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Dear Friend,

This is written for those who are enrolled in the Pure Freedom Course
and are actively pursuing freedom from pornography and sexual
As of December 2001 Setting Captives Free has been operating for 2
years. In the approximately 14,000 students that have signed up to go
through the Pure Freedom course, we have noted some similarities,
and we wanted to present these to you to help you to be a "successful
student" that gets free from all forms of sexual impurity. Below are 10
things that successful students do who become free from impurity.
The following description is of someone who has completed the Pure
Freedom course. Coming into purity is a process, and the idea is to
implement these truths as soon as possible. Feel free to print these out
and review them often.
1--Students who get free from impurity persist , they do not drop out.
There will come all sorts of difficulties in the life of one seeking
freedom, but those who get free are those who do their course work
daily. Also, they do no more than one lesson per day. Those who fast
track and do more than a lesson a day evidence that their goal is to
finish the course, not get free from impurity.
2--Students who get free from impurity become broken before the Lord.
They begin to realize that all their zeal for God had no basis in reality
and truth, but was most likely from mere emotionalism. This realization
hits them hard, for they are shown that they have been hypocritical,
both in their supposed love for God and in their understanding of who
they themselves are. There is a heavy dose of reality that sweeps over
the one who is breaking free, that his past life has been one of
deception, of mask wearing, of hypocrisy. This wounds his heart and
crushes his spirit, and he begins to be broken before the Lord. This is
the beginning of genuine repentance, without which nobody ever
gets free.
3--Students who get free from impurity interact often with their mentor
at Setting Captives Free, and daily with their accountability partner.
They answer questions the mentor asks them, they respond to emails
their mentor sends and they listen to their mentor's advice.

4--Students who get free from impurity are best noted for their
humility. They do not attempt to instruct others who are walking in
freedom, they do not set themselves up as a judge of the course
material, and they ask questions of their mentor seeking to learn and
apply the answers given. There is rarely any strife, for those who are
humble accept correction without chafing at it, they defer to others,
and they respond to rebuke with grace and kindness.
5--Students who get free from impurity allow themselves no access to
anything that would cause them to stumble. They radically amputate
all access to their former slave haunts and, because they know they
would fall in a weak moment if they had access, they are zealous to
maintain no way to get to their former enjoyments.
6--Students who get free from impurity have learned the importance of daily
union and communion with Jesus. They learn to go to Jesus Christ when their
heart needs healing, when their souls are empty, and when they are
hurting and need to be "medicated." Whereas in the past the habit was
to turn to pornography, masturbation, chatting, or other idols, now the
heart is resolved to go to Christ alone, for these students are finding
true rest and peace in Jesus. Those who only cut off the pornography or
other idols, but do not learn to commune with Christ daily, or to go to
Christ when buffeted, always end up back in sin.
7--Students who get free from impurity have confessed their sins to
those they have wronged and to others who can help them with
accountability. Those students who hide their sin never prosper by
getting free; they always fall back. This is because guilt is a magnet,
which drags the soul back into impurity. That magnet is destroyed
through the blood of Jesus and through confession of sin. Successful
students seek help in knowing when and how much to confess to their
spouse, children, pastor, friends..etc.
8--Students who get free from impurity normally make use of every
help that is available to them through Setting Captives Free and their
local church (such as the discussion groups, newsletters...etc.)
9Male students who get free from impurity, and who are married, seek to
strengthen the intimate relationship with their wife. They lead the home in servitude, and
seek to assist their wife through evidencing godly leadership. Both male and female
students that get free understand that the devil will try to get in and weaken unity in the
marriage, and they make every effort to maintain oneness and closeness with their
spouse, regardless of all the things that seek to detract from that blessing.
10--Finally, students who get free from impurity learn to guard their
hearts and to watch out for backsliding. They know the truth that a

little slip could mean permanent slavery, therefore, they are overly
cautious to avoid sin traps, to watch unto prayer, and to maintain

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