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Chapter 1 - Study Guide

Short Answer On the lines provided, answer the following questions.

1. What is science?
Is an organized way of using evidence to learn about the natural world.

2. What is the relationship between observation and gathering data?

Observation is a method of gathering information by use of the senses.

3. What is the difference between a manipulated variable and a

responding variable in a controlled experiment?
A manipulated variable is the independent variable that the tester is in control of. The
responding variable is the dependent variable and changes based of the independent variable.

4. What is the difference between sexual reproduction and asexual

In sexual reproduction, two cells from different parents unite to produce a new organism. In
asexual reproduction, a single parent reproduces by itself.

Matching On the lines provided, write the letter of the answer that best matches
each description.
C_________ 5. hypothesis
F_________ 6. data
H_________ 7. stimulus
I__________ 8. metric system
A_________ 9. homeostasis
B_________ 10. microscope
G_________ 11. biology
E_________ 12. theory

a. process of keeping internal conditions fairly

b. device that produces images of structures that
are too small to see with the unaided eye
c. proposed scientific explanation for a set of
d. group of cells that develops from a single,
original cell
e. well-tested explanation that unifies a broad
range of observations
f. information gathered from observation
g. the science that seeks to understand the living
h. signal to which an organism responds
i. decimal system based on certain standards and
scaled on multiples of 10
j. technique that separates different cell parts

Multiple Choice On the lines provided, write the letter of the answer that best
completes the statement or answers the question.
D______________ 16. What theory was disproved by the experiment
shown in the diagram?

a. homeostasis

c. metabolism

b. evolution

d. spontaneous generation

A______________ 17. What is the name for a collection of living matter enclosed
by a barrier that separates it from its surroundings?
a. cell
b. cell culture
c. cell fractionation
d. DNA
B______________ 18. What is the name for a combination of chemical changes
that builds up or breaks down material in an organism?
a. homeostasis
b. metabolism
c. sexual reproduction
d. cell culture

Chapter 2 - Study Guide

Completion On the lines provided, complete the following sentences.
1. Protons and neutrons together form the nucleus,
which is at the center of the atom.
2. A pure substance that consists entirely of one type of atom is called
a(an) element.
3. A chemical compound is a substance formed by the
combination of two or more elements in definite proportions.
4. The two main types of chemical bonds are ionic
And covalent.
5. The slight attractions that develop between the oppositely charged
regions of nearby molecules are called van der Waals forces.
Short Answer On the lines provided, answer the following questions.
6. How do a sodium atom and a positive sodium ion differ?
A positive sodium has lost an electron (negative charge) and therefore now has a positive
charge. A regular sodium atom is neutral because it has an equal number of protons (positive
charges) and electrons (negative charges).

7. How do cohesion and adhesion differ?

Cohesion is an attraction between molecules of the same substance, and adhesion is an
attraction between different substances.

8. In a salt solution, why is water the solvent and salt the solute?
Water is the solvent because it is the material that does the dissolving. The solute is the
material that is being dissolved. The water molecules pull apart the crystal structure of the salt
and surround the salt ions.

9. How do acids and bases differ?

Acids are compounds that form H+ ions in a solution and have a pH values below 7. Bases are
compounds that form OH- ions in a solution and have a pH values above 7.

10. Describe the roles of a catalyst and a substrate in a chemical reaction.

A catalyst is a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction by lowering the activation
energy. The substrate is the reactant in an enzyme-catalyzed reaction.

Matching On the lines provided, write the letter of the definition that best
matches each term.


12.amino acid

13. monosaccharide

14. isotopes


c. large compound formed by the joining of small

compounds, called monomers

16.nucleic acid

d. catalyst that speeds up chemical reactions in cells

17. enzyme

e. monomer of a protein

18. chemical reaction

f. process that produces a new set of chemicals

19. lipid

g. single sugar molecule

a. atoms of the same element that differ in the number

of neutrons
b. weak acid or base that prevents sharp swings
in pH

h. polymer assembled from nucleotides

i. common categories are fats, oils, and waxes
Labeling Diagrams For questions 20 and 21, identify the diagram as one of
the following: nucleotide or amino acid. Place your answer on the lines provided below each diagram.


