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Allergies are often more than simply a rash or runny nose, but may lend to faulty thinking, and
to minimal brain dysfunction in children.

Allergies are the number one cause of chronic disease according to American Family Physician. A
large proportion of the physical suffering in the United States is caused by allergies. Yet many are
convinced that proper management of the diet from birth to old age could eliminate much of the

Twelve of the most frequent allergens include milk, caffeinated and decaffeinated drinks (chocolate,
coffee, tea, and colas), eggs, cereals (especially corn and wheat), oranges and orange juice, tomatoes
and tomato juice, meat (pork, beef, chicken), fish, nuts, vitamin preparations, drugs and food additives.
Substances not native to milk may be present in cow's milk to cause human reactions include wheat,
peanuts, linseed, cottonseed, ragweed, bacteria, antibiotics, hormones, and other drugs and chemicals.

Allergy symptoms include headache, fatigue, tremor, collapse, and manifestations in the intestinal,
respiratory, cutaneous, hematologic, neurologic, urinary, and cardiovascular systems.

Since dairy milk and related products (cheese, yogurt, cottage and cream cheese, buttermilk, butter,
sodium caseinate and lactate) are the cause of 60% of food sensitivities, a discussion of milk and its
relation to disease follows. Pain in the rectum is thought to be caused by milk allergy in infants or in
adults. Loss of appetite for cow's milk is not uncommon in milk sensitive children. Itching or burning
of the mouth with ulceration’s of the lining of the mouth are often due to cow's milk. Swelling of the
lips and tongue may occur. Chronic cough, asthma, rhinitis, bronchitis, urinary bleeding, constipation,
and recurrent pneumonia may all be caused from milk allergy.

Malabsorption of nutrients because of diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, or interference with the
absorption of other nutrients (especially minerals such as calcium, zinc, iron and other substances) are
a result of gastrointestinal manifestations of milk allergy.

Ulcerative colitis has been shown to have acute exacerbation’s with the use of milk. The history of the
use of cow's milk from the first month of life is twice as common in patients with ulcerative colitis as
in control persons.

Electroencephalogram abnormalities have disappeared after allergens of any kind were avoided.
According to some authors about one-fifth of children with cow's milk allergy have central nervous
system disorders. Bedwetting has been ascribed to milk allergy along with cystitis and the nephrotic
syndrome. Failure to thrive and sudden infant death syndrome has been felt to be due to milk allergies.

In adults the tension-fatigue syndrome may be due to milk allergy.


1. Avoid, as much as possible, any chemical that touches the skin (including soaps, lotions, cosmetics,
detergents, nail polish, costume jewelry containing nickel sulfate, merthiolate, medicines, dyes, etc.).
2. Avoid breathing anything that has an odor except natural vegetation odors, including gasoline,
aerosols, cosmetics and perfumes.

3. All drugs and medicinals, vaccines, venom’s, molds, fungi, bacteria, and insects can cause allergies.

4. Elastic in clothing, nylon, and other synthetics are a frequent cause of allergies and should touch the
skin as little as possible. Cotton clothing is best.

5. Chilling of extremities, especially the ankles and backs of arms, is the cause of much chronic
sinusitis, Cool or cold skin anywhere on the body is abnormal.

6. Overeating and evening meals aggravate chronic sinusitis. Chew food to a cream before swallowing
to prevent fermentation. Use only two or three dishes at a meal with bread to avoid a "war" inside.

7. The use of sweets, milk, and too many concentrated or heavy foods (nuts, wheat germ, even bread)
can make sinusitis worse. The ten food groups that most commonly cause allergies are:

(1) dairy products (over 60% of all food allergies),

(2) chocolate, colas, coffee and tea,
(3) eggs, pork, beef, fish,
(4) the pea family including peanuts and soybean products,
(5) citrus fruits and juices,
(6) tomatoes and potatoes,
(7) grains including corn, rice, wheat; and yeast,
(8) cane sugar, cinnamon and other spices,
(9) beer, alcohol, artificial food colors,
(10) strawberries and apples.


1. Fast one to two days per week. Drink eight to ten glasses of water on fast days.

2. Applications to the sinus areas of the face of hot water compresses (three min-
utes) and cold compresses (thirty seconds) four times daily for the first week
and once daily thereafter until sinusitis has cleared.

3. Take regular deep breathing exercises.

4. Eat three to four olives with each meal for about three weeks.

5. Take six charcoal tablets twice daily for approximately one week (taken mid
morning and mid-afternoon).

6. Take a one hour walk daily, head up, shoulders back and down, breathing deeply.

7. Eliminate emotional pain and bitterness from the thoughts. Train the mind to
dwell on heavenly themes.
8. For eczema, take a hot foot bath at 104-106 degrees for twenty minutes. If sweating
occurs, turn in the shower at 65 degrees for fifteen to thirty seconds. Before drying with
a towel, take unscented Vaseline and spread it evenly over the rash. Then rub the area
lightly and quickly to mix the Vaseline and water to form a milky - colored emulsion.
Allow to dry without toweling. You may gently blot the skin. Avoid chilling skin as
chilling retards healing.


1. Journal of the American Medical Association 212(l):33-34, April 6, 1970.

2. Bahna, Sami L., M.D. and Douglas C.Heiner, M.D., ALLERGIES TO MILK.
Grune & Stratton, 1980, pp. 47, 52, 67,109

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