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Pul6n Books

In thc Old World. the lvd of the Four Kinsdons is ove.. but
the.e is slill much to be done. Some of the evil Beneralsand
then minionsescaped
and havcsone to eround in the wilderness
bcyond Calmt.ria, the areaknown as the Badlands.
Onc above
all has eluded all cf(ofts to tra.k hin down and bdng him to
justice Kard Ctuul, the terfying lnquhitor General, was
thoaghl dcad Howevcr,thk was mcrely a Nsc to allow hlm to
Now Gruul has reappearcdand is hidina out $mewhere in the
lawlc$ city of BlackhavenSomeoneis needed to lind his
md bdns him to justice soneoncadeptat more
than just swordplay,someonewith e inquisilivemind and a
nose for dangc. In rhort, a Bounty Hmtcr - a Bounty Huter
like YOU.
Th pcrilswhich await you are many and deadly;this time,even
yout skilh may not overcode them Gruul is evrl beyond
(omprchensiorl dd he lviil not aive up without a fiSht to the
death Is you. w reallyovcr- orhas it onlyjust besun?
Two dice, a pencil and an e'ase! arc all you need to embark
upon yoD. most challen8ingadvntue yet, which .omes cor
plete with its own elaboratecombatsysteh and a rore shet to
Many spinechillingdanserslie aheadsd you. success
is by no
meanscertain.HornFyingcnemisare ranSedaAainstyou and
it's up to YOU to ddde which route to follow. which danseE
to risk and
foes to ffsht

FighlinI Fnatas! Ct n ebaoks

Stevlackson and Ian Livinsstone


by Stephen Hand

by Mnrtin McKenna

B. Ad!4d r+n'ins rmb6y syde6

mAN neryhd8
Bib'y worrd

Pufffn Books

For PeterCushins.whoscdranaLjcexploitsconvincedone
and crumbln8
louDg boythal vampifes.iDsanemonsLers
Cothicruins resilydo exisrifyou wanLLhemro


Pnbhhedby rhePhguin Goup
Peneu,nBooksLd, l7 Wdet6 Lane.Lo on Wi 5Tz, Englnd
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T*tcopyflshl O SrcphcnHrnd 1992
r ru(rarionsopy.shr io Mrd in McKcnm, r 992
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A nsh^ r${ven
Thdmonl righrof rherurhor hri ben Assre
Prored'n Englandbi Cl!ys Lrd, sr tvesptc
I'tmset'nMoDor oloPrl,lino
Erccpr rheunrLedsuLesofAmlricx, rhtrbook tr \old strhl4l
i shrn n.r bj wi!olradeororbesae,bet.d.
r sord,hiu otrr,ororhesxecuctrlrr.d *i{hou|hc pubtisbers
pro, c.nscnrin any fom ofbind'n
shich it rpubl'shed,nd w Lhourrsinilrr6nddron rnclLdiigLhi!
condnionbdne,npofd on Lheruhs



Exploring the Lacynthian Caves, striking beyond Or'

chelm enemyJines, rcdiscovering the lorSotten
Temple of Daemos, defying the monstrous Vampire
Lords of Vannan most adventurerswould be proud
to have oI these feals, but you have
done them ali and many more besides \4&at is more,
all these death-defying exploils were accomplishedas
part of your apprenliceshiplFor you have joined fhe
few whose very lives are a byword for danger, you
have become a Bounty HunterAs a Bounty Huntea you are a grm, experiencedand
feariesssurvivor who lives off the rewards offered by
lhe civilized nations of the Old World for ihe caplure
of wanted criminals.Unlike most of your sorl, who are
mlhless, money-grubbing scum, you don't waste your
time anesLing petty thives, however You strive for
the relum of justice to the Old World, you look Lo
hunl down the handful of arch-vrllarnswho you know
are behind the many foul wars arrd cruel mrshaps that
have reccnlly threatenedto bring your natrve land of
Callantaria to her knees You will not rest until you
have uncovered and arested each and every one of
theseevil fiends
Before embarking on your latest and most hazardous
missio& you must work out your own strengths and
weaknesses,r:se the AduentureSheeLon pa3es fi-ag

to recordyour aftributescorer as well as all the obher

detailsof your adveniure Sinceyou are unlikcly to
succeedat the first attempL,it would be sensibleto
make copresof the ,41aentureSheetlor later forays into
this adventure As wcll as a copy of the Adoenlwe
Shcet,you will also nced fwo dice, a pencil and an

LlrcK score indrcateshow lucky you are In all these

cases,thehigheryour scor,the better!
Duringyour adventureyou willoften encounLe,
crealureswhich will attack you; on other occasrons,

Skill, Stamina and Luck

Roll one die.Add 6 fo fhe nturberrolledand enferthe
fotalin the sKrLLbox onthe AdoenLure
Roll two dice Add rz to the nurnberrolled and enter
the Lotalin the sraMrNAbox.
Roll one die, add 6 and enter the total in the LUc(
These are the Inilial scoresfor your three main al
tributes For reasonsLhatwill be explainedbel,ow,all
these scoreswill changeduring the adventure You
must keep an accuraterecord of them, and for ths
reasonyou are advisedto write smallin fhe boxesor
to keepan eraserhandy.But neverrub ouLyour lnlfial
scoresAlthoughyou may be awardedadditionalsKrLL,
stevrr.r and LUc( poinfs, their tofals may never
exceedtheir Initial scores,excepton some very rare
when lhe text specifically
tellsyou so.
Your sxtrr score reflecLsyour expertisein combal
your dexterity and your agilrty.Your srewrve score
reflectshow healthy and physicallyfit you are.Your

casesyou will have to resolve baftles as described

You will be told your opponent's
sxrlr and srevrN,t
scoresjn the paragraphwhereyou first meethim, her
or it; enler thesedetailsin the 6rst vacantEncounter
Box on your AdomtureStreei.
You shouldalsomakea
note of any speciaiabilitiesor instructionswhich are
uniqueto thaf particularopponent.Then follow thrs
r Roll both dice for your opponent.Add ih sKrLL
scoreto the total rolled,to find its Atfack Strengih.
: Roll both drcefor yourself,then add your cunenr
sKrLLscoreto find your Attack Strength.
I If your Attack Strength is higher th-anyour oppo
nent's,you have woundedit, proceedto step 4 If

AttackRoundfrom Stepr, above.

4. You have wounded your opponent: subtract 2

poinls liom its suvtre score.You may use LucK
here to do additlonaldamageto it (see below)
Now proceedto step6.
Ji. Your opponenthaswoundedyou: subtract2 points
Fom your srevrre scor-You may use LUCKhere
to mnimize the amount of sr^MrN^ Iost (see
6 Beginthe next Aitack Round,slartingagainat step
1. This sequence
continuesunhl the srAMrNAscore
of eitheryou or your opponentreaches
meansdeath.If your opponentdres,you are ftee to
continue wrth your adventure.If you die, your
quesfhas endedand you must sLartLheadventure
all over agan by rolling the dice to createa new
characterFighting More Than One Opponent

separateattack on you in the courseof eachALtack

]our enemy's,you will be woundedin the normalway.

.{t various fimes dr,rringyoLrr adventure,either in
or when you ffnd yourselfin anothersituation
:r'hen you could be either Lucky or Unlucky (such
aredetatledin the paragraphs
!-oumay use LUCKto makethe oufcomemore favourable.But bewarelUsing LUCKjs a risky business
rou are Unlucky,the resultscouldbe drsasrrous.

In somesituationsyou may 6nd yourself{acingmore

than one enemy.Sometrmes
you will treat them as a
sinSleopponent;at olher times you will be able to
fight each in Lum; and sometimesyou will have to
fight them all at the samtimeJIf they are treatedas a
single opponent, the combat is resolved normally.
When you are instructedto 6ght severalcratures
at a time, the combat rs again resolvednormally exceptthat, once you defealone opponent,the next
slepsForwardto Fightyoul

The procedure, called Testingyaur Lurk, wotks i^ the

:ollowing way roll two dice.If the numberrolled is
equal to or less than your curcnt LUCKscore,you
:ravebeenLuckyand the resultwill be in your favour.
-: the numberrolled is higher Lhanyour currenrrucr
<ore,you havebeenUnluckyand will be penalized

When you 6nd yourselfunderattackfrom more than

one adversaryat the same time, each will make a

:ich time you Testyour Luck,you must subtractr


point from yo r curenl lucK score.Thus you will

soon comeLoralize!hat, the more you rely on your
LUcK,the morerisky lhis procedurewill become
UsingL ck in Battles
In certainparagraphsyou will be told to Tesfvour
lrcf,, and yor.rwill then find out the consequences
being Lucky or Unlucky.
alwayshave the option of usingyour LUCK,eitherto
inf,rctSreaterdamageon an opponentyou havejust
wourded or to miiimize th ffectsof a wound you
havejust received
Ii you havejusl woundedan opponent,you may lpsl
your Luckas describedabove.If you are Lucky, you
have inflicieda severewound; deduct 2 extra points
from your opponent'ssraMINA scor-If you are
Unlucky,however,your blow merely scratches
opponent;deductonly r pornt from your opponent's
sraMINA(i-e.,insteadof inflrctingLhenormal2 poinLs
of damage,you may now scoreonly r).
!\rheneveryou yourselfare woundedin combat,you
rlay Testyour Luckto try io minimizethe woLrnd.If
you are Lucky,your opponent'sblow only grazesyou;
deductonly 1 point from your STAMINAIf you are
Unlucky,your wound is a seriousone and you must
deductr extra sr^MrN^ point (i-e.,deducta total ot l
pointsfrom your own srAMrNA).
yoLrmusl subLraclr point from yoLrrrucr
scorecach time you Tesfyour L.rct, whetheryou are
or not

More About Your Attributes

Your sxrLl score will not
'kiLlchangemuch during the
course of your adventure Occasionally a paragraph
may give instructionsto increaseor decreaseyour
sKrLLscore,but it may not exceedits lnifial value
unlessyou arespecrhcally
instructedto ihe contrary If
with your barehands
rthat is to say, you do not have a weapon to ffght
rvith), you musf Lemporanlysubtract r from your
sxrrr-scorefor the durahonof fhe combat.
Al various times during your adventureyou will be
tald to TesL
your Skill The procedurefor this is exactly
the sameas that for Tcsting
your Lurk Roll two dice,if
the numberrolled is equalto or lessthanyoul curent
sKILLscore/you have succeeded
in your test and the
resultwill to in your favour;if the numberrolled is
higherlhan your currenl sKrLLscore,you have failed
lhe test and will have io suffer fhe consequences
However,unlike Tesfingyour t,/ct, do not subhact 1
point lrom your sKrLLeachtime you are told Lo lest
Your srrvrrr score will changea lot during your will drop as a result of woundsgained
fhroughcombat,or by fallingfoul of trapsand pitfalls,
andit will alsodrop afteryou performany particularly
arduoustask.If your srAMrNAscoreever fallsLozero,
'.ou have been kiiled and must start again Brave

adventurerswho wish to pursuetheir questmust roll

up a new characfer
and startall overagain.
You canresLorelost srAMrN,{by eatingmeals,known
as Provisions You starl the game with Provisions
quivalentto 5 meals,and you will be given the
opportrmiLylo obtain more during your adventure.
You must keep track of hoyr'many meals'wodh of
Provisionsyou haveleft by filling in the detailsin the
Provisionsbox of yotn AdoenLurc
Sre?f.Each time
you eat a meal you may resforeup to 4 points of
sr^MrN^, but you must rememberto deduct r meal
hom your Provrsronsbox You may stop and eat
Provisionsat any time exceptwhen you are engaged
in a battle



Addrtionsto your LUCKscormay be awardedin the
adventurewhen you have been particularlylucky or
createdyour own lu& by some acLion.Details are
given, where appropriate,rn the paragraphsof the
book Rememberthal, as with sKrLLand srAMrN ,
your LUCKscormay neverexceedits InitiaLvalte unlessyou arespeciEcally
told that it can.
Special Skills
Over the years,you haveacquireda numberof Special
Skills which have served you Lime and again on
your many bounty hunting ventures Choose/or.rr
from the following list and mark them in the Special
Skillsbox on your AdumlureSfieet.The SpecialSkills

You have a remarkablesense of

balance,coupled r4,ith fhe ability
Lo attempt a variety of physical
feats which most people would find
You are able to climb wrth easeup
almost any surface,even those which
offer you only the sLghtestof hand
You are a masterrn the art of manto'man combat Ii ever you are iold
to frght more than one opponentar
the sametime,you may strikebackal
eachone of Lhem,woundingall oppo
nentswhoseAttack Shengthis lower
Thrs skill calls for fast thinking, a
modicumof actingability,and the gift
of being able lo keepa straightface
while tellingthe mostouLrageous
If it is possiblefor you to get what
you want out of a situationthrough
You have the talenl io alter your
so radicallythat you may
sekto passalmostanywhereurnoticed Obviously,ihelongeryouspend
on preparingyour disguiseand the
morematerialsyou have lo hand,the
more effectiveyour disguisewill be;
you shouldremembethowevet that
maskonly your appeamnce.

There'shardly a lock made that can

keepyou out - and all you need to
openone is the smallhookedpieceof
metal which you carry,concealedon
your penon,af all times
SLi1hfafHand Your nimblefrngersare adeptin the
art of lrickery,and your joints car b
popped at the mere flexing of a
iendon You can make small obiects
seemlo apPearand disappearbefore
a Person'svery eyes;You can Plan!
iiems on that Pe6on or simPly Pick
that person's Pockets AnoLher lnvaluableaspect of this skill lies in
using it to extricale yourself from
bondsor Loslip throuShthe thinnest
of gaps.
If you so choose,you can hide from
others or use your incredibly light
tread to 8e[ pasl thern,unheardand
unseenThough haPPiestwhen there
are plenty of hiding placesaroundor
you calt
during lhe hoursof darkness,
alwaysmakethe bestuseof whatever
cover rs availablewhen trying to
Equallyas good in fhe city as n the
wilds, you are ableto follow humanoid or beasl anywhere- Provided
your prey has left a trail for You fo
follow. How well you are able to
pick up the lrail dePendson where


the trail is, what it is, and how

old it is. All the same,you have
often used this skill to spectacular
you will be asked
.\t varioustimesin your advenLure,
llhether or noL you possessa certain SpecialSkill
lncludrngConbat).If you do, you will b given the
option [o use it, and you should then follow the
you may find that
a paragraphlists more lhan one SpecialSloll;even if
',ou haveall the skils listed,you may useonly one of

. sedto travellingli8hl, you sel out on your missron
;!ith a minimum of equipment- though you will
:Lnost certainly find other useful items during th
juest You carry a sword of finest steel and wear
.;mple,but durable,clothing,not for you the ctrmberYour
'ome leather armour so beloved of amaLeursl
:oncealedpurseholds someCold Preces- to find out
row many, roll two dice and add rz fo lhe lolal
:olled Finally,you havea backpackwhichyou canuse
:o carryany rtemsyou comeacrossand may want io
,reep (enter them, along with your sword, in the
:quipment box of your AdoentureSfieel).Any Gold
?recesyou acquireare kept in your purseand should
:p enteredin the Gold Piecesbox of your AdoenLure



hr response[o an urgent m$sage, it has Lakenyou just
three days to reach the delta where Lhe lands of
Briceand MauristatiameeL- threedaysto
rcach that lawlessand unruly part o{ Gallantariacommonly known as the Badlands.At the heart of this
nolorious region standing on the Border River, is the
prawling city of Blackhaven,a place so dangerous
Uratth City Guardshave Lo go aroundin groupsof
ten.Yet it is to lhis city's solitary,beleaguered
post lhat you have beensurnnoned.
h is the dead of night, and no one seesyou as you slip
in through a secret door in a side wall of the small
stone keep. Inside, you are met by Guard Marshal
Bennet,who quietly leadsyou up a spiralstaircase
inlo his candlelit room. There, lhe aged Marshal
ryastes no tim in explaining why you have been
s.mmoned: The War of the Four Kingdoms - Galhntaria, Femphrey,Brice and the Northlards - almost
tore the Old World apart, but lhe four sides hrned
away lrom the abyss and made a fragile peacewhich
has lasted up to the present day. Yet this peace is
constaatly being eroded by the many agents of Chaos
who seek to aggravate old rivalries. The Old World
on never know hue peace until its barbaric past is
Gnallylaid to rest.'He pausesto sit down at his desk
then adds,'High in the Brician ranks was Karam Gruul
- the Inquisitor General.'

You cannothelp but shudderin fear and loathinSat

th merementionof thisname
'Gnrul,'Bennetcontinues,'wasswift in urging Briceto
war, and his was the guiding inlellecl and Lhedark
magics which lay behind many of Brice's mrlitary
It was he who preparedthe murderousfiretrapsalong Brice'sborders;he who had thousandsof
war p sonersdragged,screaming,into hrs Tower of
lnquisition,whrehonific deedswere perpetrafed;
who tortured and killed peacefulBricianswith hjs
"traitor'hunts";he who assassinated
his fellow gcnerals
when they spokeout againsfhim; and,finally,it was
he who remainedurseenand unlcrownwhilc his men
died on foreign soil. Not for nothing was Gruul
nicknamed"the Handof Death".
'When peacefinally came,a conditionof fhe armistice
was that Cruul shouldbe made to shandtrial for his
crimesagainsthrrmanity.But thewamongerinSBncian
king clarmedthat Gruulhad died in the LastBatllcand
that hjs body was buL one of thousandsploughed
underthe earth.Moreoveathe king deniedany knowledge of Gruul's atrocitiesand he ordered that all
mentionof Gruulbe erasedfrom his country'shistories
and monuments.Most believedthat Gruul - whose
facewas known to so very few - had not died;and so
beganthe Creat Manhunt.But no sign of Gruul was
foLrndjiL was as if he had never existed.His damned
Tower of Inquisitronwas razedto the ground,but the
villain himselfescapedus Sincefheo a constantvigil
has been maintainedfor signs of Gruul's inevitable
retum And now, at the cost of many gallantlives,we

:ave at lasLoblainednewsas to his wheraboutsl

Cruulis in Blackhaven,
and his presence
:reanlhat he is planningsomethingterrible,someplot
-.nportanLenough Lo make him risk exposureafter
;ears of hiding. Howevet we don't know exactly
"here he is, or in what guise;only that he is here.We
,jarenol use the City Cuardsor any other band of
::len to fetch him; Gruul would soon learn of their
:oming and would go into hiding once more. But if
:omeoneworked alone- someoneh,ith slea-lth,
the equalof Cruul's,someone
nho could move efficientlyand quitly through the
:eadly streetsof Blackhaven- then we just mighl
-::lch him You are lhat sorneone.Frnd Cruul for us
nd takehim to faceiusticeat fhe Hrgh Court in Royal
-endle,capital of Callantaria-lf you do, the reward
-:ou havebeenlisteningto Bennet'swords wrth rising
:assion, and now you feel compelledto internrpt:
Saveyour gold! For years I have been looking for
archfiend. in lhe servrceof Chaos;six are now
-ren bars;but Gruul,the seventhard most evil, has
rrvays eludedme. No, seeingGruul madeto account
:or his r,rrongdoingswill be reward enough.r{rrl . . . I
a personaldebt to setLlel'
lum to paragraphr.


Bennetsighswith relief and thanls you before continuing: 'Thereare rumoursthat Blackhaven
is in Lhegrip
of a secretsocietycalledthe Cabalof the Werewoll
AII we know aboubthis oreanizationis thar rcsmembersare saidto bear"the Werewolfs Mark', and that
rt is supposed[o have connectionsraith a powerful
cliqueof Briciannobleswho are hell-benton startinga
secondWar of the Four KinSdoms If this is kue, then
Karam Gruul must have dealingswith fhe Cabal.
Word has reachedm that an inmate of Craven
Asylum,Matra Ouspnskaya,
rs claimingthat shewas
a member- but is now a victim - of the Cabal This
couldbe the breakwe seelqyou mustgo and question
her to 6nd out if there is any lrulh in her wild ravings.
Next, it is said that Cabalmembersmeet in a docHands
tavem,theLastOctopus,whichyou shouldalsoinvestigate FinalLy,it mighl be worth your while to visit
SilasEntador,a usefulwretchwho is one of our paid
informersand who lives in Malt Lane If Gruul fias
madecontactwith this Cabal- or, indeed,with any
part of Blackhaven'sunderworld - then Entador will
The Marshal stands up behind his deslc Though
mysticshieldshide our walls from scryingeyes,I fear
thaLone o[ my oi{n men may be a trailor, so only I
and the Ruling Council in Royal Lendle,to whom
Cruul must be taken,know of your mission In my
drawer I have some gold to cover your expenset and
a letter of Introduction to CravenAsy-'
A stifled cry escapesthe old mar's lips as he falls

forward on to the desk, a dagger protruding from his
back! The knife can only have been thrown through
fhe tall, open window behjnd Bennet'schair, a window
which is twelve mkes above ihe ground Will yoLl
try lo help Bennet (turn to r2), go round the desk lo
his drawer so that you may takc the gold ard the
letter (furn to 3l), or rush over to the window (lum lo

lour tensevigil is a brief one, the momenLConrad's
read risesabovethe floor of the loff, you thrustyour
r,eapon towards his face But he reachesout with
:nazing swiftness,seizesthe pole in one hand and
lraps it like a twigl His otherhandholdsthe machete.
nc ManiacCuard
: ,vouwrn,lum to 2gJ

The addle brained beggar snatchesLhecoin from your

hand (cross the CoLd Piece ofl your AdaentureSheef),
and babbles in gratitude, Yeah, I seen'em, I did A
boat wiv lots o'people. Orcs and pointy-ears,unloadin'
fings A tall, fin bloke in a cloff mask told'em what to
do Said some6nkabout the river bein'is'ighway, and
aboul 'ow rhe Bents are ired a Bounty Lrnle.. F
laughs Says lhe 'unler's been laken care of. Then 'e
drops a bottle an' gets upset. They searched,but no
us'causeit fellnearme an'I took it.Ignored me, they
did. Fink I'm stupid, but I got ther bottle, didn'l I?
You car 'ave il ier five shinies.'
If you wish to buy the bottle, cross 5 Gold Piecesoff
yoLlr AduenLureSresl and turn io 2oj lf you can't or
won't pay the beSgar tum to 44.

: -shingyourselfto the limit, you sooncometo within

l. arm'slength of the fleeingfigure but what is he
SpecialSkill, turn to
-- to? If you have the CombaL
: i fi if not, tum to 236

Do you havethe Disgri# SpecialSkilhIf you do, turn

to z9r; but if you do not, tum to ,39.

You watchas the water ses,cenLimefre
by centimetre.
on the back.You turn
and see that iL is one of the bodies, floating in the
water! You yourself are now chest deep in the murky
stuff,yet the flood showsno sign of abating.Will you
continueto waiL (Lurnto r7o), climb up the rungs
(turn Lor4o) or reachfor the bam(turn to l9r)?
ftared by the fight, the other inmates huddle together
at Lhefar end of the vault all, that is, exceptfor one
man who stepsforward and gives you a locket The
locket contarnstwo miniaLureporLraits:one of the
man, looking handsomeand splendid,and the other of
a beautiful woman. The man speak with surprising
clarity, 'Please,
6nd my lady and give her this locket.
You promiseto do as the man asks,then hurry out of
the room (add Lhe Inmate's Locket to yotll AdDenturc
Sfieef).It occursto you that you could free the inmates
by leavingthis door open If you wish to do so,note
that you have freed the inmateson your Adoenture
Sfieef,then retum to the hall and pick a door you
haven't already tried. Will you enter Nosh (tum to
275),Big Trubbull(fum to 287),Fat Maggots (turn to
rr7) or Wipefeet(tum to ttP
You were advsed to carry out your investigations
stealthily,but you havechosento disregardthaLadvice

:nd in doing so have incurred the full wrath of your
ornnipoten!foe When you reach the Last Octopus,
rou 6nd theJaiHulud,KaramGruuls sorcerer-a.\aqsins.
raaitingfor you. They easilyoverpoweryou" and soon
irere is no sign of either them or you on the wharf.

ihere are only a few more steps to go before you
the top floor- If you have the SnaalSpecialSkill
..on to ,94. [f you do not, Testyour Luck. lf yolu are
-.:rcky,hrm to 596; if you are Unlucky, hxr to 46

-ilre Cross Keys area of Blackhavenis also known as

ie 'squareof delightd, for it is richly pop'iated with
iubious placesof 'entertainment'None of thesedens
ot vrce is more disreputablethan GustavHollmarn's
Gramberof Horrors, an ever popularwaxworks de
-.oted to the rnacabrc.According LoVan Heldenghast,
:rcst of Hollrnann's exhibits are simple models; but
ft, the Angevin Shroud, is the Ward you seek.At
5esent, the entranceto the Chamberof Honors is
:unrnedwith eager siShtseers,
all fighting to get in
irough the double doors at the sameLime If you
rish fo use lhis confusion to try and sneak into the
eaxworks without paying, tum to l4r. If you would
=ther wait your tum in the queue,cross3 Gold Pieces
a& yotjJ tuluentureSheetand turn to rro, Bubif you
gone off the ideaof entringthis ghoulishplace,
-ave Hour andrefurnto zoo.

I4 _ I'

ale is the most disgustingdrink you have
ever tasted,but you gulp it down - and fall unconsciouslWhen you wake up on the tavem floor some
time latct you can seno sign of the two of them
Nor do you see any sign of your belongings- the
rogueshavetakenthe lot! The other drunkardsin the
tavern lar.rghat your plight and throw you out on to
the street If you have the T/"8 SpecialSkill, lurn
to 8t; if you do noL,crosseoerythinSofI youtrAdDenlurc
add r Hour andretum to 2oo.

Bennetis alreadyb"yond t"lp, not only is lhe knifewound deep, it is also dripping with poisonl The
dislinctive knife itself, however, offers you a valuable
clue in that rt can only have come from the forge of
Alcham Lugosh- a local armourerrenownedfor the
he bnngsto vrle and unusualweaponry.
Sadly,thisprofessionhasmadeLugosha rich man.If, in
future,you are gJvena chancefo callon LugoshaLhis
you may do so by Lumrngto 64
forge in Priesfsgate,
(makea note of fhis paragraphnumberon your Adoenture Sheet).Now, will you examine Berme(s &awer
(tum to r49) or go over to the window (turn to 8oF
'The Shocker?'Evron grunts. 'What's there to say?
Nobody knows who or what it js, but it's clajmed
eight peoplewithin just lwo weeks.The most rcent
was a few hours ago Fozen with fear like the rest ot
'em.Worst thing ir it's affectingmy frade.'Her hade!

k that all she cares about? If you wish to continue

retum lo ,8? and chooseanother
]our conversation,
topic Buf if you have had enough of Lhis selfish
you may join in the gamblinggam,
i you haven'i tried your luck already(tum to 7o), or
go and sfandby yourself(turn to 36r).
You call across bo the bruLish Provosts: Come, my
iriends,takeyour handsoff that wretchedunforhmate,
ard let us do business.'
The Man'Orcsarenot amused,
bul the beggarnodsin gratitudeand nips off down an
-l{otcha want, gimp?' snarlsone of the hooded rogues.
You choosenot to minr- words and offer the Provosls
gold lf they will bum a blind eye to the Ballowsfor
iust a moment,Make a note of the total numberof
Cold Piecesyou wish to pay lhe Man-Orcs,then turn
to ti

Ralizingthat you are hopelesslyoutclassedyou tum

-r'our back on the glearning killer. But the Obisian
Predatoris too fast and lashesout with its jagged
rrrrst blades,Roll one die and deducl the number
rolled from your srAMrNA-Despitefhe pain of your
rvounds,you car4/on ruming, only to seethe creature
drop to the ground in front of you - it has jumped
over your headl Confident of making its kill, the
hunter reachesout for you. TesIyour you are
Lucky, tum to r1t; if you are Unlucky, tuln to rE2.


Thunderrumblesominouslyas Conrad pitchesover

the edge of the loft and fals to his dealh on the mill
rvorkings,below. Then one, two, threebolts of Light'
ning crash through lhe roof of the mill and strike
Zaar'sbody, causingit to glow and then ... to riselln
completesilence,Conrad dimbs to his feel dons an
armouredface-plate,then reachesfor a machete-Then
'ust as silently,he comesclimbingup the ladderto the
:oft afler you! His slow, precisemovementsindicate
rernficstrength.No longer is he simply ConradZaar;
row, he is Conrad,the ManiacCuardlYou try to push
:he ladderaway from the loft, but il is fixed firmly in
,lace Will youl
Try to think of anotherway
to defeathim?

Turn to 3to
Tum to 165
Turn to 3o8

The momentyou touch the door handle,the squealmg noise stops But, undetrre4 you open the door
dnd step into a small dark room. Something cunches
underyour foot; you look down and discover that the
door is littred with the skeletonsof ratsl Suddenly
Cresqueakingbeginsagain.You strain Lo seewhere
il is coming from, but your ears tell you that it is
coming from above your head Tesf your Luck If
are Lucky,tum to 45. If yol-rare Unlucky,tum to



You drag the Troll jnto the alley and changernto his
stinking outsize uniform, stuf{ing your own clothes
into your ba&pack This done you approachthe door
of the asylum and are admitted by another Troll
'Cettamove on, scum!'he growls.Yoo're latel'Saying
nothing, you pass through into the grim dungeon
corridors,Soonyou cometo a hall off which leadfive
doors,On eachof thesedoorsis a crudesign pamted
by an Orcish hand Which door will you open,
Big Laffs?
Big Trubbull?
Fat Mgots?

Turn to 22o
Tum to 27t
Turn to 2E7
Turnto rr7
Tum to t8

.r comesas no surpriseLoleam lhat Gruul is at Hope's
md, for it is there thaLthe few brokenwalls,all that
rmains of his Tower of lnquisition,stand- the viilain
:i5 retumed to [he sceneof his greatestinfamieslWhy
:e should do so, however, is another matter HoDe's
5d is little more than a rocky desertscarredwith
:ools o{ steamingbrown sludge, and Gallantarian
Jawn breaks,and you are less than a kilometre away
:om lhe ruin when you hearlhe rumblingsoundof at
basta hundredhorsesskirtinga hill behindyou. Will
;.ou dive for cover in one of the sludgepits (tum to
164),run up the hillsideand hide behind somerocks
i.rn to 2rt), or wait by the roadside(tum to zEo[

:r.rthope that the end comessoon.


