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Social Science 4 + Extension activities 4) (6) - CLIL worksheets - Word lists + Answers @ Match the sentence halves about the geosphere. 1 The surface is called. a) ...the core. 2 The middle layer is called... b), 3 The centre is called... ¢) ...the mantle. 4 The mantle and the crust are made up of... d) ...the crust. @ Unscramble the sentence to explain what rocks are made of. The first six words have been done for you. rock Ais a or solid of various substances mix minerals called one. Arock is a mix of ‘© Colour the words which aren't characteristics of rocks. composition sextuie colour appearance in nature weight beauty QBFll in the missing latters to spell the properties of minerals, The first one has been done for you. 1 shape 2_lo_y and st_eak 3de_s_t_ 41st 5_ar__ess © What is the streak? The streak is © Match the mined substances to their common uses. 1 marble a) building material 2oil b) decorative material 3 granite industrial material Aglass wel energy. source. -6rpo Anna SA Authored hotocopsla mat @ Match the sentence halves about the geosphere. 1 The geosphere has... a)... rocks. 2 The surface is called. b)... the core. 3 The middle layer is called... ) .«. three layers. 4 The centre is called... )... metals. 5 The mantle and the crust are made up of ... @)... the crust. 6 The core is made up of ... ) ... the mantle. @ Unscramble the sentence to explain what rocks are made of. mix is of a or solid A various substances rock minerals called one. A tock is @ Colour the words which aren't characteristics of rocks. composition texture colour appearance in nature weight beauty @ Name the five properties of minerals. 4 2 9 4 5 @ What isthe streak? @ Name a mined substance that is commonly used for each purpose. 1 Industrial material: 2 Building material: 3 Decorative material: 4 Energy material: ape Anas Aton phetocopable mir @ Match the words to their definitions. 1 quarry a) An area of the crust where there are useful substances. 2 underground mine b) Amine on or near the surface of the Earth. 3 deposit ) Amine deep underground. @ Complete the table by giving two examples of each type of mined substance. Building materials | Decorative materials | Industrial materials | _ Energy sources 1 granite 1 diamonds 1 coment Toil 2 2 2 2 a 3 3 3 Circle the materials above that you can find in your classroom. @ Find the six mined substances in the word search. clay coal diamond oil ruby slate s|/F/]D|1I nz ee < a K|G|U -6rpo Anna SA Authored hotocopsla mat @ Match the words to their definitions. 1 quarry a) An area of the crust where there are useful substances. underground mine b) A hole with a pipe used to extract gas or liquids. 3 drilling ©) Amine on or near the surface of the Earth. 4 deposit d) A mine deep underground. @ Complete the table. Give three examples of each type of mined substance. Building materials | Decorative materials | Industrial materials | _ Energy sources 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 © Circle the materials above that you can find in your classroom. Q Find six mined substances in the word search. Write them below. s|/F D/It}|K)/Y/ J Ni J Via vi k}|Giu M Pix) Bo vi x|s Pp) R|H) B/ HS DiviAjlHiYivizialBioi vizisjlPeilu DI E;/P/]T/Y¥/L/Z2})/F]K|P}|J{/A;|KI|O|W Y Bi UTR E;R A/-X}|D 1); A\MI)OI{N OD Fils zi/el}ulei|ui Hiei Ki ki sirRi{sisB N > K/Z/B/E;}/U/|G/G/S | X\/A;Z\|vVI{ZIN clrFialy|1i/alaluleicislelulsiw cio i Hfolsalelwitlo olHi|Riploe ATH/I{/E;Y/mM/) ti almM)s|R/|N/QI|N/R yio;/t{/x wie) t o|x ki t{z{|Tt {nia QiN eE/e}|y|rRie{|mMicle}|e}sf{uit ‘Grupo Anaya Aathoned photosopble mar Step 1: In groups, make a list of animals that live underground. Which group has the longest list? Step 2: Read the text. Some animals, like earthworms and moles, live their whole lives underground. Other animals, like prairie dogs, spend some time underground and some time above ground. Some insects, like larvae, spend only part of their life cycle underground. Step 3: Match the animals to the pictures. ‘mole 2earthworm = 3prairiedog larvae Step 4: Name an animal that lives: 1 Underground its whole life: 2.Some time underground and some time above ground: 3 Part of its life cycle underground: Step 5: Make a list of the advantages of living underground. Step 6: Read the paragraph and answer the question. ‘There are many advantages of living underground like protection from predators and protection from extreme temperatures. Many animals also hunt for food underground. Did your group think of the same advantages? -Gepo Ansa SA toned photocople mat Rocks gradually erode. Their shape is always changing. Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Look at the pictures below. They show different rocks. Which rock shapes do you like the best? Using the shapes of the rocks as inspiration, draw two designs for your own rock sculpture. Choose the design you like best. Then, think about what material(s) you are going to use to build your sculpture (clay, cardboard, papier mache, polystyrene, recycled materials)? Build your sculpture. Paint your sculpture. In groups, discuss the questions below. 11 What do like about your sculpture? 2 What don’t you like? 3 What did you find difficult? 4 What would do differently.if youmade it again? ‘Grupo Anaya Aathoned photosopble mar er @ Write these words in English. Rocas nticleo corteza manto geosfera litosfera Minerales color densidad dureza brillo forma raya Materiales terrestres yacimientos Usos de los materiales terrestres construccié1 * basalto /caliza *arcillas / granito / pizarra decorativos: + piedras preciosas fuentes de energla: * carbén / combustibles fésiles / gas natural / petrdleo / uranio industriales: ‘+ cemento * vidrio ‘* menas metilicas -6rpo Anna SA Authored hotocopsla mat ‘Translation table Rocks Rocas core niicleo crust corteza mantle manto geosphere geosfera lithosphere litésfera Minerals Minerales colour color density densidad hardness dureza lustre brillo shape forma streak raya Mined substances Materiales terrestres deposits yacimientos Uses of mined substances Usos de los materiales terrestres building: construccién: * basalt / limestone * basalto /calize * clay / granite / slate * arcillas / granito / pizarra decorative: decorativos: + gomstonos + piodras prociosas energy sources: fuentes de energia: * coal / fossil fuels / natural gas / oil / uranium * carbén / combustibles fésiles / gas natural / petréleo / uranio industrial: industriales: + cement + cemento * glass * vidio + metal ores + menas metélicas ‘Grupo Anaya Aathoned photosopble mar Tere ers Play ‘Shhhhhh’t Print, cut out and shuffle the cards below. Pupils have to describe the key vocabulary at the top of the cards to a partner or to the class. They cannot use the word in bold in their description. Pupils who guess the word(s) being described get point. Pupils who use the forbidden word lose a point. Core Crust Geosphere Lithosphere You can’t say: You can't say: You can't say: You can't say: CENTRE SURFACE EARTH CRUST Mantle Colour Density Hardness You can't say: You can't say: You can't say: You can't say: MIDDLE BLUE HEAVY HARD Lustre Shape Streak Deposits You can't say: You can't say: You can't say: You can't say: SHINE FORM SCRATCH cRUST Decorative Energy sources Industrial You can’t say: You can't say: You can't say: GEM STONES FUEL ‘CEMENT -Gepo Ansa SA toned photocople mat (7) Melo NTN TACT Sea ANSWERS @i4 20 32 4b @ & rock is « mix of one or various solid substances called minerals. ® colour, bosuty, weight Qi shape 2colour and stresk 3density lustre Shherdness Othe streak isthe colour of # mineral when it hes been scratched. Orb) 2H 38 40 CExtension @ >) Qie 20 30 4b 5a oe @ A rock is a mix of one or various solid substances called minerals. colour, beauty, weight Qshape, colour and streak, density, lustre and hardness © The stroak is tho colour of @ mineral when it has boon scratched. © xsl snoeiet cmd od cae 12g daly’ Sgemneeer fo -€ Extension @>» @im) 20 30 @ Example answers: ‘uilding materials: imestone, basalt sate, clay Decorative