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Hashmat Arshad

Proposal - Music Magazine

My magazine is an informative yet down to earth magazine belonging to
the R&B and Hip Hop genres entailing all the latest, hottest and up to date
info surrounding your favourite artists.
Genre: my magazine is hybrid genre magazine, hybrid with: R&B and Hip
Hop. This was influenced by my passion for R&B and Hip Hop music,
especially as all the artists that I love come under these genres. After
researching the genres, I realised this fact, this influenced me to make this
hybrid for my magazine.
Style of Production: The style of production has been considered. I
have chosen to have lots of images in my magazine as this will make the
magazine look a lot more appealing and attractive to the audience. It will
also attract more people. Another reason why I have chosen to do this is
because this correlates with modern conventions of magazines; to have
lots of images will make my magazine appear to be a lot more modern
and stylish. It will entice the audience into reading it. I will also have the
images very large, with the main image on the front cover taking up the
whole size of the page again, correlates to modern conventions of
magazines. This will hugely increase the aesthetic appeal of my magazine.
Another aspect of the magazine I have chosen to do, is that the amounts
of text (per paragraph/chunk) will be small and there will be mostly visual
representation rather than text; this is as the audience may find large
amounts of text daunting to read and this could repel them from the
magazine. This is due to the fact that people are generally reluctant to
read large amounts of text. By having small amounts of text and by
having it in small manageable chunks, I hope to encourage and interest
more people in my magazine and to make sure it does not seem daunting
to read. Also, using visual representation mostly in the magazine allows
the reader to more effectively imagine and picture the stories or events
the magazine conjures up (describes).
Purpose and Audience: The purpose of the magazine is to entertain and
to inform its target audience. The Uses and Gratification theory comes
into play here: the theory is an approach to understanding why and how
people actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific needs. This
relates to the purpose of my magazine as people need to be informed,
and that is one of the key attitudes of my magazine (to inform), also
people need to be entertained by a range of texts again relates to
purpose of my magazine. People will read my magazine to be entertained,
to learn and to escape from reality for a while. My primary audience are

Hashmat Arshad

the youth of England, this is as the youth generation mostly listens to and
is interested in the Hip Hop and R&B genres. My secondary audience will
be females and people from African American black backgrounds R&B
being rhythm and blues which comes from African America in the 1950's.
This genre would be something their parents and grandparents would
have listened to and then influenced their children in the same genre.
Reason being for females however is that, R&B artists are mostly male
and these male artists are seen as sexy and they attract large female
audiences and the audience in general for R&B is mostly female than
Justification: My magazine meets the criteria specified by the brief. This
is due to the fact my magazine, all images and text, are completely
original created by me. It is original and unique and in many ways. There
is no other magazine that is similar to it, it is a hybrid of R&B and Hip Hop
which again, demonstrates its originality and the unique qualities of the

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