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Material Development of Poems to Teach Englsih for Eleventh Graders of Language Program



Novia Shofiatin N.
English Education, Languages and Arts Faculty, The State University of Surabaya
Puisi menjadi salah satu jenis teks pada pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang dipelajari siswa kelas sebelas
program bahasa. Akan tetapi, ketidaktersediaan materi puisi dalam Buku Wajib Siswa dan kurangnya
materi dalam Buku Peminatan menyebabkan guru menghindari pengajaran Bahasa Inggris menggunakan
puisi. Oleh karena itu, seharusnya ada referensi yang dapat digunakan untuk pemenuhan materi tersebut.
Menanggapi permasalahan tersebut, peneliti menggunakan model desain penelitian Research &
Development oleh Borg & Gall. Studi ini bertujuan untuk membuat sebuah buku berjudul POEMS dan
menggali respon siswa melalui tes uji produk di lapangan secara langsung yang telah dilakukan di
SMAN 3 Sidoarjo. Data diperoleh menggunakan instrumen angket dan wawancara. Analisis data
kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Pada proses pengembangan buku tersebut, tiga ahli memberikan
penilaian dari produk yang dihasilkan. Hasil validasi yang dilakukan oleh ahli menunujukkan bahwa buku
tersebut dinilai baik. Selain itu, para siswa juga menilai positif terhadap produk tersebut sebagai materi
tambahan sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran.dan kemampuan siswa. Pada kesimpulannya, buku POEMS
yang telah dikembangkan oleh peneliti dinilai sebagai produk yang baik untuk proses belajar-mengajar
Bahasa Inggris menggunakan puisi.
Kata kunci: puisi, siswa kelas sebelas, materi tambahan
Poem becomes one of genres in English subject to the eleventh graders of language program.
Nevertheless, the absence of poems materials in Buku Wajib Siswa and insufficient materials in Buku
Peminatan cause the teacher neglects to teach English using poems. Therefore, there should be a
reference book as supplementary materials. In line with those problems, the researcher used Research &
Development by Borg & Gall as the research design. This study aims to produce a book POEMS and
investigates the students responses through trying out the product by doing preliminary and main field
tests in SMAN 3 Sidoarjo. The data gained using questionnaire and interview as the instruments. A
qualitative data analysis was used to conduct it. During developing the book, there were three experts
who involved validating it. The result showed that the experts judged the book as a good product.
Furthermore, the students also positively agreed that the product was suitable to be supplementary
materials considering the objectives and the students comprehension. In conclusion, book POEMS
developed by the researcher was judged as a good product to help teaching-learning English using poems.
Keywords: poems, the eleventh graders, supplementary materials.
The term poem is usually thought the same as poetry.
However, both two terms are different. Poetry is defined
as poems in general, whereas poem is a piece of writing
which the words are arranged in separate lines, have
some poetic elements and rhymes (Nemerov, 2014). In
other words, poem is a product of poetry.
Poems have numerous advantages in the English
language-learning classroom although they have fairly
distinction, such as poetic features. Those poetic features
differentiate from other forms of discourse. It makes
poems be a unique and aesthetic material which can
stimulate students uses on target language than that of
other learning materials (Biber & Conrad, 2009). So, the
students are able to acquire a native-like competence by
enabling the value of the poems.
The first advantage of using poems in classroom is
helping students to acquire a native-like competence,

including English competence (Obediat, 1997, p.32).

Poems also enable the teacher to make the poems
meaningful to the students because poems can not only
add language style variations, but also cultural insights
and specific background of why the poets write them. It
simplifies the way how the teacher fosters the students
language enrichment to be closer in real life (Campbell,
2006). Nonetheless, language enrichment cannot be
improved if the poems are not memorable enough and
suitable to the students (Collie and Slater,1990 cited by
Syofyan, 2012).
The matters may happen if the students are lack
confidence, basic knowledge, and the notion in
interpreting the poems. They may simply because of
unusual features of poems. Those can be avoided if the
students own interests are suitably drawn at the level of
the students comprehensions, including the material in

