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Relatrio e Parecer do Conselho Fiscal

Referido s Contas Consolidadas

Report and Finding of the Audit
Committee (Consolidated Financial

Relatrio e Parecer do
Conselho Fiscal

Repport and Opinion of

the Audit Committee

Senhores Accionistas,

To the shareholders,

1. No desempenho das funes previstas no

art 420 e 508-D do Cdigo das
Sociedades Comerciais, cumpre ao
Conselho Fiscal emitir relatrio e dar
parecer sobre os documentos de
prestao de contas do GRUPO SUMOLIS,
relativos ao exerccio findo em 31 de
Dezembro de 2002.

1. In accordance with relevant legal and

statutory requirements (Article 420 of
the Companies Act) the Audit Committee
submits its finding on the financial
statements of SUMOLIS GROUP, in respect
of the year ended 31.12.02.

2. Tendo falecido em Setembro de 2002 o

Eng Antnio Jos Coelho de Arajo,
Presidente deste Conselho, os seus
colegas prestam sentida homenagem ao
homem integro, humano e de elevado
profissionalismo, que durante vrios
mandatos deu a sua colaborao

2. Mr Antnio Jos Coelho de Arajo,

Chairman of this committee passed away
in September 2002. The members of the
committee pay homage to an humane,
upstanding and highly professional
person, who over various decades in
office gave dedicated support to Sumolis.

3. O Conselho Fiscal reuniu trimestralmente

(n 1 do art 423 do C.S.C.), acompanhou
a evoluo da gesto e apreciou os
relatrios intercalares de reviso de
contas apresentados pela sociedade de
revisores oficiais de contas que o integra
e que desempenha comulativamente a
funo de Auditor Externo prevista no n 1
do art 8 do Cdigo de Valores Mobilirios.

3. The Supervisory Board met each quarter

(No 1 of Article 423 of the Companies
Act), to monitor management trends and
review the interim audit reports,
presented by the Statutory Auditor, a
member of this board and simultaneously
acting as the external auditor, in terms of
No 1 of Article 8 of the Stock Exchange

4. No final do exerccio, o Conselho Fiscal

analisou o relatrio de gesto que lhe foi
apresentado pelo Conselho de
Administrao, considerando que o
mesmo reflecte os factos mais relevantes
relativos gesto do ano econmico
findo, a evoluo dos negcios do Grupo
e a sua organizao, satisfazendo assim as
disposies do art 66 do Cdigo das
Sociedades Comerciais e do Regulamento
n 07/2001 da CMVM.

4. At year end the Supervisory Board

reviewed the management report
presented by the Board of Directors, and
is of the view that this reflects the most
significant facts in respect of the
management of the financial year just
ended, Group business trends and Group
organisational structure, thus complying
with the requirements of Article 66 of the
Companies Act and Regulation No
07/2001 of the Stock Exchange Act.

5. O Conselho Fiscal analisou as

demonstraes financeiras relativas ao
exerccio de 2002, apoiando-se no
relatrio da Sociedade de Revisores
Oficiais de Contas (n 1 do art 452 do
C.S.C.) e apreciou a Certificao Legal das

5. The Supervisory Board reviewed the

financial statements for the year 2002, in
conjunction with the Statutory Auditors
report (No 1 of Article 452 of the
Companies Act) and reviewed the
Statutory Certification of Accounts and
Relatrio Anual Annual Report 2002

Contas e Relatrio de Auditoria das

Contas Consolidadas, qual deu a sua

the audit report on the consolidated

accounts, with which it is in agreement.



Tudo devidamente ponderado, somos de

parecer que a Assembleia Geral:

In light of the above, we are of the

opinion that the Shareholder General
Meeting should:

a) aprove o relatrio de gesto e as

contas do GRUPO SUMOLIS, do
exerccio de 2002, apresentados pelo
Conselho de Administrao.

a) approve the Management Report and

Accounts of Sumolis Group for the
2002 period as presented by the Board
of Directors;

Lisboa, 4 de Abril de 2003

Lisbon, April 04 2003

O Conselho Fiscal
The Audit Committee
representada pelo scio Manuel de Oliveira Rego
represented by partner Manuel de Oliveira Rego








Relatrio Anual Annual Report 2002

Certificao Legal das Contas e

Relatrio do Auditor Externo Referidos
s Contas Consolidadas
Statutory Audit Certificate and
External Auditors Report
(Consolidated Financial Statements)

Certificao Legal e
Relatrio de Auditoria das
Contas Consolidadas

Statutory Audit Certificate

and Auditors Report for
the Consolidated Accounts



1. Nos termos da legislao aplicvel,

apresentamos a Certificao Legal das
Contas e o Relatrio de Auditoria sobre
a informao financeira contida no
Relatrio de Gesto e nas Demonstraes Financeiras Consolidadas anexas do
exerccio findo em 31 de Dezembro de
2002, da Sumolis - Companhia Industrial de Frutas e Bebidas, S.A as quais
compreendem: o Balano em 31 de
Dezembro de 2002, (que evidencia um
total de balano de 116.884.654 euros e
um total de capital prprio de
49.306.433 euros, incluindo um
resultado lquido negativo de 757.275
euros), as Demonstraes consolidadas
dos Resultados por natureza e por
funes e a Demonstrao consolidada
dos fluxos de caixa do exerccio findo
naquela data, e correspondentes Anexos.

