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Constantine legalized Christianity in the Roman Empire.

Contour drawing - outlines. Draw what you see, not what you know.
Tint and shade - A tint is any colour + white. A shade is any colour + black. They're similar because
they're both values of a single colour.
Pilgrimage and Crusade - A pilgrimage is a spiritual journey taken to a religious place. A crusade is
a religious battle; forcing someone to change religion and the other is fighting to protect their own.
They are similar because they are both events that happen for religious purposes.
Guild - A group of people that all work on similar types of projects and have the same career.
A governing body that sets the standards and rules for the excellence of the
Leaning Tower of Pisa belongs to the Romanesque Period.
Timeline of periods:

The Arnolfini Wedding

One of Van Eyck's best known paintings is the Arnolfini Wedding, a work of marvellous reality and
unity. Meticulous detail and incredibly realistic light share importance in the painting. Light enters at
the left and softly illuminates the metal chandelier, hard walls, soft fabrics and flesh. All the detailed
objects i the room have right hand and the little dog are symbols of fidelity. The clogs, cast aside,
indicate that the couple stands on holy ground. The peaches ripening on the chest are a sign of
fertility. Van Eyck witnessed the ceremony and so signed his name on the wall above the mirror with
words meaning "Jan Van Eyck was here in 1434". A miniature composition can be seen in the
convex enlarging mirror. The mirror shows not only the backs of the couple but also the front view of
Jan and another person.

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