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Please kindly let me introduce myself to you. I am a Chin from the former Union of Burma which
is no more existing in the legal sense and am now living in Germany since nearly 40 years ago as a
political refugee or a stateless person. Although I have been living in this country for so long, I
haven't applied yet until now for German citizenship in the hope that I would someday be able to
return to a peaceful motherland where there's rule of law and one can live in full dignity as a
free man. But it seems until now that it would most likely remain just a dream for a long time
to come.
I have had written and still am writing - a few political papers on Burma and my own people
since more than a decade ago. The following are some of the said papers: Grand Strategy for
Burma (I to VIII); Some Strategic Concepts for the Rebuilding of Burma; Burma's 60-Year Old
Civil War (1948-2008): A Brief Chronology; An Open Personal Supplication to the Present and
Future Rulers of Burma (I to VII); The Chin/Zo People of Bangladesh, Burma and India: An
Introduction (XIX), etc. (However, these papers are put only on a website and disseminated to a
number of institutions and individuals; they are not yet published in hard copies.)
I would like to make a brief explanation to you about my reasons for making this First Open
Supplication to you now. I have been politically active since the mid 1960s against the successive
rulers of Burma. And I still am closely observing what has been happening in our country since I
am here. My papers mentioned above are the fruits of these observations.With these papers I have
been trying to bring the plight of all the PEOPLES of Burma to the attention of the international
community in my own way. And I have also made several suggestions through these papers to
the previous and present rulers of the country ways to solve the most important problems that the
country has been confronted with. However, those leaders did not and do not take heed about my
Here I would like to briefly supplicate you especially in two fields religion and politics for
your understanding and sympathy.
Since several decades ago I realized that the Buddhist Burmans have a big problem with
Christianity and its inherents who now number some 4 million in the country. When I was still in
school, my Buddhist Burman teachers very often used to call it a FOREIGN RELIGION or an
IMPORTED RELIGION. And I know that you are deeply worried that this religion would or could
probably endanger or even replace Buddhism entirely someday. But in reality the truth is absolutely
the opposite. By this I would like to say that Christians around the world are divided into
according to Wikipedia more than 41,000 rival denominations. About 30 years ago the US-based
weekly magazine NEWSWEEK published a long article saying that every week more than 1,200
new denominations were founded around the world. Alone among the Christian Chins, who
currently number some 1 to 1.5 millions, for instance, there are at least more than 30 rival
The following are some of these rival Churches from the West to which the Chin communities
in Chin State and its immediate sorrounding regions (Rakhine State, Ayeyarawady, Magwe and
Sagaing Divisions) in Burma alone are belonging. The list below will give you a rough picture
about what I'm talking about:
Anglican Church, Assemblies of God, Baptist Church, Christian Baptist Church, Christian Mission
Alliance, Christian Church of Myanmar, Christian Reformed Church, Church of Jesus Christ, Church
of Christ Jesus, Church of God, Church on the Rock, Evangelical Baptist Church, Evangelical

Presbyterian Church, Evangelical Free Church of Burma, Four Square Gospel Church, Full Gospel
Assembly, Full Gospel Church, Fundamental Baptist Church, Gospel Baptist Church, Independent
Church of Burma, Jehovahs Witnesses, Methodist Church, Presbyterian Church, Reformed
Presbyterian Church, Roman Catholic Church, Seventh Day Adventists, Seventh Day Baptist
Church, United Pentecostal Church, United Reform Church, United Wesleyan Church. etc., and
a number of home-grown Churches as well.

It's very logical, if one reads the history of the Christians of the past 2 000 years, to be afraid of
them because they have been persecuting, oppressing, torturing and murdering each other in the
very names of THEIR GOD and Jesus who they claim to be worshipping. Those who have lost
their precious lives as the result of countless sectarian conflicts and wars among the Christians
themselves alone are said to be in the hundreds of millions. One of the main reasons for their
waging such ruthless religious wars for centuries or even milleniums against each other is that
every Church claims to be the only true Church through which one can get into heaven or attain
an eternal life. All the remaining Churches are branded as false churhces or Satan's churches! (For
those who do not have any idea about Satan: He is believed by all the Christians to be the archenemy of the biblical God and Satan is supposed to be responsible for all the evils in the world.)
However, I can personally assure that all Christians all over the world would never be able
to unify themselves into a single denomination and as a result this religion would never be
able to pose a threat to Buddism. I can say this firmly because I myself am a Christian, but
an independent one. That means I do not belong to any denomination or Church.
Here are a few reasons why I became such an independent Christian. In my opinion the Bible
is written in very simple form that anyone who can read and write can fullly understand its
contents. Therefore, although I have never studied any Christian theologies in my entire lifetime, I
strongly believe that as for my own salvation that is, the attainment of an eternal life which is to
be given by the biblical God I do not need somebody else, who himself cannot see with his eyes
the God and other heavenly beings that are described in the Bible anyway, to interpret its contents
for me with his own self-given power and right. I myself have never therefore tried in my life to
hard-sell what I think about Christianity, nor have I ever allowed somebody else to impose his
ideas on Christianity upon me. And above all else, as everybody can freely buy the Bible in book
shops there are even many organisations that distribute it freely it, the biblical God, Jesus and
heaven are nobody's personal possessions. I believe therefore that nobody has the sole right to
monopolize the interpretation of its contents with his own self-given power and right. But, at the
same time, I believe also that if anybody prefers to voluntarily believe in and observe the
interpretation of somebody else's or of a Church's, that also should and must be absolutely his own
right and business!
The following are some more additional reasons why I became an independent Christian, Before
the Christian missionaries arrived in many parts of present-day Burma, including Chinland, in the
early and late 1800s, most of those who would sooner or later become Christian were Animist.
These people then converted to Christianity of various rival Churches because they were told about
the existencce of a loving God and his son called Jesus and they were thus promised an eternal life
at their place called heaven by worshipping these deities. Before the Chins became Christian, for
instance, they believed every kind of sickness to be the work of evil spirits. So they made various
kinds of animal sacrifice to propitiate those spirits. But none of those evil spirits (there are supposed
to be more than 50 of them among the northern Chins alone) had ever physically appeared to them
in human form and oppressed or tortured or killed them with weapons as their beloved fellow
sisters and brothers in Christ have been doing to each other for centuries or even milleniums in the
very names of the deities who they claim to be worshipping. The worst thing that those imaginary
evil spirits could then do to human beings was the belief that they could cause all kinds of illness.
Nothing more than that. And the Chin Animists in ancient times were and still are until today
(there are still a number of Animists in some parts of Chin State itself) - not necessarily worse than
those who proudly like to boast to be moral Christians. Nor have they ever committed ruthless acts

against their own fellow beings even in the names of those imaginary evil spirits.
And there is another great puzzle, among several others, which I'm not capable of
understanding: Why should Satan be temping only the Christians, and not non-Christians, to
commit evil things? Or in other words, why should there be so many moral and good people
among those who are not Christian or who have never even heard about Christianity!
So far as I personally understand the contents of the Bible, Jesus himself had, like what
Lord Buddha had also done, apparently intended to found a peaceful, loving and
compassionate religion. (I'm quoting below two of the most important parts of the entire Bible as
a means to prove this statement.) You may probably be shocked by the first two Commandments
of the Ten Commandments, but the fundamentals of Jesus teachings are Love, Forgiveness,
Peace, Humility, Compassion, and about the existence of an eternal Life in heaven for those
who believe in him and thus observe his moral teachings. In my opinion these are almost
identical with the teachings of the Lord Budda's. So far as I know the only main differences
between Buddhism and Christianity are: while Buddhists believe in Nirvana, Christians
believe in a creator-God and an eternal life, and the means or rituals that are used to achieve
these goals.
And you may certainly be surprised if I tell you that, although I myself am such an independent
Christian as I have already admitted above, I'm also a great admirer of Buddhism at the same time
especially mainly for its philosophy.)
The Ten Commandments
And God spoke all these words:
I am the LORD your God who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery;
1. You shall have no other gods before me.
2. You shall not make yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on
the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or
worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children
for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but
showing love to thousands who love me and keep my commandments.
3. You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not
hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.
4. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labour and do
all your works, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you
shall do any work, neither you, your son or daughter, nor your manservant or
maidservant, nor your animals, nor the aliens within your gate. For in six days the
LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on
the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.
5. Honour your father and mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD
your God is giving you.
6. You shall not murder.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbour.
10. You shall not covet your neighbours house. You shall not covet your
neighbours wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or
nything that belongs to your neighbour.
Source: Exodus 20:1-17 (Holy Bible: New International Version)
Sermon on the Mount
The Beatitudes
Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside
and sat down. His disciples came to him,
2 and he began to teach them, saying
3 Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4 Blessed are those who mourn,

for they will be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
7 Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11 Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all
kinds of evil against you because of me.
12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way
they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Source: (Matthew 5:1-12) The Holy Bible: New International Version

So if those who claim to be Christian would strictly observe at least No.s 3 and 6 of the Ten
Commandments, and 6, 7, 8 and 9 from Sermon on the Mount, there would surely be fewer
wars, fewer oppressions, less hunger, less hatred, less suffering, and much less injustices in
this world, if even in case a biblical God and Jesus do not exist anywhere in the universe.
The original religion that Jesus had founded is, as already written earlier above, full of
good news. The most important of them all is, as already mentioned earlier above, about the
existence of an eternal life in heaven where he himself and his father are said to be dwelling.
If in case anyone of you care to enquire a bit more about the good news that I'm talking about now,
it would suffice to read the following four books which are called the Four Gospels: Matthew,
Mark, Luke and John, and also another book called the Book of Revelation. So as to enable you to
have a brief glance at the said good news in these four books, I'm attaching two scanned pages
from the Book of Matthew and three scanned pages from the Book of Revelation at the end of this
First Open Supplication. The later three pages describe God, Jesus and the place where they are
And you may perhaps also wonder how I as a layman could blindly believe in the words in the
Bible, if even great theologians themselves are still very much doubtful about the very existence
of the biblical God. For me the answer is very simple indeed: I try to observe his (Jesus') moral
teachings as much as I can and hope that if I've got a soul, God and Jesus would let it live at their
place when I die. But if even in case I don't have a soul and the said deities also do not exist, I
would have nothing to lose either. I may certainly not be a perfect worshipper in their eyes, but at
least until now I have never promised someone a place in heaven nor have I ever threatened
someone with an eternal damnation at a place called hell or the late of fire as nearly all the
other Christians have been doing to each other in those deities' names nor have I ever harmed
anyone in their names in my whole life nor have I ever earned yet even a single cent in their names.
Now please kindly let me say a few words about peace in the country. Everybody knows that all
those who don't profit directly or indirectly from the decades-long civil war want peace as fast as
possible. But since the present government in power cannot bring the military under its complete
control I don't see any chance of building peace in the foreseeable future, because, in my opinion,
both of them are trying to achieve peace of their own versions with conflicting strategies. All kinds
of Strategy have been my main interest since the very early parts of my life and I've therefore been
studying them intensively since I first got involved in political activities. So, I really don't know
how they (the government in power and the military) would achieve their proclaimed goals with

