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Oral presentation

As you can see, our poster is about maternal health care and in our
presentation we are going to explain why we chose this topic and why we
illustrated it this way.
We decided by this theme because it is one of the prettiest and happiest
moments for the families in developed countries, but a big nightmare with
no assistance, no cares and with a lot of drawbacks in the developing ones.
Due to this reality we realized how lucky we are, so we want to sensitize you
to the reality of this women that are just like us but were unfortunate to be
born in the other side of the globe.
Therefore we decided to illustrate maternity as a person because sometimes
the maternal cares are forbidden, taken away from lots of women.
On the other side we put a tree branch, that symbolizes life, on the top
there are little hearts to show that this tree should be full of love, care and
equality, the hanging there which is the only thing in the poster with color
to represent the hope in the middle of so much darkness.
Then we have a little apple in the middle of the hearts to represent that,
even if a lot of suffer is required, being pregnant is still a gift of life.
We like to explain that we use this sentence even if It can be a little bit
shocking but that is the purpose, trying to attract people to the differences
in maternity cares, in order to make people think and then they might try to
To conclude, we put human hands supporting everything to show that we
are the only ones who can keep on ignoring it or mdo something about it.
Now, were going to show a little video about the maternal health cares in
the developing countries. (Video)
Now that we saw the video, we have an idea of what we can do to change
these conditions and what are the most urgent measures to take:

Provide education for women concerning maternal health;

Provide a safe and affordable form of contraception for women;
Provide a safe, clean place for women and children to live if they are
in need.

These simple steps can make a big difference in these countries reducing
the unexpected pregnancy and the spread of diseases, like we already said
its on our own hands to change because:
Maternal health should be like period, for every women.
Os cuidados maternais devem ser como o perodo, para todas as
mulheres? Porqu?

Se mesmo assim quiseres continuar com a frase a forma correta :

Maternal health should be like the period, for every woman.

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