materials: marble, rubies, sapphires, gem stones Industrial materials: glass, motals Enorgy sourcos: coal, natural gas, fossil ‘ucls, © check pi never for acura. -6rpo Anna SA Authored hotocopsla mat ° SFO] [K]¥]o NJ [vJo]o[ Ko ]u mule |e|xlelv|[x/slPlelH[ela|s D|v[alH|y|v|zja/e/olv|z|i/r|u olelPpriy|tlz|[riK|P|s|alKlo|w y[slulefelr|a|x [ol ralmjoln|o Fla /z/elulPlulHlelK|k|s|R| [8 n[«[zlelelulele|s|x|alz|v|z[N clr [aly[i|alalulrfels[rluls|w UH/H/o/s[ujwitfololH{r|r fale ala lely[M/i [alms [e[Nla[nie ylo|t x|wiH|elorx[x}]z[TINjo o[n[Hlelely[rie|miclriels|eir CEiension >) Die 24 36 40 Qexample answers: Building materials: granite, limestone, bese, slate, clay Decorative materials: marble, diamonds, rubies, sapphires, gem stones Industrial materials: coment, glass, metals Energy sources: coal, ol, natural ges, fossil fuels, Uranium open answers Qeuy siato diamond coal oil ruby TP PUK PIN leplcjeps wiolririxtervixis[rtelale lays Div [AIH |¥|v[z[a/e[o|v|z| [Pu olelr pry [elz|ri«|r{stalKlolw v[elupRfele tax [opr [almfo[n|o FlafzelulelulwlriK{K|s[ Rls le n[«[z[s[e[ule|a/s|xfalz|v[z[N e[rialytifetatuir else tuts jw tfH|#/o|s [ulwiefololH[r[rlalr Alalilely mii jaimis|R[Nlaln[a Ylolt x|wiH[elorx{k|i]2|t[Nla a[w[wielelyiee melr[cls[u[r Cu i) a Stop 1: Open answors Step 3:1) 2d) 3c) 4a} Step 4:1 an earthworm or a mole, 2.2, pr 3some insects, larvae” ‘Grupo Anaya Aathoned photosopble mar Step 5: Open answers. Advantages listed are: they are protected from predetors and from extreme hot and cold temporatures. They also hunt food underground such as roots, insects, insect 99s, larvae and worms. Stop 6 Open answers Open answors. - Extension activities 4) (8) + CLIL worksheets - Word lists - Answers @ Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. The atmosphere has various layers: the troposphere, the stratosphere and 1 three / six outer layers. The 2 stratosphere / troposphere is next to the surface of the Earth and is where we live. The next layer is the stratosphere and it contains the 3 ozone layer / shooting stars. The three outer layers are very thin and you 4 can /ean’t breathe the air in them. @ Ave the sentences True or False? Correct the false ones. 1 Climate is the natural changes in the atmosphere over a short period of time. 2 Air pressure is how hot or cold the atmosphere is. 3 Humidity is the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere. 4 Precipitation is rain, snow and hail. Fill in the missing letters to spell four factors that influence climate. 1 lati_ud_ 2alt_tu_e 3 dist_nc__from the o_e_n 4r_tio, ‘@ Complete the sentence. Meteorology is the science of ww usmonestoetog (-rupo Anna Aathond phetocepble mat @ Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. The atmosphere has various layers: the troposphere, the stratosphere and 1 three / six outer layers. The 2 stratosphere / troposphere is next to the surface of the Earth and is where we live. The next layer is the stratosphere and it contains the 3 ozone layer / shooting stars. The three outer layers are very thin and you 4 ean / can‘tbreathe the air in them. Q Ave the sentences True or False? Correct the false ones. 1 Climate is the natural changes in the atmosphere over a short pariod of time. 2 Air pressure is how hot or cold the atmosphere is. 3 Humidity is the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere. 4 A barometer measures the amount of precipitation. @ a) Fill in the missing letters to spell four factors that influence imate. 1 _ati_ud_ 2al__tu_e 3_ist_ne_fr_mteole_n 4r_l b) Choose two factors and explain how they influence climate. Q What is meterology the science of? ape Anas Aton phetocopable mir @ Unscramble the words to write a definition of climate change. The first five words have been done for you. change a the climate is human Earth’s change activity in caused Climate by Climate change is a change @ Match the sentence halves about climate change. The first one has been done for you. 1 The average temperature... a) «1. of some animals and plants. 2 There has been an increase in... b)... are melting. 3 Glaciers and ice masses... ©) ...of the atmosphere has increased. 4 There have been changes in the behaviour... d)... extreme weather conditions. © Which is the odd one out? Why? (Hint: what types of weather are they?) a)drought —b) storms —_¢) douds ‘@ Complete the paragraph with the words in the box. cold greenhouse human increases The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon caused by gases in the atmosphere. Without 1 gases the Earth would be too 2 for humans to live. Gases emitted by 3 activity change the natural composition of the atmosphere. This 4 the greenhouse effect which causes global warming. © Name two ways that we can see that the climate is changing. - “wr contodovainblagre omen - (-rupo Anna Aathond phetocepble mat @ Unscramble the words to write a definition of climate change. The first three words have been done for you. change a the climate is human Earth's change activity in caused Climate by Climate change is @ Match the sentence halves about climate change. 1 The average temperature... a) ... of some animals and plants. 2 There has been an increase in... b)... are melting. 3 Glaciers and ice masses... ©) ... of the atmosphere has increased. 4 There have been changes in the behaviour... d).... extreme weather conditions. @ Which is the odd one out? Why? a)drought —b) storms ——¢) clouds @ Complete the paragraph with the words in the box. cold gases. © greenhouse == human —_—increases_ warming The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon caused by 1 jin the atmosphere. Without 2 gases the Earth would be too 3 for humans to live. Gases emitted by 4 activity change the natural composition of the atmosphere. This 5 the greenhouse effect which causes global 6 @ Name three ways that we can see the climate is changing. ape Anas Aton phetocopable mir [Posi Jess J[este [Teocher Space probes are robotic spacecraft that explore space. They carry special cameras and instruments. Space probes don’t have astronauts. They send back the data they collect to the Earth for scientists to study. You will need: a large space, like the gym or the playground, a group of three objects for each team, for example, a pencil, a bottle of water and a textbook. @ Divide into three even teams of six to ten players. @ Each team must stand in aline, Put the objects randomly in front of each team @ The pupil at the front is the space probe. The pupil at the back is mission control. Mission control gives instructions to the space probe on how to collect the object. Instructions must be simple and given one at a time! (For example: step forward three spaces, step to the right, step to the left, bend down.) © The other pupils in the line pass on the message from mis control to the space probe and vice versa @ Play the game, Good luck! 1 The teacher shouts ‘start’. 2 Mission control decides on an object for the space probe to get and decides on the command to send. 3 Mission control tells the pupil in front of him/her the command. This pupil then passes on the message until it reaches the space probe. 