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Algumas questes para discusso, antes da leitura do gnero:

1) Como se chama a previso feita de acordo com a hora, data, ms e ano de

nascimento das pessoas?
2) Voc gosta de ler e acredita nestas previses? Comente.
3) H pessoas realmente capazes de fazer previses? Como as chamamos?
4) Alguma previso sobre fatos no mundo j se concretizou?
5) Onde costumamos encontrar previses astrolgicas?
6) Quais so os signos do zodaco?
7) Com qual signo o seu melhor se identifica? Por qu?

Estratgias de leitura para os textos abaixo:

Ao apresentar os textos aos alunos orient-los a:


Proceder uma leitura rpida do texto, considerando alguns elementos como

datas, nomes, ilustrao, palavras conhecidas e/ou palavras similares na lngua
materna, que possam auxiliar na compreenso.


Ler novamente para desenvolver a capacidade de deduo do assunto tentando

descobrir o significado de palavras desconhecidas ou de frases por meio do
contexto .

c) Fazer (em pares) uma lista de palavras e expresses que no conhecem dos
textos, trocar estas listas entre os pares para verificar se sabem o significado e
depois utilizar o dicionrio para pesquisar palavras desconhecidas.

According to 2010 horoscope, the New Year is expected to start with a bang. Gear up
for some major changes in your life this year. This holds true for your reputation, career,
relationships etc. You will have an inclination to chill out frequently. You will have to
make some major decision regarding your career. And if you are in the right job, you will

Although you will have a lot of optimism this year, but your good work may go
unrecognized. Your friends will be around to support you. You will chalk out grand plans
this year. Aim high. You might be in for some surprises towards mid May. This is likely

to continue for the next 3 months.

You will move ahead and choose to let go your past. You will have a feeling of
contentment in the first few months, a behavior which is likely to show up again towards
the year end. Your future plans will surge ahead. Relax luck is on your side this year.

According to 2010 horoscope, you will concentrate on your future and love life this year.
You are aiming high and you need to take some important decisions. You will broaden
your horizon.

Be prepared for some challenges this year. You feel secured both emotionally as well
as financially. It is important to be practical this year as far as your health matter and
work is concerned.

2010 horoscope indicates that your working, personal as well as social relationships will
ease this year. Emphasize on your long term security. This is true particularly for your

Do away with people or things that are of no use any longer. This year may be a turning
point for you. You will be at ease at your place of work.

The New Year promises to be an entertaining one and your confidence will soar. Your
work as well as social life will be positive. Aim high after mid year

You will be emotionally content. Romance is in the air after mid year. Although you will
tend to socialize less, nevertheless, it pays off.

You will be required to take some major decisions as predicted by the 2010 horoscope.
There is little opportunity for getting bored because you will be full of enthusiasm
despite being at crossroads.

You will begin the New Year with a smile. You will aim high. You are in a mood to
nurture your future and work towards it. In fact the focus will be high on that. You are full
of vitality and positive energy.

According to 2010 horoscope your New Year is expected to bring happiness this year.
However, you will be entrusted with greater responsibilities. You will experience good
times starting mid year. Invitation, love and affection highlight the second part of the
Although position of planets influence your destiny to a great extent, but astrology can
act as a guiding path. For instance if it is predicted that you will fare well in exams, it is
necessary for you to study hard and not just leave it at the mercy of the planets.

Caractersticas de cada signo:

Aries (Mar.21 Apr. 20) energetic, creative, independent, assertive ;
Taurus (Apr. 21 May 21) dependable, patient , musical, practical , stubborn;
Gemini (May 22 June 21) adaptable, affectionate, kind, nervous, short attention
Cancer (June 22 July 23) compassionate, sensitive, tenacious, insecure,
Leo (July 24 Aug. 23) warm, humorous, joyful, stubborn, inflexible;
Virgo (Aug. 24 Sep. 23) practical, loyal, hardworking , overly critical, shy;
Libra (Sep. 24 Oct. 23) social, fair-minded , cooperative, attractive, indecisive;
Scorpio (Oct. 24 Nov. 22) passionate , stubborn, resourceful, brave, a true friend ;
Sagittarius (Nov. 23 Dec. 21) - idealistic, generous, impatient, undependable,
honest ;
Capricorn (Dec. 22 Jan. 20) responsible, disciplined, self-controled, unforgiving,
Aquarius (Jan. 21 Feb. 19) possessive, humanitarian, uncompromising, aloof ;
Pisces (Feb. 20 Mar. 20) creative, idealistic, artistic, gentle, fearful, overly trusting;

1) Answer the questions:

2) Who wrote the texts above?
3) Where was it published?
4) Whats the subject texts read?
5) Whats its intention?
6) Do you read or listen to your horoscope? Where ?
7) What kind of people read horoscope?
( ) rich

( ) pour ( ) famous people

) teachers

( ) no one

( ) students ( ) everyone

2) Answer:
1) Whats sign are you?
2) What are the predictions of your sign to 2010?
3) What are the characteristics of your sign? Do you agree with them?
4) According to the text, the position of planets influences your destiny to a great extent.
Search the star corresponding to your sign.
5) What would you like to happen to you this year?

3) Match the columns:

a) Sagittarius

) There is little opportunity for getting bored

b) Cancer

)You feel secured both emotionally as well as financially

c) Capricorn

) Romance is in the air after mid year

d) Leo

) Your friends will be around to support you

e) Taurus

) You are aiming high and you need to take some important

4) Find in the texts positive and negative adjectives and put them in appropriate



5) Give the opposites of the adjectives:

a) honest - ______________________
b) Nervous-______________________
c) Sensitive-_____________________
d) Patient-_______________________
e) Responsible-__________________

Observe these words:

Secure (adj) - security (subst)

emotional (adj) emotionally (adv)

Como voc observou os adjetivos transformaram-se em substantives(nouns) ou advrbios,

mudando de classe gramatical.
6) Releia o texto e complete o quadro abaixo:








Change the adjectives to nouns using the appropriate suffix and translate them:
a) Creative (criativo)________________________ (


b) Honest (honesto) ________________________(

c) Secure ________________________________(

d) Opportune______________________________(

e) Vital___________________________________ (

f) Flexible________________________________ (

g) Loyal__________________________________ (

7) Relacione as palavras:

1- Resourceful

) persistente

2- Stubborn

) extrovertido

3- Kind

) bondoso

4- Tenacious

) caloroso

5- Joyful

) tmido

6- Shy

) alegre

7- Warm

) teimoso

8) Fixao do vocabulrio:
O professor escolhe alguns signos, coloca os nomes em envelopes e divide os alunos
em grupos de quatro. Em seguida cada grupo retira um papel do envelope e comea a
fazer mmica com uma ou mais caratersticas deste signo, enquanto os outros grupos
tentam adivinhar de qual signo se trata. Ganha o grupo com mais acertos.
9) Qual o tempo verbal utilizado em previses? Por qu?

Como voc pode observar o tempo verbal utilizado nos horscopos foi o future
tense porque so aes que vo acontecer.. Ex: You will have to make some major
10) Encontre no primeiro texto, as seguinte frases:
a) Seus amigos estaro por perto para apoi-lo.
b) Voc se sair bem em exames.
c) Voce comear o ano com um sorriso.
d) Se voc estiver na ocupao certa, voc prosperar.
e) Voc ampliar seu horizonte.


1) Write a text about yourself with: name, age, birthday, birthplace, your sign, describing
you using the characteristic of your sign (negative / positive characteristics, color and
planet about it), occupation .

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