Fogwalkerspour into the squareand shambletowards

you Quickly you grab a flaminglog and wave it at
the mindlesscreatures,
bul their plague-ravaged
not boLheredby the firel You must make a dash ior
safety before you are completely surrounded.Roll one
die to seehow many Fogwalkersstandin your way.
As the oeaturesare stragglingalong your route,you
must fight them one al a time.EachFogwalkerhasfhe
followins altributes:




After you defeafa Fogwalker,roll one die If yoLrroll

a 6, you catch the plague and die horribly. If you
surviveall your opponents,you may makefor ei
the bell tower (tum to 397), the door with the red
cross (turn to 48), the door with the rose,shaped
handle(tum to rj8), or lhe door beneathbhewooden
sign(tum to 286)

Blackhavenshall know my wrath . . beginning with

YOUI' The Demothraxplainlyintendsto crushfhe life
out of you. If you have the Acrobatics
l\n to 122.lf you do not, you may eifhersfandand
fight (tum to 66), try to use the chain to bind Argolit
oncemore(tum to 2j4) or tum andfle(tum to 8r).


The Last Octopus standsin the heart of Blackhaven's

a sprawlof wharfsand warehouses
rvilh merchants,sailors,travellers,beggars,sots and
:hieves!Boats of all kinds are moored up on the
Borderfuver,which itseifis impressiveto the eye,yet
:epellent to Lhenose! You have heard that the docks
are currentlybeing tenodzed by an mlnown 6end,
ricknamedthe Shocker,who frightensviclimsto death
reforeescapinginLothe night. And now you aralone
. in the fiends domain. - - at ni8ht. IL comesas no
surpise then, when you feel someonetap you on fhe
shoulder,that you should racl a little hastily. But
-rour 'fiend' is only a pathetic beggar.'Cive us a
shiny,'she drawls, 'an' 1'll tell yer wot I seen lasL
righf.' If you give the beggara Cold Piece,lum fo 2.
:i you refuse,tum to 44
Undeadoncemore, the Vampirereachesout lowards
iou with his taloned hands his is a cenluries-old
:hirst which he rnastslalel But you are too quick for
iim; yo'-rqur.kly takeoul your SilverCrossand useit



to repel him Milescu recoils wfth a feral snarl. Your

puny symbol may prevent my powers of bewitchnent,
but I am no petty vampireto be thwartedat the sjght
ol a sweetheart'sjewelleryt' Then he atta&s, driven by
hic need for fresh blood, which i' rtronger than any
fearof the Crose.



The Provosts are not impressed In a matter of fact
mamer they unlook the cudgels from their belts and
siand ready to cmck your skull open. You must fight
them both at the sametime.

5TA M I N A 1 5


If you win and have a stake,tum to 3j2; if you win

but do not havea stake,turn to jr2.


Justas the sword sphereis aboutto glow oncemore,
you smashit to smithereens.
Then" if you haven't
already done so, you do the sameto the lock crystal.
The door to the disusedtemple swings open there is
no evil here any more.Restorer rucr point. If you
wish to searchthe temple, now that it is safe,tum to
rz5. If not, yor.rhad betterretum to the LastOctopr_rs:
if the word 'Cainam' is written o your Adoenture
sfteef,turn to 2tr, otherwise,tum to 277.

I[ you win, turn to rro



Huge chunks of masonry crash down on your head

You do not get up again.
andlgloc-kyou senseless.
Not wishing to give HoBg fhe wrong imprcssion,you
tell him, slowly and distinclly,that you wouldn't hust
him as far as you can spitl He'll get bhe money alter
the job is done,and not a penny before 'I'm gravely
hurt by yer lack of faith in MisberKilmamey,'Hogg
replies,'but a deal'sa deal.We'll go do the necessary,
thenmeet you ouLside[he graveyardin half an hour'
You agree,fhen hr-rry out of the Three BrokenFingers,
surprisedto 6nd yourselfstill in good healbh.
You reach the tall gates of Meinster Cemetery w h
minutesto spare.If you wish, and only if you have the
proper costume and Special Skill, you may use the
time to disguise yourself as a Vampire; tum to ,64
Otherwise,tum to J8.


finally reachHope'sEnd, you can seeno
sign of the Cabal,but you do see somethrngelse,
rvhich shocksyou lo the core: Zombie slavesare
everywherehard at work in their Laskof rebuilding
the Tower of Inquisrfion!And some of the Zombies
rvearGallantarianunrforms. . ,
To reachthe loathsomeediffce,you will have to cross
half a kilometreo[ desertwhrchis swarmingnot only
wilh Zombiesbut alsowith Orcsh overseers,
iheir whips with relish.That said,the piain is brokn
by lines of trenchesand by work posts which may
offer you some shelter.If you wrsh,and orly if you
have the proper costume and SpecralSkill, you may
disguiseyourself as an Orc rogue (turn to 149) Otherwise,if you have the Dqrisa SpecialShll, tum to z9t;
if you have the SneakSpecialSkill. tum to t9; if you
haveneithet Lumto r j3.

Cruul tries to kill you wifh the Ethereal
Projector,but you pushhim asideand hlm Lhedevice
on rhe C-abalMost of your enemiesperish beneath
the deadly rays, but some flee, leaving the way clear
for you to drag Gruul out to a small courtyard. There,
you fie him over the back of a horse, then ride at full
speedacrossthe dsert. Zombie slavesand Cabal
membersare everywhere,but they ar in disarray and
cando nolhing to prvenlyour escape.
As you ride, you tell Gruul just who you are:'l first


cam here as a prisonet-ofwar, BecauseI was an
offfcer in the Gallantarian army, you tumed me into
somekind of nocturnalcreaturewith strangepowers.
But I had no will of my own and you forced me to
behay my comrades.
I founda curefor my oooy soon
after the war ended,but I still haven'tfounda curefor
my niShtmares.'
'So. A Moonrunner,eh?'Gruul purrs.He closeshis
eyes and you start to feel a hftle dizzy If the word
'Rennur'is written on your AdDenfure
Sheef,tltrrl to
r47 If it js not, roll two dice and add the numbers
rolled [ogether If the total is less than or equal to
your cudent sraMrNAscore,tum lo 169 lf the lolal is
higherlhanyour cunentsrAMrNAscor,tum to r47

The rnomentyou takehold of lhe mask,it changes
into an exact copy of your own facel Its eyes open
and fix vou to lhe spot, while its mouth utte'; a
'Bellhegor'sGift ls Lhesecond
lifei Belthegor'sCurse is Lhe second death.' Then
Feelingweak and weary (deduct: poinLsfrom your
srAMlN^),you wale up nearNewhamMarket,where
your rovinSgazeis met by fhe sunkeneyesof a pale,
skelelalwretchwho looksmore deadthan alive.Then
you realizethat you are acfuallyIookingat a reflection
of yourselfin a windowl This is Belthego/s Curse.Not
only do you look Iikedeath,you arealsocompelledto
seekit. Wheneveryou meet the option to fight,.you

mljt TeslVoutLuck If you are Lucky,you may choose

your action as normal. If you are Unlucky, you mr.rst
fight.Now add5 Hoursandretum [o 2oo.
The CorpseMaster brandisheshis notchedblade rn
sickly triumph.'\{hom serve,prying eye?'he gratcs,
the evil in his voice matchedonly by the chaosof
the music.You will needyour wits about you if you
are to survive this terrifying encounter.Will you
The City Guard?
The Cabalof theWerewolf?

Tum to z2t
Tumto r3t
Tum to z7r


To reach the desk drawer, you must first move

Bennet'sslurnpedbody out of the way. But this
unpleasanttask is the leastof your the
drawer is a lockedKharianpuzzle-drawer
which will
open only when pressureis appliedto a precisepoint
on its plain wooden surface.Do you have the locl<
PictingSpecialSkill?If you do, tum to r89, otherwise,
Iurnro 55.
You shrugwearily and admit that, ys, you are tired
of ir-rtilelystrugglingagainstsuperiorodds, and thal
you wouid do anythingfor sucha generoussum as
that now being offered While you are speaking the
his hand still exlended;when



you finish, he replies,'Good.Now let us seal your

Will you lake
allegiancewith a fratemalhandshake.'
lhe masked man's hand (tum to rEj) or pohtely
decline(tum to 2joI

A suddenmysLicfog sendsyou into a dep slep

When you wake up, you 6nd yourself lying rn a
coffinlike cage. Two removablepanels,one above
your kneesand the other below your nech divide the
cagento threesections.'Ab awalceat last You have
beenbroughthereby my Magus,Radu.'You look up
into the face of KaramGruull He nods to a hooded
fi8ur at his side then continues,'Connectedto the
foot of the cage is a box holding six starvinSrabs.
When I open the cage,lhe rats will rush i& eagerto
devour your flesh If I removethe two panelsinside
the cage the rats will feedon your stomach,and then
your face Now talkl'
Will you surrenderlo Cruul's evil devices(tum to
234),or tell him that you'd ratherdie (turn LorrE)?
Crabbrings a bell and warh in beahficsilencefor a
human warden who blngs in two servingsof fhick
sfew You tuck into the stew
Lrntrlyou nolice that
Crabb isn't eaLing 'Yes,' he conhmrs,'I've porsoned
you.' A twistedg n streLches
acrosshis thrn Lps 'l'm
only following orde$,
understand- Dotlors
ordersrHee, Hee, heeeeee!'
you to your doom.

You show th greedy ruffians lhe colour of your

money, but have you offeredthem enough?If there
arefoufteenor moreGold Piecesn your hand,hrm to
129,anythingless,tum to 26

prove to be lrue to their word:
The bodysnatchers
they appeat som time laLer,bearingspadesHogg
greetsyou, then leadsyou through the Sloomy cemelery to an unmarkedgrave,'Yer skull is hiddenin a
tomb, buill, so legend has it, by an ancientwarrior
who retums every hundredyears Th door to the
tomb lies beneaththis mound but I wam yer, we'll
not go down therewith yer We've heardsomefeartul
noisescomin'from that place'
They set to work and soon di8 quite a Sood'sized
hole.'Gahl'panhHogg.'l can't80 any further'Me
sinewsare bulSin' with exertion.We need rest, but
lhere'llbe no delayif yer helpus out' If you pick up a
spade,tum to 98; but if yor.rare contentto wait unhl
they get theirshengthback,turn to zoz

Besidesthe mill workrngs,the hay and the farming
:ools(includingan axe,which you may takeiI yor-:do
rot already have a weapon),you find a meal of
Provisionsand a curiousprinied leaflet,bolh of which
-rou take.You may study the leafletnow, or at any
:ime in the future,by looking at the pictwe opposite
:his paragraph.Everyone in Blackhavenhas seensimriarly crypticleaflets,issuedby the EtemalFraternityof
ihe Rosy Chalice,postedall over th city, but I1oone
the Fratemrtyifself,leadingsome
to believe thaf the whole affair is a hoax. What
concemsyou, though,s the leaflt'smntion of the
LastOctopus.Could this Fralernitybe linkedin some
rvay fo the Cabalof the Werewoll?The portcullisstill
barsthe exit, so will you go down into the cellar(tum
io ,E9) or up to the loft (tum to 2orl
It semsthat every lime the sword glows orange
you have to sulfer the agoniesof a maSicalaltack,so
you decidelo pul lhe thing out of actiononceand for
all But when you hit the swor{ the shield crysfal
glows brighter and your attack bounces off the polishedorb to no avail In response,the sword glows
orange- lose 2 srAMrNApoints.Which orb will yorj
hit out at next: the lock (tum to 106) or the shield
(tum to ,66P

Your prey is clearly skilled in the art of evasion, but

you are moneso, and soon you have the cuffing devil

under constanLsurveillancWill you call oui to thc
to stop hjm from going any further (tum to
216),rush forwa.d and attackhim (turn to 5) or kecp
your distance,rn the hope of following him lo his
ultimatedestination(turn to r9t)?

The sharp talons are but centimetrsfrom your face
whcn they turn sharply away You heavea sigh of
relief and wipe the sweat off your brow. However,
your ordcalis not over yet. Baphetusesits claws to
rake its own chest.The foul llesh erupts in lines of
weepingwourds which drip a fetid liquid The Imperalor stepsforward.a goldenchalicecuppedrn her
hands.Sheu.e. lhe.eceptacle
to co'lectsomeof Lhe
gurgling ichor,Lhenoffersif to you. 'Drink!' Will you
do as shecommands(turn to 6j), or follow the dictate
of your senses
andrefuse(turn to jrj)?

The ruthlessmanhuntergives no quarter,lt knocks
iou on to your backand swingsits Lwrnbladesat
iour throat DeaLhseemsbut a momentaway when a
:ok of lightning shooLsdown from the heavensand
rlaststhe ObrsianPredatorinto fferyoblivron.So high
:bove Lheground,lhe melal skinnedbeastmakesthe
rerfecl lighfning,conductor
I The gods are smiling on
point for this good
:orLuneNow, if you haven'tbeenthere already,you
:nay go to the Shrine of Belthegor(turn to 248);
add3 Hoursand reium to 2oo.

Cerlcha!'thc womansnarls,her mood takinga sudden
:urn for thc worse.Tink I'm scum,do yer?'she spits,
:ren staggersdrur*cnly away You makefor the Last
Jcfopus, which you realizcmusLbe somcwherenear
r] lndedit is, buf at this ungodlyhour ii is also
:losed If you are given the chance,you zruyrerurnr<r
:he lavern later,even though you may not normally
:evisifa locationyou havcalreadybeenLo

Suddenlya chilLngscreamshatfe$ the stillnessof the
nighf. The be8sarwoman!You run back along the
wharf,to find that shehasbecomefhe latestvictim of
the ShockerlHer hair is grey and her body is frozenin
a gnp of terror You tum and catchsighl oi someihing
fleeingdown an alleywayaheadof you. It you wish to
give chase,turn to 357. If you are dauntedby lhe
prospectof lackling the Shockeralone,you had best
leavc and contjnr.:eyour mariunl at either Craven
Asylum (turn lo ,93), Malt Lane (turn lo 2o7) or, if
you havereasonto go lhere,at PrjesLsgate
or Weathern Mi .

you staggs up the stairs,lurchover to
Entador'sroom and stumblein throughthe door tum
io 87.
\4inuteslater,a coupleof Troll wardensare strolling
along lhe corridorwhen one of them trips over your
body It is only when they both stop laughingthat
they pick you up and carry you off lo the asylum's
laboralory,where ... No, it is best if we simply say
thatyour guestendshere.

A large bat is hovering over you! If sdeeches,then
spits out a trickle of stamingblood, which drips
down towards your face. You manage to dodge the
blood but you seethat the bat itself is flying towards
the open door. Will you attackthe bat beforeit goes
iree(turn fo 347)or lei it be (turn lo 2jt)?
The top step creaksbeneathyour Lread,activatinga
most heinousdevice.A needleon the end of a coiled
metal tube shootsup througha hole in the stp,jabs
you in fhe neckand injectsyou with a mind numbing
fluid.You pull the needleout, but lhe ljquid is already
coursinglike ice through your veins The fluid rs the
resultof somedire alchemy,and it erasesparLof your
mind Crossone SpecialSkill of your choiceoft your
AdoentureSheef- you may no longer use it. As the

Traditronally,a red crossis painLedon doors to warn
folk againstenteringhousesinfectdwjth the plague
You 80 inLo the huL, and soon you Gnd yourself
gasprngfor air- Your skin enrpts in boils and your
eyes roll as you drift into the painful delirium of

':our fight over, you take a moment to .. waiL
airat's thal hissingsound?You look at your feet and
r:e honified to seeshardsof glassscatteredabouton
re ground The Slassphial holding Baron Mrlescu's
:lood has accidentallybeen brokenduring the batlle
-,forse, the blood of you and your opponent has
:rixed with the Baron's poyrdery remains, imbuing
:rem with lifel Mrst folds upon mist as the vapours
'.riftly rnerge and solidify into the form of Baron
VampireLord of Vannan!If you havea Silver
'iross,turn to z4 if you do nol, tum lo 116.
Cursethe skulllYou leaveLhewretchedthing in your
..ackand clamberup on the base of lhe guillotin
{owever, no soonerdo your feet leave the ground
lan the skull cries out. 'The skoudl The shroudl'
-learinglhis, the doormanhurriesover to seewhat is
goingon Willyou try to rejoin the party,so that you
:nay offer to buy the shroudfrom Hollmann(tum to
-8), or flee the placebeforethe doonnancatchessight
ci you? If you wish to leaveat once,and the word
Cainam'is wriften on yoJJ Adoefllwesleef, turn to
z9t; if rt is not, add 1 Hour andreLumto 2oo

ne phantomprowls backand forth acrossthe stage,

:onsideringyour words. 'Gruul warmbody also.Lies
Jawn vamty inside Gruul must mn red by full moon.
iorpse Mastergravelongue.'

You cannotbelieveyour luck: the CorpseMaster has
swom an oath to deskoy Karam Gruul! Restore 1
LUCKpoint for your masterfuldeceit,and wribedown
the word 'Esproc'on yolr AduenlureSleef You look
back to the phantom,but he is gone,and in his place
rs a greatfirel You hurry out of the hall,pastan oifice
rn whrchyou observea rtoodenstrongbox.Disregarding the raSing fire, will you sfop to take a look at the
strongbox (tum to 84), or keep on running for the exrt
(tum to 3ErF
Conrad lies beaten- but ior how long? Fearingthe
worst, you bind him wiLh some heavy chainswhich
you find in fhe fallenhut. then pushhim over into the
Border River The Maniac Guard hibsthe water with a
loud splash,then sinks down to the murky depths
below. No bubblesrise to the surface.Could Conrad
Zaarfinallybe at rest?

standingin Dexter Street,some two kilomehes away!
\'fawn Pretoragus
hasdeniedyou enhryto his sanctum.
Add 3 Hoursandreturnto zoo
The sorcererassassincrashesto the gro nd with a
:,iercing scream Desperatefor clues, yo sarch
:hrough his robes and find a small Trephen Jewel and
r map-You may use the magicjewel any numter of
iimesby Teshn8yourLarf, If you are Lucky,you may
restore2 pointsto your sravn,r.e;if you are Unlucky,
the lewel disappears
and you must crossit off your
.\rluenlureSheel.You may use the TrephenJewelat
any time exceptduringa battle
The map is of the Blackhaven
area You seethat the
llark of thc Werewolf has been drawn over Lhe
villageof Penklrull,along wilh the wordsr'The Secret
Chicfs' lt is to Penkhull,then,ihat you shallgo Turn
to 369

You resumeyour vr'aLchover the Last OcLopus,and

nighl descends.
A distantbell tolls eleven,but you still
haven'tseen . Mwderl Murderl HeLplThe Shockerl Pushand prod you
may, the drawersimplywill not
Murder!' The shouts come from some mm who must
open.If you wish to use your sword to try and break
be in one of the nearbystreets.If you wish to go and it operr turn
to ,r9. If you would rather let the
see what has happened,tum to E6 If you wouLo houblesome
thing be, you may either go and help
rathercontinueyour waLchon ihe tavern,turn fo 2j3,
Bennet(turn lo 12)or makefor the openwindow (turn
to 80).

Jusl when you begin to think that you are wasting
your time, the quivering door swings open of iLs own
and 6nd yourself
accord.You step warily forward

The door opensrnto a smallroom, full of decomposing
bodies:skeletons,that look as if they've been down

t7-t E


here for hundredsof years Fortunately, you are spared

the slench from them by an air-shaft whrch mns up
liom the ceiling Suddenly, the door slamsshul behind
you You lry lo open if, bul it is locked Satrsfiedthat
you have seen enough of this dreadful place,you pick
the lock a second time and leave. If yolr haven't done
so already, will you now lry lhe east door (lum to
r4r) or the wesl door (tum to r7)?
By the time you reach Blackhaven'sdocklards, the sun
is rising ovr lhe easlernhorizon, and the place is alive
wrth merchanls,sailors and ne'er do wells going aboul
their business.Yt al night lhese same wharfs and
warehousesare shunned,for fear of meetrng the infa'
mous Shocker
an unknown fiend who frightens
vrctrms to death before vanishing rnto fhe darkness.
It's been a long nighl for you, but maybe you'll get
some well earned rest in the Last Oclopus If any of
the words 'Darnoc', 'Kehsil', 'Relsam' or 'Rotkod' are
writfen on your , drdrLureSheet,cornt the number of
words noted and if you have;
None of the words?
One or lwo of lhe words?
Three or four of the words?

in gilt pamt. You open Lhe door and step into a

luxuriousoffrcelA foppishman,sitting behinda desk,
looksup al you. If you aredisglrisedas a warder!turn
lo lr8) if you arenol, tu.n to J48.
Despitethe availablecovet reachingthe Lowerunno
ticedwill be a challengeevenfor you; fhe sun is high
and Zombre slavesare all over the piace Still, you
m$t try Testyout Luct If you are Lucky,tum to ro3,
rf you areUnlucky,turn to r53

Turn to ,99
Turn to 141
Tum lo 8

You passlhroughthe door marked 'Wipefeet' and
enter a long corridorwhich ends in lwo separate
doors No one is aboul, so you walk up to the first
door on which lhe legend 'Dcputy Director' rs written

you are not aboutto 1el
the blackguardescapeyoul Sword drawl you hurry
forward rnto the fumes. T6f Vour Luck. If yorr arc
Lucky,turn to r43; if you areUnlucky,ti]m to 20


.AnyoneentedngLheThreeBrokenFingershad better
watch his or her back ht, thanks to Van Heldenghast,
enLeryou must: The most powertul Ward is the Skull
of Mora Tao- I lcrow very little about the skull only
that it is buriedsomewherein MeinslerCemelery.Go
io the Three Brolen Fingers and seek out Kilmamey
and Hogg. These two body-snatchers
are the mosl
untrustworthypeopleyou are ever likely to meet,but
only lhey know how to find the skull'
Once inside the rancid hovel, you approacha rolyooly little manstandingby the baa and you askhirn if
ie can poinf oul the grave-robbers.
he gasps, if Im not that very Mister Hogg yer be
after! An' this.' he nods to a veritable scarecrowat his
side, 'is my businesspa*ner, Mister Kilmamey-' You
tell Hogg why you wish to hire them both- V{hen you
tinis\ he repties,1t's most kind of yer to t'ink of
employin'two lowly vagrants,but as yer undertakin'
rsa moslperilousone,we'll haveto beg the outrageous
fee of three shiniesper head.JusLto show yr it's
nol'in' personal,yer can have me pinLof Stadman's
DarkHorse' He Lhrustsa flagonof scummyaleunder
your nose.\r'Villyou drink the brew (tum ro rrt or
politely dedine (tum to ,9oP
You take the sphereout of your packand hurl it at the
ObisianPredato/smelal drest.The glassshattersand
ils deadly vapours- yet strll the aeature
comeslBubbling,hissinS,vaporating,the manhunter

hies to grab hold of you to pul you into the acidic
mist; but it tries in vain, and soon its death roar is
heardechoingover Sanger'sBeaconRestorI Lrrc(
Point for your nanow escape.If you haven't been
Lherealready,you may now go to the Shrine of
Belthegor(turnto 248),olherwise,add 3 Hours and
return to 200,

Baphet'sichor smellstruly sfomach-tuming,
but you
raise the your lips and swallow A few
tormentedsecondspass befor you rcalize that the
chaliceis emptyJBaphetvarishesand the lmperator
removesthe chalicef;om your hards.Your couragein
the faceof lllusionis proof of the strengthand wisdom
neededto becomean Adepl of the Outer Order of the
Rosy Chahce.Later, you will be given robes and a
Fratemalname.But now, I ask you, do you wish to
penetratethe veil oI the Inner Order of the Rosy
Dareyou presentyourselfto the SecretChiefs
whosewill is reality?'
The assemblyreacLsto Lhe mention of the Secret
Chiefswith undisguised
fear,and a devrousglint is in
the Imprator'seye. If you tIl her that you darejoin
the Inner Order, tLrrn to r42 Brt if you excuse
yourselt saying that you still have much to learn
aboutthe Outer Order,tum to 276.
Alcham Lugosh,deviser of a thousandvile deaths,
lives behinda magicallyprotecteddoor. at the end of

a nondescriptalley in the PriestsSatepart of the city You
knockon this door - and fall througha trapdoorlYou
land,someeightmetresdown,on thecoldsfonefloor of
a cylindricalpit; deductj pomtsftom your srAMrN^ A
setofrLrstyironrungsrunsup thewall,passinga wooden
beamwhichspansthepit abouta metraboveyourhead.
aroundon thefloorof thepit aretheremainsof
twelvebodies,eachhasthreefingersmissingfrom their
aboveyou and
a ductopensat your feet,to admittidalwatersfrom the
nearbyBorderRiver.The rcy washfloodsaroundyour
to drown!And drown you must unlessyolr find some
meansof escape.Will you reachfor the wooden beam
(tum to ,9r), dimb up the rungs (tum to r4o), or ignore
them both and wait (tum to 6[
The lock click and the door swings open lf you
opened the door using a Red Key ahd the wol,d



'Rednel' rs written on your AdoenlureSheet,t'nA to

272.OLherw6e,Testyour Luck.If you are Lucky,tum
to z7z; ii you areUnlucky,tum to ror
Beforeyou know it, Argolis crashesinto you. But it is
nol only your death she is interestedinj she is also
temptedby the freedomof the open cell door. If you
lose two successive
Attack Rounds,she will escape
A1so,as Argolis is so powerful,you must deduct4
points from your trrAMrNAeach time you lose an
AttackRound.Now fightl

s Kl rl 8

STAM I N A 1 3

If you win, turn to 222,but if Argolis escapes,

turn [o
Gruul'seyes ... they're piercing the depthsof your
very soul.You waver on your feet as strangewords
filter insrdiouslyinto your mind. Deduct5 pointsfrom
Gruul'sNoir.rrnIf you do noi have the Hand of Glory,
make a note of the word 'Rennur' on yo\r Adaentute
Sheel.IIyoLldo have the hand,bul the word 'Q'yann'
rs aol wriiLenon yoor AloenfureSheet,turr. to 2tj.If
you haveboLhthe Hand of Glory and the word 'Q'yann'on your Adoen(ure
5heef,yot areprotectedfuom
Gruul's magic Whatever the outcome, your mind
suddenlybecomesclearagain.If the word 'Esproc'is
v\ritten o^ your A.lpenfrrdSrsst tuJn lo r88j otherwise,
rerum ro 3oo,

Still running,you raiseyour headand bark,'Stop the
caniageat oncel'But no one is more surprisedthan
you when the vehiclecomeslo a halt straightaway
The driver has done nolhing whatsoeverio slow the
caniageand now he sitsperfectiyslill, facingforward,
whilehis horsespaw impatientlywith theirhoofs.Will
you atta& the driver (tum to rrj), open the carnage
door (fum to ar1), ot wal:kaway from this unnatural
sceneand go backin pursuitof the Man Orc (tum fo
Cazingdumbly into space,you turn away from the
Orc 'Heyl' he barks.'Zombiesdo everyfin'I tell 'em.'
Then he tums and ordersa band of Zombieslo seize
you But you aretoo quickfor the dull-wittedcreatures
You makea breakfor lhe tower - only to find more
Tombies.:headof you. Io your a
fenced-offareawheresuppliesare kept A gate at the
far side of this enclosureopensnear the foot of the
lower Thereareno Zombiesnsid the enclosure,
four of them guard the gate leadinginlo it If you
have Lhe Hexalpha,turn to 9o If you do not, you
mustfight all lhe Zombiesat the sametime

lf you defeatlhemall, turn to 9o



A small crowd gatheredround a table at which sits
'lt's easy-peasy,'
a scruffyold thimblerigger.
he latrghs,
'1,JubarDeMonto, put this Gold Pieceunder one of
me lhree thimbles,move 'em round a bit, then you
guesswhich one ihe shiny'sunder.But I won t waste
your LimeplayinSfor yusLone poxy piece.No, lazies
and grunts, you pay two shinies to play and then, if
you win, you get your two back p/ra another ten
I^rhy,I'm almostthrowingme moneyaway!'
If you wish to prbve that your eye rs faster Lhan
lubar's hand,make a note of the stakesyou bet on
yoll| Ado?ntuftSh1pland tu'T' to Jro Otherwise.] ou
had betterheadbackfo the bar and eitherslandalone
(furn lo ,6r), or try to engageEvlron in conversation
(turn to t87)

You can tell at a glance that the drainpipe will be too

weak Lo support your weight, so you climb up to the
window using tiny cracls in the wall as fingerholds.

Your ascentdone, you scrarnblethrough the window

inLo a room which is a confusion of theatrical props
Papermoons and waxen hogs hold no interesLfor
you, but you do take a StageKnife,You neverknow
when sucha trick, with ils retraclablebladeand concealedphialoi fakeblood,may comein handy
You are still toying with lhe prop u/henyou hear a
saeam and the discordant boom of a pipe organ
coming from somewherewithin the theahe. Will you
follow the music fo its source(turn to 260) or climb
back out of the window and leavethe Rohmerwhile
you still can(!um to 181!
You accept the tankard but do not drink from it
lnstead, you sneakily swap it for Kilmamey's. The
unsuspectingrogue takes a sip, and falls flat on his
facel Just as you thought, the ale was drugged regain1 LUCKpoinl.'EIm, begSin'yer pardo&' stam'
mers Hogg as you grab hlrn by the scruff of his neck,
'it was Kilmamys doin' He likes a bit of jiggerypokery. I had not'in' to do with it, honest.Look, I'll
drop the fee to two gold each,as settlement,'
You accepthis apology but wam Hogg that if they
try anythrnglike lhat again,they'll regretil. 'T'ankyer
very much,'he grovels.'But now we've iurangements
to malce,bribesto pay, an' the like.So,pay us Lhefee,
an' we'll meet at hhecemeteryin half an hour.' lf you
pay Hogg cross 4 Cold Pieces olf youu-Adoenture
Sfuet and tum to 374- But if you cannot or will not
pay him iustyet, tum to 28.

