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ID Number





Philosophical Foundation in Language


Yohan, M.pd

The language as symbol (Argumentative Essay)

Please do not litter (symbol)
Littering is the serious problem in our country today. Every day, we can find
many rubbish spread everywhere, such on the road, traditional market, industry
manufacturing, even in the school and office. Have you ever thought about what your
community would look like without litter? If so, it may take a while to find out. One
person throwing something on the ground may not think much of it, however, when
that trash finds other trash, they begin to build up and make big piles of junk. Even
though, there have been many trash bins available each of kilometers of the road. And
there have been many sign of no littering everywhere. To make matters worse,
littering has become very common, which should be stopped because in most cases,
trash is not disposed of properly, leading to innocent people having to spend money
on clean up, or big piles of trash on peoples lawns.
If littering is not stopped, more money will be wasted, more things will be
damaged, and innocent peoples lives could be affected. Imagine someone tossing a
cigarette on the road and that cigarette gets blown onto someones yard and is eaten
by their pet. That pet could become seriously sick because of someone else's laziness.
And as we know that, our Island has many tin mining digging, and the currently time
Bangka island has got the great flood. And if the people keep littering everywhere,
its not impossible that Bangka island will get the flood again, even it will be greater
than before.
Actually, there are many sign about no littering. In the school, office, market
and on the road. But people are lazy to pay attention to the sign, and keep littering
everywhere. In order to end all this littering, it needs to start with everyone playing
their correct role in society. Although it is not very enforced, littering is illegal. If
people would all obey the sign, there wouldnt be an issue. But for those who dont
obey the law, it needs to become stricter. There should be more cops out there on the
look out for people littering, and for people who get caught littering, there should be

more of a punishment so they know to never do it again. This would also be a great
way to open up new jobs by having people look out for, and clean up litter at all
There are still many people out there who dont think littering is harmful.
They dont look into the facts and think that their litter will eventually be picked up
before effecting anyone. In some cases, they may be right. A good person out there
may come across their trash and pick it up. But more often then not, they are wrong
and their trash remain on the ground. All in all, littering needs to be stopped.
Although it will take a while, it is possible. With the organizations out there trying
their best to pick up all the trash out there, if cops become more strict about this law
and look out for more litterers, and make the punishment much more strict, I believe
in the future, littering will be much more uncommon and the environment will look
more beautiful.

Analysis of the essay (Hortatory Exposition)

1. Social function
To persuade the reader or listener to not littering everywhere, because it will
damage the environment and the flood will come
2. Generic structure
Thesis; Littering is the serious problem in our country today. Every
day, we can find many rubbish spread everywhere, such on the road,
traditional market, industry manufacturing, even in the school and
Arguments; I think if the littering is not stopped, so Bangka Island will
get the flood again, even it will be greater than before
Recommendation; to make a good environment and avoid the flood,
the people should not litter everywhere
3. Significant Lexicogrammatical Features
Thesis; Littering is the serious problem in our country today. Every
day, we can find many rubbish spread everywhere, such on the road,
traditional market, industry manufacturing, even in the school and
Arguments; I think if the littering is not stopped, so Bangka Island
will get the flood again, even it will be greater than before
Recommendation; To make a good environment and avoid the flood,
the people should not litter everywhere
Bold words

Generic human and non-human participant

Bold + underlined word

Mental processes

Italic words

Material process

Underlined words

Relational processes

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