RETAIN. Volume 05 Nomor 01 Tahun 2017, 92 - 100

teaching-learning process (Galliel, 2009). Nevertheless,
in some cases, the students understand the literal meaning
than that of deeper interpretation because they are not
able to engage in (Padak and Rasinski, 2015, Syofyan,
In Indonesia, teaching and learning poems is not
obligated in the curriculum KBK and KTSP (Ki, 2010,
Alwasilah, 2010, Murdibjono, 2011). However, in K13
curriculum design, analyzing poems is included as one
genre to be taught and learned by the teacher and the
students of language program in senior high school
(Depdiknas, 2014).
To teach English using poems in classroom, the
teacher should encourage the students to make use of
freedom interpretative strategies, for example guessing
the symbolic meaning of certain key words in the text
rather than dwelling solely for a single word. By doing
so, the students are automatically forced to read and
comprehend poems in a whole meaning. The teachers
may begin by discussing the unusual words about the
poem and exploit the features (Maley, 1989, p.10). On the
other hand, this procedure cannot be completed since the
students also need teachers guidance in understanding
the detail of the poem (Collie, J. and Slater, S., 1987).
Since there are limited studies about the use of poems
insufficient information on how poems are
implemented in classroom setting, this reason brings the
researcher to collect the information about using poems
to teach English by asking in informal observation to four
schools in Surabaya and Sidoarjo (Arsyad, 2013, Isnaeni,
2004 cited by Rahma, Rudy, 2001).
SMAN 3 Sidoarjo is the school that provides a
language program where teaching poems is an obligation
for the eleventh and twelfth grade teachers. The teachers
only use Buku Wajib Siswa and Buku Peminatan as a
guidance. In fact, Buku Wajib Siswa does not provide any
poem at all, whereas Buku Peminatan provides
insufficient explanation of poems. Hence, the teacher
might be unfamiliar with the appropriate materials of
poems to teach. As a consequence, the use of
inappropriate materials mostly causes failure in learning
(Davies, Paul, & Pearse, 2000).
In line with those explanations above, the researcher
conducted this research to develop material of poems to
teach English suitably graded for the eleventh and twelfth
graders of language program in SMAN 3 Sidoarjo as the
subject. The researcher produced book POEMS to be
supplementary materials.
This research may be beneficial in making or
choosing the proper poems as the basis for students and
the teacher. For the teacher, it may also be a first step to
enable the students to be confident in interpreting poems
since reading and analyzing English poems are neglected

(Galliel, 2009). Thus, if there is a reference for the

teacher, the teacher can implement what the researcher is
produced in this study (Collie, J. and Slater, S., 1987).
This study is expected to give some benefits. First, it
is useful for the teacher of eleventh graders of language
program in giving suitable poems to teach in classroom.
Second, it can be a reference for further studies which
focus on developing materials, especially materials of
language program. Moreover, for the students, the
students will have ample opportunities to extend a range
of language abilities through appreciating poems easily
and enrich their English learning experience.
The book designed by the researcher is also expected
to help the students to respond and give expression to the
imaginative emotions, ideas, and feelings expressed in
poems. Carefully designed and sequenced, the materials
in this research aim to strengthen students skills in
understanding and appreciating the themes, structures,
features and language.
Theoretically, this study develops the materials of
poems which are suitable for eleventh graders of
language program in senior high school.
This study is conducted to develop materials of poems
to teach English to eleventh graders of senior high
school. Thus this study is called as R&D (Research and
Development.) It is a process used to develop a new
product which is systematically field tested, evaluated,
and revised until the procedures reach the objectives
(Borg & Gall, 1983).
To develop a new product, this study used some
steps in creating materials of poems to teach English in
classroom, particularly for the eleventh graders of senior
high school which include :

Figure 1 Original development procedure (Borg

& Gall, 2003)
For the purpose of this study, the researcher did
not take all steps in Borg & Galls R&D design. Since
this study was aimed to develop materials of poems and
to investigate students responses toward the materials
without examining its effectiveness in improving
students skills, some steps were skipped, including