1. In terms of applicable legislation we

hereby present the Statutory
Certification of Accounts and Report of
the Auditors on the financial
information contained in the
management report, and the attached
consolidated financial statements, for
the year ending 31st December 2002, of
Sumolis - Companhia Industrial de
Frutas e Bebidas, S.A. This comprises: The
Balance Sheet at December 31, 2002
(which reflects a total of 116.884.654,
shareholder funds of 49,306,433,
including a net loss for the year of
757.275), and the Consolidated Net
income statements classified by Nature
and Function and the consolidated Cash
Flow statement for the year then ended
together with the respective Notes to
these statements.



2. da responsabilidade do Conselho de
Administrao da empresa:

2. It is the responsibility of the Board:

a) a preparao de demonstraes
financeiras consolidadas que
apresentem de forma verdadeira e
apropriada a posio financeira do
conjunto de empresas includas na
consolidao, o resultado consolidado
das suas operaes e os fluxos de caixa
b) a informao financeira histrica, que
seja preparada de acordo com os
princpios contabilsticos geralmente
aceites e seja completa, verdadeira,
actual, clara, objectiva e lcita,
conforme exigido pelo Cdigo dos
Valores Mobilirios;
c) a adopo de polticas e critrios
contabilsticos adequados;
d) a manuteno de um sistema de
controlo interno apropriado; e
e) a informao de qualquer facto

a) to prepare consolidated financial

statements that reflect in a true and
fair manner the financial position of
the group of companies included in
the consolidation, together with the
results of its consolidated operations
and consolidated cash flows for the
year .
b) to provide historic financial
information, prepared in accordance
with accounting principles generally
accepted in Portugal and which should
be complete, true, current, clear,
objective and lawful, as required by
the Stock Exchange Act;
c) to use consistent accounting policies
and criteria;
d) to implement a proper system of
internal control; and
e) To supply any relevant information

Relatrio Anual Annual Report 2002

relevante que tenha influenciado a

actividade do conjunto das empresas
includas na consolidao, a posio
financeira ou resultados.

which has affected the activities of the

Group of companies included in the
consolidation, the financial position or

3. A nossa responsabilidade consiste em

verificar a informao financeira contida
nos documentos de prestao de contas
acima referidos, designadamente sobre se
completa, verdadeira, actual, clara, objectiva
e lcita, conforme exigido pelo Cdigo dos
Valores Mobilirios, competindo-nos emitir
um relatrio profissional e independente
baseado no nosso exame.

3. Our responsibility is to verify the financial

information contained in the financial
statements of accounts referred to above,
namely whether they are complete, true,
current, clear, objective and lawful, as
required by the Stock Exchange Act, and
to issue a professional and independent
opinion, based on our audit .



4. O exame a que procedemos foi efectuado

de acordo com as Normas Tcnicas e as
Directrizes de Reviso/Auditoria da Ordem
dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas, as quais
exigem que o mesmo seja planeado e
executado com o objectivo de obter um
grau de segurana aceitvel sobre se as
demonstraes financeiras consolidadas
esto isentas de distores materialmente
relevantes. Para tanto o referido exame

4. Our examination was conducted in

accordance with the Auditing Norms and
Technical Recommendations of the
Chamber of Statutory Auditors. These norms
and recommendations require that we plan
and execute the examination so as to obtain
a reasonable assurance as to whether or not
the consolidated financial statements
contain any material misstatements. For this
purpose our examination includes:

a verificao das demonstraes financeiras

das empresas includas na consolidao
terem sido apropriadamente examinadas e,
para os casos significativos em que o no
tenham sido, a verificao, numa base de
amostragem, do suporte das quantias e
divulgaes nelas constantes e a avaliao
das estimativas, baseadas em juzos e
critrios definidos pelo rgo de gesto
respectivo, utilizadas na sua preparao;
a verificao das operaes de consolidao e da aplicao do mtodo da
equivalncia patrimonial;
a apreciao sobre se so adequadas as
polticas contabilsticas adoptadas e a sua
divulgao, tendo em conta as circunstncias;
a verificao da aplicabilidade do princpio
da continuidade;
a apreciao de ser adequada, em termos
globais, a apresentao das demonstraes financeiras; e
a apreciao se a informao financeira
consolidada completa, verdadeira,
actual, clara, objectiva e lcita.
5. O nosso exame abrangeu ainda a
Relatrio Anual Annual Report 2002