Nitrogenous base
Phosphate group

5-carbon sugar


Labeling Diagrams On the lines provided, label the parts of the reaction as
one of the following: products, reactants, or activation energy.
Energy-Releasing Reaction

Course of Reaction



Activation Energy


Amino Acid

Chapter 7 - Study Guide

Matching On the lines provided, match the term with its definition.

1. cell

a. organism whose cells contain a nucleus


2. cell membrane

b. granular material visible within the nucleus


3. cell wall

c. the basic unit of life


4. nucleus


5. cytoplasm

d. specialized structures within a cell that perform important

cell functions


6. prokaryote

e. organism whose cells do not contain a nucleus


7. eukaryote


8. organelle

f. strong supporting layer around the cell membrane that

protects the cell


9. chromatin

G________ 10. phagocytosis

g. process by which extensions of cytoplasm engulf large

h. large structure that contains the cells genetic information
i. thin, flexible barrier around the cell
j. portion of the cell outside the nucleus

Multiple Choice On the lines provided, write the letter that best completes
the sentence or answers the question.
A__________ 11. The small dense region in the nucleus where the assembly of
ribosomes begins is called the
a. nucleolus.
b. nuclear envelope.
c. chloroplast.
d. vacuole.
C__________ 12. The network of protein filaments that help maintain the shape
of the cell is called the
a. nucleus.
b. mitochondrion.
c. cytoskeleton.
d. ribosomes.
D__________ 13. Which organelles can use energy from sunlight to create
energy-rich food molecules?
a. lysosomes
b. Golgi apparati
c. vacuoles
d. chloropasts
B__________ 14. What is the process by which material is taken into the cell by
infoldings of the cell membrane?
a. diffusion
b. endocytosis
c. osmosis
d. exocytosis
C__________ 15. The fourth, and highest, level of organization in a
multicellular organism is
a. cell specialization.
b. a tissue.
c. an organ system.
d. an organ.

Labeling Diagrams On the lines provided, label the structures found in an

animal cell that correspond with the numbers in the diagram.
Ribosome (attached)



Cell membrane

Nuclear envelope





Endoplasmic Reticulum


Golgi Apparatus



Completion On the lines provided, complete the following sentences.
20. The distinct, threadlike structures that contain the genetic
information of the cell are called chromosomes.
21. Particles tend to move from an area of high concentration to an
area of low concentration in a process known as diffusion.
22. The double-layered sheet that makes up nearly all cell membranes
is called the lipid bilayer (selectively permeable membrane).
23. The process in which water diffuses through a selectively permeable
membrane is called diffusion.
24. The process by which a protein channel allows molecules to cross the
cell membrane is called facilitated diffusion.
25. The process that requires an input of energy to help material move
from an area of lower concentration to an area of greater
concentration is called active transport.

Chapter 8 - Study Guide

Defining Terms On the lines provided, write a definition of each of the
following terms.
1. ATP Adenosine triphosphate is one of the principal chemical compounds that living
things use to store energy.

2. thylakoid A thylakoid is a saclike, photosynthetic membrane found in the


3. NADP+ An energy carrying molecule that is utilized during the light-dependent

reaction, forming NADPH. This is later used during the Calvin cycle.

5. Calvin cycle The Calvin cycle uses ATP and NADPH from the light-dependent
reactions to produce high energy sugars. The Calvin cycle takes place in the stroma of
chloroplasts and does not directly require light.

Short Answer On the lines provided, answer the following questions.

6. What is the difference between an autotroph and a heterotroph?
An autotroph is an organism that makes its own food. A heterotroph is an organism that
obtains energy from the food it consumes.

7. In which part of photosynthesis is oxygen produced?

Oxygen is produced in the light-dependent reaction.

8. What is the relationship between pigments and chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll is the primary light capturing pigment of photosynthesis.