such incompatible strategies. When I read U Aung Htoo's Peace Analysis No. 21 (dated November
4, 2016), and the other few news items that are herewith attached, I'm wondering if the NLD-led
government and the military themselves are still the masters of their own decisions on political and
military matters. I've sometimes even got the impression that with the country's economy
deteriorating rapidly and conflicts of all kinds sprouting up everywhere anew all their major
moves probably might have already been more or less influenced by some powerful interest groups
from outside.
So, the only force that could still perhaps bring this dream (PEACE) to fulfilment might
be the political and social awareness and efforts of the ethnic Burmans themselves. Unlike
several other multi-ethnic countries around the world in which ethnic conflicts are rampant,
Burma is blessed with great ethnic harmony at grass-root level with a few exceptions of
cource, lately. We should therefore try to build peace by capitalizing on this priceless foundation.
My last hope is you the ethnic Burmans - for the materialization of this common wish of us all
because you are a generous, peaceful, tolerant and compassionate people.
You may certainly be surprised and angered by my inserting below in this First Open
Supplication a few latest news items concerning the human rights situation of what the international
community calls Rohingya and what the government and military call Bengali people in Rakhine
State. But my simple intention for inserting these items here is to show you the dimension of the
conflicts in the country. I simply cannot imagine how a poverty-stricken country like Burma or
Myanmar with the status of LDC (Least-Developed Country) could ever overcome such countrywide conflicts by means of arms and loans from outside alone. (I believe that everybody in the
country still vividly remembers that the country-wide bloody mass uprings were sparked when the
UN put Burma into this category in 1988 in whch between 3,000 and 10,000 peaceful
demonstrators are believed to have been massacred by government troops.) The country currently
has a foreign debt of US$ 9.5 billion and a fiscal budget of a mere US$ 18 billion for 2017-18 for a
population of 52 million! The Defence Ministry alone is alloted 14% or some $ 3 billion of the total
burget. Apart from the two articles below on the Rohingya/Bengali issue, I'm inserting a number of
other articles, too, that could help you to see more clearly the DIMENSION OF THE PROBLEMS
Burma's Current Foreign Debt
ELEVEN: Submitted by Eleven on Wed, 12/14/2016 - 15:40
Myanmar has foreign debt totalling more than US$9 billion, and under the National League for Democracy
(NLD) government, the Union Parliament has approved to seek foreign loans of over EUR 525 million ($559
million) and over 125 billion yen ($1.8 billion), according to Deputy Minister for Planning and Finance Maung
Maung Win.
The deputy minister revealed the government's loan plans while he was clarifying the loan of 93.97 billion yen
($817 million) from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to implement projects in Nay Pyi Taw
during the meeting of the Union Parliament held yesterday.
He said the country already had a foreign debt of about US$9.534 billion as of September 30.
"Our foreign debt was $4.575 billion before 1988, $2.981 billion from 1988 to 2011 and $1.978 billion from 2011
to 2016. Under the current government, the loan agreements we have signed, which were approved by parliament
in the previous government term, are valued at $240 million for two ADB loan projects, $20 million for one AIF
loan project and EUR 40 million ($42 million) for one AFD loan project, said Maung Maung Win.
He said the Union Parliament under the current administration has approved loans of $300 million from the
World Bank, $185.49 million from ADB, EUR 25 million ($26.6 million) from AFD, $61.3 million from Korea's
EDCF and 31.051 billion yen ($270 million) from JICA, Moreover, yesterday Parliament approved to seek a loan
of 93.97 billion yen ($817,000) from JICA.
The interest rate of loans from JICA and EDCF is 0.01 per cent while that from ADB is 1 per cent in the
suspension period and 1.5 per cent in the period when the debt is being paid. For WB loans, there is no interest,
but 0.75 per cent must be paid for service charges.


ttThe TT
Defense Ministry Gets Lions Share of Supplementary Budget
Members attend a meeting at the Lower House of Burmas parliament earlier this year. / Soe Zeya Tun / Reuters
By Htet Naing Zaw 14 December 2016
NAYPYIDAW The Union Parliament has approved an increased budget proposed by the Ministry of Defense
for the 2016-17 fiscal year. The additional budget proposed by all ministries for 2016-17 fiscal year amounted to
more than 1.3 trillion kyats (almost US$1 billion), but the Union Parliament cut about 69 billion kyats (US$52
million) before final approval.
The Ministry of Defense was the only ministry that saw no reduction in its proposed budget, while the Ministry
of Home Affairs and the Central Bank of Myanmar saw their budgets slashed. n January, the Union Parliament
then dominated by the outgoing Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP)approved a $17.5 billion
budget for 2016-17 fiscal year.
The Defense Ministry received more than 14 percent of the total budget, and the recent parliamentary approval
will mean an additional nearly $75 million for it to spend before the end of March...
Translated from Burmese by Thet Ko Ko

Myanmar set to graduate from least developed country status by 2025

Submitted by Eleven on Wed, 12/21/2016 - 07:56
Writer: Khine Kyaw
ALTHOUGH Myanmars economic growth is slower than expected in the first year of the Aung San Suu Kyi-led
governments tenure, the nation is on the right track to graduate from the list of least developed countries by 2025,
said Thomas Kring, economic adviser to United Nations Development Programme Myanmar.
Kring spoke at the launch of The Least Developed Countries Report 2016: The Path to Graduation and Beyond
Making the Most of the Process, which was conducted by the United Nations Conference on Trade and
He said the report found that Myanmar was likely to achieve graduation from the list due to the momentum gained
through broad-based development of productive capacities, diversification and structural economic transformati
Myanmar is one of the 48 countries in the least-developed category. The report states that many LDCs are stuck in
a poverty trap, a vicious circle in which poverty leads to poor nutrition and health, and a lack of education,
undermining productivity and investment. This blocks much-needed sustainable development to reduce poverty.
According to Kring, countries can only break out of such vicious circles with international support in finance, trade
and technology. The LDC category was created largely to target such support for those countries that most need it.
Countries graduate from the LDC category by satisfying a complex set of economic and social criteria. But only
four countries have graduated in the 45 years since this classification was established.
The economist projected Myanmar to be among 16 countries which will graduate from the LDC status within
eight years. Yet, he does not think Myanmar will graduate much earlier than 2025, as it is a very long process in
which every LDC needs to be measured twice for the graduation.
I am not saying it is impossible but things will be difficult, he said...
Copyright 2016, Eleven Myanmar


Myanmar Times

Natural gas export earnings slump

By Chan Mya Htwe |Friday, 23 December 2016

Myanmars export earnings from natural so far this fiscal year are down 40pc
compared to the same point in 2015-16, according to the Ministry of Commerce.

As of December 9, the country had earned US$1.82 billion from selling natural gas abroad, compared to $3
billion by the same stage in the previous fiscal year, said U Khin Maung Lwin, joint secretary of the Ministry of
The drop in gas export earnings is particularly worrying given that natural gas has typically accounted for around
half of total export earnings in a given fiscal year.
According to Ministry of Commerce data, natural gas provided $3.5 billion in 2014-15 almost half that fiscal
years total. The resource provided over half of total export earnings in 2013-14 and 2012-13, ministry data
Total year to date export volumes for 2016-17 were not available, and so the share natural gas accounts for so far
this year remains unclear.
U Khin Maung Lwin blamed the sharp drop in earnings mainly on the lower prices for crude oil. There is
evidence that a fall in the price of crude oil a close substitute for natural gas in some countries and sectors can
result in more people switching to oil and lowering the demand for gas.
The price of benchmark West Texas Intermediate crude has fallen sharply in recent years, from a 2014 high of
$107 to hit $52 by the start of 2015. Prices hit a low of $29 in February this year, but had recovered to $52

Respectfully yours,

Thang Za Dal (Mr)

Grindelallee 141
20146 Hamburg
December 25, 2016.
Note. You will find more information on my own opinions and concepts on Christianity and political-related topics
on Burma in my papers listed under the Links below. This Open Supplication was first distributed on the date given
above to a number of recipients - both institutions and individuals. It was later once more slightly modified for more
clarity. (U Aung Htoo, author of Peace Analyis No. 21, is Human Rights Lawyer and Founder of the Legal Aid
Network and the Principal of Federal Law Academy as well. ),

Some Strategic Concepts for the Rebuilding of Burma

An Open Personal Supplication to the Present and Future Rulers of Burma (5th modication)

An Open Personal Supplication to the Present and Future Rulers of Burma (6th modication)

An Open Personal Supplication to the Present and Future Rulers of Burma (7th modication)

A Collection of 21 Articles and Readers' Comments on Burma's Ongoing Peacebuilding Process

In Person

Leon de Riedmatten: You Cannot Talk About Nationwide Ceasefire if You Dont
Include Everyone
Leon de Riedmatten

By Aung Zaw 15 December 2016

Leon de Riedmatten is no stranger to Burma. In 1999, in the heyday of the former military regime, he was head of the
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) delegation in Burma, struggling to negotiate with the army generals
for access to political detainees at prisons across the country. In 2002, he was the first liaison officer of the
International Labor Office (ILO) in Burma.
De Riedmatten facilitated the reconciliation process between the generals and their opposition, including Daw Aung
San Suu Kyi. As the country representative for the Swiss-based Center for Humanitarian Dialogue, he pushed forward
the talks initiated by Razali Ismail, the UN Special Envoy to Burma in early 2000s. When Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was
under house arrest between 2000 and 2002, de Riedmatten was allowed to visit her every fortnight. Until 2004, he was
the diplomat who visited her the most.
Since October 2012, de Riedmatten has worked in Burma, acting as an independent adviser to the peace process
between the government and the ethnic nationalities. Currently, he is a senior advisor at the Peace Nexus Foundation,
which helps communities develop small business projects in post-conflict areas. In this interview with The Irrawaddys
founding editor-in-chief Aung Zaw, Leon de Riedmatten talks about prospects for genuine peace in the country going
The NLD government and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi have set peace as a top priority. She initiated the much
anticipated Burma peace conference. Similarly, in 1947, Gen Aung San, the independence hero, also tried to
reach out and sign a ceasefire with some ethnic groups.

