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Ely Redoble

September 23, 2016

Weekly Reading Report #1
Directions: After reading and annotating, complete the following table and collect it with other weekly reports
to help you develop your findings and prepare for the assessments.
Title: ADHD As A Difference In Cognition, Not A Disorder: Stephen Tonti at TEDxCMU
Author: Stephen Tonti

Pages read: Video

Guiding Question(s): Is ADHD always a bad thing or can it also be a good thing? Are people with ADHD
always distracted?
Summary statements of the authors main ideas

Stephen Tonti is saying that ADHD isnt always necessarily a good thing or a bad thing. Some
people mistake ADHD as some type of order, but it is more like a difference in a person. It is
often times misunderstood for a person not being able to focus, but its not only that. Someone
could be interested in something they liked and they would go full power mode in hyper focus.
People have different views and opinions about ADHD and some kids are treated differently
than others. Some people get lucky and get the love and support they need but others are often
not so lucky and are treated with disrespect and discouragement. We need to be able to find a
new way of approaching a problem and trying to solve ways to interact with those with ADHD.
Embedded quotation (page #)

How does it answer/relate to the Guiding Question?

So I have ADHD and ADHD is

misunderstood as an inability to
focus. But as much stranger than
that its not a lack of focus. Its
that I have a hard time selecting
something and giving it my full
attention (3:43).

ADHD isnt always about distractedness. Its about

how they cant find something that they want to
give their full focus towards and thats what makes
people think they are always distracted.

Something has to grab my

attention, peek my curiosity and
then I can hyper focus. Now this
is a good thing and a bad thing.
Its a bad thing because I have a
hard time completing things that
dont excite me (3:57).

In order for an ADHD person to be focused, they

need to be hyper-focused, and that something
needs to grab their attention so that they can focus
on it and nothing else. It can also be a bad thing
because they dont have the excitement to finish
things they dont want to do, so they wont be in
hyper focused.

But the upside is when

something does peek my
curiosity I become obsessed and
I hyper focus (4:20).

The good thing about ADHD is when something

does interest that person and they become
obsessed and attached to it that they hyper focus
and complete the task that they were given and

I can read a 500 page novel that

I love, much faster than a one
page article I dont care for. Its
easier for me to see the bigger
picture (4:45).

Like for example, if a 500 paged book interested a

person with ADHD person, they would read that
faster than having to read a one paged paper on
something that they werent interested in.

Unfamiliar words



Lacking interest or excitement; dull


The mental action or process of acquiring

knowledge and understanding through thought,
experience, and the sense.


Persuade gradually or by flattery to do something.

Freedom from external control or influence;

Ely Redoble
October 6, 2016
Weekly Reading Report #2
Directions: After reading and annotating, complete the following table and collect it with other weekly reports
to help you develop your findings and prepare for the assessments.
Title: ADHD & Me
Author: Blake E.S. Taylor

Pages read: pgs. 1-19

Guiding Question(s): How hard is it to control someone with ADHD? What do people with ADHD do to help
overcome the fact that ADHD is a disorder? How do other people see and think about people with ADHD?
Summary statements of the authors main ideas

Growing up with ADHD was hard for the author because he was always distracted and couldnt
stay focus on things. Even though they are different, they are still people. Some people,
unfortunately, dont get treated right when having ADHD. One day, he went to school on a test
day without taking his medication and he couldnt focus. All the little things surrounding him
distracted him and every time he would try and finish the test, he would get distracted again.
Thats what living with ADHD is like. They have to struggle every single day, even with
medication; its not a complete cure to ADHD because it isnt long lasting. Although ADHD
causes problems for him, there are ways to help with their inability to focus by changing their
Embedded quotation (page #)

With the help of Gloria and her

bungee cord, I am actually able
to sit still long enough to finish
dinner (2).

First, we need to understand

what makes us different, and
second, we need to realize what
we can do about itand how we
can use ADHDs gifts for a
wonderful advantage! You dont
need to apologize about ADHD;
you just need to learn how to use
it (3).
She studies me. She doesnt
think that Ive paid attention in
class or that I take English
seriously. Actually, even though I
struggle with English literature, I
studied long hours over the
weekend for this test (8).

How does it answer/relate to the Guiding Question?

When youre at a young age, it is hard to control a

kid, especially when they have ADHD. Blake (the
author) has ADHD and when he was younger his
babysitter had to tie him down to a chair to make
him eat his food.
Those who have ADHD should understand what
makes them different from others and to realize
what they could use it as a good thing.