9. How do the light-dependent reactions differ from the Calvin cycle?

The light-dependent reactions directly require light to occur (step 1) and the Calvin cycle
requires the products of the light-dependent reaction to occur (step 2).

10. What compounds are formed from carbon dioxide in the Calvin
Sugars are formed from the carbon dioxide in the Calvin cycle.

Matching Match each term with its description below. Write the letter of the
correct term on the line provided.

light-dependent reactions

C____________ 11. molecule that absorbs light

E____________ 12. produce oxygen gas and convert ADP to ATP
B____________ 13. the region outside the thylakoid membranes
A____________ 14. principal pigment found in plants
D____________ 15. process by which autotrophs use sunlight to make
high-energy sugars
Labeling Diagrams On the lines provided, write the names of the reactants
and products for photosynthesis that correspond to the numbers in the diagram.








Water (H2O)


Carbon Dioxide (CO2)


Oxygen (O2)




Chapter 9 - Study
Defining Terms On the lines provided, write a
definition for each of the following terms.
1. glycolysis The process in which glucose is broken down to produce
two molecules of pyruvic acid and gives the cell a net gain of 2
molecules of ATP. (Step 1)

2. cellular respiration The process that releases energy by breaking molecules of food in the
presences of oxygen.

3. fermentation The process that allows glycolysis to continue to release energy in cells in the
absence of oxygen.

4. anaerobic Means not in air or without oxygen.

5. aerobic Means in air or with oxygen.

6. Krebs cycle The process in which pyruvic acid, made during glycolysis, is broken into carbon
dioxide in a series of energy-extracting reactions. (Step 2)

7. electron transport chain The process in which the high energy electrons from the Krebs cycle are
used to convert ADP to ATP. (Step 3)

Identification On the lines provided, identify which phrase describes the

following processes: cellular respiration, glycolysis, lactic acid fermentation,
or alcoholic fermentation.
8. important in baking bread Alcoholic fermentation
9. builds up in muscles after a few seconds of intense activity Lactic acid fermentation
10. requires oxygen and glucose Cellular Respiration
13. produces 2 ATP molecules and pyruvic acid Glycolysis
11. almost the opposite process of photosynthesis Cellular Respiration
12. the reason why runners breathe heavily after a race Lactic acid fermentation

Multiple Choice On the lines provided, write the letter that best answers the question.
B_____________ 13. What is the net energy gain in glycolysis?
a. 4 molecules of ATP
c. 36 molecules of ATP
b. 2 molecules of ATP
d. 38 molecules of ATP
D_____________ 14. Which of the following causes a painful, burning
sensation in muscles after vigorous exercise?
a. alcohol
c. pyruvic acid
b. glycolysis
d. lactic acid
C_____________ 15. What is another name for the Krebs cycle?
a. the glycolysis cycle
c. the citric acid cycle
b. alcoholic fermentation
d. the respiration cycle
Interpreting Diagrams On the lines below, write the name of the stage of
cellular respiration that corresponds with the numbers in the diagram.
Electrons carried via NADH





carried via
NADH and

Transport Chain




16. _____________________________________
Krebs Cycle

Chapter 10 - Study Guide

Completion On the lines provided, complete the following sentences.
1. The process by which a cell divides into two daughter cells is cell division.
2. Each pair of chromatids is attached at an area called the
3. The three phases of interphase are G1, S, and G2.
4. The cell cycle is the series of events that cells go
through as they grow and divide.
5. The spindle fiber is a fanlike microtubule structure
that helps separate the chromosomes.
6. Mitosis is the division of the cell nucleus.
7. The four phases of mitosis are prophase,
metaphase, anaphase , and
8. The division of the cytoplasm during the M phase is called
9. Proteins known as cyclins regulate the timing of
the cell cycle in eukaryotic cells .
10. Cancer is a disorder in which some of the bodys
own cells lose the ability to control growth.
Multiple Choice On the line provided, write the letter that best completes the
statements or answers the question.
A_____________ 11. What process ensures that each daughter cell gets
one complete set of genetic information and that each
daughter cell also has increased surface area?
a. cell division
c. cytokinesis
b. mitosis
d. cancer
C_____________ 12. Before cell division, each chromosome consists of two
identical sister
a. centromeres.
c. chromatids.
b. cell cycles.
d. spindles.
B_____________ 13. The four phases of the cell cycle are
a. interphase, mitosis, G1, and G2.
b. M phase, G1 phase, S phase, and G2 phase.
c. prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.
d. cytokinesis, mitosis, interphase, and metaphase.
A_____________ 14. What phase of mitosis takes the longest period of time?
a. prophase
c. anaphase
b. cytokinesis
d. interphase

