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Define family and differentiate between point nuclear extended families.



Family may be defined as the biological social unit composed of husband wife and
their children. The family may also be considered as a social institution, a socially
approved organization for meeting definite human needs.
A joint family is an intimate primary group, consisting of attend three
generational entities, bound by affection and assuming responsibilities of varied
nature between the contracting members.
A nuclear family is an intimate biological unit composed of husband, wife and
unmarried children.
An extended family, usually, consists of members in the nature of multi kits
and kins relationship, assuming between themselves an intimate as well as distant
nature of responsibilities ranging from physical maintenance and care of members,
production, consumption and distribution of good and services.


Discuss the various causes of breakdown of joint family system in India.


The joint family system is an integral part of the larger society. The members of the
joint family develop numerous contacts with the outside world. She increasing
processes of urbanization and industrialationl, accompanied with increasing need and
opportunities of improvement of men, as also of women outside the home. The town,
declining values in the educational system, testing of the authority of the head of the
family, specialization of vocations and career interest away from the traditional fold
of the family result in transition form the traditional joint family system to a new type
of relationship based on detrioonation of religious control in matters of family life,
acceptance of materialist philosophy and self-interest, etc are the major course of the
breakdown of the joint family system in India.


Highlight the major changes that have taken place in the traditional functions of
a joint family system.



The major changes that have taken place in the traditional fold of the joint family
system include, decline in the unity of purpose, familial ambition, pursuance of
common interests authority of he the parents/head, democratie values and traditions,
religious theory marriage, accompanied with the increasing trends of socialised
recreational pursuits, vocations and economic interests outside the home, etc.

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