4 The space probe performs the command and tells the child behind him/her that it has been done. That child passes on the message until the message reaches mission control 5 This action is repeated until the object has been retrieved. The space probe then goes to the back of the line and becomes mission control. The game begins again. = | space probe to mason cont Work in small groups to write and present a weather forecast. WEEKEND FORECAST Step 1: Watch and listen to some weather forecasts on the Internet. Step 2: Choose a country and find a weather map for that country. Step 3: Using the map, write a weather forecast for your country. Begin with: Good morning and welcome to the weather forecast. Today. Here isa list of a few weather expressions you may like to Use in your script: * Don't forget your umbrella! * Today's going to be a warm one. * It might clear up by. + There’s not a cloud in the sky! ‘It looks like rain for tonight. Step 4: Create a presentation of your forecast using, your map as a backdrop. Step 5: Read and present to the class! ape Anas Aton phetocopable mir LMC) @ Write these words in English. Atmésfera efecto invernadero gases de efecto invernadero capas exteriores: * exosfera + mesosfera * termosfera estratosfera ‘ozonosfera (capa de ozono) troposfera Tiempo atmosférico y clima cambio climético elementos del clima: * presién atmosférica * anemémetro * barémetro * humedad + higrémetro * pre * pluviometro: * temperatura ‘aciones * termometro * viento *veleta factores climaticos: saltitud * influencia del mar * latitud * relieve climogramas calentamiento global meteorologia estaciones nmapas meteorolégicos (-rupo Anna Aathond phetocepble mat ‘Translation table Atmosphere Atmésfera greenhouse effects ‘efecto invernadero greenhouse gases gases de efecto invernadero outer layers: capas exteriores: * exosphere * exosfera ‘+ mesosphere ‘+ mesosfera + thermosphere + termosfera stratosphere estratosfera * ozone layer ozonosfera (capa de ozono) troposphere ‘troposfera Weather and climate Tiempo atmosférico y clima climatic changes cambio climatico climatic elements: elementos del clima: * air pressure * presién atmosférica ‘* anemometer * anemémetro. * barometer * barometro. * humidity * humedad + hygrometer * precipitation * higrometro * precipitaciones ‘rain gauge * pluviémetro * temperature * temperatura * thermometer * termémetro + wind * viento ¢ wind vane * veleta atic factors: factores climaticos: altitude + altitud * distance from the ocean * influencia del mar * latitude *latitud relief * relieve climographs climogramas global warming calentamiento global meteorology meteorologia seasons estaciones weather maps wuarodecaosbipee ‘pas meteorolégicos ape Anas Aton phetocopable mir Tere ers Play ‘Memory Match’! Print, cut out and shuffle the vocabulary cards and the definition cards. Place the cards face down on a table in equal, organised rows. Working in pairs or groups, pupils turn over two cards at a time. The objective is to find the matching word and definition. If the cards don’t match, they are turned face down again. Pupils must try to remember where matching cards are. Pupils who find a matching pair keep the cards and get a point. exosphere/ greenhouse greenhouse ia heal sirstoapio gases effect thermosphere ozone layer troposphere air pressure anemometer barometer humidity hygrometer precipitation rain gauge temperature thermometer wind wind vane altitude distance from latitude the ocean relief climograph metereology weather map ope Anse ators petocepsble mater A natural phenomenon caused by gases in the atmosphere. The layer of the atmosphere that absorbs the radiation from the Sun. An instrument used to measure air pressure. An instrument used to measure the amount of rain. An instrument used to the direction of the wind. Ha place has mountains or not. Pe Ro The gases in the atmosphere that warm the Earth The layer of the atmosphere that is next to the Earth's surface. The amount of water vapour in the air. How hot or cold the air The height a place is above sea level. A graphic representation of climate information. apo Anas. Authorid phtocopable mer The three outer layers of the atmosphere. The weight of the air, Itis measured with a barometer. An instrument used to measure humidity in the ai An instrument used to measure the temperature. How far a place is from the sea. The science of predicting weather. The layer of the atmosphere that contains the ozone layer. An instrument used to measure the speed of the wind. The name for what falls from the clouds — ‘snow and hi Moving air. How far a place is from the Equator. A map which tells us about the weather in a place. ANSWERS Wiitres, Zegna Festa it @1 False. The climate is the average weather in 2 place over a long period of time. (he definition ‘ivan is for the weather). 2 False. Air pressure is the weight ofthe ait. 3True 4 True Oiiatiuce Zatuce 3 distance from the ocean 4 relief Oreteorology is the science of predicting the weather. @ tives 2 troposphere 3.ezone yer Aean't © 1 Fale. The climate is the average weather in a place aver a long period of time. (The definition sven is for the weather) 2 False. Air pressure is the weight of the ar. 3 True 4 False. A barometer measures sir prossure OR A-rain gauge measures the amount of precipitation. ©) 1 latude 2attude 3edstance from tho ocean ‘rat Check pupils sentences for accuracy. QMotcorotogy is the scionco of predicting the weather SS ‘Extension Q) >) etimate change ts change in the Earth's mate caused by human activity. @10 20) 3b) am @ a Cloudsis the odd one out because the other two arvlsivene’ woah condi 1 greenhouse 2eold Shuman Aincroases @two of the folowing: the temperature hat Increased, Inerease in extreme worther, rekieg (dace: Incrondng soa lvel charge baal @ ctimate change isa change Inthe Earths climate caused by human acy. @ie 2d) 3b) 4a) © cCloudsis the odd one cut because the other two are extreme weather conditions. Os cases Siac ng @rtwoe of the following: the temperature has increased, increase in extreme weather, melting laters, nceasng sea levels or change i animal behaviour 2agreenhouse cold 4 human <= Can # >) Evaluate pupil parti = Evaluate pupils’ presentations. the game. ope Anse ators petocepsble mater - Extension activities 4) (8) + CLIL worksheets - Word lists - Answers @ Unscramble the sentence to help you define population. The first four words have been done for you. total in of that the people a place Population number live is. Population is the total @ True or False? Population never changes. © Match the sentence halves. The first one has been done for you. 1 Natural changes in the population are... a)... all the inhabitants in a municipality. 2 Migration is when people... b)... all the inhabitants in a country. 3 The municipal register is a list of... ) ... when someone is born or dies. 4 The national census is a list of ... d) ... come or go to live in a new place. @ Name what is being described in each sentence, using words from the box. The first one has been done for you. ‘bith-rete death rate natural population decrease natural population increase 1 The number of people who are born in a place. birth rate 2 The number of people who die in a place. 3 An increase in the population because there are more births than deaths. 4A decrease in the population because there are more deaths than births. @ Circle the things that make the population increase. better diet better medicine better sanitation wars © Circle the correct words to complete the sentences 1 Immigration makes a population increase / decrease. 2 Emigration makes a population increase / decrease. ope Anse ators petocepsble mater @ Unscramble the sentence to give a definition of population. The first two words have been done for you. total in of that the people a place Population number live is. Population is @ True or False? Population never changes. Explain your answer. Match the sentence halves. 1 Natural changes in the population are... a) ... all the inhabitants in a municipality. 2 Migration is when people... b)... all the inhabitants in a country. 3 The municipal register is a list of... ¢) ... when someone is born or dies. 4 The national census is a list of ... d)... come or go to live in a new place. @ Name what is being described in each sentence using words from the box. birth rate death rate natural population decrease natural population increase 1 The number of people who are born in a place. 2 The number of people who ina place. 3 An increase in the population because there are more births than deaths. 4A decrease in the population because there are more deaths than births. @ Circle the things that make the population increase. better diet better medicine better sanitation epidemics lack of food wars © Complete the sentences with increase or decrease. 