Carter Skeet, Fisherma.n's
Wharf, Dog tane, Wayland
Court - you searchhigh and low throughtheseplaces
buf find nothing.'l've had enough,'moansan inkeeper.
'Il's been nearly an hour. Let's face it, the Shocker's
vanished.' The others mumble similar admissionsof
defeat,then move ofl on their separateways; the hunt
for the Shockeris over. A baldingfellow shakesyour
hand and bids you Soodnight.Your eyes fix on his
ring: it is engravedwith the Mark of the Werewolf!
The man cougls nervously, then walks away. Will
you follow him and try to question hirn about the
Cabal(turn to rJr) or reLurnto the Last Octopusto
rcsumeyour watch(tum lo 362)?
You enter the derelict temple and find the sinister
figurewaiting for you, Only now ihe hood has fallen
backto revealthe faceof somethingnot quite human
You have troubled the Cabal for too long!' snapshhe
deature. 'But now I, Radtl Magus of the Master, have
lured you to your dooml'
As Radu speaks,h rolates Lhreecrystal balls in the
palm of his hand.The orbs circlein and out of one
another, and continue to do so as they rise up into the
an and float towards you! One o[ the spheresglows
bright orangeand a shangefire bums you deducl2
pointsfrom your sr,A.MrNA.
in a puff of smoke.Will you searchthe lemple(turn to
r7E), study the aystal spheres(tum to 23r) or flee
(tum to 9t[

It is elevenahnrtht when you retum to Harbour Row.
ProfessorVan Heldenghastgreets you warmly and
servesyou a splendidsupPer;resLore
uP to 4 srAMrNA
points.As you eat,shesays, midnighttonighL th
EtemalFratemity of the Rosy Chalice a mystical
secretsocieby- is meetingat the Last Octopus.The
Fraternity is a front for the Cabal.You must watch the
tavem and see what you can do. I myself am leaving
Blachhaven,as I have now done all I can to help you.
Maybe we will meetqgain'
lor all her help,then you
You thanlcVan Heldenghasb
leave for Lhe tavem; but as you arrive . . - 'Murderl
Helpl lhe ShockerlMurderi The cries are (oming
from some men in a street near by. Will you go and
see whaL has happened(tum to E6) or stay and keep
an eye on the tavem(fum to 2trP
You lift the drapesasidejust in lime to seRadupull a
lever in the wall. A door opensbeforehim, and the
roof of the chambercavesinl You watch as G^rul is
crushedbeneatha blockof slone.Btrt his's
green! This is becauseit is not Karam Cruul who lies
there on the floor, it is a plant-like replica,aMan&akel
For choosingto follow the Magus, add l point to
your LUCK.The Magusl You turn back to lhe doot
only Lo see Lhathe has gone. Quickly you run after
him, Lo observe him escapingalong the Border River
in a boat rowed by ZombieslaveslRaduis boundfor
the place 'Gruul' mmtioned earlier: Hope's End a
desolalespot six kilornekesaway.Tum to 19-

You carefully unlock and open the door. Something
rolls out and comesto a stop aSainstyour foot You
look dorarnard seethat it is a vral of RstomtiveFluid
You may drink the fluid at any tiine, except during a
battle;just crossthe fluid ofl youl AdaenLure
add r poht to both your currenLand your lnilitl sKILL
You enter the room and close the door behind yo'.r,
lest anyonedetectyour inklrsion Once insrde,however,you seethat the room is pitch black Worse,you
canhearsomeone- or something- shufflng through
towardsyoui Turn to r72.
The tour drags on and on: more monsters, more
all the
more 'genurne'artefacts- accompanied
while by the boastingof the tourist who's seenil all,
done it all, killed ii alll Finally,however, the show
comeslo an end, and Hollmannbows and makesa
dramalicexit, bustling ofi to lead the next grouP
aroundhis waxworks You rush afterhim and lell him
that you wish to buy the Angevin Shroud.He stops
deadin his tracks.'What, you mean,you actually want
to br.rythat worthlesspreceof tat?Well, my frend, it's
To find out how many Gold PiecesHollmannwants
for the shroud,roll one die and add r to [he number
rolled.lf you are willing Lomeet his price,deducLthe
Gold Pieces trom yov Adomture Srref and turn to
r98. BLrtif you cannotor will not pay, then there is

nothn8 elseio do herebut leave If the word'Cainam'
is w tten down on yottr AdoentureSluet, turn to 29t;
otherwise add r Hour and return to 2oo.
Skull in hand,the ancientwanior slips past you and
hurriesout of the room. 'You fool,' he callsout over
his shoulder,'you spineless
fooll' You rush after him,
bul when you reachthe corridoryou discoverthat he
has vanishedllust then, cracksstaft Lo appearin the
ceiling and the walls of the corridorbegin Lo quake.
The tomb is collapsinglYou hurry backup the stairs
and run clearoi lhe undergroundcrypL.When you are
safe,you look backand see Lhatwhat was once rhe
ground above the tomb is now a sunkm pit. If you
have noted the word 'Daednu' on yov Adomlure
Sheet,tvn to ,r5; otherwise, add 3 Hours and retum
Hookedto the sill of the window is a thin cord which
trailsdown Lothe streetbelow.And at the end of fhis
cord is a Man-Otc assassinl
Clad enlirelyin black,Lhe
assassindrops safely to the ground and scampers
away. You ar about Lo follow him when the cord
before your very eyes!I{ you want Lo
keep the creature in sight, you will have ro lump
down after him. If you wish to do this and you have
the A.rcbaticsSpectalSkill, tum to IZZ otherwise. Terl
your Skill.lI yoll succeed,hlrn to 177,bt if you hil,
tum to 2t2. Then again,if the idea of a twelve-meke
drop doesn'tappealto you, tum lo r49.

He who touchesthe chain while ih binds another must
releaseand then destroy the othet or be bound in Place
himself this is the chain's unwritlen law, and it has
been broken. With incredible speed, lhe chain wraps
itself round your body then dragsyou, screamingback
on to theprisonchair Argolis howlsrn darkestecstasy,
'FreelFreel Now know the horror of lhe pitl' You
strugglein vain as the chairsinksdown into theearthunlikeArgolis,you will not survivebeingburiedalive.
The thimbleriggeris good, but not lhat good You
makeyour choicethe momentthe thimblesarestalionery. 'Are you sure?'asks Jubar,no longer smiling. In
reply. you tum the thimble over. Beneath it is the
Gold Piece. lumping Kakhabad!'he shouts, 'I dorit
believeit!' But whetherhe blievesit or not is irrelevant A great cheergoes up amonSfhe onlookers,
and lhe old man is madeto count ouLyour winnings
Then he grumpily declaresthe gameover and stoms
out of the tavem in a huff. Add the gold you have
won to your A.domtureSheel.Now, will you try lo

havewords wrth Eviron(turn to lE?) or go and stand
on yow own by the bar (turn to l6rt
As Radu outlineshis programmesfor world dominaliorr you makeyour way acrossto two ornatecolumns
which supportthe balcony,somethi y metresabove
lhe ground. 'Lookl' cnes a woman 'The Bounty
Hrmter!'If is Evrronfrom LheLast Octopus.and she
has seenthrough your disguise.ShoLrtsof haked 6ll
lhe hallandfourhundr"dweapons
aredrann in anger.
have the LockPickingSpecLalSkill, Lum to 2o8,
if you have the CllnD SpecralSkill,tum to 249; bul ii
you haveneitherof theseslalls,turn to r22
Undeterred by the nsing inferno, you hurry over to
the slrongboxand are aston$hedto find it unLocked.
You open it and feastyour eyeson a thousandCold
PieceslUnfortunately,yoLrwon'l be able lo spenda
singleone oi them,for when you hurry backout into
lhe conidor, draggingthe box behindyou, you 6nd
that you have beentrappedby the flames.The Gold
Pieceslie untamishedwhile you shrivelandblacken!
It takeseverybit of know how you possess
to pick up
lhe trarl of the body-snatchers,
lrack them to
a slum on Queen Street and kick down the door.
shoutsHogg in astonishrnent.
rumbled!'Too right they have.\ou takebac\ eoerything
they've stolen from you plus 5 Gold Piecesof their

own. Hogg snivels,'Don t hurt us, it was just a bit o
trn. We can shll help yer get the skull.We just need
time to mak some arrangements'You adviseHogg
thal if he isn't at the cemeteryin half an hour, his life
rvont be worih living.
You yourselfreachthe tall gatesof MeinsterCemetery
with tim LospareIf you wish - and only if you have
you may
ihe proper costune and SpecialSkill
disguiseyourselfas a Vampire If you do this, tum to
164,if not, ium lo 38.
You racealong unbilyou come to Hook Lane,where
you find a crowd gathering; kaders, fishermm and
oiherfolk haveall cometo witnessthe Shockelslatest
ouhage. A cooper named Channing quicHy takes
chargeof the situation 'l've sent for the City Guard
but we must all look for fhe Shockernow,belorc it
vanishes.We'll split up lnto groups and comb lhe
We've lived in fear oi thal fiend for
ioo long!' The peopleshout in agreement,
and Channing sets about organizing them into search-parties.
You lmeel donn besidelhe Shocker'slatestvicLim:a
young man whogebody is contortedin terror and
rvho wears a ring engravedwilh the Mark of the
Werewolf.'LeavcLhe body for the guards!'snaps
on thejr
Channing.Then he sendsthe search-parhes
way Will you offer to help rn thc hunf (turn to ,4tt
wait until Chaming is busy and then searchthe body
(furn to r7r), or do you prefer to head back to Lhe
Oclopusto continueyour watch(tum to 2j]P


Your enemiesare one step aheadof you yet againthe body of SrlasEntadorlies on lhe barefloorboards
of his airlessatbicrooml You hurry over to examine
the body and dscover two smallpuncLures,
wet wilh
somekind of venom or poison,in his neck You also
seethat his left handis closedtightly round a scrapof
paper As for the room itseif: what few items of
have been smashedor Lom
apart in the rubblelie 4 Gold Pieceswhich you may
take and on his mantelpiecesits a sickly-scented
to youl Will you look at the paper
in Entador'shand
to 167)or the sealedenvelope
(turn to ,79), or leavelhem both and makeyour way
backdownstai$(tum to 266)?
You fum on Gruul and . he is lrznsforming into
greenand replrlsivelRooLssprouttsomhis
hands,veins spreadacrosshis facein a pulsatingweb,
andhis des mutateinto LheululaLions
of a Mandrakel
Theseplant-likecreaturescan take on the likenessof
any human.They also have an intensefear oI fiie,
their only wealness Wieiding the torch, you leap in lo




If you win, you set off in pursuit of Radu, whom you

see escapingalong the Border River in a boat rowed
by Zombte slavesl He is going to the place 'Gruul'
spoke of earlier, Hope's End - a desolate spot six
kilometresaway- Tum lo r9.


As the water pours inside the carrie, you hammer
on the wjndows with your futs and kick out at both
the doors, but all your efforts are in vain. You can
only watch in horror as the water riseshigher and
higher. . .
Pushingyet another Zombie out of the way, you
hurry inLothe enclosureand slamthe gatebehindyou.
But the overseersare not done yet They whip th
undeadhordesinboline, then sendthem after you. lf
you have the Lock hcking SpecialSkill, tum to 125; if
you do nol, turn to rt t
You slip past your foe and,using the erodedhandholds,
skilfullyascendthe obelisk.You hope that Lhepredator
will not follow you, but it springsup afrer you ano
rejoinslhe aLtack.
Its metalskinis alrnostindestructible,
so any Attack Roundsyou win serveonly to saveyou
from injury (because
of lhis, the creafureis not given a
srevrra score).On the other hand, if you lose a
round of combal,you must deductg points from your
srAMrNAbecauseof lhe av'ful damagedone by the
predator'swrist blades.If you have the CombalSpeci,al
Skill,you can turn the narow arenaof the obeliskto
your advantage:add z ponts to your sKILLfor the
duration of the battle Now fight!

After two rounds of combat.turn to 4r-

Outside an eccenhicallydressedwoman stepsforward
md grabs your sleeve. She pess at you through a
monocle.'Do you realizewhat you've done by going
n there?'she gnrmbles.'ld're both in dangernow
Still,togetherwe'll have a grealerchanceof scaping
Cruul'slackeysNow comeonl'Shepointsher walking
stickin the direclionof HarbourRow. lf you wish to
go wiLhthe strangewoman,tum Lozoo.If, fearingshe
may be yet anotheroi Gruul'sagents,you prefer to
attackher,tum to 392.
in time, you arrive at WeathemMilL an impressive
iower which stands alone on a low hill, above a
shantytown on the southem edge of the ci[y. Savefor
ihe vanes aeaking in the night-time breeze,the mill
semsquiLedead,You step up to the front door and
try the handle;the door openr so you let yourslf in.
lnside,the Loweris a singleopen room,clutteredwith
balesof hay, farming tools and mill machinery.A
ladderrunsall the way up one wall, to a Lofbnearthe
roof of the mill. and nearbv is a closedhatchwhich


leads down into the cellar. The place is dimly lit by a
lantem up in the loft, but you can see no siSn of
Conrad Zaar. CLANGCC!!! You sPin on your heels
and see that a porLcullis has descendedacross the
doorway - you are trappedl Neverthelessyou are
determinedto find out if Zaaris a traitorand,if so,for
whom, So will you begin your searchhere, on the
groundfloor (tum lo 39),up n the loft (turn to 2ot)
or down in the cellar(turn Lo389)?
Hoping to shedsdmelight on Bennet'sdeath,you go
6lLhyrobes Your searchtums
through the assassin's
up 3 Cold Piecesard an AlchemicalSPhere:once
throlvn, this small glass ball will shaLter,to releasea
deadly cloud of corrosrve mist which you yourself
may be unable to avoi4 should you break the sphere
in a confined space You may take both the Sold and
the Alchemical Sphere (don't forget to add them to
yotr AduenlureSheel).
lf you would like to searchthe
rest of the theatre,tum to 3. If you would ratherleave
at once,tum bo,tr.


\4hen you enteredthe temple,the door openedquite

Ireely; now, however,tt remainsfirmly shut - even
though there is no sign of any lock. You try to kick
the door down, but lhe rotten v/ood is unyielding lt
would seemfhat you are traPPed.You are wondering
what to do next when a shangeffre blazesthrough
you - lose z srAMtN^ pornts.If you want to search
the temple,tum to r78. If you would ratherstudy the
Roatingorbs,tum to 2rr.

You nip acrossto the tavemand gently openthe door
- the placeis emptyl Suddenly,out of the comer of
]our eye you notice a secretpanelslidingshut in one
of the walls and a lanternbracketnext to the panel
jerksupwardswith a loud click.You go over to the
brackefand pull it down In response,
the panelslides
openagain,revealinga long, darkcorridor.You wait a
second,then creepforward.The panel closesbehind
you.If you havethe firat SpecialSkill,tum to z3o If
you do not, TesLyour Luck:if you are Lucky, turn Lo
z3o;if you areUnlu&y, tum to ,t.
Clad Lobe alive you climbout of the vile pit and ki&
Lugosh'sdoor down. Unfortunately,it would seem
that the bird has flown' Lugosh'sabodeis completely
empty - iL has all been a trap. Thus thwarted,you
If you haven't
mustnow continueLhehunt elsewhere,
been there already,will
to Craven AsyLum
(tum to j9r), to the Last Octopus(turn to t7), or to
Malt Lane(tum to 2o7)?
You Lakeyour eyes off the roguesfot just a second
and 5P,,q,NG1i1
Hogg hits you acrosslhe backof
your headwith his spadeYou fall over inlo the grave
Roll one die and deducl the nr.rmberrolled hom your
sr,rvrr,t Then roll three dice If the total rolled is
equalto or lessthanyour currenlsraMrNAscore,tum
to r2r; otherwise,tum to ,5E.


Threedayspass- threedaysof constanthavel, lhree
days of Gnrul's enmity, three days of hunger and
tiredness- but frnally you come to the EastCale of
Royal Lendle,capitalof Callanhna.The City Guard
there rush out to welcomeyou; you fall into their
ams, exhausted
Ovcr the next month, KaramGruul has to standtrial
beforethe RulingCounciland th leadrsof Femphrcy,
B.iceand the Norlhlands,The list of Gruul'scrimesis
almost withoul cnd, and lhe verdict rs unanmous'
guillyl Cruul is senLenced
to imprisonment
for the rest
oi his unnaturallife. Peoplemust neverbe allowedfo
think that suchevil aclswill go unpunished,
no matter
how long ago fhey occurred.As Gruul is led from the
CouncilChamber,he Slowersat you a 6nal time.You
shrug You cannot make good the wrongs he forced
you to commitas a Moonrunner,but you ha'e stopped
him 6om ruining lhe livesof thousands
of others The
King of Callanlariaturnsto you and asksyou whether
you will be willing to lead an army back to Hope's
End.You refuse,the Cabalis alreadybeaten,lhe towr
is bui an empty dungeon,and you have seenenough
bloodshedof late to last you a liielime That night,
you leave the cify to rejoin your family in Narbury.
Ior yoq the war is findly over
YoLrhuny back out inlo the corridor to see the bat
flying al full speedLowardsthe north door. At 6rst jt
looksas if Lhecreaturemustsurelybrarnitsell bul nol


thedoor swingsopenand lhe bat fliesstraightthrough

You follow . and find yourself in a room packed
with human skelelonslThe door closesbehind you,
and the bat escapesthrough an air shafLcut into the
ceiling.You try to open the strong door, but il is
locked You have falleninto a simplehap, sprungby
LheDevil BaLand compounded
by your own curiosiLyl
Suddenlyyou hear footsLepsoutsidein Lheconidor
Someoneis opening lhe east doorl If you have the
Lock PickmgSpecialSkill, you may open the locked
door and give chase(tum to 238). If you have the
CllnrbSpecialSkill, turn to zz6 Il you have neither,
you are doomedlo Lheslow deathof starvaLion;

Wthout warning, the floor beneathyour feet opens

andyou pitch torwardinto a vai of alchemical
The trapdoorclosesaboveyour head,sealinSyou in
toLaldarkness.BuL LhereactantlV{hat is it doing to
you?Your fingers,your hards,lhey'rebulging,expand
ng And your headl Unbelievably,you grow and
grow, until your body explodesl
ro 2

Round and ror.rrd the thimbles go. You are trying in

vain to follow Juba/sdrzzyhandswhen they cometo
a suddenhalt.The thimbleriggersitsbackand prompts,
'Comeon then Which one ls it?'
You Lap one of the thimbles He tums it over, to
reveal .. nothing Crossany gold you lost off your

ture Sheet.'l'lever mind,' grins lubar encourag. 'Give il anothergo. You might get lucky' If
wish bo acl on his dubiousadvice,retum to ,3o
follow the rnstructionsas before.Olherwise,you
best head back to bhe bar and either keeP to
(tum to 36r) or try to talk to Eviron (turn Lo

andpilesof rockofferyou plentyof shelLer

you sneakforward, but evenhrallythey Srveout and
mustbravetheopenplainsTo your right,howevet
a fenced-offareawhere tools are sLored.A Sateat the

opensby lhe loobof the lower'

sideof thisenclosure
bul thereis
areno Zombiesinsidethe enclosure,
stahding right in front oI you! If you have the
pha, hrm to 9o. If you do not, defendyourseli


sK l rL 6


you defeatyour foe in three or fewer rounds of

bal, tum to 9o; but if you do not manageto
I it within this tjme,tum to r5,
Wielding hrc dagger of bone, the CorpseMaster urges
lis rodent servantsto swarm all over the two of you
a you fight, and soonyou are weigheddown beneath
counLlesswarm bodies. Becauseof this horrid distrac_
Iion,you must subLracL
1 point from your SKILLscore
6r lhe dwalion of the baltle.Moreover,the rats take
Gveryopportunitylo bite at you with their slavering
Fwsj aLthe sbartof eachAttack Round,deduct1 Poinl

from your sravrNe finally, the gaze of the Corps:
Masler conveys a cursereach time you choose to It::
your Luck during the battle, you must add 1 to tl.
number rolled. Now fightl


sr.rLL 9

lowards you. So far as they can see,evenls are only

too obvious Worse, Bennet's words return to haunt
youi not one of lhe guards knows who you are ol
why you are here. To lhem, you can only be an
inlruder I[ you have the Coz SpecialSkill, turn to 36o;
if you do nol, turn Lo 22,

If you beat your diabolicalfoe, turn to r7i

reach lhe far wall, you observe lhat lh.
balcony stands some thirly metres above the grounc
on tr'\roomafe columns How can you hope to reacr
the Magus before the furious Cabal reaches you? J;
you \av. rl-c 1o.1,ti,\nx >p,,;r Slil lurn ro zo8 i
you have the Clim, Special Skill, tum to 249, but i'
you have neither of lhese skills,Lum lo rzz
Suddenly an unearthly voice echoes inside your heac
'Neeeeedfoooood .. nceeeedfoooood.' Thc Skull o:
Mora Tao is hungry againl To satisfy the accursec
artefect,youwill have to takeit out ofyourpack and let i:
s.rcksomeof your spirit.lf you do not accedeto lhe skull':
demands,turn to 5o. If you carry out the vile operalior
upon your own lifc-blood, dcduct I points from youj
sTAMINA Then, ifyou have lhe C/imbSpecialSkill,turr
lo r98. Ofherwise, Irst yoar Skl/l adding z foyourroll I:
you succeed,turn to r98; if you fail, turn fo jr4
You rarse a supplicatory hand and beg Furneaux tc
listen lo your lale Bul the guards continue advancing

Oblivious to lhe noises of the busy wharf, you drifL
off into a deep sleep;restore up lo 4 srAMrNA points
You wake up early in the afternoon just in lime to
observe a simstcr 6gure leavrng the Last Octopus and
walking huniedly away The stranger wcars a Sreyhooded cloak, the back oF whrch is embroidered with
the Mark of the Werewolfl lf you wish to follow lhe
hooded ffgure, turn to r39 If not, is the word 'Cainam'
wriften on your ArloentureShull If it is, tum to 25r,
otherwrse,ium to 277


Kiennaris adamant:'Either pay, or get out.' lf you
have the Slerglf of Hand SpecialSkill anl rhe Skull of



Groaning with the exertion,you puth one of the

heavy bundlesof tightly packedhay over the top of
the ladder. The bale fals and hits Conrad squarelyon
the head and shouldersbut he doesn'leven falter in
his menacingascentYou rnustact beforeyour growing panicoverwheimsyou.Will you,
Throw a lantemdornmon to his head? Tum to 2r4
Strikeat him with a pitchiork?
Tum to 4
Siandyour ground and fight when
he reaches you?
Turn to ,to
Try to escape?
Tum to r6t
You rush in to the attack, but the Obisian Predator
leapsasideand reachesout for you wrth its strong
hands.Tesfyour Luck If you are Lucky,h.rmto r38. lf
you areUnlucky,tum to r82.


You quickly set aboui your unwholesomebusiness

and have no troubie finding the wooden hand; it is
strappedsecurelyto th wrist of one of fhe dead menYou untie the leather shaps and tuck the hand away in
yotrr backpack.Accordmg to Van Heldenghaslyou
must now takeit fo Mawn Pretoraeusfor somekind
of magical treatment. But time $ ihorb perhaps Lhe
handilselt wrll sufficeto fendoff Gruul'smaSic.lf you
want to go to the Necromancelsabode,turn to 144.
If you would rathergei on with collectingthe oiher
Wards,add r Hour and retum to 2oo.


Misler Hogg lifbs his spadein a menacingfashio[

shakeshis headand murmurs,'Now I do not t'ink yer
wanted to say that.'He stepsforward, while Mister
Kilmameypicks up his spadeand nrns round behind
you.You mustfight themboth at the sametime.



After two rounds of combat,tum to 281.


The gate opens into a vast hall, wherc you discovcr
Radu addressingfhe cntire Caball The Magus rs speak
ing irom a high balcony at the far end of the chambcr,
so no one notices you listening fo his wo.ds at the
back of the hall 'You are here to witness the fruition
of thc Crand Design UsinS lhe mystic art of Nrdfrff,
our master has creaied the Ethereal Projector' He
indicates a bizarre contraplion by his srde 'With
this, we can rain dcath on any arca we choose And
we \a'ill start strarghi away by killing every living
being in Royal Lendle The Cabal roars its approval
You must find some way to stop Radu before hc
can activate the Ethereal Projeclorl If you are disguised as either an Orc rogue or a Zomble, turn
to 8l; if you have an Alchemical Sphere, turn to
3o4; bLrtif none of these situations apply ro you, rurr
to 2r7

Drawing your sword, you hurry round to the f.ont of

the cafriage and skike outl The driver offers no resistance,and il is only when his'body'falls to lhe ground
that you begin to understand For there, beneath lhe
black hat and cape,is the unmoving fom oi a marne
quin, a straw and sack-clothdummy in the shapeol a
manr You are still reeling with shock when the carriage sets off once mor. Will you take fhe driver's
seat and 5;rab the rerns (lum to zrr), qurckly climb
nsrde.rum lo r37r. or leavc the my.lenour carriaSc
alone and head back in pursuit of Lheassassin(tum to

cry out,
never take me aLveJ'
Then you plungethe StageKnife into you. chesland
fall to the floor in a toncnt of fakeblood.
Your deception succeeds!The Imperator has two men
carry you back up to fhe tavem. As they go, one of
the men whrspers,The Imperatorwill speakof this
farceto the SecretChiefs'
'Let herl' hissesthe oLher.'You wouldn't catch me
going to Pefkhull,n6t wjth what's happenin8there.
They say,all you have to do is ring the bell. Well, let
theh ring itl I'll stayin Blackhaven,

r rt-r r9
If you alreadyknow wherethe inmatesare/you may
go back and free them withoul further ado (makea
note thaL you have freed them on yout Adoenture
Sheet)Then,wheLheryou fiee Lhemor noL,you must
retum to the hall and choose a door you have not
openedbefore.Will you go through Big Ldfs (turn to
22o),Nosh (tum to 27t) Big Trubbul (turn to 287), or
Wipefeet (tum to 58[

Confidentthat no one is about,lhe men haul you out

of the tavem and dump your body in an alley.You
wart until the-vare gone, then get up. Thanksto the
you now know that you
looselipped Rosichalcians,
mustgo to lhe villageof Penkhull;tLrmio 369

Your wish is my command,'Gruul chuckles.

Then he
removesthe first of the two panels.You screamas the
rats scamperup on to your chest.Deduct J points
from your srevlrA. Gruul tums to hjs aide.'Radu
reality' Then
note the foofs stubbornrefusal[o accepL
he tums lo you once morq his eyes aglow with cruel
salisfaction.Will you show Radu that I have erred in
my observations(fum to 2r4), or must I remove the
finalpanel(Lumto tzgl'

Beyondthe door is an open,grassyplot wheremost
of the inmatesend their days:the asylumgraveyard.
Like everythlng elseyou have sccn here,the gaveyard
is in a dreadfulstate.Worsestill,hoveringovcr one of
the gravesis a Bhostl Sensingthat the ghost means
you no harm, you stand fast and listen as if moans
in a voicewhich chillsyou lo lhe marow: 'Avenrrnge
the deaaad
freee the insaaane'Then it is gone,
vanjshed Regain 7 point of r-ucr for this faleful

You are almostupon the figurewhen it explodesin a
fury of sparks.The silkengown and maskburn away,
Lo reveal a meLaldummy beneath!If you used the
CombatSpecialSkill your instincts wam you to droP
short of the dummy entirely. If you used the , tloralic,
SpecialSkill, you realizethe nature of the trap too late,
and now you can only hope to twist out of the
6gure'sdestructivereacb roll one dre and deductfhat
many points from your stlvrre. lf you were Lucky,
you crashinto the effigy, then fall back on to the
ground; roll two dice and deduct that many points

fiom your srevrre. KararnGruul s evil voice screeches

out through the dummy's unmoving lips: Die fool,
Dieeee!' Shakenby this astonishing attempt on your
life, you hurry back out of the alley; tum to 199.

An oddly dressedwoman hurries up to you and helps

you to your feet Sheexaminesyou throuSha monocle.
'Hmmm. no harm done. Well, come on, fool. More of
the Cabalwill alreadybe on theL way. We'll have to
escapeLogelher-'She points her walking stick in the
directionof HarbourRow-Will you go with her (tum
to zoo)or atla& her,beforeshecanleadyou into any
possibletrap (tum to 192)?

As you tum tail and run, the CorpseMaster crres,

'Fly, children!Swarm red run flshcarrierl'The rats
sweep down from the stage and come, gnashing, at
yor-[ heels- Roll one die Lo find out how many rats
succeedin biting you before you reachsalety outside
the theatre; for every rat bite you sustain, deduct 2
pointsfrom your srAMrN^.Also,note down the word
'Retsam' on your Adoenlwe 5hed. Once outside the run and keepon running.vowinS never
to returnto the evil phantom'slair.


and slingyou out of the alehouse.

Now you musl begin your manhunt.5o where will

you go first: lo CravenAsylum (turn lo t9r), to lhe
LastOctopus(turn to t7), to Malt Lane(turn to 2o7),
oi, if you have reasonto go there,to Priestsgate
Too late! Your enemies are upon youl The Cabal
memberspick you up and carry you to the balcony,
whereyou are granted the dubious prrvilegeof becom
in8 the 6rsl victimof lhe EtherealProiector.

\ 2'


The body-snatchersrealize thal you're still ready to
put up a hghi, so Lhey make a run for it You consrder
giving chase bul stop when you notice a stone hatch
at the bottom o[ lhe grave - fhe rogues had fimshed
the jobl Thc hatch opens on to a descendinSstairway,
and a reek of decay wafts up from the tomb to met
you; howcvcr, you ignore it and follow the steps
down to a short corridor. Lighl from the open grave
revealsthat lhc conidor ends al three doors A draught
blows under the norfh door while a quiet squeahng
sound comes from behind the west door Whrch door
will you opcnl

The north door?

The eastdoor?
The westdoor?