RETAIN. Volume 05 Nomor 01 Tahun 2017, 92 - 100

operational product revision, operational field testing,
dissemination and implementation.
Furthermore, this study was aimed to develop
materials of poems to teach English to the eleventh
graders of language program, so it is going to be done
until the materials fulfill the criteria. Since in developing
materials of poems, some experts were involved, the
experts validations were done before the preliminary
field test and before the final product revision. The
materials got good response from the experts. So, the
research design was summarized in figure below:

basic knowledge on how to analyze poems. So,

the students have to do the assignments given
without knowing the basic.
Based on the researchers observation in
SMAN 3 Sidoarjo as the subject, although the
poems were given to the students, poems were not
common there. It was because there was
insufficient material and reference. For the
eleventh grade, poems were taught in a surface,
not in a deeper explanation because of the
limitation. The teacher had tried to give a poem,
but the teacher asked the students to take as much
supplementary materials as the students got from
internet. Indeed, from the internet, there was no
limitation and suitability level to the students
capacity in appreciating poems.
From those two reasons and the observation
done by the researcher, the researcher developed
materials of poems to teach English to the
eleventh graders of language program in senior
high school.
Planning stage covered defining skill,
purposes, and small testing (Borg & Gall, 1983). It
was decided that the skill learned by the students
could be used for all four skills or integratedskills, although in the syllabus stated that the
students are supposed only to comprehend the
poems by analyzing the poems. Since this study
aimed to develop material of poems for the
teachers reference to teach English (for the
teacher) and learn English poems (for the
students), the researcher provided only the
material instead of the lesson plan.

Figure 2. Modified research design used by the

3.2 Research Procedures
The research procedure of this study shown in figure
2 was broken down in order below:
Research and information collecting
Research and information collecting was the
first step to develop the materials. It included
reviewing the literatures and learning the standard
competency of eleventh graders of language
Firstly, the researcher assembled any literary
reviews which supported this study. The first
literature review was about how to develop
materials to teach English. Since this study was to
develop materials of poems to teach English, so
the researcher also collected some literature
reviews on how to adopt and adapt the suitable
poems to teach in the classroom and analyze the
poems, so that the poems were suitable to the
eleventh graders of language program in senior
high school.
Second, the researcher learned the standard
competency in Curriculum 2013 KD 3.14, the
teacher has to use poems to teach English. In fact,
in Buku Wajib Siswa, there is no material of poem,
whereas in Buku Peminatan Bahasa dan Sastra
Inggris, the students are given 4 kinds of poems in
unit 14. On the other hand, there is an absence of

Developing Preliminary Form of Product

Developing preliminary form of product
means that the researcher prepared the materials
needed to develop the product. In this research,
the researcher produced two books; a book for the
teacher and another book for the students of
language program in senior high school.
The researcher gave some guidance on how to
analyze poem because teaching and learning
English using poems was still uncommon in
Indonesia, especially SMAN 3 Sidoarjo. The
guidance is broken down into two parts; the first
part explains the elements of poem and the second
part is the steps of analyzing poems.
The first part is about the element of poems, so
the researcher collected as much information as
possible. In this part, there are two columns. The

RETAIN. Volume 05 Nomor 01 Tahun 2017, 92 - 100

first column is the element and the second column
is the questions to guide the students in knowing
the detail element of the first column.
The second part is about the steps on how to
analyze poems. Generally, most reviews state that
there are four main points to do it:
1. Reading twice or more
2. Understanding the individual words
3. Focusing on the Title
4. Focusing on the Poem Elements

6. The Sound of Trees by Robert Frost

7. Mother to Son by Langston Hughes
8. Remember by Dawn Jensen
9. Our Friendship by Marcia M. Griffith
2. Choosing picture poems
The conventional poems were given to
explore students reading, speaking, and
listening skills. To explore students writing
skills, the researcher took two picture poems,
as follow:
1. A picture poem of a dog as a pet
2. A picture poem of coffee

The next step done by the researcher

was giving guided questions in analyzing
poems. It comprises:
1. Subject matter
2. Purpose, theme, or message
3. Emotion, mood, or feeling

3. Giving Additional Points which the

Students Needed
Then the researcher tried to give some
completion, such as:
1. Title
2. Theme
3. Summary of the poem
4. Exercise
5. Analysis
For the analysis, the researcher analyzed
some elements of the poems that had been
chosen. The elements are:
1. Imagery
2. Symbolism
3. Simile
4. Emotion
5. Sound
6. Speaker
7. Meter
8. Tone
Because the researcher developed a book, the
researcher also designed the cover of the book.
The steps were:

In this stage, the researcher also chose and

analyzed some poems which were suitable for
teaching English to the eleventh graders of
language program in senior high school. The
researcher adopted and adapted them.
One of the obstacles was the difficulty in
finding the English poems which were suitable to
the level of senior high school students in
Indonesia. For that obstacle, there were three main
steps done by the researcher in selecting the
appropriate poems:
1. Choosing conventional poems
The researcher considered to choose poems
which were mostly used in EFL classroom
written by some non-native English and some
others from native-English poets well known
in all around the world.
First, some poems which were from nonEnglish countries, such as Korean and Turkey
1. Words Hurt by Kaylynn
2. Patriot Act by Nailah Baniti
Also, the researcher took some references
of poems from the materials of poems to teach
language written by native speaker which are
taught to low-level students (elementary to
secondary students) and some famous poets, as
mentioned below:
1. The Haunted Palace by Robert Frost
2. No title by Emily Dickinson
3. A Dream by Edgar Allan Poe
4.Spring is Like a Perhaps Hand by
5. Stars by Robert Frost

Figure 3 The steps of designing the book done by

the researcher
The cover consists of information about the
title of the book, kind of book, the types of the
content, and the researcher name. The researcher
decided to name the book Loving English
through Enjoying Poems. Also, kind of book was
written A reference book for the teacher and the

RETAIN. Volume 05 Nomor 01 Tahun 2017, 92 - 100

students of language program in senior high
school. By writing it, the researcher expected the
readers easily knew what book it is. The content
was also introduced in the cover page. It is written
collections of conventional poems, picture
poems, and song script. At last, the information
in the cover was about the researchers name.
The back side of the book is two quotes about
poems which had been chosen by the researcher;
by Lawrence Ferlinghet and Edward Young.
Another consideration in designing the cover
is the size and the types of the paper. To make it
easy to bring, the researcher decided to choose A5
as the size and hard cover as the cover book,
whereas the paper used for the content of the book
has 100 gram per each paper. Here is the designs
appearance captured in figure 3.3:

The data gained in the form of interview. It was

conducted to a small scale meeting to 5 students of
eleventh graders in which they had less experience
in learning poems. The researcher gave a book to
5 students on May 17th, 2016. The teacher
explained about the meaning of some poems
provided in the book, then she asked the students
to enjoy reading the book produced by the
researcher for a week. The students had to submit
the book on May 23rd, 2016. It was done to know
their responses toward the product and helped the
researcher to revise it.
Main product revision
The main product revision was done based on
the comment from the questionnaire suggested by
the expert and the result of preliminary field
testing which was explained in point 3.2.5.
In this stage, because the researcher had got
the validation from the teacher as the first
validator and the users responds on preliminary
field testing stage, the researcher continued to
validate the product to other two experts on June
1st, 2016. The validators were an expert of English
poem and an expert of the ELT. The expert of
poems was a lecturer of English literature program
in UNESA which was good quality in teaching
poems. She was experienced in teaching poems,
so she knew the quality of poems and the correct
analysis of it. The second expert was a lecturer
who was competent in ELT development for
teaching and learning activity. At last, the experts
gave the revision on June 16th, 2016.
As a conclusion from the result, the experts
gave some additional comment or judging the
product as a good product.

figure 4 The first book

cover design
Material and product validation
The researcher conducted expert judgement or
validation before testing the materials to the
subject. The experts gave comment, suggestion,
and feedback toward the product by giving
comment on the questionnaire. It is done to know
the quality of the product whether it has to be
changed, omitted, added, or revised (Borg & Gall,
In this stage, the validator was an English
teacher of SMAN 3 Sidoarjo which has being
experienced in teaching English using poems for a
year. The validator knows to what extend her
students are able to comprehend the material
produced by the researcher. From her judgment on
the product, the researcher knew the strength, the
weaknesses, and the suggestion for further

Main field testing (users validation)

The main field testing was conducted to all
eleventh graders of language program in SMAN 3
Sidoarjo. It consisted of 15 students including the
students which were involved in preliminary field
testing. It was conducted on July 3rd, 2016.
Final product revision
The final product is a product when all stages
were done and the experts judged the product
which had been designed and developed by the
researcher as the good product.

Preliminary field testing

The preliminary field testing observed whether
the materials designed by the researcher
successfully understood by the students or not. It
was conducted on May 17th to 23rd, 2016.
In this stage, the researcher was nonparticipative observer dealing with the research.