But the situation now is much different from 1947. We see in our society that our unity has become very
fragmented. And the trust between ethnic groups has been broken down again and again. Leon, you have a lot
of institutional memory. What are your thoughts on the peace process now?
I can give you my personal views and obviously its my own perception. I represent only myself in this exchange of
In 1947, it was more or less the end of the colonization period. And Gen Aung San tried to gather together different
autonomous countries and to create a union between these different entities. But, if you look at the reality, at the end of
the day, there were only three ethnic states that agreed to be part of the union. And it happened only because Gen Aung
San agreed to put in the new Constitution an article that gave the right of secession after 10 years if these other
autonomous states were unhappy with the situation.
When we talk about trust, you can see that already at that time, there was very little trust between these ethic
nationalities and Burma proper. This is quite important for today because I think its great that the new government,
like the previous one, puts peace as a priority.
Everyone has to realize that its a very complex issue. You cannot solve it in a few days. It will be a very long process.
When people talk of building trust, I have some reservations because, as I have said, it was already difficult to gain
trust in 1947. How about today, when there has been fighting for decades? Those ethnic states lost their autonomy and
were under the control of the central government. In the eyes of ethnic people, the Burma Army occupied their
territory, and the central government was favoring the settlement of Burmese nationals in their own states.
It is obvious that reaching peace today will be much more difficult than during the last century, but pragmatism has to
prevail because there is no alternative to a peace solution.
The NLD-led government seems to be pushing ahead. But since the Panglong conference, weve seen renewed
fighting. Even at the Panglong conference, Snr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, commander-in-chief of the armed forces,
spoke about six principles, and he did not mention anything about a federal democratic union, something that
Daw Aung Suu Kyi has mentioned.
It may be important to look back and remember what was called tripartite dialogue in the old days. Tripartite dialogue
was seen as talks between the Burmese democratic forces as one party, ethnic nationalities as another, and the military
as the third.
At this time, I was persona non grata and then blacklistedbetween 2006 and 2012and living in Thailand. The main
objective of my discussions with ethnic leaders, members of the democratic opposition, and representatives of civil
society was to try to find a consensus on how to approach the military, how to build up a platform that could include
democracy and federalism.
This was the past. If you look at the peace process initiated by former President Thein Sein, the aim was to move
forward through a dialogue between different stakeholders. It started with bilateral ceasefire agreements between the
central state and the ethnic armed groups at the end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012. As an observer, I attended the
talks with two of the ethnic groups. I was amazed by how the ethnic leaders were well prepared for the negotiations.
There was a good start with the bilateral ceasefire agreements. Then talks about what became the Nationwide
Ceasefire Accord [NCA] went well too. All the people around the table, all the ethnic nationalities, as well as the
government, the army, parliament, and political parties agreed on one text, which is the text of the NCA. So it means
that there was a document that all of them agreed upon.
Unfortunately, before the end of its mandate and prior to the elections, the government tried by any means to have the
NCA endorsed and signed by the ethnic armed groups. This was the wrong step. At the last briefing of the MPC
[Myanmar Peace Center], the audience was asked for comments about the performance of the center. I took the floor
and said it was a mistake to push for the signing of the NCA. The best legacy of Thein Seins government would have
been to succeed in creating a document that everyone agreed upon. It was the best product to hand over to the next
If you look at whats going on today, there are only eight ethnic armed groups who signed the nationwide ceasefire.
And among them, two are very relevant, two others are partially relevant, and a few others are maybe less relevant. So
when you talk about nationwide, this representation is not enough on the side of the ethnic armed groups. Another side
effect is a split between signatories and non-signatories
My second point is related to the tripartite dialogue. Today, the structure is different than in the old days. One pillar is
the central state, another is ethnic armed groups, and the last is political parties. In the central state, the army and the
government are together.

Then comes your point, which is very relevant: do the army and the government share the same vision of the future for
the country, since they comprise the same pillar? The first thing that has to be observed today is to see if the two
partners can find common ground, one that fits with the aspirations of the ethnic nationalities.
I want to circle back to the previous peace deal under former President Thein Seins government. It seems like
within the five years time, they wanted to achieve a credible process which was backed by the international
community, the UN, and neighboring countries. There was a lot of excitement about this.
In the end, I found there were two problems: One is that U Thein Seins government didnt have strong public
support. Second, ethnic groups do not trust them. U Thein Seins government rushed [the NCA] because he
wanted to build his own legacy. But in the end, there was no substance to it.
Let me disagree. Because what I have said before is that the NCA document is there. And everyone at the tablethe
Kachin, the Chin, and others, had agreed upon the documents substance. I think it was good grounds for dialogue.
Where I agree with you is that it was certainly a mistake to push for signing the NCA in October 2015, just in order to
possibly get more votes in the election. This created the situation today and the split between the groups who signed
[the NCA] and those who did not. Furthermore, apparently if you do not sign, you cannot participate in political
dialogue. This is the wrong approach. I think it would be better to go back to what was the positive outcome of the
peace process under the previous government: the document of the NCA. All stakeholders must have a seat at the table
and discuss the framework of political dialogue. The key is that there must be common ground within the central state
A lot of observers and supporters thought that among ethnic groups there would be more trust, and that it
would be easier to build trust with a government under [Daw Aung San Suu Kyis] leadership. But the criticism
now is that the government, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the army are acting together. Do you agree with that?
Do they share the same vision?
I dont agree with this. But I understand that there is this ambiguity that could be conducive to creating doubts about
the real intention of the central state entities involved in the [peace] process. It is positive that there are talks because if
you want to end hostilities, you have to sit around the same table and talk about solutions. It will be a long process, and
people will have to show their true face at some point.
Pragmatism means that the peace process should not be an exercise that moves parallel to the activities of the
government. What is included in the interim arrangements of bilateral and nationwide ceasefire should be part of
government policies when it concerns development and investment in post-conflict areas. In addition, I believe in
empowering communities. Due to the cessation of hostilities, communities may start to improve their livelihood
through small businesses and also keep their identity, their language, their culture, and so on.
This is complementary to dialogue and can make it successful.
So its not just about big talk. I think youre also suggesting that we go on the ground to build.
Yes, a bottom-up approach. If you do this with communities, at a certain point, maybe they will feel comfortable
enough to say, Okay, why are there still people thinking of antagonism, or fighting, and so on, while our situation is
acceptable? You cannot have 100 percent of what you want, but at least you can try to get close.
If this goes at the same time as the talksand if there is also an understanding at all levels of government that when a
company, for instance, is going to move into these specific post-conflict areas that there should be a special approach
these will be practical steps toward building trust. There should be an approach where donors and investors dont just
work with the government, but other stakeholders are included in the preparatory discussions, too. It can mean armed
groups, civil society, and communities, and when a kind of overall understanding is reached among [these groups],
projects may start. From the ethnic groups side, communities could get some dividends from the cessation of hostilities
in certain areas, but at the same time, ethnic armed groups dont want to see big development projects that may
transform the existing landscape in areas of mixed control while a durable peace has not yet been reached.
Going back to the question of livelihood and community development in [ethnic] areas, look at Kachin [State].
The KIO and KIA have good support within their constituency. But some ethnic armed groups dont have this
kind of support. They have their guns, their armies, but they dont have support within their communities.
This is difficult to judge. I remember a high-ranking Karen civil servant I introduced to one of the KNU leaders. He t
old him, I am so pleased to see you because thanks to you, the Karen entity is still alive. So its a notion thats
difficult to measure.
What is also interesting to notice is how things have evolved over all these years. Today, you have heavy fighting in
Kachin and northern Shan states. As you said, the KIO and KIA are involved by defending themselves. In the old days,
the KIO was the closest group to the military government. The KIO signed a ceasefire in 1994. At the national

convention, from 2004 to 2007, it was the KIO that was the leading ethnic group. The Kachin were accused by others
of being too close to the military government. At that time, the KNU was the bad guy. And now the situation has
completely reversed. So nothing is permanent.
There have been accusations from other groups, Burmese groups, that [the KIO, KIA, KNU] dont have a
unifying position with which to approach the establishment and central administration, whether the
government or the military and that the military is ready to exploit these divisions and fractures.
Yes and no. During the years I was outside the country against my will, what I tried the most to do was to find common
ground between ethnic armed groups. Even if they could not agree on everything, they could agree on what was
essential to build a platform that would allow them to negotiate with the central state later. And I would say that I
didnt see huge differences between the aspirations of the KIO and the KNU, they were more or less the same. They
are looking for a federal nation. Maybe there was a certain kind of competition for having a leading role within the
ethnic armed groups but what they were looking for was the same.
What is your advice to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi? You have known her since 2000. And you have been involved in
private or secret negotiations between the regime led by Sen-Gen Than Shwe and the government led by Daw
Aung San Suu Kyi. What is your advice to fix things, to rebuild things, to bring them back?
It was a long time ago I was involved in this, Id say, politics. Ive met Daw Aung San Suu Kyi only once recently
about this, in February 2011. It was the last time we talked about the situation. Since then, weve had occasions to
meet from time to time, but there was no discussion about the situation. I think Ive already said more or less what was
needed. You cannot talk about nationwide ceasefire if you dont include everyone. So I believe that its time to rethink
the approach, and to try again to really have everyone sitting around the same table and having the central state coming
with a concrete proposal about federalism. Then, ambiguities will be gone. And then maybe a genuine discussion about
the future can really start.
Without ceasefire, without stopping the fighting, how can we sign the nationwide ceasefire agreement on the
Its something I cannot answer for others. But obviously, there should first be a real truce in the field. And then they
can sit and talk. Their second request was inclusiveness, meaning that every ethnic armed group participates in the
talks. So I think these are genuine demands. These should be agreed upon. I think that it doesnt contradict what Daw
Aung San Suu Kyi has said.
This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.
Topics: Burma Army, Ethnic Issues, Peace Process, Politics
Aung Zaw The Irrawaddy Aung Zaw is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Irrawaddy.

UN getting daily reports of rapes, killings and other abuses against

Rohingya Muslims in Burma
UN human rights chief accuses Burmese government of taking short-sighted, counterproductive,
even callous approach to crisis
Samuel Osborne
2016 AFP/Getty
The United Nations has received daily reports of rapes and killings of the Rohingya minority in Burma.
UN human rights chief Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein said the government, led by Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu
Kyi, had taken a "short-sighted, counterproductive, even callous" approach to the crisis.
He said the government's handling of issues in northern Rakhine state, where independent monitors are barred from
investigating, risk grave long term repercussions for the region.