verification that the financial statements of

the companies included in the consolidation
have been examined appropriately and, in
significant cases where this has not
occurred, verification on a test basis of the
evidence supporting the amounts disclosed
in the financial statements, and an
assessment of the estimates based on
judgements and criteria defined by the
Board of Directors, used in the preparation
of these financial statements.
Verification of the consolidation
operations and the application of the
equity accounting method;
verification that accounting policies
followed are adequate and sufficiently
disclosed - taking into account the
verification of the going concern
verification that the overall presentation of
the financial statements is adequate; and
verification that the consolidated
financial information is complete, true,
current, clear, objective and lawful.
5. Our examination also verified:

a) da concordncia da informao
financeira consolidada constante do
Relatrio de Gesto com os restantes
documentos de prestao de contas.

a) that consolidated financial information

contained in the Management Report
was consistent with that of the
remaining documents in the financial

6. Entendemos que o exame efectuado

proporciona uma base aceitvel para a
expresso da nossa opinio.

6. We believe that our audit provides an

acceptable basis for expressing our opinion.



7. No exerccio de 2002, a empresa me

Sumolis, S.A., desenvolveu um esforo
significativo na justificao de saldos de
terceiros activos, registando-se uma
melhoria em relao ao exerccio anterior.
No entanto, a insuficincia e oportunidade das respostas obtidas, bem como
a extenso e complexidade das reconciliaes em curso, ainda no nos
permitem formar opinio sobre a
razoabilidade de alguns saldos.
Considera-se que o actual processo de
reestruturao do Grupo e a adopo de
confirmao externa em sistema rotativo
ao longo do ano, contribuir para no
futuro serem superadas as limitaes que
se vm verificando nesta rea.

7. In the year under review parent company

Sumolis, S.A., made significant efforts to
reconcile its balance of third party assets,
and showed an improvement over the
previous year.
However we were unable to form an
opinion on the reasonability of some
balances due to their extensive nature,
complexity and the limited number of
responses to the request for information
which we made.
It is believed that current Group
restructuring and introduction of specific
procedures for external rotating basis
confirmation during the year, will help
ensure limitations experienced in this area
are overcome in the future.



8. Em nossa opinio, excepto quanto aos

efeitos decorrentes da limitao de
mbito contida no pargrafo n 7 acima,
as referidas demonstraes financeiras
consolidadas apresentam de forma
verdadeira e apropriada, em todos os
aspectos materialmente relevantes, a
posio financeira consolidada da
Sumolis - Companhia Industrial de
Frutas e Bebidas, S.A em 31 de Dezembro
de 2002, o resultado consolidado das
suas operaes e os fluxos consolidados
de caixa no exerccio findo naquela data,
em conformidade com os princpios
contabilsticos geralmente aceites sendo
a informao nelas constante, completa,
verdadeira, actual, clara, objectiva e

8. In our opinion, with the exception of the

effects of the qualification contained in
the previous paragraph, the consolidated
financial statements referred to present,
in all material respects, a true and fair
reflection of the financial position of
Sumolis - Companhia Industrial de Frutas
e Bebidas, S.A as at 31 December 2002,
together with the consolidated results of
its operations and cash flows for the year
ended on that date, in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles,
and furthermore the information
presented therein is complete, true,
current, clear, objective and lawful.



9. Sem afectar a opinio expressa no

pargrafo anterior, chamamos a ateno
para as seguintes situaes:

9. Without affecting the opinion expressed

in the previous paragraph we draw your
attention to the following:
Relatrio Anual Annual Report 2002

9.1 a SASEL, S.A empresa pertencente ao

grupo Sumolis, no foi auditada pela
nossa Sociedade, no entanto, tivemos
acesso Certificao Legal das Contas;

9.1 SASEL, S.A. was not audited by our firm

but we have had access to the Statutory
Certification of Accounts;

9.2 a sociedade no procedeu transferncia

das reservas de reavaliao realizadas para
Resultados Transitados-Regularizaes de
excedentes conforme preconizado pela
Directriz Contabilstica n 16;

9.2 Transfers of the revaluation reserves to

Retained Earnings - Adjustment of
Surpluses, in accordance with that set
down by Accounting Directive No. 16, was
not made;

9.3 em cumprimento do disposto na alnea c)

do artigo 66 do Cdigo das Sociedade
Comerciais a empresa apresenta no
Relatrio de Gesto, as perspectivas do
grupo para o exerccio de 2003, embora
no quantificada, atendendo
instabilidade do mercado.

9.3 As required by paragraph c) of Article 66

of the Companies Act the group has
included in the management report the
outlook for the year 2003 but has not
made any quantified forecasts, given the
instability of the market.

Lisboa, 4 de Abril de 2003

Lisbon, 4 April 2003


representada pelo scio Manuel de Oliveira Rego
represented by partner Manuel de Oliveira Rego

Relatrio Anual Annual Report 2002

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