Turn to 186
Turn to r4r
Turn to 17

Having regreltably dispatchedFumeaux and his men,
you hurry back down the spiral staircaseand oul of
the fower Now, with the City Guard seeking to anest
yoLr, yoLl ar truly on your own. Outside the tower,
you see no srgn of any assassin,so you decidc to
begin yor.rrmanhunt immedrately.It being so lalc, the
cobblestonedstrects of the city are deathly still. Where
will you go first, to Craven Asylum (turn to 393), to
th Last Octopus (tum to 2J) or to Malt Lane (turn to
2o7), or, if you have reason to 80 there, to Priestsgat
or Weathern Mrll?
There is nothing to be found rn the temple itsell but
you do discover a secret door near where Radu vanished rn his puff of smoke so much for lhe power of
the Magusl The door opens on to a muddy path at the
rear of the temple Footprints in the mud lead you
along the path to the cobbiestonesof nearby Berman
Street,where the prints bcomemuch harder to see Ii
you have the TraclcirgSpecialSkill and wrsh to follow
the trail, iurn to 35. If you do not have this Special
Skill, you can do nothing bul return to the Last
Octopus, rf lhe word 'Carnam' is written on your
tvn to 2tr; otherwise,turn to 277
Breaking off ftom the cul and thrust of combat, the
woman raisesarr imploring hand 'Don't be a fooll' she
barks. 'l quite understandyour fears, but I assureyou

thal I have nolhin8 whatsoever to do with the Cabal
Indecd, they fear me more than they fear you. Now
lct's put an end to this siutf and nonsensebefore it
gcts out oi handl'
If you wish to do as she says and 80 with her in the
direction of Harbour Row, lum to 2oo If you would
rather presshome your altack, lurn to 282
Wary of the hungry maggots fhat are writhing all
over ArSolis, you drag her decayed bulk to the cdge
of lhe hellish pil, then pLrshher over Almost immcdj
ately, clouds of smoke blllow up nrto the room and
the enlire floor quakes as lhe pif grinds shul The
Demothrax is no morc
Add fhc Chain of Argolis to yott Ad'aenLure
lhe slart of any batlle, you may use lhe chain to brnd
any one opponcnt olher than Cruul; iust cross lhe
chain off your ,A/oerfure Sheeland continue as if you
had won the batlle Now, add z Hours and rclum to

You sLammer
nervously,'1,er, was wonderingif you
Gabb jumpsto his feet and shouis,'Guardsl'Before
you can do anything, four Troll wardens rush ln ancl
seizeyou They drag you away and lock you insidea
pitch-blackroom Al first you lhink you are alone,but
then you hear the soundof ungainlyfootslepsdragging towardsyou; tum to r72
Gritlng your Leeth,you snarl,'You fiendlI'm surprised
you'renot in here,feedingalongsideyour kin'
Grr.rulstiffensnoticeably.'Radul'he barks.'The Bounty
Hunter seeksdeath Show the fool where io find ifl
The SecretChiefs are expectedin the village' The
Magus removesthe 6nal panel,then both he and his
masterleavethe room. The next thing you seers the
slavering;aws of a rat, scurrying towards your face If
you have the SleighL
of HandSpecialSkill,tum to r8r.
Olherwise,thereis no escapefrom Cruul'sevil death
lrap YoLrradventureendshere

irside, you join a guidcd tour of the exhibits,conducted
ry Custav Hollmann himself Sadly, lhe proprietor
rroves to be somefhing of a disappointment:his pafter
,sn't up lo mlrch. His exhibits, though liberally daubed
rvith rcd paint, have all seen better days, too Still,
evcryone clse seemshappy. One toudsl in particularis
kecn to rmpresshis ladyr 'See that vampirc? Nothing!
Ve, I'd just shove a pair of corks on his fangs.'
Then yor.r come lo fhc Angevin Shroud. This whitc
cloth hangs down from fhe top of a guillotrne some
six mckcs tall Even Hollmann seems ummpressed
with this exhibit, as he Bives a brie[ hrstory: 'A oncenomal shroud used to wrap the beheadedbody of a
\ecrophage. at the fallen citv of Angevrn
possessedof miraculouspowers. Let us move on.' Will
,vou follow Hollmann and attempt to buy the shroud
hom him, once the tour is completed (turn to 78), or
hang back and try to steal the shroud (tum to r54)?

You follow the man into a descrtedstreet,thcn you
catch up with him, slam him aganst a wall, and
demandthat hc tell you everythinghe knows about
the Cabal-'Don't hurt me,'he snivels.'Theleaderis
gorng to attenda rheetingaLthc Lasl Octopus,three
hours from now Co any sooner and they'il know
They'll call it off, and the leaderwon't show The ...'
He looks over your shoulder Two City Guardsare
stroLlingalong the streetlowardsyou The man calls
out, 'A fine evenin8,gentlemenl'Thenhe slipsout o[



your graspand nrsheslo join fhem.CurseslYou can

only look on as the Cabal membr is escorted to
safety.It is clearnow that you must retum to the Last
Octopus,but will you go af once(tum to $z), or n
threehours'time (tr.rmto 8)?


You cannothelpbut noticethe massof freshhoofprints
which leadup to and through the left-handgate; this
is the way the Cabalmust havegone.lf you wish to
follow them,tum to rr4. If you would ratherenLerthe
gateon lhe right, tum lo r99

A daringplan springsinto your mind. Experience
taught you that it is oftn wiser to tum an enemy's
evil againsthimself,5o you declarethat you havebeen
sent by the Cabalto watch over the CorpseMaster
You also tell him that GuardMarshalBennetstiil lives,
and Lhatbolh you and the deadMan-Orc workedfor
KaramCruul alone You conLinue.
'Cruul has comeLo
fear you so much that he has his men tell you lies
whrlehe desperately
seeksa way to destroyyou.'
'DustCorpseMaster?'growlsthe6end.Likeall seruants
of Chaos,he is only too willing to believein the backstabof betrayal;yet he is alsono fool. If you have the
Co, SpecialSkill,turn to jr, if not, tum to z2j
Is it becauseyou dlstrustMawn Pretoragusthat you
follow him throuShthe Door Beyond?If so, then your

kust is misplaced,
for his waming was well-meant.He
soughtto protectyour mortalmrndliom the unimaginablehonors of that other wordly dinension wllch is
reachedthroughthe portaland wherehe mustperform
his dark rites, The moment you enter Lhe Necrolic
Wildemessof Q'yarm, your mind snaps and you
becomeirrevocably insane

Someonetaps you on the shoulder You fum and see
that il is a Dark Elf will the wondersof thls city
Thesecreahresare usuallyLobe foundin
remoLeundergloundcities.They hateall surfacedwelle.5j yel one of them stdndshere before you. in a
The gaunl ffgure,with his long hair
and skin like midnight, is clad in armour engraved
with Elvishrunesand a long daggerhangsby his side.
Uncanngwho shouldhearhim, he says,'Let me buy
you a drink We must talk about KaramGruul.' Will
Talk to him?
Ask to be left alone?

Tum lo rr?
Turn to r92
Tumto 2r2

The orru potent Vampire Lord is hungry for blood
and has no time to wasteon foolishcombat He fixes
you with lls wolf-like eyes and seeksto enfhral
you with a simple bef itchment. Testyow Lutk. lf
you are Lucky,lum to r87 If you areUnlucky,lum to

No sooner are you inside the dark and empty cabin
than the door slamsshut behind you, and a drsembodied voice speaksgloatingly- 'l hope yotr are enjoying
thc short cxcursjon I have arrangcd for you. I had
cxpccted more ol Bennet'schoice It is a pity thal the
gamc musl cnd so soon Farewell,bravc fooJ
Your bumpy, frantic joumey comes to a serddenenci
wrth a splashing of water. lhe carriage has ploughed
straight into a deep riverl You rush from one door to
the other, but neither will open, and the dark windol,ls

are indestrucfible.One of thc windows can bc lowered
a short way
but that only admits torrcnts oi dirty
r\.aler Unlessyou can find a way out of thc cabin,you
rvill surely drownl lf you have the Shighr ol Hand
SpecialSkill, turn Lo r8o; if not, turn to 89
You half dodge and half iall out of lhe Obisian
Predator's grasp; as thc creature has now practically
iallen over you, you havc no choicc now but to fight
rt off If your opponent's wrisl blades catch you. they
rrill causedevasiaLinginjury, so each time you Losean
Attack Rourd you mLrst deduct j poinls from yoi.rr
sTAMINANow defendyoursell



If you win one Altack Round, lum to 299.

fhe hoodcd 6gure leadsyou through the maddening
crowdsof MuddslampFishmarkel,
to a dislrsedtemple
wrthin sighf of Angmellyn Bridge.The windows of
the small temple are a1l bncked up, but the sol
cnlrancc- a ricketywoodendoor - seemsto be open
The cloakedstrangerpushesthe door asideand enters
You are aboutto follow suit when you feel a prickling
on lhe backof your neck.If you slilLwish to
enler lhe tmple, turn to 74 Otherwise you must
relum to the LasfOctopus:if the word'Cainam'is
wriften on your AioenLureSheel,turn to 2Jrr if it is
not, tum to 277.



No sooner do you touch the rungs than they pull
loose from the wall and fall with a splash into the
water. You check the other rungs, and you discover
that all the lower ones have been rigged to do the
same.Those above the wooden beam, however, look

.he assembly is shocked by your audacity, but the
mperator merely smiles. 'Know then, brave Adept,
:haf lhe Sccrct Chiefs are to be found at lhe village of
lenliluu Toll the bell and tal(e this token to Kriswell
:he Moneylender' She hands you a small figurine, an
amethyst icon of Baphet-as-Werewolfl(Add the icon
'o yov Aduenttrc Slesf.r Novr go she sayr 'The
SecrtChiefs awail you '

continuesto pour in (t!rn to r7o)

'i'ou thank the Imperator, lhen hurry back up to the

iavem. For dceiving the Rosichalcians,
add r point to
\ our LucK- The moon lights your way as you head
north out of the cityj tum to ,69.

You entera largevault fo ftnd the Skullof Mora Tao,
resting on a blackmarble pedestai.You shiver.The
horned skull has teeth iike the edge of a saw, its
bottomjar,vis missingand its eye-sockets
are the very
vrsion of death You dread to think what mannerof
creaturethe skull must once have been part oft Roll
four dice and add the numbersrolled together.II the
total is equal fo or less than your current srAMlNA
score,lurn to r7r. If th total rs higher than your
score,turn to 196

Heedingyour uncannyinstincts,you stop short of the
creepingmist and watch in horror as it melts the road
in fiont of your feetl You stepbackwards,
away from
the outwardspreadingfumes which are dissolving
everythinSin their path Only the twisted genius
of Karam Gruul could have fashionedsuch an evil
l{hen the mrsi ffnally clears,the assassin
is gone. If
you have the TractingSpecialSkill,turn to ror. If not,
you must give up the chaseand, despitethe lateness
of the hout begin your maniunt.Will you begin yor.rr
invesligalionsat Craven Asylum (lum to 193), the
LastOctopus(tum lo z3),Malt Lane(tum lo 2o7),or,
if you have reason to go there, at Priestsgateor

you strfle
With only a handfulof followersremarning,
an urge to panicand set oft along the right hand side
of the tunnl You shudder- lhe unnaturalfear is
g_owilg\lrongerb) lhe *econd.I ookl criesa woman
Sheraisesher flickeringlorch and you seethe Shocker
hauniingthe very darknessaboutyou. The creatureis
a thing beyond comprehension,
onry as a
sentientnightmareBut that eyelThateye!
Roll one die and add r The total rolled equalsLhe
number of shocksto assailyour party Each shock
fiightens one of your companionsto dath If any
shocksremain,bheycauseyou to lose r pornt of LUCK
and 5 points of sTAMINAper shock.lf you are still
alive,you must 6ghf. Add r point to your srrrr score
for eachsurvivingcompanion,for the durafionof the


sK rLLg

ST,{M IN A 1 3

It youwin,Lumto rj6.
You hy to word your reply most carefully,but when
you finish the landlady snarls,'l know what your
gameis. You and your snooping- get oul of herer'
You hearLhescrapingof chairsand tum to seethaLall
theotherpatronshave8of to fheirfeet.lhei'xedponc
held ready Wjll you stay right where you are and
pressEviron furthcr (Lum to rzo), or do as she says
and beat a hasty retreaf out of the tavrn (turn to



it, the Xen-Viperretracrs
her fangs and pleads wilh you in a sibilant, reptilian
voice, 'Mercccy, wam-blooded one. Ssspareme and I
can sssaveyour li{e.' You try to force her to explain
what she means, but she is resolute: 'Only if you
promisssem my freedom' Will you promisenot lo
harm the Xen-Viper,in retum for her information (tum
to 297), ot finish her off while her guard is lowered
(lurn to 2r9I
Thank you,' smilesGruul Now thaf I know you are a
Moonrunner I can trigger a hypnotrc implanf stored
deep inside your mind. It will restore you to your
bestialform.'No! This cannotbel This. your will is
not your will, your thoughh are not your fhoughts,
and only when it is too late do you realizebhatthis is
enchantment You revert to the honible form of a
Moonrunner and escort Karam Gruul back to the
Tower of Inquisrtion.Obeyrnghis commands,
iL is yor.r
who tums the EtherealProjectoron Royal Lendle
Gruullaughs- your failure$ complete.
You stroll over to the lwo Man Orcsand diskacttheir
altentronfrom thepoor begga.- larhowastesno Limein
slippingoff down analley.'Oil'oo d'yerffnkyoo flamin'
are?'barksone of the Provosts.Both of Lhemhavebeen
angeredby you putling an end to their cruelsport,so
your story had betterbe a good one, If you have lhe
Co" SpecialSkill,tum to 3t9; if you do not tum Lo26.

Beforeyou have time to do anyLhingelse,threeCity
Guardsburst nto the room, their swordsdrar,rrr.'Zaar's
warning has come too late,' shouts Cuard Captain
is herebeforeusl'
Warning? Assassin?Here?It is with a sinldng feeling
that you realizeyou have been framedlThe guards
advancetowards you, bloclanS off the doorway, but
lhe openwindow is just over your shoulder.Will you:
Attack the guards?
Try to fell Fumeauxwhat really

Turn to zz3
Tum to ro7
Turn lo 278


I am too busyto accompany
1ou bur if
!ou tollow lhe 'Nosh signsyou rhould find her
rvithotrtany problem'

rolled. and deduct that many poinrs liom your

srqvrra. If vou are +ill alive.regain r r.r.:c^poini foyour narow escape.Also make a note of the word
'Cainam' on yol:r, Adl)enfureSfieef.Holding your ribs,
you stagger away from the mill, mere secondsbefore

Hogg watchesover the proceedings yer,d better look

away, Mister Krlmamey. Thrs isn,t gom, to be a prefty
sight No, not very pleasanrat all. Ooooo, I felt tiat.,

al beingableto *e Ouspen.laya
thankthe depLrty.
rhenleavehis walk into
a hall, olf which lead five doors. On each of these
doors is a crude sign painted by an Orcish hand
lVhichdoor will you open:
Big l-aIfsl
Big Trubbull?
Wipefeet{you havejust come

Tum to 22o
Turn to 27t
Turn [o 287
Tum Lor17
Turn to jt

r5 3
Beforeyou can take anotherstep,a numberof Zombie5 grab you and hold you while thejr overseer
knocksyou unconscious.
You awakento find yourself
danglinSat the end of a rope, over a sprke-filledpitl
Rope has also been used to tie your handsand feet
together Wart a minute. what's that smclhSmokel


to rr4.

| 54-"6


Hollmann leads the sightseerson to the next 8ory
tableau,while you r".iitr surreptitiouslyin fhe shad

r98; if yor.rfail,tum to 3r4.

The assassin
is aboutto reachinto his tunic,doubtless
Ior some diabolicalweapon,when you dive forward
and knork him to the ground You must press the
attackwhile your formidablefoe is empty handed.

sKrlr 9

This is the breakyou havebeenhoping for Confused

and terrified,you clamberup out of the sewersand
beginyour fleet-footedjourney north, restore1 LUCK
poinf and tum to 19.
Suddenlythe Dark Elf stepsbehindyou and loops a
rope round your neck.He is trying to strangleyoul
You quicklyshoveyour handinsidethe cord to stop it
from ihroltling you Thoughyou saveyour life in this
way, the rope cuts into your hand; deduct z points
from your srevrNr.. Your first concernin this deadly
combatis Loescapethe tighteningcord. TestyourSkill
If you succeed,
tum to 274;if you fail, h-rn to r77


lf you defeatthisveterankiller,tum to z8r

Dazed,you staggerawayfrom the drssolvinghonor of
the Shockerand try to recoversomeof your shattered
wrts. But your fascinationwith the monstrouseye is
you pcerinto its waterydepthsandbeholda
5erie\of fleeling imdges:memorieslMemoriesoF an
abominablespawning,of KaramGmul's Nofl/r ritual
gon wrong; memoneso( an escapeto Blackhaven,
memoriesof a hellish reign within the sewers;and,
more than all this, memoriesof Gruul'sheadquartersl
The Hand of Deafh is to be found at fhat placecalled



*,*. rhefoswr,kers
'":,,.o'j,,'ff of r\em.tepsoui of rhe,rado,r,ro
: O G WA L K E R

sKlLL 7


l)"",. p.

ITLtll !,1trf
l-.1ftu 0lr-lB-1tr]i EUILl

!J l-1.|iDrl-uEllFtrl
rl Li]rtr-r
-l Eil Lll[l D[11!

Spurned,the a"r,,ou,

bu.o-"s silenrm your




mind . bul not in your ears It emits a shriek so

deafeningthat the tranquillityof lhe squareis shattereC
info hundredsof tiny pieceslBut fhe shriekinglasfs
only as long as is necessaryfo draw Lhe Provosls'
altentronto yor.rThis is nol very long at all 'Oil Gel
over 7ere,yer noisy slob!' You no longer stand an_r,
chanceof being abie to reachthe gallowsunnoticed
Wiil you attackthe Provoslsnow (tum to 26), try to
bribe them (tum to r4), or seekto fool them (tum to
'Cahl' Hogg cries, dragging Kilmamey lo his feel
'Our employeris possessed
of the divill' You tIl fhe
panicstrickcnrogus lo take you to lhe skull, and
they lead you lo an unmarkedgravewhich they then
proceedto dig up. Al the boltom of lhe grave is a
slon hatchl You Lft the hatch and see a stainva_v
into the darkness.
While you aredistracted,
the body+natcherslum lail afd flee makea note of
the word 'Daednu'on your Adoenlure
You remove your vampre costumeand sLepdown
into th musty atmosphereof lhe undergroundtomb
Lighl from the open gave enablesyou to follow a
short corridor which endsat three doors A draught
blows under the north door, while a faint squeaking
noisecomesfrom behindthe one to the west.Which
door wrll you go through,
The norlh door?
The easfdoor?
The westdoor?

Turn to 386
Tum to r4r
Turn to 17

A poison tjpped needle springs out of the door-handle
and stabsyour thumb Do you have a bottle of Poison
Antidote? If you do, turn to r9J, if you don'i, tum to

The driver neithermoves nor sPealcas the carriage
infamousdocklanas- ne cer'
rolls into Blackhavn's
tainly doesn'tnotrcyou crouchedbehindhrm Soon
the Border River is in sight. lndeed,if the vehicle's
te[rfic speedis anything to go by, lhe BorderRiver
may well be your destinationrWill you conhnueto
wail (tum to 146), attack the driver (tum to 266),
climb down and into lhe carriage(tum to r3j), or
drop off lhe vehicle and head back to the Guard
(turn to
Post,rn the vaguehopeof findingthe assassin

KaramCruul expeimenlsin the darkestalchemiesas
part of his delvingrnto lhe mystic art of Nohaffi.O^e
such experimenlinvolves lhe creationof Ashvaal,a
poisonoussludge which blights the desert for kilo,
metresaround You leapinto the pool of Ashvaaland
aresuckeddown to a stagnantdooml

follow the evil dirge to its source(turn lo 260), or turn

and run straight out of the theatre(turn to 383)?

If any parl of the windmillhascaughtffre,turn to 37o,
otherwise,turn to 3jo.

You qurcklyleam that the way to escapethe net is not
to stmggleagainstit but to move slowly with it as it
tightens,usinS the increasingrigidity of the wire to
clmb up and out through the open neck. But you
don't have much trme to congraLulaLe
your ingenuiiybeforeyou heara screamechoingfrom
deep withrn the buildng As the screamdies, the
terrifying sound of a pipe organ begins Will you

You cautiouslyremove the crumPlednole from lhe
dead man's hand. On n are some words, obvrously
saibbledby Enbador
in hrslastmoments:he wroLethe
words with his fingertip,usinghis own blood as ink!
The note reads,Rosy ChaliceLast Oclopus'. You
have forged anobherpuzzling link in the chain whrch
may well lead to the sinisterKaramGruul Now, will

you open th letter addressedto you (tum to 179),
or leavei[ where it is and head downsLairs
(Lum to
You haveno troubleconvincingthe landladythat you
are an importantBriciannoble of ancientsfock,and
that you have an interest in contactingthe Eternal
Fratrnilyof the Rosy Chaiicewith a view to joining
ifs augustand most secretranks What you don't tell

proof,' she whispers-'Here.Tonight. Midnighf Nor4,

youd better leave'Add fhe Rosy Chalicebrooch to
your AduentureSheel.Pleasedat the successof your
deceptlon,you nod your thanksand leave; rurn ro
'69 yout
Cruul is trying fo hypnoLize
But your will is foo
strong. You strike hrm and wam hrm not to try ii
again.Perhapshe won't have io his extra weight is
slowing you down, and Lhe remnantsof the Cabal
have ralljed and are coming after you. Buf waitJJust
over the next riseyou encountera Gallantarian
Their captainridesforward lo greet you. 'We cameto
scott you back to Royal Lendle,but we had better
makea standagainstthe Cabalhereand now. There's
around thirty of them and only ten of us. Will you
slay and help?'

'Yes,'mocksCruul, 'will you wastetime here,playing
soldierswith your friends(tum to 38E),or will you
desertthem,so as Loget me to RoyalLendlethat liltle
bit sooner(tum to 99!'
relax and lie back, allowing
As the water rises,
yourselfto be buoyedupwardsand occasionally
ing your head to snatcha mouthful of air, All toes
well until Lwo of the bodiessnareyour legs and drag
you down You must free yourselffiom the corpses'
unfeelinggraspbeforeyour lungsfill with water.Roll
Fourdice and add all bhenumbersrolled togeiher If
their toial is higher than your currenl srAMrNAscore,
you becomethe thirteenthbody in the pitl If the total
is lessthan or equalto youl cunent srAMrNAscore,
you manageto ftee yourselfwithout harmand float uP to
thelop of thepit.Thetrapdooris unlocked,
openand ease

You stepforwardand pi& up the skull,but jusl asyou

tum and are about to leave lhe vault yor-rfind your
way barredby an ageingwarlorl 'Give me the skull,'
he wheezeshysterically.'l must have it. I built this
tomb to protecl il, and I havereLumedevery hundred
yearsto feedit, in reLumfor life. If I am bostayalive,I
musthavethe skullnowl'
lf you grve the skull to the ancientwarnot turn to 79;
bu[ if you refuse,tum to z16

The draggingfeet comeever closer- when suddenly
thereis light A mancarying a lantemhasenteredfrom
an adjacentroom. "Welcornelo my laboratory,'he
proclaims.'l hope you havewiped your feeL'You can
now seeLhatyou areindeedinsidea vastiaboralory 'l
am the direclorof CravenAsylum,ard this 'he lifts
the lantem to illuminatethe figure you heardin the
a hotch-potchcomposed
of variousbeings.The
fanaticaidireclor looks on with pride: 'My mother,
Doktor Kauderwelsch,
life, and they deshoyed
herfor it I removedherbrainandcamehere.Her gold I
usedto buy theinstitule,andhernotesto buildhera new
body madelrom brtsandprecesof theinmates.Though
peopleknowmeby thenameof DoktorWelsch,I amSon
of Kauderwelsch!
And now I shallmove my mother's
brainrntoyourfinebody'The monstershambles
sluggrshsleptowardsyou Ifyouhave freedtheinmates
of the asylum,LurnLorE3;if you haven't,turn to jo2.
The cooperis no fool, so you move away from the
body in responseto his commandBuLthereseemsLo
be some confusionamong two of Lhe searchpartis;
eachgroup thinkslhat il is meantto coverLheHarbour
Row area An innkeepercallsChanningover to sort
thingsout, lhus providingyou wrth the idealopportu
nily lo makea quick searchof the body unnoticedII
you have the Sler6'rlof lland SpecialSkill,turn to ,o7.
If you do not, Tesfvout Luck.lf you are Lucky, tum to
3o7;but if you areUnlucky,turn to Jlr

t7 4

Though you try your best not to offend the grave
robbers,Hogg Lakesyour refusalto ddnl as an insult
'Suit yourself,'hesnaps,'bulI can seethat lhis is not
goin' to be a particularly harmoniouspartnershrp.
Therefore, I'm obliged to charge yer anofher two
fer wearand Learon MicterKilm.rmey
s spnsi
bilities Now, we have some arrangements
to make,
palmsto greasean' the like. So, iI yer'll just giv us
our money,we'll meeLyer at the cemeteryin half an

The CorpseMaster has no defenceagarnstthe blow
which endshis evil rergn His blackrobesfall to the
into dust The prpeorgan
groundashis body collapses
no longer plays its drrge, and the rats are already
back to their sewerdomain For defealing
the CorpseMaster,gain 1 pomt of r-ucr. Now, will
you mspecl the body of lhe Man-Orc (turn to 94),
look through the other roomsof th Rohmer(turn to
3),or leavethe theatreimmedntely(turn to 3E3)?

If you pay the fee, cross 8 Gold Piecesoff your

and tum lo J74. But if you cardrotor
willnot pay Hogg just yt, tum to 28.

you tum the
Fearfulof the possrbleconsequences,
gruesomelystyledhandleand. . nothing.The door is
locked.II you have the toclcPickirgSpecralSkill and
wish to use it, turn lo 284. If you do not have lhis
SpecialSkill but would like to try lo pflse th door
yourShll.If you succeed,
turn to 284rbuLf
you fail, ium to 53 Then agairyif you'd ratherjusl
Leavethis slrangehousern Divil's Lane alone,add z
Houls andrehrn to 2oo


The Dark Elf tightensthe ropc round your neckyer

again Deducl2 pointsfrom your sravrNa and Iesi
t/or,' Sti// Keep on Testolgyour Still untjl you either
(turn to 274)or die mosthorribly.

Only thc finestof fighterscould hope to defeatsuch
odds.lf you do nol havctheConlat Special
Sk l, you iall
beneaththe long knivesand your adventureis over-If
you do havethe Conlrt SpecialSkill,you run this way
andthat,to preventyourselfftom beinghemmedin and
ove(vhelmedby sheernumbers In iime, only five
areleftguardingthewayoulofthe tcmple.
You chargeforwardand6ghl lhemallal the samctime




After two roLrnds

of combat,iurn to ,t

Maybe there is another way out of the rcmpre, or
perhapsthe placcis not quite as empty as it seemsto
be Whatever the reasoryyou slart to scarcnrne room_
But you don't 8et very far before a blazinS pain bums
through your body - deduct: points fiom your
srAMrNA- The pain rnakes it impossible for you to
coniinue your search,so will you now hurry out of
the temple (tum to 95) or risk taking a closer look al
the strangecrystals(tum to 2rr)?

the urSe to panic,you pressagainstthe
inrushing water and force your shouldersinto fhe
narrow gap af the top of th window, until you are
jammedsolid Then you use your uniquetraining to
snakeforwardthroughthe gap.You are strugglinSon
painfullywhen your body is sezed by the cunent of
lhe river and you are pulled out through the window
like a cork ouf of a bottle. Testyour Luck.lf you are
Lucky,turn to 363.If you areUnlucky,tum to Jo9
r8 r
The rats continueto bite as you reachthroughto the
simple bolt that fastensthe ca8e - deduct 3 more
pointsfromyour srAMrNAPoppingyour elbowback



into place,you rise Loyour feet and staggerout of lhe

stone hut in which you have been held prisoner.
Outside,you see thaLit is night. A familiarvillage,
lies in the near distancThereis no sign of
Cruu] or his Magus,buhyou rememberGruul saying,
'The SecrelChiefs are expecLedin lhe village' He
mustmeanPenkhull;turn lo 369

you and,with a singlehand,lifts

The manhunterserzes
you high above rts.head in tnumph Il pausesto
savour your feeblesfrugglesbefore casuallytossing
you inlo lhe path of a lightning boltl Your scorched
body will be a priceless
addilion to the ObrsianPreda
tor's trophy collection
You are engagedin a Lifeor-deathstruggltor your
cranialcapacitywhen the door behindyou is knocked
off ils hinSes Dozens of inmates storm into the
laboratory.They pull the monsterawayfrom you, and
proceedto undo the mad Doktor'shandiworktWelsch
an assortmentof stray pices,crying out,
'MotherlI love your'You have seenenough.You
hurry throughihe devastaLed
asyi.rmand do not stop
unhl you are out in the open air once more. Wite
down the word'Rotkod' on yotr AdoenlureSheel1l
you are disguisedas a warden,you changebackinto
your own clothes.Now, if you have not done so
already,will you make for the Last Octopus(turn to
t7) or Malt Lane(turn to 2o7),or, if you have reason
to do so,Priestsgate
or WeathemMill?

That was no old lady you just passed.Your skLll
enablesyou to seethat beneaththe dressand shawlof
ar old pauperis the deliberateiybent form of a XenViprr Thrs breedof snakepeopleis rare among the
evil lizard races,in that it can survive the coLder
northernregjonsof Titan. Because
of this, XenVipers
aresent in smallcadresto infltrate the ciiiesof those
regions,to becomean enemywithin If you altackthe
Xen-Viperturn to ,j3 If you hurry on up to Entador's
lodSings,lun to 9

r8 5
The insLant
touch the figure,il explodesin a fury
of sparkslThe silkengown and maskburn away, to
reveala bizanemannequinmadeof metaltAnd now
you loo slart to bum, your body held fast to the
dummy by a powerful force Karam Gruul speaks
through the unmovinglips of his effigy a final time.
'Enjoy your gold - /ools gold!' Your mrisclesare
lockedin placeby the mannequin'spower, but your
into mrcifuloblivion
Meinster Cemetryis a big place,and one rich in
hrdrngplaces.You quickly lose the mob among the
shadowy sprawl of crooked headstonesand family
burial chambers,then circleback in a wide arc The
are still rooling in the further
parls of th graveyardwhen you tiptoe out through
the cemeterygates.Add 3 HoursandreLurnLo2oo
At ffrst you ieel as if you are abouLLosuccumblo the
Baron'sinfluence,but then you sta.t to draw upon
reservesof strengthyoLrdidn't even know you pos
sessedYou staggerback,momentarilydazedbut free
from Milescu'spower. He snarlsangrily and rushes
forwardLorendyou with his barehands.