At least 86 people have been killed, according to state media, and the UN estimates 27,000 members of the largely
stateless Rohingya minority have fled across the border from Rakhine into Bangladesh.
Rohingya Muslims fleeing Burma recall the horrors they left
The High Commissioner said killings, rapes and the burning of Rohingya homes are reported to the UN human rights
office on a daily basis.
"The repeated dismissal of the claims of serious human rights violations as fabrications, coupled with the failure to
allow our independent monitors access to the worst affected areas in northern Rakhine, is highly insulting to the
victims and an abdication of the government's obligations under international human rights law," Mr Zeid said in a
"If the authorities have nothing to hide, then why is there such reluctance to grant us access? Given the continued
failure to grant us access, we can only fear the worst."
UN human rights spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani said the UN human rights office had submitted a formal request
for access to the area, which had not yet been granted. Muslims protest against what they say is Burma's crackdown on
ethnic Rohingya Muslims (Jorge Silva/Reuters)
Adrian Edwards, a spokesman for the UN refugee agency UNHCR, said his colleagues in Bangladesh had spoken to
more than 1,000 newly-arrived refugees in the past few weeks who gave accounts of houses being burned, targeting of
civilians and traumatised women and children who had witnessed the killing of family members.
UNHCR could not verify the accounts first-hand, but it was extremely concerned and it urged the Myanmar authorities
to investigate and the government of Bangladesh to give the refugees a safe haven, he said.
Burmese government officials have denied allegations of abuse and said the army is hunting "terrorists" behind raids
on police in October.
Mr Zeid said in June that crimes against humanity may have been committed against the Rohingya.
Ms Shamdasani said if the government did not handle the situation very carefully and address the grievances of the
Rohingya minority, violence could ensue.
"Unfortunately this is exactly what has happened in the past couple of months," she added. "We are worried that this is
going to get further out of hand. This is perfect breeding ground for violent extremists."
Myanmar police officers patrol along the border fence between Myanmar and Bangladesh in Maungdaw, Rakhine
State, Myanmar, Friday, 14 October, 2016 (AP)
Although they have lived in Burma for generations, Rohingya Muslims are barred from citizenship in the nation of 50
million, and instead live as some of the most oppressed people in the world.
Since communal violence broke out in 2012, more than 120,000 Rohingya have been driven from their homes and
crammed into squalid camps guarded by police. There, they are denied healthcare and education, and their movements
are heavily restricted.
Some have tried to flee by boat, but many ended up becoming victims of human trafficking or were held for ransom.

Myanmar Times

Is fighting with the NA-B the beginning of a full-fledged crisis?

By Khin Zaw Win |Friday, 09 December 2016
The fresh outbreak of fighting that started on November 20 in Myanmars northern Shan State caught many
people by surprise. Even in a country inured to decades of armed conflict, the coordinated attack by four ethnic
armed organisations (EAOs) the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), the Taang National Liberation Army
(TNLA), the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) and the Arakan Army (AA), comprising
the Northern Alliance Burma was significant in its boldness and intensity. The main artery to China and
civilian targets has been hit, resulting in casualties. The scale of the fighting and its coordination shows that the

offensive had been carefully planned. But by whom and with what objectives?
One plausible answer is that the United Wa State Army (UWSA) wanted to draw the central military away from the
front adjoining its own Wa Autonomous Region a de facto statelet for all practical purposes. There had been a tense
standoff a month ago farther south in Shan State, over the UWSAs moves against Mong La, another EAO-controlled
enclave. The Wa are among the ethnicities calling for a state of their own. This is going to be a thorny issue now that the
door to federalism has opened. Control over territory and getting more territory is now high on many ethnic agendas.
Another reason could be that the Northern Alliance has either not signed or has been actively excluded from the
nationwide ceasefire agreement (NCA). Recently, State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, reiterated the call for
groups to sign the NCA before proceeding with the next round of peace talks (the next 21st-century Panglong
Conference) scheduled for February 2017. The current offensive could be the Northern Alliance forcing the issue,
attempting to by-pass the NCA and going straight to political dialogue.
Part of the rationale behind all these agendas is the realisation that the eight month-old National League for Democracy
government does not offer anything new, besides being weak and ineffectual. This reinforces the inclination amongst
some EAOs to wrest as much as they can and go their own way. One extreme instance of this has already surfaced. The
KIAs leader has publicly stated that secession might become necessary. The Northern Alliances attacks are
unwarranted and public opinion is turning against it. Bringing up secession only makes things worse. It is not only
negotiators and governments that have their red lines societies have them too. (And I am not talking about only
Bamar society. The Union of Burma/Myanmar has lasted for nearly 69 years and it has certainly not been a happy era.
Despite all the troubles and tragedies, breaking away is not an option and never will be. If Myanmar has just one red
line, this is it.)
The people of Myanmar are short on memories, and need unbiased reminding. One does not have to go back too far in
modern history. The 1947 Panglong Agreement from which the Union of Burma emerged was marked by
expediency and compromise. The article on secession that was incorporated into the 1947 Constitution was perhaps the
outstanding example of this, which some observers have even called mischievous. However, it is a mistake to assume
that in the federal conferences of 1960-61, there had been an outright threat of the Shan State seceding from the Union.
Nonetheless General Ne Win used it as a pretext to mount a military coup and abolish the constitution, setting in train
the tragic consequences which are felt to this day.
There are similarities with the present-day situation but also major differences. The constitutionally elected prime
minister at that time, U Nu, was seen as soft on the ethnic nationality and federal issues, and General Ne Win dispensed
with him as well. U Nu could conceivably have accepted a form of federalism but it is incredulous to imagine him
giving assent to secession. It might be added here that he was on easy terms with many ethnic nationality leaders of
that time, far more than Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is with her corresponding contemporaries today.
The significant turning-point then was that all decision-making on ethnic and federal issues was usurped by the
military a situation that has lasted for over half a century. Now those issues are back on the table with a vengeance,
so to speak. Notwithstanding its eight months in office, are there any new policies or initiatives on this from the NLD
government? I dont think it needs reminding that the issues are far more complex, numerous and demanding than they
had been in the early 1960s.
In a perverse way, the situation is helped if things come to a head. On the matter of secession, this time it is a definite,
public statement voiced by an EAO leader. In other words, he has impinged upon the red line. Crossing it will be t
otally unacceptable and the consequences for the country shall be dire. It is like beckoning to a military solution at a
time when so much effort is being expended to avoid precisely such an outcome. Peace negotiations will be difficult
and lengthy, and the results are uncertain. But there is no alternative.
Recently the Myanmar Commander-in-Chief was interviewed by Channel NewsAsia. The anchor pressed the Senior
General hard on whether there are preparations for a military coup. She asked the question three times in a row, but the
general only replied that the armed forces shall abide by the law and the constitution. Those who understand the
emergency powers articles in the constitution will understand that a military coup is totally unnecessary, because a
constitutional transfer of power to the military is provided for.
Such a move cannot be ruled out, and I would say that the incumbent NLD government will not be entirely displeased
about it either. There are degrees and nuances to the relationship between the two. The commander-in-chief has
mentioned the emergency articles that provide for a transfer of power twice in his recent speeches. It could be that it
will be a matter of not if, but when. If the NLD government cannot handle the twin security, human rights and peace
crisis situations, an agreement will have to be reached to transfer power to a military government. To put it bluntly, this
would let the government and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi off the present hook.
Returning to the decision-making on the ethnic nationalities mentioned earlier, it is a matter of doubt whether there has

been any change. After campaigning on a raft of promises of change in last years elections, the NLD leadership is now
characteristically silent on many pressing issues. Rather than a matter of the military refusing to concede any of its
powers, I would say it is more of the NLD governments innate inability to make such decisions and lay out directions
for the country. One can discern an unexpressed division of labour. As one example, the chair of the Kayin National
Union (KNU) was in Nay Pyi Taw last week and met with the commander-in-chief as well as Thura U Shwe Mann, the
still-influential former Speaker of the Lower House. The KNU is the strongest of the NCA-signatory EAOs and he
requested an appointment with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. She turned him down.
It is critical for domestic (and international) players to learn to separate the rice from the chaff. The time for populism
is over; well-grounded policies and leadership are necessary if Myanmar is to remain an integral nation-in-the-making
and overcome its awesome challenges.
This article originally appeared in Tea Circle, a forum hosted at Oxford University for emergingresearch and
perspectives on Burma/Myanmar.

Khin Zaw Win is director of the Tampadipa Institute and an honorary senior research fellow at the Myanmar Institute
for Strategic and International Studies. He served under the Department of Health in Myanmar and under the Ministry
of Health in Sabah, Malaysia, and has a masters degree in public policy from the National University of Singapore.
He was a prisoner of conscience for seditious writings and human rights work from 1994-2005.


Amnesty accuses Myanmar military of 'crimes against humanity'

Image copyright AFP/Getty Images Image caption Amnesty estimates at least 27,000 Rohingya have fled to
neighbouring Bangladesh
Amnesty International says the actions of Myanmar's military may constitute "crimes against humanity" after
allegations of violence against the Rohingya Muslim minority.
The rights group's latest report accuses Burmese forces of murdering civilians, rape, torture and looting.
Myanmar's military has denied accounts of atrocities and says it is conducting anti-terrorist raids in Rakhine.
It comes as regional leaders gather in Yangon to discuss the violence.
It is extremely rare for ASEAN, the 10-nation regional body representing South East Asia, to discuss the affairs
of a member country.
Reports of violence in Rakhine state began in October, after the army launched an anti-insurgency operation.
The operation started after border police were attacked by a militant group, which Amnesty said was composed
primarily of Rohingya.
In November a UN official said Myanmar was conducting "ethnic cleansing" of Rohingya, while Human Rights
Watch has published satellite images of razed villages.
'Suu Kyi did not want this meeting' - Jonah Fisher, BBC News, Yangon
Image copyright AFP/Getty Images
The de-facto leader of Myanmar Aung San Suu Kyi did not want to hold this meeting. She accuses the
international community of stirring things up when raising the plight of Myanmar's Rohingya Muslim minority.
But the two South East Asian countries with the biggest Muslim populations - Indonesia and Malaysia - forced
her hand.
So through gritted teeth Ms Suu Kyi will brief them on the last two months in Rakhine State. They are likely to
hear only one side of the story.

Ms Suu Kyi, in public and in private meetings with diplomats, maintains that the Burmese military has been
following the rule of law - and rejects allegations of atrocities.
Human rights groups disagree. They say soldiers have responded to the emergence of a new Rohingya armed
group - by killing and raping civilians - and burning villages.
'Humanitarian catastrophe'
Amnesty said it interviewed 35 victims and 20 others involved in humanitarian and reporting efforts in Myanmar,
also known as Burma.
It described a "humanitarian catastrophe" with random killings, arbitrary arrests and detentions, rapes, torture,
looting, and destruction of property including the torching of 1,200 homes and other buildings like schools and
Amnesty said the army's actions are "part of a widespread and systematic attack against the Rohingya population
in northern Rakhine State and may therefore constitute crimes against humanity".
It is unclear how many civilians have died in the latest conflict as the government has restricted journalists and
aid workers from accessing the area.
Media captionTwo boys, aged 13 and 18, were "accused of being terrorists, who had to be killed"
Amnesty estimates at least 27,000 Rohingya have fled to neighbouring Bangladesh since October, placing a
strain on impoverished communities along the border. It also accused the Bangladeshi government of actively
turning away refugees.
It called on the Burmese government and Aung San Suu Kyi to order a stop to the violence, publically condemn
rights violations, allow unimpeded access to Rakhine and launch an impartial investigation with the UN.
The Myanmar government has set up its own investigation team led by former general and current vice president
Myint Swe. It's also invited an Advisory Commission chaired by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to
look at long term solutions to Rakhine state's problems.
Ms Suu Kyi has defended her government's handling of the issue and accused the international community of
stoking resentment.
Members of the Muslim Rohingya community are widely regarded as illegal migrants in majority-Buddhist
Myanmar, and have experienced persecution for decades amid simmering ethnic tensions in Rakhine.

