or Precision Code) is encrypted
and can only be decoded by the armed forces of the
United States and members of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO). This service is not accessible to
Figure 9. GPS Segments civilian users.
• Standard Positioning Service (SPS): Formerly called C/A-
• User segment: contains the devices of the mobile users Code or Coarse/Acquisition Code, this service is available
like GPS receivers, which are constantly subject to minia- for civilian users. Until April 30, 2000, it had a precision
turization and price reduction. They are often the size of of 100 m in the horizontal and 156 m in the vertical.
a mobile telephone. GPS receivers can be plug-in cards The satellites send out a continuous signal with approximately
or separate devices with a serial interface connection. 20 W, and they use two frequencies: L1 (1575.42 MHz) for
• Space segment: consists of the satellites that move around PPS and SPS, and L2 (1227.6 MHz) exclusively for PPS.
in space. Every satellite weighs between 1.5 and 2 tons Because all satellites send signals at the same frequencies,
and has an autonomous energy supply with solar cells. a receiver must be able to assign the signals to the respective
The central computer of the typical satellite has a 16- satellites. GPS uses Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
MHz CPU. They were programmed in Ada, a structured, for this purpose: every satellite uses a unique code called
statically typed, imperative, wide-spectrum, and object- the Pseudo Random Noise (PRN). The receiver knows all
oriented high-level computer programming language, ex- of the codes and can filter out the corresponding sequence
tended from Pascal and other languages. The operating from the superimposed signals of all satellites. The PRN’s
system of a satellite normally consists of approximately do not disturb themselves mutually (they are designed to be
25,000 lines of code. orthogonal). With the help of the satellite signal, the receiver
• Control segment: necessary for administration of the can measure the time difference of the involved clocks and
satellites as well as for correction of the satellite internal compute the pseudo range. As a second function, the signal
data (system time and orbits). Several monitor stations transfers data with a data rate of 50 bits/s. These data contain
permanently receive the satellite signals. They have a the position of the satellite, the system time, and the orbits of
precisely known, fixed position and atomic clocks that other satellites.
are synchronized with the system time; thus, the monitor The GPS system is subject to the following distorting
stations can calculate the correction data. They are passed effects, which influence the precision [6]:

modifications in the network structure, a simple positioning is

possible within the GSM network, simply by determining in
which cell a mobile telephone is registered.
The mobile participant can also access location-related data
Table II
GPS P RECISION via the radio signals from the base stations. A base station
can broadcast such data via so-called Cell Broadcast Channels
(CBCHs), a logical data channel in the GSM data stream. A
mobile phone has to listen for specific frames where small
• Clock errors: Although the clocks in the satellites work pieces of data, such as locations about the emergency phones,
perfectly, they can cause an error of 1.5 m in the position hotels, hospitals, gas station, and so on, can be transferred. The
calculation. resolution of the position is too inaccurate for some services.
• Orbit fluctuations: The satellites do not move around per- The cell radius varies from less than 1 km in city centers up
fectly in their calculated orbits, as the gravitational forces to 35 km in the countryside. If a mobile user stays in a small
of the sun and moon disturb them. Such fluctuations can cell, the position is relatively exact. The 35 km as a maximum
cause errors up to 2.5 m. are, however, far too large for most services.
• Atmosphere disturbances: Atmospheric pressure and Ericsson has developed a system called the Mobile Position-
weather conditions affect the signal spreading and cause ing System (MPS) [8], that allows a more precise positioning
errors around values of 0.5 m. among large cells. MPS cooperates with standard GSM sys-
• Ionosphere disturbances: The loaded particles of the tems and needs only minimal modifications for installation
ionosphere disrupt the signal spreading and cause errors at the communication infrastructure. The mobile terminals
up to 5.0 m. (i.e., the cell phones) do not have to be modified, which is
• Multipath error: Reflected signals in the environment of particularly important because customers often reject cost-
the receiver cause errors of around 0.6 m. intensive modifications of the terminals. The precision by MPS
Besides these effects, the SPS signal was artificially distorted can be improved by GPS.
until the year 2000 to prevent very precise measuring of To determine the positions, MPS uses several mechanisms:
positions. This mechanism, called Selective Availability (SA), • Cell of Global Identity (CGI): (Figure 10) Using the
randomly dithered the time sent by the satellites. In addition, identification of a cell, the position of a mobile participant
the orbit information was distorted. Through this system, an can be roughly determined. This inaccurate method is
exact positioning was no longer possible. The background of only used if more precise procedures are not available.
SA was that the U.S. army did not want to enable too exact
positioning for other forces. SA was switched off on May 1,
2000 for economic reasons. SPS now provides a precision
of 25 m in the horizontal and 43 m in the vertical (with
95%). Table 1 summarizes the precisions of the different GPS
services. Future developments are planned to improve the
precision of SPS, especially to correct ionospheric distortion.


The development of positioning systems is often a sig- Figure 10. Cell of Global Identity (CGI)
nificant investment. To reduce the costs, existing wireless
networks can be used for positioning services. Particularly • Segment antennas: (Figure 11). Base stations often have
cellular networks are suitable for this purpose because the several antennas, which divide the 360 degrees into (usu-
cell identification already transports a rough location (COO). ally two, three, or four) segments. Thus, a base station can
Additional mechanisms such as runtime measurement (TOA) limit the location of a mobile user to an angular segment
or angle measurement (AOA) allow a more exact delimitation of 180, 120, or 90 degrees.
of the position. At the present time, two of the main means
of transport for positioning systems are GSM and UMTS.
These architectures will only be successful if they provide
a portfolio of attractive services. There will not be a single
“killer application” since people need variety to be satisfied
by a single application [4].