In this study, the data was collected through two

instruments. They were questionnaire and interview.
There were several types of questionnaire are ordered as

RETAIN. Volume 05 Nomor 01 Tahun 2017, 92 - 100

structured, semi structured, and unstructured (Cohen et
al, 2005). In this study, the researcher used semistructured questionnaire for both poems expert and ELT
expert, and the students. In this study, there were three
aspects which were included in the questionnaire. They
were the suitability of the poems, the language of the
materials including the analysis of the poems, and the
applicability of the ELT. The researcher also did an
interview. The interview was done in the preliminary
field testing to 5 eleventh graders. It was aimed to know
the students responses toward the material and the book
The data was collected through questionnaire and
interview. Questionnaire is used to collect data related to
the development of poems materials to teach English and
given to the experts. After preparing preliminary form of
the product, the researcher prepared the instruments.
After that, the draft of materials was suitable, the
questionnaire was given to the teacher as the validator.
Then the researcher asked the response of 5 students from
the eleventh graders by doing an interview in a week
later. The data obtained through questionnaire and
interviews were analyzed to be the researchers data to
revise the materials. After revising the product, the
researcher took the data through main field testing by
using checklist and interview to the 16 students. After
doing the main field testing, the researcher reported and
gave the revision to the experts to know the development
of the materials after have been tested. The researcher
revised, added, and omitted some materials which were
still needed to be developed based on the experts
comment to be the final product.

and a coaching context which had been included in the

Product Revision I
The revision I was done based on the review of
material experts, an ELT expert, and preliminary field
First, the review of material expert dealt with the
material judgment by two validators; the teacher and a
literature lecturer. Based on the data gained by giving a
questionnaire to the teacher as the validator, the material
developed by the researcher was appropriate to the level
of the students, the design was good, however, some
diction used by the researcher in the analysis of poems
was still too difficult toward students capacity in
receiving new vocabulary.
Second, the ELT expert suggested the researcher to
revise three things: the color design, the book content,
and its format. To divide the content into some parts, the
researcher discussed with the ELT expert, the content
changed. To validate the product, the ELT expert stated
that the book cover needs some revision. She stated that
the design, the title, and the color of the book cover was
not so interesting, including the design of its cover that
did not reflect the content of the book, the title should not
be very long, and the book color which was not blended
each other.
Third, the observation which was done by the
researcher in preliminary field testing showed that there
was not any revision in the book design, the background
color, and the content of the book. Nevertheless, 5
students as the respondent suggested that the researcher
had to revise the book design and the layout, including
the color background.

This part presents the result and the discussion of the
product development. It includes the result and
discussion of material and product validation, preliminary
field testing, main product revision, main field testing,
and final product revision.

The Result of Main Field Testing (Users Validation)

Main field testing was gained through giving
questionnaire. There are two parts in the questionnaire:
book design and material of poems. The result showed
that the students respond positively on the product since
the design was brighter and the elements of poems were
more complete although the researcher had to revise in
some aspects. 8 students gave a judgment that the
researcher had to revise the product whereas 7 students
responded the product as a good product.

The Result of Material and Product validation

The expert for the first product was a material expert.
She validated the product as a good product because the
researcher had revised the first product well. She asked
the researcher to include the critical element of teaching
and learning English. The researcher included all the
elements, except the rubric because the researcher
considered that the teacher had had her own rubric, so it
was not needed. From the experts suggestions, based on
the first product, the researcher had to include a rubric, a
performance, and a reflection without adding the prompt
of what the students have to do, the vision or objectives,

Product Revision II
The second revision was done based on the review of
material expert, the review of ELT expert, and the review
of main field testing.

RETAIN. Volume 05 Nomor 01 Tahun 2017, 92 - 100

First review was got from material experts validation.
There were four points: the analysis, glossary,
consistency elements of poems, and deleting the
paraphrasing of poems in students book. Dealing with
the analysis, there had to be content analysis and form
analysis in each poem to explain the poem was about and
the form dealt with the elements of the poem. The
researcher was also suggested to add glossary in each
poem. Also, a consistency of the poem means that ach
poem should have at least six elements of poem
considering the curriculum. The last was deleting the
paraphrasing of poem in the students book because the
students were asked to interpret the poems by themselves.
Second, based on the ELT experts comment, she
concerned on the book content. She stated that the font
style and the color as the poems background were welldesigned. On the other hand, the font size needed to be a
number bigger. Another revision was the format of the
book that was not consistent. The researcher was also
suggested to add some reflection on the distinction of
those kinds of poems followed by the poets backgrounds
on why they wrote the poems.
Third review was from main field test. The data from
main field testing gained through questionnaire. There
were four students who wanted the researcher to change
the cover design and the background color of the book.
On the other hand, they did not give any suggestion on
what color and how the researcher had to revise it. As a
result, the researcher changed the book cover more
colorful and revised the background design of the poem.