An issue that cannot be ignored

Submitted by ttwin on Sun, 09/18/2016 - 16:35
Among the many consequences of poverty, the social problems of children are the most emotive. According to the 2014
national census, Myanmar has more than 1.5 million children aged 10 to 17, representing 21 per cent of all children,
working and over half of secondary-school pupils drop out to boost their families' income. Around 4.4 per cent of 10 to
18 year olds are not school goers and about 10 million live in extreme poverty.
Many children are pressured by their families to work, often in unsafe environments. More parents lack the time to
guide their children as they spend their time trying to earn a living.

Children often face violence and exploitation without any protection if their parents are too busy with work. Some
become beggars or get involved with crime.
This can be prevented if effective support is given to them.
Dr Win Myat Aye, the minister for social welfare, relief and resettlement, has told Parliament that a pilot initiative was
under way to take care of street children, beggars and homeless people in Yangon and Mandalay. Laws were being
created to improve lives working closely with UN agencies, NGOs, charities and social organisations, the minister said.
The Daily Eleven says the authorities should work out effective and strong policies to tackle the problems facing our
children. If we ignore their fate, we are poisoning the nation's future.

Myanmar Times

UN OCHA details countrys assistance needs for 2017

By Shoon Naing |Thursday, 22 December 2016
The humanitarian needs forecast for 2017 make for a lengthy, bleak list, according
to a new UN report.
Of the 51.5 million people in the country, 6.4 million or just over 12 percent live in conflict-affected areas. Over
525,000 people are in need of assistance, including a large number of women and children who have been displaced by
An estimated 218,000 people are currently sheltering in temporary camps in Rakhine, Kachin and Shan states, according to
the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) December 20 report.
Of this population, 78pc are women and children who face diminished service provision and the constant threat of violence
and must rely on humanitarian assistance to survive, the report stated.
Entitled the Myanmar Humanitarian Needs Overview 2017 (pdf), the report states that the majority of the countrys IDPs
are found in Rakhine State, where 120,00 people remain confined in camps since intercommunal violence and deadly
riots in 2012.
Movement restrictions in eight of the states townships creates an imbalance in service provision between the Muslim
population and the rest of the states inhabitants, according to the report.
For the 78,000 displaced persons in Kachin State, and 11,000 in Shan State, the report said that armed conflict has
continued, causing pockets of new and secondary displacement and putting many civilians at risk, with allegations of c
ontinued human rights violations.
Besides internal displacements, the report states that natural disasters remain one of the greatest areas of humanitarian
concern in Myanmar.
Historical data shows that there have been medium to large-scale natural disasters every few years. Since 2002, more than
13 million people have been affected by natural disasters, including three Category 4 cyclones, several major earthquakes,
and in 2015 the country experienced the worst flooding in decades, OCHA said.
Myanmar ranks 2nd out of 187 countries on the Global Climate Risk Index and is 12th out of 191 countries in the Index of
Risk Management, it added.
OCHAs office in Myanmar was established in 2008 in the wake of the devastating Cyclone Nargis and has remained ever
since to focus on other sectors related to its core mandate.


Israel Urged to Suspend Military Shipment to Burma

Min Aung Hlaing toured a naval base and defense manufacturers in Israel in Sept. 2015 during a
goodwill tour alongside senior military brass.
By Saw Yan Naing 16 December 2016
Human rights activists and lawyers in Israel have urged the Ministry of Defense to nullify or
suspend a military shipment ordered by the Burma Army, stating that the country still commits
human rights abuses against minority groups.
They wrote to Racheli Chen, head of the Israeli Ministry of Defenses export control department,
and called for a review of all defense export licenses purchased by the Burma Army under the
authority granted to her in Clause 9 of
the 2007 law on defense export control.
It is surprising that the State of Israel, while struggling for continued sanctions against Iran, has no
qualms about ignoring the US and EU sanctions against Burma for the most severe crimes being
committed there, read the letter dated Dec. 11.
It stated that the Burma Army still wages war with ethnic minorities in northern and eastern Burma,
while also committing serious human rights violations against the Rohingya Muslim minority in
western Burma.
Eitay Mack, a human rights attorney in Jerusalem told The Irrawaddy, The military hardware
hasnt shipped yet [to Burma]. We want to stop it. We hope that we can do something by using our

During his visit to Israel last September, Snr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing along with military officials
from Burmas Air Force and Navy toured Elbit Systems, an Israel-based defense manufacturing
company. They also toured an Israeli naval base, the countrys Ministry of Defense in Tel Aviv and
a memorial to fallen soldiers in the Gaza Strip.
Reports and pictures of the trip were revealed on the Burma Army chiefs Facebook, saying that he
had spoken with Israeli representatives about purchasing military equipment and training.
The activists letter also said that despite the positive transition in Burma, the Burma Army and its
officials continue to retain control. Representatives of the junta are assured 25 percent of the seats
in parliament, which reserves them the right to veto any reform measures. The military also
continues to control three key ministries: defense, border affairs and home affairs.
The letter stated that Burma Army forces and related militias continue to arrest, torture and murder
ethnic and religious minorities, opposition and human rights activists, farmers opposed to
dispossession of their land, journalists and students.
This is both a violation of international law, and of basic human morality, read the letter.
According to various reports, Israel has maintained defense ties with the Burmese junta for decades,
even if not continuously. Last June, the head of Israels defense export department Gen Michel Ben
Baruch visited Burma and met with leaders of the Burma Army.
Topics: Burma Army, Human Rights, Military

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing visits defence companies in Italy

On Monday, 14 November 2016

Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing visited two companies
which produce military vehicles and aircraft on 12th November during his stay in Italy, state media
reported yesterday.
The Senior General first visited the ARIS Company which manufactures specially designed military
vehicles. He then toured the LEONARDO Aircraft Company, an Italian multinational aerospace,
defence and security company, which produces fighters, aircraft, airborne and space systems, land
and naval defence electronics, defence systems, security and information systems, the report said.

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing visits ARIS Company, LEONARDO AIRCRAFT Company in Turin, Italy
on 12 November 2016. Photo:Senior General Min Aung Hlaing/Facebook

Diplomatic Missions issue statement on humanitarian

access to northern part of Rakhine State
- See more at:
On Friday, 9 December 2016
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(File) Rohingya, Muslim men pray during a prayer inside a mosque at Thet Kel Pyin village near Sittwe of Rakhine
State, western Myanmar, 03 November 2015. Photo: Nyunt Win/EPA

The Diplomatic Missions of Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece,
Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and the United States have issued a
statement on Humanitarian Access to the northern part of Rakhine State. The following is the
statement in full.
As friends of Myanmar, we are deeply concerned by the humanitarian situation in northern part
of Rakhine State. We have welcomed the Governments agreement to allow a resumption of
humanitarian assistance and initial deliveries to some villages, but we are concerned by delays and
urge all Myanmar authorities to overcome the obstacles that have so far prevented a full resumption,

noting that tens of thousands of people who need humanitarian aid, including children with acute
malnutrition, have been without it now for nearly two months.
This assistance is desperately needed to address serious humanitarian needs but also to begin to
restore the confidence and hope that are essential to a restoration of peace and stability. Full and
unfettered access is essential for humanitarian agencies to conduct a comprehensive assessment of
current humanitarian needs in support of the Governments humanitarian response. The reestablishment of access to markets and livelihoods is also very important.
We continue to discuss with the Government the many other issues associated with the situation in
Rakhine State, including the need to restore peace in the area after the attacks against security
personnel, the allegations of abuse in the subsequent security operations, as well as the importance
of enhanced communication. Security forces must ensure protection of all civilians. The recent
creation of the Investigation Commission offers an opportunity to investigate these incidents and
allegations objectively and transparently, as well as expose all acts of violence and abuse.

See more at:


Activists Decry Lack of Peace Progress Under NLD Govt

State Counselor DawAung San SuuKyi meets with the UNFC ethnic armed alliance in Rangoon on July 17, 2016. /
Hein Htet / The Irrawaddy
By Saw Yan Naing 23 December 2016
Some of Burmas longtimepoliticalactivistsadmitted in a conference on Thursday in Thailand that progress in the
countrys peace process has been more challenging under the current National League for Democracy (NLD)
government than they had anticipated.
At a panel discussion entitledBurma Under Aung San SuuKyi: Current Human Rights Situation and the Peace
Process in Chiang Mai, longtime observers and activists said that many of State CounselorDawAung San
SuuKyisinitiatives in the peace process are surprisingly similar to those of the former regime, but that she wields little
to no influence over the Burma Army.
Human rights abuses, they say, continue to be perpetrated by security forces in a similar manner as they were carried
out in the past, which has surprised observers and players who expected a different scenario from an administration led
by a pro-democracy icon who herself spent more than 15 years under house arrest at the hands of the old regime.
Speakers described DawAung San SuuKyis approach as bureaucratic, and highlighted the difficulties in setting up
peace-related meetings with her governments negotiation body, the National Reconciliation and Peace Center (NRPC).
KhuensaiJaiyen, a veteran Shan journalist and an advisor to the ethnic Shan rebel group the Restoration Council of Shan
State (RCSS), said that ethnic leaders ironically find DawAung San Suu Kyitougher to negotiate with than theformer
governments peace team.
They [the ethnic leaders] thought it would be easier to deal with her, compared to the previous government, because
the previous government was from the military, said Jaiyen. But, they have found that it is more difficult.
KhunsaiJaiyen who also works at Pyidaungsu Institute, an ethnic research center, said that conflicting policies by Daw
Aung San Suu Kyi and the Burma Armys chief, Snr-Gen Min Aung Hlaing, also pose challenges to collaboration.
Ethnic leaders feel that they have to put in double the effort in order to work with each the government and the army.
They feel like they have two governments, some said: one led by the State Counselor and another by the Snr-Gen.
The activists also said that trust in DawAung San SuuKyi among ethnic communities is faltering, as she has failed to
speak on behalf of those the suffering in conflict zones, or to stop the Burma Army from launching offensives.
Even though they [the government] held peace talks and is working on the NCA [nationwide ceasefire agreement]
process, there more offensives in our areas. They keep sending more troops to our area. So, how can we trust that peace
process, the NLD government, or the military?asked Nang Moon Li, a longtime Kachin activist from the Kachin
Womens Association Thailand (KWAT).
According to a recent report by KWAT on human rights abuses, amid escalating fighting in Kachin State, Burma Army
has deployed over 100 battalions over the past year, numbering 15,000 troops, with increasing use of fighter aircraft.
Before the KIO signed a ceasefire agreement in 1994, there were only 24 Burma Army battalions in Kachin State.
Burma Army increased its battalions to over 50 after 1994 and now the Battalions are over 100, according to the KWAT
DawKhinOhmar, aprominent exiled Burmese activist who has been campaigning for political change for decades, said
that Burmas transition is well-designed for a win-lose political game by the military in which opposition has no chance
to win.
She was once allowed by the previous Burmese government to return to her homeland, but has since been returned to
the administrations blacklist.
[An official] said,the return of you and dissident activists was just for the governments political game. You will be
allowed to return only when they want something from you. What was interesting is that he said those times are over,
meaning that we are no longer needed [to them], said DawKhinOhmar.
With the military, there is no win-win solution. You win or you die. You win or you lose. The militarys agenda is that
there should be no decentralization, she said.
Topics: Aung San SuuKyi, Conflict, Ethnic Issues, Peace Process
Saw Yan Naing The Irrawaddy

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Constitution of China: A rticle 5. No organization or individual may enjoy the privilege of being above the
Constitution and the law.