Other people judge those with ADHD just because

its a disorder. They probably think that they cant
do some things just because they have ADHD and
are always distracted. Some people dont know
what people with ADHD go through and although
she doesnt think he has been taking the class
seriously, what she doesnt know was that he had
been studying for a test for hours.

Unfamiliar words



A habitual spasmodic contraction of the muscles


A ski race down a winding course marked by flags

or poles.


Unwilling or unable to believe something

In low spirits from loss of hope or courage
Feeling or characterized by great anger

Ely Redoble
October 13, 2016
Weekly Reading Report #3
Directions: After reading and annotating, complete the following table and collect it with other weekly reports
to help you develop your findings and prepare for the assessments.
Title: ADHD & Me
Author: Blake E.S. Taylor

Pages read: pgs. 21-43

Guiding Question(s): Do people with ADHD think before they act? Do kids with ADHD understand what they
did was wrong and learn from their mistakes? What is one thing that causes complication in their life?
Summary statements of the authors main ideas

Impulsivity is a characteristic that people with ADHD have where they rather think about the joy
of seeing an action without thinking about the consequences. They are not able to think about
what the actions may cause and the consequences following that action. When kids are full of
impulsivity, they never think of what if something might happen. As children grow older, they can
learn from their mistakes and be able to maintain their concentration when something triggers
their impulsivity. Disorganization is another characteristics that ADHD people have. Most people
have a difficult time organizing which leads to untidiness. Being disorganized lead to downfall of
grades and learning the skill of being organization was what was important. Using technology
will help kids with ADHD because they are able to help file and organize appears more
Embedded quotation (page #)

How does it answer/relate to the Guiding Question?

I dont think about how stupid it

is to have a yogurt container
burning on the kitchen table

A person with ADHD doesnt usually think before

they act and they dont realize how careless their
action is. They dont think about the consequences
that may occur from their action.

I begin to realize the

seriousness of what Ive done an
the fact that the authorities will
now know about it also. I have
almost set the house on fire
because of my impulsivity (24).

After the action has been done by a person with

ADHD and not thinking about the effects of their
action, they realize how their impulsivity, their lack
of focus, caused them to create a mess and are
now aware of what they had done and how serious
it was.

After the punishment was

served, however, I would make
another slingshot and continue
shooting pebbles (26).

Kids with ADHD dont learn from their mistakes and

dont stop to think about whats going to happen
before they act on it. They dont think about cause
and effect.

Disorganization is a common
characteristic among people with
ADHD, and Ive struggled with it
my entire life (37).

Being disorganized can cause a problem especially

when you have ADHD because everything wont be
arranged and it will be harder for them. They
usually lose things or they procrastinate and cant
figure out how to do certain things.

Unfamiliar words



High-pitched and piercing


Continuing without pause or interruption


Would or injure (someone) so that part of the body

is permanently damaged

Encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful behavior)
Clever, original, and inventive

Ely Redoble
October 20, 2016
Weekly Reading Report #4
Directions: After reading and annotating, complete the following table and collect it with other weekly reports
to help you develop your findings and prepare for the assessments.
Title: ADHD & Me
Author: Blake E.S. Taylor

Pages read: pgs. 45 - 63

Guiding Question(s): What does being hyperactive mean? How is being hyperactive good and bad? What
are tics, how does it affect people who have tics?
Summary statements of the authors main ideas

Not being able to focus isnt the only problem ADHD people encounter. The total opposite of
distraction, hyperactivity, often occurs to many people. Being hyperactive creates lots of energy
and that energy is put into something. By controlling your hyperactive disorder, you can use it
for good and to be able to get away from trouble. Tics are also another problem ADHD people
can have. Tics can be from out of control spazzes to random screaming. Learning to control and
stop the tics from happening can help you. If you are stressed or nervous, calm yourself and
relax by focusing on something else. Meditating and resting also helps reduce tics and getting
enough sleep and being in nature helps in de-stressing. Although hyperactivity and having tics
can be a bad thing, you can use it for something good and that makes you unique and different
from other people.
Embedded quotation (page #)

How does it answer/relate to the Guiding Question?

If I am curious about a certain

subject, I will put all of my efforts
into understanding it and
pursuing it. This amount of
energy is enormous, hard to
contain, and hard to control (50).

A hyperactive person has a lot of energy inside of

them and they use all that energy to do something
they are curious about without letting anyone get in
their way.