If you win and you have a stake,turn to ,t2. If you

do not havea stake,tum to 3r2.



'Sliceand dice,little red-bagl'That voicel It can only
out of thin air
be .. The CorpseMasier materializes
and plungeshis bony daggerinto Cruul'sback.Believing Gruul to havebetrayedhim, the skeletal6end has
come lo iul6l his oath of revenge But Gruul is not
done yet He drawson his magic to heal the wound,
then embraceshis old lieutenantin mortal combat
What follows canonly be describedas the clashof the
ceniury, but soon only one oi ihe duellistsis leit
slanding - the Corpse Masler dissolvesinlo dust
Rather than bask in triumph, however,Gruul seems
afiaid and he no longercash his spells.He musf have
usedall his energyto defealfhe CorpseMasierlCross
Gruul'sremainingNoiuraoff your Aduenfure
rum ro 30

Insidethe tricky draweryou 6nd -25Gold Piecesand a
lelter of introduction,addressedto Doktor Welsch,
dkector of CravenAsylum (add both the letter and
ihe Gold Piecesto your Adoenluresfieef)The letter
saysthat you are a relatrveof Ouspenskaya
ard thal
you must be permittedto seeher. You put the ..
fello, whats thrs?Also lying in the draweris a page
tom 6om Bennet's
diary.It readsNow I knou hozt lhe roguesof Elatkhaoenelurleus
Enfadorsavs lhaL one of tny het1, ConradZfrar of
Mill, is a spyfor lhe CabalBuLI nv;l hape
prcafbelarcnakin| anVaccsotions
if, in fLrlure,you are given a chanceto visit Conrad
Zaarat WeathernMill, you may do so by tuming to
93 (makea note of this paragraphnumberon your
Now, will you attendto Bennet(turn
to r49) or go straightlo lhe window (turn to 8o)?
Everypart of your subconscious
selfbegsyou not lo
enter the Door Beyond,so you hold back and spend
one of the most fearlirlhoua of your life, waiting in
lhat hauntedchamberof darknessYou are beginning
lo fearfor your sanitywhen Mawn Preioragus
Lookingagedand weary,he says,'Takethe seltlemenl
andbegone'The front door opens- you are only too
gladlo makeuseof it.


You huny out of Divil's Lane,hoprngyou will never

have causeto Bo there again Make a note of the
word 'Q'yarui and add the Hand of Glory to your



SheetAs well as being usefulagainsfGruul,
this Ward emitsa constantauraof sleep If you Fighta
batllewhrlecanying the hand(you may get rid oi it at
any time by crossingit off yolr Ad enturcSlEet'),
musl deduclr point from your opponent'ssKrLLscore
for the duration of the baltle, but you also have to
deductr porntfrom yollr ol^msraMrN^ at the startoI
lhe battle If Eghting more than one opponent,you
need deductonly the 1 srAMrNApoint. Now add 3
Hoursandrefurnto 2oo

Beforeyou know it, the Dark EIf has a lhin rope round
your neck He is lrymg to sirangl you! You wflggie
yoru hard inside the noose, fo stop it throtfling you
Inslead,thc cord cuts into your hand; deduct : points
lrom your 5TAMTNAYour firsl concern now musr oe
to escape.TesLyout Sti/i If you succeed,turn to 274;
but if you faiL,turn to r77.

linge.s trembling,you uncork the bottl of Poison
Antidote and pour the life saving fluid down your
throaL;crossthe antidoteof[ yotr tuloenture
door itself is locked If you later6nd a BrassKey, you
mty, contraryto normalinstructions,
Now you must return to fhe hall and choosea door
you havn't tried already Will you enter Big Laffs
(turn to 22o),Nosh (turn to 27t), Fat Maggoh (turn to
r 17)or Wipefeef(tum to t8t
Iortunately your wits are equal fo this difficult situation You faceChanningand say, 'l was lookrngfor
clues There may be someihingon the body which'll
helpus 6nd the Shocker.'

I9 I

Thereis a brief lull beforethe skullcnesout, 'Sneakon

thc stairslStealerin the nighll Lrstnerat the doori
Sneak!SneallSneakl'Thevojce is no longer rn your
mind, it echoesloudly back and forth befweenthe
stonewallsof the undergroundcorridor Turn to JJ

Channingconsidersyour explanationfor a moment,

then tells his men to reieaseyou. 'The guards'lldo
that,'hesays You just leavethe body be'Will you
now offer to join the hunt for the Shocker(turn to
(turn to 29o),
l4t), stay hrand alrraiLdevelopments
or makeyour way ba& to the LastOc{opus(tum to


A grating voiceechoesinsideyour mmd: ,Neeeed
foooood,'and you sfumbleforward in a daze When

srrAMlNApoints. lf you have a Hexaipha,

fum to
rr )ou, do not, you are crushed by a powerful 4oo.
to you cannot hope to deieai


The woman takesyou to lhe safety of her lodgings in

Harbour Row, where she insisls that you 8et some
much-neededrest. Placing your trust in her, you fall
fusl asleep (resfore 4 srAMrNA points) When you
wake up, she grves you Provisions worth -: meals,5o
Coid Piecesand, if you need one a sword Then she
answersyour ques ons
'1. Professor Van Heldenghast,have also spent years
trying to 6nd Karam Gruul a being of indete.minale
origin whose foul LifeJorce has been suslained for
over lhree hundred years by a mystic art of his own
devising:Nof /, Ii Cruul leams to master this peryerse
mixLure of magic, alchemy and physiology, he will
conquer the world Yet Nofnra may r.r'ellbe his undo
ing After the war, many artefactswere found in the
ruins of Cruul's Tower of Inqursitron Six of these
the unique Wards of Notura - I have been able lo
trace to Blackhaven.Oblain these six, and you will
have some protection against Gruult dark powers.'
Van Heldenghast then tells you exactly where the
Wards are, but she also says that you have only nine
hours in which to 6nd them 'There are other urgent
matterswe must attend to tonight.'
When you leave one of lhe Ward locahons, you will
be told how many hours you have spent there Make
a noLe of lhese hours; as soon as Lhey total mne or
more, turn to 75 Whenever you leave a location, you
rvill be relumed here so that you may choose another
location from the list below. You may not visit the
samelocation lr^/ice


Timc rs short,so you thank the Professor,promrselo

return to HarbourRow at fhe appointedhour, thenset
off oncemore on to lhe streetsof Blackhaven\Ahich
of the six Ward locationswillyou vrsit:
The ThreeBrokenFingersTavern?
The Shrineof Belthegor?
Thc Olde Gaol?

Hogg ftowns,Now, lookl Seein'as yer refusin'to lend

a friendly hand to the venture,I feel I shouldremind
yer that we only agreedto help yer,6ndthe skull.We
didn't enter into any agreemenfspecifyin'thaf we
shouldfetchit fer yer as well. Therefore,I t'ink it only
fait grven Mister Krlmamey'sdelicateconstitutiot
lhat I shouldchargeyer two extra shrniesfer labour
costs.Indecd,we won't go any further unlessyer pay
us right now!'

Tum lo 34o
Tum to 6r
Turn to JJ4
Turn to ro
Turn Lol8j
Tum to 245

will you agreeto settleyour accountwilh the grave

robbers(terrnto 98), or simply tell Hogg to gei back
to work (turn to rrl)?


You climb up and up thc ladderurtil you rcach the

Ioft Much of the crampedaftic is faken up by mili
n.:.Linery,lhc rcsl ir occLFiedby /aai> rreag"
cffects You sec a possibleescaperouLe:a smalldoor
lucked away bcneathlhe heavy, rolating mill shaft
You open the door and stepout on io a tiny balcony,
past which thc sailsof the windmill swish,and look
down lo the ground,somctwenly metresbelow Also
on the balconyis ConradZaarlThc treachcrous
is a tall, imposing characterwhose brutish features
suggestOrcish lineage.'I knew you'd be hcre sooner
or later'h sncers,sword in hand Now diel' Dodging
Zaar' fall backinto fhe loft. Zaar
chargesin alfcr you


The inmatesseethe grey of your uniformandretreatrn

fear One man,however,rushesforwardand pressesa
locketinto your hand You openthe lockeL,to discover
lhaLit conlarnstwo minialureportraits:one of the man,


If you win, turn to 16


looking handsomeand splendid,and the other of a

sayslhe manwith startling
lucidity,'findmy lady andgive her thelocket Shemusl
krow'You promisethemanlhat youwill do ashe asks,
then you headbackout of lhe room (addthe lnmate's
Sheet)lt occursLo you that
LockeLto your Adoe,?lure
you couldfreethe inmalesby leavingthisdoor opet if
you wish to do so,note thatyou havefreedlhe inmates
on yorr AdtenfureShpl, then relurn to the hall and
choosea door you haven'ttried before.Will you enter
Nosh (turn to 275), Brg Trubbull (tum to 287), Fat
Maggots(tum to rr7) or WiPefeet(tum to i8)?

Keepingone eye 6xed on the Provostsard the other

on the gallows,you step forward 'Or!'You sigh in
frustration.The Man-Orcshaveseenyou and arenow
wondering what in Slan88'sname you are up to,
like that. Will you
tiptoeing acrossthe cobblestones
atLackthe Provosts(tum to 26), hy to bribe them
(turn Lo14)or seeklo fool them(tum io r48)?

The beggarsesetesthe gold in someinner region of

her clothing,then handsyou a smallbottle: 'Masky
said it was poison anlydote,or;umfink. Said it was
Lheonly cure fer 'is deadly serum.I drank some,bul rt
didn'bdo anyfin' fer me cocHes.'
A labelon the boltle doesindeedread'Antidote'.It's a
pity then Lhat the beggar has left enough of the stuff
for only one use.She caries on talking while you put

the botlle away.'Maskywent on an'on abouf'ow the

Oct4us is 'is covrfer theseparts.Everlikely 'e goes
&opprn' is antydotesrf'e spendsall'is time in a
tavem.'You cannot help but laugh with the old
woman; rum lo 44.
Another coupleof stepsand you'll be able io make
out what's berng said. You lislen more closely and
neeeeedfoooood' Only
this voice is rnsideyour headlIb is the Skullof Mora
Tao, and il wants fo feed on your spirit.To feed the
foul lhing, you will have to takeit out of your pack
and allow n to feed on your arm. If you refuse lo do
this, tum to r9r; but if you are willing Lo salisfythe
skull'sappetite,deduct4 poinls from your srawrr.r
and tum to 296.
Silas Entador lives in poverty-shicken Malt Lane,
where whole families and complete strangers are
crammd into over-priced tenemenLs Crime and diseasare no strangersin these godfonaken condrLions,
so it is with great caution lhaL you approachthe hovel
Entador calls 'home' A man, reeking of Lendale, lies
sprawled in the open doorway. You step carefully
over the snoring drunkard and make for the starcase
just rnside the building's squalid hallway Entador's
chamber is on the top floor; you are almosL therc
when an old lady brushes past you on her way
downsfairs. If you have lhe Diiguise Special Slall, tum
to r8+ if not, tum to 9.

Panic lhreatenslo overwhelm you, but you stay calm
long enough to see that the plain wall between the
two columns is actually a secret doorl You push
against the door and it swiveis open, to reveal a spiral
staircasewhich leadsup to the balcony. Unfortunately,
there is no way of loclcng thrs door it swlvels round
and round as the Cabal memberscome rushin8 up the
stairs behind you You must retain a sure foot if you
are fo escape fherr clutches Tesf your Skill. lf you
succeed,turn lo 3oo;if you fail, turn lo r22

To the untmined eye, the Wayside Shrine of Belthegor
:s little more than a pile of overgrown bricks with a
iw 'firnny' carvings on fhem; to you, however, the
Shrine is a window into a distant past when savate
:nutanf beings gave sacrificeto lhe god of second life
'ust as Van Heldenghasthad describedit, the Mask of
tselthegoris set in a huge slab of worked sione and is
easy to find It you have the Tnrcting SpecialSkill, tum
io 3j8, if you do not, turn fo rt9

\ou fall deeper;rd decpcr inlo thc Baron. crim.o'r
gaze until you are left with no will of your own That
done, you arc cursed with an all too vivid awareness
as the Vampire feeds on your bloodr When Milescu is
saled,he changesinto a huge bat and flis up into the
sky, free to roam lhe Old World after years of non
exLstenceThis is a sorry day for all of Titanl Released
from the Vampire'sspell,you fall, dazed,to thc ground
Roll two dicc and deduct the total rolled from your
srAMrNA. If you are sfill alve, return to the paragraph
you camefrom and contrnueyour adventurc
Careful nol to fall from the moving vehicle, you sit
down in the vacated seaf, fake hold of the reins and
'Aaghhil'The leather straps are coated with an
evil slimc which burns your skin; deduct z points from
your STAMINA.You are still huggrng your blisfered
handswhen the horsessel off at a breakneckpace The
powcrful beasts troth and neigh as they pull the


carriagefaslerand faslerinto the cily's infamousdock

lands. There, they thunder along the banks of the
Border tuver, before swervingoff towards the river
itselalWill you try to slow fhe horses(tum fo 346),
climb insideLhecarriage(lurn to rl7), or leap off the
vehicle and hurry back to the Guard Post, in the
slenderhopeof findingthe Man-Orc(turn to j28t
Your rash dccision has just saved your life, for the
Dark ELf is an assassLnsent to kill you. Had you
lowered your guard for but an instant, he woLrld
have attackcd you with a deadly ganottel The other
drinkers stard well back to walch thc morlal



If you win, lurn to 2,1,

Having scoutedall aroundlhe Rohmer,you can find
only one other meansof entry: an unbarredsecond
iloor window at the rear of the buiLding.It might
;ust bc possibLelo reach lhis window by climbng
up an old drainpipcwhich runs near it. lf you want
lo try this and you have the C/irrb SpecialSkill,
turn to 7r, if you wish to attempt the climb without
the SpecialSkill, turn to 247. lf you would ralher
nol try for lhe window at all, you may eitherreturn
lo the side door (turn io 194),or leave the Rohmer
and continueyour investigationselsewhere(turn to

The lantern shatlers and spills most of its buming oil
all over Conrad's bald, scared head However, hc just
:gnores the enveloping flamcs and continues upwards
rn silence.The lantern falls to the ground and sets 6re
lo several bales of hay In moments, the enhre mill is
ablaze (Make a note on your,4dlertul, s}crt thal the
miLlhas caught fire.) But what about Conrad?Will you
stand and 6ght him (tum to 35o),or seekto cscapelhe
cut of his gleaming machctc(tum to 165)?
You barely have trme to rcach the cover of the rocks
when the rumble becomcs a roar and four hundred
riders thunder into viwl Orcs, Trolls, Werebeasts,
Brician nobles - a veritable rogues' gallery of war
criminals passesin front of yoq and therr ranks are
thick with bannersand armbandsbearing the emblem
of lhe Cabal of the Werewolfl The entrre organization
is here, goinS to meet ils leader at Hope's End You
wait for the dust to seftle, then set off in pursuit. Turn
to 29.

Clutchinghis face, the warrior drops to his knees:
Please .. the skulll'But you keepa firm grip on the
:rtefacLand merely stepout of the man'sway Whcn
ie next looks up at you, his skin is tauL,his eyesare
:heumy,and his jaw is tremblingunconkollably He
:allsforwardand his fleshwithersaway,until all that
:emainsis dust The skull ls yours Somehow,you
mow the cLrrsedWard will give you elernal lfe in
:eturnfor feedingon your spirit It in future,you are
:old that the skullwantsyour spirit,follovvlhe rnstruc:ions;bul note that you may nol eat any Provisions
until rrtferyou have ied the skull You may throw the
skullaway at any time by simply crossingit off your
StreefNow, you musf makeyour way back
up to the graveyard Ii the word 'Daednu'is written
t:n your Adaenture
add J
Shect,tum to jrj; othena,ise,
Hoursandretum lo 2oo
You should havc followed ProfessorVan Helden
ghast's instructionsto the letter, for, wilhotrt the
all you havein your packis
a woodenhandlThe useless
stop Gruul'smagic- makea note of the word'Rennur'
on your A.duenture
Sleei Suddenly,you come out of
vour stupor.If the word 'Esproc'is written on your
tulr. to r88, rf it is nol retum to ,oo
2 r8
Only now in the cold light ot day doesthe desperate
natureof your situationdawnon you your investiga-


tions so far have drawn a completeblarkr Yet at the

sane Lime,you feel so closeto breakingthe wall of
secrecywhich Gruul has bu t so effectivelyround
himself.Partof the answermustlie in lhe LastOctopus,
so you decidto spendthe day keepinga watch over
lhe place To lhis end,you nestledown rnsidean old
rowing boat which is ideally Placedjust acrossthe
wharf. Once you lie down, however,you realizejust
how lired you are,you have been hunting Gruul all
night. lt is still earlyin lhe day, so if you wish to risk
taking a nap now, hrn to ro8 If you would rather
sleeplaler,lum lo 384.
With a shock,you realizethal it is fiis womanwhose
portraitis insidethe lockelgiven lo you by ihe manat
Craven Asyluml You rememberthe inmate'swords:
'Find my lady and give her lhe locket She must
know' Despitethe risks,you msh over to the woman
and presenther wrth the lockel You tell her exactly
where and how you found it As you sPeal, the
woman'shaughty demeanourgives way to sadness
'Karl said the Cabal was being misled,bul I didn't
believehim,'she murmurs'Now I kirow he spokelhe
trulh They told me he was dead.We have all been
betrayed If you want Gruul,go to Hope'sEnd.You'll
find him skulkingin lhe ruins of his Tower of Inquisi
tion.Now I mustgo Lofreemy husband'
You thank the lady for her pncelessinformatioo lhen
begin your long trek northwardsResLore1 Point of
LUCKand turn to r9.


The door opens inLo a vesLibule,acrosswhich is a

second,barred door. You unbar this door and step
into the cavemousvault whichrs hometo the asylum's
two hundredirunatesNo attempthas been mad to
carefor fheselost and forgottensouls,someof whom
babble in maddenedtury at the sound of your rntrusion Are you disgursedas a warden?If so, tum to
2o3;if not, tum to 264

I8noringthe insistentrlic,you askKjennarto bellyou

aboula few of the olher curiosin lhe shop.The portly
manwarmsto histaskandsoonforgetsallaboutlhephial
onLhecounLerYou areabout!o palmtheglasstubewhen
thehauntedskullwails,'ThieflThieFTryrng to stealthe
bloodlThiefl'Kiennarseesthroughyourruseat once,he
up thephialandcriesoul forhelp.Knowingthat
the CiLy Guardcannolbe far away, you hurry oubof the
shopuilhout Lheblood. Happy now, the skull grows
silent oncemore Add r hour and retum to zoo.

Your fiBht wrth the Demothraxwill remainwith you

for ever - never have you encounteredsuch ferocityl
And your battle may not be over yet, for your blows
seemonly to have stunnedLhecreature.Already she
seeksto rise to her feet. So, quicHy now, what will
you do, flee(tum to 8r), use the chainto bind Argolis
once more (tum to zg4), or grab hu and throw her
ba& down into the pil (lum lo r27)?



Wlthoul warning, fhe guards try to fal(e you b_r
surprise You musl fight all three at once.



him concenkate.Then hc offers you a bite of thrs



Iiyou deicafthem all turn to rz4


anddice,little red bagt'Turnto ro4_



'l dunno,'muttersthc Orc doubtfully.He pulls a

pickledrat out of his pocketand chewson it to help




StandinSwell back,you take the sphereout of your

pack and hurl it at the figure Howevet it is no
ordinary man who is caught in the deadly corrosive
rnist the .rllen revealthat '\e i.
actuallya melal dummytA snarl escapesthe ef6gy's
frozen lips 'You may have won this round, Bounty
Hunler, but, from ths momenton, you shallwalk for
ever under the shadowof KaramCnrr:l And when I
finallyhaveyou in my talons,you wrll be beggingfor
In seconds,the bizarreef6gy and the fool's gold ai its
feet are reducedto a puddle of molten metal. For
winninS this round in your war of nerves,restore1
point of LUCKNow you had better leave the alley,
lestthe acrdictendrilstum on you; tum LoJ99

Eventhoughthe room is pitch black,the Door Beyond

gleamslike a psychrcbeaconin your mind'seye You
iSnorethe creepingshadowsand hurry forward Tesl
your Luck.If you are Lucky, turn Lo rgo. If you are
Unlucky,tum to r34.


You creepalongthe dustycorridoras far asa staircase,

The threecrystalballs spin in and out of one another
tn eccentricorbits,while swiftly rotatingon their own
axesat aboutshoulderheight.Eachsphereis aboutten
in dramefer,and each conlains a tiny
picture.Insrdeone is the imageof a iock, inside fhe
secondis the imageof a shield and insidethe third is
the mage of a sword Both the lock and the shield


Though chunks of stoneworkland all around you,

somehowyou marage to survive the blasf wrthout
injury. The cellar,howevet,is now on 6re - i[ won't
be long beiorethe entiremill is ablazet(Make a note
on your Aduenturesr"pt that the rar'indmillhas caught
fire; also, if Lhe word 'Damoc' is written on your

The lock?
The shield?
The sword?

Turn to 3o6
Tum to 366
Turn to 40


You are met at lhe door by one of the grey-uniformed

wardens- a Trolll Wot d'yer wanL?'he snaps-You
presentthe creaturewith Bennel'sLeLtrof Lrtroduction,which he pretendslo readbeforesmffing,'S'pose
You stepinto th gloomy hallwayandlook on ruefully
as the Troll locksthe door behindyou Then he takes
you to the study of Ma,<illonCrabb, the asylum's
deputy director. Smilng, Crabb offers you a plush
armchair,while he studresyour letter Finallyhe says,
'My superior Doktor Welsch,would have greeted
you himself,but he is busy at presenl.FIehascomeall
the way from CumblesideSeernsto have been some
trouble there of late'You reply that this is all very
well, but you really would like to see your'sisLer'.
Crabb nods understandingly,'lndeed, but perhaps
you d carefor somerefreshmenls
6rsl?'If you accept
tum to 36;otherwise,turn to r5z
'The Hand of Death?'shoutsthe landlady.'What in
Slangg'snamehashe got to do wilh my tavem?Loo(
folk roundherearesickto deathof interferingbusybodies comingfrom RoyalLendleand stining up the past.
Now, if you don't mind, I've work to be getting on
with.'You try fo explain,but Eviron doesn't listen.
Shenods to someoneover your shoulder,Lhenwalks
away.You turn ard find yourselffacelo facewiLh a
Dark Elfl The presenceof suchan evil oeature in a
alehouseis unusualto say the least.Clad



in armourcoveredwrth ELvishrunes,the garrnLmid

night creaturemurmurs,'Wemrist talk about your
KaramGruul over a drink' Will you:
Talk to himT
Ask to be left alone?
Altack him?

Turnto rt7
Turn to r92
Turnto 212

'I'll talkl' you wail Then you tell Cruul everything.
about your mission,your adventuresin Blacklaven,
your knowledgeof the Cabal,everythingl\Atrenyou
finish,Gruul Lumsto leave the room 'Radu,'hesays
flatly, 'remove the final panel The SecretChiefsare
expectedin the v lage.' The Magus eagerly obeys,
then follows his masterout of the room. For gjving in
to Gruul, deduct1 point from your LUCKSoon,yoLl
feel the mattedfur o[ the rats brushingagainstyour
lips.Deduct3 points from your srAMrN.AIf you have
the Sleightof lland SpecialSkill,tum to r8r; if you do
not, your adventureendshere
Artfully changingthe subject,you ask Kiennarabout
somof the other cuflosin his store,and in no time at
all the portly shopkeeper
has {orgottenall about the
phial of blood. Indeed,he casuallyleavesit lying on
the counterwhile he explainsto you the workingso[
an Elvenorrery.He is none the wiser,lhen,when you
deftly sllp the phial into your pack and casuallytale
your leave.You walk oui of the curiosityshopvriih a
quieLsmile on your face Add lhe Blood of Baron

Mtlescu to your.,ldoenhtreSheel Also, note that from

now on you must TesLVour Luck aftet eachbattle you
win. If you are Lucky, read on as normal; but if you are
Unlucky, make a note of the paragraphyou have come
from, then tum to paraSraph49 Do not deduct the
normal 1 point from your ruc< when making these
specnl checks Now add z Hour and retum to 2oo

The moment he hearsyou, fhe assassintums and lobs a
small glass sphere in your path The sphere shatters,
reieasinga cloud of green luminescentmisf which ses
like a curtain between you and ihe Man Orc, who
keeps on running. If you wish to run through th
strangemist in pursuit of fhe assassin,Lum to 60 If you
would rather hold back and let him escape,furn fo r4J



The last thing the Cabalwould expectis for their arch
enemy to come strolling through their ranks,so this is
preciselywhat you do! However, even you are surprisedby how far you gel beforeRadushouts,'l don't
believert: fhe Bounty Hunter:'While everyoneis
shockedrigid by your audacity,you sprint forward
Roll one die Lo discoverhow many Cabal members
sland in your way. You must fight them one atter
another,starlingfrom the top of the followinglist:






If you win, tum to rot


You entera largevault and find the Skullof Mora Tao

resting on a black marble pedestal.Although the
skull'sbottom jaw is missinS,its remainingfeeth are
cmelly sharp and its eye,so&ets are like black jewels
of death.Pleasedas you are to find the skull,it would
seemthat someonehas beatenyou to it alreadytAn
ageng wamor, whose fooLstepsyou hearo eanre.,
shouts,'Too late, the skull is mine!'Then he snatches
the skull up and pressesiL Lo his forearm.'At last!'he
cries.As you watch, the warrior grows younger! 'l
retum eachcentury,'he gasps,'to give the skull some

of my humar spirLtin exchangefor immortality Now

:hat I haveit, no one shalltakeit awayfrom mel'Now
in the pnme of Life,the warnor pushespasLyou in a
iantic effort fo reach the door If you have the
,ArrolntirsSpecialSkrll,tum to 27o,if you do noL tum
to 79
You grant the sly reptrleno quarfer.Leavmgher body
on the sbaircase,
you hurry lo the lop floor. If you
haveeitherthe SreatSpecrat
Skill or Lishek'sWarnrng,
turn to ,98- Otherwise Trsl you, Lutk l[ yor are
Lucky,turn fo j98) bubif you areUnlucky,lum lo 46.

You spobCruul fiptoeinSaway down the hill! But you

n-rnafterhm and brrnghim down with a flyrng tackle
You have failed,'he snarls 'My servantsare alrady
at work wilhin lhe tower.'You askhim whaf he means
by this, but he saysno more.Just then, someo[ the
horsesstarLfo nergh,and a few of the soldiersbreal



out in shivers 'I don't like it,' mutters the caPlain.

'There'ssomethingin th air, I canfeel ii' You tell him
to get his men moving,but, when he lries,they throw
themselvesto the ground in blind panic. Will you
seizeGrlul and ride on (turn to 99),or wait herewith
the terrifiedsoldiers(turn to ,72)?
the gargoyle and slart to
You turn
retlaceyour footstepsupslairs The harshvoice calls
ZaarlIs it you?'You
afier you, 'l senseyour presence.
begin to doubt your courseof aciion Would it be
better to try to assurethe voice lhat all rs well, or to
let ii brood in iSnorance?write down th word
'Darnoc'on yclnrAdoentweSheet.If you changeyour
mrndand wish to 'reporf, tum to 262.Otherwise,you
wrll have to leave the cellar and searcheither the
ground floor, if you haven'tdone so already(tum to
l9), or fhe loft (turn to 2or).

You try to hide from Gruuls magic,but he trapsyou

insidcthe powerfultime-windsof a Skeinof Undoing.
Deduct4 points from Gruul'sNotrrn- lf you do not
have the Blood of BaronMilescu,you forget how io
use your SpecialSkills and musl cross them a/l off
your Adoenlure
Sheetl( you have the Blood of Baron
Milescu buf fhe word 'Ranneik'is written on your
AdoenlureSheel,tum to 32r. I[ you have lhe blood
without causing
aLonc,the Skeinof Undoingdissipates
harm.If thc word 'Esproc'is written on your,4/usrlurt
Slrlrt.turnto r88:if it is nol,.eLumlo Joo.

to your wounds,then
You spend
On his
set abouf searchingthe body of the assassin.
wrist is a silverlattoo depicfinga werewolf'sheadlHe
also canies rr Gold Piecesand a flask of Curative
Potion.You may drink the potion at any bime,excePt
dunnga battle;when you drink it, crosslhe polion off
you: AdtentureSheefand restorei poinbsto your
srevrre and 1 point to your rucx When you finish,
you see lhat all the other taven folk have gathered
round you in a circle,their weaponsdrawn. You've
think you'd better leave.'Will you standyour ground
and try to reasonwith the landlady(tum to r2o), or
do as she says and leave the Last OctoPus (turn
to 92P
It has alwaysbeenKaramGruul you sought,not any
of his la&eys, so you seizehim and force him io lead
you safelyout of the buildmg.Gruul scowlsbut does
ashe is told; afterall the perilsyou havefacedduring
your quest, Gruul hmself is almost an anticlimax
Outside,lhe fog has becomeso thick lhat you can
barely see where you are going, so you drag Gruul
acrosslo the funeralpyre and pick up a tlamingtorch
Nol'raves Gmul 'Throw it awayl'You look at your
foe and seethal he !s franticwith fear.He sfruggles
with all his might to get awayfrom you and the fire.Ii
you do as Gruul asksand risk the fo8 without a light
to gurdeyour way, hlm to 342.If you refusand tell
him to be quiet,tum to 88

The few criminalswho are actuallybrought lo jusLice
n Blackhaven
meetlheir fatein GallowsSquarewhere,
on marketdays,crowdsgather to watch grisly public
hangings.Betweenone hanging day and the next, the
bodiesof thoselast executedare left, suspended
the gibbet, as a waming to all would-bevillains.As
you reachthe square,you recallthe Professor's
'Co to Callows SquareOne of the thieveshangmg
therewearsa woodenhandin placeof one of his ol,rn,
which he lost the first time he was caughtslealingNo
one knows that lhe hand is achrally one of th six
Wards.At presentthe Ward lies dormanl,bul takib
to Mar'.n Pretoragus,the Necromancerand he will
makeof it a Handof Glory.'
Rows of empty seatsline the squareand lhreebodies
swrngfrom the gallows However,idling nearby are
two hoodedMan-OrcsTheseareProvostsof LheCtty
Executionerand jt is theirjob to keepwatch over lhe
corpses.At Lhe moment, though, they
in teasinga beggarWrll you,
Attack the Provosts?
Seekto bribe them?
Attempt to fool lhem into simply
giving you the hand?
Try to steal the hand while the
Provosts ar otherwise engaged?