The liberties of the American people were dependent upon the ballot-box, the jury-box, and the cartridge-box; that

without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country. ~ Frederick Douglass


The Irrawaddy Magazine UN Chief Calls for Myanmar to Inve...

UN Chief Calls for Burma to Investigate Military Rape Claims

By NYEIN NYEIN / THE IRRAWADDY On Thursday, April 24, 2014 @ 5:06 pm

The chief of the United Nations has officially called on the Burmese government to conduct
full investigations into allegations of rape and sexual assault made against its soldiers,
according to a document made public this week.
A report to the UN Security Council from Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon titled Conflictrelated Sexual Violence, addressed the issue of sexual violence in 20 countries around
the world, including Burma.
I call on the Government of Myanmar to fully investigate and respond to current and
historical human rights violations and abuses, including crimes of sexual violence, Ban
Ki-moon said in the report, which is dated March 13 but has only just been made public.
He urged the government to work to develop a comprehensive protection and service
response for survivors of sexual violence, with the UNs support.
Burmese womens organizations and campaigners, who have long called for allegations of
sexual violence by the military to be independently investigated, welcomed the secretarygenerals intervention.
The Thailand-based Womens League of Burma (WLB) in January said in a report it had
documented more than 100 cases of soldiers raping women and girlsthe majority in
war-torn Kachin and Shan statessince 2010. In a statement Thursday, the group said
that it welcomes this clear recognition of State failure to deal with past and present
military sexual violence in Burma.
WLB pointed out, however, that previous government-led investigations into military rape
have not only failed to deliver justice, but have led to further humiliation and intimidation
of rape survivors and their communities.
We are still concerned about how the government would conduct [investigations] if they
agreed to implement the UN secretary-generals recommendation, said Tin Tin Nyo,
secretary of WLB, an umbrella organization representing 13 different ethnic women
Ban Ki-moons report will be discussed at a Security Council debate on Friday on sexual
violence. The United Kingdom-based Burma Campaign group issued a statement urging
the British government to take a strong stance on the issue.
Burma Campaign UK welcomes the fact that the UN Secretary General is focusing more
on sexual violence in Burma, and has called for investigations, said Zoya Phan, the
groups campaigns manager.
However, the United Nations has made dozens of calls on the Burmese government to
hold credible investigations into human rights violations, and all have been ignored. It is
time the United Nations established its own investigation.
Campaigners say the secretary generals comments follow years of documenting the
abuses of Burma Army soldiers, and the impunity that usually follows allegations. Soldiers
accused of rape are regularly punished internally by the military rather than in the civilian
courts, if they are held to account at all.

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08.05.14 15:21

The Irrawaddy Magazine UN Chief Calls for Myanmar to Inve...

WLBs report in January noted of rape allegations against the military that, Their
widespread and systematic nature indicates a structural pattern: rape is still used as an
instrument of war and oppression. It said allegations of rape by soldiers, which may
constitute war crimes, should be independently investigated.
Shortly after their report in January, presidential spokesman Ye Htut in an interview with
Reuters denied the groups allegation that the military uses rape as a weapon, and asked
for the group to share more detailed information about the allegations.
Jessica Nhkum, the joint-secretary of the Kachin Women Association Thailand, who
documents rape cases by the Burma Army, told The Irrawaddy that the problem was not
going away. In the first quarter of 2014, new allegations have continued to emerge, she
Although we could not reach all areas in our war-torn Kachin State, even in the reachable
areassuch as near Myitkyina, Laiza, Mai Ja Yang and in northern Shan Statewe have
documented several cases of rape by Burmese soldiers in 2014, she said.
And with renewed fighting in Kachin State and northern Shan State breaking out during
Burmese New Year last week, activists stressed that more rape cases may soon be
Soldiers have been accused of raping girls as young as 7 in Kachin State, as in one case
from November 2013. And a 13-year-old girl in Mon State was allegedly raped by a soldier
in January 2014, just as the WLBs report documenting rape allegations was published.
The government in the past has repeatedly denied claims of rape by its troops.
In 2002, the Shan Women Action Network, a member of WLB, published a report including
such allegations, titled License to Rape. Following publication, women were allegedly
forced to sign denials refuting the facts in the report, according to WLBs Tin Tin Nyo.
We dont want the kind of reaction this time as we have examples of before, said Tin Tin
As for the presidents spokespersons suggestion to release information to them for
further investigation, it is impossible. We have to consider the safety of those women,
who are already being victimized.

Article printed from The Irrawaddy Magazine:

URL to article:

Copyright 2012 The Irrawaddy Magazine. All rights reserved.

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08.05.14 15:21

Myanmar Times

Ethnic minorities rail against costumes worn during rally

By Shoon Naing|Wednesday, 21 December 2016
Representatives from a number of Myanmars ethnic groups have condemned what they say
is the unauthorised appropriation of traditional ethnic costumes worn by marchers at a
recent rally held in support of the Tatmadaw.

Without any permission from ethnic groups, some of the marchers were wearing ethnic costumes
and pretending to be a part of these groups. It was a charade and we condemn it, said a statement
released by the Kachin Youth Group (KYO).
On December 18, thousands participated in a 3-kilometre (1.9-mile) march through Yangon in a
public show of support for the Tatmadaw and its current campaigns in Shan, Kachin and Rakhine
The Chin Youth Network (CYN) also spoke out against what it saw as the inauthentic use of ethnic
We also dont like it. [The marchers] were wearing ethnic costumes, including those of the Chin
people. They pretended to be part of our ethnic group, by trying to look and act like us. I see this as
a very low standard of politics, said CYN spokesperson Salai David.
He added that he personally saw the march, and said the physical appearance of those involved in
the rally did not resemble the Chin people.
During the rally, I was in downtown visiting the Church and I saw them. There were many
wearing ethnic costumes, including Chin costumes. As soon as I saw them doing this I decided to
call a meeting with my colleagues, he said.
Sundays rally was held following heavy fighting in Kachin the previous day that saw the
Tatmadaw seize an important outpost previously controlled by the Kachin Independence Army

The KYO statement said that this attack has damaged the peace process led by State Counsellor
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and broken the trust of ethnic groups who are in negotiations to sign the
nationwide ceasefire agreement.
Ko Soe Naing, an ethnic Rakhine member of a CSO based in Sittwe township told The Myanmar
Times that people from his community have been deliberating what action to take in response to the
use of traditional ethnic costumes during the rally.
This is an issue we have been discussing for a number of days. It is not appropriate to use the name
of an ethnic group or their ethnic dress without first seeking the approval from the real ethnic
group, he said.
A similar march is planned to be held in support of the Tatmadaw in Mandalay tomorrow. It is not
yet known whether people wearing traditional ethnic dress will again join the marchers.
CYN spokesperson Salai David said if the use of ethnic costumes continues, representatives of the
groups will need to escalate their response.
If they are going to use ethnic costumes in situations like these, we, the real ethnic groups, need to
speak out even louder against this type of behaviour, he said.

Updates and Concerns Regarding the Current Humanitarian Situation in

Northern Shan State (15th December 2016)
Intense fighting between the Myanmar Government Armed Forces (the Tatmadaw) and the
Ethnic Armed Forces (the Northern Alliance) broke out again in Mungkoe area, Pawng Sai
area and near Muses 105th Mile Trade Zone in Northern Shan State on 20th November 2016.
After heavy fighting involving airstrikes in Mungkoe for the last two weeks, Ethnic Armed
Groups have withdrawn from the area. Currently the Tatmadaw has taken control of the
Mungkoe town again. However, civilian buildings, such as houses, public schools, and
religious buildings, were destroyed during this intense fighting that involved a series of air
On 7th December, the Shan State Parliament has adopted the motion to name the Northern
Alliance as terrorist originations, despite over 150 civil society organizations that collectively
sent an open letter to the Shan State Parliament urging the parliament members to avoid using
the controversial term, for fear of doing so might cause further challenges to the peace
process. As of 15th December, there have been several armed clashes in different parts of
Northern Shan State and increased militarization particularly in Kyu Koke - Pang Hseng,
Hpawng Seng, Kutkai, Lashio, Namtu, Mantone townships. There are estimated 20,000
population newly displaced due to current conflict.
Currently, two locations in China, namely Man Hai and Wan Din areas, are officially operating
to respond and help the conflict-affected people or refugees from Myanmar. The total
estimated population taking refuge in the two camps is around 11,600. The Chinese authorities
are managing the camps, and there is a tight security measure put in place in the camps. Apart
from registered refugees, the camps do not allow other people or guests to enter. Temporary
shelters, food and health care services are provided to the refugees in these two locations.
Moreover, Chinese authorities ask those who are taking refuge in their camps to remain in the
camps until security is guaranteed in their original villages. Beyond these two official camps,
there are also about 3,209 IDPs and refugees along the China and Myanmar border areas.
Local churches, CSOs and the Joint Strategy Team (JST) members are providing support to
these IDPs and refugees with emergency food support, tarpaulins, non-food items (NFI) and
hygiene kits. Humanitarian assistance is very limited and greatly needed in the China
Myanmar border areas, particularly in Hpawng Seng area.
On 10th December, the Myanmar government announced that the refugees in China (Manhai
temporary camp), on the other side of Mungkoe could return. A few villagers, especially
women, returned to Mungkoe during the day and some of them went back to China in the
afternoon since their homes had been burned down or destroyed. When the villagers returned
from China to Mongkoe, their identities were, individually, recorded, their photographs taken

and they were given identification cards. At present, an estimated population of 600 has
returned back to Mungkoe. The majority of the affected populations have not returned yet as
there is no guarantee of safety and security. However, the IDPs and refugees from Kyu Koke Pang Hseng, Hpai Kawng and Hpawng Seng who stay along the shared boarder between
China and Myanmar are still unable to return yet due to safety and security concerns.
The main trading road between Muse and Lashio high way is functioning again, although
without a guarantee of security. Muse, 105th Mile trading checkpoint and surrounding villages,
are resuming their normal stream of life. There are only 200 new Internally Displaced People
(IDPs) remain in Muse and many are return back to their original village mainly 105th Mile
trading checkpoint. There are over 800 new IDPs still staying in Namtu area. Children of New
IDPs have been able to enroll in existing government schools in Namtu. About 900 new IDPs
are also taking refuge in Lashio, Sipaw, Naungkyo and Kyeutmee. Most of them are not able
to return home yet due to ongoing armed clashes and fighting in their original villages.
Local humanitarian organisations, CSOs and faith-based organisations are providing
assistance for the immediate needs of IDPs in those conflict affected areas, particularly the
most hard-to-reach areas that include areas along the border between China and Myanmar.
Due to high risks of transportation and staff security, it is extremely difficult to deliver
humanitarian assistance along the China-Myanmar border. Local and international agencies
are trying to coordinate for emergency response and most of the international agencies are
providing support in government controlled areas, mainly around Muse, Lashio, Namtu, Sipaw
Due to the escalation of conflict in Northern Shan State, it is unstable; the situation remains
tense with high risk of transportation. Civilians are deeply concerned about protection; safety
and security as well as their property back home. In addition, IDPs are experiencing hardship
due to the winter season in this hilly region. Given the ground situation, more support is and
will be needed for the affected population in Northern Shan State and along the border areas
on both sides.
The major concerns for the IDPs and the civilians in the region are protection, safety
and security. Sustained humanitarian access and immediate response are critical for
the IDPs and civilians in the conflict-affected area of northern Shan state. Food could be
the main challenge that IDPs will need desperately.
Joint Strategy Team Bridging Rural Integrated Development and Grassroot Empowerment (BRIDGE), Kachin Baptist
Convention (KBC), Kachin Relief and Development Committee (KRDC), Kachin Women Association (KWA), Kachin
Development Group (KDG), Karuna Mission Social Solidarity (KMSS), Metta Development Foundation (Metta), Nyein
(Shalom) Foundation and Wunpawng Ninghtoi (WPN).