To keep from getting into trouble,

you can either channel it into
something constructive or
unleash it in a controlled
situation (52).
I rushed into doing things
without any self-control and
without considering any of the
consequences of these
experiments, because I wanted
to do them and I wanted to be
busy (51).
Simple tics are sudden,
repetitive, involuntary movements
or sounds (57).

You can make hyperactive into a good thing by

channeling all the energy you have into
accomplishing something. You can also unleash
your energy in a controlled situation and learn to
channel it in a positive direction.
Having hyperactivity make you feel obliged to do
something to stop the energy you have inside you
without thinking about how it might create a mess.

Tics are movements or sounds that will appear at

certain times, especially if your nervous or stressed
out, and then it will disappear.

If tics occur at school, though it

is likely that you could develop a
reputation as being eccentric as I
did when I was presenting the
report about the Romans and
Carthage and as I did before, in
earlier grades (62).
Unfamiliar words

If people dont know that you have ADHD or tics,

they will think that you are weird and have some
sort of problem. You should tell the people around
you about your situation and that can help tics to
stop and to be able to make it easier to control


Irritate intensely; infuriate


Unconventional and slightly strange

Ely Redoble
October 21, 2016
Weekly Reading Report #5
Directions: After reading and annotating, complete the following table and collect it with other weekly reports
to help you develop your findings and prepare for the assessments.
Title: ADHD & Me
Author: Blake E.S. Taylor

Pages read: pgs. 65 92

Guiding Question(s): Is it hard for kids with ADHD to make friends? Is it often for young people with ADHD
to get bullied?
Summary statements of the authors main ideas

Many people with ADHD are insecure about themselves because they are different from other
people. Insecurity affects you and how you interact with society. If you are insecure about
yourself at a young age, it will be a hard time for you to make friends. You have to stop being
afraid of what youre ADHD behaviors may do, but importantly, what you can use to help
yourself. Because its hard for kids with ADHD to make friends, you need to learn how to make
friends and to be well liked by others. Bullies are also encountered when you are a young age
and you also seem different from others. Try to outsmart the bully to solve your problems and
understand that bullies are usually people who are insecure or jealous of you. Using different
strategies to help with your bullying problem can benefit you.
Embedded quotation (page #)

How does it answer/relate to the Guiding Question?

I was so happy to have found

one good friend. And I invested
all of my time and energy in him.
Having one friend was an
accomplishment for an ADHD kid
like me (67).

Finding friends and being able to have a

relationship with them is hard for kids with ADHD.
Because of all the problems they face, they are
judged as weird and their behaviors could perceive
them as strange. Because other people regarded
him as different just because he had ADHD, it was
hard for him to make friends at a young age.

I want to show Aki that I am

smart and creative and therefore
worthy of his friendship (68).

The author, Blake, needed to prove to his friend

that he was worthy of his friendship and that he
didnt want to lose it. Because its hard for kids with
ADHD to make friends, he was lucky enough to
make one good friend but it all came to an end
when his friend realized how different and weird he
was and Blake proving he was a good friend made
him worse and clingy.

Phillip had insulted me because

of my ADHD, but in the end, hes
been forced to respect me
ADHD and all (85).

Many young kids get bullied when they are younger

especially kids with ADHD are almost always
bullied for acting differently. Because Blake had tics
and he would randomly spaz, he was easily made
fun of for his difference.

Unfamiliar words



A street or passage closed at one end


Too long, slow, or dull: tiresome or monotonous


Talk intimately and cozily; gossip


Great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or

an objective


Any class or group of people who inherit exclusive

privileges or are perceived as socially distinct

Ely Redoble
November 4, 2016
Weekly Reading Report #6
Directions: After reading and annotating, complete the following table and collect it with other weekly reports
to help you develop your findings and prepare for the assessments.
Title: ADHD & Me
Author: Blake E.S. Taylor

Pages read: pgs. 93 - 117

Guiding Question(s): How does someone with ADHD feel about themselves, especially knowing that they
have ADHD? How do they feel about other people? How does having ADHD affect you, mainly when you are
a child?
Summary statements of the authors main ideas

People with ADHD are self-conscious about themselves, especially when they are young. They
dont want to be rejected or made fun of it they joined the crowd. They are shy, afraid, anxious,
and uncomfortable around people. Because some people have ADHD, they feel they are not
normal because they were diagnosed with this disorder. Because most kids with excluded for
how they acted, they were never optimistic about making friends because they knew that
eventually they would turn away from them. Because as a young child you cant decipher
whether or not a kid has ADHD because of how they act, they assume you are acting that way
because you are just a child. People will assume you are different and misunderstand you. You
need to be able to inform your school so that they are aware of your ADHD and a few simple
changes in your environment can help a lot.
Embedded quotation (page #)

How does it answer/relate to the Guiding Question?