1 Immigration makes a population n makes a population . ape Anas Aton phetocopable mir @ Name three different ways that population can be classifed. @ Choose the correct words to complete the paragraph. Immigration is when people 1 go/ cometo live in a new place. We call these people 2 immigrants / emigrants. Emigration is when people 3 go / come to live in new place. We call these people 4 immigrants / emigrants. Immigration makes the population 5 increase / decrease. @ Are the sentences True or False? 1 The young population includes people under 16 years old. 2 The adult population is made up of people from 12 to 60 years old. 3 The older population includes people over 18 years old. 4 Women and girls are females. @ Are the groups of people below part of the active or inactive population? 1 students... au. employed 3 retired 4 unemployed © Do you belong to the urban or rural population? Explain your answer. (-rupo Anna Aathond phetocepble mat @ Name three ways that population can be classifed. @ Fill in the gaps to complete the paragraph. Immigration is when people 1 ..... to live in anew place. We call these people 2 Emigration is when people 3... ~ to live in new place, We call these people 4 Immigration makes the population 5 and 6 ou makes the population decrease. @ Are the sentences True or False? Correct the false ones. 1 The young population includes people under 16 years old. 2 The adult population is made up of people from 12 to 60 years old. 3 The older population includes people over 18 years old. 4 Women and girls are females. @ Are the groups of people below part of the active or inactive population? 1 students 2 employed 3 retired 4unemployed @ Name one other group of people that belongs to the inactive population. @ Do you belong to the urban or rural population? ape Anas Aton phetocopable mir Population is the total number of people living in an area such as a town, city or country. @ Find out the population of your town or city. @ Has the population changed in the last 20 years? Is it bigger or smaller? @ In groups, make a list of things that might happen if a country, town or city becomes more populated @ Look at the statistics below. They show the amount of people living in the five most populated countries in the world in 2014 and the predicted statistics for 2050. (“Statistics taken from the Population Reference Bureau) Remember! 1 million = 1000000 Country populations in 2014 1364 million 1.296 million United States 318 million Indonesia 251 million Brazil 203 million Expected country populations in 2050 India 1657 million China 1312 million Nigeria 396 million United States 395 million Indonesia 365 million @ Use the list of country populations to answer the questions. Show your calculations. 1 What was the total population of all the countries mentioned in 20147 2. What will be the total population of all the countries mentioned in 2050? 3 What is the difference in total population between 2014 and 2050? 4 In 2014, what was the total population for countries in Asia? ope Anse ators petocepsble mater @ Come and go are very common verbs. Can you remember what they mean? Look at these example sentences to help you remember: 1 We come to school every day. 2We go to the library on Mondays. @Come and go have irregular past forms. Can you remember them? Complete the table below. oy Come Past simple @ Work in two large groups. Group A are people from Mars. Group Bare immigrants who have just moved to Mars. ink of questions to ask the immigrants who have just moved to Mars. However, you must use the verbs come or go in each question! Group Group B: Answer the questions that group A asks you. However, you must respond using the verbs come or go! Example: (Q: Why did you come to Mars? like the food. A: | came to Mars because Q: Did you go to any other place first? A; Yes | went to Venus, but | didn't like the climate. * Remember to use the correct form of each verb and don’t forget to use prepositions! Q Swap roles. ape Anas Aton phetocopable mir _ LMC) @ Write these words in English. populacion activa natalidad censo mortalidad emigrantes emigracién empleado inmigrantes inmigracién poblacién no activa movimientos migratorios padrén municipal cambios naturales disminucién natural de la poblacién aumento natural de la poblacién poblacién: + poblacién joven * poblacién adulta * poblacién anciana crecimiento real de la poblacién poblacién rural desempleada pulacién urbana wrafusn ROB breSiee (-rupo Anna Aathond phetocepble mat ‘Translation table active population populacién activa birth rate natalidad census censo death rate mortalidad ‘emigrants ‘emigrantes emigration ‘emigracién ‘employed ‘empleado. immigrants inmigrantes immigration inmigracién inactive population poblacién no activa migration movimientos migratorios municipal register padrén municipal natural changes cambios naturales natural population decrease disminucién natural de la poblacién natural population increase population: aumento natural de la poblacién poblacién: = young population * adult population + older population * poblacién joven * poblacién adulta * poblacién anciana real population growth crecimiento real de la poblacién rural population poblacién rural unemployed desempleada urban population neu cusrodecatoebiog:pd populacién urbana ape Anas Aton phetocopable mir RCT Ud Play ‘Shhhhhh’t Print, cut out and shutfle the cards below. Pupils have to describe the key vocabulary at the top of the cards to a partner or to the class. They cannot use the words in capital letters in their description. Pupils who guess the word(s) being described get a point. Pupils who use the forbidden word lose a point. Active population You can't say: WORK Death rate You can't say: DIE Immigrants You can't say: COME Municipal register You can't say: ust Older population You can't say: SIXTY-FIVE Unemployed You can't say: WORK ‘Adult population You can’t say: SEVENTEEN Emigrants You can't say: Go Immigration You can't say: ARRIVE Natural changes You can’t say: RATE Population: You can't say: PEOPLE Urban population You can't say: city Birth rate Census You can’t say: You can't say: BABIES ust Emigration Employed You can't say: You can't say: LEAVE JOB Inactive population Migration You can't say: You can't say: MONEY MOVE Natural population Natural population decrease increase You can’t say: You can't say: DEATH BIRTH Real population ural population vera You can’t say: shee COUNTRYSIDE Young population You can’t say: SIXTEEN ope Anse ators petocepsble mater Gy Melo UUW oT eal ANSWERS Extension @ © Population isthe total number of poople that lve in aplace @ Fase @ 16 24) 39 4b 2 death rate 3 natural population increase 4 natural population decrease © biter medicine, better det, better santation © Jincroase 2decrease Extension @) >) @ Fopulation i the total number of people tha ive ina place O tlaraniaim Brdeaedeway we ow the following: natural changes such as the birth rate and death rate; migration (emigration imnmigration}; better health, sanitation and diet increases the population; wars, epidemics, famine ‘cause the population to decrease. O10 26) 3a 4b) © 1 birth rate 2 death rate 3 natural population Increase 4 natural population decrease © batter meccino, better dit, batter sanitation © ‘increase 2 decrease -€ Extension @) S) @ Ary of the folowing thee: age, gender, employment ot place © 1 coene 2 iomigranes 3 go 4 riranta Sinerease © 1 true? Faso 3 Fale 4 Tue ‘inactive 2 active Binactve 4 active © check pupils answers for accuracy. Peo CEatonsion > ee ad @ rey of the following three: age, gender, employment or place @ 1 come 2 immigrants 3 go 4 emigrants § increase 6 omigration © 1 True 2 False. The adult population is people from 17 to 64 years old, 3 False. The older population is people over 65 years old. Thue Q ‘inactive 2 active ctive 4 active © Any one of the following: paopla who work without receMing money, people who can’ work because of a disability. 