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Good afternoon everyone! I am the third and last speaker of the negative side.

Legalization of the sex industry converts brothels, sex clubs, and other sites of
prostitution activities into legitimate venues where commercial sexual acts are
allowed to flourish legally with few restraints. In the viewpoint of ordinary people,
calling for legalization of prostitution, they think they are dignifying and
professionalizing the women when in fact thy just simply dignify the sex industry.
Another point is that its legalization increases the demand for prostitution. It boosts
the motivation of men to buy women for sex in a much wider and more permissible
range of socially acceptable settings. When the legal barriers disappear, so too do
the social and ethical barriers to treating women as sexual commodities. This is a
wrong thinking since legally the State secures the dignity of the human person not
to be treated as a means for sexual gratification.
For example, Germany has legalized prostitution in the year 2002. When they have
legalized it, more than a million of men pay for sex every year with 400,000
prostitutes every day. After years of the implementation, there are downsides of it.
As the countrys sex trade continues to grow, the new coalition government has
promised reforms to the current prostitution law in response to fears that it
encourages sex trafficking, profiteering and exploitation.
Not only that, the Danish government intends to move forward with a proposal to
make purchasing sexual acts illegal. Speaking for the Danish YWCA, which has a
safe haven project to benefit sex workers, Birgitte Graakjr Hjort said, [w]e are
100 percent for a prostitution ban because we see how people are damaged by it
Lastly, Legalization of prostitution increases child prostitution. Child prostitution in
the Netherlands has increased dramatically during the 1990s. The Amsterdambased ChildRight organization estimates that the number of children in prostitution
has increased by more than 300% between 1996 2001, going from 4,000 children
in 1996 to 15,000 in 2001.
Child prostitution has also increased dramatically in the state of Victoria compared
to other Australian states where prostitution has not been legalized. Of all the states
and territories in Australia, the highest number of reported incidences of child
prostitution came from Victoria.

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