Im afraid that I wont be

accepted for who I am. Being
afraid of not being accepted
keeps me from going out there to
begin with. Im afraid that if one
of my ADHD behaviors come out,
then everyone on the dance floor
will label me as eccentric or
bizarre. In effect, I isolate myself
preemptively (97-98).

Kids with ADHD are insecure about themselves

and are unconfident. They worry about how other
people view them so they isolate themselves so
they wont get judged. Because having ADHD has
side effects, they worry that they wont get
accepted into society. They dont want other people
to think of them as different.

I am being exposed, humiliated,

and picked apart by my
classmates. How could I trust
them to become my friends, only
to be rejected because of my
ADHD habits and behaviors?

Because Blake had a friend who abandoned him

because of his ADHD problems, kids with ADHD
have a hard time making and trusting friends.
Because they get bullied on how they act, they
dont want to get rejected by friends they make.

The loud, sharp noises hurt my

ears, unlike any other childs in
the classroom. The other children
either ignore the noises or dont
hear the shrieks. I cannot simply
ignore the noises; they are like
needles piercing my eardrums,

Having ADHD affects your way of thinking

especially when there are distractions everywhere
you are. They are sensitive to loud noises and they
are not able to concentrate well.

and they keep me from

concentrating or thinking clearly
Unfamiliar words



Examine or inspect closely and thoroughly.


Strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling



Exclude (someone) from a society or group.

Able to be scaled or climbed.

Ely Redoble
November 11, 2016
Weekly Reading Report #7
Directions: After reading and annotating, complete the following table and collect it with other weekly reports
to help you develop your findings and prepare for the assessments.
Title: ADHD & Me
Author: Blake E.S. Taylor

Pages read: pgs. 119-137

Guiding Question(s): Do most people think that ADHD is an actual brain disease? Why/why not? Are kids
with ADHD mostly blamed for trouble they never did? How does being rigid affect a person living with ADHD?
Summary statements of the authors main ideas

Although kids with ADHD tend to be impulsive or hyperactive, its not always there fault when
something goes wrong. Many people dont actually believe that ADHD is an actual disorder that
many people have to deal with. Many people with ADHD are unjustly accused and have to live
with the fact that because they are ADHD, the blame will go on them. Being rigid is also a part
of having ADHD. You resist trying anything new and they dont like to change their daily routine.
They dont want to risk anything bad happening when they make a change but sometimes when
they do change, they can possible enjoy it.
Embedded quotation (page #)

How does it answer/relate to the Guiding Question?

It doesnt matter that my mother

has met with Mrs. Perril to
discuss my ADHD and the
methods used to control it. She
seems to dismiss the condition
as an excuse for my bad
behavior (120).

Some adult and even teachers dont believe that

ADHD is a real disorder. They believe that it is just
an excuse to get out of something when something
goes wrong. Even though a parent has talked to
the teacher about this real, severe problem, they
still dont understand that ADHD can cause things
and its not always there fault.

Unlike the pen throwing, when I

was guilty of creating an incident,
the bathroom mess was not my
doing. I am enraged because its
clear that she blames me any
times something goes wrong

Because some adults think that ADHD is a way to

get out of something, they are always quick to
blame those who have ADHD whenever something
bad ever happened. They would assume that they
were the cause of the trouble even though they
never witnessed it or had any proof.

Surprisingly, the elliptical has a

built-in television, and as I watch
a program about the Antarctic,
my dislike for exercising begins
to decrease (133).
I apply force to the bar, and as I
life It halfway, I feel a flood of
exuberance. I suddenly realize at
this point that my stubbornness
about exercise has been perhaps
unfounded (134).

Working out while something is distracting you,

such as TV, can help you do something, such as
working out, and also be interested in it by having
fun. Because there was a built-in television in the
elliptical, he enjoyed working out more and started
to put it in his daily routine.
When you try new things, you feel excited and
possibly happy. When you dont want to try new
things, you will miss out on all the great stuff you
never experienced.

Unfamiliar words



(of a person) fat.


A strong dislike or disinclination


Scold or rebuke


(of speech or writing) using or involving ellipsis,

especially so as to be difficult to understand


not able to be changed or adapted.