0 oie pes arises Tor carey ae) © che pupa arena fa accuracy © check pupils’ answers for accuraey. © Example answers: there could be problems with having enough food, water and jobs. There could be trouble with transport, traffic and population. © 1 1364-4 12964 3184251 + 203 = 3492 milion 21667 41912 4 3964-395 4.265 = 4125 millon 34125-9432 699 milion 413644 1296+ 251 = 2911 = cut =3)S) = © i come=Venie 2G0=ir Q Com Ge simple eure want *You may want to remind pupils that go in thi person singular is spelt ‘goes’ ('es'is added.) QQ open answers ope Anse ators petocepsble mater - Extension activities 4) (8) + CLIL worksheets - Word lists - Answers @ Unscramble the sentence to give a definition of history. The first four words have been done for you. is events of that in group History the occurred a past. History is a group @ Match the sentence halves. 1 Events that have already happened are from... a)... the present. 2 Events that are happening now are in... b)... the future, 3 Events that haven't happened yet are in... ©)... the past. © Name one event that... 1... happened in the past. 2.... that is happening now. 3... that will happen in the future. Match the words to the definitions. The first one has been done for you. AD BC century decade millennium 1A period of 10 years. decade 2A period of 100 years. 3A period of 1000 years. 4 Events that happened before the birth of Christ. 5 Events that happened after the birth of Christ. © Calculate the total numbers of years. The first one has been done for you. 11 century + 3 decades + 4 years 134 21 millenium — 2 centuries + 2 years 37 decades +9 years 46 centuries +9 years (-rupo Anna Aathond phetocepble mat (60) @ Unscramble the sentence to give a definition of history. The first two words have been done for you. is events of that in group History the occurred a past. History is @ Complete the sentences. 1 Events that have already happened are from : 2 Events that are happening now are in 3 Events that haven't happened yet are in. @ Name one event that... 1... happened in the past. _ 2.... that is happening now. : 3... that will happen in the future. @ Match the words to the definitions. 1A period of 10 years. ea 2A period of 100 years. - nn 3A period of 1000 years. sesame 4 Events that happened before the birth of Christ. . 5 Events that happened after the birth of Christ. - @ Calculate the total numbers of years. 11 century + 3 decades + 4 years 2.1 millenium ~ 2 centuries + 2 years a 37 decades + 9 years ei A 6 centuries #9 years oy. -ssrcseeninvionne an EXTENSION @ a) Unscramble the word snake to spell four historical sources. ith NTA % % 4. "oral b) Give one example of each type. The first one has been done for you. 1 Written: books 2 3 4 @ Explain the difference between primary and secondary sources. Primary sources are Secondary sources are © Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 Prehistory begins with the appearance of human beings / writing. 2 Prehistory is divided into six / three main periods. 3Man lived by hunting and gathering in the Palaeolithic / Neolithic Period. 4 Agriculture and animal husbandry began in the Bronze and Iron Ages / Neolithic Period. @ True or False? We live in Modern history. @ Name the era that ends in the event that is mentioned. 1 The fall of the Roman Empire 2 The French Revolution 3 The invention of writing (-rupo Anna Aathond phetocepble mat (62) @ a) Unscramble the word snake to spell historical sources. err, o “atten b) Give two examples of each type. @ Explain the difference between primary and secondary sources. Primary sources are Secondary sources are © Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 Prehistory begins with the appearance of human beings / writing. 2 Prehistory is divided into six / three main periods. 3Man lived by hunting and gathering in the Palaeolithic / Neolithic Period. 4 Agriculture and animal husbandry began in the Bronze and Iron Ages / Neolithic Period. 5 The wheel was invented in the Neolithic / Bronze and Iron Ages. True or False? We live in Modern history. Correct the sentence if you think it’s false. @ Name the era that ends in the event that is mentioned. 1 The fall of the Roman Empire 2The French Revolution 3 The invention of writing ape Anas Aton phetocopable mir In the homework blog, Rita Jimenez tells us that her favourite subject is history. She also tells us that when she is older, she wants ‘to go to university to study history. She wants to be a historian or an archaeologist. @ Discuss these questions with a partner. 1 What is your favourite subject? 2 What do you want to be when ormeworfr Monday, March 18° you are older? 1 Whatis your favorite subject? 22 What doyou want to be when yoy are older? Your teacher will create a class blog. Follow the link your teacher gives to get to the blog, then complete the following activities. @ Write a short paragraph about your favourite subject and what job you want to do when you are older. Begin with: My favourite subject is ... When I'm older, I want to .. @ Post your paragraph on the class blog. @ Read the posts written by your classmates. Answer the questions. 1 How many people have the same favourite subject as you? 2 How many people want to do the same job as you when they are older? 3'ls there anyone who wants to do a job that you wouldn't want to do? Why do you think you wouldn't like that job? @ Make a comment on two of the posts. © Reply to any comments that people make.on.your pest. ope Anse ators petocepsble mater @ With a partner, make a list of verbs in the past simple. You have two minutes! Which pair has the longest list? @ Answer the questions. 1 When do we use the past simple? 2 How do we make the past simple with regular verbs? © Read and check your answers. When we talk about completed actions in the past, we use the past simple. Regular verbs in the past simple always end in ‘ed’. They don't change in third person. For example, | play becomes | played and he plays becomes he played. There are also some spelling rules. Infinitive Past simple Rules watch watched add ed study studied consonant + y, take off the y and add ied live lived add d @ Read the story and circle the mistakes of regular verbs in the past simple. Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess. She was very intelligent and she studyied very hard. She liveed in a big castle by a lake. One day, she lookd out of the window and saw a boat. On the boat there were three elves and a big dog. The dog had a bone and the elves had some treasure. Suddenly, there was a scream and the boat... © Correct the mistakes you have found. With a partner, finish the story. ape Anas Aton phetocopable mir LMC) @ Write these words in English. historiador historia El tiempo histérico siglo década milenio Las fuentes histéricas fuentes no escritas: * fuentes gréficas * fuentes orales * fuentes materiales: fuentes primarias fuentes secundarias fuentes escritas Las edades de la historia La Edad Antigua La Edad Contemporénea La Edad Media La Edad Moderna La Prehistoria: + Paleolitico * Neolitico * Edad de los Metales: -rupe Anna $i Aathond phetocepble mat ‘Translation table historian historiador history historia Historical time El tiempo histérico century siglo decade década millennium milenio Historical sources Las fuentes historicas non-written: fuentes no escritas: * graphic * fuentes gréficas * oral * fuentes orales + physical * fuentes materiales primary fuentes primarias secondary fuentes secundarias written fuentes escritas Historical eras Las edades de la historia Classical Antiquity La Edad Antigua Contemporary era La Edad Contemporanea Middle Ages La Edad Media Modern history La Edad Moderna prehistory: La Prehistoria * Palaeolithic * Paleolitico * Neolithic * Neolitico ‘+ Metal Ages: + Edad de los Metales: + bronze wes sdecarlos.blogsp: bronce = iron - hierro ape Anas Aton phetocopable mir Tere ers Play ‘Memory Match’! Print, cut out and shuffle the vocabulary cards and the definition cards. Place the cards face down on a table in equal, organised rows. Working in pairs or groups, pupils turn over two cards at a time. The objective is, to find the matching word and definition. If the cards don't match, they are turned face down again. Pupils must try to remember where cards are. Pupils who find a matching pair keep the cards and get a point. history century