A_____________ 15. The two small structures that separate and take up
positions on opposite sides of the nucleus during prophase
are the
a. centrioles.
c. chromatids.
b. centromeres.
d. spindles.
B_____________ 16. What phase of mitosis usually occurs at the same
time as cytokinesis?
a. anaphase
c. prophase
b. telophase
d. cell division
B_____________ 17. What is the name for tumors that form and can
cause damage to surrounding tissue?
a. cyclins
c. cytokinesis
b. mitosis
d. cancer
Labeling Diagrams On the lines below, label the events in the cell cycle that
correspond with the numbers in the diagram.

18. G2 or Gap 2 stage

22. Telophase

19. Prophase

23. Cytokinesis

20. Metaphase

24. G1 or Gap 1 stage

21. Anaphase

25. S or synthesis stage

Chapter 11 - Study Guide

Matching On the lines provided, write the letter of the definition of each term.
I____________ 1. genetics

a. likelihood that something will happen

C___________ 2. trait

b. process by which the number of chromosomes

per cell is cut in half

D___________ 3. hybrid

c. specific characteristic

G___________ 4. gene

d. offspring of crosses between parents with different


J____________ 5. allele

e. containing a single set of chromosomes

F___________ 6. gamete

f. sex cell

A___________ 7. probability

g. factor that determines traits

H___________ 8. Punnett square

h. diagram showing possible gene combinations

E___________ 9. haploid

i. the scientific study of heredity

B___________10. meiosis

j. form of a gene

Completion On the lines provided, complete the following sentences:

11. Although organisms with the same physical characteristics have
the same phenotype, they might have different
genotype, or genetic makeup.
12. According to the principle known as independent assortment,
genes that segregate independently do not influence each others inheritance.
13. Incomplete and Codominance are
similar because the heterozygous phenotype is different from the homozygous
dominant phenotype.
14. Crossing-over results in the exchange of alleles and
produces new combinations of alleles.

Multiple Choice On the lines provided, write the letter of the answer that best
completes the sentence or answers the question.
B___________ 15. In what process do male and female reproductive
cells join during sexual reproduction?
a. segregation

c. self-pollination

b. fertilization

d. cross-pollination

A___________ 16. The separation of alleles during gamete formation is

a. segregation.

c. meiosis.

b. true-breeding.

d. crossing-over.

D___________ 17. Organisms that have identical alleles for a particular

trait are
a. heterozygous.

c. diploid.

b. polygenic.

d. homozygous.

C___________ 18. An organism that has an allele for brown eyes and an
allele for blue eyes is
a. true-breeding.

c. heterozygous.

b. homologous.

d. homozygous.

C___________ 19. Genes that have more than two alleles have
a. crossing-over.

c. multiple alleles.

b. meiosis.

d. independent assortment.

B___________ 20. Traits controlled by two or more genes are

a. haploid.

c. homologous.

b. polygenic traits.

d. multiple alleles.

D___________ 21. The diagram below illustrates which type of

chromosomes that may cross over and exchange portions of
their chromatids during meiosis?
a. diploid

c. haploid

b. homozygous

d. homologous

A___________ 22. What type of cell has two sets of chromosomes?

a. diploid

c. tetrad

b. haploid

d. gene

B___________ 23. There are four chromatids in a

a. polygenic trait.

c. gamete.

b. tetrad.

d. genotype.

D___________ 24. Which of the following shows the relative locations of

each known gene in an organism?
a. polygenic trait

c. Punnett square

b. gamete

d. gene map

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