A. GSM - Global System for Mobile Communications

Cellular phone networks are highly available, cover a large
geographic area, and reach a high number of mobile users. Figure 11. Segment Antennas
Cellular phone infrastructures are often viewed as the most
promising platforms for LBS. In 2003, more than 1.2 bil- • Timing Advance (TA): (Figure 12). Base stations and mo-
lion people in the world used cellular phones. Without any bile terminals use certain time slots for communication.

Because the timing must be exact, the mechanism takes VII. C ONCLUSION
into account the signal runtime between terminal and Until now, LBS applications were difficult to implement
base station. A mobile terminal sends a data burst earlier mainly because of the technology used. The availability of
when the distance to the base station increases. With this new network technologies including 2.5G and 3G technologies
mechanism, a burst always arrives at the base station increased the use of data services. The ‘always-on’ data
exactly within a time slot. This information can be used connection, the higher data transfer rates, and the charging per
to determine the position within a cell more precisely. volume and per user-value, will enable LBS to benefit from
The distance to the base station is measured in steps of these technologies. The ability to push data to users based on
approximately 555 m. Timing advance can be combined their location and preferences, in a seamless and inexpensive
with segment antennas to increase precision. manner, is likely to help LBS services to proliferate. Future
releases of 2.5G and 3G technologies are likely to benefit from
the fruits of the ongoing effort to standardize different aspects
of LBS.
As for the standardization of LBS [5], a big effort is
being made, both on the network and application side. Main
forces are the 3G Partnership Program (3GPP), defining
mainly the addition of LBS capabilities to future releases of
3G networks, and the Location Interoperability Forum (LIF),
formed by vendors and interested parties to developing and
Figure 12. Timing Advance promote common and ubiquitous solutions for LBS which are
network and location technology independent. The result of
• Uplink Time of Arrival (UL-TOA): (Figure 13). The these efforts will have an significant effect on the success of
better positioning possible in GSM networks occurs when LBS, affecting the technology choice operators will make, the
a mobile participant is in the reach of at least four required investment to launch or upgrade existing LBS, as well
base stations. By measuring the signal runtimes from a as on the actual availability, usability, and cost of services.
mobile terminal to the base stations, the position can be LBS must have attractive and accessible services and appli-
determined with a precision of 50 to about 150 m. A cations to take off. Some of these future services are likely
similar computation is used as in the case of satellite to benefit from higher accuracy location technologies [2].
navigation. The ability to offer such services requires tight cooperation
between mobile operators, application developers and equip-
ment vendors. This requires the understanding of subscribers
preferences and usage habits as well technology expertise.
Standardization is likely to facilitate the development and
launch of services, but the key is still in attracting the
subscribers. Only a joint effort by the different players is likely
to enable that [1].

[1] Alex Küpper, “Location-based services fundamentals and operation”,
[2] C. Desiniotis, J. G. Markoulidakis and J-Fr Gaillet, “Mobile LBS market”.
[3] Ulf Rerrer and Odej Kao, “Suitability of positioning techniques for
location-based services in wireless LAN’s”.
Figure 13. Uplink Time of Arrival [4] Aphrodite Tsalgatidou, Jari Veijalainen, Jouni Markkula, Artem Kata-
sonov and Stathes Hadjiefthymiades, “Mobile e-commerce and location-
based Services: technology and requirements”.
[5] P. M. Adams, G. W. B. Ashwell and R. Baxter, “Location-based services
B. UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunications System — an overview of the standards”, BT Technology Journal, vol. 21, no. 1,
Jan. 2003
In GSM, services like voice, fax and data are standard- [6] M. Olynik, M.G. Petovello, M.E. Cannon and G. Lachapelle, “Temporal
ized, ensuring compatibility between different networks and variability of GPS error sources and their effect on relative positioning
terminals, but it difficults development of new services. The accuracy”.
[7] Wlodzimierz Lewandowski and Claudine Thomas, “GPS Time Transfer”,
introduction of SAT and WAP was the first step towards Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 79, no. 7, Jul. 1991.
an open service environment. However, both concepts are [8] David Mountain and Jonathan Raper, “Positioning techniques for
not sufficient for complex UMTS services because they are location-based services (LBS): characteristics and limitations of proposed
solutions”, Aslib Proceedings, vol. 53, no. 10, Nov./Dec. 2001.
designed for very limited GSM phones and do not provide [9] Paolo Bellavista, Axel Küpper, and Sumi Helal, “Location-based services:
access to all relevant network elements. To overcome the back to the future”, Published by the IEEE CS, vol. 7, no. 2, Apr./Jun.
current limitations, a flexible service environment for UMTS 2008
has been standardized. The main objectives are to facilitate
quick service development and convenient service access.

Cristina Estorninho Born in 16/07/1986 at Golegã,

has 3rd level of Computer Science/Equipment Main-
tenance taken at Escola Profissional Gustave Eiffel
(2004), works as a volunteer at Pastoral Social
of parish church of Golegã since 2003 and is a
student of Electrical and Computers Engineering in
the telecommunications area at Escola Superior de
Tecnologia de Setúbal of the Polytechnic Institute of

João Neto Born in 1/04/1982 at Lisbon, has 3rd level

of Power Engineering/Electronics taken at Escola
Secundária Sebastião da Gama (2003), is a trainee
at Sadofone, Lda - Telecommunications, ITED In-
staller and Designer Technician registered under the
number ITS50216PI and a student of Electrical and
Computers Engineering in the telecommunications
area at Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Setúbal of
the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal.

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