decade non-written: ai graphic source oral source sures primary source secondary source written source Middle Ages Modern history Contemporary bronze and iron Neolithic Palaeolithic millennium physical source Classical Antiquity prehistory historian ope Anse ators petocepsble mater The study of the past. A historical source that gives us information based on things that aren't written. Historical sources that are created at the time an event happened. A historical era that begins with the fall of the Roman Empire. Two metals that humans started to use in prehistory. Sree TOs A period of 100 years. Ahistorical source that gives us information through paintings, photos, films and maps. Historical sources that are created after the event happened. A historical era that begins with the discovery of America. A period of prehistory when agriculture and animal husbandry began. apo Anas. Authorid phtocopable mer A period of 10 years. Ahistorical source that gives us information by spoken word (songs, stories, legends). historical source that gives us information in writing (letters, books, newspapers). A historical era that begins with the French Revolution (1789) and continues until the present. A period of prehistory when man lived by hunting and gathering. A period of 1000 years. Ahistorical source that gives us information through objects {tools, bones, fossils). A historical era that starts with the invention of writing and ends with the fall of the Roman Empire. A historical era that begins with the appearance of the first human beings. Someone who studies history. 69) ANSWERS Extension @ Oty 1 group of events that occurred in the past. @1o 29 3H © open answers © 2contury Srilerrium 48C SAD © 2002 379 4609 > @ story isa group of events that occured in the past © tthe past. 2the present 3the future © open answers Qt decade 2eentuy Imilenrium 48C SAD @ 1134 2802 379 4600 Eiension @ 1 5) writen, graphic physical, oral 1) One ofthe following: 2 graphic: paltings, maps statue, fn, photos S physical: objects from daly We, fos, bones, ing tools ‘cra: orig sorb legend, enpresions @ Primary sources are crested atthe time an event happened. Secondary sources are eeated after the vent by someone who wasnt there @thuman beings 2three 3Palaeolithic 4 Neolithic Period Grasse © twiddle Age 2Modemhistory_ 3 prehistory Extension @ ~) —e—o~ws @ 1 2) physical, graphic, oral, written b) Two of the following: 1 physical: objects from daily life, fossils, bones, coins, tools reo 2graphic: paintings, maps, statues, films, photos Boral: songs, stories, egands, expressions written: books, legal documents: laws, press: newspapers, magazines, diaries, letters Q Primary sources are created at the time an event happened. Secondary sources are created after the ‘event by someone who wasn't there. @thuman beings 2three 3Palacolithic 4Nealithic Periad 5 Bronze and Iron Q False. We live in the Contemporary era of history. @ 1 widsle Ages 2 Modern history 3 prehistory — ange) au 5) cus) mm = Q open answers @ 1 We use the past simple to talk about completed actions in the past. 2All regular past simple verbs end in ed, if the bfinitive ends in an ¢ we add d. If the infinitive ends in a consonant 4, we take off the y and add Jed. All other verbs, we add ed. O studied, iv lookd @ studiod, ved, looked Q open answer ope Anse ators petocepsble mater - Extension activities 4) (8) + CLIL worksheets - Word lists - Answers @ Complete the words with the missing letters to spell the three stages in prehistory. 1 etlALes 2.N_ol_th_c_eri_d 3 P_laeol_thi__ _eri_d @ Put the stages in order starting with the oldest stage. The first letter of the first one has been done for you. 1P 2 3 @ Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. The Palaeolithic Period started 4.4 million years ago with the appearance of the first 1 humans / dogs. It ended 12.000 years ago when humans began farming. In this period, humans were 2 nomads / sedentary. This means that they moved from one place to another in search of food. They 3 ate beef burgers / hunted, fished and gathered fruits and berries. They lived in 4 caves / houses or outside and wore 5 animal skins / jeans to protect themselves from the cold. 1.5 million years ago they discovered 6 fire / writing. © Are the sentences about the Neolithic Period True or False? 1 It started 6 000 years ago with the start of agriculture and animal husbandry. 2 Humans began to grow crops and domesticate animals. 3 Humans were nomads and lived in caves. 4 Villages were often located on low land. (-rupo Anna Aathond phetocepble mat @ Complete the words with the missing letters to spell three stages in prehistory. 1_eol_thi_ d 2_eta_ _ges 3_alae_lithi_ _eid @ Put the stages in order starting with the oldest stage. 1 2 3 @ Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. The Palaeolithic Period started 1 4.4 / 3.4 million years ago with the appearance of the first 2 humans / dogs. It ended 12.000 years ago when humans began 3 fishing / farming. In this period, humans were 4 nomads / sedentary. This means that they moved from one place to another in search of food. They 5 ate beef burgers / hunted, fished and gathered fruits and berries. They lived in 6 caves / houses or outside and wore 7 animal skins / jeans to protect themselves from the cold. 1.5 million years ago they discovered 8 fire / writing. @ Are the sentences about the Neolithic Period True or False? Correct the false ones. 1 It started 6000 years ago with the start of agriculture and animal husbandry. 2 Humans began to grow crops and domesticate animals. 3 Humans were nomads and lived in caves. 4 Villages were often located on low land. ape Anas Aton phetocopable mir @ Match the sentence halves. 1 The Metal Ages started... a) ... tools and weapons. 2 tended... b).... 3000 years ago with the invention of writing. 3 Copper was usedto make... _<) «.. 6 500 years ago with the discovery and use of metals. 4 Iron was used to make... dd)... ornaments. Q What were megalithic monuments used as? Megalithic monuments were used as. @ Find the five important inventions made in Metal Ages in the word search below. irrigation lathe plough sail wheel AlTe|tT[x;/tly[M[K[wi/H{[P[el[osi) s;zilul/H/|Fl[aAlP|[wi|s/s/[o iz ic/ x] wiH El/E{|t citi ulimi|p|xi/Peloiz) E;u/rei{[rFi[rR/al/oj|H{|s lols lolely) sj;ule{cle;/teis{[Ri/e;ni[H | OTH] Ul olFiHi[PipPju/s/s;plo|rijalii x) eireit[cle|t{/o[mMi/yj/ilfel;elsilm) vimio/o eBieP/s/ijivit|xi/z/eis) eilcj/afu{z/uelmi[x]}/si[alilxi{sin |i FlmM/t/oi/[si;cl|slei/zi/oi/F{[sjali] vizije[s{[o/ejo[ep{/syi[i{ziKkiilim| wilalv{[é|/e/)ilwiki>H{[Ri|A;aQvTLeR) yiKk[e{[mMikielc{[ulH{[rR[oiilslal oj/tiei[micix|/ki]sleplil[ele|sivi Which is the odd one out? (Tip! Think about synonyms.) 1a) Palaeolithic Period _b) Old Stone Age ©) The Metal Ages 2a) Neolithic Period b) Palaeolithic Period <) New Stone Age © What did Neolithic people make using clay and mud? a) swords b) ceramics nicusrossenionvione6)-Sutlery (-rupo Anna Aathond phetocepble mat (80) @ Match the sentence halves. 1 The Metal Ages started... a) ... tools and weapons. 2 It ended... b)... utensils. 3 Copper was used to make... @) ... 6 500 years ago with the discovery and use of metals. 4.Bronze was used to make. d)... 3 000 years ago with the invention of writing. 