Contacts: Gum Sha Awng, (+95 95192913)


The Thanlwin River a victim of misdirected electric power

Submitted by ttwin on Mon, 09/05/2016 - 18:40
The Myanmar government is trying to focus on generating electricity from cost-effective water resources to meet local demand for
The public does not accept the Myitsone dam project as a way to generate hydroelectric power from the Ayeyawady River, nor does it
accept coal-fired power projects. When it comes to gas-fired power projects, gas from the existing projects is not enough for
domestic consumption as it is being excessively produced for export purposes. Besides, natural gas has a high production cost.
The Thanlwin River, also called the Salween River, is set to become the next victim. But the public does not accept this either.
Countries such as China and Thailand in collusion with local crony firms have built the Mine Ton dam, Hutgyi dam and Kung Long
dam on the Thanlwin River. But they face opposition from local organisations as these projects lack transparency, as well as
environmental and social impact assessments.
During a press conference held by the electricity and energy ministry, permanent secretary Htein Lwin tried to elicit public support
for implementing hydro-power projects in Myanmar so as to meet domestic electricity consumption.
There is one question we need to raise in this context. About 90 per cent of electricity generated from those projects will go to China
and Thailand. The ministry must amend these contracts to direct more electric power to Myanmar.
The history of the River Thanlwin
The Thanlwin River runs through Myanmar, China, Tibet and Thailand and creates a basin 271,914 square kilometres in length, on
which about 10 million people rely. Myanmar is not the first country to threaten the Thanwlin with hydro-power projects. China has
35 projects under construction and under consideration. China suspended 13 dam projects in Yunnan that would have generated
21,320 megawatts of electricity in 2004. In 2009, the country announced that the 13 projects would be reduced to four. Tibet has 22
dam projects. Myanmar is expected to build between six and nine dam projects, including Kung Long.
The areas along the Thanlwin River are in an earthquake zone. There are about 657 sites that are likely to cause landslides. If the
dams in China collapsed, the fate of Myanmar located on the lower reaches of the river would be unspeakable. If Myanmar, for its
part, tries to build dams there, who will be responsible? We have to question every government that comes to power every five years.
China controls 53 per cent of the Thanlwin river area, while Myanmar controls 42 per cent and Thailand controls 4 per cent. The
river flows from the Gulf of Martaban to the Bay of Bengal by passing through Shan, Kayah, Kayin and Mon states in Myanmar.
Suppose the dams under construction in China and other ones including Kung Long collapse in a possible earthquake, the fate of
these four states in Myanmar is unimaginable. According to a survey conducted by International Rivers, about 100,000 local
residents have been forced to leave their homes in Shan State, which is being cleared for a dam project. A similar situation might
have happened in Kayin State, says the survey.
Myanmar's dam projects on the Thanlwin River
The 2,820 kilometre long Thanlwin is the 26th longest river in the world. Six dams are proposed to be built in Myanmar. They are the
Kung Long, Nong Pha, Mantaung and Tasan or Mine Ton in Shan State; the Ywathit in Kayah State; and the Hutgyi in Kayin State.
Those six projects are expected to generate 36,902 to 15,070 megawatts of electricity.
Environmentalists, including geologist and parliamentary representative Saw Moe Myint, have pointed out the lack of transparency
in revealing the advantages and disadvantages of these projects to the public, as well as the environmental effects.
Saw Tha Bo from Karen Rivers Watch said the upcoming dam projects on the Thanlwin River in Myanmar will be implemented by
Hanergy Holding Company, Hydrochina Corporation, Chiha Three Corporation, China Datang Overseas Investment and Sinohytro
from China and EGAT International Co Ltd from Thailand. Asia World and IGE Company the Myanmar partners.
The most serious danger
Botany professor Nyo Maung pointed out a case of danger in addition to the Thanlwin dam projects in a book titled Environmental
Conservation Paper-2, published by the National League for Democracy.
The move is about digging a canal through which water from the Thanlwin will be transported to the dams in Thailand. The 88
kilometre long canal will carry water into Moe Lama Laung dam on the Yuam River and then into Bhumibol dam on the Chaophraya.
The water from the Thanlwin will flow to Bhumibol dam at a rate of 3,000 cubic metres per second, which can produce electricity.
The author said the likely impact on areas on the lower reaches of the river is disasterous.
"Transporting water from the Thanlwin to Thailand will affect us alone. There is only 3 per cent fresh water in the world. That

amount comes from glaciers. But we will run out of it due to climate change. So we have to maintain our rivers and creeks. Later on,
the world will face fresh water shortages. The issue of fresh water is prioritised at a national level," said Saw Tha Bo from Karen
Rivers Watch.
In the future, the world will face a scarcity of fresh water. As such, we will supply water through pipes or channels. Then salt water
will enter in Beelugyun. Due to the salt water, we will face difficulty in agriculture, and we will face a shortage of food. Salt water
displaces fresh water. The rural people in 60 villages in Beelugyun and Mawlamyine will encounter shortages of fresh water. Who
will solve this problem? The government will gain the profit from this project. The rural people will suffer the environmental impact
of the project. In this state, if the people move, they will witness economic and social problems. It is a massive problem, he
The Thai news organisation Prachachat said it hopes Hatgyi dam will appear and that Thailand will spend 100 million baht on the
Hatgyi dam and 200 million baht on the Mongton dam.
Shan CSOs organised a press conference on the dams to be constructed on Thanlwin River in Bangkok on August 23. The Chinese
government is planning to build Naungphar dam on Thanlwin River in Shan State, which would generate 1,200 megawatts. This is a
region where the Tatmadaw and ethnic armed groups clash. Ethnic armed groups stationed on the west bank of Thanlwin River, while
Wa territory is located on the east bank.
The statement said that SMEC of Australia is secretly carrying out an EIA for Naungphar dam amid armed conflict. The local people
protested against the plan to build Mongtong dam in Shan State, leading to its suspension.
At the present time, when the people are concentrating on the Myitson project, the government is secretly selling the parts of
Thanlwin River instead. We are very worried about the substitution of the Thanlwin dams for the Myitson dam, activist Sai Khay
Saing said.
Ninety per cent of the total generation of power from these dams will be sold to China and Thailand. As a result, 26 Shan state-based
CSOs sent an open letter to Aung San Suu Kyi, the state counsellor.
Forty-five per cent of power generated by the Mongton dam will be sold to Thailand, while another 45 per cent will be sold to China.
The remaining 10 per cent will be distributed to Bago Region and Shan State, though the breakdown is yet unknown.
The Kyaingtaung hydropower project cannot fully supply power to all the townships in Shan State. By looking this, we do not
believe the dams on the Thanlwin River will supply power to the local people, said Nan Nun Moe representing 26 CSOs in Shan
State that sent an open letter to Aung San Suu Kyi.
The CSSU issued a statement on August 29 saying it will join hands with the people, CSOs and environmental organisations to
protest against the construction of dams on Thanlwin River. The CSSU is comprised of Shan ethnic armed groups and political
The government should consider these six points: the likelihood of earthquakes in the area should be studied; the impact on
environment, social affairs and health should be reviewed; armed conflicts should be assessed after stopping the dam projects;
Thanlwin dam projects should be assessed as to whether they are in conformity with international standards; all the facts about the
Thanlwin dam project should be made known to the public; and development programmes should be implemented.
Thanlwin River is jointly owned by Myanmar and China. China has a plan to carry out 35 hydropower projects. Myanmars power
consumption has risen to 15 per cent. Myanmar will need 4,531 megawatts of power until 2020. Existing power plants can generate
5,235 megawatts of power. The government distributed 2,500 megawatts up to the early part of 2016. Sixty-six per cent of
households in the country cannot access electricity. To fulfil the demand of all households, Myanmar needs to triple its efforts.
The Thanlwin River is owned by Myanmar and China. We need to assess the dam projects to determine whether they are beneficial
to us or not. We are required to consult experts to enable the country to see benefits. Useless projects should be stopped. The Myitson
dam project was suspended because all the people saw it useless for the country, said Dr Min Nyo of Myanmar Renewable Energy

Mon group opposes dam planned for Salween River

By Thu Thu Aung |Thursday, 08 September 2016
Mon activists yesterday attacked dam projects slated for the Salween River, releasing a report
about the potential negative impacts.
Given the recently renewed plans by the Myanmar government and Thai investors to build the
controversial Hatgyi dam, our downstream communities share extreme concerns with all the other
communities along the Salween about the impact of the dam on our livelihood and the
environment, said Mi Ah Chai, one of the lead researchers on the report by the Mon Youth
Progressive Organisation.
The announcement that 1360-megawatt Hatgyi project would be resumed was made on August 12
by Ministry of Electric Power permanent secretary U Htein Lwin.
Potential effects could include altering the rivers flow, increased erosion, destruction of islands,
damage to downstream agriculture, reduction in the fish population, and disastrous earthquakes or
broken dams in this seismically active region, Mi Ah Chai added.
Damming of the Mekong has caused long-lasting damage to the floodplains and aquatic
environments in Vietnam, said Nan Hnin Yee, a leader of a Karenni civil society organisation. The
seven Salween River projects could produce 10,000 megawatts, she said, but added that the
environmental trade-off would be severe.
Strategic environmental assessments cannot guarantee an earthquake will not strike, said Mi Ah
Chai. This is a real possibility given the rivers location along fault lines, she said, urging
government officials not to gamble with peoples lives.
The newly elected government should not repeat the mistakes of the past government by ignoring
the voices of the people, she said.
Locals near the sites of proposed dams in Shan, Kayin, and Kayah states have repeatedly protested
the projects. CSOs from those states have pointed out that 90 percent of the power will go to China
or Thailand, while the dams will threaten food security for millions of people.
The Salween dams will provide no benefit for the local people, and will create irreversible
environmental impacts to downstream ecosystems, the report by the MYPO concluded.
With the future of the controversial Myitsone dam project still in doubt following Foreign Minister
Daw Aung San Suu Kyis visit to China, local residents in Shan State also made clear their position
on similar projects.
Sai Khay Seng, a Shan environmentalist, pointed out that the projects are often proposed in areas
where tensions between the military and armed ethnic groups are high. CSOs demanded that mega
projects be put on hold until a countrywide peace deal is reached.