Tum to z6
Tum to r4
Turn to r48
Turn to 39j

Tilhng your face downwards, you muLter, 'Come ask
wot yer want doin', haven'Ln'

Crabb regards you with the utmost contempl 'Well,
you waste of oxyg4 you can starf by cleaning the
Doktor's laborafory' He pausesas if expecting some
lind L'f reJrt:oFhom \ou. but \oJ remrin :mpa..i\'e.
So it is with an air of perplexed disappointment that
Crabb hands you a Brass Key. 'Well,'he snaps,'what
are you waiting for?'You g.unt and head back to the
hall There, you may open any door yolr haven'l
opened before. Will you pick Big Laffs (turn to 22o),
Nosh (turn to 275), Big TrubbLrll(turn lo 287) or Fat
Maggots (turn to rr7)?
Hand over hand, you climb up the rickety drarnprpe,
until disaster strikes - the pipe coms away from lhe
r.r.alland breaksl You are shll clinging to the hollow
hrbe ra.lLenit clatlers norsily on the street below;
deduct r poinl from your sr,rvtre Now lhat your
'ladder is no longer usabie, you wrll eiiher have to
take the srde door after all (tum to 194) or leave the
theatre and get of with the hunt for Gruul (turn lo

When you reach the Wayside Shrrneof Belthegoa you
find lhat the legendary mask is gonl An indentation
in the fallen mason.y is all lhat remains to show you
where it useri lo be. Suddenly you hear a vorce
coming from behrndyou. 'While you have been en;oy
in8 T) lillle d.versjor. I have applied .ry supedol
inlellect lo lhe puzzle of the runes The Mask of
Belthegor is minel' You turn, but there rs no one lhere

Thc voice fades on a mocking laugh Karam Gruul
hasbeatenyou agarn Add f Hours and refum to 2oo
Therc is only one thing for il: you swarm up one of
lhe broad slone columrs, usLngth decoratjvecarvings
as fingerholds At first your enemieslook on in irustrailon, but then Radu directs some of them to a concealed
staircasethat ieadsup to the balcony.Tum to 3oo
You assurethe man that your word is your bond, but
he iusl stards fhere,hand exfended,waiting W lyou,
Changeyour mind and shakehis
Leap to the aftack?
Throw an AlchemrcalSphereat him,
if you have one?
Wilhdraw your offer and walk awayr

Turnto r8t
Turnto j7j
TLJnto 22j
Turn lo 399



The hours drag by as you maintain your watch on the
Last Octopus, but you seenothing of interest Eventually, the sun sets and, wilh the onset of evening, the
wharf lransformsfrom a place of hade into a backdrop
for skulduggery Suddenly you hear the sound of
splinlering wood. There it is again, lo your left Chopi
Chopr Chopt \ou turn and see a wooden hut collapse
as Conrad, the Maniac Guard, breaks out through fhe
walls! His machete has waited a long time for Lhis

The Maniac Guard

SKIL L 1 0

Ifyou win, tum to j2.


You fall headover heelsand hit the unyleldingcobbles

of the streel with a dull thud. Deduct 5 points from
your srAMrNA.You geLbackto your feet and try lo
Iind the Man Orc in the darkness. There! Surprisingly, lhe assassinis slanding quite slill beside a
carriageFor a few secondsLhecreaturetalksto someone through the carriagewindow, then turns and
hunies off down an alley. If you wish to follow the
turn to 4r; but if you worlld ratherapproach
the carriage,tum to 292. Then again,perhapsyou
would prefer lo let them boLh be, and starl your
manhunlproper If so, will you go to CravenAsylum
(turn to l9l), lo the Last Octopus(lum to 2r) or to
Malf Lane(turn to 2o:'),or, if yoLrhave reasonto do
so,to Priestsgate
or WeathemMill?

leadto the LaslOctopus- and-noL
All roads,it seems,
only for you. From a safe hiding place,you see a
numberoi horse-drawncoachespull up outside lhe
tavemjthey unloada varietyof passengers,
away Another carriagearrives,the door opensand a
proudlooking woman steps out. If you have the
lnmate'sLocket,turn to zr9; if you don't,fum to 376
You hold the chainready,but you have to keepyour
cool in the faceof a berserkDemothrax Tut yourSkill
lf you succeed,
turn to 294 f you fail,tum to 66.
The hellishbat wings ils way out of the room,leaving
you alone.You expectthe oeature to make for the
and the open sky, but it fliesoft makjnSfor
somewhercelseinside[he lomb. Will you follow the
baLlo seewhereiL goes(tum to roo); stay whereyou
are and search Lhe room more Lhoroughly (tum to
126); or leave both the bat and the room, and try

either the norih door (lurn to 1E6)or the east door
(turn to r4r)?
you pull all the loosenedrungsout of
their sockeh, then, using the now empty holes as
climb up lo Lhesecwerungsabove.From
lhereyou glancebackdown into the pit, and seethat
slotted nto lhe top edge of the wooden beam is a
long razor. Had you reachedup for the beam,you
would havelosl someof your fingers- if indeedyour
haven'tdone so alreadylShudderingat the thoughtof
this devrousLrap,you scrambleup the rungs,lo the
trapdoor The hatchisn't locked,so you p sh it open
and squirm through, turn to 97
Drsdainfulof physicalcombat,cruul seeksto drsable
you wilh a bolf of dazzlingenergy Deduct I points
from Gmul'sNoflra. If you have the Angevin Shroud,
the lightning tums ayrayfrom you; but if you don't,
you mustdeduc!j pointsfrom your STAMINANow, rs
the word 'Esproc'nriften on your AdoenLure
Sheet!\t tt
is, turn to r88; if it is not, retum to ,oo
KiennarseemsboLhfrightenedandrelievedas he takes
your money. 'Before you leave,' he says, might I
suggestsomeprotection?I can do you a Silver Cross
for threeCold, a wooden stakefor eight Gold, or the
pair for ten You won'LgeLa betterdealthan that.'lf
you wrsh to buy eitheror both of thesethings,add it,

along with the Blood of Baron Milescu, to your
Adt:enture9heeL,also crossing off the Gold Piecesyou
spend.Also.makea note:aflereachbattleyou win in
yourLuck.Ifyou are Lucky,read
future,you musf TesL
on as normal;but if you are Unlucky,makea note of
the paragraph you have come l;om then tum to
paragraph49 Do not deductthe normalr poinLfrom
your LUCKwhen makrnglhese specialchecks.Now
that you have finished here, add r Hour and retum to

Insidethe moneylender's
deskare ro Gold Piecesand
a Hexalpha The Hexalphais a jagged, six-pointed
slar composedof interlacedtrianglescast in solid
silver.It is aboutten cenLimetres
high andis a Rosichalcian artefacLof greaLpower. No Zombie will atlack
you while you cary the Hexalpha;lhey may obshuct
you, they may hold you, but Lheywill not causeyou
any drrect harm Note, however,thaL this does not
apply to the Zombie-/ik?
Finally,you find
1 mal'sworth of Provisionsin Kriswell'skitchen.You
alsofind a Fogwalkerwaitingin ambushl


sKrLL 7


If you win, roll one dre. If you roll a 6, you have

conhacted the plague from your opponent and never
leave lhe moneylender's
abode.If you survive. you
may run to either the bonfire (tum to:r), the belltower (turn to j97), the door with the red cross (tum
to 48), or the door with the rose+haped handle (tum
lo rj8).


- nefragmentedchordslureyouinlo the mainhall, where

: ou areconfronled by a mghtmarishtableau Swathedin
::ils of misl, lhe assassinlies dead on the slage,and over
- s body standsthe phanlom - a cloakedskeleionwhose
:: cs, raginS with inlens evil, stare out from beneatha
.rdc-brimmedhat The skelelon laughs insaneLyas it
-:moves its dagger of bone from the assassin'sback,
::companiedall the while by fhc cacophonyoi the pipe
-':gan,which plays all bJ' itselfl Hundreds o[ sewer rats
the stage, fonning an undulating black
::rpel They scamperaboui the skeleton'sfeet and crawl
:.1overthe Man-Orc'sbody The'phantom'is,in fact,a
:utenant of evil which has been conjured [rom a
:r:nensionbeyond the grave. He is a CorpseMasier and rats are his children in deathlWill yoLr

Fleefoomthisevil place?
Atiack the CorpseMasLer?
Hold your ground?

Tum to rzr
Tum to ro4
Turnlo ,2

is the assassinlands on your back, you shift your
ieight and throw him to the floor. The rope goes
::i ing out of his hand,so he decidesto improvisewith
: scnateddagger.Becauseyou are slill reelingfrom
:re pain of fhe throttling, you must deduct 1 point
-om your sKrLLscorefor the remainderof the battle,
you havethe Conrdi SpecialSkill.Now fightl


.: you defeat the Dark Elf, tum to 243



Takinga deepbreaLh,you say,'ZaarreporfinS,master.

The Marshaland lhe Bounly Hunter are dad-\r'r'hat
areyour orders?'
At first the voicesaysnothin& thenit chucklesmenac
ingly. 'Yes,fool, the BountyHuntels dead' Beforeyou
know it, the gargoyle explod,es!Tesflour Ltlck If you arc
Lu&y, tum to zz9; but if you are Unluckt LumLo27
Before you can even thinl of making a move, a
familiarvoice entersyour head,'Neeeeedfoooood
neeeeedfoooood.'You are begiming to regret ever
botheringwilh the irksomeSkull of Mora Tao But
now you mustdecidewhelheror not you are going to
removeit from your packand allow it to feedon your
spiriL.If you refuseto servethe parasite,Lum Lo 160
But if you do as it demands,deduct z points from
your srAMrNAand then,if you havethe geat Special
Skill,tum to 37r; otherwise,turn Lo2o4.
You are considering leaving lhe vault when four of
the inmatessuddenlyrush aLyou in a maniacalrage
You mustfight all of themaLthe sametime





If you manage to defeat them all, fum to 7

Mainlaining a Zombielike silence,you lift the rock
and strugglewith it towardsthe tower. It is a commonly known fact that Zombies do nol feel pain;
as Zombies,however cerLainlydo!
Your legs ache,your armsache,everythingaches,and
soonyou arebeing drivenby sheerwillpower alonededuclz pointsfrom your srAMrNA.Vvhenyou reach
the tower you drop the stoneon a pile of rocksand
pauseto caLchyour breath.As your strengLhreturns,
you look up at the vast struclure Of all the many
ways into the place,two gateslook especiallypromising lf you havelhe l/arkirg SpecialSkill,tum to r32.
If you do not, will you enter the gateon the left (tum
to rr4) or the galeon lhe righL(turn Lor99)?
You creepforward,placeyour foot in the smallof the
dnver'sbackand pushllhe capedhguredoesn'teven
cry out as he goes hurtling down from his perch and,
momenLslater, his spreadeagled
form is lost from
view. Will you now step into lhe driver's seat and


takelhe reins(tum to zrr), scrambledown the sde of

the caniageand climb inside (turn to r37), or jump
down from the vehicle,while it is still safeto do so,
(turn to ,28)?
andhuny backin pursuifof lhe assassin
You cannolbelievethat you have come this far, only
to faill Gruul rallies Lhe sulvivors of the battle and
returnsto his Tower oflnquisition You and the soldie$
give chase,but you are too late - GruuI aclivalesthe
EtherealPro;ectorlHis firsl target was to have been
Royal Lendle,but now . Words cannotdescribethe
senseof satisfaction
he derivesfrom wiping both you
and the patrolof{ the faceof the planet
All that you have seenhere addsup lo yet another
displayofKaramGruul'sdevilry.You swearthathe will
bemadeto atoneforhis manywrongdoings!Now,ifyou
havenot donesoalready,willyougo to CravenAsylum
(turnto 393)or to theLastOctopus(tum fo j7), or,ifyou
or WeaLhern
havereasonto do so,LoPristsSate
A dozenor so srghtseers
rushinlo lhe room. Someof
them praiseyour skill, somecall for ihe City Guard,
and one,a braggartyou sawearlier,says,'RubbishlI'd
have done it meselfwrth a lump of wood' A look of
surprisesuddenlycrosseshis faceand he falls forward
wilh a machetein his back.Conradlives againlOub
raged,the mob turnson Conradand the killer is soon
lost beneatha heap of fighting bodies.You consider

helping the brave folk but you know that Conradis

unstoppable;the only way to defeal hirn is lo avoid
him. You run at tull speedout of what is now huly a
Chamberof Horrors. Add r Hour and retum to zoo

The warrior is almosl through Lhe door when you

dive forwardand pull him to the ground.You are not
surewhetheryou are righLor wrong to deny him his
'immortality';but your quest is paramount,and you
needthe skull The warnor respondsto your interferencewlth an insanesweepof hrs double-headed
At present,the newly rejuvenated
warrior ts still fairly
weak,but if the skull is fed more of his sprrit he will
grow stronger.Eachtime you lose an Atta& Round,
add 1 poinl to the warflor'sErtLLscore



If you wnr, tum to z16

Boldly you slep forwardand announcethat you serve
no one In reply, the CorpseMaster archesan eyesocketand rasps,'Redpacl lo be presentlNo thing in
void! Fleshlo dust,worm to so , pryrngeye to
Though you are unfamiliarwith the CorpseMastels
strangeway of talkmg,his meaningis clear:he doesn't
believeyou So will you tell him that you seruethe
Crty Guard(turn to zz5) or the Cabalol the Werewolf
(turn to r33)?Then agarn,if you feel that the time for
talkrng is over, you may attack the CorpseMaster
(tum to ro4) or flee(tum lo rzr)

Hadyou crossedlhe thresholdof th featureless
insidethe doorway!In6tead,you hold back and wail
ior the hatch to dose. As the trap riss.a secretpanel
opensh the far wall. Yor-rhurry through this opening
andenter a magnificentchamberbedeckedwith shange
syrnbols.One wall of the chamber is covered by an
mormousflag - the flag of the Cabal while in the
centrof the room standsa large table coveredwith
mapsand charts.Porin8 over thesepapersare Karam
Cruul and his Magus,Radu!'l have only to reLurnto
End,'saysGruul,'for the granddesignto . . ,'
SuddenlyRaducriesout - he hasseenyou! You hu:ry
forward.but Radu pushesGruul in your nay, rnen
mns round behind the 0ag. Will you seizeGruul (turn
io 244) or ignore him and go after the MaSus (tum to

Justwhenyou think you may be ableto lay a handon

Cruul,he closeshis eyesand conjuesup a ForcWall.
Your handscrashinlo the barrier and start to bum.
Deduct r poinl frorn Gruul's Noflra. If you have the
Mask of Belthegor,you pull your handsaway and the
buming stops without doing you any harm. But if you
do noL have the mask, you dutch your hands in
agony; deduct l point from yo\rr sKrLL.Have you
madea noLe of the word Esproc' on yo.urAilomture
If you have,tum to ttE; if you haven't,retum
to ,oo

You use your free hand to jab your foe in th neck,
forcinghim to relaxhis grip, thenyou duckyour head
under the rope and staggerforward in a red hazejusbas the Dark Elf advancesto throttle you again In
your weakenedstate,you canonly hope to twlst your
body so that he goes hurtling over your shoulder.If
you have the Cozbat SpecialSkill, tum to 26r- Other'
wise,TestyourLuck.lI you are Lucky,tum Lo26r; but
if you areUnlucky,tum to r77.

Beyond the door is a torch-lit,spiral staircaswhich
takesyou down to a barreddoor, You open this door
and find yourself looking into a crampedcell. Piled
againstthe far wall are . surelyil cannotbel At your
feel lies hhehaggard form of Matra Ouspenskaya-She

is still alive, but only just. While trying Lo ease her
pains,you quickly tell Maka who you are. When you
ir,rish,she croaks:'Cabal
all war criminals. .
Bricians . . Cruul leads
Fraternily , . front for
tavern.' Then with a final gasp, Malra
'l knew there was somelhingfishy abouf youl' You
turn and see Maxillon Crabb,deputy directorof the
asylum. and seven armed wardens standing over you.
The Trolls seizeyou, drag you backupstairsand lock
you in a darkenedroom What's that sound?You can
hearsomeone- or sometfiirg shufflingthroughthe
you; tum lo r7z276
And much there is to leam,'smiles the Imperator.
'Now, you must leave-The rest of thls meetingis not
for the ears of an Adept' Four Rosichalcians
you up to the wharf, then go backinsidethe tavern
You rum to leave- whena JarHulud sorcererasqa\\in
drops lo lhe ground in front of youl The |ai-Hulud's
incredibleacrobaticprowessis enhanced
by his magical
abilities. If you have rhe Armbatia SpecialShll, fight
your foe as normali otherwise,roll tluee dice for your
opponenteachAttack Round,and usethe two highest
numbersrolled to find his Attack Stlength.The laiHulud laughsaloud,drawshis Lwinswords,then leaps
to the altack
Ifyou win, tum to t4.



Night falls over the dockside and still you wait The
Last Octopus is a popular lavern, who knows what
might yet happen fhere? A disrant bell tolls eleven
The tavem now is not quite so full and .. 'Murdert
Murder! Helpl The ShockerlMurderl' The shouts come
liom a couple of men who musl be somewherein one
of the neiShbolrring slreets If you want to hurry
along Lo see what has happened, tum to 86 ff you
would rather stay where you are, turn to 2t3
No sooner do you turn your back on fhe guards than
you hear furneaux shout a Word of Wyrding Almost
immedrately,a transparntsheenof energy rises to fiI1
the wrndow frame. F)ashesof mystical power clash to
torm a monstrous face which growls in noiselesswrath
If you wish to continue fowards the window, hrm to
316 But if you would rather not risk contact with the
Wyrding, you must turn back and either attack the
Suards(turn to 223) ot try to lalk your way out of the
situation (turn to r07)

Cleaming in the liShtning crossedsky, the manhunter
moves in to kill you. If you have an Alchemical
Sphere,lurn to 62, if you have lhe C/inb SpecialSkiLl,
tum to 9r. li you have nerthea you will have to fight
Your foe's mefal skin is well nigh indeslructible,so, if
you win a round of combat, you mercly pany th
creatur'sblows (becauseof this, the creature is not
given a sr^MrNA score).The predator's wrisl blades,
however innict tenible damagc;if you lose a round ot
combat, deduct J poinh from your sraMrNA Fnally,
at the end of each round, Tesl yaur Luck l( you are
Unlucky, continuc the battle. If you are Lucky, lurn to
43 Now fightl


Shieldingyour eyesfrom lhe sun,you siandstockstill

and watch as four hundredriderscome learrnground
the hillside.Oh nol They're canying bannersemblazonedwith the emblemof the Cabalof the Werewolfl
Orcs, Trolls, Werebeasts,Brician nobles lhe war
crimjnalsveer off the road and race towards you.
Unlessyou have the AsobaLics
Skill, Testyorr
lart. Ii you are Unlucky,the horsesfrarnpleyou to
death BLrt ii you are Lucky, or if you have the
,4c/orriici SpccialSkill, you leap aside jusl in time
and then can only look on as the Cabalspeedsaway
in lhe dircctron oi Hope's End Dusting yoursell
down, you climb to your feet and give chase Turn
to 29



Though the assassrn
fought deferminedly,
it is he who
falls dead;restore1 LUc( pomt. A quicksearchof his
body turnsup 5 Gold Piecesandan AlchemicalSphere;
oncethrown,this smallglassball will shatter,releasing
a deadly cloud of corosive mist which you yourself
may take trouble to avoid, should you break the
spherein a confined area.lf you wish to falte eifher of
these items, add them fo your AdoenfweSfieef.Now,
despitethe latenessof the hour, it is time Lo begin
yow manhunt.Will. you male for Craven Asylum
(tum to j93), for the Last Ocfopus(turn to z3) or lor
Malf Lane(lurn to 2o7), or, if you havereasonLo do
so,for Priestsgate
or WeathemMili?


You lungeat the woman,but shearticipatesyourmove

and sidestepsneafly out of danger.Then she raisesa
handto hermonocleandmuttersafeweldritchsyilables.

.{mosL immediatelyyou are overwhelmedby a mystic

lorce, and you fall to your knees, stunned (deduct z
points Fromyoff srAMlNA and l Point Gom your
The womanusesyour incaPacityto sliPaway
When you gt lo your feeL,someminuleslaLer,ihere
is no sign of her.Do you havea Rosy Chalicebrooch?
If you do, tum to r97; if you don t, Lumto 2r8-

You smashthe crystalinto shardsof useless
and the temPledoor flies
imageof the lock disappears
open However,the sword burnsyou one more time
and you must deduct another 2 Points from your
srAMrNA.Now you may eiLherstrikethe sword (turn
to :5), or headout through lhe open door and hurry
back to the Last Octopus:if the word 'Carnam'is
writLenon your AdoenhneSheet,Lurnto 2tr; i{ it is
noL turn fo 277

.he rapidLy undulating door proves easier lo open
rian you expect,and in mere secondsyou find yourself
:fossing the lhrcshold of lhe Necromancer'sabode
:rossing into total darkness
Iaccept proof of your inlenl, and admit you to thc
Srnctum,' intones a ghastly voice The door closes
rehind you and a fainl glow illuminates the emaciated
:od1 of Ma,,vn Prtoragus You cannot see much of
:h room about you, but it seems alive with the
rlrggestionof thints best lcft unseen P.etoratus contin
ires, 'Van Heldenghast has proffered knowledgc as
accounlin your stead Civc me the hand and do .ot
:ollow me through lhe Door Beyond' You look irto
,our pack
but whats this?The Necromanceral
:eadyhas lhe woodenhand in his ErasplHe pal s you
ro heed as hc inserh 6vc burning candle-u.icks,one
by one, into the ends of the wooden hngcrs Then h
turns and steps lhrough the Door Bcyond, leaving
j,ou in darknessonce morc Will you follow Prctoragus
lhrough the Door Bet'ond (turn to 228) or waii ior
him in the unyielding blacknessof the room (turn to
Slipping a drug inlo somebody's drink or coshing
lhem from bchlnd is something the graverobbers
are used to; a fajr fight is somerhjng lhey're dcfi
nitely nol! You only have lo put up the slightesf
resistance before the body+natcherc break off the



-1y'vhowould'a t'ought that our amicable partnership

would'a fallen to this?'puffs HoBg.'Yer can't trust
nobody these days, nobody. Show some mercy, yer
swinel Mister Kilmameyis 6t to drop.' Will yo'r let
the roguesbe (tum to 9t) or dealwith them onceand
for all (turnto rz3l
When you reachthe buildrngwith the wooden sign,
you seelhat beneathlhe prctureof the balancesis a
small nameplate.I[ reads,'Kriswell Moneylender'.
And beneaththe nameplate
standsa Fogwalkerl



ST A M T N A 8

If you win, roll one die. If you roll a 6, you have

contracted the plague Fom your opponent and die in
torment. I[ you survive, you mter the moneylender's
placeof business
- and6nd it a mess,papersand books
anda sobbingmanis slumped
over his desk. Do you have a Baphetas Werewolf
icon?If you do, turn to ,r7i if you do not, Lumto ,27.
'Big Trubbullfor whom?'you wonderas you turn the
handleof the door. If you haveeitherthe LockPicking
SpecialSkill or a BrassKey, tum to 77 If you have
neithet,TeslyourLuck If you are Lucky,tum to ,6t, if
you areUnlucky,turn to 162.
You are still the best way to get yoru
hands on the phial when a voice enters yow mind:

Neeeeed foooood -.. neeeeedfoooood.' It is the

acctrsedSkull of Mora Tao, and it wants {eedingnow!
All you have to do to feed the skull, without Kiennar
noticin& is to shove your hand insideyow pads the
skull will suck your spirit from your fngersl If you
wish to satisfythe skull, deduct2 points from your
srAMrNAand tum to 23t. Bubif you refuseto comply
with the skull'srepulsivedemands,
tum io zzr.
Clad in
Bricianfinery,you do noi have to wait
long before the landlady cofies over to you and
whisper in your ear, '\ny'elcome,
friend 'Tis seldom
my humbletavem is attendedby such nobility- You
may have whateveryou like ... on the hous.'You
thank the landlady, then step back to avoid her rank
breath.But she lust leanseven closer 'And would you
perchancebe interestedin matters,er, how shall I put
it ... political and mysticah' It would seem that
Eviron'sservility has all been leadingup to this on
crucial,rf cryptic,question.Will you answerYes' (turn
to 168),or'No'(tum to r4tt

About len minules later the City Cuard anive and

the Captainthal the searchfor lhe Shockerhas met
with no successNo success?'beams
the gruff'voiced
Why, you've only gone and
Captain.No success?
capturedthe murdererof Guard Marsha.lBeruret.'Then
he orders his men to seize you! As the guards drag
you away, you cry out that you are on a seoet

mission,but youl claimis met with derision.The hunt
for Karam Gruul has been brought to a humiliating
Picking up a lantem from the floor, you headbackstage
and eventually come to a nurnlrer of doors. The first
leads to a kitchen, where you find z packs of Provisions,whichyou may lake.Nexl, you cometo a room
full of thatricalcostumes,Threeof thesecostumesthoseof a Briciannoble,or Orc rogue and a Vampire
- could malceexcellentdisguisesHowever,you have
room in your pack for only one of them, so choose
which of the ihreeyou would like,then add it to your
Adoenlwe Shzd. Moving oD you find an office in
which sits a shongbox. You are about to walk over to
the box when you catch a whiff of smoke - the
corridor aheadof you is ablaze,and the 6ie is spreading
in your direcfion!lf you still wish to examinethe
strontbox, turn to 84 but if you would nther hur4r
out of thebuilding,turn to ,8r.
You are bub a few me[resshorbof the carriaeewhen
its wheelsstd* to roll The personinside i; hidden
from view, but you cln see ihe driver sitting up in
front- Though your footsteps ecio loudly in the
narrow street, this shanSe6gure in black capeand tall
black hat never once looks ba& at you. Soon you are
running alongsidethe slow-moving vehicle.Only now
do you see that lhe carriage windows are of black
opaqueglass Will you shoul to the driver to stop

rtum to 68) or stealthilyjump up on to the rearo[ th
erriage(furn to 396)?
The Maniac Guard goes hurtling down from the loft
1et again.And though he utters no cry, his body hits
dre ground with a sickenint thud. Fearing the worsf,
only to see Conrad sit up and,
,'-.oulook down
macheten han4 reachfor bheladderlThis is a fight
lou cannothopeto win. Will you flee(tum lo r6t) or
Iook for another way to dfeat your unearLhlyfoe
tu.n to 3o8I
You thrust the chain forward, only to see it pull back
and wrap itself round your body. as if possessedof a
*ill of its own! You have fallen victim of the chain's
unwrittm law, that 'he who touchesthe chain while it
brndsanothermust releaseand thendeskoy the othr,
or beboundin placehimself,
As ihe chaindragsyou over lo the high backprison
chair,Argolis roarswifh satisfaction:
'rarowthe unending midnight of the gravel' You try to
breakfree oI the chair but can only cry out as it
into the pit Yon are nof a Demolhra&you
nill not survive being buried alive.


Somethingis wronSl Walking through the conidors of

lhewaxworkstowardsthe entrance,
you heara chilling
s.rearniworse,you Lhencatch the revolLingsmell of



chared fleshlWonderingwhetherthis hasanybhingto

do with you and the shroud, you enter the foyer and
comeupon a chamelhouselThe placeis litferedwith
the bodiesof slain tourisls,and . . . no . . . it can,tbe!
Standingin the middle of the room, is Conrad,the
ManiacGuardtThewindnill,thefre, thesmellof buming
flesh,tlu REVENGE!
The ManiacGuard

s(rrl 10

lf you win, tum to 269.

You daren'[ go to the very bottom of the staircasefor
fear of being seenby ihose in the room below, but
you do Bo far enough to hear what is being said.
Somekind of ntual is takingptace.Most of the words

ssstepisss a trap. Make noissseand you sssuffer.

Entadortsssdead-You shouldleaveassswell. Thisss
Make a noLeof Lisheks Waming on
your AdomtureSheet.Now that you have beenwamed
about the hap, will you go back on your word and
slay the Xen-Viper(hun to 2r9), or w l you honour
yourpledgeandlet her escape(tum to ,24)?
lhe bestthing you can thmk of at suchshort notices
to disguise youself as a Zombie slave, so you tear
your clothing,powder your face with some whitish
sand,Lhenshambleon to the plain wth your mouth
hanginSopen . . . CR4CKtll You feel a stinging whiplash acrossyour back - deducl 2 points from your
SIAMINAYoo lazy moron!'shoutsan overseer,

says(tum to 26t) or pretendthat yor-rdon t understand

(turnto 69)?

TrShteningyour grip on the rephles necklace,you
give her the promise she seeks.She wheezeswrth
laughter, her forked tonSue flicking in and out of her
mouth. You are wisssefor a warm blood. The top

fust when you think you Enally have the creature,
your blow glances off it in a shower of sparks!The
ObisianPredatorlaughsat your patheLicassault,then
comesat you again. Can you male some use of the
short distancethat there now is between you and the
lf you wish to leapbackto lhe attack,turn to
r8z- lf you would rather lry to concoct anobhercourse
of actiorrtum to 279.