5 Iron was used to make... e) ... ornaments. @ What were megalithic monuments used as? Find five important inventions made in Metal Ages. Alc|TtT|[x|[t|Y¥|[M|K|W|H|P|[L|[G]I s|z U|H|F/A|P wWwi|G s/G|z >6/xX wi[H|el/e|t|/G|/tT U|M /P|xX|/[P|Gi2z elu Ri F[R|Q/oj/H|J O[JJOlElY s[u Bs |cl/e|/t{/s / R|E N([H|O HU Di/F H|/P/PiUi|S S$|/B O/R|QiJ|x Gir ticle |tT o mMi/y tie{BiiiMm vimio/a/e/episi i |vi ti xi/zisig efc;aju/z{tjm/x|si;ajt|x|sI[n FlmM ti ¢|/si/c/s|/Fl[z Gi/F{|sS All vizie{[s/o|p,|/o p|/s t{/z{Kit|M wiAlv/¢/G/tiw K/H | R/[A/O/LiR sik Gim/[k/ec/ci/tl[HiriGltelsla o{[tia|mi{[c/x/[k i slrelil/elelsiv @ Which is the odd one out? Why? 1a)Palaeolithic Period —_b) Old Stone Age ©) The Metal Ages 2a) Neolithic Period b) Palaeolithic Period c) New Stone Age © What did Neolithic people make using clay and mud? ape Anas Aton phetocopable mir @ Read the text and answer the questions. Humans in prehistoric times generally ate what they could find and their diet depended a lot on the seasons and what they could find where they lived. They ate meat, fish, shellfish, green, leafy plants, fruit (like plums, grapes, olives and figs), nuts, honey and even insects! At first, meat was eaten raw because humans hadn't discovered fire. When fire was discovered, about one and half million years ago, they began to cook food. This meant they could eat a wider range of food because cooked food was easier to eat and didn’t require so much chewing. Asa result, human jaws became smaller and the cranium became larger. This change in the shape of the human skull gave ita more modern appearance, as opposed to the heavy, ape-like jaw and small craniums that earlier humans had. 1 What did prehistoric humans eat? 2Why humans originally eat raw meat? 3 What happened about one and half million years ago? 4 What happened as a resutt of this discovery? @ In groups, make a table of the foods that prehistoric humans ate (mentioned in the text), dividing them into the food ¢ ope Anse Aiton phtocepible mst woe 82) @ Read the text. The first wind and percussion instruments appeared in the Palaeolithic Period. Archaeologists have found flutes made from bone, ivory, wood and bamboo. Archaeologists have also found remains of primitive percussion instruments made from wood and bone. It is believed that they hit them with stones, shells, sticks and so on. Itis also thought that animal skin drums may be have been used in religious ceremonies. @ Match the words to the definitions. percussion instrument archaeologist wind instrument 1A musical instrument that makes a sound by blowing it. 2.A musical instrument that you play by hitting it with your hand or with an object, such as a stick. 3A person who studies the objects of people who lived in the past. © Answer the questions. 1 What wind instrument is mentioned in the text? 2 What percussion instrument is mentioned in the text? 3 What four materials were used to make musical instruments? @ Match the words to the pictures. bamboo: bone ivory shell stick wood Just like people from the Palaeolithic Period, make musical instruments from objects you find in nature. Try to be as creative as they were! apo Anas. Authorid phtocopable mer eae @ Write these words in English. Paleolitico huesos pinturas rupestres cuevas clanes fuego recoleccién caza némadas. Edad de la Piedra Antigua piedras palos Neolitico ganaderia ceramica agricultura Edad de la Piedra Nueva sedentarios aldeas. La Edad de los Metales invenciones: ‘riego * torno *arado *vela *rueda monumentos megaliticos: « délmenes *menhires metales: *bronce 2% CODER Io35p2 * hierro. (-rupo Anna Aathond phetocepble mat ‘Translation table Palaeolithic Period Paleolitico bones huesos cave paintings pinturas rupestres caves cuevas clans clanes fire fuego gathering recoleceién hunting caza nomads némadas Old Stone Age Edad de la Piedra Antigua rocks piedras sticks palos Neolithic Period Neolitico animal husbandry ganaderia ceramic ceramica farming agricultura New Stone Age Edad de la Piedra Nueva sedentary sedentarios villages aldeas Metal Ages La Edad de los Metales wentions: invenciones: + irrigation * riego lathe * torno * plough * arado sail * vela + wheel + rueda megalithic monuments: monumentos megaliticos: + dolmens + délmenes ¢menhirs * menhires metals: metales: * bronze * bronce * cooper wwra.cuarodscaros blogepajcon® CObre * iron * hierro. ape Anas Aton phetocopable mir POET Ud Play ‘Shhhhhh’t Print, cut out and shutfle the cards below. Pupils have to describe the key vocabulary at the top of the cards to a partner or to the class. They cannot use the words in capital letters in their description. Pupils who guess the word(s) being described get a point. Pupils who use the forbidden word lose a point. se Bones Cave paintings Caves Xe e reais You can't say: You can’t say: You can't say: oN gan Esaye SKELETON PREHISTORIC ROCKS CAVES Clans Fire Gathering Hunting You can't say: You can't say: You can't say: You can't say: FAMILIES HOT PICK KILL Nomads Rocks Sticks Neolithic Period You can't say: You can't say: You can't say: You can't say: HOMES CRUST ‘TREES FARMING h ety Farming Sedentary Villages Ved caneeee You can't say: You can't say: You can't say: eee CEREALS MOVING TOWN Metal Ages Irrigation Lathe Plough You can’t say: You can't say: You can't say: You can't say: COPPER WATER TOOL EARTH Sail Wheel Megalithic Dolmens You can’t say: You can't say: moments You can’t say: BOAT ROUND You'can't say: MONUMENTS MENHIRS. Menhirs Bronze Copper tron You can’t say: You can't say: You can't say: You can't say: DOLMENS METAL ORANGE SWORD (-rupo Anna Aathond phetocepble mat 67) Melo NTO TACT Sea ANSWERS —— Extension @ >) Extension @) > @ ives ages 2neomncrenca Paaotile Pood @ipcctitic 2nectinte a netalages @thumans 2nomads 3hunted,fihed and sgathored fruits and berries. 4 caves S animal skins 6fire Qiralse 2Tue 3False 4 False S$ Extension @ @ i hectthicPeried 2Matal Ages 3 Palaeolithic Period @ 1 Polacoithic Period 21Neolithic Period 3 Metal Ages ©1144 2humans 3farming Anomads Shunted 6eaves 7 animal skins 8fire @ 1 Falco. te started 12000 years ago. 2 True 3 False, Humans wore sedentary and lived in villages. 4 False, Villages wore often located on igh land so they could be more easily defended. O15 2H 349 49 Qrombs 98 Ore 26) 34) 46) 50) Drombs S00 word search from Extension 2A. Q 1.6) The Metal Ages. The Palaeolithic Period and the Old Stone Age are synomyns 2b) The Palacolithie Period. The Neolithic Period and the New Stane Age are synonyms coramies @ 1 They ate meat, fish, shellfish, leafy vegetables, fruit, nuts, honey and insects, 2 they ate raw meat because they hadn't discovered fire. 3 Humans discovered fre. 4 This meant they could cook food, which meant that they could eat a wider range of food. As a result the shape of the hurman skull changed. © Frits: fruits Grains: - Vegetables: leafy plants (vegetables) Proteins: meat, ish, shelfish, nuts Dairy Sugarifat/oil:honey y ° Qiwindinstrument 2 percussion instrument Q rite 2deum 3 bone, ivory, wood and bamboo @rvone zivory 3wood 4bamboo 5 shell ET EEE PEEL ele tutm |r falrlwlets ets efx bmpapefe fel < fell [ree ele en lrlelrlmlulsts[s[elelals |x sted rtefe lr opal pete so pr efetefofete pepe sil eae Sarchaealogiet eheretelsleyrtele eters at etetfetotetotet pete epee retalefefel fw [x] mt [apes afrie|wlepeef strife lets tick © open actvty ope Anse ators petocepsble mater - Extension activities 4) (8) + CLIL worksheets - Word lists - Answers @ Fill in the table with the developments in the box below. The first, two have been done for you. Latin law maths numbers philosophy public works pyramids sculpture textile dye theatre writing-ancfirsttaws: Classical Antiquity Civilisations Developments ‘Sumerians writing and first laws Babylonians numbers Phoenicians Egyptians Grooks Romans @ Answer the questions. 1 Who were the first people to live in Spain during Classical Antiquity? 2Where did they live? 3 When did the Celts arrive in Spain? Unscramble the word snake to spell five colonisers of Spain during P P Classical Antiquity. hws arse sPlog, a * 2 a ro we @ Circle the correct answer. 1 What were the Phoenicians and Greeks looking for when they came to Mediterranean coast? a) sugar b) metals ¢) electricity 2.Who founded Cadiz? a) the Phoenicians b) the Greeks .y.,.1.-~o-¢hthe Carthaginians (-rupo Anna Aathond phetocepble mat (96) @ Fill in the table with the developments from the box below. Latin law maths numbers philosophy public works pyramids sculpture textile dye theatre writing and first laws Classical Antiquity Civilisations Developments ‘Sumerians Babylonians Phoenicians Egyptians Greeks Romans @ Answer the questions. 1 Who were the first people to live in Spain during Classical Antiquity? 2Where did they live? 3 When did the Celts arrive in Spain? 