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CLASS:VI (1, 2, 3...

LESSON No:________
TOPIC/teaching contents: Unit 4: Everyday life; Lesson 4.1 Means of transportation
GOALS: Past Simple irregular verbs; comparison of adjectives changes in spelling, analytic/synthetic forms;
cross-curricular learning; introducing/consolidating target vocabulary (cart, subway, boat, streetcar); means of
transportation consolidation; developing reading, speaking and listening skills; spontaneous use of English.
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Students will be able to talk about variousmeans of transportation and to talk about using
them. They will also be able to use the target vocabulary and structures in meaningful contexts in both spoken
and written English.
TEACHING METHODS: Communicative Method
TEACHING MEANS/AIDS: English is Fun 4 (Student's Book, Teacher's Book, CD, CD player/computer)
Activity 1: (introduction: speaking) interaction pattern: teacher students
time: 3-5 min
Teacher asks students if they can say what means of transportation there are. Teacher uses the pictures to elicit
target vocabulary. Teacher encourages students to express their opinions and to use their imagination.
Activity 2: (reading) interaction pattern: teacher students
time: 5-7 min
Teacher asks students to read the text and helps them with vocabulary. Teacher can provide some vocabulary in
advance through demonstration or giving explanations in English or ask them to guess the meanings of these
words and expressions from the context. When students finish reading, teacher asks them how they get to school
(by bus, on foot, etc.) as stated in the question at the end of the text.
Activity 3: (vocabulary) interaction pattern: teacher students; students students
time: 4-6 min
Teacher asks students to do Ex. 1 and 2 (page 38). Students can do the exercises in pairs or individually. Peer
correction encouraged.
Activity 4: (grammar) interaction pattern: teacher students

time: 5-6 min

Teacher asks students to do the grammar exercises (sections A and B). Teacher reminds students of the fact that
in some cases they should use irregular forms of the verbs they know when they talk about the past. Teacher
encourages students to make conclusions about the corresponding irregular verb forms on their own.
Activity 5: interaction pattern: teacher students

time: 5-7 min

Teacher asks students to look at the examples and make conclusions about the use of comparatives given there.
Teacher checks if the students understand the pattern, provides help if necessary, and asks students to do the
exercise (page 39). Teacher checks the answers. Peer correction encouraged.
Activity 6: interaction pattern: (listening) teacher students

time: 5 min

Teacher tells students they are going to do a listening exercise. Teacher then tells students that they will hear
something they are supposed to know and to jot it down. Teacher plays the recording (CD Track 16) twice and
asks students to read their answers. Teacher moves around the classroom and checks the spelling of the words
that are to be written in the blanks. Alternatively, teacher can ask students to spell out the answers.
Activity 7 (Have some fun): interaction pattern: teacher students
time: 5-7 min
Teacher asks students to do look at the section entitled Have some fun and to try to solve the puzzle. Students are
encouraged to work in pairs and to check the answers on their own. Teacher can also ask students to try to find
out how plural forms in the exercise are made (ox oxen, donkey donkeys)
Homework: Teacher tells students to do Ex. 1-3 in the workbook.

CLASS:VI (1, 2, 3...)

LESSON No:________
TOPIC/teaching contents: Unit 6: A world of fun; Lesson 6.1 The world of tomorrow
GOALS: Future Simple (introduction) and talking about the future using going to (consolidation); cross-curricular
learning; introducing/consolidating target vocabulary (space, invention, disease, future, remote control, channel,
develop); developing reading, writing and speaking skills; spontaneous use of English.
EXPECTED OUTCOMES: Students will be able to talk about the future using two verb forms. They will also be able
to use the target vocabulary and structures in meaningful contexts in both spoken and written English.
TEACHING METHODS: Communicative Method
TEACHING MEANS/AIDS: English is Fun 4 (Student's Book, Teacher's Book

Activity 1: (introduction: speaking) interaction pattern: teacher students

time: 3-5 min

Teacher asks students if they ever think about the future and how they imagine it. Teacher should encourage
students to express their opinions and use their imagination freely and creatively. Teacher must use the forms
students are familiar with, e.g. going to instead of Future Simple, which is to be covered during this lesson.
Activity 2: interaction pattern (reading/speaking): teacher students

time: 5-7 min

Teacher asks students to read the text and helps them with the vocabulary. Teacher can provide some
vocabulary in advance (e.g. space, invention, future, remote control, develop) through demonstration or giving
explanations in English or ask them to guess the meanings of these words and expressions from the context.
When students finish reading, teacher asks them if they think the statements about the future are true and why.
Activity 3: (grammar) interaction pattern: teacher students

time: 15 min

Teacher tells students to look at the examples under section A and make conclusions about the use of Future
Simple. Teacher encourages students to express their opinion and provides further explanations if necessary.
Teacher then asks students to do the grammar exercise in section A. The procedure is repeated with the negative
form of Future simple and students do section B. Peer correction encouraged. If there is enough time, teacher can
ask students similar questions about future events.

Activity 4: (writing) interaction pattern: teacher students

time: 10 min

Teacher asks students to do the writing exercise (How do you imagine our future?). Teacher instructs students to
use their imagination and to feel free to write whatever they think will happen. Students read their answers out
loud. If necessary, teacher can ask some extra questions to prompt students to use English.

Activity 5 (project): interaction pattern: teacher students; students - students

time: 7-8 min

Teacher tells students to look at the project and divides them into groups. Alternatively, teacher can ask students
to form groups and work together on the project. Teacher can give students some more ideas and perhaps
suggest some websites where they can find out some information about the future. The project is supposed to be
done at home.

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