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foolsl Which is greater: the gold. or

lhe te_mple thar makes the gold
Q Q Then Jesussaid to the crowds
sacred?.18You also say, 'II anyone
and to his disciples: :"The
swears by the altar, it. means nothing:
teachersoi the law and the Pharisees but if.anyone swears by the gift on
sit in Moses'seat.3So
you must obey
he is bound by his oath. tsYou blind
them and do everythin!they tell you.
menl Which is greater: the gift, or the
But do not do what thev do. for thev
altar thar. makes the gift sacred?
do not Dractbe what
2oTherefore, he who swiars by the
rThev tie up heaw loads'and out
altar swears by it and by everythinq
them' on men s shriulders,but rlrev
on it. 3lAnd he who swears bv thi
t h e m s e l v eas r e n o t w i l l i n p t o l i f t i
lemple.sw-earsby ir and by thti one
finger to move them.
who dwells in it. zzAnd he who
s"Everything they do is done for
swears by heaven swears by God's
men ro see:They make their phylacthrone and by the one who si'tson it.
teriesowide and the tasselsof iheir
23"Woe to you, teachers of the law
prayer shawls JonE;st6uu 1ou" ,n"
and Pharisees, you hypocritesl you
placeof honour atlanques and rhe
$ve a tenth oJ your spices-mint, dill
most important seats in the synand cummin. But you have neglected
love greeredin
the more important matters
the market-piaces
and to have men
law-justice, mercv and faithfuln ess.
call them
You should have practised the:latter,
8"But you are not to be called
without negiectini the former. 24You
. 'Rabbi',
for you have onlv one Master
blind gr:,ides! You strain out a gnar
' and you are all brothers.-sAnddo not
out swailow a camel.
call anyone on earth
25"Woe to vou, teaihers of the law
for you
have one Father,and he is in heaven.
and Pharisees. you hypocrites! You
10Norare be called
clean the ourside of thd tup and dish,
for you have one Teacher, the
but inside thev are fuLl of-ereed
Christ.b1lThegreatestamonsvou will
self-indulgenc-e. z68lind
be your servan-t.r2Forwhoeier exalts
First clean the inside of the cup and
himself will be humbled. and
dish, and then the outside als; will
whoever humbles himself wili be
De clean.
27"Woe to you, teachels of the law
13"Woeto vou, teachersof the law
and Pharisees, vou hvpocrites! You
and Pharisees,vou hvpocritesl You
are like whitewashed iombs. which
shur the hnedom of heavenin men s
look beautiful on the outside .but on
faces.You j,ourselvesdo nor enter, the inside are full of dead men's
nor will vou let those enter who are
bones and evervthine
unc]ean. 281n
trylng Io.c
the same way,
tHe outside you
1s"Woe to you, teachers of the law
appear to Deoole as righteous but on
and Pharisees, vou hvoocritesl You
thd, inside',yori are full of hypocrisy
travel over land and-iea to win a
ano wlcKedness.
ze"Woeto you, teachersof ihe iaw
single convert. and when he becomes
one, you malce him twice as much a
and Pharisees.vou hvoociitdbl
-oroohets You

nf l'.1)

r6"Woeto vou, biind zuides!You

say, anyone swearsby-the temple,
it means nothing; but i{ anyone
swearsbl the goid of the templ6.he
is bound by his oath.' I'You blind

build tombs foi the

decoratethe gravesof ihe'righteous.
30Andyou say,'l[ -e had live-din the
davsof our forefathers,
we would not
have taken part with them in shedding the biood of the prophets.3rSo

05 Thal is. boxes containing Scripture verses. which were wom

o10 Or Messioh
and arms


the forehead

lo.',Woelo you.teochers
of theLowondphorisees.
,;::::JlO,"Xt houses
ond for o showmoke len9thvprayers.'fhereforey'ouwill be puntuhed


you restifvaBainstyourselves
are the descendantsof those who
murdered the prophets. 32Fill up,
then, lhe measureof the sin of vour
33"Yousnakes!Youbroodof vioers!
'conHow will vou escape beins
d e m n e dt o ' h e l l ? u T h e r e f o r JI a m
sendinqvou orooheisand wise men
and te;chers.So;1eoI them vou wiil
kill and crucify; othersyou iaill flog
in your synagoguesand pursue lrom
lown to town.35Andso uoon vou will
come all the rishteous blbod ihat has
been shed on earth. from the blood
of rishteous Abel to the blood of
Zechariahson of Berakiah,whom you
murdered benveen the temple ind
the altar.36ltell vou the truth. all this
will comeupon tlis -lerusalem.
37"O Ierusalem.
who kill the oroohers.and .stonethose
sent to you. hor,rioften I have ionged
to gatheryour childrentogether,as a
hei gath6rs her ihicks "under her
wings. but you were not 'rwilling.
ral-o-ok,your- house is left to you
desolate.3eForI tell vou. vou will not
see me asain until iou siv. 'Blessed
is he whd comesin'the nime of the
Signsof the End of the Age
! / Jesusleft the rempleand was
Z.r't walkine awav
when his dis-him
ciDles came ip to
to call his
atiention to its buiidines. 2"Do vou
seeall thesethines?" he-asked-"Iiell
vou the truth. noi one stone here will
be left on another:every one wili be
3As lesus was sittins on the Mount
o[ Olives,the disciolSscame to him
privately. "Tell us,"-the-r,
said, "when
will this haopen. arrd what will be
the sign of 1,bur coming and.of the
end of the aee?"
rfesus ani,vered: 'Watch out that
no-one deceivesyou. sFor many will
comein my name,claiming, am the
Christ.'oand will deceivemanv. 6You
will hear of wars and rumdurs of
wars, but see io it that you are not
alarmed. Such things must happen,

05 Or Messiohialsoin ve


Revelation 1
Johns Vision of Christ
9 I, John, your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are
ours in Jesus, was on the island of Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.
10 On the Lords Day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet,
11 which said: Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus,
Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.
12 I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I saw seven golden
13 and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man, dressed in a robe reaching down to
his feet and with a golden sash around his chest.
14 The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire.
15 His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing
16 In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged
sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.
17 When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said:
Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last.
18 I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys
of death and Hades.
19 Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later.
20 The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands
is this: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven
The Throne in Heaven
Revelation 4
1 After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had
first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, Come up here, and I will show you what must take
place after this. 2 At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with
someone sitting on it. 3 And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow
that shone like an emerald encircled the throne. 4 Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other
thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of
gold on their heads. 5 From the throne came flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder. In
front of the throne, seven lamps were blazing. These are the seven spirits [a] of God. 6 Also in front
of the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal. In the center, around the
throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. 7 The first
living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth
was like a flying eagle. 8 Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes

all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying:
Holy, holy, holy
is the Lord God Almighty,[b]
who was, and is, and is to come.
9 Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who
lives for ever and ever, 10 the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and
worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say:
11 You are worthy, our Lord and God,
to receive glory and honor and power,
for you created all things,
and by your will they were created
and have their being.
Revelation 20:6
6 Blessed and holy is the one who shares in the first resurrection! Over such the second death has
no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him for a thousand
Revelation 21
A New Heaven and a New Earth
1Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth,[a] for the first heaven and the first earth had passed
away, and there was no longer any sea. 2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out
of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud
voice from the throne saying, Look! Gods dwelling place is now among the people, and he will
dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4
He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death[b] or mourning or crying or
pain, for the old order of things has passed away.
Revelation 21:10-27
10 And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great, high mountain, and showed me the holy city
Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God, 11 having the glory of God, its radiance like a
most rare jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal. 12 It had a great, high wall, with twelve gates, and at
the gates twelve angels, and on the gates the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel were
inscribed 13 on the east three gates, on the north three gates, on the south three gates, and on the
west three gates. 14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the twelve
names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
15 And the one who spoke with me had a measuring rod of gold to measure the city and its gates
and walls. 16 The city lies foursquare, its length the same as its width. And he measured the city
with his rod, 12,000 stadia.4 Its length and width and height are equal. 17 He also measured its
wall, 144 cubits5 by jhuman measurement, which is also kan angels measurement. 18 The wall was
built of jasper, while the city was pure gold, like clear glass. 19 The foundations of the wall of the
city were adorned with every kind of jewel. The first was jasper, the second sapphire, the third
agate, the fourth emerald, 20 the fifth onyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth
beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst. 21And the
twelve gates were twelve pearls, each of the gates made of a single pearl, and the street of the city
was pure gold, like transparent glass.

22 And I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb. 23
And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its
lamp is the Lamb. 24 By its light will the nations walk, and the kings of the earth swill bring their
glory into it, 25 and its gates will never be shut by dayand there will be no night there. 26 They
will bring into it the glory and the honor of the nations. 27 But nothing unclean will ever enter it,
nor anyone who does what is detestable or false, but only those who are written in the
Lambs book of life.
Revelation 22
1 Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the
throne of God and of the Lamb 2 down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the
river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the
leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. 3 No longer will there be any curse. The throne
of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. 4 They will see his face,
and his name will be on their foreheads. 5 There will be no more night. They will not need the light
of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever
and ever. 6 The angel said to me, These words are trustworthy and true. The Lord, the God who
inspires the prophets, sent his angel to show his servants the things that must soon take place. 7
Look, I am coming soon! Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy written in this
scroll. 8 I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them,
I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me. 9 But he said to
me, Dont do that! I am a fellow servant with you and with your fellow prophets and with all who
keep the words of this scroll. Worship God! 10 Then he told me, Do not seal up the words of the
prophecy of this scroll, because the time is near. 11 Let the one who does wrong continue to do
wrong; let the vile person continue to be vile; let the one who does right continue to do right; and let
the holy person continue to be holy. 12 Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I
will give to each person according to what they have done. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the
First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. 14 Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they
may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. 15 Outside are the
dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and
everyone who loves and practices falsehood. 16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this
testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.
17 The Spirit and the bride say, Come! And let the one who hears say, Come! Let the one who
is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life. 18 I warn everyone
who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add
to that person the plagues described in this scroll. 19 And if anyone takes words away from this
scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy
City, which are described in this scroll. 20 He who testifies to these things says, Yes, I am coming
soon.Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. 21 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with Gods people. Amen.
New International Version (NIV)

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