4 What are verracos? @ Unscramble the word snake to spell the colonisers of Spain during Classical Antiquity. vac reekspho, 9 A, 3 o “he @ Cirde the correct answer. 1 What were the Phoenicians and Greeks looking for when they came to Mediterranean coast? a) sugar b) metals c)electricity d) wood 2Who founded Cadiz? a) the Phoenicians b)the Greeks ¢) the Carthaginians d) the Celts 3 Who created the Treasure of Carambolo? a)the Carthaginians —_»b),the-Tartassians,, c) the Celts d) the Greeks ape Anas Aton phetocopable mir @ Ave the sentences True or False? 1 The Phoenicians founded Cadiz. 2 The Greeks founded two cities near modern day Girona. 3 The Tartessians lived in the west of Asturias. 4 The Carthaginians came from northern Europe. © Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. The Romans came from Htaly and their capital was 1 Paris / Rome. Their empire started in 2 27 BC / 27 AD and ended in 476 AD. They were very powerful and had control over the Mediterranean. They fought with the 3 Greeks / Carthaginians for control in the 4 Punic/ Tunic Wars. © Name who or what is being described in each sentence, using words from the box. The first one has been done for you. slaves Romanisation free people —_plebeians 1 When the people of the Peninsula adapted to the Roman way of life. Homanisation 2 Roman ci ns who could vote or be elected to public office. 3 Poor people in Roman society who were free. 4 Romans who had no rights. They were the property of their owners. @ The Romans were great builders. Give three examples of things they built. a 2 (-rupo Anna Aathond phetocepble mat @ Are the sentences True or False? Correct the false ones. 1 The Phoenicians colonised the south and east of the peninsula. 2 The Greeks founded two cities near modern-day Girona. 3 The Tartessians lived in the west of Asturias. nians came from northern Europe. @ Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. The Romans came from 1 Italy / England and their capital was 2 Paris / Rome. Their empire started in 3 27 BC/ 27 ADand ended in 476 AD. They were very powerful and had control over the Mediterranean. They fought with the 4 Greeks / Carthaginians for control in the 5 Punic / Tunic Wars. The Romans took over 6 two / twenty centuries to conquer the Iberian Peninsula. @ Name who or what is being described in each sentence, using words from the box. slaves Romanisation free people _plebeians 11 When the people of Peninsula adapted to the Roman way of life. 2 Roman citizens who could vote or be elected to public office. 3 Poor people in Roman society who were free. 4 Romans who had no rights. They were the property of their owners. @ Were the Romans great builders? Explain your answer, ape Anas Aton phetocopable mir The Romans had their own numbering system. We still use them sometimes today, for example after the names of kings (Ferdinand VI). Roman numerals use letters instead of numbers. Here are five letters you need to know: t=1 ves X=10 L=50 c=100 You put the letters together to make numbers. For exampl 3 (14141) or XII = 12 (104141) @ Convert the following Roman numerals into modern numbers. 1 2xV 3 XVIl avi 5CXI 6CCLII 7cvll @ Do the following sums. Write the answers in modern numbers. 1X-Ve 2i+Vi= 3NtX= 4C-Vil= 5L-XX= . . © Julius is LI years old and Cassius is XXV years old. Which Roman is older? @ Write your age in roman numerals. Note: There are some other more complicated rules for writing Roman Numerales. These are just the basic. onesh.:i.» (-rupo Anna Aathond phetocepble mat Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher who made some important developments in maths. Some of his ideas are still used today. They include: Odd numbers: 1, 3,5, 7, 9,11 Even numbers; 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 Triangular numbers Square numbers e000 Triangular numbers: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15 e000 Square numbers: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25 oC 9000) @ Look at the sequences above. Which is the next ... 1... odd number in the sequence? 2... even number in the sequence? 3... triangular number in the sequence? 4... square number in the sequence? Pythagoras is most famous for his theory called @ Pythagoras’ theorem. The theorem is: When a triangle has a right angle (90°) and squares are made on each of the three sides, the biggest a square has the same area of the other two squares a added together. See image a. ‘The theorem can be written as an equation: b w+b? @ Let's see if works! Find out the total amount of, squares on each side of the triangles in image b: ¢ The first one is done for you. a=@=4x4=16 ies x a BI © Add the two smaller squares together. Are they the same as the bigger square? a4 b?= ws -oupe Anaesth phetocopable mir LMC) @ Write these words in English. Pre-Romano iberos celtiberos celtas castros verracos Colonizadores cartaginenses griegos fenicios tartessos Imperio romano acueductos emperadores latin provincia Guerras Puinicas sociedad romana: * patricios * plebeyos * esclavos Romanizacién Wa puatiecaoaBOaee (-rupo Anna Aathond phetocepble mat ar ‘Translation table Pre-Roman Pre-Romano Iberians iberos Celtiberians coltiberos Celts celtas castros castros verracos verracos Colonisers Colonizadores Carthaginians cartaginenses Greeks griegos Phoenicians fenicios Tartessians tartessos Roman Empire Imperio romano aqueducts acueductos emperors emperadores Latin latin provinces provincias Punic Wars Guerras Pinicas Roman society: sociedad romana: * patricians © patricios + plebeians + plebeyos «slaves + esclavos Romanisation Romanizacién villa villa ape Anas Aton phetocopable mir Tere ers Make your own card game. ‘The key vocabulary is provided for pupils. Working in pairs or small groups, pupils can either draw an image to represent the vocabulary or write a definition themselves. Pairs/Groups then swap their cards with another group and play! Pre-Roman castros Celtiberians Celts Iberians verracos Colonisers Carthaginians Phoenicians Tartessians Roman Empire aqueducts emperors Latin provinces Punic Wars Roman society patricians plebeians slaves Romanisation villa ope Anse ators petocepsble mater ‘wwacuarodecal logseaom pe Anne athena Petes 25 Were V-10] WV. acy-V 1 Saeheca ANSWERS O Procrians texte dye Egyptians: pyramids Greeks: maths pilosophy theatre, sculpture Romans: am Latin and publi works @ 1 THe iborians 2 They lived in the coastal Mediterranean regions ln the east and south, 3 They arrived around 1100 BC. Otartessians, Carthaginians Orv» Extension © ~) @ sumerians: writing and frst laws Babylonians: numbers Phoonicians:textle dye Romans, Grooks, Phosnicians, Egyptians: pyramids Grooks: maths, philosophy, theatre, sculpture: Romans: law, Lat Q1 The iberians 2 Thay lived in coastal Mediterranean regions in the east and south. 3 They arrived around 1100 BC. 4 Verracos were stone sculptures built by the Celts to protect the livestock and public works QO tartessians, Carthaginians Ory 29 3b Romans, Greeks, Phoenicians, -CEiension ® S ites 2tue Fase Fae @ tome 2278C Carthaginians 4 Punic © 1 Romanization 2free people Iplobelans Askves Qryy three of the following: roads, bridges, aqueducts, temples, basilicas, amphitheatres, drcuses, theatres, thermal baths, sculptures, yarodecsiosoaeochco murals, mosaics (110) Extension >) 1 Truc 2 True 3 False. The Tartessians lived in the west of Andalucia. 4 False. The Carthaginians ‘came from Northern Africa. Qinaly 2Rome 3.27 BC 4 Carthaginians SPunie Stwo 1 Romrisstion 2 aplebeins slaves 8 freepeople 3p Q Exampio answer: Yes, they wore because thoy built mary things such as tomples, aqueducts, roads, bridges, basilcas, amphitheatres, circuses, theatres, thermal baths Can ®) Qe 21s 317 47 5111 ease 7107 Q110-5= 2346-9 324 10—12 4100-7 =93 550-20=30 O.uliusis 51. Cassi is 25. Therefore, Jullusis older. © chock pupils’ answors for accuracy. Oris 216 321 4366) Qaq-axanis ba3x3=9 x5=25 © 9+ 16=25. os, they are the same! ope Anse ators petocepsble mater Social Science 4 + Extension activities 4) (6) - CLIL worksheets - Word lists + Answers

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