completely analyzed by giving at least 6 elements of

poem and its glossary, so that they triggered the students
to comprehend them. Then, according to the ELT expert,
the design of cover book, color background in each
poem, and the consistency of the book content should be
revised to make an ideal teaching and learning book.
According to the judgment of material expert, the
book was suited to the eleventh graders of language
program in senior high school. She agreed that the
language used was fitted to the students capabilities
because some elements were explained with daily
language and some other explanations were given more
unusual. The daily words could engage the students
whereas the unusual words activated the students
vocabularies (Appendix 7).
Based on the interview done by the researcher, the
students appreciated the product as a good book to learn
English and so did the teacher. The teacher found out that
the book was suitably implemented to teach English
using poems based on the fact that there were many
teachers who neglected using poems in teaching English.
Besides, the students also enjoyed and were motivated to
learn poems since they got the book. Hence, based on the
positive responds of the students and the teacher,
according to Hill, it was inferred that the book was
applicable to teach English using poems as long as it
fulfilled five criteria: easy to use, enjoyable, educational,
engaging, and promoting English (Hill, et all., 2013).
Obviously, the students were conditioned to cope with
the poems, so they could enjoy and automatically develop
their overall ability to infer their life experiences
(Lindsay, 2014, Lynch, 2009). It was in line with the
criteria on producing a useful media for teaching-learning
process. It occurred during the observation where the
students enthusiastically learned English using poems.
They started the learning process by discussing a poem
chosen by the teacher entitled The Haunted Palace by
Robert Frost. They tried to guess the meaning, and then
one of their members in a group presented their
discussion in front of class. There were some students
who could interpret the deeper meanings of the poem. It
proved that a theory which was stated that poems usually
success to achieve aesthetic effects, such as improving
students creativity in producing their imaginations
(Kong, 2010, Mattenklott, 1996 cited by Fleming and
Stevens, 2010).

Final Product Revision

The final product of the book was gained after the
researcher revised based on the first and the second
product revision. The final product of the book could be
seen in appendix. The book cover was printed using soft
cover paper. The book size was A5 considering the
effectiveness to bring the book easily. The background of
each poem was also removed. The researcher also added
a new design of each chapter.
The study was intended to make a book of poem to
investigate the responds and be supplementary materials
for the teacher and the eleventh graders of language
program in senior high school by developing the material
of poem to teach and learn English. During developing
the product, there were two kinds of revisions; the first
revision focused on the appearance of the book while the
second dealt with the suitability of the material.
In accomplishing the product, the revisions were from
the review of material and ELT experts. Based on the
material expert, she stated that the poems were


According to all developing stages done by the
researcher, it is concluded that this study has developed a

RETAIN. Volume 05 Nomor 01 Tahun 2017, 92 - 100

book as supplementary materials to teach and learn
English using poems for the eleventh graders of language
program in Senior High School. There were two material
experts and an ELT expert who validated the book to
judge whether the book was appropriate or not. The
validations acknowledged that the book was appropriate
and fulfill three criteria of a good material of poem;
reaching clarity, complexity, and astonishment. During
accomplishing the product, the researcher also conducted
an interview and observation to the students. From the
interview and observation, the researcher found out that
the students responds were positive toward the book
during two field tests; preliminary field test and main
field test. Most of students agreed that the book POEMS
was helpful. Furthermore, all students agreed that they
were motivated to learn English using poems since they
got the book.

Brown, James. (1977). AV Instruction: Technology,

Media, and Methods. New York: McGraw-Hill
Book Company.
Campbell, T., & Parr, M. (2006). Poets in practice. The
Reading Teacher, 60 (1), 36-46.
Collie, J. and S. Slater. 1990. Literature in the Language
Classroom: A Resource Book of Ideas and
Activities. Cambridge: CUP.
Collins, P. (2008). Using Poetry Throughout the
Curriculum. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 44 (2), 8184.
Davies, Paul, M., & Pearse, Eric. (2000). Success in
English Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University
Depdiknas. (2016). Standar Isi dan Standar Kompetensi
Lulusan. Jakarta.