The Cabal are still only half-way up the stairs when

you seize Radu and demand that he tell you wher
you will find his master. 'You wish lo face Karam
Cruul?' he sneers. Then, to your astonishment, he
grows and trows until his body bursts.His skin splits
from head lo foot, and out of the discardedcarapace
stepsKaramGruull 'Therewas neverany suchperson
as Radu the Magus,' he laughs. 'And now I shall
It has come to this, you must suffer the ef{ects of
Gruul'smagic until he is too tired to use any more.
You may not cat any Provisions,or do anythingelse
lo restoreyour atkibute scores,uniil Cruul is done.
To find out how many Nofrla points Gruul has, roll
one die and add 6 to the num['er rolled (makea note
of this total on your Adomture S&eef)Then roll one
die to see which spell Gruul castsfust Tum to the
following the inslructrons,
reLurnhere and roll again to 6nd out which spell
Gruul castsnext- Keep doing this until either you are
deador Gruul hasno Notarapoints left. If Gruul'slast
spellcoslshrmmore Nofrrapoints thanhe haslefl, the
spellstill works.Now, if you roll:


Tum !o 3Jt
Tum to 67
Turn to 242
Turn to 2t7
Tum to tt6
Turn to 27,

lf you survive Gruul's mystic onslauSht,turn to ,o



UnwiLtingly,the fleeingMan-Orc leadsyou into the
CrossKeys areaof the city, an areacommonlyknown
as the 'squareof delights',for il proliferateswith
taverns,gamblingdens,bawdy theatresand parlours
of ill-repute At this hour however, ihe squareis
deserted,the housesof pleasurebut quiet faqadesSo
it is u.ilh overconfidencethat the assassinsneaks
througha srdedoor and into the RohmerTheatre.You
groanlRumourhas it that thrs placeis hauntedby a
phantom who stalksJhe boards after mrdmght,and
whose other-wordiy dirges on the pjpe organ can
drive a man msanewith fear Will you follow ihe
in through the sidedoor (turn to 194),search
lhe Rohme-tor anolhe.enl-dnce'tu.n lo 2rJ,. or
leave thc hall to its legendaryphanLomand follow
up any other leads you may have (tum to
Urged on by her son, the Kauderwelsch
nol resl until you are lying on the bad Doktor's lable.
If at any time dunng the battle you roll a doublefor
the monster's
Atlack Slrength,it usesits greatstrength
to break your weapon.If you have a weapon and
this occ'urs,rememberto deduci r pont from your



lf you reduce the monster's srevrr.r

lss,tum to 18,

STAM I N A 1 4

the Vampirecostumeout of your Pack,you

rtride forward, waving it, and say, '?ftis is your vamrire, a simple drsguise'But lhe people are not at all
.onvinced; thy seizeyou and tie you to the cemelery
gales 1{e'll decrdeif yer a vamprre, by sPecialtests,'
.rows Hogg. '!er example,it's sard that if yer stick a
Jagger in a vampire, il'll cry outl'
{t the end of the day, howevet you are able to prove
:o everyone's satrsfaction lhat you are no more a
',ampire than lhe King of eat Sarlic,
tori hold a cross,you jump over a puddle, you skoke
. 1or\ednd so on, unlrl dt ldctlhe nob 'et. ) ou free . .
rut nol before a dsappointed Hogg has po&eted all
jour money as'exPenses'Crossany 51oldyou have off
'.:oLlrAduentl{e Sheet,add 4 Hours and retum to 2oo304
Despiie the rrsks of unleashing the deadiy gas in a
.losed environment, you Lake [he Alchemical Sphere
out of your pack and lob rt rnto the middle of the
rillainous assembly Chaos erupts immediaLely;some
Cabal memben dissolve in lhe mist, while others flee
h all directions. You use the confusion to rach the
rwo ornate pLllars which support Lhe balcony, some
:hrrty metres above the ground Radu sees you and
;houts, 'The BounLy Hunterl' A good many of your
:oe slill have enough presenceof mind to come afler
.,ou If you have the aort Picl.i g SpecialSkill, tum to
:o8; if yon have the Clizb SpecialSkill, tt:rr. to 24gt il
rou have neilher of lhesesklls, tun to r22

Evenyour strongestblowsfail to penetraLe
an invisible
barrier, formed round Lhe Demothrax by the magic
chain. Argohs revels in Lhe futility of your attack
'Now that you have touchedthe chain,there is no
Lurningbackl'As she speaks,somelargemaggotsfall
on Loyou; deduclz pointsfrom your srAMrNAIf you
remove Lhe chain from Argolis, fum to zz; lf you
would ratherflee than risk unleashingsuchevil, tum
to 8r.
You wail for the lock to sprnround beforeyou, then
you strike But even as your arrn descends,
lhe shield
crystalglows brighter Your blow glancesoff the lock,
the shieldSrowsdim againand both spherescontinue
along their uncannypatlr the sword,however,blazes
orangeonce more. You cry out in pain - deduct2
points Fom your srAMrNA.Which crystal will you
slrikeat nexf: the sword (turn io 40) or the shield(tum
to 366)7
While the barrel-maker
is occupied,you searchthrough
the pocketsof the deadman'shrnic and ffnd a snack
(enough for r meal),a brooch depicting a golden
chalicerestinSon a styhzedroseof red enamel,and a
smallhandwrittennote which reads:'EtemalFratemity
of the Rosy Chalice- midnight the Lasl Octopus'Regain1 LUCKpoint and,if you wish to talcethe meal
or the Rosy Chalcebroochor both, add them to your


Chanmngis finished,so you qurcklyget ba& to your

feef.Wrll you now offer to help look for the Shocl<er
(tum to l4j), stay here and await developments
to 29o)or returnto lhe LastOctopus(turn lo 253)?
You reckon that your best bet y/ould be lo strike
Conrad while he is still on the ladder,so you cast
about the ioft for a suiLable
weapon.You may drop a
large bale of hay on him (Lum to rrr), take the oil
lantemand throw it down at his head(turn to 2r4), or
snalchup a long pitchfo* and use it to impalehrm
whenhe reaches
the Lopof the ladder(turn to 4)

Ii is only when you reSamthe rverbank that you
realizeyou may have lost someof yoLrrbelongingsin
the water.For eachitem on youJAdoenlweSheet(treat
all your Provisionsas one rtemand your gold likewise)
roll one die If you roll a 5 or 6, yoLrhavelosf the item
andmustcrossit off your Adoenture
You are still checkingto seewhat you havelost when
you rememberthat this areais sad to be th hauntof
the Shocker- an rmknown 6end whrch frightens
victimsto deathbeforevanishinginto the night. But it
is not the Shockerwho slurs,'Oil Grve us a shiny,an'
I'11tell yer wot 'appened'ere last night' The voice
belongsto an old woman,cladin rags If you wish to
give the beggara Gold Piece,turn to 2; rf not, hrm to
All but a handtulof the Caballie dead;the rest have
fled A great cheeris tal<enup by the soldiersand by
their capLairy
the latter thanksyou for your help-You,
however,havehttle to smileabout,for when you turn
fo fetchGruul,you seethat he hasescaped!
amid the confusronof batlle,he managedto untie his
bondsand slip away If you have the Trartirg Special
Skill,tum lo z4o;if you do not, turn to 267
Jubarbrings the thimblesto a halt You look at all
threein feignedworry, then deliberatelypoint lo one
whichdoesnot coverlhe Gold Piece.DeMonto reveals
your choice with a selfsatisfiedsmile ?lease,'you

Jr 2

beg, 'anolher go. I ned that money. l've no more

gold,but if I loseI'll give you all my belon8ings.'
The old rnan'seyes widen with greed; they take in
even the shirt on your back 'Sure thing, my friend
And just to keepil fair, if you win, I'll give you your
lwo shimesbackplustpsrfy of my own Deal?'
It sureisl Make a note of fhe slakeson your ,Adrdrltt"e
Sleel,lhen fum to 82.
You have beaLenBaron Milescu in mortal combat, but
you lack lhe means to end his Undead exislence.Even
as you watch, the Vampire Lords fallen body turns
into mist and floats away. You can do nothing to
prevent his escapeand are forced to admit that, while
you may be safe, you are ultimafely responsrblefor
the victims lhe Baron wrli surely claim when he makes
good his completerecovery elsewhere.Cross the blood
off your AdoenLure Sheet, return to the ParagraPh
you camefrom and conlinue your adventure

I lidnight,Hmefor th meetingof fhe Fraternityof the
iosy Chalice.You enter ihe tavern and show your
::ooch to a man, who lcadsyou - via a sccretdoor
a1da tlight of stairs to an elaboratetemple.There,
.ou seeforty cultists,Rosrchalcians,
:urplc silk Their Imperalor,the haughtywoman you
'The gather
.rw earlier,raisesher armsandannounces,
i8 will commence
with lhe iniiiationof a new Adepl.'
Shepoints to you 'lnifiale,you mustpassthe ritual of
3aphelor die.'You don't ljke the soundof this,bul
,rhat canyou do?The womanchants,'Baphet,Baphet,
:ome to mel'A pool of 6pecndime welis up through
:rc marble floor at your fcct In seconds,the sluff
solidifies,lhen sfaristo riselThe Rosichalcians
iasp in awe as a monstroLrs
out for you with its talons Will you atfackthe
reafurc (tum to 3n) or do noihing and await the
.revitabie(tum to 42)?
t r4
)'ou step up on to lhe block of the guillotinea lrttle
ioo heavily The woodwork shakesand the old rope,
roldrng the blade at the top of ihe guillotine,snaps.
Thedeadlyrazols edgecomeshurLlingdown Lowards
'toul TesLvour Luck If you are Lucky,you manageto
'ump off the block without injury; but if you are
.nlucky, the falling bladecatchsyou and you must
Jeduct4poinLsfrom your sTAMINARisinglo your feet,
tou seethat thcdoormanis headingtowardsyou Ifyou
1\ishto rejoin the party now,in the hopeof briyin8 the
rhroudfrom Hollmann,turn to 7E.Otherwise,you had


belterleavethe Chambrof Horrorswhile you stillcan
If Lheword'Cainam'iswrltte^ o yo:urAdpe f rc Sheef,
tum to 29t, otherwise,add I Hour andreturnlo 2oo.
When you reachthe gatesof the cemetery,you find
Kilmamey and HoSg waifing for you, and they are
not alone.They are at the head of a band of two
stakes-'Thereit bel' shouisHogg, 'iusi as I was fellin'
yer. A bloomin' great vampire!Tried to drag me
parlnerinto an earlygrave,rt didl'
A roar risesfrom the mcnfolk,and thcy storm inlo the
graveyardIf yotr have the Srent SpecialSkrll,tum to
186.If you do not, will you fight your way out of the
cemetery (turn to rtr) or submit to the perilous
vagariesof mob juslice(turn to 3o3)?
Blindly you tumble your way throLrghcorridor aiter
conidor until you heara horriblescream,followed by
a manic dirSe piayed on the theatre'spjp organrIf
you wrshto follow lhe soundof lhe crazcdmusrcback
to its player,tum to 260. If you would rathr hurr]
backout through lhe sidedoor and leavethe Rohmer
while you still caa furn to 183.

Adept, you won't get far in the fnit lnner Order if

vou; political inlerestsare as Gallantarianas your
u..""t. Still. the SecretChieisare vour problem l no
longercarc.'Hehandsyou a RedKey 'Openthe door
with the rose handle,bLrt counl Lo ten beiore voLr
Sheetand also
cnter.'Add the key to your Adoenture
You ask Krisu'ell
male a note of the rrord
answer;tum to
why he has
t r8

turn to 246 lf you areUnlucky,turn to r28

The draweris madeof sirong oah so Prisingn oPen
will reouirefinesserather than brute force Teslyoar
Ski/lbui, as this taskis a Parlicularlvdifficuitone' add
r to yotrr roll. If you succecd,tum to rEg lf you fail,
rum to r49

You reachoul with both handsand makea grab for

one of the vanes,then you cling on for dearlife as it

fums slowly round and down. When lhe blade comes
to rts lowesi poinL,some 6ve metres above the ground,
you iet go and fall, landing on your feet with almost
cat-like grace. For escapingdeath at the hands of the
Mamac Cuard, regain 1 LUCKpoint. Also, make a note
of the word'Cainam' onyour AduentureSheet.


he sneakilymanagedto exchangethe phial of dried

blood for one filled with red food colouringl The
uselcsspowder offers you no profectrcnagainstLhe
Skeinof Undoing;crossdll the SpcnlSkillsoff your
'AdomtureSheeLPerhapsthis will teachyoLr io deal
more honestlywith good folk rn future - that is, rf
Iou havea futurerIf the word 'Esproc'iswriltenon
yow Adae LureShoel,tofi\ to r88; otherwisc,refum to

lf you havent done .o already wil you go
(o Lrrven AsylJm rtL,mIo
J9J'. to lhe LdstOclopus
(Lum to j7) or to Malt Lane (tum to 2o7)?
rhe shopkeeper.
Kiennar.isnr qurte the browbearer
coward )ou took him to bc. When rou .obbed hrm,


Part of Van HeldcnghasL'sRime springs to mndr

'ReLutnLo ils place'.following a hunch, you throw one
cnd of ihc chain over a candclabrawhich hangs above
lh cent.e of the room Thn you grab both nds of
lhe chair! heave yourself up and swing forward The
Demothrax is almosi upon you when your fet calch
her squarelyin thc chesl and send her flying back into
the pit from which she came Clouds of smoke billow
up mto the room, and the whole floor quakes as the
pit closesfor one lagt trme Argolis is no more

Add the Chainof Argolis to your AdaenLure
the starf of any battle you may use the chainto bind
any singleopponent,exceptCruul:just crossthe chain
off your AdumLureSreetand continueas if you had
won the baLtle.Now, add 2 Hoursandretum to 2oo.
The moment you finish translating
the runes,the Mask of Belthegorfallsinto your hands.
You may wear the maskand claimBelthegor,sGift al
any fime, exceptduring a battle lf you decideto do

andretum to 2oo.

'Kehsil'on your ,4,/arartare

sreet.Now, you may either


iusl as thmgs are starting to look bleak you notrce

thaLtherdsa keyholein Lhegate mabling you to lock
the gate in the face of the undadhosL.Then,while
the Zombies are still mindlesslywalkng into the
lockedbanier,you huny acrossto the far side of the
enclosureand find fwo gatesleadinginto the tower.It
you have lhe TrackingSpec,alSklll, tum to rr2. If you
do not, will you enter bhetower by the gate on the
left (turn to rr4) or the gateon the dght (turn to r99I

Other than the tiny bonesyour searchtums up noth
ing Surddenly,
you hearfootstepsapproachingSome
one is creepingalong the shorLcorrjdoroutside.Could
it be Kilmameyand Hogg, back to plagueyou wiLh
You rushba& ouL
lheir distinctivebrandof heachery?
of the room and see. - no one; the corrjdoris quite
empty.Will you look throughthe north door (tum to
386)or lhe eastdoor (tum to 238)?

The man is suddenLyovercomeby a coughng fit.
'They said it rvasimportant,'he splutlers,tard rt had
lo be me, or the plansof the Cabalwould come to
nothing.But why me?'He ljfls his face- it is covered
wilh weepinSsoreslHelp me. he whines.tlelp
Whal then followsis a deadlygameof cat and mouse
asKriswelllurchestowardsyou for help.If the moneylendertouchesyou, you too will catchthe plagueand
dre Unlessyou have the Acrobatics
SpecialSkill, Tesl
your Luck twice. Il you fail in either test, Kriswell
clutchesyou wilh his infecledhandsand dragsyour
adventurcto a ghastly fimsh. But if you are Lucky
both times or if you havethe ,,lrrolatirsSpecialSkrll
you managefo avoid the moneylenderuntil at last
he falls to the floor and dies.If you do not already
haveone,you find a Rcd Key lying on the floor add
It to youJAdpenture
Will you now searchKriswell'shome (turn to 2j9) or
leaveit and run to the bonfire(tum fo:r), to fhe belltower (fum to 39j), to the door wilh the red cross
(tum lo 48), or to lhe door with the rose-shaped
handle(lum lo r58)?
By the hme you have retuned to the vicrnity of the
CuardPost,lhe Man-Orcassassin
is long gone If you
havelhe lraclclngSpecialSkill,turn to 4r. Otherwis,
you have no choicebut to slart your hunt for Karam
Cruul,despitethe latenessof the hour Wherewill you

go first. to Craven Asylum (turn to 39r), the Last
Octopus(tum to 2r) or to Malt Lane(tum ro 2o7),or,
if you have reason to go thre, to Priestsgateor
'Fankyer very kindly,boss,'croaks
one of the provosts
as he snatches
up the bribein one of his grubby hands
(crossthe Gold Piecesoff your AdaenLure

over the cash to be botheredwith you and your

lurn to rro.

tubar takes your gold with a smile that drsplays
teeth,placesa coin under one of the
thimbles,then setsto work. The fhreethimblescircle
in and out of on anotherwith incrediblespeedand
DeMonto seeksto drstractyou with his pafter: 'Ten
for two, that'sall you have to do Keepyour eyeson
LhemoneypoL,choosearightandyou'vewon the lot.'
lf you have the Shightaf Hand SpecialSkill and wlsh
fo win ihc game,turn to 82; if you have that same
SpecialSkill and want to /ose,in the hope of fooling
DMonto into playing a second game for higher
slakes,turn lo 3rr. But if you do not havethe Special
Skill, Tesfyour Luck.If you are Lucky, lum to Ez; if
you areUnlucky,turn to ro2
t lr
'l don'i know what you think you're up to, but in my
book it's calledrobbing the dead.'Channinglevelshis
sword at your throat 'Cet upl' It would be foolish to
do anything other than what the banelmaker de
mands,so you rise slor^4yto your feet Two menrush
up and pin your arms behind your back.'The City
Cuard will be here soon,' says Channing sfernly.
'They'll krow what to do with you' The City Guardl
You couldsoonbe in big houble-If you havethc Cor
SpccialSkill,tum to r94, if you do not, tum to 29o
It is commonknowledgethat no one couldever hope
[o enter or leavCravenAsylum without the consent
of its keepers,
so you simply walk up to the door and

knock. The door opens and a warden steps out - rt is
an armed and ugly Trolll 'Clear off!' he barks 'No
rooms, no calie.s, no nuffrnkt'Then he stamps back
inside and closesthe door. You knock again but there
is no reply It is with a hear,li heart that you realizc
you musl simply walk away from lhe plight of Matra
Ouspenskayaand from a possible lead in lhe hunt for
Karam Gruul. Now, if you haven'f done so already,
you may visit either the Last OcLopus (turn to j7) or
Malt Lane (turn to 2o7), or, if you have reason to go
there,Pricsts8ateor Wcathem Mill.

You pull backfrom fhe thing thal is Baphetandit is
SonelThe Imperator

her hands,tlrensays,'The ci-eature

was but an illusion
you have shown us that you lack the
inner fortitudenccessary
for the mantleof Adept. You
may not join the augusland most secretFraternityoi
the Rosy ChaLi.cNor may you divulgeits orderedse

As one, the Rosichalcrans

pull ouf long kmves from
under lheir robes Gulp! If you have a StageKnife,
tum to 116 lf you do not, will you sunenderto thc
Imperator(turn to ,t) or try io 6ght your way oul of
lhe plac(turn to r79)?
You run through the Professor'sn'ords a 6nal time,
At the Wayside Shrine o[ Belthegor- an ancient
deity associatcdwiih the power of secondlife - you

will find a marbiemaskset prominentlyin one of the
walls It is said thal he who removesand wearsthe
maskwill receiveBelthe8orsCift, but thererntieslhe
problem Al1 atlemptsto free the maskhaveendedin
lailure I believefhat lhe answerlies in the
odd runeswhich adorn the Shrine.Understandlhese
forgottensymbols,and themaskwill be yours'
When you reachthe crowdedSouihgateBridge,you
feel someonepressa note into your hand;who, tt is
impossibleto tell in the shufflingmasseslhe note
reads"Cruul.The Cabal.Sanger'sBeaconNow Make
sureyou arenot followed.'WiJl you continueon your
way to the Shrineof Belthegor(fum to 2ro) or go to
meetyour mysteriouscontactat Sanger's
io ,Eo)?




Cruul has had enoughof your tiresomemeddling;hc

conjuresup a murderoussacof blackgel that comes
twrtchingand wobbling throughthe air towardsyou
Deduci 6 pornts from Cruuls NoturraIf you do not
have the Skullof Mora Tao, the giant amoeboidjerks
forwardand absorbsyou into rts amorphousdepths
your adventureends here But i[ you do have the
skull,thc apparitionbacksoff at ihe last momentand
disappcars.If the word 'Esproc'is wrilten on your
turn t9 r88, if it is not, returnto 3oo
Only when your shoLrlder
dams into the beslialface
do rou I'err lhc Wvrdingsroar.An agoni/i1gpain
grips you and flings you back info the room. You
have foohshlyclashedwith a powerful Minor Magic
and must now pay the price Deduct z poink from
your srAMrNAand 1 point from both your current
and hifial rucr and srrrr scores.The Wyrding ripples
and contortsin viclory, while the guardsgatherroLrnd
your shivering body. Will you now try and tell
Furneauxthe trulh aboul Bennets death(turn to ro7),
or will you attack the Caplainand hjs men (turn to
what?You caLchyourselfdozingand jump up
ouf of the rowinS boal. Across the way, the tavern
door opensand a sinisterlookng figureemergesClad
irom hcad to foot rn a grey hoodedcloak,the shady
charactcrhurriesout on fo the streetand walksbriskly

on the backof the stranger'scloak
is the Mark of the WerewolftIf you wish to tail the
hooded6gure,turn lo rl9 If noi, is the word 'Cainam'
written on your,4/r,enLure
SheenIf it is, turn to 2tr;
otherwise,tum to 277.
You are unconscious
beforeyou even hit the ground
'Yer would'at'oughf
Hogg tul tuts in disappointment,
the hero would'abeenmadeo' stemerstuff than that,
wouldn'tyer, Mister Kilmamey?Never mind. A fresh
body shouldfetch us a good marketprice - enough
fer a week'sDark'Then he drops down
info the grave besideyou Kilmamey passeshim a
rope Later that day, Mervyn TilLnghast,doctor in
experimentalanatomy,examinesyour body Satisfied
that you are quite dead,he pays the body.snatchers
lheusualprice- no questionsasked!
Pickingup a laniernfrom thefloor,you headbackstage
and along a corridor, which has fivr: other doors
leadingoff it The 6rst leadsto a kitchen,where you
find z meais'worth of Provisions,which you may
take The seconddoor opensinto an of6ce in which
sitsa wooden strongbox You are about to enter this
roomwhen you catchthe smellof smoke.The conidor
aheadof you is on 6re, and the 6re seemsto be
spreadingwith unnaturalswiflnesstowards yout If,
despilethrs danger,you wish to take a look at the
strongborcturn to E4.If you would ratherhurry out
of lhe building,fum io 3t3.

Kiennar's Curiosity Shop stands in a quiet alley near
busy Newham Market. As you step up to the half
hidden doorway, you recall the Professor'swords: 'co
lo Kiernar and tell him I sent you He will do the rest'
A tny bell tinkles overhead as you entr a forgoLten
world of arcane antiquity. 'Can I help you?' Kiennar
asks 6om behind his counter. Wasting no fime, you
tell him why you are here. As you spea( he breaks
out in a cold sweat;when you hnish, he asks,'Did Van
Heldenghasl tell you what it is you're supposed to be
buymg?' Fingers trembling, he reaches beneath the
counler and produces a glass phial filled wrth an ironred powder. 'Did she tell you lhat you were to buy
this dried blood? Not just ary blood, mind you, bu!
the blood of Baron Milescu, Vampre Lord of Vannanl'
A shockedgasp escapesyour lips 'Shll want to buy?'
Kiennar smirks.'lf you do, it'll cost you forty Cold.'If
you wish to pay, cross the 4o Gold Pieces ofi your
tulomture Shectand turn to 258. If you wanL the blood
but cannot or w l not pay so much money, turn lo
ro9 Bul if you would ralher leave the blood wlth
Kiennar,add 1 Hour and rcturn Lo 2oo

You plungeinto the middleof the heavingmassof
bodresand wait unlil the flustereddoormanis busy
with someoneelse, then you make your move If you
have the SneairSpecial Skill, you manage to worrn
your way insrde wifhout a hitch (turn to rjo) But if
you do not have this Special Skill, you find yourself

being collaredby the doorman 'Now, now Thal'll be
Lhreeshmres,'he barks If you pay lhe admissioniee,
Sheefand turn
crossI Gold Piecesoll yo:urAdoenLure
lo r3o. If you refuse,you will have to leave- add r
Hour and retum to 2oo.

As you are walkrngtowardslhe LastOctopus,you
hear someonecall out to you from an alleyway In the
half-dark,you can just make out a tall thin man, clad in
silken robes and with a veil hiding his face. His lefl
hand is extended in welcome. Your continued inferference in my plans has proven your worth. Look to my
feet' You do so and see that the man is slanding on a
small mound of Gold Pieces. 'Join my organization,
and all this gold, more lhan lhe Ruhng Courcil could
ever hope to pay you, is yours ' Will you:
Prelend to acceptlhe maskedman's
Leap to the attack?
Throw an Alchemjcal Sphereal him,
if you have one?
Retuseand simply walk away?

Gruul seemslo be on lhe brrnk of an unconlrollable
madnesswhen you drop the lorch, and then he calms
down He leadsyou out of the v lage the mrst and
posingno obstacleto him so lhat you
the Fogwalkers
may both begin the long trek back to Royal Lendle
Cruulis resignedto defeal,so you makegood progress
Indeed,you coverten kilometresbeforedisasterslrikesl
BolL.of dealhdes.erd f'ornrl'" sky.andyourpri.orcl
He has conqueredthe
gloats, 'Gruul has succeededl
powerof Nofara.'Beforeyour very eyes,the Mandrake
replimol Karan Gruul revertsto rts natural,plant-like
forml The brtler tasleof defeatsticksin your crawas a
boll of N'ofrraturnsyour body rnsideoull

Turn to 34
Tun to ,7t
Turn to zz7
Tum to 399


Mawn Pretoragus resides in Divil's Lane, an unfrequented avenue that lurks m unbroken seclusion beneath a permanenlveil of mist. You shiver as you step
into the mist and mak your way along to Preforagus's
abode. There, you are afflicled by a feeling of nausea,
for fhe Necromancer'ssanctum is composed of constantly shiftinS anglesl But you suppressyour doubts
and knock on the quccrly undulating door. Once .
your knocks resound throtrgh the fog but are
met wifh no answcr"Dare you try th door handlc?If
so, turn to 176 If you prefer not lo, ther rs no rason
to remain here;add -zHours and relurn to 2oo

lVhat strangemadnessis aLwork here?You can only
watch in disbeliefas the wild horsespull the ca iage
over into the filthy walersof lhe deepriver Hamessed
to the heavy coach, the animals struggle in vain
against lhe drowning tide; but you suffcr no such
reslrarntsand are able to swim free of the sinking
.arrta9e TestyaurLuck If you are Lucky,tum to 363,
il you areUnlucky,turn to 3o9.
You ieap forward and grab the bat by ils lealhery
wings As you puli the creaturebackinto the room, it
snapsat you with its needleJikefangs.

sKrrl 5


If you win, you may searchLheroom more thoroughly

(turn to 326);or you may leaveit and try eilher the
norlh door (tum to 386) or lhe east door (Lurn lo


You approach Channing and tell him that you would

like to leadone of the search-parties.

He nodsandputs
you in chargeof a particularlyhardyJookingbunch
The folk are eagerLo be on therr way, so you wast
no lime in seLtingoff down CarlerStreet lf you have
someclue as to where the Shockermight be, tum tc
the paragraphwhose numberyoLr know. But f you
aren't quite surewhe.e to look for the fiend, turn tc

lnitially il looks as if Deputy Director Crabbis going
to explodewith rage,but when he seesthat it is you
he standsup and bows 'Changedyour mrnd about
taking some refreshment?'
he asks If you say ^les',
turn to 36. Othenvise,you tell Crabb thaLyou have
lost your way, apologizefor the intrusion,then head
back into the hall- There, if you have not done so
already,you may enter Big Laffs(turn to z2o),Nosh
(tum to 275),Big Trubbull(trm to 287)or FatMaggols
(tum to rr7)



Khaki-colouredgreasepaint,false tusks,a coa6e wi8, a
flea-bittentunic - you make the periect Orc rogue! All
you have to do to complete lhe illusion is hunch your
back and spil every five seconds.You practise this for
a moment, lhen you feel fhe Up of a dagger pressed
up against your throat One of the ovrseers has
caughl yoLr by surprise 'Who d'yoo ffnk yoo iz pal?'
he grunt! In reply, you say that you hawean wgent
message which you wiil only give to one of the
'bigwigs'. If you hav the Con Special Skill, tum to
zz4 lf you do not. Tesf your Luck. ll you are Lucky,
tum to 224,but ifyou areUnlucky,turn to rt,

Beforeyou know it, Conrad is upon you With his
gleamingmachete,the ManiacCuardis sfalking,relent
lessdeathon two legs.
The MaruacCuard
If you win, lurn to 29J-


Your requestintriguesthe larrdlady.Sheleansforward
andregardsyor.rwith a conspiratorial
eye.'The Frater
nily?'shewhispersin wafh of vile breath 'Who wanis
to know?'lf you are disguisedas a Bricrannoble or f
you have the CdrlSpecialSkill,lum to r6E; otherwis,
rurnto r45

Overcomeby yoLrrdesperaLe
defence,the bloodthirsty
Baronfalls to the ground Beforehis mortal wounds
havetime to hcal,you pressdown on him with your
slakcand plungeil deepinto his heart.The
Baron'sgarglcd criesdrift away on a supemalwind,
and soon he is dust once more-The dark powder is
blown away by the gale,destroyingthe Baronfor all
eternily Cross the Blood of Baron Milcscu and the
sfale off you. AduentureSheeL,
bul restore 1 LUc(
poini for yorir great victory Now retum to the para
graphyou cameftom and continueyour adventure.


