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Con Team First Essay

Madeline Gochee
February 15, 2016

I have always been interested in participating on the Lincoln

Constitution team. My aunt won nationals for Lincoln in 1990 and my
best friends sister won nationals in 2012 . I really became excited
about joining the team during my eighth-grade year, when I
participated in Congressional Hearings with my teacher Karen Rouse. I
loved both the educational aspect as well as the competitive edge
needed to succeed, and I knew I wanted to continue learning about the
U.S. Constitution at Lincoln.

I have heard from peers as well as teachers that Constitution

Team requires an immense amount of work and a significant time
commitment. While that might seem undesirable to most, I can
honestly say that makes me want to do Constitution Team even more.
The work required will challenge and push me to do whats needed to
succeed in this highly competitive activity. I cant say I will look forward
to the long nights, but I know I will never back away from the
challenge. The thought of working hard with my team to complete very
difficult tasks is enticing.

Throughout my freshman year I have been contemplating how I

will fit Constitution Team into my already busy schedule next year. I
want to participate in the Lincoln soccer program, continue on the
Speech and Debate team, and Constitution Team. I have friends on
both soccer and Speech and Debate who are also on the Constitution
Team. They were able to manage their time and schedule to keep up
with their extra curricular activities as well as their schoolwork. I am
confident I will be able to stay afloat during the most crucial parts of
the school year, the Fall and early Winter. Because I compete in the
Lincoln Speech and Debate program, I am used to the large workload.
Competing in policy, my chosen debate form, I have acquired research

and public speaking skills. I am highly organized, efficient with my

time, and I hold myself accountable to a very high standard.

After I graduate from the Constitution Team my biggest

achievement will be a deeper understanding of the Constitution and
how it is applied in our government. Everyone I have spoken to has
said competing on the team was one of the best experiences during
their time at Lincoln. The bonds built on the team and in the units last
beyond the time spent on the Constitution Team. Finally, one goal
would be to win nationals. I would love to be a part of a team that
brings home the win, making our members, the coaches, and the
Lincoln community proud.

I would be extremely delighted to be selected for the 2016-17

Lincoln Constitution Team, and I am confident I would be a valuable
member of the team.

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