The book POEMS can be supplementary materials for
the teacher of language program in senior high school to
teach English using poems since it has been tried out and
implemented in field tests. This book provides 12 poems
and the analysis based on the meanings and the elements.
Those poems can be used to teach poetry appreciation as
well as teach other texts. For example poem entitled
Words Hurt which talks about bullying can be related to
factual report text about an issue of bullying, picture
poems can also be used to teach a descriptive text about
pets and hobby, and A Dream can trigger the students to
express their ideal life in the future.
For the teacher, it is necessary to consider about the
content of poems to know how to relate the poems to
another text properly. In teachers book, the researcher
has been included the analysis of what the poems are
about, so those analysis may help the teacher. In the
students book, the researcher does not give the analysis
of the poems meaning, so the teacher should trigger the
students to interpret the poems without limiting the
students imaginations. Another thing to remember by the
teacher is the time management. The teacher is expected
to give more than a meeting to discuss the poems because
the poems are oftentimes use unusual words which the
students get difficulties to comprehend. It is better to let
the students bring the book home with them.

Fromkin, Victoria, Rodman, Robert, & Hyams, Nina.

2009. An Introduction to Language: 9th Edition.
Canada: Nelson Education, Ltd.
Harmer, Jeremy. (2007). How to Teach English. England:
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Harwood, Nigel. 2010. English Language Teaching
Materials: Theory and Practice. USA: Cambridge
University Press.
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 2010.
Learning English through Poems and Songs. The
English Language Education Section Curriculum
Development Institute Education Bureau.
Khansir, Ali Akbar, Teaching Poetry in the ELT
Classroom, International Review of Social
Sciences and Humanities Journal, 3 (1) (2012),
Locatis, Craig & Atkinson, Francis D. (1984). Media and
Technology for Education and Training.
Colombus, Ohio: CE Merrill Pub. Co.
Maley, A. 1989. Down from the Pedestal: Literature as
Resource in Literature and the Learner:
Methodological Approaches. Cambridge: Modern
English Publications.
Mutiara, D., Zuhairi, A., & Kurniati, S. (2007).
Designing, Developing, Producing And Assuring
the Quality Of Multimedia Learning Materials for
Distance Learners: Lessons learnt from
Indonesia's Universitas Terbuka. Turkish Online
Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE, 8(2), 95112.

Biber, D. & Conrad, S. (2009). Register, Genre, and
Style. New York : Cambridge University Press.
Borg, Walter R., Gall, Meredith Damien, & Gall, Joyce P.
(2003). Educational Research An Introduction 7th
Edition. USA: Pearson Education, Inc.

RETAIN. Volume 05 Nomor 01 Tahun 2017, 92 - 100

Nofal, Khalil Hassan. (2011). Syntactic Aspects of
Poetry: A Pragmatic Perspective. International
Journal of Business and Social Science. 2 (16)
Obediat, M. 1997. Language vs. Literature in English
Departments in the Arab World in English
Teaching Forum.
Semino, Elena. (2002). Stylistics and linguistic variation
in poetry. Journal of English Linguistics. 30 (1),
Stange, T. V., & Wyant, S. L. (2008). Poetry proves to be
positive in the primary grades. Reading Horizons,
48 (3), 201-214.
Title Loving
of the English
Book through
Back Backgroun
groun d color per
poem :

Structure and Surprise. July 31, 2009. What is Poetry?.

Downloaded on March 19, 2016.
Uur, Recep etinavc & Birsen, Ttni. (2012).
Making Use of Poems to Teach English. The
Journal of Language Teaching and Learning,
retrieved from, (2) 75-88.
The Result of Final Product
Main Field Final
ary Field Testing



followed by

2. Guideline

on of the
3. Chapter 1
to Analyze
4. Chapter 2
Example of
Poems and
5. Chapter 3
Poems and


6. Chapter 4
rary Poems
7. Chapter 5
(The Poets
8. Chapter 6
s of Classic
ary Poems)

It is omited The
and changed design :

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