Ely Redoble
November 18, 2016
Weekly Reading Report #8
Directions: After reading and annotating, complete the following table and collect it with other weekly reports
to help you develop your findings and prepare for the assessments.
Title: ADHD & Me
Author: Blake E.S. Taylor

Pages read: pgs. 139-159

Guiding Question(s): As kids with ADHD grow up, do they tend to learn from their mistakes or still act like a
child? Why do they think that being disobedient is okay? Are people with ADHD faced with discrimination?
Summary statements of the authors main ideas

Most people with ADHD usually dont listen or follow directions because they think that they can
do what they want to do and that the rules dont apply to them. Because you can trust yourself,
you tend not to let others tell you what to do and to believe that other people are wrong and try
to control the situation. They believe that they can do whatever they wrong as long as they think
it is right, even if its not. People with ADHD are also discriminated by others. You wouldnt think
that because a kid has ADHD, that they would be faced with discrimination, but they actually do.
They get treated unjustly especially because they act a certain different way and that they are
Embedded quotation (page #)

How does it answer/relate to the Guiding Question?

As we mini-tack up the inlet, I

regret not following the rules of
the sailing school, for I am rapidly
losing Wills trust (146).

Kids with ADHD tend not to listen when something

is told to them. Blake had disobeyed the rules and
the led to trouble and getting stuck in a situation
where they couldve died. You dont need to show
off something just to gain a persons trust. Putting
that person in danger in doing so will make you
lose the other persons trust.

It is the fear of the unknown that

motivates me to take charge

When something is not done their way, they feel

like it wont turn out like they wanted it to be or it
will turn out badly. Because of this fear, they tend
not to trust others as much and to try and control
whats going on.

I believe I was rejected from this

school because of the tics
associated with my ADHD. I had
been honest about the fact that I
had ADHD and the steps I have
taken to manage it, but it
obviously wasnt enough (157).
Unfamiliar words


Blake believes that because he acted a certain

way, a different way caused by ADHD symptoms
tics that he wasnt able to get into the school.
That would be considered prejudice against
another person because you arent respecting the
other person who acted differently. Just because he
acted a certain way, you shouldnt be quick to judge
other people.

A portion of territory within or surrounded by a

larger territory whose inhabitants are culturally or
ethnically distinct.


Self-assertive in a rude, noisy, or overbearing way


Lacking distinctive or interesting features or



Ely Redoble

Clean out the bed of (a harbor, river, or other area

of water) by scooping out mud, weeds, and rubbish
with a dredge.

November 22, 2016

Weekly Reading Report #9
Directions: After reading and annotating, complete the following table and collect it with other weekly reports
to help you develop your findings and prepare for the assessments.
Title: ADHD & Me
Author: Blake E.S. Taylor

Pages read: pgs. 161-173

Guiding Question(s): When people start to change physically and mentally-, especially those with ADHD,
what happens to them? Is ADHD a good or bad thing? Is ADHD real?
Summary statements of the authors main ideas

Change is in your hands and you can make that decision by yourself. Blake created a
revolution where he began to change many aspects about himself. From the change, he was
able to do more, and the more he did, the more confident he became from the positive
responses. Change, especially one with ADHD, can be hard on people. If change turns out to
be a good thing, people can become very happy with their selves and you are able to have a lot
of control over your life. Many people do not believe that ADHD is a condition that exists but
rather ADHD was a way to make up excuses for a childs behavior. ADHD is in fact a real thing
and there are issues that come with it. Because people think differently about those who have
ADHD, those who have ADHD feel insecure. ADHD is just a way of saying someone is different
and that their brain works differently from others. . ADHD can be a great thing if you apply it
correctly because it was a gift.
Embedded quotation (page #)

How does it answer/relate to the Guiding Question?

I am terrified-I have had the

same haircut since I was two
years of age, and am not, for
anything, willing to try a new style
thirteen years later, now that Im
fifteen (162).

Because Blake was so used to his old self, he

didnt want to change anything about him and risk
something bad will happen in the change. He didnt
want others to think badly of him if he changed so
he liked staying the same. But as he got the
haircut, he started to change himself and became
confident in change.

Just think, my mother says,

when you are able to control
your Ferrari engine. Imagine the
possibilities. Imagine what you
will be able to accomplish with
this gift (168).
Unfamiliar words


His mother told him that having ADHD was a gift

and that in order to accomplish something great
with it, he needed to learn how to control it and he
will be able to do anything possible, even
something extraordinary that average people dont

Anxious or fearful that something bad or

unpleasant will happen.
Become evident to the mind; be perceived or
Permissive, merciful, or tolerant

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