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Morgan Anders

Elementary Educator Twitter@MorganAnders1

As a n el eme n tar y
e du cat or, I str on gly b el iev e
in ba lan cin g soci al-


Grade 1 Intern / Chadwick International School

June 2016-Present / Incheon, South Korea

e moti ona l an d aca de mic

e du cat ion . I a im to cr eat e a

cl assr oom com mun it y

wh er e stu d en ts ca n su cce ed

an d fee l sa fe t o fa il.

Ed u cati ng yo un g le ar ne rs
in th e 21



ce nt ur y re qu ir es

te ch no logy to b e p art o f th e
cl assr oom. I be li eve th at it

is my r esp on sib il ity t o t ea ch

d igit al cit izen sh ip and us e

Developed lessons to teach Units of Inquiry aligned with the IB

PYP (Primary Years Program)
Fostered a positive learning environment using the Responsive
Classroom method
Created and facilitated guided writing lessons using the Lucy
Calkins curriculum as a foundation
Facilitated lessons based on Kelsos Choices to bolster student
confidence and problem solving skills
Incorporated technology lessons and projects in a 1:1 iPad
Evaluated student performance through a variety of formal and
informal assessments

te ch no logy to e xte nd

Kindergarten Teacher-Chadwick International Summer Program

le ar ni ng, ra th er t ha n as a

/Chadwick International School

p en a nd pap e r su bst itu te .

June 2016-July2016 / Incheon, South Korea


Elementa ry Tea ching

Credent ial - Te ach Now
Cr ed en ti ali ng Pr ogra m,
Sta te Su pe ri nt en d en t of
Ed u cati on , Wa shi ngt on
D.C, 2015

Facilitated the exploration of water and color through

experiential and play based lessons

Collaborated with specialist teachers to organize a student

performance of The Rainbow Fish

Promoted social emotional learning through Responsive

Classroom techniques

Introduced inquiry as a way of learning to new students and


Kindergarten Intern / Chadwick International School

August 2015-June 2016 / Incheon, South Korea

BA-Po litical Science

Un ive rs ity of Cal ifor nia ,
San ta Ba rb ar a- 2011
San ta Ba rb ar a, CA

Collaborated with co-teacher to plan lessons and share

classroom responsibilities

Differentiated instruction to suit a variety of Guided Reading

leveled groups

Promoted inquiry and creativity through play-based learning

Encouraged autonomy through student choice

Communicated with parents weekly through BAND app.

Facilitated experiential education through weekly outdoor

learning experiences

Morgan Anders

Developm ent

M akin g th e PYP

Elementary Educator

H app en C ate g ory 1

Aug u st 20 1 5 Twitter@MorganAnders1

In qu iry-C ate g ory 3

O ctob er 20 1 5

E AR CO S-Sc affol din g


an d Di ff e re nt iat in g for



F ebr ua ry 2 0 1 6

Kindergarten ESOL Teacher / SLP English Academy

K OR CO S -Re g g io E mi lia

February 2012 August 2015 / Incheon, South Korea

W or kshop
Mar ch 20 1 6

Sym bolic Lea rning in

the Ear ly Yea rs-

Cat egory 3
Sep te mber 2 0 16

M ath e mat ic s an d
I nqui ry

Oct obe r 2016

Facilitated the learning of English using language based lessons

and activities, relying heavily on student participation and
student led discussion.
Lead art, science and physical education classes three to five
times a week
Implemented daily and unit lesson plans for based on the SLP
(Sogang Language Program) Curriculum
Fostered a positive classroom environment conducive to
learning and promoting excellent student engagement.


Extra Curricular



Village School News Club-2015-2017

Co leader of VS News, a student run after school news
rd th
program. Oversaw a group of 3 -5 grade students in
planning, writing, filming, and editing a regularly aired
television news program.
Worked with a variety of cameras, teleprompter, GoPro
cameras, iMovie and Final Cut Pro editing software.
Read-a-Thon-Project Coordinator-April 2016
Organized a school wide Read-a-Thon to raise money for
the non-profit organization Room To Read, which
supports girls education and childrens literacy in Asia
and Africa.
Raised nearly $14,000, enough to build 2 libraries in
rural Vietnam.
Speech and Debate Teacher-September-November 2015
Taught speech and debate to local public high school
students as part of a government sponsored education
program. The class of 20 students met biweekly on
Saturday as an introduction to speech and debate.

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