The instant you lunge at the glistening serpent, she

shedsher disguise and fums to face you. Two long
tangssproutfrom her gums;luckilyfor you, it looksas
if she has recentlydischargedall her venom All the
same,the Xen-Viperis a slipperyopponentwho has
escapein mjnd. At the start of eachAtLackRound,
fd your Luck If you are Lucky, fight Lhe round a5
norma[but if you are Unlucky,the Xen-Viperescapes.
When Testingyour Luckin this way, do not deduct the
usual1 Dointftom vour LUCK




lf the Xen-ViperescaFes,
tum to 9. But if you reduce
hersrAMrNAto 3 pointsor less,tum to 146.
Hogg gaspsin !elie{. 'Oh, it's youl Yer had us goin'
therefer a momenlwith yer grandfinejest.lf il wasn't
fer yer touchin'bhecross,I'd havet'oughLyer were a
vampire!'Then he burstsinLolaughter.Feelingrafher
sbupid, you take off your disguise and help bring
Kilrnarney out of his swoon. This done the bodysnatcherslead you to an unrnarkedgrave, deep within
the eerie cemetery.Down here,'Hogg says,'is the
door to a hrddencrypt. That's where yer'lI 6nd yer
Then the rogues pick up lheir spadesand start to dig.
They are waisf deep in the grave when Hogg pants,
\4ercy! I canna dig no more. Me lungs are creakin'
with the shain. Yer better help, if yr wannil done



+rickly.'If yoLrarewilling to starbdiSging,hlrn to 98.

but if you arc quite happyto wait while the menhav
a rest,tum to 202
J) )

The moment your foot touches the grourd, you are

swept up in a net and left dangling in the air This is
no ordinary net, however, for rt rs made of sharp, lhin
wire which starts to constdcu You have but
mmutes lo free yourseli, before the tightening net
slices through yoql lf you halre the Sleight af Han'i
SpecialSkill, turn lo 166 If you do not, Testyour Skili
adding r, to the roll to reflect the unique difficulty oi
your present situaiion If you succeed,lum to 166; ii
you fail, tum to 173.
A curse on your luck, Bounty Hunler,'Cruul spik
Then he waves his fingers before you rn a sign of the
Evil Eye Deduct 2 poinls from Gruul's Nofara If you
have the Charn of ArSolis, Gruul's quainl gesture has
no eifect; but if you do not have the chain, you musi
deduct 1 point from your r-ucr Now, if lhe word
'Esproc' is wriften on your Adltentute Sfieef,turn tc
r88; otherwise,return to joo
When you rcach the ally, you see that it leads
nowhere Nor do you see any sign of fhe Shocket li
has lived up to its reputation and vanished Or so ji
seemsfor, upon tuming to walk away, you tnp ovei
the edge of a raised manhole cover The creaturemusi

have 'vanished' down into the sewersl Crven the

6end's head start, you would never be able to find it
down in that malodorous labryinth now. But if your
paths should ever cross again, you may get a chance
to use your knowledge. If so, lum bo J78 (make a note
of this paragraph number on your AdpenfureSheef),
rcgain 1 LUcK point for your discovcry Now you
must leave the docklandsand continue your hunt Will
you head for Craven Asylum (turn to 391), Malt Lane
(turn to 2o7) or, if you have leason to do so, for
PricsisSateor Weathern Mill?

Clancingdownwards,you notice6ve setsof footprints
leadingup to the mask.Judgingby the stateof the
prnts, you would guess that they had been made
within the last hour. You also seefreshcracksin the
stoneworksurroundingthe maskand- wait a minute!
There are no footprints leading auay [ron lhe ll,l.asL
Tum to rj9.




'1,'you announce,
drawingyourselfto your full height,
'am the City Physician,and I've come to collecLa
specimenof vital anaLomicalinterest. One of the
handsof the men you have hanging fhereis riddled
with Bone-Rot,a degeneraLive
of the .
All right, all ghfl Stuff a hosein iL, yer stinldn'gasbagl We don'Lwant yer stinkin' BoneRol. Take yer
fingerzan' clearoffl' The Provos[won't tell you lwice,
so tum to rro.


Words tumblehuniedly from betweenyoLrrlips, but

ven now you darenoL revealyour secretmission.'l
came here in pursuit of a Vampiric Shapeshifter.
killed the Marshaland is now &ee rnsrdethis tower
waib a mrnLrteDid you three come here together?'
Your ploy hasan immediateeffecL;eachof the guards
pausesto considerwhetherertherof his fellowscould
possiblybe the 'Shapeshifter'.
You use therr distrac
tion lo push your way through them and make for
Lhedoor You hunlr down fhe spiralslaircaseand,in
no time a[ all, are back out on the cobblestoned
slreelsof Blackhaven.
Therei. no signof any assassin
so, despite the latenessof the hour, you decide to
press on wrth your manhunt Will you now go to
Craven Asylum (tum to 193), Lo the Last Octopus
(turn to 2l) or to Malt Lane(tum bo zo7),or, if you
have reason to do so, Lo Pneslsgateor Weathem


Making sure that you are in clearview of everyone

elsein the tavem,you standalonen a comer at the
end of the long, L-shapedbar Pinned to the wall ther
is a p nted sheetextollmg the virtues of something
calledthe EternalFmtemrtyof the Rosy
may read thrssheetnow, but
in future,by Luming
to lhe illuslralion
19-do not rcad
ihe paragraph
itself.Once you have readthe sheet.
If you are drsguisedas a Bricrannoble, tum to 289;
otherwise,[urn lo r3j.


The BorderRiveris calmlonight, but whal of the Last
Oclopus?You cannothelp bul wonderwhat might be
going on within Lhat miserableplace A bird flies
No, not a bird.
The lai Hulud sorcererassassrn
rolls through the air
then drops lo his feet behrndyou. The Jar-Hulud's
prowessis enharcedby his magical
ability. lf you have the Acrobatics
SpecralSkill, 6ght
your foe as normal;if you do not, eachAttack Round
roll three dice for your opponentand use the two
hlghest numbersrolled lo flnd his Attack Strength
The assassinlaughs villainously, spreadshis twin

lf youwin,lurnto j4.

s KrL L9

The swim back to the wharf is a short one,and soon
you are Saspingfor ail in lhe shadow of a derelict
warehouseCold and alone,you suddenlyrecall that
this area is shunnedduring the hours of darkness,
it is the domainof lhe ShockerlThis unknown
fiend is said to frighlen its viclims to dealh befor
disappearinginto the nighl You are still lhinkng
about this hair-raisinglopic when a lap on your
shouldcrnearlymakesyou jump out of your skin.It is
with rclief thal you turn Lofacea harmlessold beggar
'Givc us a shiny.'shecoughs,'an I'tl tell yer wol I seen
l a r . ni gl- t li r o u *i.h Lo gire Ll'ebegga-a t o d
Piece,turn to z. If you prefernot to, tr.rnto 44

The capeand fangs are a perfectfit And once yo'.r
have applied some black powder to your eyes and
somered stuff to your lips,the illusionis complete.A
shortwhile lateayou seeKilmarneyandHogg heading
your way; they are eachcarryinga spadeStiflingthe
urge to snrggr you step out and bare your fangs
Both of them fling their tools asidc in lerror, then
Hogg screams
'Srlencel'you shouL 'Now that you are near my
graveyarddomain,you will do my bidding or suffer
the bite of lhe Undead.'
But Hogg hasrecoveredhis wits He whipsa crossout
from mder his tunic and cdes,'Back,yer unholy varmintl'
Wilhout thinking,you reachforward and krock the
yourLuck If you are Lucky,
crossout of his hand.TesL
turn to 16r, if you areUnlucky,lum to t54.

Thc handle tums, releasinga poisontipped needle
which missesyour thumb by a hairs breadth The
door itself is locked;rf you laterfind a BrassKey, you
moy chooseto comethis way again,eventhoughyou
may not normally choosea door you have already
been through. Now retum to the hall and choosea
door you haven'talreadybeen through Will you try
Big Laffs(tum to zzo),Nosh(turn to 27j), FatMaggots
(turn to rr7) or Wipefet(turn to J8)?

The proteciivepower of the shieldcrystal works ior
the other two globes,but not for itself lt explodes
into powdery fragmentsand the imageof the shield
fades away. Already the atmospherof the temple
seemsless oppressive- add r point to your LUCK
The sword crystal spins before your eyes, glowing
orange.Your body archesin pain yet a8ain;deduct2
pojnts from your srAMrNAWill you now strikeat lhe
sword(lurn to 2j) or the lock (turnto 281)?

Thoughyou feel a little guilty aboutcommittingsuch
a blatant act of robbery,you adviseKiennai that it
would be better for his healthif he simply gave you
the blood.'All right,all right,'he stammers,'take
and may the godshavemercyon you.' You snatchthe
phial from hls tremblinghandsand hurry out of the
shop Make a note of the word 'Raffreik'on youl
add tHour andretum to 2oo

You look up and a gobbet of steamingblood trickles
inLoyour eyes!Deduct2 points from your srevtraAs you stumbleround the room in blind agony, you
are only marginallyawareof the large bat lhat spat
ihe stuJf into your face. But when you wipe the
stingingdribblesaway,you seethai the bat is making
for Lhe open door Will you attack rt before it can
(lum to ,47) or let it go free(tum to 2t5t


Dawn is still a fel ' hours away when you complete

the four kilometrejoumey to Pentrull. This tiny village is dominatedby a lofty bell-lower standmSin
the main square- whereyou also Finda manheapng
bodieson to a bonJirelThe man growls, 'Don't you
know there be plaguein Penkhull?Fogwalkersbring
it with 'em-Looki'
You turn and see that a wall of fog has descendedon
the outskirtsof fhe village.The man'seyeswidenwith
ferror: 'They comel'OuL of the fog shuffledozensof
Zombrelike creaturesThe man kies to flee,but fhe
Fogwalkershave him. Threebuildingsare withn running dstance:the door of one is daubedwith a rcd
cross;the doorknobof anotheris carvedin the shape
of a rose;over the third door hangsa wooden sign
depictrnga seto{ balancesWill you.
Male your standby thebonfire?
Climbup the bell tower?
Enterlhe door with the red cross?
Enterlhe door with the rose

Turn to rtE

Enter bhedoor beneaththc wooden


Tum to 286

Turn to 2r
Turn lo J97
Turn to 4E

Conradis aboutto lumberin to your path for the last,
and probat'lyfaial.time when a gust of fiery ai- rodrs
up from the floor of the mill and shakeshim off the
ladder. Arms Railin& he falls down into the billowing
infemo. You rush over to see if he rs truly dead lhis

time, but his bulky form is lost in the con{lagrationFeaing that you too may perishin the 6re,you rush
out on to th tiny balcony From there you can see
only one safeway down, you will have to leaPout
and grab one of the windmill sailson ils way down to
the ground. Ii you have the Acrcb7ticsSpecialSkill,
turn to j2o. I[ you do not, Testyour Luck.If you
are Lucky, lum io 3zo; rf you are Unlucky, tum to
' 51r
Though the sun is high in the sky and there is not a
single distractionto hjde your movemenls,you advanceso silentlythat the Provostsfail io nohceyou.
Thir coarselaughter fills the air as they trip the
beggarover for the tenthtime!Tum to rro.

You counLLhelast coin into Hogg'seagerffngers,and
say that you Iook forward to meeting him at the
graveyardln half arr hour 'Aye, we'll be seein'yer
then Won'l we, Mister Kilmamey?'The other man
yawns in assentthen dragshimselfout lhrough the
tavem door You are glad to leavth Three Broken
Fingersand canonly hope that the body-snatchers
concludetheir secretarrangments
swiftly. Ten minLrteslater,you reachthe gatesof MeinsterCemeLery,
whereyou waiL... andwait
andwait.The rogues
have trickedyou! They alreadyhave your gold, so
why should they tr.rm up for work? If you have the
TrackingSpecialSkill, turn to 85; if not, add z Hours
andretom to 2oo.
t It

Gruul on
Your 6rst priority shouldhave beento Lal<e
lo Royal Lendle.lnslead,
soldjersas one by one lhey die, their heartsbursting
in the glp of an unnaturalfear. Gruul laughs in
triumph You musl kill htm beforeil is too late.Then
yotr leellt - fhwnpfhunp your heartis beatingfaster
- thumpthump- you sLaggerforward th mp Lhump
- lhunp
- chesLpains- tftrlrp ihump- Croullalu.ghing
lhunp you must- LhumpLh. . .
I oUhaveleamedthc hardway lhal lhereis no escape
frorn Karam Gruul's rn[amouswire lunic. Your hunt
for the fiend endsrn a most grisly fashion

Hopin8 lo lake your enemy by sprinS

forwardand aim a devastatngkrckat hrschest.If you
haveeitherthe Aoobaticsor Co,'1ratSpecialSkill,tum
to rr9. Otherwrse,TesLyour Luck.If you are Lucky,
tum to r 19,if you areUnlucky,tum to r8t
Like all those who arrived beiore her, the woman
stridesinto the tavemand closesfhe door Only now
the lights of the alehouseare extinSuished,
the main room into completedarkness.Br:t what of
the meeting of the Fralernity?A dislant bell tolls
midnight If you have a Rosy Chalicebrooch,tum to
,1 l( yotJ do noL will you try to sneakinto the
tavrn, to se what is 8oin8 on (turn to 96), or

maintain your walch from the safely of your hlding
placeon the wharf (turn to 362)?
Without hesitation, you vault lhrough the open
window and drop down to the hard sheet below If
you used the , crobaflcsSpecialSkrll, you land without
njury But if you succeededin TesLingyaur Skill, you
collect some bruiscs and musl deduct.:. points from
your srAMrNA. Getling up, you see that the assassinis
standing beside a sinisier looking carriage, he speaks
to somone sitLing inside the vehicle, Lhenruns down
an alleyway If you wish to pursue the assassin,fum to
4r; but if you would rather approachlhe carriage,turn
to 292. Then agarn, despile the latenessof the hour,
you may prefer lo start your manhunt proper. If so,
where will you Bo first: to Craven Asylum (lurn to
j93), the Last Oclopus (turn to 2r), Matt Lane (iurn to
uo7) or, if you have reason to go there, to Prieslsgale
or Weathem Mill?
Using knowledge gainedlrom your previous encounter
with lhe Shocker,you lead your party down a manhole
and inlo a stinking sewage tunnel which runs from left
fo righl. The way to the right is lacedwifh the essence
of fear 'l ain't goin'down there,'moans an inkeepea
scared out of his wils 'l don'l reckon lhe Shocker
camedown here al all.'
A good many people agree wrth hrm, clamber up out
o[ the sewers and set off along the slreeL Roll four

dice arrd add the numberslogeiher. If the total is
higher lhan your cunenLsrAMrNAscore,you heartily
concurvrith the inkeeperand follow hrsparty (tum to
73). If the toial is equalto or lessthan your cunent
srAMrNAscorc,you masLeryour fear and decideto
tum right and follow the tunnel roll one dre to see
how many brave townsfolk go with you. Note the
numberon your,,\d!e,fure Sheetat\d tllJn to 44
Intrigued,you open the exoticallyperfumedenvelope,
andreadthe pa8econLained
GruLings,BountyHunLerI had hopedrh,atwe wauLd
meelbeforethis necess'u.!
Letminafionaf yaur meddling,
but you haoeprouedto be loo diruptioe.For thnt, I
congntuldteyou For lhE lefteLcoatedin deadlyantad
yOU nlusfcoflgntuloLe
ME In the
enrl,only I, K,aramGruul, couldwin Now go Loyout
You curseyour own stupidiryat fallinSinto suchan
obvioustrap If you havea bottle of PoisonAntidole,
you musf drink it now (crossrt olf your fuloenLure
Sheet)Then,if you haven'Ldone so already,you may
look at the note m Enlador'shand (turn to 167)
t)lherwise,thereis nolhing left for you to do but leave
(Lumto 268) lf you do nol have fhe PoisonAntidote,
you join SilasEntadorin death Your adventure$ over.
is a
Sanger'sBeacon,the highestpart of Blackhaven,
grassyhill, topped by a crude gdtstone oblisk.ln

timesof greal danger,a bonfireis lit atop the obelisk,
to send ouL a vlarning to all GallantariaA storm
breaksas you mounf the hill, and soonyou are soaked
to the skin. Worse, you are in danger of being hit by
to rage all aroundyou as
you make your way up to the obelisk.This stone
blockis ten metreshigh and four metreswide,and one
sideof it is ruttedwith weatheredhandholdsStanding
at lhe foot of the obeliskis an ObisianPredator.These
incredrblystrongand rarekilling machrnes
in a skin of living metalJYou have fallen into yet
another irap Will you aitack Lhe creaLure(Lum to
rr2), flee (tum lo rj), or Lry lo think of something
elseto do (turn to 279)?
Whenyou reachtheplatformatthetop of thetower you
Sazedown uponthe villageandseethat lhe Fogwalkers
Loyou, howevetis Lhe
reasonwhy the laddershouldhavebeenbrokenin the
first placeThe only thing anyonecando up hereis . .
nng the belllWhenthe rronbell tolls over Penkhull,the
Fogwalkersmoan in fear and make therr way to the
outskirfsof the village,wherethey stop and wart.As
longas vou do nol lry to ledvelhe n ill be
ii. in fulure.youaretoldto fa(e
one,ignorethe nstructions:you facenothing.You still
haveto find the SecretChiefs,so,whenyou climbback
down the tower,will you go to the bonfire(tum to 2r),
to the door with the red cross(tum to 48),to the door
with ihe rose-shaped
handle(tum to rt8), or to thedoor
benealhlhe woodensign(turn to zE6)?

IL occursto you that it might be a far smarterideaif
you could enter the asylum disguisedas one o[ its
wardens.So you hurry away from the door and take
up a positionin a nearbyalley.
Ten minutes later one of the grey-suitedwardens
walks past your hiding place, on his way lo the
asylum.Overpowerhim, and the perfecldisguisewill
be yours You leap out . - and 6nd yourself staring
into the ugly faceof a Trollt


sK ILL 9

If youwin,turnto 18.


You are but a stone'sthrow from the Rohmerwhenit

eruptsin flamesbehindyou Your enemiesleavenoth
rng lo chancelSoon the whole buildingis ablaze,and
the cry of'Firel'is takenup throughoutCrossKeys.
You had bestbe on your way beforethe City Cuard
a.rive Will you male for Craven Asylum (fum to
',91), the LastOctopus(tum to
t7), Malf lrne (tum to
zo7) or, if yotr havereasonto do so,for PriestsSate
You keepa sharpeye on
on the LastOctopus
on the tavem , . . Vvheredid that cart come from? You
didn't see it arrive You yawn, your ylidsseemas
hearryas lead.But you keepa sharpeye on .., on .
you yawnl DeducL2 points from your srAMrNAand

TesIyour LuckIf you ar-eLucky,tum to 137.1fyou are
Unlucky,and the word 'Cainam'is written on your
tu'r. to 2jr; otherwise,turn to 277
As you enler Lheruins of the Olde Gaol, you recall
lhe Professorr
instruclions: invin.
cible Demolhrax named Argolis was bound wrth a
magicchainand buriedalivebeneaththe prison Seven
dayslater, the gaol collapsedrn an earlhquake.
It has
been shunnedever since,but Argolis lies there still,
buried and forgotten. You must retrieve the Chain of
Argolis, even though it is this alonewhich keepsher
entombed.A liltle-knownRimemay helpr
Tum nol yourfae,
Nor bind,norstike,
Retumfo ilsplace'
You 6nd the chain lying partly bwied in the earthen
floor of a danl<cell You try to pull it free and the
whole floor enrptswith fury! Soil tliesin all directions
as a high'backedchairbursLsup into the room. Bound
to the chairby the chainis the rotted Argolisl Waves
of barely che&ed evil flow from her as she shuggles
againsther boads.'Release
rzel she howls Will you
to lot), flee (tum lo Er) or do as
(tum Lo22)?
As you approachthe north door, lhe draughtblowing
through the gap beneathgrows stronger-The door



ilself is made from reinforced oal and is locked. Ii you

have the lort Pirting SpecialSkill, tum to j6; otherwise
you may, if you haven't already done so, fry th easl
door (turn to r4r) or the west door (turn lo r7)

You sidleup to whereEvironstandsbehrndthe bar,
lhcn say, 'From what I've heard, this area has quite a
reputation '
The lardlady looks up from her constitutional flagon
'Oh ahh?'she rumbles
'Yes,' you reply, 'l've heard quite a few inleresling
tales about this place Know anythrng about them?'
Eviron frowns. 'About what, exaclly?'
Do you say,
lhe 5'1o(\er?
The Cabal of the Werewolf?
The Etemal Fmternity of the Rosy


T.rrn {o r3
Tum to r45

Turn to 35r
Tum to 23J

You tie Cruul to a nearbytree,thenyou jorn the men
who have dismountedand takenup positionsat the
crest of the hill The atmosphereis fense.It is no
moLley crew that rs racing to destroy you; it is a
vicious band of seasonedfighlers.You steelyourself
as the Cabalriderscome chargingup fhe hill. During
the ensurngskirmish,you must 6ght bhreeopponents
at the sametrmel





If you win, you look aroundand seethat, desPitethe

odds,your companions
haveput up a valiantfight and
victory rs yours Teslyour Lucklf you are Lucky,tum
to z4o.If you areUnlucky,tum to 3ro
You lift the circularhatchand clamberdown Into the
crampedcellarof the mill. The low-ceilingedroom is
bare,savefor the large statuethat standsagainstthe
opposite wall: it is a stone gargoyle whose hrce,
open mouth is sealedby somesort of metal 8ri11e
and whosebejewelledeyesflare up like two emerald
Lor.hcs i n thr tl oom

\oL.hi el d

vou' Pye.

dt d voicP

booms out through the statue'sunmoving mouth'

'Reportl'The gargoylemust be somekind of mystical
conveyorof tidings But whal of the guttural voice?
Could it be lhat of KaramCruul?It barksoncemore,
'Zaar!Reportl'The greeneyes of the gargoyleglow
even more brightly If you wish to 'rePort',tum to
z6z; but if yoLrwould preferLo remamsilent,trrrn to
'Now that's not very gentlemanlyof yet' moans
Ho8g, 'not very spoltin' at all. Mister Krlmameyan'
my good self will be most r.rpsetif yer refuseto seal
our buddin' agreementwith a cup o' goodwill. Now

comeon/ there.Sink the flagonand we'll consignthis
to lhe annalsoI history.'
If you havethe S/e(fito/ Hard SpecialSkill,turn ro 72.
If you do not, will you now drink the ale,in order to
keepthe body-snatchers
happy(turn to rr), or remain
in your refusal(turn to r74!
You reachup, grab lhe woodenbeam- and howl in
pain as three of your finSersgo splashrnginto the
watcrl Insertedrn the top of the beamis a razor,sharp
bladc.It was only naturalthat you shouldreachfor
the bcam as did the twelvemenwho fell into the pit
beforcyou. Deduct2 points fi.omyour srrvrra and
r point from both your currentand lnitial srrr.r scores
\bu clutchyour marmedhandas the water connnues
lo rise If you haven'fdone so already,you may now
climb up the rungs (turn to r4o) Otherwis,all that
remainsfor you fo do is to offer a silent prayer to
your gods(tum to r7o)

The rnomenlyou makeas jF to slrike at the woman,
shestepsbackand unsheaths
her swordstrck!
her agc,you will find her a mostworthy opponentMONOCLED WOMAN



After one roundof combat,tum to 126.


For reasonsyou cannot fathom,CravenAsylum for

the chronicallyinsaneis the most popular of Blackhaven'stouristattractronsDecadenlfolk actuallypay
to enter what musLbe the city's most wretchedhellholel Talesfrom the asylumspeakoi counllessdark
deeds,one rumourbeing that sanefolk can be locked
awayin thereon paymentof the right pricclSuchmay
The asylum
well be thc casewith Matra Ouspenskaya.
ilself is a squal,Srey sloneblock,its blankfacbroken
here and there by a few barred windowsj so il rs
wrth sometrepidationthat you approachthe fortified
doorway If you have a Letter oi Introduclion,Lum
to 4z.If you do not, but you do have the Disguise
SpecialSkill, rum to 382 lf you have neither,tum
to ,12.
Exercisingthe utmost caution,you easeth sidedoor
openand slip rnside.Wifhin, it is so dark that you can
barelyseeyour hand in front of your face You close
the door behindyou and stepiorward TesLyour Luck.
I[ you are Lurcky,turn to 316,if you are Unlucky,turn
to 355


Thebell-toneris a high woodenscaffoldsu:mounted
by a belfry accessto wluch is gainedby meansof a
iong iadder.When you get Lo the bottom oF the
tower, however, you see that the ladder has been
ha&ed to pieceslA Fogwalkerlooms up out of the

car ageis going (turn to r63)

sKtLL 7

STAM i N A 8

door with the red cross(tum to 4t), the door with the
roseshapedhandle(turn to r58), or the door beneath
the woodensign(tum io 286).
Taking the utmostcare,you skip nimbly up the stairs
and follow the landinground to Entador'sfront door.
Without knockurg,yor.:open the door and stepinside;
turn lo 87.

as a Briciannoble before enteringthe tavern Inside

you may buy yourself a heart-warningmeasureof
Koszak;if you do, cross z Coid Pie;es off your

AdoentweSheeland resLore4 sraMtN^ points.From

the canseethat most of the tablesarealready
taken.A gameoi somesort seemsto be going on at
one of them;maybe there'smoney to be won there
Or perhapsyou shouldtry lalking lo Eviron,the surly
landlady;if the Cabaldoesmeel here,shemusLknow
about il Then again,Lherecould be someoncamong
this scurrry lot who would like to talk to you; they
certainly won't approach you unless yodre on your
ovr.n.So will you:
Talk with the landlady?
Slandaloneat the bar?
Go andjoin jn the game?

Turn to 387
Turn to 36r
Tum to 70


Without thinkrng,you throw the Hexalphaup into thc

air.The silverstar shootsforward thenfliesround in a
wide circle,encompassing
the entirecourtyard,before
retuming to
hand.As the orbit is made,your
invisibie foe matedalizesbefore you. Ii is an EctoplasmicLurker,whose dealh will releaseNoLura,the
same mystic energy useii fo power the Hexalpha.
Each time you wrn a round of combat, add the same
nurnberof pornts to your srAMrNA thaf your fo


sKnL 10


If you win" there is nothing for you to do olher

than to go back out and try the left-hand gate. Tum
to rr4.


Iightinaldtasy Monslen
Ste@l$kek anl lan Li,izssttu

MatEFishtinsFan!tuyin p,llir
AtlMncatl Fishtin8 Fanfe6y
Msrc ca{aisfle afld PeteTanlyn
Now you and yu

ftiends a

@ate you own fnray

lnagh. lldt ,o- re fic dilr-.or a-d yor h.ndr de

heroe,.w 1lyou spndthem to baIle wita tLe evr.wrJd
the Dragoil hoad? Tbe chorce E yo6, md D4,fdE
exciti.g wlrld of fantasy roleplayinS accssble in a


thp castol
n, ,.(ovr
nales the

Marc Cascoiye aid pete Tanun
Spawlifglikelhecorps oI sonegiantdeatu.e,
is a
teslding dcn of pmtes md bn8ands.Unforeseerdargers rur

aroud every shet cohc. and jn cvery dd& a[e]wy. Devio6

plots and dims de hatchedin every ravd Thrcvcsand assassins
slip thiough the shadowsAncrenrmysreieslurk in the celam .nd
sewes But the infamousCify olThjevesis alsohometo eioEmenr
ard adveniu beyond compare!
The sftond voluh. in th Advm.ed FjghrjngFantasyseneswhro
sraded wiih D!,f,.d,rrf

f_ror the darkcsl corneN, frcn the depest pools and lron thc
dungeonslhought only lo esisl in mgbimrrescomc the lighting
Ia.tary monsleB rh. downfall oI many a bEvc warnor Two
hundrcd md 6iV of thse lo.thsohe c,eatms fiod the nld ad
dangerouswodds ofFiahting lotasy ee collecledhe(e somearc
old advqsies, many you havc yet lo heel
eachof thm descrjbed in minute dcta An ndrspcfsable Elidc for Fishti.g

Thc FiShtinaFmtasyWodd
Steu locksonsntl lai LiL'insstohe
Eiited bv Mat. Gascoishe
You metthnonsteEin Orr ofrr' Pt now meetthc .estor thc
lighhng Fantasywoddl No adventuersholld bc without th6
auide lt conlainsevcrylhn8you needlo know,coveF
ng thcturbul.thisfoiyolthcsorld,fromitscrcalion
dd crly civilration! through th devastatinAWar of thc Wizards to thc
pre*nt day wildemssandanechywherefhedel.atebalac bc.
twcln cood aid chaoscouldat anymommtbe ovcrturned


The lnlrodu.t.r!

ilolc FlarLng Crnc

Stnt lt.kscn

Th lnlj ,rlrntures oi s$ord rid sorcely.otrrc t. l,n ln the f_jghL

ing FanLrlyCrmcboots, {h,!. Lh.,eader r thc lrro, lnirg nith
dea th.rrJ Jcn .n!,i s er r t h. n r LLn. s r r eair r c . r lr c d. r \ o w
Y OI- cr (.d rte :.r' onn lr ir ' hE Fac : r il adr . nt ! ' e\ d d n r l
your iiicnls oll on dmserdr nr* ln thrs.ler,l) trtt.n han.l
bool th('r nc hnk on devrlnA r.mbrts, monnfr to use,ticls
ard la .tr(r,rs wclLa s t wo. r nr Lr dv e. t ur es

5r..r /,r.k'.r
Four FrLrln,nsl:flasy eFlscdp\io IJepir!.d r\ v.rJ,!1. rd\erhtres
n a nlal
o. rs slirr\ ir rn cpic rd}.ntlre, Tfu l,ddl,N &,u
worlhy of lhe most danns Jdf.ntu,.r His mnd A ins.rulablc
on thc
but lh.( s no doubt about th..h,o! he llafs lo unLeash
B.orld H. rn6t be stoFped d.\pre tlre h:?rds o tt taskl
i:oll.)Li ,r to Ftrr:lir-rlrrra! irl r.nJr:,ri.a' Rri,riitiJ-.J Gr,l,
n. ort.ii,, ns m d s dr r or s . |nat \ ou. ar c o n t u e u P
idvenLu(\ ntr yourhends rrl lend :hcn or thctr r$L dangerous
r.d lruTlli',li riis\i.. yct

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