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Thank you for coming to this event.

I really appreciate individual who would

spend time to learn. Because Kinderfield believes that in order to succeed we
have to be a lifelong learner. There is no limitation in age in time or place.
Before I move on to Kinderfield Math framework, I would like to ask a bit. What is
so important learning Math? Lets recall back when we were in our childhood, do
you think Math is a FUN subject? Do you like Math?
I myself not really keen on Math. I still remember vividly when my teacher asked
me to count backward in front of the class. And then when I need to setor
perkalian. Those moments are horrifying. In high school I took Science Major
because there was no Language class and my dad want me to have Science. So,
I met Math again.
Why is Math so horrifying for me? There are so many factors. Maybe the teacher,
maybe the lesson, maybe my capacity.
But it is for sure Math wouldnt be a horrifying subject in Kinderfield. And why is
that? What makes our Math program so special?
First of all we are using Singapore Math. Singapore Math is a teaching method
based on the national mathematics curriculum used for kindergarten through
sixth grade in Singapore.[
The approach that is originally develop in Singapore is teaching students to learn
and master fewer mathematical concepts at greater detail using a three-step
learning process.[2][3]
The three steps are: concrete, pictorial, and abstract.
In the concrete step, students engage in hands-on learning experiences using
concrete objects such as chips, dice, or paper clips. [5] This is followed by drawing
pictorial representations of mathematical concepts. Students then solve
mathematical problems in an abstract way by using numbers and symbols. [6]
So the three learning steps encourage students to master and understand the
concept in depth. Not only memorizing the concept. It also builds students
problem solving skills and creative thinking.
We choose Singapore Math not American or Australian for our Math program
because statistically, Singapore is in the top three rank for Math and Science
based on PISA Program for International Student Assessment. (Assessment that
is conducted every three year nations wide on the performance of Math). Also,
first rank based on TIMSS Trend in International Math and Science.
Where is Indonesia in this benchmarking? We are at number 64 out of 65
countries. So sad isnt it.
That is why we are using Singapore Math and these are My Pals Book Series we
use in our class and it is imported from Singapore. The books are friendly for
parents because it provides Answer key in the workbook.
Okay now let us see the first semester curriculum.

If you wonder the difference between Kinderfield and Diknas curriculum, I would
say that in terms of competencies it is not really different. All I have mentioned
before most of it is in Diknas Curriculum too. But, there is but..
Diknas kur especially kur 13 touch only the surface it is not deep. So Diknas kur
tries to put all in the program but it is not in a good order and prepared concept.
For example in Singapore Math, we show number bonds first before getting to
addition and subtraction. Because thats the basic concept. By understanding
number bond students will think automatically when doing the addition and
subtraction especial for the mental sum. It is really structured approach.
Whereas in Diknas, the content is too jumpy. I show you the book.

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